Plan B Score

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Plan B - a composition for Disklavier and Plogue Bidule/Ableton Live.

______________________________________________By Edward Kelly

This piece requires two performers. One on improvised real time piano, the other controlling midi
effects and pre-recorded piano samples.

The piano player will find their performance guided by the way the effects are configured. The effects
will give rise to performance direction, such as tempo and harmony.

The piano keyboard has been divided into 4 sections.
Each of these sections has different programmed effects – these effects may be altered by the
computer performer, prior to the performance or during. (The zone dimensions can also be altered).

Zone 1 : A0 to B1 is routed to delay in Zone 4.

Zone 2 : C2 to C4, plays an arpeggiated chord as defined by NoteToChord_Z2.

Zone 3 : C#4 to B5, plays an arpeggiated chord as defined by NoteToChord_Z3A +


Zone 4 : C5 above, creates a delayed repetition of played material.

“CC Filter” rejects sustain pedal information.

Zone 1 + 4 are controlled by unconfigured notes in the two Note Filters. These unfiltered notes go
through the “Rejected Output” of the two filters and thence through the “midi delay 2 step”.

The “NoteToChord” bidules each contain three variables relating to three triggered events – pitch
relationship, time delay, volume relationship. These can be altered.

The “midi delay 2 step” bidule contains the variables of two seperate delay times, and an overall
feedback control (please note anything above 1 will generate stronger delays which will not die

A microphone can be connected, and thereby realtime manipulation of the piano audio stream can be
achieved through Ableton Live and/or Plogue Bidule.

There is a seperate unfilitered Midi stream via ReWire to Ableton Live, this is currently unconfigured
but may be used for Live based midi effects.

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