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(INDUSTRIAL ENGG: & MANAG.) REGULAR EXAMINATION 2007 OF 06-BATCH. BASIC THERMODYNAMICS Dated: 23-05-2007. Time Allowed: 03 Hours. NOTE: ATTEMPT ANY FIVE QUESTIONS. Q.No. 1. (a) Describe the importance of thermodynamics in industrial engineering perspective [5] (b) What is specific heat? Show that Cp Cv = R (c) What do you understand by Thermodynamic system? Describe different types of system 2. (a) Define Thermodynamic process. Derive the expression for work done in polytropic process [6] (b) 4 Kg of air occupies a volume of 0.28 m3 at a pressure of 15 Kgf/cm2.the gas is then expanded to five times its original volume. Calculate the work done and heat absorbed or rejected by this gas for each of the fallowing methods of expansion. (Take cp = 0.24, cv = 0.17 and R = 29 j/kg k) (1) Isobaric (2) Isothermal (3) adiabatic [10] 3. One kg of air is taken through a constant volume cycle. At the commencement of the adiabatic [16] Compression, the pressure and temperature are 103 KN/m2 and 100oC respectively. The adiabatic compression has a volume ratio of 6:1. The maximum pressure of cycle is 3.45 MN/m2. Determine for the cycle, (a) the pressure, volume and temperature at each of the cycle process change points. (b) Ideal thermal efficiency (c) Work done. 4. (a) Define the term steam. Describe various types of steam and process of steam formation (b) Differentiate between tube boiler and fire tube boil. Describe boiler amountings and accessories. 5. (a) What is IC engine? Describe its main components (b) Compare and contrast CI engine with SI engine [5] (c) Compare and contrast two-stroke engine with four-stroke engine. [5] 6. (a) Distinguish between Impulse and reaction turbine. Discuss velocity compounding and pressure-velocity compounding. (b) What is the use of steam condenser? Describe various types of steam condensers. 7. Differentiate between Refrigeration and air conditioning. Explain the working of vapor compression refrigeration system by sketching its schematic diagram [16] 8. Write short notes on any four of the followings [4 each] [8] [8] [6] Max.Marks-80.


[6] [5]

[8] [8]

(i) Air compressor (iv) Diesel Cycle

(ii) Second law of thermodynamics (v) Carnot cycle

(iii) Steam nozzle (vi) Entropy

------------------THE END------------------

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