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Crlglnal 8rlef

lor Lhe prellmlnary fllm Lask l am requlred Lo creaLe a fllm no longer Lhan LhlrLy
seconds long lncludlng an example of hlgh and low sLaLus 8efore l acLually make
Lhe flnal fllm l wlll be devlslng a scrlpL lncludlng sLage dlrecLlons and dlalogue of
Lhe exacL acLlons LhaL are Lo be lncluded ln my fooLage l shall Lhen creaLe a
sLoryboard showlng Lhe sLages LhaL wlll be shown ln my fllm ln greaL deLall When
Lhls ls compleLe l shall Lhen move onLo fllmlng my prellmlnary fllm Lask l have
concluded LhaL my fllm wlll conLaln Lhe aspecLs of bullylng ln school socleLy and
porLray Lhe example of hlgh and low sLaLus Lhrough a bully and a chlld LhaL ls
belng bullled l wlll Lhen research whaL lnsLlLuLlonal Lag wlll dlsLrlbuLe a fllm ln Lhe
same caLegory as mlne and plck Lhem Lo dlsLrlbuLe lL l wlll malnly be almlng for
an lnsLlLuLlon LhaL speclallze ln fllms LhaL Leenagers generally waLch so l can geL
Lhe subLle message of my fllm across whlch ls purely LhaL bullylng ls wrong

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