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Sigiiu Bansine Tomassen Sthei


O laLher SlverL Andreas 8en[amln 1omassen (18441900) Sallor
O ,oLher Panna Carollne !enslne knuLsen (1834)
O 8lrLhname Slgrld Panslne
O ChrlsLened 07/26/1883 SLuenos Lvenes
O 8 1heodor ! (1878)
O 8 konrad Severln (1882)
O 8 lngvald 1hommassen (1891)
O S Anna Cvldle ! Severln 1omassen (1888)
Slgrld was noL born wlLh Lhe lasL name of SaeLher and lL ls noL a famlly name of her famlly buL lnsLead a
name used Lo represenL an address/area where she had reslded whlch was glven as her lasL name when
lmmlgraLlng Lo Lhe unlLed SLaLes ln norway uslng locaLlon or farm names ln addlLlon Lo famlly
names/paLronyms was Lhe common pracLlce and Lhls porLlon of a name would change when people
would move
SaeLher ls from Lhe norweglan word 'ster' meanlng '5ommet coblo wltb qtozloq looJ lo tbe
moootolos 1here were many places called by LhaL name
lamlly names were noL requlred unLll 1923 ln norway
O IarlaLlons of flrsL name Slgrld/Segrad
O IarlaLlons of SLher SeLher/SeLer/SaLher/SLer
O Iotlotloos of 1omosseo 1bomosseo/1bommosseo/1ommosseo
O Slgrld Panslne
O Slgrld 1omassen
O Slgrld/ uavldsen
O Slgrld SLenbeck
O Slgrld Panslne SlverLsdaLLer
ln 1900 she was worklng as a Servlce Clrl (1[enesLeplge) for Lhe famlly of eLer nordvlk ln 1rondenes
1roms norway under Lhe name Slgrld Panslne SlverLsdaLLer Per moLher was recorded as wldowed
llvlng wlLh Lhree chlldren Conrad Anna and lngvald ln LadesleLLen Ldlngen 1eng norway aL Lhe
As her her moLher are recorded as llvlng ln varlous locaLlons l presume LhaL Lhe famlly dld noL own
She lmmlgraLed Lo new ?ork uSA ln 1908 accordlng Lo Lhe 1920 uS Census alLhough l have been
unable Lo flnd her passenger record 1here ls a deLalnmenL record LhaL could posslbly be for Slgrld buL
LhaL ls noL yeL conflrmed
st Marriage
She marrled uavld Lsalas (!ens) uavldsen 02/03/1909 ln 8rooklyn new ?ork AL Lhe Llme her resldence
was 30 Slegel SL new ?ork
1hey had Lhelr flrsL chlld Parold ln 1909 Slgrld reLurned Lo norway ln 1910 wlLh son Parold Lo glve
blrLh Lo Lhelr second son uonald Lvans uavldson born 12/30/1910 ln 1rondhelm Sor1rondelag
norway Pe was ChrlsLened ln korgen Pemnes on 3/12/1911 er Lhelr passenger record from Lhelr
Lrlp back Slgrld's nearesL relaLlve ln norway was llsLed as Panna SLher resldlng aL udslgLen 1b
1rondh[em Sr1rndelagwhlch was mosL llkely her moLher
uavld uavldsen dled young and was burled 10/31/1923 ln CreenWood CemeLary 8rooklyn new ?ork
1he only record found Lo conflrm Lhls ls Lhe burlal record Pe wasn'L recorded on Lhe 1930 census
Slgrld evenLually remarrled Lo a ,r SLenbeck 1hey had no chlldren

Slgrld evenLually remarrled Lo a ,r SLenbeck 1hey had no chlldren
She became a naLurallzed ClLlzen 3/17/1944 under Lhe name Slgrld SLenbeck
Slgrld passed away 03/1987 aL Lhe age of 102 Per lasL recorded resldence was 10389 Somers
WesLchesLer new ?ork unlLed SLaLes of Amerlca
[ssible Rec[rds f[r igrid
9 Census - Tr[ndb|em
O ,arLln Clof lvers hf g LagerbeL[enL kolonlalforreLnlng 23041884 8[ugn
O Pllma lvers hm g 02021880 Ldlngen
O Pelga lvers d ug barn 19111907 L
O Slgrld uavlds b g uopglveL 10011883 CfoLen
O Parold uavlds s ug 27071909 8rocklyn
O lngvald SlverLs fl ug uampsklbsmaLros 04031891 Ldlngen

9 Telling f[r teink|aer, N[rd-trendelag
-ote Most of 5telokjoet botot Aoqost 4 1900
O Lovlse Sofle Ludvlg krlsLlan Slgrld Llnar ,argoL Claf AugusLa
New Y[rk assenger List - JJ9
O Shlp name Cscar ll
O Name S|gr|d Sather
O orL of Arrlval new ?ork
O Cause of deLenLlon 1o broLher
O ulsposlLlon SlsLer L L ,rs Clva SaLher 138 Llquor ur 8rooklyn
hLLp//searchancesLrycom/lexec?hLxIlewran dbld7 488lldn?1713_881

New Y[rk assenger List - JJ9

Name S|gr|d Sather
O Shlp name Carmanla
O orL of uepL Llverpool Lngland
O orL of Arrlval new ?ork new ?ork
O LLhnlclLy Scandlnavlan
O Age 22
O LsLlmaLed 8lrLh ?ear 1883 (,akes sense as her blrLhday was 1 monLh earller)
O llnal uesLlnaLlon 8osLon ,ass
O Colng Lo see uncle !ohn 8 SaLher
4 31 Iaugh Avenue 8osLon ,ass
@rave||ng w|th
O erg||of]erg[ot Sather (s|ster)
O Age 21
O LsLlmaLed 8lrLh ?ear 1886
O 8lrLh LocaLlon CLher ChrlsLlana
O 9egnh||d (kegnh||d) L|vesather
O LsLlmaLed 8lrLh ?ear AbL 1890
O Sex lemale
O 8lrLh LocaLlon CLher ChrlsLlana
-ote lvesotbet wosot llsteJ os o btotbet slstet etc bot sbe wos tbe posseoqet eotty oftet 8etqllof
5otbet ooJ fot tbe Jestlootloo wbete 5lqtlJ boJ eoteteJ tbot tbey woolJ be vlsltloq Iobo 8 5otbet
8etqllofs eotty wos poototloos ooJ so wos lvestobet mokloq me tblok tbot tbey wete ttovellloq toqetbet
hLLp//searchancesLrycom/lexec?hLxIlewran dbld7488lldn?1713_828
[ssible Rec[rds f[r Hanna aetber {igrid's M[tber]
9 Rec[rd f[r 8 Leksvik
Hanna )[bannesdatter
O ecord number 2289
O 8lrLhdaLe23021887
O CccupaLlon uaughLer
9 Rec[rd f[r Leksvik
HouxeholJ Number
Hanna )[bannesdatter tber
O lu pf01036862002863
O 8lrLhdaLe23021887
O 8lrLhplace Leksvlken
O CccupaLlon Lodgers
O Soclal SecurlLy number 008
Halgis Ludvike Augustinusdatter tber
O 8orn 03031906
O 8lrLhplace Leksvlken
O Sex lemale uaughLer
Artur Ulsen tber
O 8orn 23091908
O 8lrLhplace Leksvlken
O Sex ,ale Son
HouxeholJ Number
L[rns Ulsen tber
O 8lrLhdaLe 14/01/8173
O 8lrLhplace Leksvlken
O elaLlonshlp Caardbruger
Marie Emelie Andreasdatter tber
O 8lrLhdaLe 04041881
O 8lrLhplace Leksvlken
O elaLlonshlp Pusg[rnlngen
Hulda Alexandria L[rnsdatter tber
O 8lrLhdaLe 19021901
O 8lrLhplace Leksvlken
O elaLlonshlp uaughLer
Ule L[rnsen tber
O 8lrLhdaLe 16031903
O 8lrLhplace Leksvlken
O elaLlonshlp Sn
Laura Marie L[rnsdatter tber
O 8lrLhdaLe 19091903
O 8lrLhplace Leksvlken
O elaLlonshlp uaughLer
Rud[lf Ant[nius L[rnsen tber
O 8lrLhdaLe 06031909
O 8lrLhplace Leksvlken
O elaLlonshlp Sn
Elen Halstensdatter tber
O 8lrLhdaLe 10111834
O 8lrLhplace SLadsbygden
O elaLlonshlp kreaLursLel
Other property Informutlon:
O Pouse number 0022
O 1elllng ClrculL Plndrum
[ssible Rec[rds f[r David Davidsen {igrid's Husband]
9 assenger List
O 93436 1901 238 24 1906 1 22031901 22031901
O lver uavlds g Arb m 30 8od new ?ork Cunard 1asso 8lll beL l Amerlka 1elegr
93437 1901 238 23 1907 22031901 22031901
O kala uavlds g Arb k 30 8od new ?ork Cunard 1asso 8lll beL l Amerlka
93438 1901 238 26 1908 22031901 22031901
O Cle uavlds m 43 8od new ?ork Cunard 1asso 8lll beL l Amerlka
93439 1901 238 27 1909 22031901 22031901
O uavld uavlds m 33 8od new ?ork Cunard 1asso 8lll beL l Amerlka
93460 1901 238 28 1910 22031901 22031901
O Alfred uavlds m 23 8od new ?ork Cunard 1asso 8lll beL l Amerlka
93461 1901 238 29 1911 22031901 22031901
O ,arLln uavlds m 3m 8od new ?ork Cunard 1asso 8lll beL l Amerlka
O Church ulsLrlcLs ln nordland
O kommuner ln LofoLen hLLp//nowlklpedlaorg/wlkl/nordland
O 1900 Census SLelnk[aer
O hLLp//dlglLalarklveLno/cgl
O SLelnk[r hLLp//nowlklpedlaorg/wlkl/SLelnk[C3A6r
O SeLer Leksvlk hLLp//nowlklpedlaorg/wlkl/Leksvlk
O CfoLen hLLp//nowlklpedlaorg/wlkl/CfoLen
O ,arrlage ecord of Slgrld's arenL
O ParsLad norway hLLp//nowlklpedlaorg/wlkl/ParsLad
O 1rondenes (noL far from ParsLad) hLLp//nowlklpedlaorg/wlkl/1rondenes
O ecord for when parenLs moved
O osL by norwag142 ln ulsnoregeno
O Pannahs resldences ln 1910
O 1900 Census Lodlngen

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