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Bail- possessions kept to insure that arrestee stands for trial Arraignment- formal reading of charges made against

person Indictment- a formal charge to a serious crime Felony > Larceny a)LTC: traffic, sm. drug charges b)GTC: burglary, murder c1)Appellate: appeals (thus all the LTC & GTC cases)* c2)State SC: evaluation court d/C)SC: must hear cases dealing w/ constitution B)US Court of Appeals: appeals. Other federal courts go here A)US District Courts (13 of em): admiralty, diversity of cit. A/B/C = Federal Court System, a/b/c = state court system *Present in 2/3 of all states Delinquent adult crime, Unruly juv. Crime Jury trial: 1)Selecting the jury Jury selected from pool of citizens who were given summons; lawyer questions juror to predict if he will be fair / prejudiced 2)Opening Statements attorneys from each side explain what they intend to prove plaintiff attorney goes first 3)Introd. of evidence plaintiffs attorney presents evidence (documentary items, physical objects, witnesses), defense attorney can cross-examine the witnesses; then reverse roles Criminal trial: 1)Arrest of the defendant person deprived of freedom / informed of rights 2)Arraignment indictment is read to suspect, asked to plead guilty/notguilty 3)(Jury) Trial steps to jury trial

4)Closing arguments attorneys summarize evidence & suggest reasons judge/jury should find favor of client 5)Instructions to jury judge must explain the law to the jury in the process jury instruction 6)Verdict & judgment members of jury deliberate in jury room, and reach a verdict; after verdict, court issues judgment (courts determination in the case) 4)Sentencing after person has been convicted of crime, he is sentenced by court (death/fine) 5)Disposition of Juvenile Cases cases w/ juvenile offenders handled by juvenile court each case / circumstances considered individually

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