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1 WhaL does Colllslon 1heory say?

a Colllslon Lheory says LhaL a chemlcal reacLlon can only occur

beLween parLlcles when Lhey colllde (hlL each oLher)
arLlcles may be aLoms lons or molecules
2 Pow can Lhe 8aLe of a 8eacLlon be Measured?
1he raLe of a reacLlon may be measured by followlng
Lhe loss of a reacLanL or Lhe formaLlon of a producL
8aLe of reacLlon amounL of reacLanL used Llme
8aLe of reacLlon amounL of producL formed Llme
3 ls 8reaklng 8onds an LxoLhermlc process?
ln a chemlcal reacLlon
you need Lo puL energy ln Lo break bonds ln Lhe reacLanLs
you geL energy ouL when new bonds are formed Lo make Lhe producLs
lf you geL ouL more energy Lhan you have Lo puL ln
Lhen overall Lhe reacLlon ls exoLhermlc
1hls ls whaL normally occurs
lf you have Lo puL ln more energy Lhan you geL ouL
Lhen Lhe reacLlon ls endoLhermlc
buL excepL ln rare clrcumsLances Lhe reacLlon doesnL happen

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