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by Mr.

Jose Ray Redeemir Montenegro Calanog

Worthwhile voluntary activity for enjoyment and satisfaction Refreshment of one's mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates; play. Expression of human interest in free time

1. Recreation involves an activity


2. Recreation has no single form

Wide range of activities active/passive indoor/outdoor

3. Recreation is determined by motivation

(desire, motive, incentive)

4. Recreation occurs in unobligated time

5. Recreation is participated voluntarily

6. Recreation is universally sought and practiced

7. Recreation is purposeful

8. Recreation is flexible

9. Recreation has by-products

(physical fitness, emotional stability or social wellness) Career development

Games and Sports

Individual, dual and team sports Parlor games Children games Passive games (board and card games)

Social Activities
Parties and celebrations Games for big groups Social gatherings Group travels and outings Story telling with friends

Arts and Crafts Activities

Drawing, painting Photography Architectural Design Any activity that will produce an artwork like basketry, jewelry making, carpentry

Music Activities
Vocals Playing music instruments Song composition Listening to music

Drama Activities

Dancing Activities
Gymnastics, aerobics Dancing different types of dances

Nature Activities
Gardening Taking care of animals/pets Hiking, mountaineering, hunting

Mental & Linguistic Activities

Reading books/magazines Writing articles Public speaking, Debates/discussions Puzzles, paper and pencil games

Service Activities
Leading and joining clubs and organizations and their activities Church activity Service as a volunteer Service as coach or official

Collecting Activities
Cards, antiques, mugs, pens, key chains, etc. Limited edition items Fanatic collection

Technological Activities
Texting Chatting and conferences Surfing the net Playing games through game consoles or computers

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