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M]s Denver Lng|neer|ng Ltd

ost 8ox
Doha atar

Attn Mr Lbrah|m
(Genera| Manager)

ro[ect Comp|et|ons of f|ref|ght|ng works on A| khor Ma|| A| khor

Sub[ect Add|t|ona| ]Var|at|on Works on Ground I|oor

uear Slr

WlLh reference Lo our ConLracL AgreemenLs uc/kM5c082/10 uoted on 22
of Moy 2010 for
compleLlons of flreflghLlng works on Al khor Mall [ Al khor
l would llke Lo lnform Lo you LhaL Accordlng Lo your new revlsed drawlng we have Lo compleLe Lhe
followlng addlLlonal/varlaLlon works ln ground floor

A Shop Area

number of Shops 63
Number of Upr|ght Spr|nk|ers 301
Number of endent Spr|nk|ers Ma|n ||ne]o|nts 63 nnordinq to the kequested
Mronondon {Projent Monoqer)

8 Ma|n Lntrance

number of Maln LnLrances 06
Number of Spr|nk|er o|nts 46

C Sta|rcase Area (Ground 1o I|rst I|oor)

1 Number of Spr|nk|ers 36

D Ground I|oor nyper Market Sa|es Counter Corr|dor Area

1 Number Cf Spr|nk|ers 114

L 1
I|oor C|nema Area

ModlflcaLlons of Lhe Sprlnkler polnLs locaLlons we have Lo do Lhe some addlLlonal
weldlng works / urllllng on Lhe SLeel SLrucLure urllng's" for Lhe correcL locaLlon

Number of to be mod|f|ed |ocat|ons 1S7

8ased on above deta||s our best offer as fo||ows

S]No Descr|pt|on Un|t ty kate (ks) Amount (ks)

1 tem ref A
lnsLallaLlons of Sprlnkler SysLems nos 3000 00 600
tem ref A3
lnsLallaLlons of Sprlnkler SysLems nos 6300 00 7700
3 tem ref 8
lnsLallaLlons of Sprlnkler SysLems nos 4600 3000 9000
4 tem ref C1
lnsLallaLlons of Sprlnkler SysLems nos 3600 3000 46000
S tem ref D1
lnsLallaLlons of Sprlnkler SysLems nos 400 3000 4000
6 tem ref L1
lnsLallaLlons of Sprlnkler SysLems nos 700 0000 70000

Grand 1ota| 10474000

1ota| atar| k|ya|s Cne nundred Iour 1housand and Seven nundred I|ve Iorty Cn|y (104 74000)

1erms Cond|t|on
a CompleLlon erlod 0 MonLh
b aymenLs AgalnsL Lhe work progress
c MaLerlals/ aymenLs /LocaLlon uelay We wlll clalm our llquldaLed damaged

We hope LhaL you wlll flnd our offer compeLlLlve and meeL your accepLance Looklng forward Lo
hearlng from you soon

1hanks 8esL 8egards

Alaldl Al Pakam
(Genera| Manager)

Lng|neer|ng D|mens|ons for 1rad|ng Serv|ces

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