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Operating System


Application Software

System Software

Operating System

Device Drivers

Utility Software

Application Software
Designated for specific task
E.g. Word Processor, Internet Browser, Instant Messenger, Spreadsheet, DBMS,

System Software
Operating system (OS) Device drivers Utility software

Device Drivers
Controls peripheral devices such as mouse, printer, scanner, Some are included in the OS
E.g. Built-in mouse drivers in Windows XP
Device Driver Computer

Utility Software

Help computer to run effectively Improve computer performance File Management

Disk defragmentation software Disk scanning / cleanup software Program uninstaller File compression utility Anti-virus software Firewall File recovery software System backup software

Protect computers from attack

Operating System (OS)

Personal OS
Command Based: DOS
Command-line interface Single-user, single-task supported Difficult to learn

Graphical User Interface: Windows, Mac OS

Multitasking supported Plug-and-Play supported in Mac, Windows 9x and later versions

Portable Devices: Linux, WinCE, Palm OS

WinCE Embedded OS

Operating System
Network OS (NOS)
Command Based: UNIX, Linux
Multitasking and multi-users environment

Graphical User Interface: Linux, Windows NT

Multitasking and multi-users environment

User 1

User 2

User 3

User 4

Application Software OS Computer Resources

User 5

Interact with users
Providing an user interface for users to operate the computer system Maintaining security by allowing authorized user to access to the system

Interface between hardware and software

Making resources available to users and programs and coordinating their usage

Functions (contd)

Interface between hardware and software

Optimizing the use of resources shared among jobs Monitoring active activities and taking appropriate actions when necessary Housekeeping
Organizing files Event logging

Managing utility programs

Functions (contd)
Interface between hardware and software
Device Configuration File Management Memory Management Interface Platform Network Communication Management


Class of CPU + OS Programs may be designed for specific platform Two problems

Availability of an application software Compatibility of platform with hardware and software E.g. Java virtual machine, .NET framework

Cross-platform technologies

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