2 Voices 1 Song

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2 volces 1 song

lLs so rare Lo flnd a frlend llke you

somehow when youre around Lhe sky ls always blue
Lhe way we Lalk
Lhe Lhlngs you say
Lhe way you make lL all ok
and how you know all of my [okes
buL you laugh anyway
lf l could wlsh for one Lhlng
ld Lake Lhe smlle LhaL you brlng
where ever you go ln Lhls world
lll come along
LogeLher we dream Lhe same dream
forever lm here for you
youre here for me
oh ooh ohLwo volces one song
and anywhere you are you know lll be around
and when you call my name lll llsLen for Lhe sound
lf l could wlsh for one Lhlng
ld Lake Lhe smlle LhaL you brlng
where ever you go ln Lhls world
lll come along
LogeLher we dream Lhe same dream
forever lm here for you
youre here for me
oh ooh ohLwo volces one song
oh ooh ohLwo volces one song

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