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Principal Mass Moments of Inertia of Solid Geometrical Shapes Ix

Slender Rod 0 m = mass, l = length of rod

1/12 ml2

1/12 ml2

Rectangular Plate 1/12 m(b2+c2) 1/12 mc2 m = mass, b = height of plate, c = width of plate

1/12 mb2

Thin Disk mr2 m = mass, r = radius of disk



Rectangular Prism 1/12 m(b2+c2) 1/12 m(a2+c2) 1/12 m(a2+b2) m = mass, a = depth (x), b = height (y), c = width (z)

Circular Cylinder mr2 1/12 m(3r2+l2) m = mass, l = length of cylinder, r = radius

1/12 m(3r2+l2)

Elliptical Cylinder m(b2 +c2) 1/12 m(3c2 +l2) 1/12 m(3b2 +l2) m = mass, l = length of cylinder (x), b = height/2 (y), c = width/2 (z)

3/5 m( r2 + l2) 3/5 m( r2 + l2) Circular Cone 3/10 mr2 m = mass, l = length of cone, r = radius at base


2/5 mr2 m = mass, r = radius

2/5 mr2

2/5 mr2

Ellipsoid 1/5 m(b2+c2) 1/5 m(a2+c2) 1/5 m(a2+b2) m = mass, a = depth (x), b = height (y), c = width (z)

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