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7 April 2011

Alumni Newsletter
Georgia Delta Chapter

I hope everyone is excited to see the first alumni newsletter of Georgia Delta. Since your time here our chapter has continued to grow and we now have 34 brothers and 5 pledges this past semester.
Presidents Letter (1) New Brothers(2)

Scholastically we have continued to excel and can boast the highest fraternity GPA on the North Georgia campus. We have also continued philanthropy by participating in Lumpkin Counties Relay for Life and being the only fraternity with a participating team. In the past year we have attended the National Leadership Cruise, sent five brothers to the Provincial conference in the fall, and participated in the Regional Leadership School in Knoxville, TN with four brothers. This spring semester we have hosted our 3rd annual Shoot for Georgia Delta is continuing to do great things both on our cam-

Chapter News (3)

Alumni Involvement Loot fundraiser and had Formal in Gulf Shores May 1st through 3rd. (4) Chapter Wish-list (4) Contact Information (5)

pus and throughout the community and would love to see each alumni make a trip up here to see our progress.

- some active brothers at Mexico Beach during spring break

Alumni News letter

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Andy Bowman Fayetteville, GA Criminal Justice Major Academic Junior

Evan Bouchard Missoula, MT History Major Academic Junior

Nick Arco Douglasville, GA International Affairs Major Academic Freshman

Joe Martin Jefferson, GA Biology Major

Rob Perry Fayetteville, GA Criminal Justice

Alumni News letter

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While we are in the beginning stages of developing this newsletter, we want to post information relative to you, the alumni, and are very excited about getting your input to cater this newsletter to better fit your interests. Please let us know of what you hope to see in future issues, as well as any major events going on in your lives that youd like to share with your peers (i.e. weddings, baby births, etc.). Also, any pictures youd like to share would be greatly appreciated .

Minerva Statue ours is in very poor condition and is in desperate need of replacement. Leadership School Scholarship We would like to send at least two brothers a year to the John O. Moseley Leadership School and would greatly appreciate a scholarship to help alleviate the cost of the trip for those brothers.

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