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uieat Lakes Institute of Nanagement

Final Cut
Peail }am Twenty-A Review of a Cameion Ciowe Film
raLlsha 8alshya Abhlshu 8akshlL

ear| Iam 1wenty A kev|ew of a Cameron Crowe I||m

AoJ oow my blttet booJs ctoJle btokeo qloss
Of wbot wos evetytbloq?
All tbe plctotes bove oll beeo wosbeJ lo block tottooeJ evetytbloq
rowlng alns
Lspeclally when you feel LhaL you are [usL anoLher face ln Lhe
crowd an anonymous enLlLy LhaL fades lnLo Lhe background losL under layers of
soclal prescrlpLlons peer sarcasms and well meanlng buL smoLherlng
observaLlons And you wanL Lo Lake on all of Lhem aL once be dlfferenL be
accepLed be a waklng walklng llvlng conLradlcLlon And you are happy for a
whlle 8uL Lhen someLhlng changes ?ou reallse you're llvlng ln an exlsLenLlal vold
floaLlng around on superflclal levels ?ou sLarL searchlng for meanlng for
everyLhlng ln and around you MaLurlLy flnds you wlLh Llme you grow wlser Lhe
volce LhaL had once screamed ln anarchlc dlssenL now speaks calmly wlLh wry
smlle on Lhe llps a volce of reason LhaL's deeper cooler and lnflnlLely effecLlve Llfe happens and
you greeL lL wlLh grace and love 1hls ls Lhe sLory LhaL Cameron Crowe capLures ln hls laLesL movle
LlLled qulLe slmply earl !am 1wenLy
Ob Jeot JoJ coo yoo see me oow
l om myself llke yoo somebow
lll tlJe tbe wove wbete lt tokes me
lll bolJ tbe polokeleose me
lor many of us growlng up ln Lhe lasL Lwo decades earl !am was a band LhaL echoed our LhoughLs
asplraLlons lnsecurlLles happlness and hearLbreaks And lL was one of Lhose rare bands LhaL grew
wlLh us Crowe chronlcles Lhls [ourney of Lhe band he encounLered whlle maklng 'Slngles' hls lconlc
fllm shoL on Lhe backdrop of Lhe SeaLLle 'runge' scene a bunch of klds who refused Lo be
consumed by Lhe excesses and Lrapplngs LhaL sLardom LhrusL upon Lhem a flre LhaL Lhelr
conLemporarles succumbed Lo lrom unabandoned hedonlsm Lo Lhe reallsaLlon LhaL all ls noL well Lo
faclng adverslLles and emerglng unscaLhed earl !am 1wenLy ls llke a dlary where you flnd frlends
famlly survlvors and legends WheLher lL's Lhe evoluLlon of Lddle vedder from shy fronLman Lo
exploslve supersLar Lo Lhe wlse spokesperson for a generaLlon or Lhe gospel of pro cholce Lhe
band's much publlclzed baLLle agalnsL Lhe monopollsLlc pracLlces of 1lckeLmasLer or Lhelr
hablL of changlng Lhelr seLllsL before every performance Lhe fllm Lakes us Lhrough a voyage
LhaL ls as much abouL us as lL ls abouL Lhe band lL ls abouL aglng gracefully and abouL belng
aL peace abouL accepLlng your place ln Lhe grand scheme of Lhlngs lL ls abouL a band LhaL
seems Lo be sLarLlng ouL anew balanced on Lhe shoulders of lLs legacy llnally lL ls an eplc
LhaL noL only celebraLes Lhe muslc of an lconlc band buL LhaL of Llfe lLself
l lost some people l wos ttovellloq wltb
l mlsseJ o sool lo tbe olJ ftleoJsblp
wolk wltb me

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