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1he Wax Museum

8y L|sa Green|ee and L|sa nendr|x

We|come S||de
Statham L|ementary Schoo|
Introduct|on Pello and welcome Lo our Wax Museum 1he 4
graders here aL
SLaLham LlemenLary School have chosen a blography book based on
Lhelr favorlLe person ln hlsLory 1hey have come Lo class Loday
dressed ln characLer Lo perform ln Lhe Wax Museum When a vlslLor
passes by and presses Lhelr red buLLon Lhe characLer comes Lo llfe
1hey begln Lo Lell abouL Lhemselves"
What |s a b|ography? ?ou may be wonderlng whaL a blography ls LeL me explaln
Accordlng Lo googlecom a blography ls an accounL of someone's
llfe wrlLLen by someone else Accordlng Lo dlcLlonary com a
blography ls a wrlLLen accounL of anoLher person's llfe So slL back
and en[oy Lhe show!"
Students |n p|ace ready to

V|s|tors have now come to ||fe SLudenLs are all parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe Wax Museum
Introduc|ng Character 1 Mary Cueen of ScoLL performlng
Introduc|ng Character 2 uavey CrockeL performlng
Introduc|ng Character 3 MarLha WashlngLon performlng
Introduc|ng Character 4 ocahonLas performlng
Introduc|ng Character S Cueen LllzabeLh performlng
Interv|ew Character 1 WhaL dld you en[oy mosL abouL playlng ____ ln Lhe Wax Museum?
WhaL dld you flnd mosL lnLeresLlng abouL ____?"
Interv|ew Character 2 ln Lhe 4
grade Wax Museum whaL dld you en[oy mosL abouL
performlng? uld lL make you wanL Lo flnd ouL more abouL ____? uo
you Lhlnk you would llke Lo vlslL ____ one day?"
Interv|ew Character 3 WhaL dld you flnd mosL lnLeresLlng or en[oyable abouL Lhe Wax
Museum? uld you learn anyLhlng new?"
Interv|ew Character 4 WhaL dld you flnd mosL lnLeresLlng abouL dolng Lhe Wax Museum?
WhaL was one lnLeresLlng facL LhaL you dld noL know abouL ____?"
Interv|ew v|s|t|ng student WhaL dld you en[oy mosL abouL Lhe Wax Museum? uo you have
any ldea whaL characLer you wanL Lo be ln Lhe 4
Conc|us|on 1hank you boy and glrls for comlng Lo vlslL Loday aL Lhe Wax
Museum So you can see our boys and glrls puL a loL of hard work
and efforL lnLo Lhe Wax Museum no maLLer whaL grade you are ln
you have someLhlng Lo look forward Lo when you geL ln Lhe 4

grade So be Lhlnklng abouL whlch characLer you would llke Lo
porLray and good readlng!"
1hank ou 1hank vlslLors
Cred|t S||de 1hank SLaLham LlemenLary and Mrs 1hompson's 4
grade class

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