Matthew Lee Period #4 11/3/11

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Matthew Lee Period #4 11/3/11

Palms sweating, hands shaking, I felt very nervous as I walked to the principals office Thoughts of a horrible punishment overwhelmed my mind, and I couldnt bear the looks that my classmate gave me. Embarrassment and fear overtook my mind and I wasnt able to think about anything optimistic. Not to mention the glare that my accomplice gave me as we made our way into the devils den. I felt like I was trapped in a dark alley, with two masked men about to unleash their anger on me. My friend and I had just got caught cheating on the geometry final exam, the test that decided our futures in our math education. Mr.W, the short fuse, fierce Geometry teacher, had caught me and my friend red-handed. It was a tense day, as everyone was nervous for what could face them on the Geometry final exam. Mr.W appeared, in his usual white and green collared shirt, and thick, navy blue jeans, and a mug that was as red as ripe cherries. I was scared, for I had forgotten to study for this important test the night before. It didnt matter if I was prepared or not, the test commenced, and the room silenced, as Mr.W gave the command that we may begin. I started to struggle and inch my way through the problems, writing the complicated equations on the provided scratch paper, and trying to remember all the tedious and long theorems. Luckily, I finished 5 minutes before the period ended. As I was rescanning my answers, I noticed that one question wasnt answered. I reread the problem, but no light bulb sparked in my head. Unfortunately, the bell for the periods end rang, and I frantically rushed my brain to think faster so I could discover the answer to this question. Behind my seat sat J, my very intelligent friend, was a good chance of being a valedictorian at our school. Hey, whats the answer to number 36? I whispered.

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