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O Cod's love and mercy sLays consLanL

O Cod can'L love you anymore Lhan Lhls momenL rlghL now
O Cod's love ls uncondlLlonal noL based on performance
O Llps how Lo llve a godly llfe
4 @hrow off my lndependence and place my LoLal dependence on Lhe lord seeklng hls
power Lhrough prayer
eslsL Lhe LempLaLlon wlLhouL checklng ln wlLh Cod
Cod's always llsLenlng and walLlng for your response
4 @hrow off selflshness and puL on Lhe deslre Lo look Lo Lhe lnLeresL of oLhers
4 @hrow off self preservaLlon and puL on selfsacrlflce
4 @hrow off prlde and puL on humlllLy
4 A|| |n the ||fe of Abraham
O Jhen god's on your slde you're Lhe ma[orlLy
O alem peace
O @ypology always polnLs Lo lLs Lype
4 @ype pracLlce ceremony polnLs Lo someLhlng ln Lhe new @esLamenL
4 8ronze serpenL up on a sLlck and Lhe people wlll be saved
4 acrlflclal lamb 8ehold Lhe lamb of Cod who Lakes Lhe sln of Lhe world
O lways honor Cod as Cod he ls our auLhorlLy we answer Lo hlm and hlm alone ulLlmaLely ln our
llves all LhaL we have all of our success flnances are all Lo be seen as blesslngs from Lhe Lord

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