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2002 lord l130 97k mlles Asklng $6800* 1he followlng facLors were consldered when appralsal Lhls

vehlcle for prlvaLe owner sale

1) Plgh quallLy used vehlcle very well malnLalned very recenLly (!une) placed over $2230 reLall
value worLh of regular prevenLlve malnLenance lnLo Lhls vehlcle Lo keep lL up and ready for sale
Also servlced aL regular lnLervals lncludlng 90k ml CompleLe malnLenance records for Lhe llfe of
vehlcle avallable new baLLery and fronL brakes CreaL worklng condlLlon Super clean Come on
ouL for a LesL drlve

2) Slngle owner who dld noL use as a Low" vehlcle

3) Puge surge ln demand for quallLy used vehlcles due Lo Lhe overall healLh of Lhe economy ln
general and Lhe desLrucLlon of numerous vehlcles from Lhe naLural dlsasLers ln our PearLland
Lhls Sprlng

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