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Wanita thn

Incieasing heavy peiiou

PlpoLesa kelalnan Pormonal
2 PlpoLesa 2 neoplasma
3 PlpoLesa 3 1rauma
4 PlpoLesa 4 Ce[ala Menopause
3 PlpoLesa 3 AbnormallLas mensLruasl
6 PlpoLesa 6 SLress beraL
7 PlpoLesa 7 MalnuLrlsl
8 PlpoLesa 8 uegenerasl organ sexual
9 PlpoLesa 9
kerusakan organ reproduksl
PlpoLesa Cangguan slsLemlk


1 She has 2 ch||dren
2 She |sn't us|ng any
contracept|ve method
3 rev|ous|y she had
regu|ar Menstruat|on
4 Good hea|th w|thout
any s|gns and
symptoms of
abnorma||ty of
ch||dhood growth and
deve|opment ] sexua|
S nasn't been any
med|cat|on ] hormona|
6 No h|story of
abnorma||ty ] d|seases
of her kS
7 I|rst menstruat|on 19
8 S|gn of secondary
sexua| 16 thn
9 ap smear norma|
10Contact b|eed|ng ()
11Anem|c ()
12V|ta| s|gn norma|
13Lxterna| exam norma|
14Lab test norma|

3 Sesual problem no dan 2
uaLa 7
6 1Pn 9 1Pn 39 1Pn nCW
Sex Sekunder Menarche lrregular mensLruaLlon Peavy erlod

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