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note from the bandlet of righteuousness. " . . .

a widespreadtradition sys that he(solomo) was the master of the winds of heaven, and could control their action, and that all birds, beasts, reptiles and fish were subject unto him. He was the overlord of Ashmedai, the king of the de vils and fiends, and he bound him fast with a chain on which the great name of g od YHWH was cut. Some say that the chain was in reality a NET in which he caught the devils as a fisherman catches fish in a net. He imposed his will on evry cr eature by means of a magical ring, on the metal or bezel of which the great name of god was also inscribed, and he owed not only his position as king of Isreal, but also his very existence, to the possesion of this ring. Some say that the n ame YHWH only was cut upon this ring, but others say that the name was placed wi thin two interlaced triangles, which were arranged like the two triangles inside which the magicians of the middle ages wrote the magical word abracadrabra.

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