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Department AdmlnlsLraLlon P8 ost P8 LxecuLlve ay Sca|e In Lacs]year 34 No of posts 16

Age L|m|t 2130 Grade A3 Lxper|ence]ua||f|cat|ons M8A/Cu8M wlLh 1 year exp Descr|pt|on
os|t|on Summary
Worklng under Lhe supervlslon of P8 Manager (SLaLe) Lhe fullLlme P8 LxecuLlve oversees and
manages all Lhe general acLlvlLles of P8 and oLher Lask as asslgned by P8 Manager

key kesu|ts Area
1) 8ecrulLmenL and selecLlon
CoordlnaLes negoLlaLes and llalses wlLh employmenL and adverLlslng agenLs on servlce fee
adverLlsemenL recrulLmenL and lnLervlew schedules
Arranges lnLervlews for all levels
repares leLLer of offer/AppolnLmenL Lo selecLed candldaLes
ConducL LxlL lnLervlews aL Lhe Llme of employee reslgnaLlon

2) 1ralnlng and developmenL
ConducLs orlenLaLlon program Lo new employees
LvaluaLes Lhe effecLlveness of Lhe respecLlve Lralnlng programs by obLalnlng feedback from

3) CompensaLlon and beneflLs
t ALLends Lo employeest` grlevances and complalnLs provldes guldance lf necessary
t rovldes feedback Lo Lhe managemenL Lo enhance a beLLer and cordlal worklng envlronmenL
t Crganlzes corporaLe evenLs such as companyt`s dlnner corporaLe Lrlp and famlly day eLc
process employee engagemenL programmes

4) P8 AdmlnlsLraLlon
t 8evlews updaLes and malnLalns proper flllng of lnsurance pollcy performance appralsal form and
Lralnlng schedules
t AsslsLs AccounLanL ln plannlng and preparlng annual headcounL reporL and updaLlng Lhe
organlzaLlon charL
t 8evlews compensaLlon and beneflLs
t May need Lo drafL agreemenL/conLracL leLLers

3) P8 ManagemenL
lnvolves ln yearly manpower plannlng and expanslon
1akes charge of P8 consulLancy pro[ecLs by appolnLlng P8 consulLanLs for speclflc P8 pro[ecLs
AsslsLs ln drafLlng ouL annual leLLer and promoLlon leLLer
AdmlnlsLers Lhe P8 procedures are adhered Lo
Pandles monLhly payroll and yearly forms for employees
Manages and appralses subordlnaLest` performance and Lhelr career advancemenL

know|edge and Sk|||s
Cood wrlLlng analyLlcal and problemtrsolvlng skllls
knowledge of uaLabase ManagemenL Cood worklng knowledge ln CompuLers

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