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Þ8LÞA8lnC S1L8lLL llLLu

1Ŧ Assess paLlenL's comforLţ oxygen
requlremenLsţ and ellmlnaLlon needs before
preparlng for Lhe procedure
1Ŧ Þrepare Lhe followlng equlpmenL and
aŦ Large package conLalnlng sLerlle lLem or klL lnLo
whlch lLem are Lo be added
bŦ Supplles speclflc Lo procedure
cŦ SLerlle conLalner
dŦ SLerlle soluLlons speclflc Lo procedures
eŦ Þaper Lowel
fŦ SLerlle gloves
2Ŧ Check daLed labels or chemlcal Lapes for daLe
when sLerlllzaLlon perlod explres
1Ŧ Apply cap and mask
2Ŧ SelecL a clean work surface above Lhe walsL
3Ŧ Assemble equlpmenL aL bedslde and wash
hands Lhoroughly
Þreparlng a sLerlle work surface
1Ŧ Þlace sLerlle klL or package conLalnlng sLerlle
lLems on clean ţ flaL work surface above Lhe
walsL level
Þreparlng a sLerlle work surface
2Ŧ Cpen sLerlle klL or package conLalnlng
2Ŧ1 SLerlle klLť
Crasp or separaLe edge of paper wrap on
sLerlle klL and slowly Lear lL pulllng away from
your bodyŦ
uo noL Louch
Þreparlng a sLerlle work surface
2Ŧ2 Þackageť 8emove Lape or seal wlLh
explraLlon daLe
aŦ Crasp ouLer surface of Llp of ouLermosL flap
bŦ Cpen ouLermosL flap away from Lhe body ţ
keeplng an ouLsLreLched and away from sLerlle
cŦ Crasp ouLslde surface of edge
Þreparlng a sLerlle work surface

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