Academic Writing Assignment)

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School of Nursing
Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Gadjah Mada


a) Choosing and narrowing a topic

General topic H E A L T H




Very speciIic topic PTSD

b) Brainstorming (Clustering)

Traumatic event

Cause re-experience

EIIects PTSD Signs and Symptoms avoidance

Treatment duration hyperarousal

The signs and symptoms oI PTSD
i. DeIinition
ii. Causes
B. Re-experience
i. Acting or Ieeling as iI the traumatic events were recurring
ii. Recurrent and distressing recollections oI the event
iii. Recurent distressing dreams oI the event
iv. Intense psychological distress
C. Avoidance
i. Avoid thoughts, Ieeling, or conversation associated with the trauma
ii. Avoid activities, place, or people that arouse recollections oI the trauma
iii. Inability to recall an important aspect oI the trauma
iv. Decrease interest or participation in signiIicant activities
v. Feeling detachment or estrangement Irom others
D. Hyperarousal
i. DiIIiculty Ialling asleep or staying asleep
ii. Irritability or outbursts oI anger
iii. DiIIiculty concentrating
iv. Hypervigilance
E. Duration oI the symptoms
i. More than a month
ii. Acute less than 3 months
iii. Chronic 3 months or more
F. Complication and treatment
i. Complication
ii. Medical treatment
iii. Psychological treatment


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common problem than happen to
someone who experienced a traumatic event. The traumatic events that can cause PTSD is
such as disaster, acccident, kidnapping, war, etc. PTSD has a various symptoms that diIIers it
Irom the other mental health problem. The symptoms are divided into 3 major group : re-
experience,avoidance, and hyperarousal symptom.
The Iirst symptom oI PTSD is re-experience. A person with PTSD usually Ieels like
they`re back to the moment when they experienced the traumatic event. Beside that, they also
had some distressing dreams and distressing recollections oI the event. In addition, they may
also got an intense psychological distress.
The second symptom oI PTSD is avoidance. Avoidance in here means that the person
who has PTSD always avoid everything that reminds them oI the traumatic event. They may
avoid thoughts, Ieeling, or conversation associated with the traumatic event or avoid
activities, place, and people that arouse recollections oI the traumatic event. In the other hand,
person with PTSD may have diIIiculties or inability to recall an important aspect oI the
trauma. They may also Ieel detachted Irom the others and lack oI interest and participation in
signiIicant activities.
Hyperarousal is the next symptom oI PTSD. There are some kinds oI hyperarousal
symptoms : diIIiculty Ialling asleep, irritability or outburst oI anger, diIIiculty concentrating,
and hypervigilance. II these symptoms are not handled properly, it may cause worse health
problem to the person.
PTSD`s symptoms usually last more than a month. When it lasts less than a month,
it`s not PTSD. There also two kinds oI classiIication oI PTSD by the duration oI the
symptoms last, acute PTSD and chronic PTSD. Acute PTSD happen when the symptoms last
less than three months, otherwise chronic PTSD happen when the symptoms last at least three
months or more.
PTSD may develop some complications iI it`s not treated, the complications also may
vary in every case. The most common complication are phobia, social isolation, and suicide.
Although it has some complications or bad eIIects, PTSD is a treatable problem. There are
two kinds oI treatment that may given to a person who has PTSD, medical treatment and
psychological treatment.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common problem that happen to someone
who experienced a traumatic event. The traumatic events that can cause PTSD is such as
disaster, acccident, kidnapping, war, etc. PTSD has a various symptoms that diIIers it Irom
the other mental health problem. The symptoms are divided into 3 major group : re-
experience,avoidance, and hyperarousal symptom.
The Iirst symptom oI PTSD is re-experience. A person with PTSD usually Ieels like
they`re back to the moment when they experienced the traumatic event. Beside that, they also
had some distressing dreams and distressing recollections oI the event. In addition, they may
also get an intense psychological distress.
The second symptom oI PTSD is avoidance. Avoidance here means that the person
who has PTSD always avoid everything that reminds them oI the traumatic event. They may
avoid thoughts, Ieeling, or conversation associated with the traumatic event. Beside that, they
may also avoid activities, place, and people that arouse recollections oI the traumatic event.
In the other hand, person with PTSD may have diIIiculties or inability to recall an important
aspect oI the trauma. They may also Ieel detachted Irom the others and lack oI interest and
participation in signiIicant activities.
Hyperarousal is the next symptom oI PTSD. There are some kinds oI hyperarousal
symptoms, these are all physiological response issues: diIIiculty Ialling asleep, irritability or
outburst oI anger, diIIiculty concentrating, and hypervigilance. Someone who had PTSD may
need extra time beIore they can really sleep, this can be a result oI hypervigilance that they
have. They also easy to Ieel angry and very irritable. In the other hand, they may also diIIicult
to learn and communicate with others because usually they have a poor concentration.
PTSD`s symptoms usually last more than a month. When it lasts less than a month,
it`s not PTSD. There also two kinds oI classiIication oI PTSD base on the duration oI the
symptoms, acute PTSD and chronic PTSD. Acute PTSD classiIied when the symptoms last
less than three months, otherwise chronic PTSD classiIied when the symptoms last at least
three months or more.
II the symptoms oI PTSD are not handled properly, it may lead to worse health
problem to the person or make a complication. The complications may vary in every case.
The most common complication are phobia, social isolation, and suicide. Although it has
many complications or bad eIIects, PTSD is a treatable problem. There are two kinds oI
treatment that may given to a person who has PTSD, medical treatment (medication) and
psychological treatment. Medication that usually used to decrease the symptoms oI PTSD are
antidepresant (SSRIs), sertraline, paroxetine, etc. The techniques that used in psychotherapy
Ior PTSD include providing inIormation about the problem, helping the patient to manage the
trauma, teaching the ways to manage the symptoms, and modiIicating inaccurate ways oI
thinking about the trauma.


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common problem that happen to someone
who experienced a traumatic event. The traumatic events that can cause PTSD is such as
disaster, acccident, kidnapping, war, etc. PTSD has a various symptoms that diIIers it Irom
the other mental health problem. The symptoms are divided into 3 major group : re-
experience,avoidance, and hyperarousal symptom.
The Iirst symptom oI PTSD is re-experience. A person with PTSD usually Ieels like
they`re back to the moment when they experienced the traumatic event. Beside that, they also
had some distressing dreams and distressing recollections oI the event. In addition, they may
also get an intense psychological distress.
The second symptom oI PTSD is avoidance. Avoidance here means that the person
who has PTSD always avoid everything that reminds them oI the traumatic event. They may
avoid thoughts, Ieeling, or conversation associated with the traumatic event. Beside that, they
may also avoid activities, place, and people that arouse recollections oI the traumatic event.
In the other hand, people with PTSD may have diIIiculties or inability to recall an important
aspect oI the trauma. They may also Ieel detachted Irom the others and lack oI interest and
participation in signiIicant activities.
Hyperarousal is the next symptom oI PTSD. There are some kinds oI hyperarousal
symptoms, these are all physiological response issues: diIIiculty Ialling asleep, irritability or
outburst oI anger, diIIiculty concentrating, and hypervigilance. Someone who had PTSD may
need extra time beIore they can really sleep, this can be a result oI hypervigilance that they
have. They also easy to Ieel angry and very irritable. In the other hand, they may also diIIicult
to learn and communicate with others because usually they have a poor concentration.
PTSD`s symptoms usually last more than a month. When it lasts less than a month,
it`s not PTSD. There also two kinds oI classiIication oI PTSD based on the duration oI the
symptoms, acute PTSD and chronic PTSD. Acute PTSD classiIied when the symptoms last
less than three months, otherwise chronic PTSD classiIied when the symptoms last at least
three months or more.
II the symptoms oI PTSD are not handled properly, it may lead to worse health
problem to the person or make a complication. The complications may vary in every case.
The most common complication are phobia, social isolation, and suicide. Although it has
many complications or bad eIIects, PTSD is a treatable problem. There are two kinds oI
treatment that may given to a person who has PTSD, medical treatment (medication) and
psychological treatment (psychotherapy). Medication that usually used to decrease the
symptoms oI PTSD are antidepresant (SSRIs), sertraline, paroxetine, etc. The techniques that
used in psychotherapy Ior PTSD include providing inIormation about the problem, helping
the patient to manage the trauma, teaching the ways to manage the symptoms, and
modiIicating inaccurate ways oI thinking about the trauma.

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