Profile of Megascopic Identification of Minerals & Rocks

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1. Colour 2. Lustre 3. Form 4. Streak 5. Hardness 6. Cleavage 7. Fracture 8. Specific gravity 9. Diagnostic property 10. Name

: : : : : : : : : :

11. Chemical composition 12. Occurence :



14. Uses

MEGASCOPIC IDENTIFICATION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS Colour Mineralogy i. Essential minerals a. b. ii. Accessory minerals a. b. Textures 1. 2. 3. 4. Granularity : Crystalarity : Shape of the crystals : Mutual relation of crystals: a. Equi-granular b. Inequi-granular Structures Name of the specimen : : : : :


Indian distribution

MEGASCOPIC IDENTIFICATION OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS 1. Mineralogy Essential minerals a. b. 2. Accessory minerals a. b. 3. Textures a. Cementing material b. Size of the grains c. Sorting of grains d. roundness of grains 6. Structure 7. Inclusion 8. Name of the specimen

9. Occurrences

10. Indian distribution MEGASCOPIC IDENTIFICATION OF METAMORPHIC ROCKS Colour Mineralogy iii. Essential minerals a. b. iv. Accessory minerals a. b. Textures 5. 6. 7. 8. Granularity : Crystalarity : Shape of the crystals : Mutual relation of crystals: c. Equi-granular d. Inequi-granular Structures Name of the specimen : : : : :


Indian distribution

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