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Informatica Version 8.0 : Training Workshop.

Lab Book

Informatica Version 8.0 Training Workshop Lab Book

Informatica Version 8.0 : Training Workshop. Lab Book

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Informatica Version 8.0 : Training Workshop. Lab Book

Table of Contents
Lab 01: Lab 02: Lab 03: Lab 04: Lab 05: Lab 06: Lab 07: Lab 7.1: Lab 7.2: Lab 7.3: Lab 7.4: Lab 7.5: Lab 7.6: Lab 7.7: Lab 08: Lab 09: Getting Started ..................................................................................................................... 3 Working with Designer ......................................................................................................... 5 Working with Workflow Manager ...................................................................................... 10 Working for Workflow Monitor .......................................................................................... 12 Working with Mapplet ........................................................................................................ 14 Working with Worklet ........................................................................................................ 15 Working with Transformations. .......................................................................................... 16 Working with Aggregator Transformation...................................................................... 18 Working with Expression Transformation ...................................................................... 20 Working with Filter Transformation ............................................................................... 22 Working with Joiner Transformation .............................................................................. 24 Working with Router Transformation ............................................................................ 27 Working with Sorter Transformation.............................................................................. 29 Working with Sequence Generator Transformation ...................................................... 31 Configuring PushDown Optimization ................................................................................. 33 Configuring Dynamic Partitioning ....................................................................................... 36

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Lab 01:
I. Objective :

Getting Started

Objective of this lab exercise is to be familiar with basic functionality of ETL tool. You will create jobs that extract data, transform it, and then load it into target files or tables. This Lab Book is having the sample data that will provides a road map showing where you are going and how to get there. It covers the following: Types of data sources and targets. An outline of the types of data sources and targets that Informatica supports. Exercises. A summary of the tasks you will do. Table1. Sample Table Table EMPLOYEES Column EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM Description Employee number Employee name Job title Employee supervisor Date of hire Employee salary Employee sales commission

DEPARTMENT DEPTID DEPTNAME Department Number Department Name

As you can see, the data is relatively straightforward, and consists of a small subset of what you expect to find in a company database. Environment Setup ASCII Text Files: Each of the ASCII text files is named according to the data it contains. It includes the following ASCII files: TIME.TXT Table 2 provides an easy-to-read summary of the exercises. Exercise Title Example 1 Source TIME.TXT Target TIME Summary Loading Data from Comma-delimited file to table. Order of input/output columns differs

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Exercise1 Exercise2 Exercise3 Exercise4 Exercisd5 Exercise6 Exercise7 Exercise8 Exercise9 Exercise10 Exercise11 Exercise12 Example 2 Exercise 10 Exercise 11

TIME.TXT TIME.TXT Employee Employee Employee Employee, Department Employee -

TIME TIME Employee -

Importing Sources into designer(flat file, relational file, etc) Importing Targets to Designer(flat file, relational file, etc) Creating Transformations and configuring Transformation Creating Mappings in mapping designer Creating Workflow Configuring Connection for sources and targets using connection Browser Executing the workflow Monitoring the statistics of workflow using Workflow Monitor Working with Aggregator Transformation Working with Expression Transformation Working with Filter Transformation Working with Joiner Transformation Configuring Advanced options Configuring Pushdown Optimization Configuring Dynamic Partitioning

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Lab 02:
I. Objective:

Working with Designer

In this exercise you can create a mapping consisting of Sequential File Input and a source qualifier Transformation to transform it and load it into target file.


Lab Setup:
Connectivity to the DS Server and Repository


General Instructions:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Start the Informatica Designer Tool. Click on Start -> Programs -> Informatica PowerCenter 8.1.0-> Client->PowerCenter Designer Ensure that your machine can connect to the Repository. Go to Repository option and click on connect. Give username and password to access the repository.


1. 2. 3. 4. Configure the source Configure the target Create the mapping Validate and run the mapping in the Informatica workflow manager, and check the results


Instructions to follows:
1. Import the sources in the Informatica Designer: (a) Go to tools and click on source analyzer. (b) Go to Sources tab in the Menu click on import from file and give the path of the file. (c) Configure an input file to a delimited file. Specify the delimiter. i. You have the column names as Field001, Field002 and so on. ii. Rename them as ORDID, ITEMID, PRODID, ACTUAL PRICE, QTY and ITEMTOT respectively. iii. Click Ok.

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Import the Targets in the Informatica Designer: (a) Go to tools and click on target designer. (b) Go to Targets tab in the Menu click on import from database. (c) Create DSN connections for different databases. (d) After connecting to database i. Select the table. ii. Click Ok.

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Create mapping (a) Click the tools again and click mapping designer. (b) Now drag the sources from the source folder in navigator window. (c) Drag the target from target folder from the navigator window. (d) Insert the transformation using transformation tab in menu bar. i. Click on create ii. Choose the transformation.(here we are using expression transformation)


Connecting sources and targets through transformation. (a) Click the field inside dialogue in source at the left and drag it to the corresponding field in the Transformation. Release the mouse to link the two fields. Make sure the link attaches to the Transformation.

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(b) Link the Transformation output to the target. Click the transformation field and, then drag the link to the target. Release the mouse to link them.


Configuring Transformation (a) Double click on the transformation dialogue, a window will appear in front of you.

(b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Go to Ports tab we can add ports using a tab highlighted in the picture. We can have Input, Output and local variables. Use local variable for temporary computation. Input Ports are the set of inputs coming from the source. Output ports are the desired outputs for loading into the targets.

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(g) We can give the expression for cleansing data or for other purposes.(here we are using string input changing it to date and extracting day, month and year from it) (h) Apply it. (i) Save the mapping by ctrl+s or got repository option in menu bar and save.

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Lab 03:
I. Objective:

Working with Workflow Manager

In this exercise you can work with Workflow Manager to connection management to repository and session task.


1. 2. 3. Go to workflow Manager and connect to the repository. Go to tools select workflow designer Now go to connection browser and configure the connection for your source and target.

4. 5. 6.

Give user name password and connection string for both source and target. Now go to worflows on menu bar and click on create.(name the workflow by giving some meaningful name to it like wk_mappingname) Now go to tasks in menu bar and click on create and name the task(use same naming convention like ses_router)

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7. 8.

Assign mapping to that session task. Go to task click on link task and link start task with session task created.


Double click on session task go to mapping tab click on sources and assign connection browser to it apply same for target. 10. Click ok. 11. Now go to workflow and click on start workflow. 12. After that workflow monitor will open automatically which will show you the status of workflow i.e. whether it got succeeded or failed and how much time it took to execute)

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Lab 04:
I. Objective :

Working for Workflow Monitor

In this exercise you can work with Workflow Monitor.


1. Monitoring workflow progress

a. b. c. d. e.

Double click on the session a property window will get open on the bottom of workflow monitor or we can open property window by clicking on view tab in menubar. In the properties window we can see the number of source success, rejected rows and target success, rejected rows. We can see the partition task progress details. We can see the session statistics. We can get the session log by right click

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Lab 05:
I. Objective :

Working with Mapplet

In this exercise you work with Mapplet.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open powercenter Designer Go to tools and click on Mapplet designer. Insert Transformations into it. Insert Mapplet input and output transformation Assign ports to both the transformations We can use this Mapplet into multiple mappings with different set of inputs and outputs


It is just like a function where we can change the set of inputs and outputs.

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Lab 06:
I. Objective :

Working with Worklet

In this exercise you work with Worklet.


1. 2. 3. 4. Open workflow manager. Go to tools and click on worklet designer. Create any Number of tasks inside worklet We can use this worklet into workflow designer.

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Lab 07:
I. Objective :

Working with Transformations.

The main objective of this exercise is to be familiar with Transformations. A transformation is a repository object that generates, modifies, or passes data. The Designer provides a set of transformations that perform specific functions. For example, an Aggregator transformation performs calculations on groups of data. Transformations can be active or passive. An active transformation can change the number of rows that pass through it, such as a Filter transformation that removes rows that do not meet the filter condition. A passive transformation does not change the number of rows that pass through it, such as an Expression transformation that performs a calculation on data and passes all rows through the transformation. Transformations can be connected to the data flow, or they can be unconnected. An unconnected transformation is not connected to other transformations in the mapping. An unconnected transformation is called within another transformation, and returns a value to that transformation.


Transformation Description:
Transformation Aggregator Expression Type Active/ Connected Passive/ Connected Description Performs aggregate calculations. Calculates a value.

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Filter Joiner Lookup

Active/ Connected Active/ Connected Passive/ Connected or Unconnected Active/ Connected Passive/ Connected Active/Connected Active/ Connected Passive/ Connected or Unconnected Active/ Connected

Filters data. Joins data from different databases or flat file systems. Looks up values.

Router Sequence Generator Sorter Source Qualifier Stored Procedure

Routes data into multiple transformations based on group conditions. Generates primary keys. Sorts data based on a sort key. Represents the rows that the Integration Service reads from a relational or flat file source when it runs a session. Calls a stored procedure.

Update Strategy

Determines whether to insert, delete, update, or reject rows.

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Lab 7.1:
I. Objective :

Working with Aggregator Transformation

In this exercise an Aggregator transformation lets you perform aggregate calculations, such as averages and sums


1. 2. In the Mapping Designer, click Transformation > Create. Select the Aggregator transformation. Enter a name for the Aggregator, click Create. Then click Done.

Note: The Designer creates the Aggregator transformation.

3. Drag the ports to the Aggregator transformation. Note: The Designer creates input/output ports for each port you include. 4. 5. 6. Double-click the title bar of the transformation to open the Edit Transformations dialog box. Select the Ports tab. Click the group by option for each column you want the Aggregator to use in creating groups. Optionally, enter a default value to replace null groups. If you want to use a non-aggregate expression to modify groups, click the Add button and enter a name and data type for the port. Make the port an output port by clearing Input (I). Click in the right corner of the Expression field, enter the non-aggregate expression using one of the input ports, and click OK. Select Group By. 7. Click Add and enter a name and data type for the aggregate expression port. Make the port an output port by clearing Input (I). Click in the right corner of the Expression field to open the Expression Editor. Enter the aggregate expression, click Validate, and click OK. Make sure the expression validates before closing the Expression Editor. 8. Add default values for specific ports. If certain ports are likely to contain null values, you might specify a default value if the target database does not handle null values. 9. Select the Properties tab.

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10. Click OK. 11. Click Repository > Save to save changes to the mapping.

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Lab 7.2:
I. Objective :

Working with Expression Transformation

In this exercise an Expression transformation to calculate values in a single row before you write to the target. For example, you might need to adjust employee salaries, concatenate first and last names, or convert strings to numbers.


1. 2. In the Mapping Designer, click Transformation > Create. Select the Expression transformation. Enter a name for it (the convention is EXP_TransformationName) and click OK. Create the input ports. If you have the input transformation available, you can select Link Columns from the Layout menu and then drag each port used in the calculation into the Expression transformation. With this method, the Designer copies the port into the new transformation and creates a connection between the two ports. Or, you can open the transformation and create each port manually. Note: If you want to make this transformation reusable, you must create each port manually within the transformation. 3. 4. 5. Repeat the previous step for each input port you want to add to the expression. Create the output ports (O) you need, making sure to assign a port datatype that matches the expression return value. The naming convention for output ports is OUT_PORTNAME. Click the small button that appears in the Expression section of the dialog box and enter the expression in the Expression Editor.

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To prevent typographic errors, where possible, use the listed port names and functions. If you select a port name that is not connected to the transformation, the Designer copies the port into the new transformation and creates a connection between the two ports. Port names used as part of an expression in an Expression transformation follow stricter rules than port names in other types of transformations: A port name must begin with a single- or double-byte letter or single- or doublebyte underscore (_). b. It can contain any of the following single- or double-byte characters: a letter, number, underscore (_), $, #, or @. Check the expression syntax by clicking Validate. a.


If necessary, make corrections to the expression and check the syntax again. Then save the expression and exit the Expression Editor. 7. 8. 9. Connect the output ports to the next transformation or target. Select a tracing level on the Properties tab to determine the amount of transaction detail reported in the session log file. Click Repository > Save.

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Lab 7.3:
I. Objective :

Working with Filter Transformation

In this exercise you can filter rows in a mapping with Filter transformation. You pass all the rows from a source transformation through the Filter transformation, and then enter a filter condition for the transformation.


1. 2. In the Designer, switch to the Mapping Designer and open a mapping. Click Transformation > Create. Select Filter transformation, and enter the name of the new transformation. The naming convention for the Filter transformation is FIL_TransformationName. Click Create, and then click Done. 3. Select and drag all the ports from a source qualifier or other transformation to add them to the Filter transformation. After you select and drag ports, copies of these ports appear in the Filter transformation. Each column has both an input and an output port. 4. 5. Double-click the title bar of the new transformation. Click the Properties tab. A default condition appears in the list of conditions. The default condition is TRUE (a constant with a numeric value of 1).

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Click the Value section of the condition, and then click the Open button. The Expression Editor appears.


Enter the filter condition you want to apply. Use values from one of the input ports in the transformation as part of this condition. However, you can also use values from output ports in other transformations.


Click Validate to check the syntax of the conditions you entered. You may have to fix syntax errors before continuing.

9. Click OK. 10. Select the Tracing Level, and click OK to return to the Mapping Designer. 11. Click Repository > Save to save the mapping.

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Lab 7.4:
I. Objective :

Working with Joiner Transformation

In this exercise you can use the Joiner transformation to join source data from two related heterogeneous sources residing in different locations or file systems. You can also join data from the same source. The Joiner transformation joins sources with at least one matching column. The Joiner transformation uses a condition that matches one or more pairs of columns between the two sources.


1. In the Mapping Designer, click Transformation > Create. Select the Joiner transformation. Enter a name, and click OK. The naming convention for Joiner transformations is JNR_TransformationName. Enter a description for the transformation. The Designer creates the Joiner transformation. 2. Drag all the input/output ports from the first source into the Joiner transformation. The Designer creates input/output ports for the source fields in the Joiner transformation as detail fields by default. You can edit this property later. 3. Select and drag all the input/output ports from the second source into the Joiner transformation. The Designer configures the second set of source fields and master fields by default. 4. 5. Double-click the title bar of the Joiner transformation to open the transformation. Click the Ports tab.

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Click any box in the M column to switch the master/detail relationship for the sources. Tip: To improve performance for an unsorted Joiner transformation, use the source with fewer rows as the master source. To improve performance for a sorted Joiner transformation, use the source with fewer duplicate key values as the master.


Add default values for specific ports. Some ports are likely to contain null values, since the fields in one of the sources may be empty. You can specify a default value if the target database does not handle NULLs.


Click the Condition tab and set the join condition.

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Click the Add button to add a condition. You can add multiple conditions. The master and detail ports must have matching datatypes. The Joiner transformation only supports equivalent (=) joins. Click the Properties tab and configure properties for the transformation.

Note: You can edit the join condition from the Condition tab. The keyword AND separates multiple conditions. 5. 6. Click OK. Click Repository > Save to save changes to the mapping.

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Lab 7.5:
I. Objective :

Working with Router Transformation

A Router transformation is similar to a Filter transformation because both transformations allow you to use a condition to test data. A Filter transformation tests data for one condition and drops the rows of data that do not meet the condition. However, a Router transformation tests data for one or more conditions and gives you the option to route rows of data that do not meet any of the conditions to a default output group.


1. 2.
In the Mapping Designer, open a mapping.

Click Transformation > Create. Select Router transformation, and enter the name of the new transformation. The naming convention for the Router transformation is RTR_TransformationName. Click Create, and then click Done.

3. 4. 5. 6.

Select and drag all the ports from a transformation to add them to the Router transformation, or you can manually create input ports on the Ports tab. Double-click the title bar of the Router transformation to edit transformation properties. Click the Transformation tab and configure transformation properties. Click the Properties tab and configure tracing levels.


Click the Groups tab, and then click the Add button to create a user-defined group. The Designer creates the default group when you create the first user-defined group.


Click the Group Filter Condition field to open the Expression Editor.

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9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Enter a group filter condition. Click Validate to check the syntax of the conditions you entered. Click OK. Connect group output ports to transformations or targets. Click Repository > Save.

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Lab 7.6:
I. Objective :

Working with Sorter Transformation

In this exercise you can sort data with the Sorter transformation. You can sort data in ascending or descending order according to a specified sort key. You can also configure the Sorter transformation for case-sensitive sorting, and specify whether the output rows should be distinct.


1. In the Mapping Designer, click Transformation > Create. Select the Sorter transformation. The naming convention for Sorter transformations is SRT_TransformationName. Enter a description for the transformation. This description appears in the Repository Manager, making it easier to understand what the transformation does. 2. Enter a name for the Sorter and click Create. The Designer creates the Sorter transformation. 3. 4. Click Done. Drag the ports you want to sort into the Sorter transformation. The Designer creates the input/output ports for each port you include. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Double-click the title bar of the transformation to open the Edit Transformations dialog box. Select the Ports tab. Select the ports you want to use as the sort key. For each port selected as part of the sort key, specify whether you want the Integration Service to sort data in ascending or descending order. Select the Properties tab. Modify the Sorter transformation properties.

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10. Click OK. 11. Click Repository > Save to save changes to the mapping.

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Lab 7.7:
I. Objective :

Working with Sequence Generator Transformation

The Sequence Generator transformation generates numeric values. You can use the Sequence Generator to create unique primary key values, replace missing primary keys, or cycle through a sequential range of numbers.


1. In the Mapping Designer, click Transformation > Create. Select the Sequence Generator transformation. The naming convention for Sequence Generator transformations is SEQ_TransformationName. 2. Enter a name for the Sequence Generator, and click Create. Click Done. The Designer creates the Sequence Generator transformation.

3. 4. 5.

Double-click the title bar of the transformation to open the Edit Transformations dialog box. Enter a description for the transformation. This description appears in the Repository Manager, making it easier for you or others to understand what the transformation does. Select the Properties tab. Enter settings.

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Note: You cannot override the Sequence Generator transformation properties at the session level. This protects the integrity of the sequence values generated. 6. 7. Click OK. To generate new sequences during a session, connect the NEXTVAL port to at least one transformation in the mapping. Use the NEXTVAL or CURRVAL ports in an expression in other transformations. 8. Click Repository > Save.

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Lab 08:
I. Objective :

Configuring PushDown Optimization

In this exercise you can learn that how Pushdown Optimization optimizes the execution time of a session.


1. 2. Double click on the task which you have created to edit the properties. Scroll down and click on the drop down to select the type of optimization.

Pushdown Optimization


Options in PushDown Optimization

Using source-side PushDown optimization The Integration Service pushes as much transformation logic as possible to the source database.

. Using target-side PushDown optimization

The Integration Service pushes as much transformation logic as possible to the target database.
Using full PushDown optimization The Integration Service pushes as much transformation logic as possible to both source and target databases. If you configure a session for full pushdown optimization, and the Integration Service cannot push all the transformation logic to the database, it performs partial pushdown optimization
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instead. Both target and source should be in the same database for using full pushdown optimization


Viewing PushDown Groups

In session properties, go to mapping tab and click view pushdown optimization. It also shows the equivalent query it can push to the database.

NOTE: LIMITATIONS OF PUSHDOWN OTPIMIZATION OPTION IN POWERCENTER 8 Columns marked with an X indicate transformations that can be used with pushdown optimization
Transformation Aggregator Application Source Qualifier Custom Expression External Procedure Filter Java X X X Source-Side Targer-Side X

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Joiner Lookup Normalizer Rank Router Sequence Generator Sorter Source Qualifier Stored Procedure Target Transaction Control Union Update Strategy XML Generator XML Parser XML Source Qualifier



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Lab 09:
I. Objective :

Configuring Dynamic Partitioning

In this exercise you can learn the ability to scale the number of partitions without manually adding partitions in the session properties. Based on the session configuration, the Integration Service determines the number of partitions when it runs the session. II. Methods for Configure Dynamic Partitioning:

1. 2.



Disabled. Do not use dynamic partitioning. Defines the number of partitions on the Mapping tab. Based on number of partitions. Sets the partitions to a number that you define in the Number of Partitions attribute. Use the $DynamicPartitionCount session parameter, or enter a number greater than 1. Based on number of nodes in grid. Sets the partitions to the number of nodes in the grid running the session. If you configure this option for sessions that do not run on a grid, the session runs in one partition and logs a message in the session log. Based on source partitioning. Determines the number of partitions using database partition information. The number of partitions is the maximum of the number of partitions at the source.


1. 2. 3. Double click on the task which you have created to edit the properties. Click on config object tab. Scroll down and click on the drop down to select the type of partitioning.

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