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Different Types Of Childrens Behaviour In The Dental Surgery

1. Co-operative behaviour + Inability to co-operate 2. Hysterical or uncontrolled behaviour

3. Defiant behaviour
4. Timid behaviour 5. Tense-Co-operative behaviour 6. Whining behaviour

Co-operative Behaviour
- Patient is relaxed - Has reasonable level of co-operation - Manage properly to maintain a good behaviour - Use tell show do method..

Inability to Co-operate
- Very young patient under 2 yrs:(Or) - Handicapped patients - These patients do not have co-ooperative ability - Very difficult to communicate.

Hysterical or Uncontrolled Behaviour


Usually seen in young children eg. 3-6 yrs. - Excessive yelling & crying

- A firm and gentle approach is useful - Explanation of the procedure may decrease anxiety.

Defiant Behaviour
- Can be seen in children of all age groups - They will protest and even challenge the dentist - Can also be in a passive resistant form - A firm approach is helpful

TIMID Behaviour
- Usually due to parental over-protection - Very anxious - Difficult to practice - child parent separation - If not managed properly may become unco-operative - May require to repeat instructions and explanations.

Tense Co-operative
- They accept treatment but are extremely tense - They try to control their emotions. Important to recognize this type of patient - Praise for accepted behavoiur.

Whining Behaviour
- They allow treatment to be done but whine continuously - Frequently complain of pain - The cry is controlled,constant and not loud - Remain calm and have patience - Reassurance and praise is important.

Happy Children

Bright smiles

Receptive Behaviour

Have trust in dental surgeon

An anxious or apprehensive 3-years old anticipating the dental exam. the skills of thedental team are particularly important in gaining co-operation of this child.

A co-operative but uncertain 4-year old. A friendly, upbeat approach will maintain the co-operation of this child.

A co- operative child who will probably be co-operative with almost any behavior management protocol.

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