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1ClC unLMLC?


1 unLMLC?MLn1 l1S MLAnlnC Anu C8lCln
A) A soclal evll
8) PlsLorlcal developmenL

2 Causes lf unemploymenL
a) Absence of good governance
b) CorrupLlon
c) Lack of lndusLrlallzaLlon
d) ollLlcal lnsLabllllLy
e) Absence of Lechnlcal educaLlon
f) ueflclenL educaLlon
g) Absence of mlcrocredlL loans
h) uevlaLlon from merlLocracy
l) Absence of sLrlcL accounLablllLy
[) urbanlzaLlon
k) Cender blases and dlscrlmlnaLlon
l) 8raln draln
m) ulgnlLy of labour
n) Less lorelgn ulrecL lnvesLmenL

a) aklsLan
b) 1he WesLern World

4 unLMLC?MLn1 l1S lLL LllLC1S
a) Soclal
b) ollLlcal
c) Lconomlcal
d) sycologlcal

3 WA?S 1C nLu18ALlSL uMLnLC?MLn1

6 SlnCL8l1? Cl u8CSL
a) 8ole of CovernmenL
b) 8ole of prople

An economlc condlLlon marked by Lhe facL LhaL lndlvlduals acLlvely seeklng [obs remaln unhlred
unemploymenL ls expressed as a percenLage of Lhe LoLal avallable work force 1he level of
unemploymenL varles wlLh economlc condlLlons and oLher clrcumsLances

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