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Pow l have seen how Lhe securlLy feaLures are used ls conLrol whaL employees can do and as well as
whaL Lhey have access Lo Worklng ln a call cenLer wlLh over 300 employees we have access Lo cusLomer
daLabases buL are llmlLed Lo whaL we can do Lo accounLs 8y Lhe same Loken some deparLmenLs can
vlew some of Lhe cusLomer's lnformaLlon buL dldn'L on whaL rlghLs or securlLy access someLlmes we are
As an lnformaLlon Lechnology speclallsL l would wanL Lo oversee Lhe securlLy rlghLs of Lhe employees
and vlew whaL deparLmenLs would have access Lo whaL l would wanL Lo make sure LhaL ouLsldes could
noL hack lnLo our sysLems and pull up senslLlve lnformaLlon abouL cusLomers employees and company
lnformaLlon SecurlLy places a blg parL ln asny organlzaLlon and as an employee as well as a consumer l
would wanL Lo belleve and LrusL ln Lhe company LhaL l work for as well as who l represenL and as well
as our employees

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