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Common cm nferation an Communietions Techy Human Capital Development Group (HCDG) January-December 2007 Accomplishment Report HDG wnit_| Propane Project | Perfomance inccator [Teast Bezonlrent Treacy Program | Conpstency © [Gonpatney and | No ofNatonal CT ‘Manpower | Stnaarss | Cartcaion | Coroteney Sanda Development| Developmen, (NCS) deveopes | Provislonof | (CSD) | + BasleGoramment | 1 | + Completed + Advanced 1 [+ Comptes overeat + Teachers + | + complts: Fr adoption of Dope CHED, eter easyer Educ isons + cesonrceses | 4 | + Comtesse O58 + PrjerMensgers | 4 |+ Drafter presertatnfécustn wi SMEs and stakeholders + NewokSoeciatts |, |» Dror resertaiondscuson with SMES and stokeaters + rere Artes + Dra or resentanktcusin wir SMES and | *# stakehelders + Govermen-cice |, | + Dratorpresentatontscuson wih SEs and siakchlios ‘eveipmantofa NC Carita Ta Soar wh CES based cucu fr (CES0s/ CESES Comma erCT — [To inpeneriaiow | 3 | Fexanirperenatons Conpeterey | ore conduct of T + {GUC mplamentaton 4 examinees) ans Profeeney Exams on: “repr inperrertaon (31 examines; 3 + Systane Anayet & tesing ci (Ma, Cebu, Zamboanga) Desin + Gomputs | Progaming l BP commencement oi Human Capital Development Group (HCDG) January-December 2007 Accomplishment Report 7 PA HCDG unit_| Programs & Project | Performance Indicator | Target ‘Accomplishment ‘Conduct of COL exaris * Saling up and testing of online exam (2007 as Accredited Testing version) completed Center (ATC) + Adopted new pricing scheme ‘+ Adrinistered ICDL test to 205 examinees Development and | Competency & | Competency and | Candel of CT taining ~ | Assisted CESB nthe pt molementation conduct of Standards | Cerfcaton for CESOs/ CESEs information Development education and | (C50), ‘ranioa rosram atonal 1OT manpower | No ofimplementatons | 35 | 34 courses eordute 792 parc pn; P3520 S60in 3 Computer | development tracks: Inte (NCI + eGovernment 7 | 14 courses; 342 pericipants; Meraging ICT Senices Management in. Government (4), €Gov Project Mgt (4), Gov | Enterprise Avo. (2), ICT Exec Seminar (1), F Aust, ‘Securty & Goverance (3) +16 courses, 176 parcpants; JAVA Prog (8), PHP + Aoplcations 2 Prog (1), HTML (3), mage Ectng (4) Develoament ‘+16 courses; 249 patcpants; Network Specialist 6 Course Sem (6), Sem 2 (6), Sem 3 3), Sem (2) + Technology Schtions | Curren No of eaurses (0 | DeveloorenEnhancement of & courses in ebardnaton Development | developed enhanced vith tiring parnersiconsitants Completed + IT Aud, Security & Governance (ASS) + JAVA Programming (Accredited TVET Prog: Career Eniry Course for Software Cevelopers} Ongoing - + TrResource Aquisition (ITRA) PHP Programming ‘+ Tang Development Course (IFCO0} + ITSenice Management (ITSM) ~) commision on formation 2 Communications Technology ~)) Human Capital Development Group (HCDG) a a [ewan Poise | Paton ar | Trg January-December 2007 Accomplishment Report Teaongldnet | Development Rabied Actontest Tasks (1CT Personnel Nol Personnel Conduet of Ecueational Tours — P ‘Competency | No. of personnel tained. | + Provision of acities | assone + Workplace improvement 162 CICT staff attended NCI coursesfseminars NI staff participated in various trainings workshops (eg Learning Excelence & Values Formation, 88: Practice of Good Housekeeping, Orientation on Cybercocidar Services, Free Open Source Sofware (FOSS) seminar, PC Refurbishing & Troubleshooting, Basic Training Management, Assessmert Methodology & Teaching Methotiology, ADOBE LiveCycle) ‘Conciuted tous to &4 schools wih 8,767 students & ‘ecally Provided logistical suppor to ADOC & other CICT groups and other external agenceshnstlutions Upgraded training equipmenUAV devices (om Fund 184 Savings) ‘Setting up of CISCO lab end ADOC RAD lab (former FOO lat) Installation offre escape at CDIU reom Programs | Dial Brdges Development | Program developed Community Outreach Programs via the ADOC Partner Office Tio. of Training Programs 4 GLC for Eldery, Community eaders, Pubic heath \workers, and Women enlrepreneurs Drafted Training Calendar for 2008 forthe various ADOC Centers: ADOC Training Center, eCare, Smokey Telecenter, end Lakandula e-Learning Center —_—

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