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8y 2030 noncommunlcable dlseases (nCus) are pro[ecLed Lo cause flve Llmes as many

deaLhs as communlcable dlseases worldwlde

ln Lhe llghL of Lhls Lhe AglLa Sao aulo
lnlLlaLlve was lnlLlaLed ln 8razll
lL almed Lo promoLe knowledge abouL physlcal acLlvlLy and
Lhe assoclaLed healLh beneflLs and lL also LargeLed Lhe acLlve populaLlon Lhrough mega
evenLs and communlLy acLlvlLles A mascoL was adopLed Lo slgnlfy 30 mlnuLes of physlcal
acLlvlLy per day 1here has been a slgnlflcanL lncrease ln physlcal acLlvlLy among 8razlllans
due Lo Lhls lnlLlaLlve and 72 counLrles have adopLed Lhls successful model

As fuLure healLh care professlonals we belleve LhaL our lnfluence ln Lhe communlLy can
decrease levels of physlcal lnacLlvlLy by supporLlng and acLlvely lnlLlaLlng and parLlclpaLlng ln
healLh promoLlon acLlvlLles based on developlng moLlvaLlonal skllls nCu's develop over
Llme and early lnLervenLlons can prevenL Lhem 8esldes healLh care professlonals supporL
from larger groups of people lncludlng Lhe governmenLs of each counLry ls cruclal 8razll
Look LhaL lnlLlaLlve for lLs people whaL abouL Lhe oLher naLlons of Lhls world? WhaL have Lhe
oLher counLrles and communlLles wlLh Lhelr respecLlve resources done so far?

We would llke Lo hear from PllA members abouL Lhe pracLlcallLy of adopLlng AglLa Sau
aulo ln developlng counLrles and Lhe role of all members of Lhe socleLy and noL [usL healLh
care professlonals ln Lhls aspecL

1 hLLp//Lhensmccom/resources/showcase/aglLasC3A3o
paulo?vlewdevelopmenL accessed on 26/09/2011
2 hLLp//wwwglobalhealLhmagazlnecom/cover_sLorles/brazll_geLLlng_a_move_on_n
cds accessed on 26/09/2011

Shaheena laklr Llnda Mkudu nyaradzal MaLanyalre lalLh Makandlgona
Popewell Mndawe 1awanda Chlweshe (Pellosafe)
8hodes unlverslLy CrahamsLown
SouLh Afrlca

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