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Street Number and Name City, State and Zip Code Phone Number Email Address

Your Name
Objective Work Experience What do you want to do? Company Name Street Number and Name City, State and Zip Code Job Title Duties or Achievements Duties or Achievements

Accomplishments List one or more things that you have done or a special skill you may have. Activities Interests Education List activities in which you have participated such as scouting, sports teams, church groups, etc. List hobbies, special interests, travel, etc. Name of High School Street Number and Name City, State and Zip Code Dates attended: From Date Present Name of Middle School Street Number and Name City, State and Zip Code Dates attended: From Date Present Name of Elementary School Street Number and Name City, State and Zip Code Dates attended: From Date Present References Name Street Number and Name City, State and Zip Code Phone Number Name Street Number and Name City, State and Zip Code Phone Number

Street 423 San Sebastin, P.R. 00685 787-342-8344

Juan Miguel Eugenio Lebrn Snchez

Objective I want to serve to a hospital or health center with the vision of collaborate with our society by taking care of people, which once they reset themselves will take in their hands the future. Well-being is the most important thing because without it we cannot exist. Municipality of San Sebastin Helper of workers Organize recycling containers and materials. Accomplishments During mi first semester of twelve grade I did forty hours of community labor in a home of old people. I hope to participate of a nursing association at my university as soon as I can because right now I cannot due to I am in mi first college year. Read self-help books in English during vacations. University of Mayagez Mayagez, P.R. 00681-9000 Patria Latorre Ramrez San Sebastin, P.R. 00685 August, 2010 May, 2011: twelfth grade Academia San Sebastin Mrtir San Sebastin, P.R. 00685 August, 2008 May, 2010 tenth and eleventh grade University of Mayagez Mayagez, P.R. 00681-9000 787-832-4040 Patria Latorre Ramrez San Sebastin, P.R. 00685 August, 2010 May, 2011: twelfth grade 787-896-3970

Work experience


Interests Education


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