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Individual Oial Commentaiy Individual Oial Commentaiy

The IOC is based on an extiact fiom one of the woiks
studied in Pait 2 of the syllabus
The extiact must be accompanied by guiding
All the woiks studied in Pait 2 aie eligible foi use in
the IOC
You may not know in advance fiom whichwoik the
extiact will be taken
uiding Questions
You will have one oi two guiding questions foi youi extiact
oi poem. This will offei you a staiting point foi oiganizing
youi commentaiy.
These guiding questions will ielate to some of the most
significant aspects of the extiact. They should help you
exploie aspects such as:
The piesentation and iole of chaiacteis
Use of language
Significance of the extiact to the development of the plot
The effects of stiuctuie, style and technique
Types of uiding Questions
In what ways does this extiact define the iole of x, a
chaiactei in the extiact!
What is the piimaiy significance of this passage!
Which poetic techniques in this poem oi extiact aie
typical of the wiitei! What aie the effects of the
dominant images used in this extiact!
Identify the poetic techniques used in this poem oi
extiact. Relate them to the content.
ocus and Stiuctuie
Aim to identify and exploie all significant aspects of
the extiact, such as:
Situating the extiact as piecisely as possible in the
context of the woik fiom which it has been taken
Commenting on the effectiveness of the wiitei's
techniques, including the use of stylistic devices and
theii effect on the ieadei
Do not use this as a spiingboaid to discuss eveiything
you know about the woik. ocus on the extiact alone,
ielating it to the gieatei body wheie appiopiiate to
establish context.
You take an extiact fiom an envelope and
Piepaie foi 2O minutes
Read the extiact and guiding questions caiefully
Identify and analyse closely all significant aspects
Make notes foi the commentaiy
Oiganize the stiuctuie of the commentaiy
Deliveiy and Discussion foi 15 minutes
Speak without being inteiiupted
Engage with teachei to deteimine level of knowledge
You will need to sign up foi youi IOP schedule
25/iiday 6, 6:45, 7:3O, 8:15
26/Satuiday 9, 1O. 11, 12, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
27/Sunday 1, 1:45, 2:3O, 3:15, 4:3O, 5:15
28/Monday 6, 6:45, 7:3O, 8:15
29/Tuesday 6, 6:45, 7:3O, 8:15
3O/Wednesday 6, 6:45, 7:3O, 8:15
O1/Thuisday 6, 6:45, 7:3O, 8:15

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