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This book features more than 100 cf the most significant and influential bullings of te wentiem century, noudng classic non by such seming arch THE TWENTIETH CENTURY CCortusier Frark Lord What, Mis van der Rohe and Alvar Asta, as wel as those by more recent masters, such as Norman Foster, Frank Gehry and Rem Koofass Plans, Sections and Elevations KEY BULDINGS O Richard Weston For each ofthe bulings each foo together nth alions, sections and site plans where a ed on the most upto ise text explaning the sinifiant it shows or generated, these have diate informa architect pecially drown for ths back and a and sources. There is aso a tures ofthe building and ti eh 20 ere ‘ together wth one or two fulleolour mages. C relerences to other bulling in the book highight the various comections between these Ke bullings ture in the twentieth century paying particular attention tothe sues of spatial orga zation. The endmatterinclesbibiographic references to the architects who featwed and tothe neil uleings desusce 2y the author gives a bof ovevow of tho develogman he qualiy and nurrber of line drawings alows al the n detal ae, together with the auth pensable fr al students of ma ‘book incodes 2 dings to be understocd tive text and images, take this book ics itecture, As an added torus for studerts, a fles of al dravings featured inthe took D-ROM contaning Fickard ‘rc fessor of an arcitect, landscape designer and author is ectwe at Cad Unversity. Previous books include the menagraph Avar Aalto viene of the 1995 Sir Barstr Fetches Prize and the defirive manograph on the Danish actitect Jara Utzon, whie The House inthe Twertieth Century (2002) and Materials, Form and Architecture (2003) ae both published by Laurence King, ili Published rn 2004 by Lanence King Pbishing Ltd 71 Great ssl Strat London WETE 38 Tek +44 2 7820 8850 Fax +44 20 7430 2880 em nqirienBiarenceking uk ‘wawlaureekngcout Design and dravings © Laurence King Pubdsting 2008 Text © 2004 Richard Weston Tras book was red by Laurence King Publshng Ltd, Landon Al nalts served. Ne part ofthis publition my be maprosuced transmitted in ay fm or by any means, ebctrac or mechanical weking photocopy. recording o ay information eeteval sista, without permission in wing oer the pxbliher A caologus eenurd fr this book issuable rom the British Liter, ISBN. 1 85669 382 1 Printed in Chara Projet manages ty Arne HeDowat Designed by Gosirey Des Dravengs ty Adnan Scholeteld Pietwse ressarch by Navylene bean

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