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SSG ho|ds c|os|ng program

M|chae| Data a|tan IIIM

lncomlng and ouLgolng offlcers of Lhe Supreme SLudenL CovernmenL
(SSC) held a culmlnaLlng acLlvlLy aL Mrs nena vlllaflores' room on Aprll
!ohn aul anol a fourLh year represenLaLlve led Lhe openlng prayer
and rlncess Cassandra Csorlo SSC secreLary conducLed Lhe slnglng of
Lhe naLlonal AnLhem Clenn aul 8lnaohan gave Lhe openlng remarks
Mr Marlo C Carlno and Mrs nena vlllaflores congraLulaLed Lhe newly
elecLed offlcers and challenge Lhem for good servlce for Lhe lncomlng
school year
Ms Sheena !oy ?aon a u graduaLe Lalked abouL Lhe quallLles of a
good leader and shared her polnLs of vlews abouL leadershlp ln her hlgh
school llfe and how lL was changed when she was ln 4
CuLgolng offlcers 8randon Mark ? 8ruLas Czablna uellca and !udlelyn
Agua gave Lhelr lmpresslons on belng a parL of Lhe sLudenL
governmenL Cn Lhe oLher hand lncomlng offlcers Mlchael u alLan
!oy krlsLelle ue MaLa klara Marle naLlno and krlzza Marle Lbona
expressed Lhelr expecLaLlon on belng as elecLed offlcers
!enlnah Callmllm ouLgolng SSC resldenL brlefly reporLed on her
accompllshmenLs and Lurned over Lhe key of responslblllLy Lo Lhe newly
elecLed presldenL Clenn aul 8lnaohan
1rlna Zes non newly elecLed vlcepresldenL gave Lhe closlng remarks

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