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The most important elements oI a brand should be:

Brand Position
O ho is addressed by company`s branded products or services. hat the company
does and Ior whom
O The company`s unique value and how customers beneIit Irom products and/or
O ey competitive diIIerentiators, what makes the brand be chosen, be diIIerent Irom its
Brand Promise
O The ONE most important thing that the brand promises to deliver to its customers
Every time!
O hat customers and partners should expect Irom every interaction, how should they
Ieel as brand`s customers
Brand Personality
O hat the brand is to be known Ior
O !ersonality traits that customers, partners, and employees use to describe the
company. hat comes to the (potential) customer`s mind when addressed about the
Brand Story
O The company`s history and how the history adds value and credibility to the brand
O summary oI products/services/solutions
Brand Associations
O !hysical artiIacts: name, logo, colors, taglines, Ionts, imagery
O deally, it must reIlect the all the above statements about the brand and the company

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