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The Human Cost of Arms

The Right to Life

More than 500,000 people are estimated to die each year from misuse of arms. Thats 1 person every minute. War, crime, genocide, death squads, organized crime.

Violations of Civil and Political Rights

Torture and Arbitrary Arrest Sexual violence Psychological Trauma Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Abduction, Hostage-Taking, Disappearances. Silencing Opposition

Violations of Social and Economic Rights

Denial of aid Denial of Livelihoods Denial of Health Care Denial of Education

Human Development Costs

(Please see handouts)

Arms Exports

(biggest exporters by value)

USA - $14 billion UK - $4.6 billion France - $3.4 billion Russia - $3.4 billion China - $.5 billion

These five countries are the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council!

Arms Imports
Latin America - $.7 billion Africa - $ .9 billion Asia - $ 8 billion North Africa/Middle East - $12 billion

In other words, arms flow from the first world to the third world that allow them to sustain conflicts! (see map)

Only one country listed by the UNDP as high human development was experiencing conflict in 2005:


Beyond De-escalation of Armed Conflicts

Countering the culture of violence: re-sensitization to violence (media) Refusal to patronize war toys Internal disarmament (Dalai Lama) speech, attitude, behavior, etc. Encouraging dialogue as a way of life

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

- Gandhi

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