Geographical Position of Moldova

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Geographical position of Moldova

Moldova lies between latitudes 45 and 49 N, and mostly between meridians 26 and 30 E (a small area lies east of 30). The largest part of the nation lies between two rivers, the Dniester and the Prut. The western border of Moldova is formed by the Prut river, which joins the Danube before flowing into the Black Sea. Moldova has access to the Danube for only about 480 m (1,575 ft), and Giurgiuleti is the only Moldovan port on the Danube. In the east, the Dniester is the main river, flowing through the country from north to south, receiving the waters of Rut, Bc, Ichel, Botna. Ialpug flows into one of the Danube limans, while Coglnic into the Black Sea chain of limans. The country is landlocked, even though it is very close to the Black Sea. While most of the country is hilly, elevations never exceed 430 m (1,411 ft) the highest point being the Blneti Hill. Moldova's hills are part of the Moldavian Plateau, which geologically originate from the Carpathian Mountains. Its subdivisions in Moldova include Dniester Hills (Northern Moldavian Hills and Dniester Ridge), Moldavian Plain (Middle Prut Valley and Bli Steppe), and Central Moldavian Plateau (Ciuluc-Solone Hills, Corneti Hills (Codri Massive; "Codri" meaning "forests"), Lower Dniester Hills, Lower Prut Valley, and Tigheci Hills). In the south, the country has a small flatland, the Bugeac Plain. The territory of Moldova east of the river Dniester is split between parts of the Podolian Plateau, and parts of the Eurasian Steppe. The country's main cities are the capital Chiinu, in the center of the country, Tiraspol (in the eastern region of Transnistria), Bli (in the north) and Bender (in the south-east). Comrat is the administrative center of Gagauzia. The climate of the Republic of Moldova is moderately continental. It is characterized by a lengthy frost-free period, short mild winters, lengthy hot summers, modest precipitation, and long dry periods in the south. The average annual temperature increases southward from around 8-9C in the north to around 10-11C in the south. The average annual precipitation varies between 600-650 mm in the north and the center and 500-550 mm in the south and the southeast. The hydrographic network includes more than 3,000 rivers and rivulets, of which 10 exceed a length of 100 km. The main rivers are the Nistru (1,352 km, including 657 km within the borders of the country), the Prut (976 km, including 695 km within the borders of the country), the Raut (286 km), the Cogalnic (243 km, including 125 km within the borders of the country), the Bic (155 km), and the Botna (152 km). Moldova has about 60 natural lakes and 3,000 reservoirs. The largest Moldovan lakes are Beleu, Dracele, Rotunda, Fontan, Bic and Rosu, each with a water surface area exceeding 1 km2. The largest reservoirs in the country, each with a water capacity exceeding 30 million m3, are Costesti-Stanca, Dubasari, Cuciurgan, Taraclia, and Ghidighici The soil cover of Moldova is fertile and various consisting of more than 745 varieties. Chernozem (Russian: black earth) occupies around three-fourth of the land area of the country. Brown and gray forest soils cover around 11% of the countrys land area. Floodplain, or alluvial, meadow soils occupy around 12% of the land area of Moldova. State Symbols of the Republic of Moldova

The State flag of the Republic of Moldova

The State flag of the Republic of Moldova is a tricolour. It is the official symbol of the Republic of Moldova. It symbolizes the past, the present and the future of the Moldovan State, reflecting its democratic principles, the traditions and history of Moldovan people, equal rights,

friendship and solidarity amongst all the States citizens. The State flag of the Republic of Moldova - the tricolour - represents a rectangular cloth formed of three equal coloured parts. The colours are arranged vertically in the following order from the flagpole: blue, yellow, red. The coat of arms is printed on the central yellow stripe of the tricolour. The proportion between the width of the coat of arms and the length of the flag is 1:5; the proportion between the width and the length of flag is 1:2. The State coat of arms of the Republic of Moldova

The coat of arms of the Republic of Moldova consists of a shield divided horizontally into two parts: the upper part is red, and the lower part is blue with a superimposed auroch's head showing between its horns an eight-pointed star. On its right the auroch's head is flanked by a five-petalled rose, and on its left by a slightly rotated crescent. All heraldic elements present on the shield are of golden (yellow) colour. The shield is laid on the breast of a natural eagle holding in its beak a golden cross, in its right claw a green olive-tree branch and in its left claw a golden sceptre. The State anthem of the Republic of Moldova
(verse by Alexei Mateevici, music by Alexandru Cristea)

Limba noastr-i o comoar n adncuri nfundat Un irag de piatr rar Pe moie revrsat. Limba noastr-i foc ce arde ntr-un neam, ce fr veste S-a trezit din somn de moarte Ca viteazul din poveste. Limba noastr-i frunz verde, Zbuciumul din codrii venici, Nistrul lin, ce-n valuri pierde Ai luceferilor sfenici. Limba noastra-i limb sfnt, Limba vechilor cazanii, Care o plng i care o cnt Pe la vatra lor ranii. Rsri-va o comoar n adncuri nfundat, Un irag de piatr rar Pe moie revrsat.

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