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Iapan's serv|ce sector

W Iapan's serv|ce sector accounts for 3]4

of |ts
W 8ank|ng |nsurance rea| estate reta|||ng
transportat|on and te|ecommun|cat|ons are
the ma[or |ndustr|es
PlsLory of !apan's servlce secLor
W Iapans economy |n 1960's and 1970's was
based on the rap|d expans|on |n automob||es
stee| sh|pbu||d|ng chem|ca|s and
W 8y the |ate 1970s the Iapanese economy
began mov|ng towards a more serv|ce
or|ented (tert|ary sector) base
W 1he tert|ary sector grew from 47 of the
work force |n 1970 to S92 |n 1990
,a[or servlce secLor companles ln
W ,|tsub|sh| UII
W ,|zuho
W N11
W Nomura
W Iapan A|r||nes
W Iapan's serv|ce sector contr|butes 54 tr||||on
to the economy
lna's servlce secLor
W Ch|na's serv|ces sector accounts for 44 of
|ts GD
W ,a[or |ndustr|es are tour|sm |nsurance
bank|ngsoftware etc
PlsLory of lna's servlce secLor
W 1||| 1970's Ch|na fo||owed a protect|on|st
system of economy
W Government started encourag|ng serv|ce
enterpr|ses to reduce unemp|oyment
,a[or servlce secLor companles
W 8eyondsoft
W CDC Software
W Ch|nasoft nternat|ona| Ltd
W h|Soft 1echno|ogy nternat|ona|
W Ch|na nsurance nternat|ona| no|d|ngs
W Ch|na L|fe nsurance Company
W Ch|na 1rave| Serv|ce
W Ch|na's serv|ce sector contr|butes 5 2S
tr||||on to the nat|ona| GD
W Stark contrast w|th nd|an serv|ce sector
ouL korea's servlce secLor
W South korea's serv|ce sector const|tutes
S82 of the GD
W 1he serv|ce |ndustr|es |nc|ude restaurants
hote|s |aundr|es |nsurance hea|thre|ated
serv|ces and enterta|nment bus|nesses
PlsLory of Le servlce secLor
W South korea's ear|y econom|c growth was
spurred by rap|d growth |n manufactur|ng
W A f|nanc|a| cr|s|s |n 1989 and the As|an
I|nanc|a| Cr|s|s bad|y affected manufactur|ng
W n 2009 Govt started steps to deve|op
serv|ce sector as |t was |agg|ng beh|nd
,a[or servlce secLor companles
W 8ank of korea
W k8 I|nanc|a| Group
W Sh|nhan I|nanc|a| Group
W nana I|nanc|a| Group
W nanwhaDaehan L|fe nsurance Co Ltd
W South korea's serv|ce sector contr|butes 5
S8S b||||on to the nat|ona| GD
W ts serv|ce sector |s re|at|ve|y under
deve|oped w|th the Government on|y
recent|y |ntroduc|ng measures to shore up
the sector

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