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Paper Code: BBA - 107/ BI - 107 Paper ID : BI 107


- 2010

Q. 1. Explain briefly. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Q. 2. (a) (b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the computers? Differentiate between Primary Memory and Secondary Memory. Define Hardware, Software and Firmware. Define Client and Server. Define Intranet and Internet. Define functions of computer system using block diagraml Do the following conversions.
(i) (400) 8 = ( ) 16


(ii) (lOlllOOOOllh (iii) (256) 10 ,= ( h



(a) What is an Operating System? Explain the functions of an Operating System. (b) (i) (lOOlOh


(lOlOh + (llOOOOlh - (lOllOlh

(ii) (lOlOlOlOlh (iii) (lOlllOOlh

Q. 3. (a)



Differentiate between RAM, ROM and EEPROM. Differentiate between System software and. Application software.

(10) (5)

(b) Q. 4.

Write down the commands with suitable example: (i) To create directory

(ii) To remove subdirectory (iii) To copy files (iv) To check the version of the Operating System (v) To compare two files Q. 4. (a) Write steps to create Mail Merge? (b) Write down Five mathematical/Logical MS-Excel? Q. 5. functions available in (2x7.5=15)

(a) Write the steps to create the Folder in Windows. (b) Define Topologies. Explain any Two with diagram.

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