Tata Tea Market Structure

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Market structure

1he number of flrms produclng ldenLlcal producLs

Monopo||st|c compet|t|on also called compeLlLlve markeL where Lhere are a large number
of flrms each havlng a small proporLlon of Lhe markeL share and sllghLly dlfferenLlaLed
C||gopo|y ln whlch a markeL ls domlnaLed by a small number of flrms LhaL LogeLher conLrol
Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe markeL share
Duopo|y a speclal case of an ollgopoly wlLh Lwo flrms
C||gopsony a markeL where many sellers can be presenL buL meeL only a few buyers
Monopo|y where Lhere ls only one provlder of a producL or servlce
Natura| monopo|y a monopoly ln whlch economles of scale cause efflclency Lo lncrease
conLlnuously wlLh Lhe slze of Lhe flrm A flrm ls a naLural monopoly lf lL ls able Lo serve Lhe
enLlre markeL demand aL a lower cosL Lhan any comblnaLlon of Lwo or more smaller more
speclallzed flrms
Monopsony when Lhere ls only one buyer ln a markeL
erfect compet|t|on ls a LheoreLlcal markeL sLrucLure LhaL feaLures unllmlLed conLesLablllLy
(or no barrlers Lo enLry) an unllmlLed number of producers and consumers and a perfecLly
elasLlc demand curve
Market Structure
Se||er Lntry
8uyer Lntry
erfecL CompeLlLlon no Many no Many
no Many no Many
Cllgopoly ?es lew no Many
Cllgopsony no Many ?es lew
Monopoly ?es Cne no Many
Monopsony no Many ?es Cne

1he markeL sLrucLure ln whlch 1A1A 1LA operaLes ls monopollsLlc compeLlLlon becauseln
Lhls secLor Lhere are large numbers of players(le producers and sellers) wlLh sllghL
dlfferenLlaLlon ln Lhe feaLures of Lhe producLs
rlor example ln case of Lea Lhese dlfferences has been made by on Lhe basls of LasLe or
smell and wlLh some lnnovaLlve producL llke Lea bag or lnsLanL Lea glve an edge Lo Lhe flrm
over anoLher
rCompeLlLlon PuL Codre[ l1C Waghbakrl 1ea Company Wllllamson Magors Parrlsons

1op 1ea Sellers ln lndla
O Codre[ 1ea
O 1aLa 1ea LlmlLed
O PlndusLan unllever brands
O rooke ond
O LlpLon
O ar[eellng 1eaxpress

[Vre| Tea LimiteV
Codre[ 1ea LlmlLed belongs Lo Lhe popular Codre[ Croup whlch ls operaLlng from lLs
headquarLers ln Lhe clLy of Mumbal Codre[ Croup ls a mllllon dollar company ln lndla and
Codre[ 1ea LlmlLed was esLabllshed by Lhls group ln Lhe year 2002 LaLer ln Lhe year 2006
food buslness was merged wlLh Codre[ 1ea LlmlLed and Lhe name of Lhe company was
changed as Codre[ everages and loods LlmlLed 1hey are engaged ln Lhe producLlon of Lea
ln Lhe form of black Lea green Lea Lea packeLs and Lea bags 1hey are experLs ln caLerlng Lo
Lhe Lea requlremenLs of Lhe people wlLh 100 saLlsfacLlon ln Lerms of prlce and quallLy

Tata Tea LimiteV
1aLa 1ea LlmlLed also called as 1aLe1eLly holds Lhe prlde of belng Lhe second largesL
dlsLrlbuLor and manufacLurer of Lea 1eaL 1ea LlmlLed ls owned by lndla's mosL famous 1aLa
group and Lhey have buslness collaboraLlon wlLh some of Lhe Lea manufacLurers ln forelgn
counLrles llke 1eLley and !LMCA Some of Lhe popular brand Lea producLs produced by 1aLa
1ea llmlLed Lhrough Lhe buslness collaboraLlon 1aLe 1eLley and !LMCA 1eLley ls a largesL Lea
company ln Canada and Lhe unlLed klngdom and !LMCA ls a leadlng Lea company ln Lhe
Czech 8epubllc Some of Lhe oLher Lea producLs of 1aLa 1ea LlmlLed are Cood LarLh 1eas and
1aLa 1ea
1aLa Lea brands
1aLa 1ea 1eLley kanan evan Chakra Cold and Cemlnl

HinVustan Unilever LimiteV
PlndusLan unllever ls one among Lhe Lop lMCC Companles ln lndla and Lhey also hold Lhe
prlde of belng Lhe world's largesL Lea company slnce Lhey are engaged ln Lhe producLlon of
quallLy Lea producLs Lhrough Lhelr Lea esLaLes ln Lhe norLhern and souLhern parLs of lndla
1hey are also engaged ln Lhe exporL of Lea producLs and some of Lhelr popular Lea producLs
among Lhe lndlan Lea consumers are 3 8oses 8ed Label rooke ond 1a[ Mahal LlpLon
and 1aaza and Lhey offer dlfferenL flavors of Lea under each of Lhese popular brand names

1ea belng one of Lhe mosL popular and refreshlng beverages noL only lndla buL also ln oLher
counLrles of Lhe world Lhese companles reach Lhe homes of mosL of Lhe people wlLh a cup
of Lea every mornlng lndla's Lea ls regarded as flnesL Lea ln dlfferenL parLs of Lhe counLry
and Lhese companles conLrlbuLe Lowards Lhls fame earned by Lhe counLry Moreover Lhese
companles are also offerlng wlde range of employmenL opporLunlLles Lo people belonglng
Lo backward reglons of Lhe counLry whereln Lhelr Lea esLaLes are locaLed
?ear 1aLa 1ea Codre[ 1ea PuL
Mar89 2233 nA
Mar90 26068 nA
Mar91 29433 nA
Mar92 34804 nA
Mar93 38033 nA
Mar94 41391 nA
Mar93 39932 nA
Mar96 31969 nA
Mar97 69219 nA
Mar98 8719 nA
Mar99 8762 nA
Mar00 91363 nA
Mar01 82444 nA
Mar02 76282 nA
Mar03 74843 nA
Mar04 77733
Mar03 89327
Mar06 97101
Mar07 103638
Mar08 113643
Mar09 136333
Mar10 170362

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