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TECH BT, BI VII SEMESTERS) EXAMINATION DATE: 16th November 2011 GROUP PRESENTATION DETAILS: Group Size: 4 Time Limit: 10 minutes Minimum slides: 6 Maximum Slides: 12 Presentation Topics: (Choose any one) Office Etiquette Team Working Skills Time management Netiquette & Telephone Etiquette Problem Solving Skills Out of the Box Thinking CAF Assignment Details: I. Select any company (one that you can easily find information on) where you mi ght like to work. Use internet resources to gather some preliminary research on the company; don t limit your search to the company s own website. (10 marks) 1 . Write down in point form all that you learnt about this organization that wo uld help you during an interview? 2 . List down the internet sources you used to obtain this information. 3 . Armed with this information, what aspects of your academic back ground, extr acurricular activities and soft skills do you think might appeal to this company s recruiters? 4 . You are applying for a job with this company. Which keywords would you inclu de on your resume and why? How will you frame a relevant career objective for th is company and job profile? II. Developing an Interview Game Plan ahead of time helps you make a strong and po sitive impression during an interview. What are some of the things you have done / practiced or will be doing that will help you to perform to your best ability and project the right professional image during an interview? (5 marks) III. 10 Marks are for WAT test that was conducted Note: Write down the above assignment on paper numbering the answers to each que stion appropriately. Try to be brief and to the point.

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