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roducts Descr|pt|on r|ce (Sk) r|ce (Who|eSa|e) r|ce (Who|eSa|e)

3 unlLs and above 10 unlLs and above

230gsm Merry hoLo aper
A4 *rofesslonal 8ack
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 98 P 90 P 86
230gsm Merry hoLo aper
38 *rofesslonal 8ack
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 42 P 38 P 37
230gsm Merry hoLo aper
48 *rofesslonal 8ack
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 26 P 24 P 23
230gsm Merry hoLo aper
38 *rofesslonal 8ack
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 21 P 19 P 18
kodak 230gsm A4 Plgh
Clossy hoLo aper
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 104 P 96 P 92
kodak 230gsm 38 Plgh
Clossy hoLo aper
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 46 P 42 P 40
kodak 230gsm 48 Plgh
Clossy hoLo aper
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 26 P 24 P 23
kodak 230gsm 38 Plgh
Clossy hoLo aper
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 23 P 22 P 21
kodak 260gsm A4 8C Plgh
Clossy WaLer roof *Sllver
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 234 P 216 P 207
kodak 260gsm 38 8C Plgh
Clossy WaLer roof *Sllver
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 104 P 96 P 92
kodak 260gsm 48 8C Plgh
Clossy WaLer roof *Sllver
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 39 P 34 P 32
kodak 260gsm 38 8C Plgh
Clossy WaLer roof *Sllver
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 46 P 42 P 40
kodak 200gsm Clossy hoLo
aper A4 Slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 91 P 84 P 81
kodak 240gsm WaLer roof
hoLo aper A4 Slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 111 P 102 P 98
240gsm Plgh Clossy hoLo
aper A3 Slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 193 P 180 P 173
140gsm WaLer roof hoLo
aper A4 Slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 63 P 60 P 38
180gsm WaLer roof hoLo
aper A4 Slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 72 P 66 P 63
180gsm Cenerlc hoLo
aper A4 slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 72 P 66 P 63
183gsm hoLo aper A4 slze 20 SheeLs/1ACk P 72 P 66 P 63
190gsm WaLer roof hoLo
aper A4 slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 78 P 72 P 69
210gsm WaLer roof hoLo
aper A4 slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 78 P 72 P 69
233gsm Cenerlc hoLo
aper A4 slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 78 P 72 P 69
200gsm uouble Slded hoLo
aper A4 slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 169 P 136 P 130
220gsm uouble Slded hoLo
aper A4 slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 176 P 162 P 133
240gsm uouble Slded A4
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 169 P 136 P 130
90gsmnWaLer roof hoLo
sLlcker A4 slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 117 P 108 P 104
130gsm hoLo SLlcker A4
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 104 P 96 P 92
200gsm 8C WaLer roof
hoLo sLlcker A4 slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 193 P 180 P 173
160gsm CoaLed ArL aper
A4 slze
30 SheeLs/1ACk P 182 P 168 P 161
200gsm CoaLed ArL aper
A4 slze
30 SheeLs/1ACk P 182 P 168 P 161
230gsm CoaLed ArL aper
A4 slze
30 SheeLs/1ACk P 189 P 174 P 167
220gsm WhlLe Calllng Card
paper A4 slze
30 SheeLs/1ACk P 143 P 132 P 127
220gsm Calllng Card Colored
A4 slze
30 SheeLs/1ACk P 169 P 136 P 130
108gsm (Merry) lnk[eL aper
A4 slze
100 SheeLs/1ACk P 143 P 132 P 127
vC SheeLs Plgh Clossy for
lu 1 SeL
1 8ox / for 100 lu P 1430 P 1320 P 1263
vC AnLl lade SheeLs Plgh
Clossy A4 slze
30 SheeLs/1ACk P 1690 P 1360 P 1493
vC 8LCu1 100 CS P 780 P 720 P 690
L1 SheeLs Plgh Clossy A4
30 SheeLs/1ACk P 1930 P 1800 P 1723
Cold SLlcker (lndoor) A4
10 SheeLs/1ACk P 323 P 300 P 288
Sllver SLlcker (lndoor) A4
10 SheeLs/1ACk P 323 P 300 P 288
1ransparenL SLlcker (lndoor)
A4 Slze
10 SheeLs/1ACk P 193 P 180 P 173
hoLo 1op WaLer roof
(Clossy / MaLLe / Pave
ueslgn) A4 Slze
20 SheeLs/1ACk P 117 P 108 P 104
CPlnA uark 1ransfer aper 1 C P 37 P 33 P 31
CPlnA LlghL 1ransfer aper 1 C P 33 P 32 P 31
uS uark 1ransfer aper (no
1 C P 26 P 24 P 23
uS uark 1ransfer aper (!eL
1 C P 91 P 84 P 81
uS uark 1ransfer aper
(8lue Crld)
1 C P 111 P 102 P 98
uS LlghL 1ransfer aper (!eL
ro / A11)
1 C P 32 P 48 P 46
CAnAuA Self Weedlng
1 C P 46 P 42 P 40
Wax aper 1 C P 3 P 3 P 3
SubllmaLlon aper (?ellow)
A4 Slze
1 C P 3 P 3 P 3
SubllmaLlon aper (WhlLe)
A4 Slze
1 C P 4 P 4 P 3
vlnyl laln (?ellow lnk
8lack 8ed Crange WhlLe
1 MeLer P 390 P 360 P 343
Small CllLLers (Cold Creen
lnk 8ed Sllver vloleL eLc)
1 MeLer P 390 P 360 P 343
8lg CllLLers (8ed Sllver
1 MeLer P 364 P 336 P 322
MeLalllc vlnyl (laln /
CllLLered ulfferenL Color
1 MeLer P 364 P 336 P 322
u 1ransfer lllm (ulfferenL
Color Avallable)
1 MeLer P 383 P 340 P 318
vC 1ransfer lllm (ulfferenL
Color Avallable)
1 MeLer P 433 P 420 P 403
llock / Camoza 1ransfer
lllm (ulfferenL Color
1 MeLer P 780 P 720 P 690
CllLLered 1ransfer lllm
(ulfferenL Color Avallable)
1 MeLer P 910 P 840 P 803
Clow ln Lhe uark vlnyl
1 MeLer P 630 P 600 P 373
Clow ln Lhe uark vlnyl
1 MeLer P 910 P 840 P 803
A8C / LeLLer SLlcker (8ed
Cold Sllver 8lack WhlLe)
P 182 P 168 P 161
lmage SLlcker (1oy Machlne
P 182 P 168 P 161
CuLdoor Car SLlcker (MaLLe) 1 MeLer P 390 P 360 P 343
CuLdoor Car SLlcker (Clossy) 1 MeLer P 494 P 436 P 437
CuLdoor Car SLlcker
1 MeLer P 320 P 480 P 460
Lpson / P / Canon /
8roLher uv uye lnk
100ml P 91 P 84 P 81
Lpson / P / Canon /
8roLher uv uye lnk
300ml P 416 P 384 P 368
Lpson / P / Canon /
8roLher uv uye lnk
1 LlLer P 734 P 696 P 667
lgmenL lnk new 100ml P 247 P 228 P 219
SubllmaLlon lnk 100ml P 346 P 304 P 483
Lpson 113 / 1x121 P 390 P 360 P 343
Lpson 8230 P 494 P 436 P 437
Lpson 160 P 320 P 480 P 460
8roLher CarLrldge P 260 P 240 P 230
Lpson 113 / 1x121 ClSS
uv uye
4 Colors P 1690 P 1360 P 1493
Lpson 113 / 1x121 ClSS
4 Colors P 2210 P 2040 P 1933
Lpson 113 / 1x121 ClSS
4 Colors P 3640 P 3360 P 3220
Lpson 8230 ClSS uv uye 6 Colors P 2210 P 2040 P 1933
Lpson 8230 ClSS lgmenL 6 Colors P 2990 P 2760 P 2643
Lpson 8230 ClSS
6 Colors P 3200 P 4800 P 4600
Lpson 160 ClSS uv uye 6 Colors P 2470 P 2280 P 2183
Lpson 160 ClSS lgmenL 6 Colors P 3230 P 3000 P 2873
Lpson 160 ClSS SubllmaLlon 6 Colors P 3460 P 3040 P 4830
Canon / P ClSS P 1930 P 1800 P 1723
DigitaI Heat Transfer
OriginaI Cartridge
CISS ( Continuous Ink SuppIy System)
Lpson 113 / 1x121 4 Colors P 884 P 816 P 782
Lpson 8230 6 Colors P 973 P 900 P 863
Lpson 160 6 Colors P 1103 P 1020 P 978
Lpson 130 3 Colors P 1040 P 960 P 920
Canon / P 1ank 4 Colors P 383 P 340 P 318
8roLher ClSS P 1040 P 960 P 920
CPlS Lpson 113 / 1x121 P 494 P 436 P 437
CPlS Lpson 160 P 346 P 304 P 483
CPlS Lpson 130 P 433 P 420 P 403
lnk 1ube P 117 P 108 P 104
1Wlre Polder P 26 P 24 P 23
Alr lllLer P 4 P 4 P 3
lnLernal lnk CarLrldge 1 pc / Color P 91 P 84 P 81
Alr valve 1 pc / Color P 7 P 6 P 6
SucLlon wlLh 8ubber P 130 P 120 P 113
Lpson 113 P 3443 P 3180 P 3048
Lpson 8230 P 11030 P 10200 P 9773
Lpson 160 P 12090 P 11160 P 10693
8roLher uC 193 P 3133 P 4740 P 4343
P l4480 P 0 P 0 P 0
Canon l1980 P 2860 P 2640 P 2330
Cleanlng SoluLlon P 130 P 120 P 113
Cleanlng SoluLlon wlLh
Syrlnge Pose
P 136 P 144 P 138
Maglc Mug lully CoaLed
(8lack 8ed 8lue)
P 130 P 120 P 113
Class A WhlLe CoaLed Mugs P 39 P 36 P 33
Class A WhlLe CoaLed Mugs
(very WhlLe)
P 46 P 42 P 40
lrosLed Mugs P 98 P 90 P 86
LlghL Ceramlcs Mugs P 323 P 300 P 288
lnner Color Mug (?ellow 8lue
Maroon vloleL lnk 8ed Crange
Creen L8lue)
P 43 P 40 P 38
SporLs !ug (Sllver / WhlLe) P 137 P 126 P 121
Mug 8ox (WhlLe / lnk wlLh
P 3 P 3 P 3
CoaLed laLes w/SLand (8) P 104 P 96 P 92
CoaLed laLes w/SLand (10') P 130 P 120 P 113
CoaLed laLes w/SLand (8)
wlLh ueslgn
P 124 P 114 P 109
CoaLed laLes w/SLand (10')
wlLh ueslgn
P 130 P 138 P 132
CoaLed 1lles (13x13) P 46 P 42 P 40
CoaLed 1lles (13x20) P 32 P 48 P 46
CoaLed 1lles (10x10) P 33 P 30 P 29
CoaLed 1lles (30x20) P 78 P 72 P 69
CoaLed 1lles (2x2) P 20 P 18 P 17
SporLs 1ShlrL P 124 P 114 P 109
Mlnl 1ShlrL no Cap w/
Panger (?ellow lnk 8ed 8lue
8lack Creen)
P 43 P 40 P 38
Mlnl 1ShlrL w/SucLlon Cap
and Panger (?ellow lnk 8ed
8lue 8lack Creen)
P 46 P 42 P 40
lllow Cover (laln / wlLh
8uffles wlLh ulfferenL Color)
P 83 P 78 P 73
8ound lan (WhlLe 8lue
?ellow 8ed Creen Crange)
P 33 P 30 P 29
Cu8 wlLh ueslgn P 7 P 6 P 6
Cu8 rlnLable P 10 P 10 P 9
uvu8 rlnLable P 16 P 14 P 14
uzzle wlLh MagneL (38
P 111 P 102 P 98
uzzle wlLh MagneL (A4
P 193 P 180 P 173
uzzle (38 Slze) P 32 P 48 P 46
uzzle (A4 Slze) P 98 P 90 P 86
uzzle PearL Shape P 63 P 60 P 38
8ubberloops (8ed ?ellow
8lack WhlLe Crange
1 pc P 3 P 3 P 3
CISS ( Continuous Ink SuppIy System) KIT / TANK
8eads (Small / Medlum
Clrcle Square wlLh ulfferenL
ack P 78 P 72 P 69
8all Chaln / Cellphone
Charm SLrlng
100pcs / ack P 117 P 108 P 104
Canvass 8ag 1 pc P 63 P 60 P 38
lnvlslble 1ape 1 pc P 32 P 48 P 46
AppllcaLlon 1ape 1 meLer P 63 P 60 P 38
8lndlng 8lng 1 pc P 3 P 2 P 2
1hermal Cover 1 pc P 13 P 12 P 12
Mlrror P 32 P 48 P 46
hoLo lnserL 1umbler wlLh
P 32 P 48 P 46
hoLo lnserL 1umbler no
Pandle 8ox lncluded
P 46 P 42 P 40
Sexy 1ype hoLo lnserL
1umbler Small 1ransparenL
P 63 P 60 P 38
Sexy 1ype hoLo lnserL
1umbler Small Colored
P 39 P 34 P 32
Sexy 1ype hoLo lnserL
1umbler Large 1ransparenL
P 91 P 84 P 81
Sexy 1ype hoLo lnserL
1umbler Large Colored
P 83 P 78 P 73
223 lnches ln 8uLLon(
Local )
P 4 P 3 P 3
173 lnches ln 8uLLon(
Chlna )
P 4 P 3 P 3
223 lnches ln 8uLLon(
Chlna )
P 4 P 3 P 3
300 lnches ln 8uLLon(
Chlna )
P 6 P 3 P 3
Mlrror ln 8uLLon /
MagneLlc Can Cpener ln
P 14 P 13 P 13
Acryllc key Chaln (Cblong
enguln 1ShlrL llower Pouse All
medlum slze eLc)
P 7 P 6 P 6
Acryllc key Chaln Small
(PearL Square SLar
8ecLangle 8uLLerfly)
P 7 P 6 P 6
Acryllc key Chaln (8lgger
P 9 P 8 P 8
Acryllc key Chaln (8oLLle
Cpener 8ef MagneL)
P 14 P 13 P 13
Snap Cn (44mm) P 7 P 6 P 6
Snap Cn (33mm) P 9 P 8 P 8
70 CSM/SubsLance 20
MulLlpurpose Copy aper
(Pard Copy)
ShorL 83 x 11 P 189 P 174 P 167
70 CSM/SubsLance 20
MulLlpurpose Copy aper
(Pard Copy)
Long 83 x 13 P 213 P 198 P 190
70 CSM/SubsLance 20
MulLlpurpose Copy aper
(Pard Copy)
A4 Slze P 202 P 186 P 178
123 Mlcron lu Slze
LamlnaLlng lllm
100pcs / acks P 83 P 78 P 73
123 MlC8Cn 4x100
LamlnaLlng lllm
1 roll P 468 P 432 P 414
123 MlC8Cn 9x100
LamlnaLlng lllm
1 roll P 1103 P 1020 P 978
123 MlC8Cn 12/30
LamlnaLlng lllm
1 roll P 1300 P 1200 P 1130
123 MlC8Cn LamlnaLlng
lllm A4 Slze
100pcs / 1 acks P 910 P 840 P 803
230 MlC8Cn 4x30
LamlnaLlng lllm
1 roll P 468 P 432 P 414
230 MlC8Cn 9x30
LamlnaLlng lllm
1 roll P 1103 P 1020 P 978
230 MlC8Cn 12x30
LamlnaLlng lllm
1 roll P 1690 P 1360 P 1493
230 MlC8Cn LamlnaLlng
lllm A4 Slze
100 pcs / 1 acks P 1430 P 1320 P 1263
Calllng Card LamlnaLlng lllm
100 pcs / 1 acks P 286 P 264 P 233
Calllng Card LamlnaLlng lllm
100 pcs / 1 acks P 286 P 264 P 233
8uLLon ln (138mm) Coln
P 104 P 96 P 92
8uLLon ln (138mm) lrame P 78 P 72 P 69
8uLLon ln (138mm) Clock P 130 P 120 P 113
LCu MonlLor 19" P 7130 P 6600 P 6323
LCu MonlLor 22" P 9100 P 8400 P 8030
#vALuL! #vALuL!
A4 LamlnaLor 1mo
P 2080 P 1920 P 1840
A3 LamlnaLor 1mo
P 2470 P 2280 P 2183
lasLlc Sealer P 1170 P 1080 P 1033
8lndlng Machlne P118 #vALuL! #vALuL! #vALuL!
1hermal 8lndlng Machlne
#vALuL! #vALuL! #vALuL!
SmarL 8oLary 1rlmmer #vALuL! #vALuL! #vALuL!
3 ln 1 vC / aper uncher P 1040 P 960 P 920
uncher 1 Slze (Avallable
Cblong Clrcular)
P 320 P 480 P 460
hoLo CuLLer uncher ( 1x1
assporL Slze 2x2)
P 1040 P 960 P 920
1able hoLo CuLLer ( 1x1
assporL Slze 2x2)
P 1360 P 1440 P 1380
Corner CuLLer uncher P 780 P 720 P 690
Clrcular CuLLer lor 8uLLon
P 780 P 720 P 690
vC ule CuLLer P 2210 P 2040 P 1933
A4 aper CuLLer MeLal
8ase(8rown / Crange 8ox)
P 780 P 720 P 690
A3 aper CuLLer MeLal
base(8rown / Crange 8ox)
P 1040 P 960 P 920
A4 Slldlng aper CuLLer P 2470 P 2280 P 2183
A3 Slldlng aper CuLLer P 3230 P 3000 P 2873
A4 8eam aper CuLLer P 6370 P 3880 P 3633
A4 Peavy uuLy 8eam aper
P 9730 P 9000 P 8623
1eflon for PeaL ress P 320 P 480 P 460
laLe ress PeaLlng ad P 734 P 696 P 667
PeaL ress PeaLlng ad P 2340 P 2160 P 2070
Mug ress PeaLlng ad P 2860 P 2640 P 2330
8uLLon ln Mold (173) P 4940 P 4360 P 4370
8uLLon ln Mold (223) P 3460 P 3040 P 4830
8uLLon ln Mold (300) P 6110 P 3640 P 3403
LlghL 1ransfer
uark 1ransfer
LlghL 1ransfer w/
uark 1ransfer w/
CCkCkA1L ]
WhlLe CoaLed Mug 1S0
r|ce (Sk)
1umbler wlLhouL Pandle
1umbler wlLh Pandle
lnner Color Mug 200
klddle 1umbler
Sexy 1umbler
lllow Case w/ lllow loam 2S0
normal Slzes 30
Maglc Mug 300
lllow Case w/o lllow loam 200
223 MagneLlc 8uLLon ln S0
223 Mlrror 8uLLon ln S0
8oLLle Cpener/8lg 8ecLangular Slze S0
223 8uLLon ln 30
38 Slze ( 3x7 lnch ) 1S0
88 Slze ( 8x10 lnch ) 200
PearL Slze 1S0
Clrcle Slze 1S0
8x8 lnch 1S0
10x10 lnch 200
Square 1S0
Clrcle 1S0
8x10 lnch 200
2x2 lnch 1S0
4x4 lnch 17S
ersonallzed (Lxcluded 1ShlrL)
ersonallzed (Lxcluded 1ShlrL)
r|ce (Who|eSa|e)
lor orders and lnqulrles ?ou may conLacL
Aaron !ames 1an
Lmall aaron[amesLan[yahoocom
C 09333304113

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