Real Estate Snapshot

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Leslieville Post Real Estate Snapshot

November 2011

Leslieville Market

Detached Home Prices Rise

Detached home prices continue their steady climb, rising over 55% since 2006
Leslieville Detached Home Prices
$700,000 $650,000 $600,000 $550,000 $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 All 2006 All 2007 All 2008 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 {}
Average Sold Price Detached Linear (Average Sold Price Detached)

Average Prices

Semi-Detached Home Prices Rise

Semi-detached home prices rise over 33% since 2006, down 16% from Oct 2010 high
Leslieville Semi-Detached Home Prices
$650,000 {}
Average Sold Price Semi Detached Linear (Average Sold Price Semi Detached)


Average Prices





$300,000 All 2006 All 2007 All 2008 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11

Inventory Remains Steady

Average days on market between 10 and 15, indicating moderately tight supply
Leslieville Home Inventory Movement
50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 All 2006 All 2007 All 2008 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11 Average Days on Mkt Detached Average Days on Mkt Semi Detached {}

Monthly Number of Sales








0 {}

Home Sales Activity Steady

Number of monthly sales remain steady

Leslieville Home Sales Activity

# of sales (freehold properties)

Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Dec-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11

Selling Prices Remain Above Asking

Homes selling for above-asking price, suggesting pricing remains strong
Leslieville Home Sale Price-to-List Price Ratio
115% Average % List - Sale Detached Average % List - Sale price Semi Detached 110% {}




90% All 2006 All 2007 All 2008 Jan-09 Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Nov-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11

Riverdale Market

Detached Home Prices

Detached home prices flat since early 2011, down 27% from April high
Riverdale Detached Home Prices
$1,200,000 $1,100,000 $1,000,000 $900,000
Average Prices


Average Sold Price Detached Linear (Average Sold Price Detached)

$800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 All All All All All Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 11 11 11 11 11 11 Jul11 Aug- Sep- Oct11 11 11

Semi-Detached Home Prices Rise

Semi-detached home prices in a softening upward trend
Riverdale Semi-Detached Home Prices
$900,000 {}

Average Sold Price Semi


Linear (Average Sold Price Semi)

Average Prices




$300,000 All All All All All Jan2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 11 Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun- Jul-11 Aug- Sep- Oct11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11


Inventory Remains Tight

Supply of homes in the market remains tight, with average sale taking 10 days
Riverdale Home Inventory Movement
60 {} Average Days on Mkt Semi Detached Average Days on Mkt Detached 50





0 All 2006 All 2007 All 2008 All 2009 All Jan-11 Feb2010 11 Mar- Apr-11 May- Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug11 11 11 Sep11 Oct11


Home Sales Activity Rises

Number of monthly sales almost quadruple over summer doldrums
Riverdale Home Sales Activity
40 35 30
Monthly Number of Sales


# sales (freehold properties)

25 20 15 10 5 0 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11


Selling Prices Remain Above Asking

Above-asking sales pricing indicates pricing remains strong
Riverdale Home Sale Price-to-List Price Ratio
115% Average % List - Sale Det. Average % List - Sale price Semi 110% {}




90% All 2006 All All 2007 2008 All 2009 All 2010 Jan11 Feb11 Mar11 Apr11 May11 Jun- Jul-11 Aug11 11 Sep11 Oct11


Beaches Market


Detached Home Prices Move Sideways

Fully detached Beaches home prices appear to have flatlined
Beaches Detached Home Prices
$1,700,000 {}


Average Sold Price Detached Linear (Average Sold Price Detached)

Average Prices





$300,000 All All All All All Jan- Feb- Mar- Apr- May- Jun2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 11 11 11 11 11 11 Jul11 Aug- Sep- Oct11 11 11


Semi-Detached Home Prices Rise

Despite spike, semi-detached home prices continue rising close to trend-line
Beaches Semi-Detached Home Prices
$1,200,000 $1,100,000 $1,000,000 $900,000
Average Prices

Average Sold Price Semi Detached Linear (Average Sold Price Semi Detached)

$800,000 $700,000 $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 All All All All All Jan2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 11 Feb11 Mar11 Apr11 May- Jun- Jul-11 Aug- Sep- Oct11 11 11 11 11


Inventory Remains Steady

Average days on market indicate market supply remains tight
Beaches Home Inventory Movement
60 {} Average Days on Mkt Det. Average Days on Mkt Semi 50





0 All 2006 All 2007 All 2008 All 2009 All Jan-11 Feb2010 11 Mar- Apr-11 May- Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug11 11 11 Sep11 Oct11

Home Sales Activity Steady

Number of monthly sales have risen after the summer slowdown
Beaches Home Sales Activity
30 {}

# sales (freehold properties)


Monthly Number of Sales




0 Jan-11 Feb-11 Mar-11 Apr-11 May-11 Jun-11 Jul-11 Aug-11 Sep-11 Oct-11


Selling Prices Close to Asking

Pricing appears fair relative to buyer expectations, as list-to-sale ratio close to 1
Beaches Home Sale Price-to-List Price Ratio
110% 108% 106% 104% 102% 100% 98% 96% 94% 92% 90% All 2006 All All 2007 2008 All 2009 All 2010 Jan11 Feb11 Mar11 Apr11 May11 Jun- Jul-11 Aug11 11 Sep11 Oct11 Average % List - Sale Detached Average % List - Sale price Semi Detached {}


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