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ltooGoo ooooGlt

oooocoo loooooo oooooo

Paul Emmerso" Gfammaf




VERB EN5E5 T present continuous. exprcssions time simple, I Present time 1: present pedect prcsent or continuous present simple continuous?, or 2 Prsent time 2: present tenses, verbs state of other continuous?, uses present past past time 3 Pasttime 1: pastsimple, continuous, expressions, smpleorcontinuous past used continuous, tol!'l,ould time 4 Pasttime 2r pastperfect, exprcssions, perfect + nfinitive perfect, bet timeexpressions, (to)andgone(to) 5 Pastand present1: present perfectT, perfect?, prcsent simpeor present or 2: simple present 6 Pastand present past perfect present pertect present present perfect or continuous? time continuous, expressions, continuous, ot going to?, going ta ot ptesent wil/ 7 Eutute 1t wilt, going to, present exDressons continuous?, time prcsent future futureprfect' simple/continuous, continLlous, 8 Future2i timeexpressions, to wal goingto, otherways talkaboutlhe futule PASStVES who does sayinq systems processes, and on li 9 passive fofm,focus impo(antinformation, verbs intransitive transitive and the action, passive infintive, + information, being fomal/impersonal, 2: to 10 Pasiive linking previoos done,to be bom havesomething verbswith two objects, VERBS MODAIS ANO RELATED w;// 11 Modalsand relatedverbs l: form,ability, andwillingness pemission, prohibition, oplnions no 12 Modalsand relatedverbs2i necessity, necessity, needlo andadvice, criticism, Dast nty, lnceara and expectation, certainty deduction, 13 Modalsand relatedvrbs3: probability, possibillty permiss offers on, and language, requests, I 4 Modalsand relatedverbs4: direct/indirect suggestons invltatlons,

l0 14 18 22 26 30 34 38

42 46

50 54 58 62

question phrases, question questions answers, wordquestions, and l: 15 Questions yeslno questions negative quesrion words lhe subred, as quenions, indiFctquest ons,preposit ln question5, ons 2: tags,reply 16 Questions question what B it tor andwlal wasi lile coNDtttoNAtS

66 ia

74 17 Conditionals1:conditionsandresulls,fvvesel/...,/fwesold.,unlers,oihermodak 78 verbs withouili wish,modal ld 18 Conditionafs /f we50 .-., ff we hadsold...,.onditionals 2: n conditionals. rvere /f/ You...



19 Verb+ -ing or intinitive I: ve|b+-r?g;verb+ to+ innnitive, +objecr+ fo+ infnitve, verb makeand /et, verb+ that clause 20 Verb+ ,hg or inJinitive ve.b+ -t g or infinitive, 2: ve|bs p-6rcepUon, v-a pass forms: of -lrg or infinitive

a2 86

2l Reported speech reported 1: speech;tense peopl, changes, notense paces, change. times things and 22 Reported speech 5ayor te4 otherreporting 2: vebs,/t + pass of a reporting ve verb, questions, reporting rcpoding commands requests and

90 94

phrasalvelbs, 23 Phrasal verbsl: undeGtanding phrasal separable verbs, inseparable phraralverbs 24 Phrasalverbs phrasalve|bspposition. + phrasalverbs, partcle 2: three-pan me.nings

98 1O2

25 Verbsand obiectsr transitive vebs,intransitive verbs, verb+ two objects, + two vefb lor objeds using 26 The 'ing form: asa noun, an adjective, prcpositions, to b-cain c ause as after used a 27 rhake, get, haveruses fourcommon do, of verbs

106 110 114

28 Relative pronouns, clau5$ 1: relative clauses, lative leaving the reativepronou n out n a defining rclative clause, non-defining reiative clauses, ve prono!ns prepostions lat and 29 Relative clauses combrning 2: senten<es, structure combined of sentences, of use what, useol where,when andwhy, rclative clauses with a participle {-lngl-ed) I{OUNS, PRONOUiIS AI\IDARTICLES 30 Countable and uncountable nouns:@untable nouns, nouns, uncountable singu or ar p|nal?,alan/a bt of, anylsone, nanylnuch, few,liftle, specific general and meanings prcr,ouna, 3l Pronouns: indefinite someonelanyone, eye4lonelno reflexive pronouns one, 'everything' 'thon y ih ng', 32 Determiners: a///most/nanylsomela all meaning few, or no/none, ea.hlevery,bothI elherl neithel 's 33 Possessivs compound and nouns:possessive adjectives pronouns, (aposirophe and s), ot compound nouns 34 Articles1: basic uses artides, ol a/a4 a of an?,tle noarticle 35 Articles2: place place names no article, and names rhe,speci.lsesof the, and spFcrtr( specdl of'ro ddi(le. use! rredrrngs

118 122

126 130 134 138 142 146


AN A D J E C T I V E 5 DA D V E R B S ves gdable nongradab adjct and formof adverbs, types, and 36 Adiectives adverbs: -t g and-ed ending adiedives oder of adjectives, ng things, compar actions equal comparinq and 1: 37 Comparing comparaiives superlatives, phGseswth with other differcnces. structures cornparatives, 2: 38 Comparing lalgeandsmall nouns compannq advelbs, comparing supeatives, w orher stuctuts th too ande'ough'50 enough, 39 Adverbsof degrce:toolenoughlnot quite,lail\, PrctlY Gtherl ot ad such, lduringlago, 40 Time adverbs:inlon /af, no prepositionon time ot in tinel ' farlsince references / thenlafterwatds after/ later,calender duing ot whtlel, by ot untin,

l 50 154 158 162 166

17o etc)'.or[astlbut,yet,althaughthaugh, both, too' atsa, 4l Linkingwor& l: addition \and, despitelinspiteol) althoughot wheteas? eventhough,whereas, 174 (to purpo5e andftr, 50 thaf), (becausq since)rcsu (5o), t at 42 Linkingwords 2: te3son (as, manner asifand ,ke) 174 (for meaning butand50,exarnples examp/e' and, an 43 Developing argument1: words (lilst (in fad, acTua//r, sequence ofail such additional/rcalinformation a5), for nstance. (in surnmarsing to sumup, generalising gereralon therviole), Go' as weltas,this,finally), for of ... eithet ot .., instead , except in sum nary), 142 and words phrases, comment, othetlinking an 44 Developing argument2: pelsonal if, otherwse' af information, t/reend,in theend,at last, unless, to structures ioclison important in abbrcviationswrittenEnglith

ovet / with ai of 45 Prepositlons pfa<e: or ,ir?,exprcssions at in andon,abovebelow, / under, nextta/beside,neatlbY o1qosite, verb verb preposition: velb+ preposition, + obje( + preposition, + different 46 Verb+ prcpositions use5 oreoositons, of different + adjective feelings, otheradlectives, + adjective prcposition, + 47 Adjective preposition: of choice oreoosition + reatlonship rise, noun+ preposition. fal/+ ofllr, connection, 48 Noun+ preposition: phrases wkh/bef een,need,wish,reguest+ for' prepositional

186 190 194 194

.dverbs and and trends, verbs objects, and graphsand figures:qraphs fiqures, 49 Trnd5, andphEses linking words adjecuves,


questlon speech marks, colon, semi-colon, fullstop,comma, capital lettets, 50 Punctuation: mark mafkandexclamation



Test bank (for diagnosis or review)

TcatI Test2 Test3 Tesl4 Tert 5 Test5 Test7 TestI Test9 prgent (units1 2) Verbtenses: past(unitsH) Verbtenss: pastand presem (unitst6) Velbtenss: Verbtenses: future (units7-) (units9-10) Passives (units Modals 1l-14) (units15-16) Qr.istions (units Condhionals 17-18) Verbs -,iagor inlinitive(units 19-20) + 210 212 214 218 220 222 224 226 221 228 231 232

(units21-22) Test l0 Reported speech Test11 Phrasal verbs(unils23-24) .rest12 (unit 271 nakel dolgetl have (units28-29) Ten t3 Relatjve clauses Test 14 Nount pronouns anicles(units30-35) and Ten 15 Adjectives advftE(units36-40) and (units45-48) Tst16 Prepositions

Appendlr 1 Appendlx2 Appendlx 3 Appendlx 4 Appndlx 5 Regular vrh6: toms all kregulaa verbs Spelling Diagram theEnglish system of velb Eriti5h American and English


Answer key Index

249 263

List of grammar terms

Theactrvform of a verbis when the pe6on orthlng doingthe a'tion |5the fo'm' on page9' with 'parsive of subject the verb:, Mote the reporr.Compare /t3 to An adjectivehelps dsc be a nounor pronoun: a small' modem starage /d'd happens: An adverb addsinfomatioti abo'r\when,whercat haw sornething it yeneday. I did it qui.klY. Article5.rc the wsd the (= th definteartice)ora/an (= the indefn te altcle) 'no to is An auxiliaryverb (be do and have) usedwith alher verbs maketenses passi\eforme:He it vnrking in Milan where did vou go? Iwa hundred peapte have beennade redundant.

Clause conditional

and a verb lt may b a A clauie i5a groupof wods that contans a subject or sentence only pan or a sentnce. that i, lhat incLuds unlessetc, and naressomethlng A .onditional is a sentence or can happen {the elte beforesomethinq can be tnre mustbe t.ue (the condition) result). that an actbn s in progress Thecontinuous is the lom of the velb lh.t luggests -rng form endsin Thecontinuous A determiner is a wod like lhe, son]eand everv lt is usedbeiorea noun or ro adjecrNe showwh(h tr' .g yo- nean


A gerund is an ',ng form of a verbusedlikea noun:Smoking is not allowed My haw is sailing An imperarivei5when we tellpeope what to do we usethe baseform of the \et6: Come hete. Swilth off the lbht

lnfinitive The-ioqform

The infinitive is lhe basefoffn ot the verb(wort, qo, tc) lt s usedwith or without to: I hape to see you next week. I must go naw. The -ing lorm is the form oi the verbthai endsln'ing When it s usedas a verbor called a'presentparticipe:/saw hin leaving' Abo ng it adjective is sometimes 'qerund' 6ee above) When it is usedas a nouf it i5 sometmes.alleda meetrEr. the An intransitiveverb is a vetbthat dosnoi takean obiect Forexample, vem thereis no object / arive ir iniransitlve:atrived here/astweek ln this sentence 'vansilive ve.b' on paqe9. comparewlth A modaf verb is a verblike can,wi , night andshould lt g vesa me'nlnq like permsson,etc prcbability, obligation, abiliry, a A noun is a word that is the namof an object,idea,pace or person: car, demo(acy SingaPorc, Robett. wh a A noun phrase is a groupof words.lncLuding noLrn' ch can act as a subledor paple, sane peapte,sane people wha werc hetevestetday object of a senienc:


by the The object is the wod that descrlbes peBonor lhing lhat is affcted the vetb: t innalled tone new softwarc on ny PC


Passive form

Thepassiveform is used showhow rh subjcl the vrbis atfected the to of by forrn actionof the velb: Ihe reportwas wfitten W n,e.Compaewlth the active 8. on page Yc, A pan paiticipleistheformused the perfect in tense passive or structr.rres. it in thethtrdcolumn tense isthepan canfind of tables. example: For worked past participe 90 participle lvolk(this d regular participle). lsthe past is gone of of (this an iregular past participie). is A possessivea formthatshows or whatsomething is who belongs my4lour to: (possessive (possessive pronouns), lt isa soused show adjectivet. m,loelyours etc. to my othertypesof lationships: hthet my hometown; ny enployer. ng A phrasal verb isa verb withan adverb prepositon has d ffent mean or that a Ihe planetoo& off. the verbusedalone: A preposition is a word likeaa behind, thtough,to, wth u5ed in, bfora nounor pronoun showpla.e, time,direcrion, to etc. A pronounisa wod likelCme,you,hin, her,e.(,rhattakes place a noun: the of you Have beento Wa6aw? haschanged lot averthe lastfewyeaE. L a A queniontag isa sho( quenion /snt i2 or don't,ou7thatyouaddai the like /ts endof a sentence check to infomation askit someone or aqrs vour hol wth isnt It?



Phrasalverb Preposition Pronoun tag Question

pronoun A reflexive p.onounismainly Reflexive used show to thatthe person does actonis who the alsothe oerson alfectedbv ir: Sheintroduced herselfto ne at the cofleebreak. Relative.lause Thesfmpfe Thsubjct Tense is mor A relative clause used identii/ to someone someth or give of ng, begins with who, which,that, eL. Thesimple the basic is fom of thevetb: agrcewithyou(prsent I simple), He agredr14th (pastsimple). me works lhe subject thewordthatshows isdoing actonof theverbr.rea, is who the lt hereoara-,lme, usuallv comes beforethe verb. A tnsei5thefom of theverb. helps to knowthet meat which action lt !s an of (past, present f!tufe).A(adem somet have moreimited happened or cs mes a event 'tense' ot and a betwn and definition theword'tense', rheymake distincton 'aspecr'I work in the na*eitng ara(presnt . simpl teffe), t wo*ed in the marketlngr (pastsimple area tense). verb isa vrb The A transitive lhat has object. velbmakes tr.nstve,and n an is wih thissentence m,lrtake the obled: lhey've madea ndake. Compar a 'inlrdn<irive on page verb . A verb expresses actiono( stare: a ived at 103A.He knows the naftet an He

Transitive verb



resent time 1
A Present simple: form
I is The psent slmpl fomed with th nf nitiveform of the verb We add sforthethlrd person helrhl/t. sinqular l/you /we / they work here. He/ she/ it works here.

and informawitlng we ueecontractons a Negatves fomed with doldoer rot. In speech are t/yaulwelthey do not (don't) wo* herc. Hetshe/ it does not (doesn't) wotk herc. a with the auxiliary verbdoldoer and th nflntve.shortanswe6to arc Quenions forrned yeslno queetions repat auxiliary the A: Does she work herc? A: Do tou work here? B. )5 ih doei./No, she doeiDl. B: Yes,ldo./No,I don't

B Present simple: uses

for facts. a We use present the simple permanent This nachinecuts the netal. rcna'. ln finance,'p/e' ttands fot priceleanings y simple actions situations aregenera true. for and that a Weuse presenl the prcduc1s. Weoffet a full rangeof flnancial depannent. Lizwo*s in the Matketing reg! a lor which.rerepeated ary over longpeiodoi t me, a We use prsenl the simple aclions for example habits routins. and dbo halfrf ttu dBtone\iwesrd ftrular a AtU,ionl Est,'ent,lat{. Ftd klrt jukl h4mlet, website) Eurcpe anhr,t.!c\' ,'otth. (Wrll StreetJouanl

C Present simple: time expressions

inc wirh the present sirnpe Exarnpes ude: adverbs a We often ule frcquncy alwavs,often, usually,nomaly, sametines, occasionaly,ftrely, not aften, hardly eve, never Ibq Shith, tha .hieJe\edti,e ol Colli's Sku4tt, cswllt ises dt 6 d,h. H. tdk6 the ttdin ta uith sanaJapanete Iinnok a d afti"e! at his ofie hy I an. LMcll k tt alb a tand.pteh rrcea le{trel. (sund.yTines websire) a of advrbs: Notethe positlon fiequency I often .3ke (l don't ofn |j,ke) the Eurostatto Erussels Belorc the main velb:

I'n usua y (l'n not usualy) nervaus befatea ptesentattan.

a Adverbphr.seslikee!ryday,onG a yeaanost af the tine, frcn time ta time,now and then o. comeat the beginning end ot th senten.e: Ttrf St'tith ta"els to hit NeuYa'k ofre ofe dflonth. (SundayTiEes website)

when,aftecbefare unless, aftrthesfuturetime expressions: seeunfta a We alsolse the prcsent simple in case,as saan as,until, by the tine, the next ti|r,e



D Present<ontinuous:form
a Thepresent is w verb verb. continuousformed th the auxiliary be andthe hg forrnof the main mingsdrealso l'!sy at Dea\the Pon,ehich its Setui( IECS)htemel Josflded E-ConftLere and divisioti nlid-1999.ECS Lr settingry odin. stoq,hsndliagproduct i delivety eret d.lministding lrEnet a6tonE6'ftdit cotd ,nbe6. (FT.comwebsite) see appendix 3 we In spech in{ormalwriting Lrse and convactions. Negatives formed are wth theverb t an (t'n) warkins here. Youarc (you"e) wo*ing here. she is (she's)warking here we arc (we're) warking here. They ate (they'rc) workins here I'n not working herc. You'renot/You arcn't vr'a*ing here. She'snot/She isn't wotking here. we'rc not/we arcn't wo*ing here. They'rcnot/They arcn't wo*ins herc.

for Notcethatthere two alternatives the negatives you he/ she lwelthey ar oI / /it I are the and answeG toyes/no Quenions fomed by inverting subjct the auxiarybe.Short qLrenions repeat auxiliary the A: Ate you workinghere? A: ls he workinghere? S: Yes, amlNo, l'm notI B: Yes, is/^ta, he isn't. he

E Ptesent continuous: usei

a Weuse psent .ontinuous talkabout to actions situations arc and that the temporary now nappenrng a Theactonor situation be in progress at the mornent speaking: may now, of you SarryW Oa* cant see at the nanent. He'sElking ta a ustoner 'around a Theactonor rituatio. maybe happening now',evenf il s not happen exactly ng at ngl themomenl speak oi A e o\ powefuloklnr rttha,lt are movinzca*ua , to lrc ar Nethtarket Ewope. h 'Ihey're openiry ofi.csin lindo"\ Canatf Whaf ... andbulng biLlb.adti Bamlo a. (Businessweek websire) a Theaction situation bea current may trend: of arc ercryyear applnatian phy\i6is nakins htouene htorc TlE oJ t Codp et San'B gettirg bettet &lni. anddnifuialihtcllircneir .a6ing pky{s to buou. 'karceuotianalltintulred. (Econonntwebsite)

F Presentcontinuousitime expressions
a The present continuous often usedwith theseiime exprcssions: ar ihe momeni, is now nowadays,tunently, thesedays,right now. Ftunthnitg ii lnc UtiErl Std?sh6 beet go|ing steadilysine th. 1950s dnd thk @ftept is nov p@iding husiflssopponunities not kan ?5 difetent indunri.s. (worldtndeonlile i"


I PiEE|'T T|ME 1

I Practice
Exercise ff g 1
words. Undeinethcorrct 1 Youoften vnrk / DQJgllgfteltwork at the weekend? paid.' try to f nd out. hdsn't been 2 | dant knowl knowwhyyourinvoice not 3 Excuse does knowldoyou knowll Ihisisthe wdyto the lT sernin.r? me, )ou work.Use one nstead. rhis 4 sorrythatpojector don'two*ldoesn't rep 5 A: Doyouknowou. newsales Marta? I B: Yes, Ido-lYes,know. Napie. thrc? over 6 a: lsthatLinda B: Yes,shewpks/ shedo work he.e. be I I writing /I'm writingIhe pon at the moment lt should rcadyiomorrow not a They replying not /They're repting to myemaib.l'll haveto phonethem whar is hawening? happenl lis 9 why is thercsucha long delay? you 1A YouareenjayinglAre enioyhgthisconference? spea/o)rg anotherne. on back? Shes speatlsie3 11 CanKaren callyou me? 12 A: lsSarah Kennedy expecting she B: Yes, she's expeding.lYes, is.

Exercise 8g: 2
Match 1-5 sentences withtheirlsesa)-). facts a) permaneni actions b) habtsandrepeated at ot c) actons progress themoment speaking in 'around now' happening d) temporary adions situations e) current trends changing and I 2 3 4 5

ta abroad These wete selling more more olr products and oi days in ireel malt at dscounl dLrty LooklThyte selling whisky 20olo rightnow L ] newmodel, we don'thave in stock but any we reselling the 40%ol ourannualtotal Ch stmas me. at t we usua sell ly arcund electronics, TVs cameras. from to we sell fullrange consumer a of

I n n

Exercise lFl 3
.) Decide whichwod orderis the mostusual, or b). Puta tick (/) by the coffctanswer.

J at at a) | every arrive t6eofiice aboulnine. day nine. n at at b) Every I arrive theoffice about day else. n my before doinq anylhing a) lawars check email n my belo.e doinq anythinq else. b) Alwayscheck email I n as so a) This iakes lot of timeusually | rcceive many. a so L.l rakes Lot timeasI re(eive many. a of b) rhlsusu.lly are urgent. n a) Mostof thetimthe emarls notvery urgent. n ofthe timenotvery b) Theemalk.remost frcm.ompanies I don'tknowabout.n a) quite oftengetjunkemail junkemailfrcm I don'tknow.bour ! often companies b) qetquite ] delete myjunkemail. all a) abor.rt a month once a ] about once month. b) delete myjunkemail all



Exercise A 3 4


by compet the dl.logLre punnq eachof the verbs n brdckers to lane introduces Claude lo;o in London. s into the coffectform oJthe prcsnt mple. rAM .. 1 C h u d . . ( 1 ) . . . . . . . . Q P . . 1 Q { . . K $ 9.!...(.} o " / k " o * ) J o i o ? o i o ( 2 ) . J h b f r o n B r : z r l . u t h e s o r k e d $ i r h m e h P a r i s n y e i r 'H e ( 3 ) . . . . .....-----....---(t'.)

(tro\, a lot abourlour Lineof\rork. t . . ...e . . R e a I \ ' l W c l lI ( . + ) . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.b.e )v . .r l. .p l e r s e do m c c t y o u , J o i o Plelsedto ,neet ),ou roo-Chude. (]ou/do)? . .. CL UD!, So.Nhrr exictly (5) .......... . (.\.o r . .) .i n t h e o n l n d t s t r l . s r n r a r k eitm l y s r . k. I ( 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . lono, . . . . . (nmke)de.nio's about level\ ofprcductio'1? .LAUDE oh, $ )ou (7) .ia!Dr ro^o r N o . l ( 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.I.r.o t' n . k e ) a n yd e c s i o n sc i l l YM Y J o b . . (nrvolve) studvmgmrket tends and sivins.dvicc on levch 'f (r) .......................

Productron. {tr^!r)1, StiI, rh.ti: lot of rcsponsibiht\l \Vell.-lcs.butB..zil (10) r(),i() i:uurr

0rot/be) x t]xior prcducs likc Stdl

Anbir. What about \oo? ( ' ! p p l y )s P c c i x l i s e d . . . .... .. d I r v r k f o r r F r c n . h. o D r y a n r r 3 t( l l ) . .b. c q u i p n e n tt o d r c o i l ! ! t o s t r ( w c ( 1 2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ( . . e )o n e o f t h c b i s s e s

conrprnies!r our nlfket. (vo!/ often conrc) Lordor? / b ..... O h , r c i l l l ?A n d ( 1 3 ) r()^() ( ( , ^ u r n , Y c s q u i t eo f i e DM ! c o n l p . D y 1 { ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 u r c ) r n o l i i c eh c r c l t . , ( 1 s ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........( . t x / t . k c ) l o D sr o g t t h e r en o r vi,f y o ! t r i v c l b y E u r o s t x r ' . l. (inrld I givc )ou D1! cirda

Exercise 5 D E
02 Cerdauby usingthe wordsfrom lhe Lisi aboui the Braz an cornpany CompLeie newspaperartcle this lwo spaces beow Each of wods f Lls set slrare i5+6rFilmpaie5is making/flexibe s altractinq/attention is approaching/market n9/Law is getting/rghi s raisifg/plan6 ie beginning/expectationsi5 rnodernis

story success Gerdau:a Brazilian

Gdau, th. Bdilid stel Erkr, (4b)--......-.......-,.....,,,,.....,,,... InvetoE (6bl-------------- of ctd, th

kri" wat o")!.9x11.X.....'"'.r a 6tu ihlgs fodsd and

Am.rica's dott 3udssful


with . .impl.

Th6 days it'3 much easirto do hsiness ir B.& . Th govlmn! is 3implilying th .6nPmy-td

(2.).,....,,,,,....,,,,,..............,,, !rcduclivity j in fts l2t ) .,,,,,,..,,,,,.........-......,,,.... ft (3a) dil -"" th'Pri@ of smaller

structurc, ad th.l3 scdy what

TIE o! y ptubld

in ih. snon rem is

--. 3ttu.tue,it(7a),,.......,,.,....,,,,,,...... ti labou mrkt mor. (7b)..--.........,.....,,.,...,,,,,,,.... by charying lawt, dd il

. preblF of succ63. Grd.u

timing oi

6 r.keor6


(3b) - -, - * - - - * - - - - - - - * ;

dom6ri. ndkl ald so it (5.),,....,-.....,,*......,*....-lh

rhe rstncfv.lalou

.......-......... ........comPdv

(4a),,......,..,..............,,-...,,,, io

resent time 2
A Present simple or continuous?
It lhe prcsent simpe and presnt conlinuous expa nd nuftl are Compare

factsthat are dlw.ysirue l rive in Audapesa (all the time) Thisplane lands in rtankfurt (rculine)

events happen at the mome.t n9 t'm living in Budapest. (fo. a lew rnonths) Lookt we'rc landing. (in prcgrcss now)

NTL dortint6 th. UK 6bl. tcl.ritia" tztket (Aenetllsituation). ir doilg ,.t, r,.ll t, rr. 1t t st t{ Entup.,ta., vith rbour4tr,.rrro,e^ (rt the moment). (lntcrD.tioml HcraldTribune Cd ddacoiti'i'6 to b. th. poprlar onnt Ju|idt.h lic .rpd{rnri dr!,{.q L,S-rdr../ "tost (general .o,?d,ni srtuatiorl), thdt is .hanging (tJe.d in progrcs). (worldtradconlmc blt

B Present continuous or ptesent perlfect continuous?

a Thepresent is ior continuousused a temporary acrion happen now n9 periect Thepresent continuous dercribes actionn progress thepast to thepresent. an fiom up (inprogress .nd wrllconnnue) 'ue is wo*ing an thenew desiqn. now 'ue hasbeenworking on thenewdesign.(in progss to now andmayor rnay contnue) lrp not

C Other usesof presenttenses


seeunirB .

The present simpe can be usdio referto tmelablesandscheduls Whnw speak about t metables are ofien ihinkingaboutthe futurc. we BritlshAiMays flight 8A729 leaves Genevaat 16.40and anives in Landon at 17.20.

a Thepretentsimple can be usedto makea sroryappearmoreimmedrate iniereeting. s is Th and common n journalism. OD d srcy No,eh'bet dq, h Nev E,sld"d lE na.d i$ine EMC'\ heddqraneab \nry nnd bnstu. Eftcatires aJthe dataJtotdte,wkct leadu ye ha liuits ta the wold\ expadin! dppetite.fot thehtonge t&chinet. CEO Michael Rrcttrcrs tulls EMC rete\\iatptuoJ (Busin6s Week iveblite) P R E S f N TO N T I N U O U S C seeunit7 a The preseni coniinuous be usedto descrlbe fxed Juiurearrangement. can a There usuay a is tuturetime exprcssion.

HSBC moving to new premises yeat arc next a Wecanuse with a/war.s the prcsent continuous. s isoftnused exdqgeratinq Th for or complaining. emphasise We a/wdr.s speech thiscase. in n photacopier always breaking This is dawn!



D State verbs
y not Nothing happeni. Vetbs thisarenot norma like Some vebsdescibe states, acdons. form in used thecontinuous of anytense ljn-i{ing) I notice thatyou'venovedJr'our desk (NOT Fr*-r+rrnCnd*g) SotryI don't undedhnd. (NOT H.fl-rathi5+++ii+ Hawmuchdoesit con? (NOT l+i5*e*iEd It weighs 4kg with thepackaging.(NOT temporary These evmples in the present are simple tholghwe areta kingabout even verbs include: State /ook like,notice, see,seem, snel, sound,laste(= hava flavou, the senset: appearhearr prefe, want,wish feat,hate,like,IovE, feelings: dislike, (= foryet,imagine, know, fee/ thinklng: agtee,believedoubt,expect believe) (= believe), rccognise, suppose, suspect, lnk (= beieve) unde6tand t rcalise, possession: indude,own, passess belongto, cortain,have(= possess), being: be,consist eist of. (= on, nattet, neasure havelengtht meaa nee4 satBFy othefverbs: coscdepend fit, involve, sutqise wetgh PGO Piness Cntiss tril thdeinitia y at lhott dp..t that tha/eti, tlr d.hEryed Andlysts thinh thal Haue'ersoncakalysts tn 400t o shaq which .ns that PEO is c"rektly utdetuahrcd. {ebsite) th. afti%l oI kctutt'1itcshi.6ai th hh at toilltbdu@dtll i" pro,'ia.(Telegraph in ist a and Some theverbs lhe prcvious canhave Staie'meaning an 'acton'meaning. of Examples include /ra!,taste,tiirk. be, very out supplie/Jarc usually helpful. \9".\eJ out supplieE ate belng vetyhelpfulat the nanent. (actian) I have n^/o iiste6. (state) I'm having prcblenswith thr5 computer (action) Ih6 souptaner sa/Ol(state) if morera/t (action) I'm tasting thesoupto see li needs I think you'retight. lsrae) ny t'm thinking aboutchanging hb. (acrion) used State vrbs not normally in the imperative. arc

"Whrt do you think . . , lhould w. 9a! sbrled on th.t motivationrcearch or notr

16 2 DRESE 'IME 2 T

2 Practice
Exercise I !
Underline cored wordsthe 1 A. Whatdo voudolateyou doing1 B: l'm an executive secretary 2 A, Whatdo tau dol aretou doing2 B: l'm lookingfor the details lhe computer. on 3 A: whete doyou wo*l areyou wotking? B: Paisthi5month.then Eonnthe next. 4 A: whete do you wo*larc you woking? B: At our headofficein Paris. 5 N,ly nameS walter,and/ cortel/ m comingfrom Fnkfurt. 6 | conell'n comingto FtanHurtnextThursday | cancallin to yourofflce. 7 | dealwithll'n dealiry with Andrcw! dientswhilehe! on holiday. A I dealwithll'n dealirqwith the papeMorkandgeneral administration. Fair 9 At Who do you golareyou9o,in9 the Trade withT to B: Thisyearwith Stefano. '10 a: who do you goleft you grorir,g the TladeFair to with? 8: Usually Stefano. with

Exercise Il 2
in into cont Completethe sentences putting verb5 brackets the present by the simple present nuous. or 1 | ...4|d..19eki4t...4t.. (looka0 the deiailson the screen right now. (look at) results detail in every month. 2 L............................... thesales (nol wo*) 3 Theproductton ................................ at wekends. line (noLwo*) line 4 Thep|oduction ................................ 6t themoment. (think) | itl 5 Yes, agree........-........................ a goodidea. I (think) aboutit. l'll letyouknowtomorow 6 | ................................ (stay) at while she! in Madrid month. this 7 Helen ................................ theAnoda (stay) theAstoria whenshesin lradrid. 8 Helen ................................ at (take)a for 9 We ................................sample testing once day. a (take)a riskif we go ahead the pfoject. 10 We .-................'.-'.-... big with (be) 11 They ..-.........-....-.............. very usually flexjbl we need change ordr if to the (b) giving crdit a few more 12 They flexible us for months. ..-...................-..-.,.... about

Exercise I 3
are some wrong. a ti.k (/)next to therlghtones, are Put and Some thefollowing of sentences rightand corect the wong ones. I Which wineareyougoing have? to do vou orefer 2 Whichwinee.yr+p#ngt - I m not believing it! 3 ]hats ridiculous 4 Thats ridiculousl'm not doing business themagainl............................................ with 5 6 7 S whatyou're saing. l'm sorryl'm notIollowinq what you'rsaying. l'm sorry, not undeFtanding l'm allthepfinting machines. This building conlaining is we'llhave move.-............-.........................-... to Ihis building qetting old- soon is very



Exercise4 A D unit 1
!03 Cornpeteih s dr. ogle by putnngeachof the verbsin brackets the correcr into form of the present mple s or present continuous. ()ou/Look) fo. someone? 0)^4.... j E N N T E R e s I ( 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . . e.e.d . . . . p c a k o K i n r t s r y a nb o t \ h e l s n t n h e r o n c c . Y . n . . .)o s r t t ( 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.!.o . . / k.n o \ ! ) N h e r es r r e ? . u .. s o h . I n s o r m s h es D t h e r et o d N S h c ( , + ) . . . . . . . . . .......... . . . . . .......... . . . ( l v o r k ld t h o r k t , l h r g . (th . . ) .h t r o f i D s ha n u r s c n !. e p o r r . I ( 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h.k. .s . e ' l l e b r c k a t h e r d e s k r o r n o r r o slla h J p . l . - n h c l p \ o u : .....(!iork) for PrirchaftlE!2ns.we JENNtrrROh, thhks. I (6) ...................................... ( 7 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.o . .g . . . i.i.e.)o r p o r a r e o s p i r a l i n . . r .rn . . h . Oh,,r'er' IENNTFRWeil, Knn IlDlrt .odte.ted us hst *tck Apprrcntl_v )o! ( 8 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.x p.c c t ) v i s i rb v r K o r e r nr r a d e e l e s J t i o n e \ t t r r o n t h . .. .. . . d Ycs.thrti right r NNrrEr(yln rskcd mc to cill in rDd givc hcr someinlbrmton on our seNicc.Um, I ( 9 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... .(.h i v c )x l i s i . f s u s s e s t x nra i t h n r e .I t v (10) . . ......(give))o! nlfornurior ou rvhcrc vou couLtttrkc _vou! ^,(!\, \ rDd .le ilr ofert services dut s,e cf olTcr.likeour pick{,p s$vic. Iiou dic hotcl in r .hx!ffc!.-drileD ltrDousine. L N N !r wcll, drrt nnnlds srext.Iln mre Kinr wo!ld bc rc.lly inrcrcsred seerhis ro H o \ r l ( r r s ( l l ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?. ( . . . .u r s i r o $ / s r . y ) ? . .],o v (.. o ) O h . 1 D rs o . n rI ( 1 2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... D . r / k D o w e \ i . t l , v Y r r c . l l y n e c dt o s p c r k t o K u ! r ,d i c ( 1 3 ) G l c i l )w u h r h i \ c o n r i r . i . c . I ' l l t c l l h c r o , $ i v e ) , , u r ring tonoroslwhat\ dre bcsr Inlc to crll? ... ... ('u/\ork) ii th. oftl.c ir thc rlNNtrlL I (1+) o n ! r ! n r ) b i l ( .o n 1 ) 7 7 7 . . . No. Or sh. .rn .xll lrc , onil\lr\ ... rnytrDe rftcr

Exercise 5 A D
04 C o m p l e lte 6 . r t c e . b o ! r t h e m a g . zn e I i m e O d b y ! s n g w o r d s r o mt h e l l s tb e l o wD e c d e h e t h etro h f w plt the verbsinlo the present simpe o. prcsenl coniinuous v/F look ior move want provde try 1o

Time Oufi time to e><1>a

Tine Ott, tlr. Loldon .nlrrairmeni nagazine, h$ plan. lor rpansion. Ii alre.dy (1) .............q.b-.1;.......-..... no nly tn magazirc P.ds ?adi6n, anil now it (2) other markels 3!.h I Arg.ntina and Japan, Tory Elliott, Titu O!f'r fou.ler, eF he (3),...,,...,,...,,..,,...,,...,........ people to local iriliat and m th. mtein6, as ?iru Ort's London of6. doedn't haye the casho.


managem.t time. Elliotr J$ h.s plds for 3P..e on ih Intrret site. ALo, he rh wisit, Tiheout-co6, which wag 11).,................................... poddibility of the laun.hdi!1e95ed(a)..--.-....,....-..,-...,,...,,,... .h.rAing viditoB t6 th 3it. f6r a..36 to infomation about hoe tha 30 .itis. Ir some inJonation. Derpite lh$ e1pdsion o! advrrising plds, Elliot saF that a fotation on the stock {5).,....,........--........-........... @nui: d.l a sEaI uoDt of morcy fren markt i3 out of th. qledtion. H ti.&et sal6 lo 3wiv. But as lir. OIl' {3)..,,,,......,......................-. ao ke.p .onhol of qpanils, .hanges d.t To.y Elliotr th. b8in$6 he lu3 built upin the printed vBion 10 tak more

ast time 1
A Pastsimple: form
is n a T h ep a s t s i m p l e o f g u l a r v e . bs f o r m d y d d d n g e d t o t h e n f n t v e V e f t s e n d i n g re b -d. common nrcgular vefbsdre listed page240. on simply add check-checked: I decked the t'iqures tike liked: rhey liked his idea dtink dnnk ga lrfegul.r: eat-6te a



a are to Negatives for.nedwith dlcl,ot dnd the infint ve Thisis contracted ddn't n speech nd nformalwflting tdidn't like his idea. l didn't 90 ta the neeting.

velb dLl and the infintve Sho.tansweEto /es/ro a Qunionsarc formedwth the auxili.ry quenionsrepeat arx ary the A: Did you .heck the ftgures? B: Yes,I did.lNa tdidn't. pattern n negatves a Thverbto be 6 rreguar and fo ows a different thereis no d/d n questions and thereis no d/d and the sLrbject verbarc nverled: t/ he/ shet lt wasn't late. laE? wat l/he/she/n YauI we/ they wercn't lale. Weteyou/v\/e lthey late? Yaulweltheywerc tate.

B Past simple: uses

s n a W e L r s t h e p a n s i m p l eo d e l c r i b a c t i o n a n ds t a t e s a c o m p l e t e d p e r o d o f t i m e . W e k n o w e t e or when the actlonhappened, this may be meniioned cear from the stualion. and l.hecked the ligurcs very carcfuly iast week. I n sorry I wasn't in the aflice yestetday. Akrtuan ISPJno design.d .al taa6. ohail vtuk. a nv rtulA( nDdtlu ontsonrccd rritrhi,tt dse. lcased h /br. li'xt.fto t d do.. t.updrk! d d hhed ort d5toitrt !.tui.c (BDsinesweek lvebs'te) u t e s a T h ep a n s m p l ei s a l s o s e d o d e s c r i bh a b i t u a l a c l o nn t h e p a n Everyevening we went out and ate in a different rcstaurant.

c Past simple: time exptessions

r,, r..: seeunir40 a T me expressons lsed with the pan simple ncludel '. !r,.i ji! ar tuelvea,ctock/the end of theyeal in the narning llune / 1998/ the sixttes on Friday/the sercnd of Aqtil no prcposition last week/yenetday I ago


t n', 4ie rq d i@ t e

d4td. owttu.



D Past continuous: form

vrb. is withthe past ofbe andthe-irg formof the main see appendixO Thepan continuousformed 3 lorsper ru ne es writing us we with be and Negatives formed theverb + ,rot.Inspech nfo.mal arc comraftons ll helsheI it wasn't warkingyesterday. l/ he/ shelit was w)*ing yesterday. wofing yesterday. Youlweltheyweren't waking yestetday. Youlwe/they werc verb answ6 to the and a Quenions arcformed inverting subject theauxiliary be.short by quenions auxiliary repedt the )slno A: Washe wotkingtesterclay? B: res,he was.lNo,he watn't. A: Werethey waking yestet)ay? B: Yes, theYwerc-lNo, theY wercn't.

E Pastcontinuous:uses
in in is a a Thepast continuouslsed to describesitudtion progress th pan in thedepafture loungefot nore thanwo hous. I was waiting at situations progress, rn happening thes.metirne: a There be several can Tl'e edtly1970tMs a tih. ukcn IBM uas belinning to loseitsMy a hd y lkiLltdNaplc wetelearing to set thcnoM l,vliftltc!. Contpfiin{uds dtering a kewd.q( (The'f ines ry The information about backgrcund th situation. separate, a Thepast is to continuousused give period n the past are simple: that duing or afterthi5 completed actions happen 'I catn in to Otulc 6 it u'asfteoo.rinzron the&ssion oJthced y 1990!Ttc busie!! ittit I joircd ha.lat1azei'g ptudtctlincthat uas d.ellning by 30 pu ,entd yat i saletWlthi a y?at website) thot uEcafiplctcu tsrneal un aro,id.' (Eurobusincss simple actions in the past are the situation thesepafate then lf we do not mention background way: in th normal hall. to I When a ved I rcgisEred at rcceplonand went straight the confercnce

F Pastcontinuous:time expressions
'dur oraswithihe pan cort nuous mean ng thetimethat to a Wecanuse whe4 wh,le was something haPPening': the o Whilc Platnerand DietnarHW ud. devcloping i6t redl-tine 4 loesing tftteu 4l jndntial sotware.(xurobusineswebsite) sAe aaus Wellent herpB Mitins thc we whe, withthe pa( sirnpe: Butif we mean'at timethat'then onlyus the *Hel-+d*hh ...) Hewasnt veryhapry when I told hirr'thenevvs.(NOT

G Past simple or continuous?

p a .an simple past or continuols be usedThepasisim e slggestr a Sometimes past the oi The emphasises duration theacion. th aciion event. past or continlous separate, complete detailed flgurcs before that Peter should we discustedtherepoftandaqreed the nert neenng. shauld we that the we wete discussing repott for overan hour Eventually agreed Petet prepare figures befotethenext '],eeting. sone detailed



3 Practice
Exercise ff 1
underline correct word/s. the 1 A: Did you ge!/got the maillsentyou yesteday? B: Yes, thank, I oidlgot 2 Hc\Nyou feltldid you fed when they to/d/did te// you about movinq offlces? of 3 a: Did you tel//io/dhim aboutthe change plans? B: Yes,l t lti.lldid. 4 1didn't see didn' t saw rhe eason fof the delay,so I got I did get argry. /

Exer<iie 2 H
@05 Thereis a m xtlre of Complete diaogueusingthe velbsfrom the li5tbelowin the pastsimple. the qoeslion. forms.Therei9one negative affirmative, negalive and question lik have(x2) make(x2) be (x4) buy 9 take think sell to DALE Hi,Jill.You (1) .......*q^J........ the Milan FashionShow iast week.didnt you? ( 2 )- - , - - - - - - y o u - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a .g . o dn i p ? . .o lrll, Yes,it'tv3sgrcat. you :rny D LE (3) ......................... ......................... usetulcontacts? ',igel,therc (4) ......................... ofpeopie at the sho\ . lot loids d I (5) ......................... ofgood lrr!, rly $ many orde.saslastyerr. contict but we (6) -.......... rhey our DALE oh, why was thrt? (7) ......................... styles? rhe rcally Iu, No, no, rhat (8)......................... p.oblen.The shoes(9) ......................... well, but we ind (10) ......................... wnh someofour other products.likehandbrgs. exanrple, for so successtul much there (11) ......................... more comperirionrhis year lrLL we[, the Paul smith srand wa5 real]y busy. people DrE Oh, but his clorhesare expeniive... Um, (12) ...-..................... at the show . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . .u.r. p.r.i.c.e s e r et o o h i g h ? o. . . w ....-.........-....-..-.. Po$iblJr Bur we (13) ...............-..-....-. the authoriry ro lower them .t the rime. ILL, DrE Oh, whar a shame.So it was a sEste ofa trip thn? this and this Cucci h.ndbag IILL wel, not exactly... I (14) ..................-......glEatpan ofPnda shoes

Exercise gg 3
Unde ine the bestcontinuation the conve6ations. of I A: What was shedoingthis morning? B: SheinANiewed/wat!fu?!!!!l4149 candidatesfof the lales job. 2 A: How did Erenda spendher holiday? B: Most dayssh !rcntlwas goitg to the beach. 3 A: What happened afteryou laun.hedth prcduct? B: while we promotdlwere qonolng iI" ov main compelilot dropped/was droppirg their prices. 4 A: ldidn t seeyou ln the officelastweek. B: Na,l wotkedlwas wo*ittg at home for a few dala. 5 A: What did Patdo when shesawthe artlvork? B: Shecalledlwas (alling the designersand sa/itlwas saylhEit wasn t suitable. 5 A: Why did Renata take so long to gt here? Bi Shesaid they mendedlu!re merd,ing the rcad and so the rtaffi( noved/was naving \ery s owly.



Exer.ise4 A
oi nto nq aboutVNndiby pLrtl of the verbs n brackets the pan ! mpe. \.4ost the Complete article thi5 G1o" 2) Appendix verbsare rreqllar(see

Vivendi: 1-50 years of history

I Y 7i\endi, th. Fr.n.h utilitis .nd I. th. 1960sand 1970sth. compmy (beAin) (6).......-.......---,, actiYities thaRa in oI ciwil .onstru.tion a.d (7)--........--....--. (hild) a l.r8e towr hlock in th b8incas dislrict ot P,ris. La Defensp lh. 1930sCneraldes Eaur (join) with the Hav,5 (3)..,,,.,,.............nedia gro{p io .ral. Cdal Plus, r Pay Tv .hannel. Thy alto (9)--------( t a k )a . o n l ' o l l i n g s l . k i n l h t c i v i l thcy engirerin88iant, SGE.In the 1990s (wir) (10),,,...........,,,,,... majo. .ontrads in th Asia P.cifj. region ,nd in Lati. communi.'tion! Amup, hs . lonB historygoingba.k to r3$,ln tlat yarli covd"-e"r (1) -..S.I:-44''1.94... krire) The rwo compagni Generale det Eaui (hrv.) founders (2).,,...,...-........... He (13)...........--.--,(sell) $5 biuion in (cut) the assts and (14)-...,-,,,..,,,..,..... by10%.All thie (151.-----.---workforce mmion lnean) thal an annuallossof S600 (ttrm)into a Prcfitof$320 (16) ...,,,.,.............. million, In 1993 h (17)..,.......-...---, (.hange) nameor the grelP lo vivendi th (nake) a and soon ailcr (13) ........-........,,,,, sdes of p.rtnships and a.quisilionsin lhe tele.onn!ni.alions indnstry Operations in North Americr (8row) (19) .................--... very qui.kly ilter tiis and in 2000Vivn.ti (20)-------.. (buy) Seasrad lo become . trury

objctives: irigate rhe countrysid.for ro faming and to srpply wnterlo townsand In ',1330 tRiry (3)-..,,,,,,...,,,,,.... a G've) Cenraledes Eaur tha righl lo suPP,y and th.n Consl.nlinople water ro Venice, (4)............--..-(con) soon ind Oporto iitei By the tine of tha .entcnary cclbrrtions in 1953 Ge.ettl. d.s Eaut (supply) wtter to .iaht (s).,,,,,...,,,,,,....,,, mitlion peoplcin Fran..

intemalionll mdii and cohmuni.rtions Jcan-Mari Messter (11t.- .- . . (becom) in 1995 a.d o2) ....--................ CEo (n.l the codp,.y along Americanliner'

Exercise 5 B E
e !n in|o by Complele senlences pltl ng the verbs brackets e ther ihe srmp or pan contnuoLrs ihe a lsed tw ce; sometmesd flerentlenses re used lense s Somet meslhe sarne ( q o )t o P a r s ) !,q^1.. whe. yo! I whar .. dld you eAt (ea0 (phone) 1me (negotaie) convact,my boss.... Fhc^ed rhe 2 vth e w\t. ,'a4s-+..i1!]!t^4 saythal he wanled .ompleteyd flerentconditions. ), . . . . . .(.h a p p e ns h e. . n 3 T h e a n t r n es o m e t h q k e l h s prcss conleren(emmediately. .. w . . . .( e x p .n ) h e rp r o p o q a h e nP e d r o. . . 4 Anne ( c a) a . . . . . . . . .(.i . t e r r ! p t ) h e r ( n v e n a t e ) t h e c d e n tr,r e g n (g ve) i to me (call) to

5 W e n e v e r q o l l h e c h a n c e t o r n t e r v eW h i l e w e . . . . . . . . . . w m (|et9n). .. ......... (f n sh) readnq rhe adicle,he ....... ... 6 W h e nh e (wa0 for ihe rneeting beg n when he ...... to in. trdfficjarn. saythat he wds stLr.k the 8 lclean) pece ( n n d l)h e m i s s i nlgl e w h e 9 1 0 W h e nT l m. .......... ... w . . . .( a r v e ) ,

... ldrop) t by nrstake ..... ( t e ) h r nw h a th a dh a p p e n e d .

ast time 2
A Past perfed: form
seeappndix n 2 L, rhep*r pad. pes.i rqua, ve,bs

and informa hadand the pastpartcpe.In speech The pastperfectisfomed wth the auxiliary 'd. writingnad is contracted to I had (l'd) aheady de.ided what to do befote he called rr,e.

formedby a Negatves fomed with notand contracrions used(radr'i). dre are and had. lnvertng the sublect At that tine I still hadn't decided what to da. Had you aheady decided what to do before he calledyou?

B Past perfect uss

past perfect used show a Thepast is to dearly onepanevent that happened before anotlrer for event: event. use p.5tperfect theearlief We the l"de' hadopn.d hirh.t, Jell bd.kto 1,578n1 hn O" /n. NhrYorksro.l Er.r'dir. th. Nasdatl na 'nE tudi't.* (Ylhoo News Se.vicesebsite) which desc.rbe y thesame exact rituation: Compare these examples verbs past mpe) in s 1 Sue at 2 pn. Weaftivedat heraffkeat 23A. (both left (earer actlonin pastprfect) office shehad left. 2 when wp aftived at Sue's is are in In 2 n examplethh4oactons separate themindof thespeaker example therc a I emphasises happened which co.nection betlveen two.ctonsandlhe pan perfect the stronger perfect we use if the a lt maynot be necessarylse thepast lo before afterto rnake timeclear or past for simpe bothaclions Wecanuse lhe (bothfoms possible) Suelelt/had left hetofficebelote we arived. aftet sheleft/had left. (bolhfoms possible) we affived suesaffice at perfect thi9case, show ltrongconnectlon in . Many still to the to speakeE prefe. use past lhe between two events. perfeci oftenused withverbs thinkingketnoq reallJe, renenbetbe sure, a Thepast s o{ beforc,but he cauldn'trcnenbet $herc. David knew he'd seenhersanewhere 1 When gat to theoffi.e t rcalisedI'd lelt allny pape6behind. but one Ellenwat swe they hadnt rcceivedthe invarce, shechecked morc tlme. I thought we'd aheady dtosen the nane for the newproduct!

Past perfect time expressions

r aftet, once by, aheady,just, neve4meanwhl/eare oflen usedwth the pan The time expressions perfecl. Theword stl/ is often usedwith negatvetorms. ttd Aftu"d 1993 Koreu cotpotdtion\ etl tniiiq to Pdrk to aqtie tunpdni.s in the US ot E tope.By this tine, he hait b,ih up etfr.ient tunta \ td ,elp rren. (Asi, Inc website)



D Pastperfect continuous:form
phras is had beenand the -,ng lorm of a The pan perfect continuous fomed with th duxiLiary the mainverb.Contractions used. are I'd been waking on the project for tuo nonths befare they decidedto cancelit. a Negatives formedwith had not beenand the 'ing forrnof the ma n verb arc are the and had. Questions fomed by invedinq subject I hadn't been sleeping wel, so I was quite tied. Had you heen vr'aking ftn a long tine on the projecl before they cance ed it?

E Past perfect continuous: uses

perfect n is to !p a Thepast continuousused describesituation was n progress to a certa a th.t polntin rhepast. oftenemphasises duratiof lime. lt the of BeJot he l.Jt IBM Pktnd hctl hen pclin! togethqd soliuupI'd.kdr.Jot th. UK'bard tCI. dwr\ I97 t dhd1972. clgnitdl.onvany He hddbeetwo*ing on thkptoje.t (Eurobusiness {ebsite) perfect thepan perfedcontinuous lookback a Thepast and both fiom a po nt in ihe pan The perfect past looks back an earller at event. pattperfect The coniinuous back a situaton looks ai n prcgress. 'atesbecause The Theeconomk situatbnwasquitehealthy. centtalbankhad lowered intercst yea6. fot inflatbnhad beenfa ing steadily sevetal

F Usedtolwould + infinitive
in is habits we a uied to describes a habit state the past. or Therc no present (forpresent form simple). use present the 'hha dictat.s uhdt ttotoritt ptt itto leir pettulk ks. btt gfpeoplt!,lLonsedto hare trcil about dicrl Iron biolori.dl towces rcr, reg rces', !oy! DietetE en,r'|to orus ar nre doubts indep.hd.ntjling adtionid solthet Ce niy. (FrankfurterRundschau website) . u5ed normally to suggests theaction situation no longer andsornakes contrast thal or is true withthepresent: (= bLrt I usedto wDfuin na*elng nowI workrnanother area) job. (= but now he sn't) He usedto be realy enthusiastic about his for no( O Nore used is Jsed hab.ts repedted t1ar to and d(1iont. 5'9 e eve Ls I went to the Milan Fashion Showlar the fist tine lastmorth. (NOT|u5++e) a Withnegatives questions to becornes to. and used u5e Did you useto workin matketing? I didnt ute to warkin natketing. way repeated onsiri the past, a wouldis used thesame asused but it onlydescribes ii to, act In theold dayswe used to/wodd make threecapies a dacunentstor the files. af our canpanyusedto belong to an American multinatiaraf (NOT,i^,{ld$eeg) Would more is common descriptive in wriiing lhan n speech.


4 Practice Exer<iseEEFro l
perfect, to, thepast mpl includs s and underine correct words. exrcis This examples the past of used the

1 while I lookedl@@kirg for myke!s,lsuddenlyrmembered | /eitliaClht them at home. 2lnthosedaystheunionsuredto/hadusedrogoonnikewhenevertherewas/wasbeing company, staftedlwetestafting makea lot of people the\J ra 3 Ailet theywerebuyinglhadboughtthe ra 4 )ackusedb havelwas hacirga Maq but then he uied to changelchanged aPc. package reception, theysardlrcr salng that it still hadr't anived/wasn't in but 5 | asked aboutmy

6 | wassulethat I usedto l6kl hadleked rhe dootlo myoffice art night,but it wa5lrad beenopenthis mornin9. 7l'msuthatthewinteEusedlobelhadbeen<olderwhenlwasachild.lrememberthatw walklwerewalking s<hool the snowevery to in winter 8 | hadgonelwent backto th staurantto lookfor my umb'lla, loundlwas findlhgthat somone bul took/hadtakenit. Diane the seminar, knewlwasknowinglhalhe metlhad n,etnel at he 9 WhenGeorge sawlevas5ee,hg somewhere before. pages seethe sharep ces. lookingat the financial io 10 WhileI had lwas haing hEakfastl loakedlwas grewlhadgrown by ovet4O%. | sawlwasseeing that my originalinvestment

Exercisetr!J 2
with In sentence verb one willbe in ihe Complete sentences thebenformof thevA tn brackets, each the (unit3)andtheother the pan perfect. past in simple (m6ke) (start) she 1 Aftershe...........14d...Y4d.e-......... a fewnotes, ............tJa1::tCd........... writrng Repod. the introduction theAnnual to ..(be that 2 Gary ...............................sure) he .-....................--................ before alarm Get)the leaviog office. the 31........................................(call)mywifeonmymobilebecausethemeeting... {nillnotfinish). (speak)to a 4 Once..............-......................... | ..... ........................ | him, ...(realise)therebeen had mis!nderstanding. (give) fid 5 Afte'Jrll . ................................... presentation, .. her s1e ............... .............. ('ee

rnlcnress nervous. (become) persona Edwad3 assistant she 6 Eefore Edite ..........-----......................... Michael -. (already work)in thecompany two years. for (noise) figur.s 7 | ...... the befoFihe nFFring, rr so (p!t) meat a disadvantaqe the discussion. during (have we I Sorry iooksolonq.| ..............-.............-..----..... go downto thestorc it to) rcombeca!se (runout oD paper the photocopier. .-. for 9Iherain...-....----............................(stop)byihetimel---.---.................-.......... (bp) (akeady l0 | ...-.-----....................----...... findthaishe surpnsed to ......................-................. eave).



Exercise B unit3 3
07 "nto by completeth,s maqaznearlrcle p!tl ng the verbin brackets eiiherthe pan s mpleor p.n perrect on In one caseon y ihe pan perfeclcan be !sed, in fve cases y ihe pasts nrpe can be useddnd n t x case5 both are possible

(be) On 28 Seplember ?000 rhe peopleor ro keeping the value of lhc kronc slable tbe USA md Japan (8)................... ('ote) No ro aeainstthe Geman 'nark. md this policy toiced ro inteNene in th foreign exchange Demark (l)....-v-D;!eQ.... (be) very succe$rul in joinine {re single European curency. the (i)..................... Bur rhe No ca'npaien(9).......... ... the nainlainin-q nability ald pros!riry. Then euro.All rhe main polilicalparlies. sas launchcd tanuary 1999.In (f@us) on nlrional idcnrity.not economic in lrades uDions,lhc cmployersdnd $e $c eurc (10)................. ln media (2).................. kanPaisn) lbr a thc penod afier rhe launch lhe countnes in issues. theendrhc Dans 'Yes'lorc bcioE rhereleiendud. Nly r h e e u r c z o n e ( 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.p. d o m ) (make) ihcn decision becausc theY . . So (3)....... (he ............ Danes/rqect) eu'o? relatively well in econonic lems. How ( l l ) .................. (feu) ihar cconodic rhe Bould eventuillyleadto polilicaL Ler's look lirn al $e econoDic Yer by rhc time oi fie rclerendun the inlcgmtion (wintl to ( Tley (12) .................. backgrolnd. nmy yeas the Dehh c u r o ( 7 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f .r.U ) s i S n i f i c a n l l y inrcsfttion. For freedon. and (bd conrDined aS.insrrhc dollar,and nE cenrEl banksor keepthen indepeddence ceneal (4)..................... b&k

Exercise4 B unit3 A
tf,Ot a a u n s t a l k l n g b o u lh , sI r s tl o b t o m p e l e w h . t h e s a y s w t h t h e b e n f o m o f t h e v e r b i n b r a . k e cC h o o e e pan r rnpe (!n 1 l). palt continuous lunil 3) or pastpedect between the ( l u i t\ o u r h . t . t ( n r : S o . A l r ) .$ 1 , \ d i J \ o t r A r ^ N : W c l l . . ni l l e t i . I ( 1 ) ! 4 t W - o , C K l ^ 4 v d r k )i s r i n , r . . 1 r l . r U . e r i b r i r , l , r t t , , i r t i o r r . r l h ( b c )i i d l t s r ) r . . o r r \ r l r v t ( ' $ i a e v c , r \ . A ( . o u r r r , ! , . \l n n ' n i . o n d o n | ( l ) (!ou/s.Othcl(nr? . r Nr L r ( \ r \ r r . R l l o s ( l )

I ,\r^\: J!\r ,'her (.1) ftn. I (,ll (.t (7) k,Dd Jobs ol rherc
nri;r,Driior (9) on oDe ofrlt {rnd\ .......

(iiD,nt$itr I (5)

(rlcd.lo $l,rt I\rnk\t n) d..!!l

. (so)t{) i roh
I wi\ i,,t.R\rc(l to rc. $4ri't

(bc) r dr. thtr.Whilc I (s)

fur r l.,rsc nt.rdrriodil xc.otrDr,rtre) ti n. nt!.onc (qno nr. iD .,pplid.trD lirrdr ro tlll rn. I droughr !hi\ nlqhr b. x goo.l

o l crreer prlortnnifiar ntc.n I (lr)) .. So n)r nrv .legrcc. | (l l) (icnd) ,r on:Thev (1-']) Ar tir\r,I {11) (15) .......
AL{N: .....

. (.ne'rdv/r.ikc)u!c '.,1rI
. (intcnie$)

icornrin.-v c\.urs

r l .' L r , ' " 1 :

Dre dre ibllo\!.!rg \!.ck rnd I goljob.

. . . . . .(.i.i . l ) s [ s i ] . d $ r r h r h c j o b .b u t r s t n ) . ! v . n r b \ ' ,t l u r $
(ch.!gc) Dd I b.gin to h!t. \'orkins rhcre -.......... (work) lbr,, pe^or vho NJs ver-v

So Nhrt (16) ...

'o , d a , , , . | . . \ c r r d , , _ . i r r r . . . . t . c 'F. l, L u \ r , ' r o , t \ r ^ l ' ' (becoDle) rcperrd! dd I rcalh \r.n!ed lo do $nerhtrg rrorc crcxlik. So,d[rt wlry I too t . r e s i s D e d. I ( 1 9 ). . . 0 r o !h a \ t ) a D o l h e t j o bo g o r o , b u r l k D c \ \ ' l (20) (hre) to !nk.. chtrDs..

wel, dre sirurrion Nrs rhs: I (17)


Exer<ise F 5
talwoutd the wilh osedta ot use.J Complere sentences have timsa week I wth my old bosswe. ${1d.. neet ngseevera a W b l t n o w h a v e n M G . 2 ....................... . .. . .

.... 3 Befo.e lhey built the new motorwayi . ....... ... ....... .......take rnean hour1oqet to worK N 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r h n k I w a n t d t o w oak gooa9 . n5 a t i o n o w w a n tt o b e s e f ' e r n p o v e d r r f er r

ast and present 1

A Present perfecti form
see appendi! 2 lor the pi!r Fft( pe: il rq! ir re b5

a The prcsent perfectisformedwith the present rense the auxitiary of verbhayeand rhe pasr padiclpe.In speech and infomalwriringw usecontrdcrions (,ye.nd 's). lltjau/we/thev have ('vd 'oone. HAtshelit ha;(s) sone a Negatves fomd with not are t/ you I we/ they have not (havenj gone. He/shetit has not (hasn't)gone. . are rhe Quesrions fo.rnedby inverting subjct and the.ux aryve.bhaye.Shortanswersto

yerlro quenions repedt auxiliary the B: Yes, they havelNo, they haven't.
B: Yes, has/No,he hasn't. he

B Present perfe<ft uses

a Ingeneral, use pferent perfed t. k about presenitldt on whch s connecled we the to a 5 to a lheremaybea present situation naared thepast thal n I've lived herefar about tenyeaE. l've known Mary since warkedtogether Spain. we in a There bea series actions happened ourtifeup ro now may of that in I've often been to Singapore. I've seena lot of chahges arcundherc a There bea resuh thepresent a pasr m.y in of event. Sary,I thinkl've lost the file. lly conputet hascashed h ihiscase .re explaining current we rhe irnporrancethe past of eveni. Whnt happened s not mporlant s not mentroned. and

Present perfect time expriessions

a We lse everand,reyertoaskand talk aboutour generat Jeexperence. Have you ever spoken in frcnt of a brge audience? lin a your tife up to now) I've never wo*ed abroad, but next yeat I night be basedin paris. lf the ihe quenion s yesthen we contrnue gv rnoreiniormatonaboutthe ro (pel IL eve^6 by u<ing vr'bs In I e {mp'e. A: Have yau ever spoken in front of a hrye audience? B: Yes,t have. Lastyeat 1 went ta a sales canfeten e in Berneand tgave a prcsentdtion. i perfecti!often usdwith a/ready yer.A/.eady normay Lrsd affirmatve Thepresent and is n K]app, CEO aJ Us aLle .o,ryatry NTL, insis^ tltut NTL has dlrca4' ffiade 7j% o.fns ptdnned i',att"an b delivd btuadbd for liobile phonc ty^. (Tetegnph website)


ng and someth hasnot happened, and negatives, suggeststhat vetis usedin quenions it we expect lo happen aLthough Have yau finished the rePolt Yet? Sorry I haven't finished the .epott yet. (ll try to finish it this afternoon storksColt afld Eflctgis.adin e toJdll Neithethat yet ndnafeti ta Shaesik the nn big teleconts to nttbctile et@Wh 4m n drcnt rctwh (Giardian conine i v6to6 thdt they cM Ptu ide seruices websire) t that happened sho( time ago a we use./ust descibesomething to Ite just spoken to him on the phone and he sals he'll be hercat 9 34 bnorrcw

time In oih_ar perfectis ofien usedwith time expressions referto unfinished that a Thep.esent ate: the Commonexprcrsions thisnaming, today this wordsthe time periodincludes prcsent. dutittglin the pastnonth aver the last few years, eI( month, so faa up to now re<ently, n1e F:ussidn Cennal tsonkdn'onft.d or'llu'day thdt ik rold a\d .une el Eset,.s ha"' in(nsed in the past u'e.h by t300 t tilio, (Delovoj Peterburg websitc) ii of tn thc areo Io"onn da.loph'.nt, th. Asia Padfu Erian hds rl.cecded ^"r q)id rrar)th, 7% uhkh hB ex?ed?d a' tnly t*iry th. pastf.w lu'r. (AsiaPrcific Econo,nj' Review website) nq priector the pastsimple, depend on can a Somet me expressions be usedwilh the present when Youarespeaking: Haveyou sp*en to Suethis moning? (itis now 11am:the morninghasnot finshd) (it h now 3 pm:the morninghasi i shed) Did tou speakto Suethis noming? a We use for and s,hcewith the presentperiect to relef to pe ods of t me A: How long has lon wo*ed herc? * He'swo*ed here fot thrce months i B: He's wo*ed hete since the beginning of May unii40 seeareo the Fordesc beslhe lengthof the time peiod sincedscribes po ntwhen the tirneperod started 'Wc ha1'e be.t ir bdifest Jor 37 Yats, so tlft l tetnetto 4s n j'rst aNthcr av ofeolladi ! otdcts' vke I'ndt Er.ts'inteuational ple'ide k mybt (CNBC Busjne$website) says UPS be6k? a wdd ide Otympis sroksot i 1994, aid sinee thn it has ha led theAtlatia gonet i t 996 on.l tllc 1998 Japor u'ktet ra'hct (wolldtladeonlinenngazine) a seeunh1 simple can alsobe usedwith the present that are usedwith the present Frequency adverbs perfect. Ihey've often given us good advke and Hollirfet has alpa$ b.d ideeeed if buyitg rcPsPApeR, we tend to laok nt non thdt cone ah to thetak t. (SundayTimd website)

D Eeerr(to) ani gone (to)

a lf we have been to a place,we went there and have now returned lf we havegone ro a pLace we went thercbut havenot vet Fturned (she has come back) to She3 been to visit out supplies Eve!\thing seems be AK She's gone to vtst out supplie9 l hope evetything wil be OK Ghe is still there)


5 Practice
Exercise n 1
(youltry) 1 areyousure isn't it workins?.....1161e...)lSa...i{!Cd..... it? (never/see) a boing presentarion. 2 | ..-.-..-......-....-....-....-.............. such 3 Luckily, cunomers our ... .. .. ...... ......--- '. (not/complain) ihe prceI se. about (already/spend) 4 We ......-......-....-............-............ quitea lot of money thisproject. on 5...........................-....-.......-...(they/reply)toyourlastemaii? -can tcallyouback (not/get) 6 L.....-..................................... figures hand the to tatr? 7 Unemployment ............................................2% since by lanuary {9o/up) 8 Irr sorry nol ..................,,..................... (Ln/leave) 9he3 hereShe (fall) 15% 9 Their shares............................................ 5ince merger by the l0............................................{you/ever/take)theEurcstartoBrusselsT

Complete sentenes putting veftsin bta*eti intoa formof thepresent the by the perfect. contraciions Use

Exer<ise2 E
Look the paked at sentences belowMatch each withsituation or b), one a) 1 lnflation fallen 1%. has by 2 Inflation fellby1%. 3 l ihinkrvelostthefile. 4 Sorry lostthefile. | 5 Has Jane called morning? th6 6 DidJane thismorning? call 7 Sales imprcved. 8 Sales improved. have Lll L41 L-J L--l t-l Ll L-l Ll yea6agoit was46,6. year was:% a) Two Last it b) Last month was4%.This it month is3%. it a) I can'tfindthefile.t wonder where pui tt? t gone t'll nver i. b) Thefilehas aid fnd promisd cal thrs a) Jane ro mor--g .t5 '1 ar1 promised ca thismomn9.lt3 2 pm. b) Jane to year a) Last sales werepoor. year This theyarebetter. b) Sales poo.initialiy. yar were A later theywerebetter a) In 1999. b) Since 1999.

you 9 Howlo19have worledhere? L 10 When youstart did wo inghe? Lj

Exercise 3 l;
Complete sentences a suitabletime the with expression the lin below from akedy yet ever never just for sin<e always

l Thegoodswllbe withybusoon. They've ........4!f9#dJ....... ourwarehouse. lefr 2 l've........................-..-.... idea! hada great Whydon'tw launch newrange colours? . of 3 We've known each other..-..-............-.......-.-... twentyyears. morethan 4 l've.....................-.......-.. credit on thetntemet_ used my cad | don'tthinkitt safe. 5 haven't a.hance speak Magda had to to .........-...................-.., she'll but l'm surc a9ree. 6 l've.-.........-.-....-....-..-..... insurance, since worked in ever leaving unive6ity. 7l'msorryhehasn'tcalledyouback.HeSbeeninameetin9.................._.............lun 8 H.veyou....................-....-......560Paulo? completely ben ro lt3 different Rio. frorn


E x e r c i s e 4 A BC

aSot Readth r text aboutthe pe.formance the Fordcarcompany. from the Competethe iext with the verbs of
ng st beoW Lrs the present Perfecl rR.*e lall launch be have cut withdr.w spend iake periorm

Ford: the road to recovery

operati"g Althoush lord (1)........|ret-.............X4d9..... profits of over $Tbillion in its Ameri.u market this yed, vry the story in Europe (2).,...,..-'---- ------..*, di{ferentlr' mr,lpr shire(1) .................... . hom 12% six yeas ago to only 9'1, nos. The truth is ihat ............. rivals like volkswagen.nd Re.ault (4) ......... .......,..,..,...,..,. much betterover recentyeds. They (t ... ( . { ' d n d( 6 r ' ' . .............-.,..,,. exciting and hiShly suc.esstulnes'models ln ...........- ...................... latge saloon, . its conh ast,lord (7) ....... the S.orpio $ hich was not selling wel1. But Ford ( 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.l.o . . . .o .r.e . .u c . e s s a l t h . . tm . .s higher end of the market. O!'er the last lew years it (9)..'.''.'''.''-'- -.--.. . . .a l o t o f m o n yb u y i n 8b r a n d s such as Jaglar, Aston Martin and Land Rovcr, and thse models hale mu.h hiEhe. profit margins. k (10)....................... ....................... time io sort out the some prcblemsat Jaguarin pdticulat butit's nolv a su.cesshrl

Exercise 5 C D
t o ng r r th R a dh 6 e m a ifL o mS t e v e . e P u r c h a s M n a g eo f . U K m p o ( e t w h o , s n P o n d n a b u en e s sr p t Compete the emailby chooenqthe corre.l alterianvefrornA, B, C or D beow

Sleve McGinLaY



..'.,l_1u r.u.".,[ ,.


. 1oKatowce in the south P. laslweer., bot ve been verv blsv lve(2). havenl canlacredvou i1) rrom where Im sending th s in Wa6aw west of Poand (3) ... . .. a rew days, a.d ive (4) email lvisiled severa nrms when lwas in Kalowce and one or rhem looks quite promisns lve (5) soiiv fa.lory. and Ive gol some product samples rd show you Unfortunatery Ihaven\ hel th suy in charse (6) .... .... He wasn r thre - he s (7) td cdansk,nd should be

... b6n lo cenlral Europe? Everyth ng rs .... Have yoL (s) so, the trip has been q! re successful(3) . going on. Anvwav L enaL vou aga n rsrer . rh6 ve (1o) ........... seen so much bullding wo.k chano ng very fasl week to lel you know what's happening. Regards, Steve

B sin.e 2 A qoinq B been 5 A yet 6 Atln 7 A going B a ready B a ready B gone B yei B sin.e

c jun
C being c lln C been C now c c jun C ever D sotar D gone D yet


A Past simple o. present perfect?

a The pastsirnple usedto describe.ctons a complred is in iime perod. present perfectis lrsedwhen the time priod ncludee presentTh s can be a s tut on The th which5tarted the pan and continlesto be rrue ln rhe psent, feexperencuntitnowor in the pfesent result a pan actron. of (.ompleted: I lived in Milan nany yea6 ago. now I ve in anotherplace) (a stuaton that naded in the pan and cont nues n Ive lived in Milan since 1998 the prese.t:I nill ve rhere) ( ie experence: tirnewhen I ved n theseclties I've lived in both Milan and Rame the s not mntioned dnd s not irnportant) t've spoken to ny bass,and he'sasrced. (pretent rcsuh of past acriof) seeunit3 a T me phrases lsed wlth the part simplefeferto a part cularpoint n the pan: yesterda,/asr nonth, a few yeats ago, in 2042 see unir5 perlecr nk the pan 1othe presentthisnanth, evet,never T me phrases usedwith rhe prcsent alrcady,just, recently,since Lookat this example: Lojas Awti6"ds, a cl'ii't oI tlill\a stots ,t Btd:il, hashod d;fii 1ti.!sincerhanid-1990s. Althaqh lr stotcs ttufr(,t)n)litdbility beet had h1d.lrar h&,r. ol . hw has .q(nak arnl6 dr.titc ptthasc pti... In 1998it begaa tutiondlkat\n d c[ivt. It rcdr.ed th! tun[( oJuarcho$$ did sold 2-1t'pnntuitct !a6 to\n (Fnrd. (ebusine$fonun $rbsn.) a Thetime wod for refers a periodoi t me. t can be lsed w th eilhe.tense: to 1lived in Milan for fou yea6 when I was at unive5ity (now donr ve there) ( stlll ivthere) thave lived in Milan fot fov yea's.

a Thechoce tense of oflendepends thestualDn where attentio. on and our is: We've won the.ontftctl (recent news: evenis oresent mvmind) the in Wewon thecantta(t. (te ng a nory:thevent feesdistant myrnnd) in

B Present gimple or present perfect?

a Thepresent ls in simple used two rnain waysr facts, habits stares theprcsent. and or n The prcsnt perfect past makes connection a between andpresent. About t\,\onillion people in Milan. la la.I) live
I have lived in Milan far twa yeas. (a pemaneft st.te - always ihere) live (l arrived there two yea6 aqo and si live there now)

C Present perfect continuous: form

perfe.l continuolsi5formedwith the present a The present perfect be, and the -/hqform ol ol the veft. Negatives formedwth nor. arc t've heen (haven't been) waiting here far norc than an haur Sh.'s been (hasn't been) waiting he,F all normng a arc the and hdye. Questions fo.medby inveriing subject Im sotry I'm late. Have you been waiting long?


D Present perfect continuous: qses

I prfect The prcsnt continuous describes actionor sluation in progress an frcm the pdn !p to 'ndde bet\Een slove!'iadfld the Ltkrainehas beeairqssing ju\t Us$9 klillion. (SloEnia Busine$ Week website) steadilr sint 1992,.lhen it tatalle'l

a The pesent perfct continuous often emphasises lenqthoi t me of the action: the Ive been trying ta contact her all day we a Theactionmay b finished continuing, on y know by th stLration: or (the waitinq is f nished) I've been waiting for an hour! Wtryare you so late? t've been wainng for an hour and he hasn t anived yer (l will cont nue waiting) a The present perfect for continuous be Lrsed rpated can actions: phoning her aI marnins, but she'salways in a meeting. t've been

E Present perfe<t continuous: time expaeisions

perlectcontinuous a Typca tirneexp.essions are lsed with the present that include:a//dayfor manths, fot ages, lately, rccently,aver the last few yea6, sin.e, far Foreirk n\urcR hdre be.n expaadit! thenbBi'pssir Japar bt ahbut15% ainudllyoret tht liJe p*st fo'E r.|rs. (Businesweek lvebsite)

F Present perfect or present peife(t continuous?

pedect present perfect a Oltenthere very littledifference meaning in is betlveen present the and l've wotked/been working hetefot thteeyea6. perfect ou" a Thechoceof iense if oftendepends where allenton is,Welse the present on or.r attention on the present t. s res!.r (theiinished l've witten therepott. rcports in mymind) perfect f is Weule thpresenl continuousourattention on theactonin progress. l've beenwiting thercport. (theact ol wr ting is in my rnnd) ia" har. Ih the eteated dn astoblshitu at slobaleaao'nn rbeh oJree,I yedts eokryaties been lata.Can?a esu,hnhhau bed opdatingJotflanf yats tuitha .ta ehi\ikrat. flawcxploinr (worldtndeorJinewebsite) theposribilitie'. or form a lf we give details howrnany howmu.hwe do not use contnuous of a l've wdtten thfte rcpofts thisweek. an l've done a lot of rcsearch this.onpany. Natnaq index beaJalliisJot ueeh\,41d iou 3la.4lawet iLt h^ tlwe thd, TheE haolog.hea'y b afl,ont'd,gpaotfteLltrharefallefl bt a thM or a hd$ aft( Math peak.ShnetoI .o,tpakies paft warnkgs.(wshhgton Posrlvebsite)



5 Practice
Exercise ! I
the words. lh4lerliDe correct yes' phonedlI'vephoned bankaboutmyovedraft. 1 t the 2 | wo* here/ havewotkd heresince endof lastyear. the just anivedjun affieed. 3 Yol.rr has raxi I 4 We |e enjoying trip- We tave nadel nade a lot of useful ou. contacts. 5 /1seen//sawHugh Hopper fewdays a ago- hesnds regards. his 5 We yvntlhave bento an intercning sminar week. last 7 Today beehlwas has really busy-andits onlylunchtimel 8 Today beefllwas hai really burjrlt3 7 pm- l'm goinghome. 9 I'.rl af?id Pattizia has/e/ithe offace hourago. leftl an 10 l'm afraidPatrizia hete- she/eftlha5 /ertthe office. isn't

Exe.cise I ! 2
Complete sentences putting vefus b6ket5 either present the by the in into past the simple, simple or present perfect, js (Soup)by I Thecompany doing verywell. year Last sales ............*a..A-t-..$p......... 15%,andsofar ihis (goup) year they.....h4y.9..4e1g..!r!0.... another 12%. (oprate) (set 2 We ......................................allover tatinAme ca.Recently ...................................... we up) kenches Peru Ecuador in and (notlook) 3 This ...................................... likethe ght block. yousure ......... Are we (come) the rightaddress? to (you/see) (leave) here 4 ......-...............................mylaptop? sure ---'--''--,---'.'.... l'm | lt earlier (ust/meo (you/ 5 | ...................................... Andrew f.omSales. ...................................... him know) 7 (nevr/speak) 5 | ...................................... to him,but | ...-..'.'--------.his on Gpeak)to assistani the

(wo*) for (be)there 7 | ...................................... WorldCom now- | ...................................... for more rhan (you/know) fiveyea|5. ...................................... Worldcom? 81......................................(work)forWorldComsincelastyear,butnowt............ jobs.....................-.........-....... anyvacancies? (you/hear)of change

Exercise !!l 3
@to Complete mini-d'alogueputting verbs bGckts eactr by the in intothecorrect form.Oneverb willbein the present perfect the other theprcsent pedect and in possible. continuous. contEctions Use where 1 A: What3 matier? lookworriedl the You B: yes. am.| .1.Ye...-he4t-\...k++!l{...41. I in and tuok at)the(ontract derait, | .......:.y.*...|rP}if#-...... problems. a {notice) lot of potential A: oh, su.has? (phone) 2 A: l -....-......-.......-................ Ca.ol day, all butthere3 no.eply. (go) Head B: I expect she...................................... Office. to A: Oh,yes,I folgot. (you I A: 'Tosca' coming theOpeta is to Hous. ....-.......-..-...................... see) it? (look go? B: No,notyet.shallwe | .........................-..-......... foMard) itfor ages. to A: 50 have Whatabout l. next week? (you prcduce) at thissite? 4 A: Howlong..........-....-..-.................-. cars years- .-.-.....-..---'..--*- {inven) B: Aboutfour We twenty million dollars plant machinery in and . A: Oh,andhowlongwillittaketo recoup investment, youthinkT your do



Exercise A 4
Cor.pete s dialogue pulting verbsn br.ckets th by the intothecoreclforrnofihe pans nrpeor present perJecr. (ontracilons possible Use where (ior. see) ii)r ascsl !r. roRrr Hi. suc.I (r) . ...114f.e1:t. tqql vou lti. r.'o.lrn sor\rI (2) . (nd/ire)in rouch Njrhanyone recenrly ...I (.b c.) . . n ! b u \ ( - r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . r )
lrcroRri ()h. \'lDt hale \ou beer up to dE? \ V t l l .r o r k n o s I ( . r ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . f l c c ) n r v J o br i J . r t r , x r _ v t h r t I n) (5)........ .... . . . . . . ( . t r n )s o t i e c l a n ca sa g p h i . J c \ i s r e r ? c ! r , ( x , A Y c sl r c n , c D r t c o u ( . ) lr ( nr \vcll.,r 7) ....... ..........tJ1k)rlt)trlrurthrtlsr_\tr.lloNij.sonrs? t . ) x r e r l l !d , r i . n l tv e r r\ o f t r I ( S ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (hr t).lbn' . . t\ nuch hrrder \rofk rh.rD1 (1)) lrNo/do) rnrthng lik. (1r)rsr'.) (lr)) ( \ o n . e v . r / b r ) 5 c r fc n + , l o ] c d l

v ( r o r r ^ N o . . e \ e r r l r l N u s h ( l l ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(. o r i c nd r ! ) k )r b o l r i t s o ,r v h . h r \ i r b c c n . I ! \Vcll.rtthchcqinrin{l(l:) .. . ... r o ! k n o \ : r c o r l . t h t r rI ( l l ) . . . . A n d s i n . . r h c nI ( 1 1 ) bu xnic ofrh.r) (15) \ {' . . . l i r , r , , . . I(l()) l .. . (hNe) K, or rh... qoo,chcnts rrd, r . . . . . ( k r d \ ) n , . n r x n !, v . r s . l i k c T n l J i c r . L . . . . . ( h . , ! e ) l ( , t o r ' i n r . r c sr.i o r nd i l T ( r . . t . o n i r . n i c s x . . . . . ( l u o m . ) r . t U 1 . ,c r \ r . . , . r ! . ,

/ ( . r l r ( . ( h( l ( , )d r . r l ( 1 7 ) . . . . . . . . h \ 1 r )i , i . r ( i v e |i'i(, .i ! xrrh\ .rgo. I (ls) I).!rr) Mord)h ., .o!fl. l,ur . ... (,ior/sro i|v rt|licr ( ) h . , 1 . . n\.. 1 1 .( l ' ) ) u t ). , $ e h \ i r . $ i d ) c M , | | I . \ ( ) i ! . r , \ L { t r k ? t,ut) Y.s.l (l1r) . ( i u { / h , , t r h ) n \ V r , l , l ! { { 1 r i ! , ) , 1 r v , , i l r l f , . k l ( n , kr r i l h l .url tcllnrcsh.rtvou thirk ofit?

Exercise 5 A
?a 12 Loot a1the qraph..ri readthe p.ssaqe abourtechnology no.ks Compete the text by pltt f! nre veros ,r peiecl br.clels nlo rhe coiiectform of the pan ! mpleor present

(watch) Europea invetors (1).........h4-v,e...1,.4'tllPd........... stockmarkeis Us neflously over the last few months. The preblems wirh US te.hnology dd (2) (beCin) Mar.h, teleco"trtls stocks ..............................-.-.....-.-.................and sincethen lasi share pric6 at.ompdia like lntel,Appleand DeX(3).. (crash). (annoluce) ove! thesunner au thse gidts (4)........................................................ lower thd exp!.ted profits, md tnvesios fear that delldd for PCs in the higliy (peak). developed market(5) ..... . ... . . . - US . . . ........... Now it's the turn of Edopem stftks. On Monday stock in companieslike Cemdy's SA? dd Finland's (falt)sharply. Nokia (6) .................... .. ..... .... sAP (be)doM 3% in lrdkfln, md Nokia @.....................................................-.-.. (8)--............-.-....................................... (drop)7%in Helsinki But therc was $me ged nes s fo. invetoF vesreday Yah@l
$295 mitioi! tp from $115 million a yed edlid. Yznel reIi6 on ornie advertising for most of iis ituome, dd this yed it (11)...................................................--. (gain) sig.i6@! Mrket share in E@pe ad (12) (manage)10achieve the ...................

pGition ol top Web'navigationconpdy. Anatysts believe that the mdkei (13) ...-.-.........-..---*--,-.,..........(noi/hit) the bonom yet. Edlier this year jnvestore (1.1) .-..................................................-. tntemet stels that wde available,catint a st@k mdket bubble-Now ifs jusr the (buy) dy opposite.Invstors (15) .............................-........................-.-. nero6 that they are e]ling everythin& even if the company is soud (beome) so md the siock lools cheap.


uture 1
a wi
We can Lrse + the infinitiv(w thout to) to rcferto the future.M// ls usualy shodenedn w// speech and informalwriting ro'll.Ihe rcgariveol willis wan't We usewTto talk aboutfutureevents th.t we seed5 rdcL5: ln June we will bring out twe new nadels. '11'. all cl..ttkity ',ppU atnpdkas to buy a spe.A.d sovonnut aill soot impose an oblirdtior p(entds. oJthcit poln Jron rcfleunbt. sonrte'. (cua.dian websrlc) We useM// to talk aboutfuture be efsl Lyrth tlnt fkbolsatioi aid .otsolidatio in th. tihiolosy sc.tatwiII crcat! d .qrcdt.l dqrdd.fu kw d"1 pdrefil ha66.'Sto.k ,fldtkets hd,. tl .ow t lot nor nd'F.t uill .aptali$tion and t d .r itd']{ltJ oiU ha,e kss of d tok'jd),r Lr,.l,. (Obscrvcr wcbsrtc) We car add perhaps I naybe or probdbly make the blief esscertan: to Ttu .li6t lda afjob la$s futthn( ioh l'. ,nryetsi, (;unan bdslnq will prcbablyb. h tlt Cny oI lindot. @trsinsswecklvcbsire) Notice thai probabt come!afterwil/ bLrtbeforervon't He'llprchably agreewith yau. He probahly won't aqrce with you. phrase 9 ve othermeanngs.Forexarnpe, persona We can usenil/ wth an introductory to a (/ th,nk)or a hope(/ hope): opinion I think we'll prcbably open a subsidiaryin Russia next yeal yau. I hope he'll agtee with ty,7 can be usedior instanldecisions thoughisthat corneinto our headat the momentof and ng sPeak I' wait fat you outside. I' phone yau tamanaw.

B Going to
a We usethe ved be + gorngto + the i.finitiveto a conneclion beiween the present and a We usegolrg ta for plans and intentions. These thlngswe havealready dd io do. arc dec I belie,ethdt Cree'tpan is goins to lorpet bt.s.T'et dft tone tisr oJliqtidny ptuh1effiin the dedit ,1a*ets at hi\ pon tu 6ft, a i sntut enbal hanh ftsponds easing by oedit. Q'IewYotk Times $'ebsite) TLel|nc In rre fLlurecan be -ea or disunt. I'm going to call FionaCla*e this afternoon. We'te going to open a faatoty in Hungary nexryeat going to to makepredictions a We Lrse when thereis someevdence the present in siuationi (l can seeit) Be Grefult t* 9oin9 to fa .

I think weTe going ao |oset/]lsdedl (l vejust he.rd somenews)


C Presentcontinuous
a We can usrhe present .ontinuous tenseto ratkaboutth ngswe havearr.ngedto do in the future.Thereis nearly always time exprcssion. a Ann is leaving tonoffow norning HSBC moving to new prenises nextyear are seeunirs1 and2 Theaffangemenls oftn socidl are arrangements dppointmenB. or What are you doing an Tuesday afternoon? l'm seeing lackat tuw, and after that I'm meeting ny bank nanager

D Wilt or going to?

a Wll/s used instant for dcisions Going isused plans nienrions. to for and aK, t knowwhatto do.fll .a/lane (aninsiant decision) Datou havetheinlornation for Jane? going to catl her rhlsafternoon.(anintention) I'm a l4rl/is uledfor general iefs, nions, be op hop! th ngsthespeaker asfacts and tees I n surethey'll like the new design ln the futurc,narc people wi wotk fromhone. a When s used 'v/7 witha phselike/ thirk and/orwords probab,rhenthe belief/op like nion becomes certain, a prediction. less like I think you'll like thisidea. Thewo d wi prcbably endin aboutfi@billianyeaE. 8utif the isircng evidnce theprerenr in situarion go,inq is usua used then y to for (lcanreeblack Ithinkit'sgoing to Rin. clouds) We'rcgoing to nake a loss thisptoject. (t haverhe figuresn tront of me) on a There occasions we canuse are when either fonn: ]n ny presentation talk/rm going to talk about threemaih arcasFitst, I'll ... Herc speaker the could it .s a fact(w/, or an ntention see Golrg ro). a W;t s more usual^g. llandgoing aE noreusuain speech. in ta

E GoDg to or present continuous?

a For pansand.nangements isofrenlirtle fference furure there golngro andrhe d between preeent.ontinuo!s. rm going to givelrm giving ny prcsentation Friday. on a Golng canslqgenthatthe detaih theafiangemenl notbeen to of have fina sed. present The continuous sirqqest thearrangement can that is more pace. fixed, wirha rirne a and I'm goingto meethin nertweek.(justaplan iimeandpacearesiill! nknown) I'm meetinghin at tenin ny o#tce. (a definite, fixedarranqement)

F Time expressions
a Cornmontime exprcssions ihe fLrtureinclude: tomoftaw, the day after tanarraw on Fiday, for at the weel,end. nen w?pk. n a htu ddk ine.

:F rFnEl

7 Practice
1 Exercise llI
aFo. 1-{ l/atch sentences with their uses plan intention or d) a future a) a futurefact situation with in e) a prediction evidence thepresent the about future b) an opinion fl a futurearrangement c) an instantdecGion 1 2 3 4 5 6 lor l'm goingto askmy boss a payrisenextweek. E n is l'll hearthat. findoutwhattheproblem rightnow l'm sorryto n l l'm sorrybut I won't be heretomorrc,w-ll be in Paris. youwantto joinut n for Do Angela lunch. l'm meeting Ll pricewill probably whenthe marketre<overs rise Theirshare sales n it3 goingto be dilticuhto increase with so mlch competition

Exercise2 | |


mini-dialogue. in underline corcctwords each the morning? 1 Ar Areyoufrce nextTuesday with Sue. 1'll B. Sorry, havell'mhaing a meeting Thu6day? well,,^hatabout Ai oh, dght. year? for 2 Ai Whatareyourplans next goingto ope, a newfactoryio Hungary S: We'I open/We'rc interening. A: That sounds campaign? theirnewma*eting 3 A: Whatdo youthinkabout gobablysucceeding. B: I think ,?'/ probabt suceed/ it! Ar Doyoureally? 4 Ar Whatabouttomorrowat aroundlive thidy? gt OK,I'll see you you then.ll'm seeing then. A: 8ye. quite lol a thinking about problem this l've 5 A: Soasyoucan5e, ben you goingto do?lwlEt arcyou doing? 8i Yes, see.So,#,at ate I A: Resignl you weel, to 6 a: ltwouldbe nice se next on lwill you do anythtng Wednesday? B: Yes, would.Are,1,u doirg antrhing it

E x e r c i s3 I l l l l e
flture form Choose into by complete sentences puttingthe velbsin brackets the mostapproprlate the (ontinuous. berween goingto and lhe present w,4 (buy) you vivendi 1 Have heard news? the (meet) ihe Thursday moming outside station Andrca 2 1.......-....-............-.-..-....-.............. at ninenext - he ...................... .. . .. . -.. . (be) late .. . . Jrom Richard 3 l'vejusthada all (be) companyS year ihe centenary yea.-...........................................-....4 Next ..-. an He is 5 This driver terible- .. ...... .....-.-. .. ...... . .. . . . (have) a.cident taxi replace) intemational many ... ...-.. videcronfe.ences .........-...-............. (probablv 6 ln thefuture meetings. (test) new sometime week next the 7 We ........................................-......... machine (go)ro Manchener Fdday. on 8 | ........-...................-.......-.........-... . (notbe) . 9 wouldyoumind | waiting a momenl?..............-'.'.-....-................... lon9 for



Exercise !!! 4
this by inio Lail/ between and @ 14 Complete dialogue puningeachof the verbsin brakets the future.Choose
going io. Sometimes either answer may be possible,but decidewhich form is the most natura . Use possible. contractionswhere IoANN^, Pleae, come in, h.E . se*.Would you like a dlirl? Cofee? Minenl water? (lne) oh, r (1) ...............:!!...b*ys..................a coseplease. Jo NNA Lucy ... could )ru neke tm cotrees?(siglts)We , th3nk for comiry this morning. l (2) ................................................ why I sked )ou here.Um, asyou know, thde GeD }lcu (3) --------..... ..... ........ In Oe) sone bis chmgs itr the company. facr,{ (4) ................................................. (Gtructue) the whole depanment. (5) ................................................ Yes.I ktrow.when (n/happen)? (be) finihed by rhe sumer. Um, the thing n, lo NN^, Ererythiry (6) . under the Ds structure you!job o) ................................................ (probably/disappeu). Realy? Is that cEtain? (have)a Jo NN^ well, we (8) ................................................meeringnxr wek ro linaliseall the plans, and I (9) dont have to uorry . (leg you know what we decide.Anyway, you

oh? Gotrealrives) to (ofted Jo NN^, w[, a! I w:! s.yingyou dont heve worryWe 00) ...............................-.----you a newjob.You (11)................................................ responsibiliry rhesabry (har) morc and (12)................................................ O) muchbcncr. Thatl wondertul, thrnk you verymuch.\v}lat (rhe )acdy(13).............................................. nN job / involvc)? . (xpand) wholecustomcr the scrvices arca.Ifyou JoANN^ Wc[, wc (14) accept (15) the . (be)responsible the new team. for Um, (meen) lot it (16)................................................ norc work,ofcoune.whardo you rhink? a (ncd)! dayor two ro rhink aboutu. It sound!gre.t, but I (17) . NN, Ofcoune,no prcblem. Look,I (18) . (nor/be)in the ogice6r Jo -I(19) the Dextfew d4 . (visir) subsidi$y Hungary. our in (20) aiswer me by nextweek? (you,/ha!!) for Yes,I(21)................................................lny decision Mondala on Give)you

Exercise 5 [ |
Complete emailfrcm PAtoherboss putting verbs brackets thefuture. this a by the in lnto Choose between !v,i/l the present and continuous. contractions Use wherepossible.

I ve booked your flight to Slovenla. You (1) ..-.I_z,..le4y!.64._ (l6) on Tuesday 3rd at A-45 in the mornlng, so you (2)........................ (arl) in Ljubljanabfo lunch.sonsn (3)........................ at th irportto mer (be) you. Yourfret meetlngis with Alekaander (s6) P@kar, and you (4) .-,...--................ him at 1 pm at our to@l you out to luncr'-Afrer lunch you (6) -....................... otfie- He (5) ...-.....-.............. (prcbably/take) (novdo) anythinquntll4 ph, so you (7) ...,....,....,....,..... (have)time to qo to ih6 hoter.You (8) ,,...-....-....-....-... (stay)al the Interconrhental, which is in a very @ntral lotion. | (9) ...,..-.-.--.--. (go) to the travel agents to pick up the ticketsrhis aftem@n, e I (10) -....--...--.........-., them ro you tomo@. (give)

uture 2
A Future: time expressions
(not w//) to referto th futureafterthese perfecr a We usethe preseni rmpl or the presenr beforc, unless,in case,as soon as,until, by the tine, the next tine: wotds. when, after, when I see hec I'lltell het yau called. we I discussit again aftet you get back As soon as I've finished the rcpon, lllenall it to yau Yau can wait here until she comes back Notce that a {ulureform (wil, car) s u5edin the otherp. ( of the 5entence

B Presentsimple/continuous
(or a We oltn usethe present simple present continlout when we talk aboul evenls n the or futurc based a fixedlimetabe,prcgramme caendar on tim s planeleaves(is leavind at 12.15 Our bossrctires (is rctinnd nextyeat

C Future continuous
is a Thefuturecontinuous lormedwth w// + be + the -ing forrnol the verb: arryofi.\ tuill b. ii'cstibg i Chi n atli Ok. hn\ hdt is clct it lht tuat.aid larynkrhr.! vill dllo', r/r,x rd. (Asixrvcck wcbshc) thdt ttu na! lawn t't a Thefuturecontin!o!s de5cr an activity progre!5 the luture bes in in we compare whal we aredo ng now wth whal we w llbe do ng in the we often ure ii when fulure.Thereis nearyalways lime expression. a Nextyeat I'll be working in aut SaoPaulooffice where will you be wo*ing in slxnonthl time? will a Thefutureco.t nuous6 often uted to saythat something dei nitelyhappen: we'll be holding a meeting soon, sa we can makea decisianthen.

D Future perfect
a Thefuturc perJec( formedwith w7 + have+ pastpaniciple: is 8y the tine I retirc, nl have been in banking far ovet thirty yeaa. ptodted by hadniotdl hantfadwinr ootdtide Mll By theyetu2a20 fu ,ol ,tc o.fsoods prcbobly at led\tluie ,t' it n hday.Brt ih tfu US, IIE nMreo.fna {a,tu s in CDe tuhnh be will ha"e sh nh to 5%. (lndusrrvweekwebsite) n sill oroundlioA or so, a we lse the future perfct look backfrom one poift in th futureto an ear er evenlor io periodof time.We oftef usebyor by the tme with the futureperfect: By the tine we prepareour proposal they' have found anothet supplier. units. By the end af the yeat we'll have sold arcund 1,AAO a athough somepople r is commonto lse. simplew;flform in pl.ce of the future perfect, .orrect: th nk th s is not grammaiic.lly By the tine we've preparcd ou prcpasal thel find another suppliet By the end of the yeat we'll sell arauntl 1 ,000 units. fom of the future perfed to look from one polnt in th future.t We usethe continuous an aaviy in proqrcss: Nextyear we' have been nanufactwing the sane nodel for ten yeats.



E Was going to
going 1s a futue form.We use a Waslwerc ra not itto refer somerhing to tharwepannednthe past didnotdo: but I'n sorry lwas going to phone you thisnorning, but I had to seeaneal out clients.

Other ways to talk about the future

a We often usemodals related and velbslikeshou/d, likelyA could,may,miqhtro rclet ta be thefuture. unit13. see O W-A the verbs pect, hope,intend,wouldIikq pla4 warafollowedby an nf nitive(ro do) use to refer thefuturc: to
Cettflan dutot dketBMW b pldnniry to hciE a Wdftt ai pla in Cehtal .r Eatem Ewope by the hiddle of2001- aid the Czecl' Republnis ho ng to get the oitb.t. (pegnepost Notice negative the forms: lexpedlhope I won't ... We don't inEftllplanlwant to ...

a usethe velb t,rinkfollowedby '/l

I think/don't think I' changeny htenet Se"/i( tuavider We can usebe due to for that w expect happen: to Mrwckh, utb hit' CE\ 'flandatory rcfie,nettdgeof 65 nert no th, hatbtilt CE intnAnerna\ Nd1o'npony in stock 'natketlalMtian.Hc k dle to nan thr ctt chdhhdn d thiclexc uit? CE i the ncrtItu ddys.(WallStreet Eurcpe websirc) 9f Journ.l We can usebe about io for thingsthat will (will not) happen verysoon: A laok dt It sto.knia'tet Mluatio'tsolbir tolxude hosys s,.h as Citeo and Onde showthat the po.eofdtulopncnt i nct! te tulofy k not cboBtt6 doo (Fo$es.comwebsire)
Seeunit 14 a

h modrnEnglish sha////r...2 are usedto makesuggestions, to feferto the futLire. not shall I open the window? shall we neet again nen week? sha//is stillusedfor the futurc in formalsiluations, exampleegaldocumenb. for

"I uaja,

going h nt,'w.4 I danr tub t . tuta. ofa,,4r&natutt tuht.'




8 Practice Exercise SHUgg 1S

Underline correct the word' 1 Iamotrcwnl inteNiewtrll be inteNiewing candidates moming. all 2 we willhave navedtwillbe molng to ournewpmises August. in 3 We will haveno\/edlwillbe mov,,ng our newpFmises August. to by 4 WhatUmedoesJourtrainlwilltov trainleave? you 5 Don'tforgetto turn ofi the lightsbefore are/eaving/you lea\,p. 6 We <an'tsend goodsunlil we'vereceivedlwe the willre.eivea fim oder. 7 we wil be rcpayinglwilha!repaidthe bankloanby December A Uresstheyle/they more llbe reasonable. llhave brcak negotiations. w to off 9 I wasgoing to witelwas w',rtngto them,but I forgot. 1A lhopellwillhope beable speak thepress ro to at conference myself. 1l Ou.visitors di./e affiveldueaniing ar 10.30. to are 12 lhopelwon'tlldon't hope /7be latefor themeeting. /7be latefor themeeting. 13 | think lwon'tlldon't thrl?k 14 When conrract the ,i/wz be ready, letyouknow l'll 15 Willt/Elshall we b'eakfor coffeenow? just 16 Sorry lcan'tspeak now I'lljusthavell'n aboutto haye. meeting.

Exercise fiEn 2
l+ aFh) Complete senren(e wth anendrng ea(h 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Please a seat until E a take They unless won'taccept order our you before Helen wantsto see Youwon'tsee Helel1. thetimeshearrives 8y Assoon Helen as arives weekl'll | cafl waitlThis timenext l'll have suntan timewe meetll'll a nxt I q l l'll Sorry abouithis. a fewmoments In is n o rDfRihal feady seeyou. to

! o ! a r


n o

n ;

you'llhave left. we give bankguaranie. a have finished w canttsk. and you. i'llaskherto phone havejust come back fromcreec be lying a beach cfeece. on in

Complete sentences puttingthe vrbsin brackets the righttense. the by into the Choose betlveen present (i7 be dolhq) and future peded lt'll have dane). s mp e (/ do), future .ontinuous (past. Bythe time allthe p.pe6 are ready, deadline the ...-Lrj!!...k.v.g..MttreC.... (,eave) I pm and ............................................ 3.45. (arrlve) 2 Theflight .-....-....-....-....-....-.........-....... at at (see) I L...............................-..-....-.... tomorrow so lcan give h m yo!r message. Nick (finish). 4 Thistaxl is so slow Bythe time we get therethe meeting............................................ l (play) golf 5 Sorry| can'tsyou on the 15th | ..-..-...................-.................. w th . client. (hear) 6 won't do .nythinquntil | ..............................-....-........ yo!. from (nari). 7 Huffy!pl Bythe time we affive,the play ......................-......-....-..-...... (you/learn) the end of yourcourse? 8 what ...........-..-....-.-..-....-........ by 9................................-.......-...(you/us)theconfercncercomnexiTuesday? (- ) 1 0 W h e n| . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - . . . - . . . . - . . . .s e eh i m ,l ' l la s kh i m . .



it, the hds a An economist prepared sho.trcpod abouth s co!ntry nextyear Redd tlrenchoose correct the alternatve {rom A, B, C or D beow to complete report.

12 6onth e.onni. Iote@t intcre$ nr6low next Ieaf nr orde. to $lmulte economic srowth,.nd so The Cennd Bdk (1) ...S....keep c.oroNr to continuc grc$ns rt about l%.Thi5 neans tbr mcnPloymdrt (3) .. '! ve {2) .........the mon secors of the econonr,v next yer Exchange ntes ar vert difil.ult to lredicq bui the curency (a) .........cmain st.blc. (6) .. Gll eledions sonE nnporeDr eventsfe (s) .........take pl,cc in thc poliricd neH.The President The monrhs.and50 by the nnddc ofncxt yca! fie electioncamPrisn (7) . wirhin the next twele sovcrnmenr(8) ....... . on i phtfon othonsty rnd.onPcicnce. rnd t (9) oducc rcfor$ to lhc .. , lcsrl sy*cD so ihdjldges.rn nr!stiste thc mnuseofprblic fundsmore e6ily.'Whenthrt (10) inrc.n*ioml nNr$or co.ndence shouldincPse nPi.Iy.

B s l i kn g l o I will beei f. ng B w i l lp r o b a b y Cw ta n9 ial prcbaby Ds Dw D expecting D6dungto 7 8 Aw Aw have egln b beioughl Bw bebegun Bw beiighling D will begrn Cw fLghtrng Dwll have qht f

C being

oa o s n M r 1 5 T h eH l m d nR e s o u , . e sa . a g e o l a . , 9 e c o m p a n y e x p l a n g t h ea p p r a | s d l s v s tte m g r o u p t n e w "F between the inlo the r ght tense Choose hE Complele ialk by pun ng lhe verbs n brackets employees (/'// (/ do),lutu cont nlous (/7 be doi.q). lutu.e perfect havedore) ...) '|as going to. p.esenr mp e s ' Y o ! ra p p r a a n t e r v e w s ( 1 ) . . . . . . 4 [ q . . . . ( b e ) ! n f . / a rEh , r n s o r r yr h e y( 2 ). . . . . . . . .. . . . . - . - . s .r yoLrr ne manaqetr (be)in February we had io ponponelhem Sorry abolt lhat Um, d!ring Febr!afy blt )a ( 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . o L L e c t t h e i n f o r m a l n t h e yn e e d r o r ny o u ,a n db y t h e t m ey o ! m e e !f o r f o .c ) - . - . . - . . . . . .(.p r o d l c ea c h e c k l i o f p o n t si o r d i s c l s s o n st t h e i n t e r v e Wh e y( 4 ). . . . . . . . t (d6cLrss) pe.forman.e nq the pan (5) . ......... your dur you ......-.-..- -. . .. . RLghtUm, n the Lnteruiew et year.nd any iesues reat nq to yourfuture needs, slch .s trarningBythe end of the rneetng hopethat a (6 r o .g. o y o ua n dy o ! r l i n m a n a q e r 5 ). . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.a . . r e e )n y o L rp e r 5 0 n o b l e c t v ers r n e x t v e a t onaL deveopment s that dear?Yp,OK,qood Oi colrse there s o{ tarqelsand profess both n terrns sales (7) that we - , . (happen) the rnarket to somef e|ibilty in the targets,n .aseany'lhinq . . predct We rnayaso have. budgt foryou to do somet.anrng.afteryo! (8) cannot ( q e t ) r e a? b u s J r i n (9) ..... ( c o m eb a c k r o my o l r s u m r n e ro l d a y s u l b e f o r e o r k ) . . h b w l ] Good september. that OK?Yeah. ls ( . . . t. ) w A f t e rt h a i , l h en e n t i m el h a i w e a l ! ( r 0 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m.e.e .a.q a i n i l l b el n O c t o b e t on trd when d like somefeedback yoLrr n nq, as by then any cou6$ that you do ( I I ) ... ....... .... .. Y s . . . . . .( f i n h ) h a tO K ? e a h ( 1 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G e n d ) y o l r y y . .v f e e d b a cfk r n ' rn a r etrh et i m e W e , e t u ne s s o ! ( r 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.h.a . .e ) a nq l e s i o n s , o s ) y y t h n k t h a t \ a . O h ,n o E r , e s l { 1 4 ) . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( h a v ea w o r dw i t h y o ud b o u t o u rh o d d v pLans, you probabydont know thm yet. Couldyou emaLme wlth yoLr reqlen as soonasyou know but

assive 1
A Form
a To makethe passive useaob.nd a pastparic plel we

yeat tntelproducesnilians af chips every

Our supplier is shipping the goods next week Thegovenment nised interest rctesby lo/d. He was asking ne some difficult quesnans Theyhave chosen the new design. Rasawi give a pressbnefing tananow. arange a loan within sixdays We nay give you sone new salestaryets

Mitlions .hips are prcducedevery year. of

Thegoods are being shipped next week. tnterest rateswerc rcised by |ak. I was being asked sone difficult questians. The new design has been chosen. A pressbiefing will be given tonanaw. A laan can be aranged within sixdays. Youmay be given sane new sales taryets.

(nillionsof chips/interest a Theobjectin the.ctive senrcnce ratei)moves the front in the to passive sentence becomes subjecr and the a We fofm negatves and questons ihe samway as in actve sentences in Thenew design hatnt been .hosen. Has the new design heen choten?

B Uses:fo<us on important intormation

a n the active senrences abovethe pe6on or organsaion who doesth acrion(/rrel/Ihe /Rosa) imponant ie 90vrnrrerf . ln the passive aboveihe pe6on or organaat who doesthe acrion s nor sentences on m e n t o n e dt n r i g h b e . t clearfrom lhe siiuation (ralsedlchoser) the thingsafiecledby Innead,rhe mponanr nfom.tion is e ther rhe actions or the adon (Mi bns of.hips/rhe goods/A prcss biefirg). a Sludytheseexampes: A larye propottiot oJwo d ntl ltodtuior it Sewtdted tu th. Nlihlle Ed\t. (culfBusines "ery Masazinewcbsrte.) Hereihe writerwanrsto ernphasse amountof o . Who did the acton (ge,lerate)is the cear or me North Aneiedn Frc. TtadeArcd (NAFTA) uds cstahlished 1993 b link the Linited in Stat.s,Ca adr dtd 14.!ko in d fi.. rrddeasteenet. (LatjnTnde websrte) H e f e h ew r l t e r . n t si o s a yw h e n . n dw h y t h e a c l o n h a p p e n e d h o d d t h e a c t t o n t w W (estabrsh) not rnpo.tant. is D.utstltc Post AC nill ofet ntush^ dtut prie di ot tsand bakr\ thdres lart aJits plaa,ed .s nfiidl p,blt ofe E. These i1'edtio* toill be ofercd n) EkiL ihre\kE in EU .ounti6 who nke a ertll \tliniptio . 0fi/a11 Sftet Jou.nal Eurole websne) Hercthe witer wantr to glveintonndtonaboLrr incentives. rhe Who wittdo ihe acton (olfed is nol rr.portantor not known.



sysiemsand Processes C Uses:

pro(esses procedures: and to synems, a we often lse the passive talk dboLrt dhort \oen nasths to gto ih thefeld. Ia Auqun the Tje bdnq, tvd to nnhe hzh ukisky tnkes 'nallry', dh 4k i.nt bo cy L' hdtrsteil d,,t thenW tu ren d bryle al nett ttzp is fu .hettnby Iull of ttatitiat. ]t rirc a i.h, watu fd,o"t to th. whisq dhd d'ses thes6ih ta ptud,ce at narh6, whnh oft eofwte.I to suSa6 a ld@ ndgeaJth. po.e$.The tudhe.lbdtev k Bted Jol dlengtowd htoiofi dnd pld.ed irto htse 'esteh ihn n is mked unh hot abort thtee oeclJ HM, yust is addetl' dn.l is utatetto 'ldk. a 'utott'.7 he tt@n .ooleil, then dn into orothet vessel thdt nt$ tuth' It i\ distilLdtian the ttdth is tnned inta !.!art p@.l!.nE d deat liqrid cdlledthe thistudt\1itlto ehkln. I'1 tlistilli':a, the liqtid Lt h@ted tntil the spi tutns to lnlatt' thett uhis@ nust 6e agedi" odkbardsJot nt leostthtee .o"derced trdtkit o liryid. By \av, Scotch y.d6 (Adaptedfrctu De!%r'sScotchwhisky {ebsite) ln we s.e akounit4s a To showa sequnce a prccss usewords tke:Fnsylfistof a , Then,Thenextstep Ne4 Aftet that, Fina r. Firtt of all the finishedproducts arc .he.ked fur qualiry, then thev arc packed and sent out fron ou wareholse. Aftet disPat h we allaw custanen ta lollow the progrcssof thetr arder on ou lntr.,net.Finally, we get a digital inage af the signature of the pe,sanwha rcceivesthe qaadt sa that this can be checked latea if necessaty

D Saying who does ihe a<tion

the the or that exampes above pe6on organisation does actonis not a In allthepasslve by: thenwe use doerihe action mentoned. we wantto savwho li next weekby our suwliet in china Thegoodsarebeingshipped Mendoza press will be glventananow by our lnfotmatton officet Rosa A briefing ditetul h Tt.fd'ton' it ttdfcd br thc loral peopleuho uorhedthelebeJorc, ai a awplataLf (Busnrcss lvcbsitc) NewsAtncricas ,dJiJ.

E Transitive and intrantitive verbs

(e9:help) Verb5 which do not lsually lnsitiveverbs seearso unit2r a Verbs which usually takeoblecls.rc called intransitive verbs(eq:/oot) takeobie.tsa called t help you? A: Gn B: No,In iust looking. verbs can be both transtve and with T or L.Some Dctonaies showthis information verbs can be madepaseve lransitive inilansitive. Only

Raise A

rates werercised month last lnterest

lnsease (T/l) lnterest rateswete increasedlast manth lnteren ntes *ereei6Ae-up la* nonth. Go up (l)



9 Practice
Exer<ise1 g
Complete sentence a passive Youmayneed negative each with verb. a form. 1 Somebody damaged goods tlansit. the in Thegoods ...........-.L|ei:g...dA|$a4ed............. in trdnsit. 2 Thousands people thisadvertevery of see dal. This advert _._...._...._............................................ bythousands peopte of every day. 3 They notfinish project theendof the month. will the by Theproject.......--------......_.._._.._................ ofthe month. by theend 4 Theyhaveclosed retailoutletsoverthe lastyear fifty Fiily.etaii outlets ................ year. r rhetast 5 We arc reviewing of our lT syslems. all All of ourlTsystems ........... 6 Wecannot yourorder ship lntilwe receive payment. Yo!rorder ,,,,...,._._.._............_._......,.,....,.,..,........ payment. untilwereceive

Exercise g !t 2
Decide it isnecessaryto whodoes action. it is nornecessary it oU. tf tt is necessary a if lay (toss the tf plt tick(/). 1 | don'tthlnkyourproposal beaccepted will ry+pl, 2 Thecompany founded was bythefather thepresent of chairman. / 3 All olr machines serviced highly are by trained technicians. 4 This machine working isn't againl wasrepaid lt yesterday a techni(ian. by 5 Theconference opened someone the London was by fiom Businesr School. 5 l'll be shown round facrory someone, thent,ltrneet sales the by and the team.

E x e r c i s3 I E E ! l e
you Rewrite these sentences thepassjvit ispossible. mayneed negative using if a it s not possbe (because verb intransitive)put th is a cross L I OurR& D department discovered have a promising drug. new 2 Theinflation wntdownbyO_5% month. rate lan
3 O.e of our bestyoungdesgneBcreated line this

..4...Fr-qxiti14...^e.}|...d':$4...h4t .-bcs.^..dits-"J.g.!:gd*..,b.rx....'"!.c...R*D..deEa!:

4 l'm sorry can'tdo that. we 5 Something interesting very happened melanweek. to 6 We?e spending thana million more dollaG advenisinq vear on this 7 TheAccounts Depadment not authorise paymenr. may this 8 | worked a (onsultant fourveals as for afrefmvtvt8A.



to do manualthat how uses is a explains thecompany qustionnalres a marketing manager writing training putting verbs frcmthe in beow intoihe prcsni mplepastive. s the rn.rket rcseaKh. Complete textby the
d5i9 sendbacl distribute otfer


outrource analise

(1) Then questions 4!:g d,eti4^ed'. by a small of to the Firn, c.refully we slct sample people ask. a (2) intosequence grouped and Next, within department. the questions ..........................-..... the team printthequestionnaire it (3)....................-........... to everyone the In and Afterthat, we toqether topic. by ble as to us,but as not sample cou6e, allthefoms (4).........................-...... wetryto collect many poss Of F gift(5).......................-........ who rctumtheforms. an incentve.nallv to people as Sometimes a small (6) bylh ma(eting and we enter allthsults ontoa sprcadsheet, the informaton ...-............................ (7) to an co ection .-........ . . laesample dl(ribution the and depadment.we arusing very lf a

Exercise n P 5
her fromherplanning schdule, complete lefier then her Look Helen narting ownbusrness. at theextraci is (haslha! prcsnt prfect passive been done), choos either present the to a businss advice service. (,s/a/e form done). done) a modalpassive (e9:shou/dbe or contnuou!passive beinq loan. Contact bank affange to Find oiflce space. orderif necessary Equipment needed? etc, Print business stationry cards, furniture, etc. Decorate office, order press. in locai Place advedsements peiod. for Review needs Chistmas staffing

I am wrifFg io arange m interiew with one of your businessadvi*F io discussmy busine$ sta.t-uP. I've analy*d ihe market very cdtully and I believe thai I have a Soodbuiness plan- I can give you a few details of my prctress so fd. I've had *veral meetinss uth ny banl, and a lod (1) i4'-..*f.n..4!.-r.-a*4C-(acute) l've fomd some . .... (will/need) arthough somework (2) ........ ofiicespace a Soodlocation, in move in. I've reviewed my equipment neds and in fact sone sPecialseditens (3) . (fint)dd (order)at the nom{t. My business cardsl4).............-.-....-..-....-....-.. will b readyin a weekor (shotnd/ the 60.This weekI'mbsy decorating offi.e,md I (5) .-.-.......-......-....-....-.-..... 6nish)by the end of you co!]d advjse me on ihis matter I klow that roon l'l] hale to advertie in the lftal PIs, dd PerhaPs (might/ neds - extrastaff{6) ...-..-....-....-................... need) Iielly, I'd like somehelp plaming my stalfing over the Ckistnas period-

Heler' Clradwick

assive 2
A Uses: linking to previous information
a Thechoice active passive depends howwewantio conr fromthe orevious of or often on nue ,tna6n busne,5nch.lHe)founded n te72 v!:!9 !9!!!!'\ o"e at ..rnany, best sAp "hel workingfor tBM.ladive)
was founded by HassaPlattnerin 19/2 after he

B Usesi being formal/impersonal

a The passive oflen used n bLrsiness ie correspondence wherethe wrirerwanil to be impersonal Compafe: acnvE morepersonal We orctercd twenty fitter units frcn you on the 16th March and the cauriet detiverco men yes@tdayUnfartunatety,when we opened the package sameonehad damaged two at the uni6 Au production depaftnent needs these ite|:ls uryentty. PAss morermpefsona vE Twentyfitter units werc odeted from yau an the 16th Mar.h and they were detivere.l yesterday.Unfortunatet)t vr'henthe package was opened ttr'a of the unns had been danaged. Theseitens are needed ueently by ov prcduction depaftment. a Passives frequeft in formatwiring generaly, repodsand ]eg. docurnents. are e9: Other anguagen fte text will a so be fo.mdr: Cofhdd af E"rylryrctl (i) Of.t afotploynutt.'tlt t)lflr Day h. exptesedttn( y t it mat b. implied bf .and]|.. rl ntrst be.onnt1tiate.l h rhc dttloye.'nt alf.t taa bc pithdhw at My trr. Lcl& aa(tj!di.(. () Wntc" CotulititB.Atct th..onha k na.t., oery orploys mnsthegiren d r,i lr rrat.ifl1! ol tons r"d..iditio s oJd'lor',a,r. (Busnc$ Lnrk lvebsne) sleun,22 a P.ssves used n phrases are w(h lrto rportwh.r peopte said n a fomatwayr/rrvas said/agreed that... . I Try1ofifd a balance between activeandpassive forms Toomanyp.rsveforms can makea letteror reportd tficLrlt undeEtano. ro

C Passive+ infiniiive
a Theveds berbyeexpectknow rcpart, thnk, suppase, say, undeatand often usedin the dre presentmple passive s followed an infinitive do).Ths useiscommon news (ro by in .eporls:
TlE Hngatidn to oDry ex?e.t tl to erpatu! 6% ow &e kert ,uo yea6 as tisik! lteftBatt is a.tuts Euope lJaans ord for lotdlly ptui!.ed .a^ dnd rejigaatas. Ca,sunet pti@, arc pftdicted de to ti!. bt at onMl duerose 7% 'text yeat. (cebd websire) o.f a To reier io the past we usebetieve,exped, ercwirh ta have done. Mahy i"vestnut bdnl5arc helided to ha,e srnded tos6 ih the high yietd, ot,j,hk,, boatt 'na*et h tMt honths. (FT-con websire) a To rcier to an acrivity in progressat rhe momenr we use belieye,expe.t, etc wirh aobe dolher. En5soi k know to be lookiry at the pasibithy outsoutinritstao price, oJ ehtry-teret phoaes in 1i'ipar. (Econon;i vebsire)

2 10 PASS|VE


D verbs with two obieds

We verbshavetwo objects. can: a Some give/ lend/ offer / prcnise I sell/ send ltake something ta somebocly baok/buy / keepI naket pteparcl savesonething lar sonebody a verbsin two ways: we In activ sentences can usethes-a /dsayar (with fo) ABBgave a larye orderto u5 (without ao) A88 gave us a larye otder lastW. Theform without tolfor is moreusudl o the of One becomes subjct the p.ssve sentence, Each way cdn be madepassive. of the objects the otherstays an objed. as A larye oder was given to us W ABB iastyear \wiIh ta) we werc given a la,ge oder by A88 lastyear. \wilhou\ to) again,the iom without tolfor is morc usual.

Have something dgne

per9on, a technician accountant, some worktor us,we can e9, or does a When protessional a done: vsehavesomething we haveov a..ounts atdiffd by KPMG. last rcdecoratecl yeat we had out offices weTegoing to havea new ai conditbningststen ins|llled. che.ked fot vnuses. Yaumun haveyou computers in This a Wecanlse get in place have mottcases is morniofmal. of we got thecontractche*ed by ou lawyeE.

F lo he born
passive not meaning. lorm an a Io be bornis a passive butdoes have obvious I was bom in Utuguay

'Som people, Re|nlon, a.e t o.n to pU3hthe enveloPe, .nd sorne are bom to llck h."


to PA5S|VE2

10 Practice
Exercise ff. 1
Read each stater;nt 1-5thenchoose which sentence.) b)should ow pura tck (/) bythecorrcct or fo 1 Chevron Texaco goinq merge a S35billion and are to via ofierby Chevron. a) Senior fi6t executives discussed year it a ago. n b) lt wasflrstdisclssed senior year by executives ago. a A 2 Theprocess economic of union Europe proqressing in is quickly. a) A commissionef spain from called Pedro Solbes dire(ingit is n b) lt isbeing dkected Pedrc by solbes, commissioner spain. a from n 3 Pedro Solbes Eurc'pe3 is for commissionreconomic monetary.tfai6. and process economic .) He s direciing difficult the of unio". n procest economic b) Thed tficult of union being is dnedd htm. by n 4 Novartis shares by32 Swiss .ose francs Zu ch yesteday. in a) They going launch newd.ugcalled are to a Starlix rhisyear later I b) A newdrugcalled Starlix going be launched them aterthts is to by year fl 5 Starlix a powe.ful drugfor tatingdiaberes. is new a) Novartis going launch later are to it thisyear. ! b) lt s 9oin9 belaunched Novanis to year by laterthis n

words. lblbdioq the correct 1 | hadmy catbe rcpaied/ epa[ed yesleday. 2 Profits expected growltogrory 10% in thenextquarter are by 3 | wasbornlbarn) a lil].letown just outside Dijon. 4 We're getting machines the c/earedlbbe c/eared tomorrow 5 TheBoadisthought be denanded/haw to denanded resignation. hi! 5 We havethe components assenblinglassenbled inJawan. 7 Where exactly hreyou bonldid you bonl 8 Sheis supposed beenlookinglto be lookinglot a rcw tob. to

Exercise 3 g
Compete second the sentence it hasa similar so meaning thefirstsentence. io 1 Davld frcmMarketing methisbook. Gill lent ......... .....-.-1..r.41.-.1-e..^1..................... . thisbookby David f.omMarkering. Gi 2 This sample qiven meat theTrade was to Fair ................_..... thissampte theTrad r. ar Fa promised delivery 3 They us wiihintwoweeks ourorder. of we ..-....-......................_..............._. wkof ourorder _......._.......two within 4 A 'Fxtile rm nea'Milan f m.deih6 fabri(for u5 ._.................... bya textite near for us firm Mitan. 5 This order sent usthrcugh website. w.s to our ........_.._.......... through website. rhisorder our 6 lvy secretary booked flightfor me. the ....._......._...... by mysecretary tor me

10 PASSIVE 49 2

Exercise B 4
+r16 (hasdon)or passve perfect Cornpetthe reportbv pultng the verbtin brcketrnto the present active (harbeendone)

Bnzn (1) ....1!4t...b-a.-e.l..t$t..fQrled.... (,*-f.*t o'e, e . e n , ) " r ^ i n i l J h o , ,t . .

f,"n ao economy bded on sosi,r and coftic inro a \hor omc penod.

leatlingindustrial porver,and ths (r) ...... .lgt. !14rP?^qd.... (hrpp.n) owr a rhb,cb n M s t D e ' r r ( a ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G . .c.o r m s ) . ..n . .. Thc covernncnr (5) .... . (6) .... (7) ....

............ brrn" und. .onnol.J,,dfo,aLi di,-ct (privrtne) nDny srtc-owned companies,aDd they

...... hho,/invest) r lot ofD,oney h .dvanced intosffuctue.In an attenrpt to decenrahe the econoDry, CaDrpims sis chosen to bc B.rzil\ lT opital,.nd car production . . .. .. (n,ovc) trlvr! fion rad,tion.l centresto st.t,\ s!.h rs Rio cnndc do sul ( i n t h e s o u t h .N o o n e p e t e , r d ' t l , ! t J I t h c o l d p r o b l c m s 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o.l.v c.)b l t B B z i l {s . .. , . rinJl, ul,rrr.r . pL.c ' n rhe$orld $cc n

Exercise 5 C
Read article the about Manchener Un,ted, thencomplete w th the verbsin the bracketsPlt the f,6t verb rt n i h e p r e s e n t 5 m p e p a s v e ( t o b e d o n e ) a . d t h e s e c on d s u tr.b e i o r m o i t l r e f n t v e ( r o d o , t o ndve b n be donrg. at ta have done)

Manchester United: just a game of football?

.rccutivcs But scnior ,r, rt tu$oted to have (supposc/h!!e) belween nrillior and l0 30 millionsupponers throughout world. rlc thecapacity ofthe stadium trom55,000 seats 67,400 ro se{ls.Bul this G)................................................. (know/looka0 othe.wrys to geneatc ( 6 ) . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.t.h . n.k./.b e.) - i . . . .u. goodinvestmenr.s will generllc incomc rhenonerr. Forexample, ar the ir ncarly ..... .... c l u b( 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !7.5 .millionin addiriond ornoverannually. lhrouBh se.ics a ofalliances. Cosls the at club conrinue jncrcasc. few yeds aeo ro A t h ec l u b( 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t30n on a ple to expand kepod/spend) The dain coslsrr fte club de the salarics ol' theplayen.Lrsr lelr thetem\ captain (?)................................................ (ur.lerstdnd/negotiate) a lburyearcontrocr worthovereightn8urcs.

In Norway. exanplc, for onc ir cvcry 140 p e o p l e2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ - - ( (bclieve/dcvelop) c'conrnercc iniriatives supponer Ticker Gay/be)a regislercd sales merchandisirg lnd confibure ove. hall of thcclub\ revenue, wilh lclcvision corributinga funhe.20./,.

Exercise 6 B
Thetwo emarhbeow arevrys rn ar, but lh one on the rght 6 more mpersondl Compleiet by !s ng r o . I e r r . . e a d t. I . p . o .qb "_ro.1oJ.h"pd..r.e

Thankyou for yourorderfor Pcplus software whichwe received this morning. Our fulfilment team is dealing with yourorder,and we expect ihat we wil deliverihe package you within io 10 workng days. have included current our pricelst as an attachmeni, Pleasenotewe on,, guarantee ihese pricesuntil31 DecemberThank you for choosing

Thankyou lor youf orderfor Pcplus software which (1)........lJ4:..I-elCiY-eC........ ng.Yourorder th s morn (2)....................................-... by ouf fulfllment teamandwe (3) expect the package ........................................ that to you with n 10 workingdays.Our currentprice ist (4) ...........,.,.,.,,.,................... as an attachment.easenote P p s t h a t h e s e r i c e ( 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n.t.i .l . . . . . . . . u. 31 December. Thankyou for choosing

odals and related verbs 1

A Modal torm
I UnitsI1 14 dalwith modalverbs. Modalverbs can,could,wi , would,nay, night, shal, ar Modalverbs followedby th niinitive are wlhout to. Moda verbshdveonlyone form. Sothereis no 5 in the thifd person ngutar s and thereare no ve.b tnses wilh lr9, ed, etc. dr Negatives madeby puning Questions madeby putt ng the mod.l in ffont of rh subject. are -r'f n spokenEng sh afd informawrtren not immediaiely afier the modal(often shortened to

a a

Eng sh). Can..? L

Coutd1.. ? tcauld nat (cauldn t)

wouldI ...?

Iwau|.jnat (wauldn't)

t shouldnor (shouldn't)

Moda verbs auxiliaryverbr-theyare usedwth othermainverbs two modalverbs a.e cannot

a Modalverbshaveno n{ niiiveform. nstead, useolher expressions b rble fo (for can), we ke

have ta (lot nust) and be likely ta (lor nigh). |'d like to be able to speakbeter french. (NOT #d-lik+e+a+psf() Modalverbs showthe speakerS atttude or leelings aboLrr stuaion Forexampe,how a proba e or necessary b so.neth s. or thar ihe spea 6 ofieringor request someth ing ker ng ng The lame mod. velb can be lsed in dillerenrwaysand wirh on y kfow lhe meaning ircm the stlalion. Forexarnpe, could: jab. (ability: lcould get to wo* in 30 ninutesin ny last pastrime) Could you passthe salt, please? (Gquenpresent time) (uncertainty: t me) That could be difficult fulure

B Ability
a Totalkabout we ability use andcar't(orcarrorif form.lwitinq). ca, WeGn getthat informatlan frcn the Net Canyou delivet in tu\/a weeks? No,we can'I
'IJ ue rahnot ptodre in ,Mre thdt both .dpnies thc e$er( oldk Hus.lian nntion dhd is tonin.ilq,ller ath$t rillptoduc n i'B2dd'tiid Hufatid Prn e MinbtetViktu A iiinhis \peth t.stedry. (Cennal EuropeReview Nebsire) t Car't s usedfor all th ngsthar we are not .ble to do. I can't speak Gernan Forthe spe.i.lcaseofth ngsthat are prohbited(noi attowed)by rutes awswe canaho !s or t n tott tau .an't/munn't smoke h th't drci a We sometimes be able/unable i,s\eadoI can Theyarecommonin wriring use ta Fo' tlt jr! trre nt yedn ue ate notu able to gene tegtueth iktetldlly, natjrst thraugh (IDterDitional d.,trdirionJ. HeraldTribune website)



c Pastability
(not qenel pan ability limited oneoccasion) usecould. we a Totalkabout to I .ould speak ch quitewell whenI wasat school. Fr pan a Totalk aboutonespecific actionwe usewd5lwe.e ableto ard nanagedto. the I was ableto/managed to install newsoftuarequiteeasily. nontht al Congasnanageilto dn thbufh abott t900 billionaJthebtdtet sfiplusin thethtee soleddirg to thit etutioi; thirh ofuhat it diqht do in 4@led^: (NewYorkTimes website) ry pan actionwith a verbof the sense! (see, we fe, hear undeatand) Butto talk abouta specific I could/was abletolmanaged to undestand mastof what hesaid. we o In negative sentnces qvestions cdnusecould,waslwercableb atl nanagedta. and I n sorryI couldn't/watn't able to/didn't manageto cane ta the restauantlastnight whathe neant. I .ouldn't/wasn't able toldidn't manageto undeRtand you/werc wu ableto/Did you manageto dealwith theprcblen? could

D Wil and willingness

to see 7 a l/i// isan auxiliary used refer thefuiule.Butw7 also modal verb to to has uses canrefer that unit rLrru* ror lQdI rhe rlirr the oresent thefuture. or
See nit 3 u 1 ft/ o,r rspd nik nqaslnDr ah.!l a nn o"5 seeunft r7 (ommentsmadeat the momentof speak n9. M// can be lsed for instant (a spontaneols decision) I thinkl' 9o hone now (an offer of help) t'll give you a ltft to the station. t'tt give yau ny full suppon /h the meting. (a prcmise) (ofdering food) I'll have the rcast lambto or Wil/canalsobe usedin questions makea request offer something. (a request) W l you hold the lift fot r.,e, please? (otfering somethn9) wi tou havesone nore caffeez a . whercw7 rcfers the presnt expresses ideaof 'w lingness to it the n manyof theseexamples

"Here JMNetworks, recognize we hard at someday ll rel,vard we it." norkandmaybe



11 Practice
Exercise 1 g
Undeinethecorrecr words. 1 Dotiu can/QD]9! @ne tothe meering nextweek? 2 I cancamet canto cometo the meeting / nextweek. 3 lwon''t/be ableto cometo the meeting nextweek. 4 Satrykat I didn t @uldlI couldn'tcome the meeting week. to tan 5 Sorry / wasn'fabletol/ wasrt ablecometo the meeting week. that last 6 Doyou wiIlWiI you shcl.v how to log on to the netwo*? mp 7 Whatwe candolcan we do? a I hopeto canlto be ableto tly directly Dussldorf. to 9 I mustspeakI mustto speak / with Mr Rejner soonaspossible. as 10 I nanzgied couldspeak Mr Reiner toll ro yesteiday. 11 Thehotelwas bur/ naragedto couHheatatotof noise OK, fromthestreet. 12 I managed couldtakea boattrip on LakLeman toll whenI wasin Ceneva.

Exercise E!! 2
Complete lentences the with can,<ant, could,<oudn't gr be able to. t h afraid ..........S3A:1.......... at themomenr. | you hetp 2 I don'trhinkt'll meeting. come to 3 Thenegotiations downbecause ..,.,.,.,,.,,.._.,.,..,.,,,,.,., the p ce. broke we agree on 4 | ................................werehaving you see problems, I didnl interrupr. so 5lfyo!................................makeafirmordertoday,weshoutd............................. 5 | ind Ponuguese difiicult.........-..................._... it, but | ................................ very | understand speak it. 7 Sory | you se week, I might............................_.. week but make the aftr. 8 A: Willyou........_....................... training go to the semjnar? - t'mvery B:No,l ,.,,.,,,...............,.,,,,.,, busy. 9 l'm sorry ...-..........................._yourtatkyesterday. to sortout a probtem. | come to I had t0 | ................................ wellwhentwasin myh,venties, nowt,mout of practice. skireay but

E x e r c i s3 l E e
Matchsentences with then uses ur.4it. 1+ of a) ; futurefact b) a belief oropinion aboutthe future c) an innantdecision d) anofferof help I 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 e/ 0 9) h) d promEe orderinq food a requen offering something

I thinksales pfobably will improv the spring. in E l'll give a hand you n Willyougive a hand me withthese bags? n OK,l'llphone themrightnow. ! l'll have panjried the fish. n l'll bethere sixo'clockOonrworry| won,tbe lateat D n thespingwe'llhavetwo producs new ready taunch. to n Willyouhave anotherglasswine?. of n



Exercise !!sl@ 4
@ ts using from Comptete tetephone tne conversation phrases theTinbelow you can't see canyousend canI callyou canyouhear canI help you rcpeat couldyou speak couldyoutell me {fdr{pak*e rculd youhold could to l'll need l'll put one l'll beon l'lljust90 I'llwait l'll plt youthrcugh l'll qetback you cood morning, ihe TechStore,tlis isJon speatingplease? (1) ..8o..!.1C....1..r.re4k'..fe... in customer someon senices, (2) Er.Yes, cou6e, ........ of how .. . Markspeakirg, (3).................. ........ ? Customer SNices, (4) ......... .. .. . . . .. ifyou ha\ D\'D plalers. ... I'm calting aboutyourn$ Sansung anyin stock? (6) the line Please? (s) ............................................ .......................................... andsee. Y6 no pmblem, ......... C4 (9) .. .... lny on the Heno? (8) ............................................ shehs. ................. .. ... .. to I (10).............-.-,-----......... back? on check orderstrtus the compute. th. number 05821067. is My Certainly. nme is SiraHall andny telephone up?Itt a terrible iine. Sorrv(l l) ............................................ (12) m. now? ls thatbetter? ............................................ (13).....................-................ .... the numbr Yes, that's muchb.trei Please? (14)........................................ .. thisnumber morning. aI ofcourse.ltl 05821067. got any D\Ds in srockright noq but sorry I canl tel you ifwe've else? there (15)............................................I have information.Was anything assoonas thc (16)........................... me a copy . ... ofyourlatcst catalogue? Eaycs, yoursddress? (1? .............-................ in the Post you today.Whatt ........ to Ofcoursc, It's 25 tudley t ne,Lowcr . . .

Exercise EllE 5
1-14 in units. t!4atch sentnce each many covered thefollowing This exercke introduces ol the modalverbs wirha meaning al'n).
1 lshould o t. d 2 | shouldn't it. do 3 lcando it. 4 Lcan'tdo it. 5 | mustnl do it. 6 | don't haveto do it 8 l ' l l d oi t . 9 l ' l l d oi t .

10 | mightdo it. 11 would you liketo do it? 12 Couldyou do it, please? 13 May I do ii? 14 Shalll o ii? d

tr .n n n n n n n ! n ! n

a) lil necessaryto t. do do b) lt3 not necessaryto it. c) sorryit3 impossible. d) lt3 forbiddnto e) | have ability do it. the 0 l'rnofieingto do it. g) lt3 a goodidea. h) tt3a badidea.
you. i) l'm inviting j) l'm asking perrnission. k) l m rcquestifg th.t you do it. l) lpromise. m) Perhaps lwll do it. n) l'm makinga suggeston.


odals and related verbs 2

A Necessity (obligation)
a Tosaythatsomethrng necess.ry ushavetc reed ta aft nun. is we I have tolneed to speakta Janebeforc sheleaves. We nust finish the neeting by elevenat the latest particuldry writingwherethey allexpress O A threeformsareverysimilar, in necessty iob galion) In spech threls a 5mall ffercnce: d Haveto aTl needto the sltldtionmakes sorneth necessary ng Yauhave to pay the invoice the en.l of the nanth (th.ts the company by tule) peEondlly MuJt- ihe speake. feelssomthing rnportant ir Youmust stap watkingso hard ( mte nq you) 'We nBt p.dll d lp eoiofl)' i\ l,ft o,. tlitt.rtio" .f |ift d 6 !,haL,Md it is lty tu Mcaa @tdi rlftt it is th( \i,Uk i'ott i'ipnttort ore'sdidPrntc Mfi6r.r ((lerrrxl E{rcpe Tomakea question normdlly havelo or needto ll we usenust for a quen on we caf we use pdrtcuarly J we slresrmustin spech soundannoyed, Uhtodunalelf; Imust/have ao/need to ^otl\ tmseterval Da you have to/need to wark this evening? Munyou work this evening? got ta 'll haveta arealsoLrsed ne.essrty. Hdve for rnoreinforrna got to/You'I have to cantact them ds saon as passtble You've

B No necessity. pe.mission, prohibition

a Whensomerhing not necessary usedor't haveto anddanl needta s we Youdon\ have to pay ight naw giveyau crcdn (yo! arc freeio choose) a Whensometh s pemitted we usecan and be allawedta n9 parkyour car hereat the weekends,but nat duinq the week. Yau can a Whensomethinq prohibiied'r, be norallawedta andnustn t. Mustn,ti\ marc is we

usualwhn aretelling we someone nol to do whar Youle not a owed to pa,t ar a darbt. tetto \ra
Youmustn\ talk about politicsif theylnviteyau to dinner (l'm tellinqyou) a Nolicethat haveto and musthaveeimri:rmeaf ngsin theiraff rrnaiveforrnsGecronA above), but diflerenlmeanings the r neg.tivefoms (rhissection). n I have to/must leave naw (rt'sne.esrary me to for I donr have to leave naw (it'snot necessaryhavea choi.ewhetherto eave) | (it'sprohbited, cafnot leave)

C Necessity,no necessity, permission, prohibition in the past

O To about necessity the pdn, we usehad ro and neededro There no pan form of in is I had to/needed to speakta Enna about sonething, but Ive fargotten what t was abaut. if Totalk aboutno necess in the pan, we used/lJn't ty haveta/didn t heedta Yau didn't have to/didn't need to take a taxi t could have Dickedvau uD in nv ca.

12 MODAI.S RELATED AND VERES 55 2 a Tota k .bo!t pefmiss in the pan. we usecould wasa//orved on to. ]n ny lastiob I couldlwas a owed to usethephanefor pesonal.alls. prohibition the past,we usecouldn't,wasnt allawed a Totd k aboLrt in ro. job tn my last I couldn'tlwasn't a owed to usethephonefot peEonalcalls.

D Opinions and advice

a we use should, should not \shouldn't), oughr b and ought not te (oughtn't ta) Io gi\e an opinionor recommendation aboutwhat s the ben thingto do. We shouldlought to investmorc heavilyin naketing Bf ttidnirht Kenn.d),had 265 electotdl i6t Jaw Jtot of dctary. Nixon wd,L't ludy ta "ates, .ahede,tuthe lturyht heshotld nftkesoheki'd oJnotene$t hn suryorkts thc balhoan b i" dounstdit\. Keine4,udt.hedthiso Tv'why shotu lrc @tade?'K.nfledf sdidto hk aides.'I Mrl/"'!.' (wahington l'osr website) O Whenwe use)lcu spakinq someone our opinionbecomes to else advice. Youshould speakta your boss. (its my advicero you) (sect Notethat advlce likea weaktypeof necessiry on A). is Youshould/ought to go to the doctor (advi.e:t3 the bestthing to do) (sirong adv cer it3 rea y necessary) You must/have to go to the dodot y a had beftet(not)it $ed lor st.ongopinions. f/ad is u5rJa contracted. l'd better not inte upt him while he s an the phone. Ithink you'd befter ca then straightaway.

E Past criticism
(+ When use verbs section in thepast have pan partcpe)we mean we we in D the + that ddnt dotherghtthing nowwearemakingc|tcsm. and a Weshould have seenthe dan9e6a long tl|r,eaga. Weshouldn't have spentall theadvettising budgeton televisian spats Youought to have mentioned that ea iet

F lreed to
a Nedto means sameashaveaoGections ihe A/B). You have to/need to sign this fom in tuvoplaces, herc and here. y youre goi"S tojufltp into the LIK nn*et akd btune a, iflpottaht pldfu, ya, nee.l to hare wibe n'ot rctdils n'e 16-17 !/ie rd,e. (NewYorkTines website) in negative lorms a Notice two possible the wah far me I l cone along latet Yau don't need.tolneedn\ foms havedifferent a In slriclgrammar two neqative the meanngsin the pan. I didnl need to anive at serr. (we don't kfow when I arrived maybe levenor ater) I needn't have adived at seLn.(we know when I arrved- seven but it wasn'tnecessary) But in everydayspeechwe often use dldr'r need ro for both cases.



12 Practice
Exercise !!!! 1
1 lcan it. do
2 lmustn'tdo it. 3 ldonl have do it. to 4 lhaveto do it. 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 lcouldnldo it. | didn'thave do it. to | hadto do it. lcould it. do | should have done it. | shouldn't doneit. have | shouldn't it. do lshould it. do

! ! ! a) lts necessary b) ltS not necessary d lts allowed. d) ltl notallowed.

Matcheachsntence 1-12with oneof the formatsentences a}-t.

! ! ! !

0 lt wasnlnecessary g) lt was allowed.

itwouldbea goodidea. t Doing it t) Doing wouldbea bEdidea. k) Doing wasa badidea. it Notdoingit wasa badidea.


n n n

Exercise ! 2
Complete sentences mustor have Both possible time,bui oneis more the with to. are each natuElirja spoken context. I | -.-.........................._ to emait remember Stev thankhimfor allhishetp. and 2 Sorry ................................ themeeting | begins fiveminutes. in 90 now, 3 You,.,,.,.,,.,..,......,.,..,.,.-. lormby 31 January yourtax 4 You.,,.,,....,.,.,....,.,,.,.,,.,.. more try to be diplomatic you,re when speaking Tim. to 5 Friday go the next morning, t,ltbea littlelaie. so 6 | ally................................ go thedentist_ hadthisawfut painfor two davs. t,ve

E x e r c i s3 I I I I e
Decide pair whether each of sentences thes3me has meaning. WdteI for identicalor y identical,for neaf S similar D for completely or different. the endfiere will be nineof t, two of Sandthreeof D. At B 'I You'd go now better Youshould now 9o 2 Wedon'thave cutthe budget. to We mustn't the budget. cut 3 Youshouldhavea rest. Yot/oughtto havea rest. 4 Youcan't smoke here. You'renot allolved smoke to here. 5 We mustsignthe contract. Weshould the contlact. sign 6 Youmustbehere before 8.30. Youhave be herebefore8.30. to 7 Youmustn'ttouchthat key! Youdon't haveto touchihar kejr 8 Youdidnl have givea tip. to Youdidn'tneed give tip. to a 9 We haveto work harder this_ on Wemunwo* harder this. on 10 | ought leave to now. ll Youshouldn't woayso much. Yououghtnoito worry much. so 12 | mustw te theselettersno\/. l'd btterwritetheselettersnow l3 | couldn't theemail. use ldidn'tned use email. to the 14 Wedonl haleto decide yet We donl need decide to yet.



to @ , " Lookai thesnotesthat a Pe6onnelManagerwroie to expldincomp.nyrules.Thnusethe notesta, dant have gaveto somenew employees thirfir( dayatwork Chooseftom on competea briefinghe have to, can, tan t, should ot shouldnt.

hdrrt, Ie ve buildi^4 dw-iY fira drill til^ letter 4b.i i !&rti{ te^d lbliday {orr to perrouel iM*edi^tely to rcrk extrA t@Kt, +^kz 3 '.,eek, I'oliday, blu^teer ,rcka out ide buildi^.1 164 b^rt, t^ke all lblid^y tila to42lt\2r v^ke t+-^++ w*l^o^rt, ^t'.t^t zxczttiw tFe r ID l\tAA o{ de+artveat li'!z d +ire Mli.zt head o{ dept. ahout lolid^tt,.e rctice to

'Um.Exclse 6oodmorning. 10thismeeting explain youallsome you to to I Er, me. hoLrrsr notourcompany ts hereUm,lLrsi all.workinq of that of thebasic halth safety.ules we have and - it makes people healthUm, and houls unproductve cdnendanget poli.y make workexcessive to staft per thananavrage 48 hours week, oi (1) make manageE ...........S44J........... anyof theirnaii workmore (2)................................ to workmore these hours, thev but volunteer than although anyone of wantto do this. Anymember stalf (3)................................ to thatthey lrcm thecompany say sign Ietter a (4)......... . . . . . speak theirhead oi to hours .... loo ihat whoisworried theyareworking many per but (5) ol weekl pad holiday year, yca minLmum thr um,a emp oyees ...............................lake ( 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t a k e a l l t h s h o l l d a y o f f i n o n e b l o c k .g itv eh ( 7h . .a.o l . . . . . s atf i e i r e . d . ) . ... . sendther possible holidays, they(8). .. . . . abou theI altholgh notice as department much as before 9o they until holldav formofl to persofnel a fewweeks t.You(9)..... . . .. .... once month dontignore a fire We Next, firedilk. havea dillabout er, e a v e t h e b u i d n 9 i m m e d i a t e l y t h a t y o u h e a r t h e b e l l , a n d o f c o u 6 e y o u ( 1b l ) .ci.h . . ' ' - . 0 o . k. e (11) read ........................ ihese ihe Emp thrcughoul bliding. oyees I reexits. notces posted Fire are and of notices regularly.thecase a realli, don'tpanic fo owthefi procedures In inside bu ding,although the is tted l'm that for Andlastly, yousmoke6, alraid smoking notperrn anywhere jun the yo! (12)---,---.-----. smoke outside frontdoor. No Does have eveMhinq. anyone anyquesuons? ... Ys thinkihatcove6

Exercise 5 F Ci
the is lis @ ZO n f uslnesman dscibing trip to L.gos.Complete iext w th hrd to, didnt haveto couldn't,should is t haveot shouldn have Eachphrase usedtwice. ' (1 ...tlle$Jd...h4,v.4...on rravelled the I 0 am {lisht, but when | got to the airpodlhev to d me that the ) dsktheyioLd catch and l(2).....-.......-............... a laterflight Thnat the check'in fighl was overbooked .letoneof . k .. . . s h m e t h a t ( 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . .t.a- y b a g s a s a n dl u g g a g e ,o | ( 4 ) . . . . . . . at an as qo in the hold,whichwasveryatlnoying I had my diaryin t, and it deayedme by neafly hoLtr them reclalrn the otherend.When I got on the planelwanted to userny laptop,bui oi cours al baggag (5) .........................-......told m io turn it off .nd saidthat unrilafteftake ofi. Thefliqht attendant 'd just forgoiten,and he (7) (6) ........................-..-.... not to useii. To be honest k.own . . .. - . anport,so t was lucky (8) it was quitelatewhen I finallyleft Lagos 9o beenso rlrde.Er, (9) . .. . .. . . with . traveled | to any meelings that.fternoon. And, lookingbackat what happned, for was paving the fllghr so I with overbookinq. my company And havea ot of problems th.t airline they ( 1 0 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c h.o.o . .t.h.e c h e a p e s tp t i o n . . . . . s . o

odals and related verbs 3

A Degrees of probability
a We can usemodals and oiher phrases ta k aboutihe probabitiry somerhing hdppn ro thdt wil in the future.5etableafd followingsections. l00% cedainty will, be ceftainto 95-100% ddu.tion must can't aoyo expectalion siould, ought to, be tiketyto, shoutdn t, aught not ta, be untiketyto 30% 70% uncedalnty nay, night, coutd, may not, night not


B Certainty and deduction

a Weusewil/andbece,ran if we arccertain lometh willhappen. ao that n9 Thenet! Jaquar be launchell the paris will at Motor Shaw. a We use won'rwhen arcce(ainsomething tnot happen. we w In mtry Christiane on halidayShewon't be back is untit the 14th. a Wecanuse probab,anddefinitely wittand wrh wan,r Nore wordorder the She' p.obably he at the neenng sheprcbably won't be at theneeting a WeLse musr can'r show and io rhatsornerh isvery ing cearain becausis togicat t Thissoiten called'deductiof'. Thete na answerfrcn hetphone.Shemust be in a meeting s Baththemeeting roomsareenpry. She <an't be in a neeting Note thatcar't notmu'tn't, s used here.

C Expectation
a When expect somerhing happen use we that wil we shoutd, oughtta ot be ]jkety ta They should/ouqht to aniveat about4.30. Ourprafits arelikely to imqove nextyear
Litbot shocld be a t"mkt poiflt it1 Ettopein uanotik poti.y. (Econonist website)

a Whenwe erpectrhatsomething not happen $e shautdn't, wiit we aught notto ot be untikety ta. There shouldn't/ought not to be arryprcbten. Mt Blai\ Usbailrdtegyit .flihcv to he o'o rh ta haLtE ,tetoiaration BitaitL's it rcktiotlrhi! ,"dr F!'oF. Gcononistwebsne)

D Uncertainty
a Whenwe are lncrrainwe usena| night ot coutd.Ihe meaning is,perhapl. We may be able to delver in tdo weeks. I might havesome norc newsfor yau nert week. It.ould take a lang tine to arcnge the finance. Theleis no impodanrdifference beiween ihesemodats th s contexr. in a The negative formsaremay not andnight not. fiday is not a good day for the |r,eeting.I nay/night seeunir11 Noteth.t could,oi is not usedwith this meaning. not be in the office on that da,.



E Degrees of probability in the Pasl

+ in of a Fordiffercntdegrees prcbability the pastw Lrse:moddlverb have+ pastpartc pL.see (you is Noticein the tablthdt Wllelon't ha! + pastparticiple an assLrmption th nk something you haveno pfoofl. ForcerBintyin the pastwe iust usea norrna pasttense is true although likthe pastsimple. You'll have seen our new madel. lt's in allthe shops assumptlon Thercwas no ansv'Erfrcn her phone She must have been in a neettng deducton Eoth the neetirg roons wPte enpq't have heen tn a neettng lhey shouldlought to have aftived by now I hope they haven t got tast expectation uncertainty assumption Yes,I seewhat you nean now I .ould have heen wang abaut that. weTe anly Iive minuteslate. The talk might not have statEd vet You won't have seen our new nodel lt's not in the shopsyet

Cjtisttr6 corld have b..fl dn snhappyoB latt rar afyo, odercdWsents a,lit! Mdtv . stanos uer still waitinrlot rilt to dftive lo'a dJt.t th. holiddfs hd erriel (Industr/Week webslte)

ideas English: in becauserciers two different lt to a Becarefll withthewod 'possibility studythese examples: and unce(ainty ability. (there a chance something happen) wiL that uNcRTArNryis pricemight/(ould rcover) prke v/ill rccover' lhe share l= It's potsihte that the share power do somethrng) to skill A8ur (themental or physical . prcduce8a0 caBa nonth. (= our lactorycan prcduce ) ttt possiblefot ou factoryta se ability lrnt l l c see For uncertainty rections andD of thisunit.For pad + we could have past c p e. + a a Totalkabout panpossibility use t could havebooked an earlht flight, but it left at 7 30 in the manlng that is This an oppo(unity didn'thappen. + we could,1't harc+ pan particlpe impossibility use a Totalkabout past full t coutdn't havebooked the ea er llight ' it wasconpletely

"Well we'vetried everythingelsewe I suppose could try and improve theptoduct."



13 Practice Exercise ngm l H

Undeinetheconect words. 1 Look those at clouds.thinkit can/ellfulmust I Bin. 2 That3 betmustu't can't belnaynotbe true. 3 Welldonel Youmaybelnust belmight be \lerypteased. 4 NextThu6day a possibili\y.night,tbelnust be in the afte.noon. is I 5 I'm notsurc. munnorbelmay belwont be abte getthere time. l not to in 6 lh.t can?be/ nustn't be/ nay not be Daid. Hes away ar a conf eren(e. 7 Lisa at heroffice. canbelmust isn't She be/mustn't on herwayherc. be 8 Lisa hasnt afiivedyet.Sheshould belcanbe/.an't be hercsoon. 9 Theres someone re(eption. canbelcoutd in tr be/mustnlbethe engineer 10 Satry,lcantlnay notln?hrcome yourpesentation. busythat to t,m afternoon. ll l'm notsue where is.She Sue coulct be/nustbe/ca,be at tunch. 12 l'v ooked everywherc Sue. could fot She be/must belca,be at tuich.

Match each sentence wirha similar 1-7 sentence a}{). -rhey?e 1 likely do it. to 2 They might/could it. do 3 They're almoltcertain do ir. to 4 lhey'lldefinitely it. do 5 They?e unlikely do it. to 5 Theyle very unlikely it. do 7 They deflnitelywon't it. do

! !


! !

a) rm sure they'll it thar do b) I m neaiysure they'tt it. that do probably it. c) They'll do d) Maybe they'ldo it. e) l'm sure they won'ido it. probably t do it. won 0 They almost certainly won'rdo it. O They

Complete second the sentence it has similar so a meaning thefi6t sentence mun,might,can can.t, to using ot yes, 1 Deliver theendof themonth? tthinkit3 possibte do that by to yes, Deliver bytheendofthe month? tthinkwe .............!_4t............ do that. 2 lts possible wewill lose client. that this we .........-...................... client. lose this : 'm slrethis snt rhe ght road. Ths ...............................-road betheright 4 l'm sue youworklatemon nights. you................._...._...._.... nights. work most tate 5 lt3 possible l'll see romorrow, Irn notsure. that you but 1..-...,.,...-....-....-......,., you see tomorrow 6 ltb possible the newprinterto for print20 sheets minute. per Thenewprinter..........-................._._. print20 sheerr minute. per 7 l'm afraid l'm un.ble go to rheTrade thisyear ihai to Fair lm airaid | ..............._...._._...._.... that go to theTrade thisyear Fair I suppose areKate you youdo? Perry Howdo You........._...._................. be Kate Perry Howdo youdo?



Exercise E F 4
I Matcheachsentence 8 with ls meanng aE) 1 Hewon'thavearrvedyet. 2 He' havearrived now by yet 3 He can't havearfrved 4 He rnght havearved by now 5 He cou d havearrvedby now 5 H es h o u l d r v e . r r v e db y n o w h b 7 H e m u s th a v e : r r v e d y n o w y 8 H ec o u l d n h a v e . r r v e d e 1 . t g a) 95 100% probab ty of hiearrival b ) 8 0 % p . o b a btl y o f h i s : r r v a c) 4M0% probab ty of hi5affival d) 0% probab ty of hisarrval

irom the hstbelow Thegraphs and deas n the txl w Cornpelethe arlkle wilh the wordsand

dei nitelywon't (Rin(e the be8iMins of this year \runemployment has fallen from 2.s million to 1.8 million, and

i5a mon certdn to


s unhkyto


will definitely

e(onony and is impo$ible to predict with any cerlainty. Unfo.iunately inflation b Soing tlP Ii steadily. (4).............'.-'.'.----reach 6% by the end of the year However the Sovernmenl (s)..................,........,............ iake pani(

arcp urow trt......!1...1i.ts9!y..-te....

1.s million by the end of the yeai Thi6 (2)........................................ be good news for the govennent ag unemployment i6 a very imporlant idsuein the countryat the momenl.By the tine of the next even ele(tion unemptoyment (3) '.*-........-.--------. - it all depends on the wodd falt betow I miuion

measurcs inflation is sinilar to as th.t of its tEding partie6 and {6),.,,.,,,,,,,,,,..,..........,..,..,.,, rctur to levels of the 198!s when rates of 30%o! 40"/. a year

I i^ ""

Ma.t n and Annehaveanved at.heck-inat He.lhrowAiporr. compeie the r dialowe wrh nust, night, can't,musthave,night haveor can'rhave Useea.h word onceon y N,^rrN vrrrrr \BRIN M.rrrN ()h Do.l crni fird lrv prsport. You'rcjoking. N o , r e a l l lt:s n o t 1 I rD r - \ ' b r i c t c a i e . well. ir (1) ......Yqtt i! vour othe. bas. Qui.k haver look. I!\ nor lhere.where otr errth is it? .... Wcll, I dont knorv Do rou rlrink rou {2) .............. . leli rt it home? I I d. . T h a t sn n p o $ i b l eI ( i ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o.n e . I c h e c k e d h a d i t u r t h n e f o f f t l n c s b e f o r e leli the housc. OK, ciln do\rn.wlut about .he.king lour .oll pocke$?Youneverknov, it ( 1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b e r h e r e .. No. it snt Thl B ridiculous.We're soins to missour flight. ( L o o k . - v o u 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b.e .I o o k i n si n t h e r i s h t p l a c e . . Ercuse me, sir.]s rh.t \our pasporr there on the ground? iNrrN, O h , , v e s ,o r ! s . A h , I ( 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d r o p p e d i t r v h e n I q s l o o k i n g f o r t h e t i c k e t s . s


odals and related verbs 4

A Dircuindirect language
a Choce of langu.geoften depends rh sociatsruaron. recttanguage rypicatof nfomal on D is situatlons, exdmple for conveGaiions betwen eaguesIndirecr nguag s typica of lorma col ta situatiofs, example fo. lirst meerings whrewe havero be po te. In gener.t: - prere.t fonns (cd,, wil4 are more d rect than pan forrr's \cautd, wautd) - sho.tlonns (Cdnlou)are mofed rectthan tongformsltwondet if yau cauld)

I Requestg
(ask a Tomake rcquest someone do lometh we usecan, a to n9) coutd, woutd.We aoo wil, can thewordpossrbt make request to potite. the more Couldyou (possibly)apen the windaw, please? Will./Wouldyou givene a handwith thesesuitcases? ii,olresnt so.ial6iar vith iddL^tpp?rclds Qtstio : My ptoJ.siok !!ottc.Cat y" /ecotnn.rd ltd book roadnodm di cRafldctiqr.a.: (TheTineswebsue) d i unn15 a we use indirect question make rcquest an po to the more te. Do you think you .ould openthe window? I'd be gftteful il you could apen thewindaw a Wecanreply agreeing or refusing requesr. by to a Agleeingt Sure. prablen/Yes, couse. No af lYes,cettainly. Retuting:Actually, s a bit in.onvenient it ight how/t'm sorrybut that,snat passible

Requestswith mird
a Wecanmake quenwth Would nlnd ... followed an ,lrg form. . you by Wouldyou mind rcpeatingthat2 a Questions nrlrdmean it a prcblenfaryou?So, aqree a request say,no,. with ls to ro we A: Wouldyou mind openingthe windaw? B:No,ot caurse nat. Torcfuse usea phrasekeWell, we AduallyIo be,,ronest give reason. and a A: Wouldyou mind openingthe window? quitecold. B: Actua y, I n feeling





D Permission
we mav a Toaskif we cando something use.aD could, mY Canlcould/May I change ticket? dt ith d snilednd' 'har) in dle IlealthSeMce uhkhpatknts qftet.d thedoot d lndgine Natia,Mt website) os ma! I hetpyot?'Fd t6y?L n'dynotI'es.fdt dtudy yo, rhi,k (Guadian question ask permission to for se 16 a Wecanlse an indircct unit mY ts it all ight if I change ticket? rry I wonder if I could change tkket? you Do for a Wecanaek permissianwilh youmindif I ? at would mindif I 7 unir Notice fom oi thevelbthatfollows. the see 17 A: would you nind il t tnoked? A: Do yo! mind if t smoke? B:Adually, l'.1rctherteu didn't B: No,of causenot but that in We the to like o Werply n rplies reqlests. oftenrepeat modal thereplv' notice can whenwe py to Could/...2 w sav notcou/d A: Can/could I speakto yau lot a mament? B: Yes, .ouEeYou Gn ot

E Offers and invitations

yau Wauld likene to,l'llal\dLetne a Toofferhelp useCan/Couldlshalll, we fot I nakea caPY You? Shall Wouldyou like ne to giveYoua lift? I'll give then a ing if you like. Let me gtveyaua hand. ng phrases choices rply express a We by with /*e we a Tooflerthings useWooldyou or short At woutd you like teaor coffee? * t'd rathet have coffee,please A: Antthing to dtink?lea ot coffee? g I'll havecoftee,P|ease A: what would you prcfer? B:I don2 nind.

you we to a To nvit somebody do somethlng useWould liketo . ? would you like to cone with us to the restauftnttonight? or them. by and a Wecanrepy to offers invitatlons accepting relectrng yau Accepring Thank verynu.h. llhanks I'd apTe.iate that lThats verykind of you butl(an nanage very of That's kind yau,but.../Thank| Rejecting:

F Suggestions.
we ShaI,what abaut,Howabout,I think welyou a Tomakea suggestion useCauld, forrns: the and should/could let3. Notice diffe.ent think we should/Le* havea shonbrcaknow (staterneni) we could/l (quest + vtuwith _ng) on now? What/How about havinga shortbreak (qLreston) naw? sha we havea shott break question ihe a Weoftenuse formof a negative this welwtry don't we/lrlhy not try ta rcnegatiate part of the contract? Couldn\ 'Dsoibirs n1tl!t'etakes dbout us? use hots. tYht dot\ lot! bq thebusiflIvschoal histary website) E ery*irg is thez.'- NieolsHark, CEO oJSMnh (SundayTimes ihm by or to a Wecanreply suqqenrons acceptLngreFdrng rhouldda that.lThats a good idea/Yes,let s da that vet Acceptinq: / rrlrt L4 l sureabautthat- Thatsauntislikea goodidea,but .. R{e.rlng: I'n not really



14 Practice Exercisel*mggm
Undedine coffedwords. the I l'm verybusy. Wouldyou .r'indb givelgjrizg ne a hand? yau/Should helpme .arrytheseboxes, 2 Would you please? 3 Datou likelwould tou likesomemoresoup? 4 Mayllwould laskyou peGonal question? a 5 Ho abourwe blkltalking another to supplier? problems? t/Shall help 6 Arcyouhavlng you? Will I problems? mel/sha// you. 7 Aleyo! having let help A Wouldllcould lbonow you. copyof ihe FT? you 9 | rhink should/you spend playi.g can lesstime golf. 10 Ercuse could lmayyou mewhich me, you tell nreer is? this 11 Doyouthinkcould corldopen windowT /// the 12 Doyoumindif I openlopenedthe window? 13 Would mindlf loperlopenedthe you window? 14 Wauld signlPbase s/it, yournamehe? to tou

Exercise2 X
Match formsl-3 withthe uses the aF<).

1 WoLryoulike d a/some n ... youlike ... 2 Would to n 3 would like to ... t] you me

a) offering help b) otfering someth n9 c) inviting somebody do something to

Match situatons with ouestions l-6 aFo. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Makn9 a request Asking pemission for Ofiefing help Offeingsomething hvting somebody Makng a suggestion

n n n n n n n n n ! n

E f

you a) Would likea coftee? you kerneto carry b) Would yourcoffee you? for you c) Would iiketo come with usfo. a coffee7 d) Could gei mea cupof coffe you lrornthecanteen? e) Shall brcak coffee we for now? f) ls it allrightif I helpmyseif cotree? to

Nowmatch gtsm). canlookback thequestions rheprevious to situations withreplies 7-13 Yo! at p.rt in hep yoLr. 7 Aqreeing a quest to 8 Refusingrequest a 9 Expressing a prelerenc 10 Accept anoffrof help ng 11 Acceptingsuggestion a 12 Rejerting offerof help an '13 Rejecting a suggestion g) Adually,think 'd rather I have waterif yoLr dont mind. prcblem. h) Of course, no i) Actually, really at the momenr. l'm busy j) l'rnnotsure that3a goodldea. k) OK,let3do th.t. l) Thanks, re.llyappreciate l'd that. m)Thank,butI canmanage.





ceorge isvlsiing Fernando sao PauLo. in Complete diaoguewlth the phrases the from th llst be ow. yor.r m-"to do you m nd +e++Fe shallwe I should would you like would you likto woLrld like you mrnd I do'r l mind of cour<p o'.oJae -ot I d dpprcicte vyould .hd( IsNo.Ple*e.comen.(l)'sgood,o,<"youl Itt rery nice ro be here in S:o Paulo.Thanl you so m ch for yo11r invitaiion to come ud seeyoor company.Itwasvery ki!d. (2) FRN^mo Not at el. Itls my pleasure. ............................................ some coffee? mineralwter Or I d prefernineral wter. please.

FlrlN^Mo, StiI or spa.kling? o h . ( 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .e i t h.e.r. .o.u . d b e f i n e .( 1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i.f.I. . . . . . . . . . . .... . w . . l just ruke a quick c.l - I didnt 8ct . chanceearlier. r4RN.Mo, (5) Go right ahea.r. Oh, rheret no sign.l. Never nnnd. Un, yotr hevea wonderfrl building here.It looks re.Iy nnpressivelion rhe ourside. FEkNANDo, very nev - we only moved in lasryear.It's designed ouc of our most famous It's by rrchitccB,Ce$r Pelli.(6) .................-.......................... .round l.ter? show you Tlunk. (7) . . r.EnN^NDo, Now rhen.(8) ---------, -,---(9) set down to business? your intrestin our mxrket?Whrt exactlyrre your long+erm teling ne . lirde rbout objecrives here in Brazil? Er, perlmps(10) ............................................ expl.inins i little.bout the history of begin by o u r c o n r p a n y . I a v e s b o * p r e s e n t a r i o n m y h p t o p .( 1 1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s.e . . t ?. . . . h a . . ei . .
RNANDo, (12)

Exercise 5Sffi[fffi
Read fo owingmpolite the dialoque between hotel a recept n and a guert on Re(eptionist Guest --rrI Give yournam. me 2 lt3 lessop. lt3lessop. t-3 Spelir 4 lt! !E-s-S-O-P yourpasipod. r 6 Ol an Farlv rornrnqcall ? Of courre 9 lt't lrcm seven 10 Also, thirtyuntilten. a/'> lmustleavea rnessag colleague. fora r+ 11 Doyouwaniapen? 12 Thank you. Nowrewrtethefollowing frcmihe dialoque. words b.ackets hep you. lines The in will

pre*") Lin (May/have/name ......14+.v...1...ku*...yegr...a4Ng,..ele4t9.?............. 1

. L i l e 3 r c o - d / s p e l l / r h d t / Tp l e o s e l. . . . . . . . . . . e Li1e5 rwould/T _d/yourpas>port) Lr1e /Do/rr'nl/book me/e.rly nor^ n9) 6 l F e 8 f l w o n d e r / y o , / L e l e w h e r ). . . . . . . . . . . . . Tl . L e l0 lwould/l _d if l/mes5dqe/colleague)

A Yeslno questions and answers
a yes + Questlonswththe dnswef or no areformedwth an aux aryvelb + sLrbject mainverb. Theauxiliary be do, be hayeof a modalverbllke can,will, wauld Shortanswers cdn repeat the

Present simple Past simple

A: Do yau speakFrencha

B: yes,I do./No, I don,t. B Yes, tam./No, I'n not. B: Y6, I did /Na, I didnl B: Ye| twat./Na, twasn't B: Yes,I had./Na, I hadn't. B: Yes, have./No, I haven't. I yes,I witt /No, I won,t. B: B: Yes,I can tNa, I .an't.

Present continuous A: Arcyau staying at the Metropole? A: Did you .he& all the invaices2 A: Wereyou living in Rome the tlnet at A: Had you alreadyleft when I phoned? A: Have you seenmy new PalnPilot? A: Wi yau be back befote lun(h? A: Can you spe.k F.ench?

Past conlinuols Pan pe.fedr pedect Present Wlll Can

Haft\ik\ duJlkrtidr bectttishtt rN tlr $t etpl. tl tkns? Do youd..eptyalk n o ydt l.tBA t olrdfi pirh,tt ary ttork.V.tic.t(? Cat yot Sit. rlt'litdr(. ort dtluittdt th. h6t uutt ol flni'r lh.ld$hip!? (tsusinessweek rvebsue) . Thema n verbbe comesbelorcthe lubjectin a qlest on ls it time for the meeting? Arc you rcadya

B Question word questions

a Quenion wordsare:what,when,whete,which,who, whose, why andhaw '|fu kt),t. tk'dKtuu h th,lnrn. eill ht ta Oi( dod,ar l).!tu,,ith th. qBtirt'Whdt do I na ?'drd ktr'How do I p.tsrdde ".^hit. Ou l\h |ith ttu qAtnu'tt/hat do lt.! ],Ntlt? thq,pant?'rrd thot 'Hotu&n thi\ beuatu h).fui'na.n a\Mnu larya!? - D nku (lDdusrrvweek stbsirc) a Afterthequenion wod we usethesame quenion: sirucrure a yeslno as auxilafy + veft suDtecl4manvero Present rnpe s Present nuous cont Past simpe Pasr connnuous P.stperle.t Prelentperiect

Whendo you usually leave wo*? whi.h prcjedsarcyauwo*ing on at thenanent? whosecatdid youhottow? Wherewercyoulivingat thetime? How nu.h rcsearch had you done befaretheprcducttaunch? Why have yau decidedta cut ba.k on tnvestnentthisyeat? Whenwi yau be ba*? yau speak?

c Questionphrases
a We oftn Lrse what.fd '?h,.h wth a noun: What time arc you aftiving? What areas do we need ta cover in the neetinq? Whdt settorrlaak ptuflti\itlrdt tlti' ti'ft? I hat impliutiots u,otttjthere if the price oit be oJ .a.l.hua to ri.? (Businesweek website)

'15 QUESTIONsl 67

Whtlr is rnoreusual with people and organisations, when thereis a imitednumberof and possible answe6: Which .ustoner seryice rcWsentative wereyou speakingto? which couier seNice did we use last ti.r'e? which way is it? a we can usev"hich ot ot Mich one: Whi.h ot the Woposals dtd you accept? Whi.h one did you accept? We cannotusewrafin this wdy a We can mak phraseswilh haw: how many,haw nuch, how old, how fa, how often, how long, how fast. How often do you travel abroad an business? How long will the meeting last? Hop itnportant dft thc tttnicipdl clcctions? IIou nr.h $11the Bn;i1iot rarant gtotr ext ydt ond h1il,dt ote6? (LatinT.rde websitc)

D Question words as the subject

O Sornetimes question the wordistherublect thesentnce: of Who did you neet in Argentina?(j,ouis lhe subjd) (who6 lhesubjct. s t1eobject' Who metyauat theateo.r? ),ou a When question a wordislhe subject queston not use of. do doldoesld/d. (Whatand i4lhoarcthe subjects) Whathappened? Whowork hete? (youand/ arethe subjctt what did yau do? Whodo I pay? a Note pronoun thatauxilia other es thandoldoes/dld be used, there no subject can but is because question the wordisthelubject. (NOT What has happened? Wh+;t+a-) ,ill-...) what wi hawen? (NOIv/

E Negative questions
quesuons disagree politely. a We!9e negaUve to But dofl't you think thatdfercflt etietiethave difefttt appetiE so.ial d cohaslo| so'ial al fat dkryrtion? Isfl't thct a liuit i| uhat o . .att ittnods.e in ion tte US ta Eutupa tem! of theneu) eord,"r? Gconomistwebsire) questions we expect answer be '.o'. Insocial a Weuseneg.tive when the to Englirh makes this t poltely. easierforthe otherperson reply to A: Do you like Japanese food? B: No,not really.(rheanswer seems strong) very A: Don't you like iapanese food? (the B: No, really. answer not seems molepolite) I questions show Weusenegative to surprise. Don't you accept Aneian Express?



15 Practice
ExerciseI [$!
Undedin conect the wods. 1 Spoke you/Di!!&!J_5,4"k with Latayenerday? 2 Whatdid lata say/said whenyouspoke her7 to 3 Ar DoyoulikeScotch whisky? B: Yes, like.lYes, dol l 4 Ho\\ wo*s thisnachine?ldoes nachinework? this 5 Who setup l\,4icrosofttdid up Mkrosoft? set 6 Whensetup Micr6oftldid Microsoft up7 set 7 Who ditl telephone nelte/ephoredme thismorning? 8 Whotou Elephonedldid re/ephone morning? you this

Exercise 2 [
b(pand AndyouT questiontro the make questions. futtyer/no I ve seen newstoday. the And you? 'HAye..le!.a...le.s^'the_. AcIr.{ ,te,dAy? 2 | workfiom home. you? And 3 lcan lndeBrand German. you? And 4 l'vea ready lunch. you? had And 5 I be back timefor lunch. you? in And 6 l'm enjoying conference. you? rhe And 7 | agedwith her AndyouT 8 l'venever spoken Pierre. you? to And

Exercise E 3
Expand questions fullquenion questions. the,Androu2 to make wod 1 | know from Jim And .."k^ew-'Jj}.3..... ...... ..... ...... .............. ........

Exercise4 E
Wrte . questioffor eachansvrer.

3 5 6 7 I

............!{.irer...d.e...y.o..g..4-e!...!e..r.c!:k? to work? about usually. Gt At 8.30

Donel h.ven't I done anythingl Thereport?put it over I ihere. Here?stay here because payisgood. rhe Yesterday? fee n9 .wf! . lwas 'rn Staying? stayifg the Ritz. .t Reporl | repon BobTaylor to? to This bag? thinkit! Heln3.

'r5 QUESTTONS 69 1

Exercise ffS 5
group Rearrange words each the in fromthe listto make questions. match Then themto theanswers below to make complete a dialogue. y!-bs4p,esehe.e-afe-*youdid do that wh.t before ale for how younaying ong
lke whats it to is f rsi this Lyonyourvisit beenhow havelong thereyou workinq arive did whenyo! yo! what do do you wherare involve job doesmuchyour staying travel n9

1 A: Are ye$ herg .e^-...,b*tiMt;,?............... 6 A

B: B; B: B: 5 A : B: Yes,guhe i lot. I orvel all over Europe, but especialyin France. B: It's vcry confortable acturlly rnd the restaunntis good. Yes,I'n hereon a sales rrip. I work for a urdl biotech companyAbout four yea6, I suppose. I was in pharmeceulicals. B: B: B: B: No,I ve been here once benrre A couple ofdils aso. Unnl Friday. then I go back to tle UK. At the Hoiiday Inn.



Complete daloguewith qleston wordsand quenionphrases the frcm the list below \^,baf*jFd-+ how often how far what (x2) wh ch (x2) whose how long how many how mLrch

JoE: JoE JoEi JoE

So,tell me about your newjou. (r) .......W..h6J...Kind...ef *o.L ; ir: ...... Itl, in siles,like my lastjob, bur it's a bigger company. Really?(2) ........................................... rvork there? people I suppose rheret about 60 people in our oftice. . holidly can you t ke a year? Oh, yeah.And (3) ............. . .................-..... Twenry-fourdaysa ye.r plus public holidays. oh, rtDrt much bene. rh.n )our lar job. And (a) .......................................... your home? is it frcm We[, ir's reellynor rhar f,r and I dont hrve ro carchthe irrin to work every morning,which is gieat. Oh.lucky you. So,(5) .......-.......-............................ doesit rakeyou to get to work in the 'norning now?

loE JoE JoE, JoE: JoE: JoEi Joli

Abour 20 minuresby c.r soun& perfect.(6) .........................-....-..-......-... you startwork in the morDings? time do About nine. But sometimes I have ro go on salesrips tt the a well. O h ? ( 7 ) . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . . .. . . . . . . .i.d.e aw r t h a t ? . I dont knoq ir's Just somefiing yoo have to do. And (8) )ou haveto do it? About once a motrth I thinl.They'.e going to give me a company caJ. Realyl (9) ............................................ rhey going to give you? model are A Go]f,I rbink and I cd choosedE colour oh, and (10) ............................................ de there? colours well,I can choose berween black ud d*k biue. only rwo! So, (11) prellr? one do well, ddk blue soundsberrei rhan b]ack-

A Question tags: form
e A quenon tag is a shortph.ase th end of a natementthat turns t lnto. invites at the otherpersofto repy. (do, be haveor a moda). An aff mative staternent a Questontagsartormedusingaux iaries usually a negaivet.9, 3nd vice-ve6. has You speak French,don't you? You don't speak French,do you? You went ta the conference didn\ you? Youdidn't go to the canference,did you? You can meet him tononow, .ant youa You can't ,'eet hin tanonow can you? He5 here,isnt he? He isn't hete, it he?

B Questiontags: use
. Hereare five possb e usesot quenioniags presented a dialogue: n yet, you? A: You havent got the sales figures B: Theydon\ haveto be readytillftiday,do they? A: You'rc not going to leaveit until the last minute again, are youT B: Well, I haven't had any tine, have l? A: 5a it wasn't yo! gatng hame eatlyyestetday,was it2 for nfom.ton) kquest (confirmalon) lattack) (defence) Ga(asm)

lf we usea negalive nalmentwilh an affirrnalve tag, we often erpectihe answer be no. to A: l'n going to needan interpreter B: Af couEe. Yau don't speakFrcnch,do you? Thisform car be morcpo te because ir easier the olher person repy no it for to frcnch, doyou? A: Yaudont speak B: No, soffy, I don't

a A negative naternent with an afiirmative can alsobe usdto .sk peope for thingsin a tag Yau couldn't give ne a hand, .ould you? Yau haven't got any change lot the pa*ing metet, have you?

Question tags: other points

a lf the velb in the ltatemnl s nave,you makea t.g with do. Youhad a neetlng this noning, didn't you? Whenhave!sthe auxiliary tag is with haye(asnorma): the You've just been.taAustria, haven't you? a lhe r.g with I n/l an )saren't. I'm a faal, arcnz l? a Thetag wth tet3 s dral/.Thisis a sugqeston. Let's brcak fot @ffee naw, shall we? C Atter an mperative can $e will you?at wan t you? we you? Havea seat,wi Giveme a call latet, won't you? lt the imperative a req uestwe can usec., you? ot 6uld you? 5 Hold the lift fot ne, can you? Passne that file, .ould you?

16 (luEsnols 2 7l

D Replyquestions
question reply whatsomone we do thisto show interen, to to says. a we canLrse short a The s or surpseor uncertainty. meaning likeRea/r7 /5thatrrue? a: I went ta HeadOfficelan week. BrDtdyouT (interest) a: I .an't install newsofthzre. the B:can'tyou? (sumrise) A: I thinkthey'reatwing at ten. no B:A/e they2 (uncerta is of question an auxLiary likein a questjon butthere no change vetb tag, a Thercply uses to negative dffnrnauve

E Indirect questions
polite lentdtive beginningqLrenion a phtase Doyo, know with like a Wecanbe morc or by a yau you, l'd liketa knaw I Doyau thinklfue|,Dayou nind tellingne, Could tell ne, Could ask t waswonoennq Do fosJeel tit ns! in i" k o f.rtt oJinjcatedrc.ditinr? Cat p" gi'e neYak\ prcfLle lal hd hds ion-Us,Jusdlc)? ya, Mtioftd thatloLe b(n 'otkilq Abo, theCl6sof'99 (icn'inority, dhoxtuhat the sthool doin! k Couldyol tellm. a bit more to xqnghe lt ittctuiNpo!tunt. wcbsitc) o, //rdr fio{r? (Businessweek question llkea normal is siatement. a Thewordoder of an indirct lrd lec1-: you thinkyou could callne a taxi? Do diecl: Couldyou .all ne a taxi? yau ^dned CouldI ask hot\/oldyou ate? diecl: Howold arc you? is wordor modal verb $e if ar whether we o wherthere no question herc? indned Doyou knowif iane stillwork herc7 dke.r DoesJane stillwo*

F Prepositions in questions
paceasin a statement, and in lollowing man verb, th s i5 the a Theprepositlon comes thesame ollenat theend. Whoarcyou waitingfor? Whatareyou lookingat? Whete yau cone tuom? do Whatwetetheytalkingabout in themeeting?

G what is it for and what was it like

is'why'. The a we usewhat... for? io askabouta purpose. meaning what is this switch fat? {= Why s this switch hele?) 'how'. is a We usewi,af ... ,1e?to ask it something qood or bad.Ihe meanng s what was the confercncelike? (= How was the conieren.e?)


t6 QUE5T|O|{S2

16 Practice
Exercise E t 1
Add a qlestiontag to eachsentence.

1 Wetenearlythere. Arsa:t..we?
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Youknowthe Brazilian ma*et..........-.-...... ? Youwntto Brazll March, in .................. ? Youhaven't been Bzll................. to l He's never been Srazil, to .................. ? You won'tbelate, .................. ? Harry going retire, isn'l to ......--..............-.. ? Wehad good a meallast night, ....--................... ? Im late,......................... ? Sorry Letb meet again soon, ....-.....--............. ?

Exercise I 2
Make question a question a with tag. 1 Aska colleaguehesent fax.Youexpect answer be 'no'. if the the to

you .....d!C-r\.:t..r.-?^C..tig-..t4r,,..CiC...yqf.?.............
YOU...........,,..,,,,................. . . . . . . . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . .? . . . .

2 aska colleaguehe sent fax.Youe)(pect answer be ,ys,. if the the to youtenotsure name Mr peters. 3 Aska stranger theairport hisname I/r Peters. at if is his is YOUin4me.......................... ...........,,,,,..:.......... ? 4 Yourccognis someone. aresure name Mr Pete6. You his is Your name..................,,,.... ,,,.............. ? .......,,, rrat 5 Youg-ess Brotec can(elled orde have ther Eiotec..........................--.. .............................. ? 6 Yo! arevery su@rised Eiotec (ancelled order. that have thek

Exercise E 3
Underline corrcct the words. 'I Couidyoutell mewhat yout a/e terns of paynentlwllclnjgLpAl@gLarE? you knowwhee th na*eting seminat 2 Do istis thenarketingseminar? 3 ld keto knowhow canwelr canfinance proje.tthis 4 CouldI askyouwhy]u leltldid you leareyoLJ tasriob? s Doyouthink could/// coulduseyourfax machine?

Exercise4 [ I
Rearange wodsto make quenions. the you 1 io wherc going .re 2 f'or who didgeryoutheinlormanon . ...... 3 ln which you funds invest do 4 likewhattheweaiher in Sweden was

\tu,zre are


aoi*a lo2-

t6 QUESTTOI{S 73 2

Exercise SS$ 5
@Zs quenion taqs. compete ttrese aialogueswith
A JoHN, Hi, Martha,rvere due to meet next week (1) .......^fg$:..!P-........ ?wen,l'vejust remembered that l'm on holiday then. Can you mk another time? Yes,when are you free? . .. Um,leCs meet a foitnigh! on Tusday, (2) ............ . .. . .. . .. .... ? Yes,rharl 6ne - a fortnight on Tuesday. Let me look in my diary. . .. LDn wi]l be lrrivins at the omc ar two, (3) ...................... . .. .. ? No, at thtee Oh. right.wel, he! been herc before,so he shotld know how to find the otrLce, ( 4 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? ? But th.t {tl beforewe moved bundirys, (5) ..-................................... oh, yeah. I'll etuil him with directions to get here. then. C srer, There desigrBneed to go to Norton Snnthit ofiice in Cuildford today They ve got a . ? fu nachine there,(6) ............................-.... Yes,but it's not working. I'll sendthe document to then by first cla$ !ost. ... ? i I t A b e q u i c k e r f y o u s e n ti t b y c o u i e r , ( 7 ) - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . Oh,yes.I'll sort that out nov. D uRIDcEr This guote for the partsis much cheaperthan the other one we had, ', (8) "" Yes,'ruch. It! very stnnge.Theyhavent lbrgotten to include deliverycosts,



(e).................................. ?
No. everythingi' includedrn t})e prre. ? R e a l l y ? t a I l o o k r o o g o o dt o b e r u e , ( 1 0 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Um, yes,wel,lett give rhem a rry !nlv.y.

Exercise I 6
Put reply each in situation. a tick(/). Choos mostlikely th prcblems thelanguage. with l'm to I lf go to ltaly, going have You ltalian, dont you? n a) Of coLrrse. speak ltalian, you? E do b) Of course. don'tspeak You p you to's 2 In rhemaering said tharourcompet haoa onr od-cl tr'.' ur Ll that,didn'tl? a) WhatlI sald rhat.did1? n b) Whatlld dn t say abroad. lthinkshe3working 3 haven't Annfor Eqes. seen got hasn'i she? n She3 a tobIn 5parn, a) Yes, thatt right. got has hasn't a iob in spain, she?n b) Yes, thatt ight. She workto do. is and still 4 Ihe dadline the pfoject Friday there3 sornuch lor qood. rc going make deadline, aren't weZ n We to the a) tS not lookinq good. we'renot gongto make deadline, we? n the are b) Lt3 looking not more cous(ous? to 5 Doyoumindjf I helpmysell some iood, not.YoulikeMoroccan don'tyou7 D a) No,of cou6e food, not. b) No.of coLr6e Youdont likeMoroccan do you? n at 6 We have be at theaiQort nine. to wontvou? n a) Youwil be late. willvou? n b) vouwon'tbe late,

onditionals 1
A Conditions and results
a Compdre thesesentences.lhe 1f...'cl.lse is the condiiion, and the otherp.rt of the senrence 1 2 3 4 5 it f salesir.rease (genrally),we 'rake nare prcfit. /fiales tncreas (next quanet), we' nake norc prcfit /fsals increasd (next qnet), we'd make norc profit /f salsinffeased (last qu aftet), the Dire.rot should be happier tf sales had indeased llast quarter), t e DiTe!.tor woutd have been happtet.

seftenceI ir aboutsomelhing that s always true Seesecrion beow B S e n t e n c e s a b o u t o r n e t h i n h a ti s r e a s o n a b i k l y t o a p p e n r h e l u r u r e . S e e s e c t o n C . 2 s tg lly h n sentence s aboLrt 3 rometh that is imagin.ry Lr likly n rhe future 5esecton D. ing or n Senrencesand 5 are aboui the pasr Seeunii 18. 4

a With a ltypes of conditionak /fc ausecan comesecond. the we' nake nore prcfit il sales in.rcate We'd make nare prcht if sales in(eased.

I tf we setl .,, (always true)

a when we want to talk aboul th ngsthat arealways generay trLre. use or we tf/When+ p-sen\, prcsent simple rnperaiive or (res!t) In th s type ot condilionawe arc not rcfering to one specfc event IJ tr.plc ,nd.rstand tJnt d1n!. k k(6sdry,thcy hare a" apt.tit(.l't h . V yo" do"'t gct tfu I'.n $aplc i o r tanrydry, Wdr sgcts. 0lusincs wcck uebsite) ),an a n the condirion clautethercan be a variely prcsent of fom!. you fly business you get nuch more legrcon When (presentsimpte) class, ff interest:atesarc ising, bahkloans becane more etpenjlve. (presentcontinuous) When you've finished the @u6q you get a Gnificate. In ihe res'rlt clauee there..n be a preseftiirnpe (tast eramptes) an tnrperative or when yau fly business class,don't dink taa nuch of the tree alcahal a Norice that we .an usee ther tf o. ,vhenwhrethe meaf ng is ,every me, i

C ff we sell ... (likely future)

' r ..:. L. a When wanrio talkaboutfuture we evenis w I happen, areItkeyto happen, use: rhar or we " /l+ present, tltlre or mperatrve (cond (resut) ron) Lifa? (.leleg^ph { tle .o,1ptu'ne dedl fails, tuhok ot8 !'har l,l'ilt hap?eflat Eq,itabte
weDnrel a ln ihe condition clause iherecan be a variety prsent ol foms. lf yau incrcase your orde, vrEll give yau a bigget dis.ounr (presenrs mp e) lf yau'rc meeting her at thrce,I ll jointau taterat abourfour (prererrconrn!ou, ff I've made any mistakes, llcone.l then tater (presentpedect) I

'r7 coI{DtTtoNAls 1 75 (last 7is Inthercsult clause common exampes). cana souse We other future forms an or yaur lf yau increase otdet yau'rc going to get a biggerdiscount. gEt t he doesn't thejob, he'll have done a lot af wotk fot nothing.
lf anyone fron Head affKe calls,say I'n in a meeting. a Theexamples are in t to above abouttlvo actions the future.lf ihe resu cl.lse refers lh present usa present we tense. lf anyonecall, I'm in a neeting aI norning. lf you needne, I'n wo*ing in the raon at the end of the cotidat

D lf we sold ... (imaginaryfuture)

i h s 5 o r t e r . a e o 'a . o n d . o r d 1 o r a W h e n e w a n tt o t a l ka b o u t u t ur ee v e n t t h a ta r ei m a gn a r yun l i k e lo r mp o s s i b l w,e u s e : f e e w s y f+ pastsimple conlinuous, vnuld/couldtnight + infinirve or (condition) (rcsuh)

If we s n hc orly sohnion. oe dd alLoJnis st"f ouseLfts, wo"ld hot'eto hd't dt I.dn 1,000p.apl.uql]3ins cstinnxs hcre,' Atddi. (Busincs Wcekwebsite) a h thecondition clause canuse past mpl past we a s or continuous. yau'd haveto ordetat least1,000units lf tau wanEd a quantiry discount, ff tou werc sti speakingaftet an hout, theaudience wouldprcbably borcd. be a Notethepast form n thecondtonclause, butrhefuture tirne refrenc


E Unless
a Unle55 means same /f... not the as joiksth( E,bpeahUnior, thit&s by Polithrttittdcs at dok'inatcd tl'c bclicltltut nless Poland (Lc MondeDiplonDriquc lvebsuc) eano,lylet uo6c. whrch meaning: Compare these sentences have same lhe lf he doesn'tanivesoon,he'll niss the stattaf the ptesentatian. he Unless anives soon,he ll n'ks the staftof the presentation.

F Other modals
seeunit13 a Themodals lsed in this unit are mainlywll/ and would.We can Lrse othermodas like can, a cou/d musr etc,wilh lheir normalmeanings.

'On va',t tbansb. &z! anat n iflk UME



17 Practice
Exercise HUEE l
Underline corecr the wods. 1 )l wgk/we wouldbe tate.thevtt start/they naft withourus. d 2 lI we will Ekeltake a raxi.we'I aftivetweanrc soonet_ 3 f we workedleloutd work to( ADC. we'ltgetlt\e d ger a bettersatary 4 When inflation wlgolgoes up.ihercwooldbel6usually prcssure sataies. on 5 tf we don t hurryl$/on,thurry,we woutdbelwe'ttbe tare 6 lf yauchangelarc yov mind.gire ne/you will givene a mg. changjng 1 Unless clkk/woutd.ti.k thaticon, yau on /tditntrtvlon,tprint out. a ff yauardetedotderon rheNel we atways serdljerd an emaitconfimation. I wir 9 ll I lend wi| lendyou rhir book,whendo you rerur,/ wil,ou returniI? / l0 lf youheardlhear anything ihe nextfew days, me/tefting knaw. in /et ne

Exe.cise E E 2

Read these sentences decide theevents tikety imaginary and if are or Compete sntences putting the by the verbs brackets the prerent rn q4ilor the pan simpre vv'uld.usecontracted into simpre + + formswherepossrbre, I lts you.........f.o.1Jp.y...... thisroad, .......11!..Serg...... .. (fo ow) you (comelto st:ion. the 2ll|...........WAt-...........lbe)onrheBoadotthis(ompany,t......'..d...4!."44e.....largue mercet : lf you....................... any (hav) quesrions, ..... | ............................. ihem theendor my (deawith ) ar 4 lf thecol]llcil (ban) ........................ a caB _... from city the centre, ............................. there (fot be) so 5 At Bi 6 A: B: 7 A: B: 8 A: B: I have idea no whattheothr side going propose the negotiation a to in tomofrow Neithef | ............................. ............................. (know), do | (te) you. Mytrain leaves fortyminutes. in lt only takes minutes rhenaionbytaxi. you............................. you ten to tf (teave)now .......... (catch) .................. it. lsthatthetime? really | shoujd going. be lfyou............................. (wait) momenr, a t............................. a tift. (give)you Would liketo qo to Engtish you evening ctasses .ne? with l'msorry tcan,t. reay busy. | ............................. time, but t,m tf (have) mo. L................ (love) to.

Complete sentences the orrect pan of possibje ihe with forms,a) of b). 1 lf the banklendsus the money, ...4... it in oew mdcnrnery Z 3 4 a) we ll invenlwere going to invest bJ we'd invest/we wete investing When ......... tot of orders, atways a we emptoy exirastaffin the factory a) we'I gettwE got b) we getlwe ve gat lf ........ this project again,lthink t'd do it differenrty. a') | was statting/t started b) II stad/rve statted fthe computer rashes, ......... someone from rhe IT departmenr. a) Wu' ate calinS b).a\|/tou I have to catl

l 17 CONDlrlONAlS




Paula, marketing a manager of. .ar manuf.cturing is company, ta k ng to her collaque Luis, production a managerCompetetheir conve6ation with the wods from the list blow (x2) be is isgoingtobe don't ddn't will(x2) won'r (x2) would (x2) wo'rldnl unless PAULA Lu;. Arent )ou worned aboDt the proposed srrike? LU,s, WeI, sure... ura You see, ifthe factory workes go on strile, we 1r1..............i.!!............. loi ofprcducrron.If t"'. ' we loseprcduction,we (2) ............................... ro $pply all our customers. be,ble Y e s . Ik n o \ b u t . . . And iflve (3) ............................... our customen.they'll probablybuy other makesofcr supply nrket share(a) ............................... Ifthat happens, our go down.ltl not lookitrg good. we[, that'srjght. but ... when workersgo on strike there (5) ............................... And whatt more,jn niy experience, a brd ronosphere norths afteruatds. for

p uA


you can huLA So, (6) .............-................. come to an ag.eemenr with the workerr soon,there (7) ............................ oftrouble ahead. a lot llyou wanr my advice, ......................... caelirl. (8) rry Look, dont vorry hula Dont 1vorry? Yes.Look, dre workersk.ow that the success ofthc companydepends this new modc-. on ( 9 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.h.e y.'.e s.r u p i dt,h e y ( 1 0 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s . . .o n. . .t.r i k e . . .. .. . o .. s r lLA Oh? No\nJust imagine- ifit sold reallywcl, lve (11) ............................... otrr rnarketshan increase we and our profiK. Ifth.t happened, (12) ............................... to nuke so tuanyjob cuus. need Druchhappier p uLA \ve[,I suppose you've got a point.

( A n d i f w e ( 1 3 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .h...v e.r.o. c u r j o b s r h e t a d e u n i o n s 1 a ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .b.e . . . . . . . .. . . , . .

yournewjob.Use yor.r Youae talking a iiiendabout you Put to thoughts complete sentences say. the to the pastsimpl, velb n brackets either present lrto the simple, mperatve, w7+ infnitive would infintve. or + You think: People thaf hardwork usualyrcsul5in prcnotion ih thiscampany. iay Yousay:(1)Thy thatif you..!9fK.. (work) had,you.49!. (qe0promotea say You think: / wantto showthen that |'n good at rnyjob n that I canhavenorc job se.uitl. (give) Yousay:(2)| hope thatif | . (do)mybesi, they............................ mea permanent contract a fewmonrhs.' afte. You think: /'yebee, /atern the norning a few tines. lwish lcould workat the Leiriasitev/hichis nearcr Yousay:(3)l'm sometimes for wo.k.lf | ............................ at the te r a ste,it late {work)

Youthinl|j Onethingwori6 l.-le.hada healkptoblena fe ,ea. ago,but irc very I unlkelythatit willreoccur (4) Yousay: lwonderwhat .. ...................(happen)fmyhea1thprob1em.................... You think: Maybe not a problem. general /t3 ln they seenta be veryrcasanable abaut illness. (mis, Yousay:(s)Acrually,you...........-.............. oneor hro days if because illness, of they (not ............................ to mind. seem) you You think Goodby-..hopet see soon. / (6) (fancy) just............... (give)mering. Yousay: lfyou............................drlnk evening, a o.e a ........

onditionals 2
A ff we sold ... (possible past)
a Whn wdnito tatkabout we pan events possibty which happened, lse /l+ pan strnple we tn thecondirion ctause, anytense mod:J rheresutt and or in ctause ff you went b theneetingyesterday probabtyheard thenews. you tf you missedthe M pragranmetast night you canbonow therccording nade. t

B tf we had sold ... (imaginary past)

th , ! l'pn .a .Lr rh d ..ndr o j ; a when we wanr ro tarkabout pastevents that are diffrent whdt realy happened, use: ro we /f+ pan perfecr, would + haye+ pan pafticiote (condition)

IJ Clr di a,d Cop hdt 'uon thectc.tioi,they aocti! haoe prcnote.tie hddc qqnetkfiL\ wnh otho nrtion! in the sd,t vd),dr a,,/.. (yahoo Busnress Nevs website) TheF,soflena suggenron crli.isn or regrer ot lf theecotlomic situation had been befter, woutdn,t have lostsa nany custa',es. we a A conlracled in speech be/radin thecond or w?u/d!tt. ? caf tton in lf t'd done an MBA,t'd have h.d note oppottunities a Thexamples above abouitlvoacttons rhepasr. a in frhe rerutt cause refers rhepresenr to we use would infinilive. + ff I had done an MBA,I woutd be on a highetsatary now

C Conditionals without if
a Welse lltor somerhing mighthappen thefulur, somerhing that in or maginary use We whe, tof something we knowwil happen. that lllcallyouif t geta chanca(t,rn sure I wi phone not if you) l llcal youwhenI affive. (twilldefinttety phone you) Wecanuseeither evhen tor where meaning ,everyme,. the is t If/When anyone ringsny nobile, I get a photogaphof the pe6anan the scrcen. a In intormat lpeech sometimes Inaqlne juppostng ptace li we use or in of tmagine/Supposing you had a mi ion do ars,how woutd Wu invest it? a we canuseproylded rhat,praviding, conditon that astongas andsa tonga5for empnaes. an The meaning is,il.fd onty if,. As tongar tte s.,au te.lnrotosy, tant, bntin,eto hei deuo.t. (SlndayTines b"s ril Nebsire) a Wec.n use .ase tatkabout ln to doing something avoid poss e probtem Theresutt ro a b tarer ctaLrse y.omesfirstandoftenuses usua golrq ro. 1n gotngta qiveyou ny nobite nunbet in case you need canta.tme to see 17 a we use unit unle$to meaffnoa

1a coNDIflO ALS 2


D wish
regrctor dissatisfac(ion. o W use/ w;h to exprcss simple contnuous or use followd the past by and a For pesent future, / w,sh the we didn't haveso nany neetings. I wish I wish I wasn't working nextv/eekend. pertect / by a For pasl use w6h followed the pdst the I wish we had advedisedon teleisianI wish I hadn't eaten the oYsters a s / tollowed the presentmpor wil/ by one,use hop i thewishisa good goes I hoPeyou Prcsentatian well I hope the neryPrwiI be a success

or be, / tomething isdifilcuh imposs lrse wsh /.ould that doing a lf lhewsh isabout got a nobile phone I wish I could contad him,but he hasn\ ort s. a replace / wrh with/f ont for mphas Wstress in speech I hadn't eatenthe oYste6. lf only lf onlY I .ould <ontadhin

E Modal verbs in conditionals

nay,night,nust vetbt kecan, could, in see nns r r4 a Theexamples unit17 wercwith tafl.Butothermodal u r ngs. sentences have and theirnormamean in are andshould common conditional dttd ta If fot oith t]t! Mi.ldleEdttlou mnst bed'dilable youttttsto ett an Sdttrddvt Tnde m.grzine) s',,/q6 (overseas
IJ th! ctto veft Mdk i" thc lo,E tcnk,.ohrya,i4 f,ight 'Lau do.tat tcit tltitc to iluclte oi pradtui'itf dr.l lo,oniots,night pu ttc btake thenltnttrral rcJonnt(Le Monde webs'te) diplomarique aJ.\ot.a .fnD, 'hkh uav sa QnnE cd on th. rceflt decLine Co"tpaq CEo Mnhocl Cdpell.ts 'Ifra't dott't har. d towd lrutinett plan'lou ara 'hd*et r.fat potnlat a, theU.S.sto.h "to!'tht .annot s'e.eetr.'(lnrerMrional HeraldTribune website) fotmslke Mand ca, with likelyfutlres, and pan lorms ke would( d) a We often usepresent Iulur's and couldwnh Tagrndry (likelyfuture) ]f yau sign nov/, we'll/can delivet by Fiday. ff yau signed now we'd/could delver by ftiday. (imaginaryfLrture) a keepthek norma becalsemodals But it is a so commonto find mixedtensesquences meanings: If Hrngaiai Ianrds r'pond to .omPetitio,bl itryto'iflr pnd$tieiry dnn b.o!flins ,lbr ennie"l at ndthctifls, hey .otlil ha'e .t birzet ttture oJ theu1*ct. (BusinessCenlnl Europe website) with a prcsentfom (respond)we might expcl can Howevercould k used here wirh is (candoesnot exprcss uncrtainty) of normalmeaninq uncertainty

F fi I were you, -.
parlicular y whenwe give advice futLrres, of /t/ in a w canuse evere place f/ warln im.ginary wlth the pftate lf I wereyou. ff | werc you, l'd wait until tonurcl /. l'd be nore carctul,ff I were You.

a0 ta coNDtnoNALs 2

18 Practice
't Exercise EEffi
Underline conect the words. exercise This includes revision imaginary ot futures. 1 tt yauphonetllhadphonedne yesletday,hadtoldl@lLfuE_ildyou. t 2 lt you tooklwouki haveta*enmoreexercise, mtghtfeellhadfelt better you 3Ilimwauldhavelistenedlradlineredmorecarefutty,hewouldnthavenade/didntnakelhat

4llwedfaundlvvefoundsuitablepremises.'ve?hayemoved/wehadmovedeatiet. 5 lf people keptlhadkepttheiroffices morctidy,it m/?hipre5ertlprjentd betterimage our visirors. a to 6lfl'dknownltwouldknowabourtheirfinancialprobtems,Iwoutdntdolwouldnthayedon

7lfoutsidehadbeen/wasbetterprepared,wesucceeded/coutdhavesucceededtrlthenegotia 8 | weuldntl won't wotryif I am/ weteyou.

Exercise ! 2
Complete sentenceswith words the the lromthelistbetowEach wordis used twic. when aslongas in case unless 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 l'll speak youagain to ....._.Jif!!9.n...... l'velooked thecontEct detait. at in your Leave feturn flightopen .......................negotiations an extra rhe rake day. Wecanstart project the nextweek....................... agrees. everyone Wecanstart prcject week....................... dilrgrees. the next anyone The Board willbehappy....................... price ourshare remains high. your.eceipt Keep youneed ....................... to return goods. rhe Thenewstock arrive will ,,,,.,,,,,............. stmas theCh sales finlshed. are We'llprobably make loss year....................... imprcve the last a this rales tf quanr

Exercise3 E
Undeiine cofiect the words. 1 | wishI ha9lL3tklllk/didnt d/,ink manywhiskies night. so tast 2 Theres littlespace here. wisht ha!/had bigger so in I a office. 3 | don't feelweJl. wishI could*aylwill nay in bedthismofiing. I 4 | hapeyauenjoyedlenjoy yourselves the theatretonighi. at 5 l'veben waiting thirtyminures the bus. wishI took hadtaken iaxi. for t / a 5 | mun getin touch with Sue. onlylknolknew nernumberl lf 7 I'm not a goodtypisi.I wish| rculd tpetwoutd type betlet. A I wish)im didn't intenuptldoesr't/hterrupr often in meetings. 50 -r]o?time. 9 | have finish portbytomo.ow tf onty to this tuvoutd havelhad yourholiday. hopeyouhavelcould 10 Enjoy I ha a goodtime. 1l Thatpresentation a disasterl wishl coulddolevould ii a agajnl was l do 12 l'rndisappointed thiscamera. Wth IwishId,?n'abtylhadnboughtt. t

18 COlrlDlTlONArs 2




Patrckand Jurqen discussing negotiaiion arc a thatwent wrong. Complete dialogue the with wordsfrom the list blow (x2) 1+ ds lonqas n case unless pr!N( ll 'd (x2) .an would hav 'd hdve woLr dn't

.o. .a. J u r g e n( 1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ . . . . . . .y . . u v e g o r a m o n e n t , ( 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I. .h . . v ea w o r d w i t h ,

ir J@GEN, Sure.(3) ...........................doesnt take too long, I've got a meetingin five it about that contracr that we lost? p,trnrcr Yes.Whatwent Imng? Do you think we (4) ........................... the dealif ve got ( s ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o.t.r.e . e d b e f t e .p . i c e ? a y b ew e ( 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l.o.s rt.h e . .r a M . .. u No.l doni thint theprcblenr o theprice. .r -N pArRrcK No?Well,ws it a poblern with the deliverytime? lr we O) ............. . . givm a shorrerdeiiverytime. (8) . ................... been nore succe$ful? JURGEN,No, the deliverytine w.s OK. p aRrc( Hn1n. th;is s$ange.We realy should find out what vent wrons (9) happens rhe lirrure.Youknow. (10) ........................... learn frcn our in situationI'ke this we iose misrakes, (11) ... .. . .-....-......-.... morc orders.NosrJurgen,tell ne what do yot. wc think could rcaly ha1, happe.ed? they rep. JURcEN, Well, nothing,(12) ........................... didnt like out sales JURCEN,Do you know who it was? Mr'{rcR Er, n was he.

in his A supper s thinking about negotiation thefuturc. a t\,4atch thoughts with hiswords 1-4 aFd). price 1 We' likeylooffer; lower lf we do,successpossible. i9 2 We' likeylo offer.lowerpice lf we do,successcertain. i9 pri.e. 3 Perhaps offera lower we'll tf we do,successpossible. is 4 offera lowefpice. we'll lf we do,successceriain. is E n n t--l prce, a) lf we offera lower we'llgelthecontrad. pr b) lf we offera lower ce, get we mrght thecontfact. c) lf we offered owerprce, a we'dqetthecontract d) lf w otfered owerprce, a get we might thecontract.

Thesames!pplieris ihinking.bout a ngotiation the past.Matchhjsthoughts5-8 with hiswordseFh). in 5 Weotfered lower a n That's we slcceeded. why price. 6 Weotfered lower a probably That's whywesucceeded. n price. 7 Wed dn't offera lower n That's wfalled. why price. 8 Wdidn'toffra lower probably wefailed. n That's why

e) lf w'doffered owrpric, a got thecontract we'dhave a t lf we'dotrered owefprice, got we mighthave thecontract. g) lf we hadn't pice, offered lower a we'dhave thecontract. lost price, h) lf w hadn'i offered lower a mighthaveosttheconiract. we

erb + -ing or intinitive 1

A verb + -ing
a Some verbsdreiollowedby an -inq form. Some the commonesr of verbs ow beowl Jo As nrnrfd.ttte6 .oisidet aqtornating tun iinihnior dan ek,thef\hotld not late tilllt d tL. (Indusr,vweekwebsire) {e.,itaiett of p{enal @ntact. A a n1dirli1.1!e6 aE .onernc,t cownterc nill postpone hryinr 6$ ,rtil dJi! r.ttJ,r, )het n1e a,aet 22% s.te' tdx a, atuasB erpe.tedb JA . (Busines Reiew Weekly websrte) Vd,i det Hoeue,CEO oJ Royl Altold, rp.nds 5A pet ,e t aJhk tihc ,arellirg dd geuirg onto th. les.lloar Mrh 6 posible.As erplans:'I a!'a|y ger good a! h. a frl.fot thelon asI watk nrol,d'. (Eu.obusnress Nebsire) sayf9 .nd think ng likingand dislikins phraral verbs phrase wilh car't other common verb! corn rnonprr rasee admit", considet*, deny*, descibe, inagine", mention,, suggest' dislike, enjoy, fanct (not)nind* carryon, give up, keepon, put aff can't beat,can\ help,cdn't rcsist, t fa.e, can,t stand can dvad, delay, finish, invalve, keep, mist postpane, practise, risk tt s not watth spend lwaste ttne/ money... Thete no pant ttn) s

Some lhe verbs the listcan alsobe followedby a noun.The5e of in inctLrde: admlr,dery inagine, suggest,dislike. enjoy, fancy, keep,nind, prcctlse The Minister admifted taking a bibe. and The Minister adnitted his nistake. What do you fancy doing this evening? and I fancy a nice, caid beer. Thegroupof verbs wth can?canaho b folowed by a noun. I can't bear avant-gatdejaz We Lrse mnd in queslions negative and sentences A Da you nind waiting a noment? Go and comeplus-,nqform are ofrenusedfor sports and outsde.ctvtes. I often go skiing in the wintet Do you want to .ome shopping wth nez vebs and vrbphrares Some haveto dsa prepos tion. Thesen. ode taak faMard ta, abiect to, be usedto, get usedta, rcspordto. Prepostons always are followedby rhe,lrg form. t'n looking fotward to seeing you ,ext week. (NOT{-!ee) After a few nonths in the UK t got used to dtiving on the ief. (NOTt-d+ive)

B Verb + to + infinitive
a Some verbsae fo lowedby ro + nl nitive. 'PCCW has opo4 \tdkd tl1t it aisha to becone tl| bigett braadbdnd ptaq ik A:id,' tdt' RnhahlFe{'son,a tele.a aulyll nt Hon! Kang ,Ihat hEdtltit .annotdnoi b stand stilt.' (AiaNeek sbsite) 'And bt r,o*iry torethervith t rufs at lBirl, Kaddhd,d to on, tue'E a.t,d r manatin! to iaprote rhe loal tpply kse Jat an o.ft\.' ilys ldrn. Reys, heal af Hfute -pdekdtul\ pnnkt ote,atio,i (clobalBusiness Magazine$ebsire)

'19VERB -t\rc OR INFI |rIVE i +


pltsn!and decisions xpectations promisesand reflsak other common verbs a

ain, arrange, chaasq decide*, intend, plan', preparc denand*, deseNe, exped*, hope', want:,t",/ish*,wauLl like fail, guarantee,affer, prcnise*, rcfuse,thrcaten agrce', .an I can't affotd, lean*, manage,pretend*, seem*, tend, ttatn, wai

Nolethat verb+ to + i.finitivis alsouled in thesecases: why we do lomething(the 'infintive of purpo5e') 1 Toexplain l'n Glling to find out if you stock spare parts. (NOT i++Ji"d-s+) 2 Aftef a quenionword Gn you show ne how to get on to the lnternet on this @mputer? 3 \Nirh used to, be gioing to, be able to, be allawed ta, have to, need to and aught ta

C verb + obiect + to + infinitive

are O Thefo lowingverbs followedby an objecl+ to + infinitve. advise', alow ask,.ause, encourage,exped, fahld, farce, help, invite, otder, pay, prcfe, peEuade, renind*, teach*, tell', tQin, want, warnr Rtsid dll ask th. Patu Club oJ ercditots to postpofle lte sir tq oJbiLatutl drftt lnts at t. npaltnur of dtbr. (Delovoj Pete.b!.s webrre/ Li dkopelsraded Jour banks,i".Lt.lrtg HSBC Holdtgs aid Bdtk oJChihd,to lend hnn 811 I'illion, o rcco l ii Ho!'r Ko'9. (Asialveek trcbsire)

D Make and let

intin wthout to. a aftermateand/etwe use bare the tve very.atefully.(NOTl-fid-lhtr-+-hk) I madethen che.k everything They us have all thesefrcesanples.(NOTThFl-*++eve) let

E Verb + that clause

a Theve6s marked with an aniskr in sections B and C can ako be followedbv a that A. lpeechwe can leav the word lhat out ca!se. In everyday t sugqested(that) we could speakta Elizaabaut it. I suggened speaking to Elia about n. (that) we would .ancel the rr,ee,ng. We de<idedto cancel the neeting. we decided

rhey tald us (that) we should wait.

l9e "Gentlenen, ca ed thismeeting lo discussabs6nteabm.'


i9 VERB -lrVG lNFl|{lnVE'l + OR

19 Practice
Exe.cise1 g g
!4ledi!e the corect words. 1 We canl affordto ml$/m,sehgthisopportunity. 2 Doyo,J fancyto qolgoing for a ddnkafterwo*? 3 Areyouwaitingto uselusrng phone? the 4 lt's not worth to spendlsperd,i?g moretime on this. any 5 We decided c/ose to dowrlc/osingdownthe factoryin Belgium. 6 Youprcmised deliterlderrfli?q April,and it! now Ma',. to by 7 | cot\sideted calllcalling to him, but I decided wasbetterto write. it 8 if we don't decide soon,we riskto /oiel/os,l4g wholecontract. the 9 sheagreed prpparlprqpan?lg figuresbeforethe nextmeetng. to some I 0 l'rn sorrythereseems belbernga misundeBtanding to here. 11 ls Mr Messier busy? I dont mindto waitlwaiting a fewminutes OK, for 12 He 'el.Lsed signlsigning contractuntil he'dspoken hisboss. to the to 13 [,4ay suggest postponelpostpor,l4g meeting ] to the until nextweek?

Exercise E E 2
Complete these sentences theverbs with frcmthe listbelow. Choose either -,i,?9 or to + infinitive, the tom git write fly feceivemake recognise advertise help think speak I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 They ageed........1S..r!\4....-..thirtymo days paytheinvoice. us to Hepretended...-......................... think knewwho m,butldonl he twas. There5 point............................. no thisbrand ry it would on cost rnuch. too Weteo(pecting,,,,,.........,,,.,,,,..,,,,. some more stock early week. next you l'lljoin later need finish I to ..........---................ this repon. | learnt ............................. when Portuguese lworked Brazil. in I workin public relations. Myjobinvolves ........................-.... withthe media. contact | canthelp ...............--............ thatsomething isgoing gowrcng. to | canl afford .......--.-.................. class business allthetime. | can'tp.omise youwith .-......................---.. thisproblem, t'lldo mybest. but

Exercise tr 3
Complete following the sentences verbs with fromthe listbelow. lnclude obje( in every an case. dvi5 remind peEuade expect help encourageforce j.tgd..-yg..19... in bed. 1 l'm sorry missed yesieday. doctor | wo* rhe ...44.v. stay 2ltriedto.....................-............comewithustonight,buthesaidhewasbusy. 3 Could ........---.............-...-----. Office you callHead later? miqht | foEet4 lf youemploy ecretary will ............. a it ......... dealwirh allthepaperuork. contact $rre timetoday. m. 6 didn't feelvery confident, she......................... but .. applyforihejob. 7 Thefallin demand ...........................---.... has make some ourbest of workers dundant.

19 VERB -t tG OR ll{FlNlTlVEt +


Exercise Eg E 4
@ 28 Complete mini-d:alogue puttingthe verbsin brackets the rcffect form, using-tngor ro + the by into

My computo's (6hed.It keeps 0) ....d9..'.1X....(do) it.I have ro sare my dodments every (los)all th mrk I'vejust done. few minutesor I rtuk (2) .................. Have you got enougb dtuk space? (cnsh) so often.Look, it Yeah,I hare.I reallydont know wbatt causing (3) .................. (do)? ne (4) .................. you'rc good at computen.vlat do you advise (fix) them.You'I hew to askan wel,I don't krcw.I ha!nt been t rined (5) .................. (come)and havea look at it. IT recbrician (6) .................. (cal) a technician- rhey'I be ryes and Han.You knovathere'sno point CD .-................ (waio a day for someoneto come,I'm ffily busy. (do) then?They'f adviseyou shat (e) .................. Why don't )ou phone $e helpdesk Oh, yeah. I supporc sq (10) .................. (esk)Sophiero help heE you onsidcrd And ifyou're rEdly thacbusy, you, she ha$'t got a lot ofwork at lhe momcnt. Oh,ha$tshe?Th.r'sgreat.I'askhcr(11)..................(r}?c)upthisrcport.Thmk. L.. I reallycet .fford (8) .--.-----

Exercise I E 5
phones. fromthe ligt in that mobile choose verb a complete email circulated a company makes this that -ingor infinitive fo. form, with below use coffect and the if{eA,irv be pay pretend ceive refer show take talk worry

all stetl in Production d umlkt.bout halth rbks trcm mobll6 phonoa AJoumalkr th masa2n6 TochnolosyRviM wants (l) ...,.i,Q..i\t4djg|!'.,,.6om6on6 trom Prcducrionaboul h6lth to dsks ior moblle phono u66 rrcm wirl hvolv6 (2) .................,,....,,,..., him ov6r lunch on day nei week. . .y H B o f i e r e d( 3 ) . . . , . . . . . , , . . . . . , , . . . . ,-,a.n . .r. c l u n t e e 6 ? In myopinion its nor wonh (4) ..-.....-............-......-, mu.h about lhb a6lh6lat66t raarch6hoE rhat th n3ks seem too (s)...........-............-..... thre'3 no p6blm at alr. I minimsl. Buton the oth6r hand its no sod (5)...--..........--....--....--. would suggastsimply (7)....-.................--.....-lho E@nr porl trom lh Nalion.lsafBty Board. lo us An,e6y, hes kindly agreed (a) .--...--....--..,,,.......--..lh.rlicle bsfo its publishd,and hes pomised (9).....-......-......-..........bslatrcodvi4. I l@k foMard to (1o).-....-......-.....-......-... your@mments on this matter asapa

erb + -ing or infinitive 2

A Verb + -ing or infinitive: change in meaning
a Some verbs befollowed -ingo. ro + infinrtive rhenreaning thevefbchanges. c.. by and of a REMTMBER AND roRcET use We renenber/farget dotng memores for ofthe pan(rhe aclon happent bfore remembering). use the We renembe./orgr do for actonssorneone fo s/was supposed do (thercmembering to happens befor acron). the ldefinitelyremember posting the lefter. posr + rememoe. Imust rcmemherto post the letter .emember oost l'll neverforyet flying into Taipei airpoft. ftying + forger SotDlI to tun o{f the lights. forgt turn otf a REGRETuse We regret dol:ag when arsorry we abour sornething ha thar ppned thepasr. n I rcgrct saying no to thejob in Paris. We ute rcgretta informlto te//whef we are9 v ng badnews t fegfet lo inlorm tau thatwe ate unablela a rRyWeusetrydoing whenwe do sornething seewhat and happens. use ro dowhen We rry we make etfortto do somerhing, donr necessarity an blt succeed. l'lltry talkingto hin andndybe he'llchange nind. (t, do it andsee his wharhappen!) l'll tty to talk to hin'but I knowhes@ry busy taday. (l maynot bsuccesfut) tast Scpt.ub.r, ur tri..l to nc$oian a aldt-lnti J ,tcry,/ of D. \.h.\ Md Dt!,ttkt,! tttdil Bt opmtiott. Howw, hcudst s!.alJrr. (Businesweek Onlinewebritc) a sropWeu9e stopdoing whenwe endanaction. lse jtop to do whenwe oive reason We the Westoppedbuying fran tharsuppller (noww don,t buyfromthem) lnoppeclto buy sonething ny wife. \t stopped o.derrobuysomeihing) fot n a MEAN use We mean dolng whenonethingrcsutts or invo another use in ves We mean do \o to express lftention. an Glabalisation meansbeing a<tive every in majornatker (= invotvet I meant to phoneyou, but I forgot. (= tnrended) ra 60 oN Welse 90 on dorng whenwe continu n9 sonrething use on io do whenwe do We go move to do something on else. They went on tading eventhouqhtheywereneay barkrupr l= d d the ,.me thinq) Altet leaving he went on to staft hisown companJ4 IBM (= did sonreth e se) nS

B Verbs of perception
a Ve|bsof perceptionlnclude: feel, heat tistenta, norice see wakh. Theseve6s can be fo oweo (wthou o) and rhe maninq th verbchanqes. by an object+ -ng or a bareinfinitive of a f w e s e e o r h e a r o n l y a r t o f t h ea c t i o no r i t c o n t i n u ew e u s e t h e h 9 f o r m . f w e s e e o f h e a r p , !, the wholeactionfrom beqinning e.d, we usethe bareinfinttvewithoui ro. Compare: to I saw her giving her presentatian (ltaw partol thepresentaion) give her presentation I saw het (l sawthwhole presenrarion)

I heardthe machine (t naking a nrangenaise. heard noise r contnued) the and I head thenachine make sr.ange a ,olse. (lheard noise itnoDoed) th dnd

20 VERA -rlv6 oR INFINITIVE r 2


Verb + -ing or infinitive: little change in meaning

a Some vefts can be followedby -rr9 or to + nfinitive in andthereis litte chanqe meaning. Theseinclude:begli cora;aue,intend, stat1. What do yau intend doing/to do about it? ln the re.ondqudttet,ahu the nd*et beganto go doM, ue befan s. in!, drcppiry oft eqritf position thejtnd to otos\d 70% and holdinftheEnaintu in ath.Ihis tof,I ttdt dbleto in (lsiaweek websue) l"ininize the inpa.t olkc dolzt'ft. Tlt nsfihe/ of Cennn jobles @ inced to Jd in Febntary. (wal StreerJouinal website) a We oo not uruallyhdvetlvo.tng fo'Ts logetrer. h was na'ting to get da*. (NOr *a*lg-g{iig) Tfu busitrs .onrttrity i dgdir natting to pal ,ery dote d ention to the cartutry\ ebrcni /ledrd. (GiobalBusiness Magazinevebsire) a Thevlbs/ike /or,prefet hdtecan be followedby eiihrform. Io + infinitive suggests good/badidea.Th'tngform shows yourfeelings. somethlfgis a I like to do ny tax rctutns eatl)t but I don\ like doing them. Whenwe usethe modalwouldwith thesevetbswe mustuseto + infint ve. t'd prcfer to do it nyseff, if you don't nind. (an like followedby to + infinitive meanthatwe do tomethingbecause think t is a good we idea,evenihough we don t enjoyit. tlike to w te seveBldrafts befotelwite the finalrepott.

D Passiveforms: -ing or infinitive

O Unit19gave ol verbs arefollowed either -ingformor to + ni nitive. llsts that th by an Only given. active iorms were a Thepassive of 'verb -inq'i5verb being panpartciple. + + iorm + pticefallsanynote we sk being |.Eken lf the share ovet by a laryetconpany. a Thepassive of 'verb to + infinilive' verb to be + pan padc p e. form + is + I thinkt desefle to be given a pay nse.

"Actuallt the boss is away on vacation - but he likes to rcmind evervonehersstill in charee."


20 VERE+ -rrVG lNFlt{lTlVE 2 OR

20 Practice
Exercise I 5
Underline corrcct the wods. 1 t'n sotry| lotgot teplu cal/r?g you, but I wasea y busy_ 2 I stopped Pads a few days neet/ neetng Henti. in for to 3 We've stopped mt/meeting often. tt wasa wasteof time. to so 4 Lea.ninglanguage a means belbeing to intercsted thecutture w . in as 5 | neanttonakelmaking photocopies, tdidn.thdve some more but time 6 Please remembef speaklspeakrig Josie to to whenyouseehe. 7 | don't rcmember saylsryr?g to anything that. tike a I ried to openlopening window,bvt it wastoo highto reach. rhe 9 l tied to open lopeningrhewindow,but it wasstill too hot in the rcom. 10 I ne\et lotget to giwtgiving myfi6t presentation the Board. to l1 Donl foEet fo /ookatl/ooklng theaudience at whenyouspeak. 12 Weregret an ouncelanrourcing death ourfounder. Obuchi. to the of Mr 13 rcEe\ to quit/quiftingmy t1/8A (ourse. 14 Thenewprcduct doing i5 rcallywell. tthinkwe shoutd on to je///se//tngfor anothef montns it six at 90 last. 15 FiEtl'l sayalittleaboutthe historyof cornpany, I'[ goon to descrlbe the then /descibing ne\, ou range producls. of

Exercise2 !
Match situations to thesentences below the a)-d) t-4 a) I heard of yourconversation. pad b) | sawyolr whole presentation. c) lsawthe whole tour d) I passed themin thecoftidor 1 2 3 4 Sorry intefiupt, I heard tatking to you blt about -books. n you I hea.d talkabout e-books the tnternet at seminar n | sawBarbara showing v'sitors the round laclory the n | sawBarbara thevisitoG newprcduction show our tine. n

Exercise !f 3
Complete sentences bFingot to be. the with 1 enjoy ....hgi^,... taken for expensive out meats. 2 The Minister denied given .................. a bribe. 3 ThelVinister refused questioned the bribe. ................. about 4 | expecr ................. some asked toughquenions myprcsentation. after 5 Doyoumind..........___.... up at theanport a taxi? picked by 6 Howawfulllmagine ......_.......... to give presentation a ropi. ikethatl asked a on



Exercise S p 4


Complete m n -dialogue with the correct form ofthe ve.b in brackets. two occasions the On both formsare

(1) ..1."-..tP94k... rHoMAs, Hj, Crla.I've b*" -*"i"s to Gpeaking/to speak) you aI day.we're (booking/to book) a tableat that new Chineserestaunnttonisht. trying (2) .............-........... Would )ou like to come too? (stating/to starowork Oh, rhaDk,lA re,Iy like to, but I was intendins (3) ......................... aport tonight. on my monthly sales (coming/ to come) out with us? rHoM^s, Re,lly?Woul&t )ou preftr (4) ......................... Just this once? Of cou^e I wanr (5) ......................... {soins/to so) out wlth yon ronight,but I leally haveto (nrissing/tonis) dinner rvith you get this report done.I m sor.y it tneans(6) ......................... gu)s tonight. WeI, pcrhapsnext time dren. Yeah. And next time dont lbrget O) ......................... Givins/to sive) tuc at narch notice as so posible beforehaDd I can keep the evening6ee. (wo.kibg/to work) rroM^s, Oh. the troublewith you, Carla,is that you neversrop (8) ......................... (havins/to have)sone fun sometnnes. You should remembcr(9) ......................... rHous, crma,

L o o k , T h o r n ay o u k n o v l d r c r l y l o v e( 1 0 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( j o i n i n g / t o . j o i n ) y o u , b u t l J $ s, (working/to work)like y do 2t the momcnt, you'll rHoM^s, Ivell, ifyou so on (11)......................... (gertins/to gc, rc.Iy stressed, then you'll regret rnd srart(12) ......................... d ( 1 3 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( n.r.n.s . n g u t / t o m n s o u 0 o n y o u r s o c i alli f e .I t h a p p e n e t o i G i e n do f .. . . i o - in the end he wenr on (1a) ......................... (having/to h!ve) a .ervous bE,,kdown mine (being/to bc) so drrnutic. I don't enjoy Oh, come on. Stop (15) ......................... ( 1 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.r.k . . .g./ r o t x k e )w o r k h o m e , i t ! j u s rt h r t I l i k e ( 1 7 ) . in . (finishins/to finnh) 'ny rcporis on ome.

Exrcise ifr iWN9, 5

lnto the coiiectform, -mg or to + nfinitive. completethis Letter puttingthe vrbsin bfackets by

I am wnring ro complainaboutthe p@r senice rharI receivedwhenI wa! in your s|oe ld( week.Rec..dy you decided (hke) (1) ....t9..fe.$.o.Y9.. sr!fr encouaged cuslonds(2) ......................... liseningi&ilnier i. yoursoEs, andyoursales Gcnove) (Etum) an, CDstharwe (hce) hone rheirchoice CDswiihoui(3) ...............,.,..-.... rhen nst. Youinvitdus(4) ...........-..,,,,.,,,,. of did n6t like. a. lone s ve kepi rhe eeipt s pmf or pmhe. ln ny opinion rhis wts m excelle policy asn allowed .Dsione6 (buy) (5),..,.........,..,........ (6)......-.................. things (risk) tharwec a liide ditrerem. A consqueneof yourlolicy is thi cn$omenwill buyn@ CDs.Md thisnem (7) ......................... Gerun)noE thattheydonr like. In iact l6t weekI broughlb&* eight CDs, nom lhe fouie. I hadboughton ihe previonsvbn Your salesne retusd (ure) theCDsbone jus (8) ................. Gccept) ne ....... such la4e nmbet sd accused of(9)..,.,..,.,,.,.,,.,.,..,.. a (b) (10)....................-.... (copy) ro rhm.I stunslyobjecred (ll) ......................... teatdlre thisa I hadenenbeed ( l2) ..,.......,.............. (lriog) theMcip6 wiih ne ed my dio6 PeE wirhintheEms of yourEudmlee. (behave) this (thi.L)rhaitou *ill losea lot oi bnsi.ess you $ttr go on (14)......................... il in I canl help(13).,.,..,.,,.,.,,.,,.,..,., ) m w a y , a n d I a d v i s e y o u ( 1 5 ) . , . , . , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ( d i n ) y o u r s t 3 f r (.1 . .) ... ... ( d e a lw i t hc n $ o n e sh a n o E p o x t e m n e r 6

A Repoied speech
a We often rll peopl what otherpeoplehavesaid.Thisis ca ed rcponedor indircct speechWe veryrarcly tryto rcportthe exacr wordsrhat someone says. givethe gneral usually we meaning with a slmmary 'Laak l've been phoning all day and he'satwap jn a neeting. Canyou te hin that I'tt give hirr' a cal sanetine nextvr'eek,p/ease?' (actLrawords) ) Sandtaphoned. Shesaid she'd callyau next week ltepon) 'Fran v'lhat lcan see, the advellising campaignis a grear srccess., (actualwords) ) He said the canpaign wat a succel'. (report) a Notethe chang tensein rhe aboveexamptsr to wouldand i5 to was. of r1,// It |5 not always necessary change to the sratement n true we can keeothe sarne is

Hesatdthe campaign a greariuccejs. (thecarnpa is finished) was gn Hesaid canpaign the (the is/wasa grear iuccess. campa i5ni happening) gn seesecUons C beowfor more 8 and detaits. In wiiing we can.epeat exacr the words (, using lpeech marks ... ). 'l haveno futtherconnent to nake at thisstage,' saidthecanpanypress affjcerwhenhe spake out rcporter to yestetday. This uses aslhe reporring See 22 for other unit 5ald veA. untt feporting

B Tensechanges
a When verb the tense changes 'moves it back, tim in
'l'mwotking for lgM' 'l've worked fot tBM (lndirect Report lpeech) She said she wo*ed far tBM. Shesaii shewas wotklng fot tRM. Shesaid shehad wo*ed for tBM.

'I've been wo*ing fot IBM'

'I had wo*ed fot l?M 'l'm going to wotk fot lEM. '1can/wi /nay work for lEM.

Shesaidshe had beenwo*ing for tBM.

Shesaid shehad wo*ed fot 18M. OR Shesaid she wotked fot tBM. Shesaid shehad wo*ed for tBM. Shesaid she was going to wotk for tBM. She said shecoutd./woutd/ni9ht wo* for tBM.

Khwi, a Vicnta-based teleans .onpaty, sdid oi Ftiday ir uas enteing thaCzth tufthet by aferins {hupet voneierui.{ throughttu l\tet,et. (c,echioday website) Ed ier h thc oe.k, d ldbot u4io4 ttpott soidthat 751 dedths ousnd 'an tha had job' in rta\ durins tl'e f,tt six toflllj of thn ycar,aptotu 521Jot the sltuep{iad Lst yat. (Intermiion,l Her,ld Tribune website) The ShodhqALh'inht Industry Co. \d d l6t ueek t uoatd issre 160 tui ioa shates .fot ok rhe Shot'slzi StMk E .hdnge. (ShanBheiDaily wED'rc1

a a a

Thereis no changefof musC mi1ht, could, shoutd,would. Notethat ifthe.ctualwods werc in the pasisimple (worked), repo( can change nay ihe or Notethat thereis no.hinqe for rhe pastpedect(hadworked).



C No tense change
if the is a Wedo not need changetense inform.tion st Ltrue. to 'Thesales teamare doing verywellat the moment. Hesays/saidthe teamarc doingverywel is. true if something which ways tense we repon O Wedo notneed change to 'Therc atuvayspeiod of uncstaintl afu a meryet' is a aftera neryet Hesays/saidthereis alwatsa Wiod of uncertainV

D People, places, times and things

places, the because references people, to timsand thlngsotten change, a In rcpoftedspch point of viewchanqes. ntseevou herc tomonow

stre 5ardshe? se rre ahere tne next day He satdhe d reao my rcpoft about fie prclecl paragraph changes: showsomeof thesetypical a The examples ihe previotis in

satd ---.'--=. --r= Sue


l @,ead you rcpad abaut this ptqe.r



) ) ) ) )
this aftenoon )

thete,at the office the4 at tha ime that day,on Monday day thedaybefote,theprcviaus the nextday,the followingday,on Monday
that aftemoon

a few daysago Th ngs: thisprolect

week ) the weekbelore theptevious ) the weekaftet the follawingvr'eek a a a few daysbefare, tew daysea iel ) the prctect


ubd I I uB goirg ,o bebon6t Thattut d bi&frt ti." tuitbyqJ8





Exercise1 R
Write actualwords each the peEon that says. coritractions possibe Use whele I Anna said thatshehadakeady finished.

(afnas actudl words) ..J.:v.e, rsi.:lred

2 She hewouldbe back said afterlunch. 3 Hesaid wasgoirgto contact printe6. she rhe
(Hisactualwods) ' 4 Paulsaidthat he wantedto makea phonecall.

5 shesaid wasmeeting bank she the managerat eleven.

6 Pieffe sad he had found olt aboutthe prcblema long time ago. (Pieffes actual words)' .

7 David he hadto be back theoffi(ebythree sald in rhirty. ' (Davldl actual words) 8 Jan said wouldlet meknow she

Exercige2 g
Lookat the actualwordsspoken. wordsin the reportd llhdedlle the correct version. 1 (HelenS wods)'l won'tdo it untiltomorrow.' Helen //Iie wouldn'tdo it until theprevioustfollo$/ino sald day. 'lt3 (PeterS 2 words) very busy herc. callyoutater.' in t'll Peter it wasvery said busy herelrhele, he'dc.tlme/him and tater (The 3 sales managetwordt'We received order week., your lan Hesaidtheydlwe'd rc<ei\ed ourlthei orderthe weekafferlbefore. (l\,4e 4 Bowen3 words)t'msorry about detay, deal the flt withth s now, She 5he// sorry said was about delay, sheddeat the and wirhit rbht then latel /

Exercise E ; 3

Rewrite sentencesreported the in speech. contractions Use polsibte. whe.e 1 'l won'tp(,tit in thes?les because sellinq weii, shesaid. it3 very shesaid .thE..ralald^:.1..ei,^..ille..r.^le{..bes4,{ .w4:..r.Ellili4...,ve!-.y..r.e[,..... 'l'veread rcpodandI dont undeEtand 2 the section hesaid. 4,, 3 'When finish presentation, going have drink,, said. I my l'm to a he Hesaid when that .--..-....... 4 'l'm pparing figures I won'tbe long,' said. the but she 5 'l likeplaying tennit but I don'tdo it very often,' said. she 5he ............................. $id 6 'l'm going visit Polish to our subsidiary t m notsure but when., said she



Exercise4 B C
prsentatron Ofiicer. in aboutthe rcle of lhe ChiefExecutile Read wordsspoken a confercnce the Jatkwebh, one oJ the nostJa'hous CEos oJa tine, was head oJ ceneral Ele nfot twenE fea$. But he was an exreltion. InJad, iooahnds o.fall najor eonpaniesuorldwide have rc!|arcd theb CEO ow the latt frv years.What's lhe rcaton? The rcaton k that et?ectations of Cno pufornawe areJar too high. Boads ofconpafties laok at the, CEo as a kind oJ *pethao *ho ran nlve all ke conpany\ probkms.This prceessstdted ifl the 1980s, ard the prolotve uAs Lse la.oca, "the nan who saved Chrysler Corp".Then in the 1990s, w had CEOs fron the tednology sertor, like MictosoJt\ Bi Cates, or Cisto\ John Chanbers, uho nanaged to produce cottantly lising sharepftes. But the lituation is uery dffercnt now dnA ecoflonit growth is slopihg down.' 5 wrte P/Ic (if the sentence Now look dt waysto reportthe wordsto a co eague Byeachrentence rules). P/sT(if the senlen.s Possbebecause is 5t ]ru)or (ii the it Pos5 because lenre Change oi be sentence Incorrect). s Thespeaker d that sa I lack Wech was cEo of ceneralEectic lor twentyyears .P ITC.. for 2 JackWech had beenCEOol GeneralEeclric twentyyears .. ook ai lhen CEOs superheroes as 3 Boards companies ol 4 Boards companiee ookedat the r CEOs superheroes as ol had ookedat the r CEO5 superheroes as 5 Boards companier of 6 Leelaccoca narted il a in the 1980s. / Leelaccoc.l'do ndrleo rl a In IhF 19808 FFl.((o.a l^.d bee. srdrled . in IhF 1980' 9 T h es t u a t o nl s d i t f e r e n t o w . . . . . . n 10 Thes tlation was ditferent.ow

Exercise 5 B D
lrcm yoLrr at with someone advensnq agency hB ofices Thewods On Frdaymorninqyou had. meeting you tel a collague Undenlne corrct the aboul ih d scussion he on rhe left The nextweek

Theadvedisino oersonlwords: 'Did you get my emaillrent yesterday aboutlhis campaiqn ve beenworkingon? Lhopeso l'm we sorryio askyou to comehere.t suchshortnolrce, b u t i t ' sq u i t el r g e n i .T h es t l a l o n i st h i s : w eu s ea n outsde pr nr n9 company, a few daysaqo the and I workers therewent on strlke. m havinga meeiing but th wth a unionrepresentative s afternoon, rhouqht shoud talk to you tirsl.

What vou sayto vour colleag!e: 'He raid he (1) hopeslboped got (2) hlsltry -ama l'd /the day that (3) he'd rendlhe'd Jent 14)yesterday fhelthls.dvertsingcampaign berroreaboui(5) beer wotk ng on. And he \6) they've/we've (7)melyou to go for apologised asking (8) herelrhere suchshortnotice- he sardt ai (9) /J/r17as a urgent.Well,apparently lew days (10)aqolbeforethe pr nlersthey use(11)have sonelhadgane or \rnke, and he (12)lslwas He meetng thern(13)ahli/rhaiafternoon. sad lre ' he thoLrght sho! d io (14)melyou abolt it i rs'

A Say or tell
a We saysomething we te//somebody. and Sinon said he was .onfident abaut the su(ess of the Betaprcject. Sinan told me the projen was going well. l, We neverusto between dnd the object te// He told me what happenedin the neeting. (NOT rtd-r6-rae) We c. n u5eaoalter5ay,especially when the actud wordsare not epoi(ed. What dtd he tay to you? lthink the bosswanted to say something to Susan

B other reporting verbs

. There mdnyverbs reponwhat peoplesay.Each a to verbh.5 one or morepossibepatterns Commonrepodng verbsinclude: Verb+'lng form (unit 19) (unit l9) Verb+ to infinitiv Verb+ object+ rc infinitve(Lrn 19) t

ddnit, deny, prapose, mentian, suggest aqtee,ask, denand,de.ide,offet,prcmlse, rcfuse, actuise, canvin.e, ask, encou?ge, invite,ordea rcnind, tell, warn Petsuade, adnn, agree, annauncel ahswer' claim'complain' canflrn, deny, explain, nention, pronise,prcpase, ddvise, assurc, convince, infarn, natify,petsuade, rcassure, rcnind,tell Prcnise,

Verb object rharcause + +

Theydenied doing anything wong I suggested changing au expotT agency Sheprcmised to call me tomoffow fhey rclused to lowet then price. He advised us to wait untll ne\1yeal TheyinviEd me to come far lunch.

Theyagreed (that) they'd wait. She prcmised (that) she'd call ne tonanow. 1rcninded then (that) they had to pay a 25a/odeposit. I told him (that) I couldn't nake the meeting next week. O We usethe sametensechanger! es as in unit 21. Cre.k fidltt O'l'E rbi theyiratbatio, toitta vith RohTabtun. OTE pomised thal 70!( tut of np ftlepho,t sy\te uotld bedUitdL ii tll.. )dd^. (Buch,rsi tslsinesweek a We can .ko rcportwhat people rhinkor know.Verbs inctuder krow nodce,think, reatise, ek 5o y, I didn't rcalise you were busy.I thought you had finished.


C tt + passiveof a reporting verb

a We use/t + passive a reporting of verb+ ihat to repot what peopl n qeneral fee or believe. This s a formaluse,fo. exampl a newspaper ln story a scintific rcportor a witten summary of a meetinq It w{t affiowced at the atferc cethat Aryentifld w6 lasinr Pesos $,0A0 flillian per onian an gtuin plies .ottpdfttr with the ovetuge the L^t tet yus.It uas pistetl out that ihkrkational ik ptk6 hotl &t inptulc.l in two yeoR, this eability hatl allouaddn inctedtein prcdnetiah. but flarinTnde website) Verbs that are often usedin this way are: be agteed, be announced,be believed,be dained, be canfirned, be cansideted,be decided, be estinated, be ererted, be feared, be lela be found, be pointed out, be praposed, be rcponed be tumourcd, be said,be thown. be sugge5ted be thauqnt

D Reporting questions
(this questionsllkea nomalstatement isthesame e asfor a Thewod order eported in is ru questions unit16). Tense glvenn unit21 indrect in changs follow those 'Whercis it?' He asked whereia war. (NOr v/hr-r..+) ) me I (whe4 evhaa Whe. we pod quenionwod questions v/hy,where, haw,e\c)we uselhe q!enlonwofd. 'Whenwill thegoodsative?' ) Theyasked when thegoodswould aftive ne 'Whyhaveyou sales gone dowh?' ) I wasask-ad out sales gone down. why had 'A year I wd! atkcd d{0, hoa thit tro efsl nceer bctuen Daihtler Chryslet and uo"ld uotk, ord I toid I wds&'nitiirfof thenturyeltonal prcblehBThey boufld haryen, aw aete ta as had cxpcnenccs Seat sltotln.'-CEO oIvolb|aSen(DerSpiegel uiith website)

a Whenwe reponyeslno qres\ions you, Didyou, Areyau, elc)we ute if ot whether lDo 'Do you speakFtench?' ) Sheasked if I spokeFtench ne '4rc yo! going to ) He asked whether I was goingta payin cash. me W in cash?' questions no queston a Notrce theexamples reported in that have mark writing. in

E Reportingcommandsand requests
a Commands reDoded rel/andthe infinitive. .re wiih 'Take to theairyoft. us > shetold the drivetto take us to theairpaft. 'Dont wotry l ll dealwith it. > Shetold me not to wotry. a Reolests .eooded askandthe infinitive. with are 'Wauld nind waitingfot a moment?' you He askedne to wait 'Please He askedus not to wait. don't wait far '],e,I'll .ome alonglatet'


22 Practice
Exercise I G
Underlin correct ihe words. 1 Saly rold/ bltLqe Ihat she had lost the catalogue please 2 Thisis confidential, don't saylte//anythinq about t. 3 Thisis confidential, please don'i saylte//anyone aboui t. 4 Chris saidlsaid he mun leave me earljr 5 | saldltoldthem aboutthe meal,and thyiaidlto/d thywould come. 6',You see,', told/saldsteve,'lalways toldlsaidyou'd get a promorion' T You see,' told/sald steve, 'l alwaJ6io/d/sald yo! you d gei a prornot on , I Look, l told ta / said to her,'why don t you te///say m whar you medn?

Exercise g 2
Match actlalwords sentences withthe rcported the in l-12 natments aFt) 1 'Wel donelYou've done itl 'Whome?No.I never d it.' 2 d 3 'l m really sorry didn'tdo it - I justforcot.' | 4 'lf lwereyou,L'd it.' do you 5 'Would liketo do it?' 6 'Don'tforget do it!' to 7 'Oh,| lee thatyou've it.' done 'Oh,bylhe way, done 8 l've it.' 9 'Ohl I thought hadnl done you itl' 'l realy 10 wouldnldo it. lt could a disaster' be 11 'l'll do it, youcancount me.' on '12'No,I wontdoit. lt'soutof queston.' the



a) He advsedme to do it. b) Heapologsedfof not doing it. c) He congratu atedrne on doingit. d) He invitdm to do it. e) He denieddoing t. f) Ne nentionedthat he'd doneit. g) He didn't realise'd dore it. h) He promired lhal h'd do lt. i) He noticed lhat l'd donelt. j) He fLrsed do it. to k) He ren ndedrnelo do t. l) Newarnedm-. not to do t.


n n n n


n n

Exercise El Fffll 3
Rewrite snrnce reported each in speech. 'A youon holiday thewhole A!g!n?' she 1 for ol asked me.
2 'Whai do the letteG'URf mean?'I askedhim.

sh me asked .if-lrlhelhcr...!...r..,4{..e fer:..lhe..r.}ele..ef..Ara4r:i, ..h.olid6}

I arkedhim 3 ' yo! preparcd theJigures? bossaskedm. my M y b o t t d s t e dn e . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 'Whenis yourb dhday?'I asked Frances.a. l . s k e dF a ^ c e s c.d . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Did you femernber backup the file?' 5 to sheaskedhim. S'e asred rrr ......... h 6'Why haveyou turnedoff the airconditioning?' Elln asked rne. tller asled ne 7 'Do you speak lialian?' thyasked .t the interviw me

They asked at the inreruiew me 'Howmuch youpayforyourcar?lasked 8 did Pabto.



Exercise c 4
t430 Re.dtheedractfrom a meenng,.haired byClaudia. Thenunderlin rnonappropratereportng verbs n the the writtensummary below cLADh: Oh, hi. Takea seat... Unr, I d like to hearyour vie$ on the t.lks wele havins Nith BCP merger. Do you think we should go .he.d with dre discusions? $o!t the possible Well. Do a.tu,Iy I donl lhiDk \re should. Our comparry cultues are totrlly ditrerent. and I can't seenrany opponmiries ro cut costsin a combined openrion. I'm sorry but I m 3gainstit. But, Nigel, can'tyou seeth,r wer roo smaltto standrlone in the global economy.Theret going to be ratron lisationin our narket and nN ls the right tinle to act. cl.{uDr^, Un, right. How iong do you think it rvould trkc to integr:te the nvo conrpanics? Ptubablyabout sL\ months,naybe oorc. ThaCs nonths ofcotrrpletechaosand frlling nrvestor six confidcnce.lti just too *ky. .LAUDTAWell,I dont thini rvc haveenoughirfonrnrion .t thc momcnt. Pclhaps colnd $et!p ! we taskforce b look into the vhole isuc h more detait? oauon HDur. Tony - $ould you bc willing to chair rt? fron rhe other depftnents asrvcll. OK, I I r raskforcc,but I II need reprcsenBuves

o-^u, ^, Thar sholldnt be a problent.Whendo you thn* you'll be .tJle to set fie report .lotre? Un,iD rbout six weeks. ridiculous. Six rvcekslTh.Cs (]a!ir^, 1 2 3 OK. {'e'll rry to get aI rhc ufo..ution togcdrcrin fou. $ccks. p].cc. llighr, thiCssellled.livc'llmect:r$in x month frcm todin srmc tnnc s.rurc

the in t wasestimatedlannounced il would takeaboui sixmonthsto ntegrate two cornpanies tlre that eventoi a mercer of twas rumouedlsuggested we couldset up a taskforceto produce reporton the imp cations that a the merger irom l\ wasprcpasedlclained lhat the taskfo(e would be chaned Tony, by wth represntatves other

departments. 4ltwasshawnlagteedIhalthetaskforceshouldproduceitsrportinfourweeks. 5 lt wasclainedlde<ided lh.tthe nexi meeiingwould be on luly 28th at 9am n the rnan conference

the 4)is to about sam lhe rneet ater n thewek. ng Undedine Niqel(lrom Exercse ta krng a colleague hisreport. corectwords in

'Claudia g'vetagre our opinions aboutthe merger ialks.| (2)told tlemltold asked {l ) tbat rar'e us (3)to /tsten/rnenln9. Of ro then that I thoughtthe wholething wasa badidea,but they rcfused He for course Tony disagreed, usual- (4)ioldBad thai we wretoo small the globalma*et. as and Thenclaudiaasked how lo1g15)woulditlit wouldtaketo inteqatethe two companjes, Tony (7) claimed would{6)iakelto rdkesixmonths. it Claud;a suggested sefttnguplto set up a force to look into the wholethinq. ldedded {8) not sa]alnglnor ray an}thng. Tonyoffered fo the that b chairlthathe would.ha,7 taskforce.Heprcposed the taskforce(10)reportlnglshould 19) reporfbackin sixweek, butllll) rcnindedthem that/rcminded tharwe'd needthe rcportmuch againin a monrh.' sooner. Anylvay, decided to rDetlmeetng we {12)

hrasal verbs 1
A Undergtanding phrasal verbs
'part cle' rneans a Verbsare often 1oLowdby particls ke back, oft througi up, etc, (ihe word somelimes both verband partce havetheirnomra meanngs Olher or adverb preposition). are when the verband particle put togetherCornpare: t mesthereis a new meanrng It taok 20 ninutes ta 90 through passpattcantral. (norrna mean n9) (newr.eaf ng = 'ook at carefuy') Can we go through your proposalagain? e type,wherelheverb+ partlc togetlrerhds. Theterm 'phrasalverbis usedforthe second 3re Phrasalverb5 common n informalEns sh. meaning. special a verb as verbhaslhe samemeaninq a one_word Sometimes phrasal a find out = discover 90 ba.k = return 90on=connnue moreinformalthan the one word verb The phrasaverbi, usually

n t t s d m ca a O l t e no n ep h r a s a l v e r b nh a v e e v e r a li f f r e n t e d n g s a n d h e c o r r e co n e s o n y c e a r from the situat on (= takingthe ncess.ry actlon) 1 Danlwarry rn dealing with it naw (= do business with) campanies. 2 We deal nainly with Taiwanese 3 Thercpartdeals with au. futurestrategry (= rsabouo

B Separable phrasal verbs

verbs can separate two parisand put ihe obleclbeloreor afterthe we the O With somephrasaj could you fill this fon in, please? OR Couldyou ti in this fom, please? now out Illwint the sprcadsheet now oR l' pint out the spteadsheet i\,lrtioMrrti, tlx Ell\ a\rycrti{t, atrtr6Jnrt(arayr ,c ltilL o! ELI ntl!: ta k.cP d\rrrxt l,fle\ ttu dopn.fallowin.t 'nxrchrk' errs Fid.l:at 3C l;.trttt nr trl,?. (hrterltiorxl Herild Tribune Ncbsrre) a Whenthe object s a prcnoun(me you, lr, etc)il mun comebelorelhe parucle Couldyou fi itin, Please? \NOI t*a+) I ll Nint it out now (NOTp|+fsf'1) e a Whenthe objec(is a ong phraseit mustcomeafler lhe partic yao fill in the lorm that3 over therc on the desk, please? Cauld t ll p nt out the sqeadsheet with lan month's tales fiqurcs now p a H e , e5 " h r o ' . o I n o n $ p a r a b l e h r d . a l v r b s you ha.ked the data upz (= mada copyon yourcomputen Have Wl you back ne up in the rneetlng?(= s!ppo'1,provde evdencefor) Theyhad to.ut thelr advenisingbudget back (= spend lers on) Our lav/yeRv/ill draw a new contra.t up. (= ihink about and then wr te) Canyou drcp ne off at the rtationT (= take me n yolr c.r and eavem) by yau li thisforn in, pleaJel (= complete writinq informatlon) Cauld I n trying to give smakinq up. (= stop do ng lt, quit) istryinq to keep inflationdown. (= controlit to slop t increasing) ThecentralBank makeredlndant) They had to lay 1ao workeBolf lan nanth. (= dismiss, (= list) for nunber up in vel/o'"Paerer. searched t in a reference tlooked then pick ne up at the Jtaiton2 (= coliect in your car) me can tou t ll pint the details out for you. (= pr nt from a computer onio paper) I needto ing/call the prinrersup th;s afterroon. (= telephone)



(= in we ve set up a subsidiaty Estonrb. established) jt, We'retryjngto sort it out now {= olganise put it tighl dea with jt) for) he3 He3n/essdbecause taken on too mu.h (= a((eptedrsponsibilty H6 sonwill take ovet the firn whenhe retues (= takecontrcl) Ihe new cEo will be taking ovet in lanuary (= takingresponslbiliry) of away now? l= gertid of ir' dispose it) cant throw this newspapet lt wastoa low (= fusd.said'no' to) we tuned down thenoffer

c Inseparable phrasal velbs

the after mustcome the phlasal veftsw cannot separat two partsTheobject a Withsome panKre. HcddoI th. Arti-CartuptionLLtitdt theOECD, kld us thatthe hapd E lca,Qtinones, 'Covc tue tt woald prcJet dedlPith b eill sootr itsani-bnbery tign siflsapot! Nto.ol Tnnes thdtale tigkatoristo thccanterion,'sh.soid (Busine$ @npani\ .fton .oMh$ websitc) Sinsapore t ph|asal verbs: insepable is Here a listof common (= visit) I haveta call on a clientth,safternoon by you a Have come acrcss conpanycalledIMN? (= discovered chance) (= action) you Can deal with thisinwice p/ease7 taketh necess.ry wilh) dealing with Fedcofot a long tine (= doins businss we've been in with +commerce 5E/45ia (= is abolt) Therepon deals witholt) assrsia't(= tunctlon/manase t t <ouldn do without ny peEonal (= takecareofl Can look alter theofficewhilel'n out? tou y) carefLr l've tookedthtough my filesand l cant find it (= examined (= use amolntot timeof space) an t'n sotryto tekeup sonuch of yourtine

objects phtasal They vedsareintransitiv. do not have insepaGble see lnit 25 a Many ako work ng) has fhe phatocopiet brcken dow, again (= stopped rcportyourarrival) onehout befaredepatturc' (= register' Yaunust chetkin (= please? interupt the discussion) can!just comein fot a manent HI Thenegotiations thtough at ihe /astmonent. (= failed) to budget. (= manage do thing, t thinkwe can9a by with a srnallet Willtou iustholdlhang on for a noment? \= watr) the He hadto step down afterthe.offuptianinquiy (= leave iob, reslgn) y) night tum up at anynolnent (= arive unexpected She


23 Practice
Exercise B g t

Choose best the verb each timefromA. B,c or D below I Banca Romd up anonline di .e. banking seMce withTelecom ttalia. A created B put C set D took 2ltsnotjustmyownpersonalopinion.Herearesomefiguresthat......upeverythngI've A put B back C support D tum 3 This a grcaiopportunit. canljust...... allaway. is We it A removeB get C put D throw 4 | mightneed help. never some l've ....... across situarion thisbefor. a like A come B been C found D discovered 5 Their long-term strategy in c.isis. merger ...... is The has rhrough. A gone Bfallen C collapsed passed D 6 lt3 great you having in theteam. don'tknowhowwe......bywtthour l youl A su.v ved B came C went D got

ExercisenIXE 2

Complete sentence a phrasalverb means same thewordsn brackets. particle each with that the as The has gvento help been you. I^d........ whytheyhaven't theifinvoice? scover) paid (d out... you 2 Can .....................-. minute lfindtheinformation? (wait) on ...a until 3 Youneed (compete writing) to....................-.. thiscustoms in... declaration. by 4 Anymore quesiions? l'll ....................... wlth mypresenration. (contin!e) OK, on ... 5 Youneed (quit) determinationsucceed. to Donl ...........,.,,,,,...., now up ... 6Inmyjob1.......................with...alotofpaperwork.(takethenecessaryaciion,han 7 lf youlike, 1can....................... parcelon (collect) up...the myway home. 8 Cani ....................... whatyouweresaying fewmoments (feturn) bact a ago? 9 Thkjob 9oin91o....................... ot themorninq. anamounr time) is (use up...mon of 10 lf MikePinker you (take arives, could ............--......... himuntll| rcturn? after... care ofl

Exercise X! 3

Underline thepossible orders a// word fromthefouralternatives. mes arepossibte, Somet two sometimes possible. are I l'm too busyto dol wirh rh,sldealthiswlthldealythjttdeat it with tigti no\,\. 2 l'm goingto /oot up ihe info,.nEtionllook infarnationupllook up it/laak it up on the ntemet. the 3lnthecurenieconomicclimateweretryinqtokeepdawnourcons/keepourcostsdown thenlkeep themdownas muchaspossible. 4 | couldn'tdo withoutmy nobile phoneldomy nobile phonewithout/dowithoutit/do it wjthout. 5 Heproposed new produdlineto the Boad butthey turneddown theidealtuned theidea a dawnltuned downitlturned it down6l'llcallyoubacktomorowmorning.We'rejusttryingrosottouttheprobten/sotttheprc h outlsott out it (ight nJ.v.



C o m p l e tle e m a i L r s n !p h r a s a e r b sr o mt h n b e o w t h a t m e a n t h e s a m e a s r h e w o r d sb r . c k e r s h ' v f n Ihree verbsneedio be pllinto an -nErform b a c k ! p b r e : kd o w n c a l l o n c h e c kn d . a wu p d r c p o f f f n d o u r g e r b y k e e p o w n o o k t h r o l g h F * + p p r i n to l t r n g u p s o f to u r t u r n u p d

"-, il.iF"r*; "" ""r,"",,

r",:'.= *,

*",rgr4qr.- l l

-*'*"1 "'";"

MrYamanakawrbeanvinqrrhearponarl030tom ... rF .. . (correct cao there a.d (2) by

Hes sl6yins at the Mariott lwon\ be abe to (3) .. .. .. c o u l ds t a yw i r hh m a . d m a k es o r e t h e r ea r e n o p r o b e m s( a ) Y:11::1.::j::-""*ea,rernoon.soMikeandKarhw

canyou(1). ...! .. (reave)at his rroter? (a vel there unl about 1 pm. so perhaps you . . . . . . . . . .k e g s r e r n g ) e r c havero(5). (manase)wdhoutmern

rm q (7) ..

ns b (6)

. (organise) lhe ilinerary ror my lr'p to spain next month. can you . (hink about rhen wi,ta) a 'st or a our spanrsh cusrohers by (al ... . . . .. ... .. (examin ns) d ke ro know exacty who .. need io (9) (vist) arso lhe flighr

our clstomer

accounls dalabase? canyou(10)


needs la lre booked w6 .e try ns to ( 11 ) (12) .

(elephone)lhekave6se.cyandcheckflishtrimesandprces? al the moment so iusr

(contror lo stop lhem mcreasing) ir.ver (d scovea prices ror Elrolrave er crass

The printer keeps (13) ( p r n r )t h e s p r e a d s h e ef l6 r onro a disk for me to use 6n my 6prop?

(sloppins work ns). and

did. r have a chznce 'o (14) ( m a k ea c o p y ) t h e f i t e


Exercise 5 B C
31 C o m p e t eh r n e w s p a p e r t c e b y c h o o r n g h ec o r r e ca d v e r br o mt h o s en b r a c k e t s t a t t f

Lani DillenChielExecutjve enrerel, of (r)!^..... (ofi/dffi/oul) sropped yerlerdly in a dranelic nore for the on-line lravelaeency, Revenues e.trarel at a.e currenlly 15% dosn on the sane period lasl lern and thet\'e had io cut (2) ..................... (ori/up/back) thejr advertising budgel sererel!, Earlier rhe in tear e-t.ayel laid
(olf/up/ou!l a quarterof its sl!llin. bid ro to call for Mr Dill.r's resignatioh, En.a!elk linrnce ofiicef Marthd Piprvill nor tale (6)..................... (through/up/on)the lask of t.ying to sorl (7) ,,.,,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,. keepcosts(;l) ...,,...,,..,,...,,.. (off/do$n/out). but lbese nsures seR no! enolgh to nake the conpanl p.ofitable,Diller had sith thelnterneipo.tll ben in negotialiors loHo to get exclusive righis to ad!rtiseon

(oye./up/out) their problebs, bu1 lhe nosi likelJ outcome lhrt e-travel$ill be is

ihir sfterbur ihe dell fell (5),...,,..,...-........ laLen 181..................... (ove./rp/out) br (ott/ttrough/outJ at rhe l$t ni.ure, It anolher cohpr.L perhaps onlinc .iral HiFly.cod. r

(3).....................seenslhat tbis ners frntlli forcedinvestors


hrasal verbs 2
A Phrasal verbs + preposition
a Likeoiher vrbs. manyphrasal verbs cdn be usedeitheralonew thout an object,or fo owd by preposilion object. + a (phrasalverb Any marecammen6?OK,shallwemove on? usedalone) shallwe nove on to the nert item on the agentla? (phrasalverb + preposition+ oblect) a Hereiea ln of commonphrasavrb,of this type: Can we b ng the neeting forwad to Monday? (= move ir to an arlie. time) Youg:o on ahead. t ll catch up with yau later. (= reachihe same p ace as) we need to cut bzcvdown on our spendinq l= rcdKe) Let'sdtop in on Davidwhilewe'rc in London. (= a short, nformalvisit) very I gct on with ny colleagues wel (= havea friendly ai onshipwith) get on with the neeting (= conlinue Let's afterstopping) I cauldn't get through to directory lnqutr (= contaci sorneoneby telephone) It'shard to keep up with developments lT (= know aboutall the chd in nSsn) AK, l ll move on to ny next s/de. (= changeio a new subjecl) Cdn we put the meeting back to friday? l= mole il 1o a laler t m, de ay) can vrp put the neeting otf until frday? (= nave i to a aier t rne, de ay) Canyou put ne thrcugh to Sa/etp/easez(= connecisorneone telephone) by has Ithink the phatacapier run out of to,rer:(= the.e s noneleft)

B Three.part phrasal verbs

c A few phrasal verbs havethreepadsand a the mun be used. The partsarc noi separable. I look tot\lvard to seeingrou next week Yor hnft ttuttcndovil, yotn obtLptdt 't,d' fe\.' dnd you havaspokot in a charnont ort Nou, t .fl ba(.x.dnir. .1..kior - no yo! t'!ar a tie? EttortedB nrc!i,l!t! u! thai rit! to .ft ir anh dr$ dd( i, nt. hn(i.t i'dn\trt. (Chini Diily website) t Hercis a Bt ol ihis typel of lt s tine to face up to yout reiporslbrrt/bJ. (= not avo d) lf it3 not su..essful, can fa ba.k on plan B. (= lse f necessary) we Daes the rcuBe lit in with yout haliday plans? (= be acceptedw thout prob emt l ll get back to yau tanoffow (= te ephoneyou aqain) l'll get on to aur supplers ight awaf (= coniact) 1'll try to get rcund to rcading yau rcpaft today. (= 1 nd the time for) you tlook fotwatd to seeing next !,veel. (=thnkaheadwthpleasure) I can t put up with such tude behavlour (= tolelate)

'Cole, ? v. d*idd to cut ba.t on p6ple n.nd Cole.."



C Particle meanings
O Often rneaning the ofthe phrasalverbrelated therneaninq the particle. is to of Sennl dpplidnttulnties hdreonicised EU for sddiflr oxt adusing sig&lsabartits tE intentiont Cd iddtes onpkin thatthey6nnot arry on ikdejkitelywith thecasu refow needed to qudlifi, nqnbe$hip @ithort sotue ddtefotentry.Thef t,spd soneEU gorenfle,h rtuhl fot fn to lut of erlatgenent J@ thatit will bcunpap dt oith the wk6, ol thdttheaeweahdtltt fot will 'nonpolie EU spendifs.(Econonistwebsite) a Studythese examples, notethatapanicl have and can sever.meanlngs. back bhind down /7 canyou ba*. (= telephone aqain) t ll pay you ba.k tononow. (= rcpaythe money borrowed) Wemustn'tfall behindour compet iors. (= be slower than) getting behind with my lvork (= not do n9 asr'ruchasl should) tn lnflationhascomedown by 2% (= becomeess) t'n nlinq b cut down on fafty foods.(= reduce) Thefactorywill closedown nextyear (= stopoperatng) They tumed down ou offer (= raid 'no' to) (= Canltake down oneor twa detalls? wile on paper) I noted down sone questians ait rou, (= w te on paper) to torward into oll Sheput lotwad an intetest ldea (= suggested) ner fhe n,eellng been s brcught forward. (= moved an earlier time) to I'd like go into finan.e to a,termyM8a.1=start workng n.narea) (be tE s realy into windsuning. nto = ikeand be inrerested in) I shouldbe ableto get otf at aboutfiye (= leave wo*) Gn youdrop ne olf? l= Iakemein yolr carandleave m) t'msotry| thinkwewerccut oft (= lose sgnal n a phone ih call) Iheyll .ut off ny ele<tricitf I don't pay thisbill (= stopsupply if ng) on t leavemy computet all the time.(= operatinq, on work ng) tt bok coldoutsidel'll put ny coaton. (= weat) l'n goingta carry on workinguntTabouiseyer.(= coft nu) Shall nove on?(= .hange thenext we to topic) out . over through up t'll hand out sone catalogues the erd (= giveto everyone) at people) we sharc out theprcfiE eqralt. (= d vldebetween I I justwo* out thept?e for,,ou. (= calculate) WeTe trling to sott out theprcblen now (- put t I ghr) Gn we jun go ovet the detaikagalr?(= check/slmmarile) t n not surc.I needto think ,t over (= th nk aboutit calefully) (= Can go thtough yout ptoposal asatnT explain) tou I've lo*ed through the files,but ,t3 not there.(= exam ned) ptt They up theqice {ast manrr. (= incrcased) (= twasbtoughtup in thecounfry looked afterfromchild adult) to (= lnustwtiE up thatrepott. writeusing notes made earlied fhe conpanywasset up lasiyear (= estab ished)



24 Practice
Exercise 1 !t

complete sentences onewordfromlistAandonewod fromlistB. with the A: back fur.C down in on out up up B: on of {e to to to with with 1 l'm sorry| can'tmake date- we bing the meting that Can .f.r{!,"ffd.. ....i9.... week? this 2 l'm sorry| cant make date. we putth meeting that Can ............ ............ week? nen 3l'mstartingtogetabitove&eight-l'mgojnqtohavetotakemoreexerciseandclt.-...... alcohol fattyfood. and 4 Wereally to make dedsion have the thiswek. wele beginning run............ to ............ t me. 5 First l'lltalka littleaboutthe cufient ma*et satuation, l'11move........................ the BoadS then outline futuEstrategy. thinking about 6ltbnotjustaquestionofchoosingandidatewiththeightexpedence.Theyalsohavet ,,.......... comoanv the culture. 7 Everyonethe R& D department a lol of ading in does outside workhours. ngsaremoving fast Th so youreally have keep to ............ ............ field. the 8 We mighthave withdraw product to this fromthe market face............ and ............ factthatit the hasn'tbeenthe success hadhopedfor, w

Exercise I I 2
1-5 t!4atch beginnings sentences withtheirendangs the of al.). 1 l'll lookintoit rightaway getback and 2 l'm sobusy dealing theday-to-day with get c ses thatI never round 3 switchboad? trying getthrough l'm to 4 l'm notsure what3happening. l'llgeton 5 Yes, a lot happier l'rn now I geton

n n n n

a) to Philip lenkins extension on 3177buttherclno answer b) with mycolleagues beiier. much c) to ourlocaloffice tryto geta and picture lhe situation clearer of d) io youthlsafternoon. e) to thinking about future. the

Exercise I 3
Study meanings theadverb a!<).Then of up the possible decide which maning most is cosely related to theuse up in the undinedphrasalverbs. of positionb) increase, a) in a high/noticeable become mofe c) compltely 1 2 3 4 s 6 for managemeni A keyqoal Allianz to buildup ils asset is business. Many uo technical issues come in thenegotiations. have | coulds!rm_!!the situation saing that we?ein big trcuble. by l'dliketob ng upthequestion financinq operation crcatia. of the in I need newPc.l'venearly a used allthespa(e myhard uo on disk. programme. Weneed more modemisation capital speed ourplant to up

n n n n



Exercise | l! 4
from ihe list to the Complete emailsentby a finanoaladviser hisclientby choosing corect particle this back behind d,|,n in of off on on out through to up with with

stocG ln the us have @m (l ) ....-dcl\tr\,,. a lild si.@ | lasl @lacted vou. but in gnlthe e@nomy i5 healthy and int66t rates lf gFwih i3 too fast I lhhk ihey'll prcb.blv put this doclsion (3) . .. --, rh Fed will pur {2) ..,,....,,,......whlch hav r.llv fallen (4) -.,, ...,, ..... lh oth6r lntll the third or tourth quanr Th @l dangr i3 with td@mmi s6cto6. Basllly, the lel@nh $cto. h6 run our ) ....,, .... ...... 5tm. at l53t in lh short tsrm We rcohdnd lhat you cut (6)...,,,...,.-...... your e:pGue lo lhi3 3etor and *hch to enrsv ard teiling, whlch wli nt h nl6rv on 5 ( 7 ) . . . , , , . . . . . . , - . . . . l h r s t o r y o u r p o r t f o l l o , I n B l i t u d o E l I n @ t o B B l l k l v i o f a l l b e c k G ) . . . , . . , . .1 h e 8 6 a s r t h a . for . cuftnt marketrclaliliv edies (9) ....,,......--.... l! attach< wiih sp.clfic suqgBtlons volr porttorio hlel m lroM. rFu 96 wih my @mmndatlotu lllgt on when yo! v had . chan to go (10) .....-......-.,,,. ihe (11) .,,,,.....,,...... b6kE and theyll wo* (12)....,,,.......--.. comnl$ron lor buvlng and slllng th slocks. our rh. Byth way, ih.nkBfordopphg (13).,........-....... olher momlng. N@ lllllvou gol on (14). ..... -.. vourwork

E x e r c i s eI l I 5l
as the callwith the @,, Comolete telephone phrasalvedsfrom listbelowthatmeanthesame thewordsin brackets, arefromunit23. Some up to callback cutoft getback getthrough breaking go ahead go over holdon lookinto pc++hrecg$ rangup sortout speak up n-EcEr|roNrsr, Good moming, Medi! Solutiont,how canI hclp you? to can vou (l) ..i{|1.. me$h.. Gonnectl christineMoreau, Plcase? contact) . .. (nake r'cE!r'oN'sr, OfcouEe,holdthcline...I'miorrycaler,Icant(2)........ at the momenqthc line'sbu!y.Sha[ I askher to (3) ....... . .. .. . . . you ( again)? ........................... a Its OK,I'll leave (wit) (4) ........................... just a second $,hileI look for a pen . Right, R'cEpnoNsr, OK, (s)........................... (continue). Ms DerckRichardion,Fomweston Securiry Moreau(6) . . ........... ... My namei

ne.........................,.(telephoned)yesterday.Shewantedmto(7 for I (iMstigate) the cct of inst ling an alrfm system your Premises saidI d
(telephone (8) ........................... again)het todatr .. I'm sorry Mr Ricbardsn, the tine is very b!d, can you (9) ............... .... . (talk .. HeIo? He o? I'n sorry,you'te (10) ........................ (havingprcblemr louder) with the signal). Hello? . . . So!ry about thaL I'm on I tnin ming my nobile and we wete (11) ruaged to (12) . .... ...... . (disomected) h a hlmel. Er,ys,asI sas saying,I've (orseiF). Can 'ou telt her thtt I'I sendher a quot.tion somthing .....-.-..-.........,....,. along vith a[ the othq deuils in the post? name is Drek Oh, risbt, er,can t j6r (13) .---.,..,..--...... (check)tbat asein?Your Gomvestotr Seruity, ud you re going to seDdsome det.ils about u alarm Richddson, That3 right. Er thant you fo. your help. Goodb.


erbs and objects

A Transitive and intransitive verbs
t Verbs English eitherbe tEnsitive ntransiriv. nformation shown n dictonaries in can or This is w th the ltters or L T

B llansitive verbs
a Transitive vrbs followedby dn obje.i Thoblecrcantake a vareryof forrns: arc noun: Da you sell stamps? pronoun: /t3 too expenslv. can't affard it. I ret ex ve pronoun: 1enjayednyself at the .o.ktait part! yesterdayafternoan. c ause: I de.ided that it was too tisky a A transitive verbis not compete without an object.

Intransitive verbs
a Intransveverbs notldkean obiecr t do Herflight has aftived. lHet flight amves Heathrcw at /Her ftightaftivesbefarcnine (ButNOI f,le+{ight-+ri}er|ath{*.) Aut sales Twkey in fell./Oursaletfell lastyeat. /Ou sates dranaticatty the US. fett in (B!t NOT esftrapint {e r-sa1e5.1i5+y+) a lnrransitive verbsincludet ache,appeat, adve come,depaft,disappea, exjst, 9a, happen, fat, hve,occur, tain,rcnain, ise, sleep, speak, wait, walk,wotk.

D Verbswith both transitive and intransitive torms

a Many verbs have can botha transilive ntransiiive and form I opened doot fhe daoropened. the Webeganthe neeting. Theneeting began. you Otten can eave theobject t isobvious olt il because thestuaron or beca youhave of Lrse akeady menlioned it. t parked(ny car)in front of yout offi.e. (it) AK,IthinktundeRtand now a Verbs with borhforms nclude: (hange,choose, accept, arswer: ark, begin,break, ctose, caak, decrease, drcp, eat,end,explain, finish,farget,grcw, hetp, imprcve,incrcase, knaw,tearn, leave, neet, nau.e, openlpark' phone'read,rcnenbea see,staft stap,turn, undestand, watch,win, wiE. a Many verbs transiiive onemean andintransrve arc with ng wrh.nother
(takeoff o) = to remove tem of clothlng) He taaLotf h6 Fdet an The plane toak olt at 3 pm. (takeoff (l) = to leave g round and startftying) the t've rcrcvered the files from ke hard disk. (e-6uet fi = ro ger back somerhing thar was lon) Theeconomyis recoveringslowly. (rccover = to return norm.laftersome (l) to troublel


E verb + two obiects

o and who rece somthing) a ve, an verbs can havetwo objects, indned object(d person Some (ththing someone givet. direc!objecr After a lat of negotiation they offercd (P) us IDO)a betbr deal. Theypatd (a) the consultants lDo) a lot of noney she sends(lo) you (DO)her ben rcgad'. Vrbs lke thls include:award, bing, buy, cause cost, email, fine, giw, hand, leave,lend, nake, offe, owe, past pay, post, ptonise, read, refuse, sel, send, shaw, take, tea.h, tell, wte a we above do not useio. Notice that in the examples

NOT thefpdid+-the{r5ulrg-i.l t This you object. frlst,andin thiscase useto + indirect obiecr Youcanoftenputthedircct importance th ndirect to object. special happens whenwewanlto give Ihey afferedlDo) a betrer dealln to ou conpetitots. Iheypaid \DO a lot of money lt]) to the .onsultants who <ameherc last month (DO)ht best tgatds (tO)to you and yow tamily. 5hesends (IO) to tlosc that thc bttnE set erpLdihau, Jitul: nilLh. tpaid Bdrl$htul (DO) n@rcy (Busittss Zo". urbsit.) Atukot are is common whenbothobjecls prcnouns. ThLs strlcture also (DO)it (lO)to u5. Ihey ofered

n They cannot have structure thefirstparagraph lhe must have + ndictobject. to a Some verbs (DO)the sttuation (lO)to me (NOrexplsind-F3+he'5* 'e) sheexpiained re.FrFeFdJs+he-ii5h) I reconnend{AO the fish (lO)to you. (NOT (DO) Hesuqgsted arother solution \O) to ut. (NoT5s99e5ted-s5-aFe*{-5k+eA) '11t. patt !?akc t .lotM.ttoAC didr't etttia(tO)to t.potteB(DO)thc pla8 to sell store chainKauJhoJ. kfin( Allrcnctu tsl,sitc) oJthedcpannte Fn introduce, descibe,explain, verbsin thisgroupindude:admit,announcedemonstrate prcpase, prcre, rccannend, repeat, tepott,say, suggest. mention,

F Verb + two obiects using for

a w,lh sone ver we Lse for io Inlrodu.ethe -d 'ect obied in'IF.d o' Io. b, you a ptetent. I ve brcught a prcsent for you. l've brcught I've left the rcport for you on yout desk. I ve left you the rcpott I ll rcsetvea table for six people. I ll rcseNe us a table. a Velbs with two objects that us for include:book, bins, build, buy, call, .hange, chatge, choase,coak, iut, do, fetch, find, fix, let, keep, leavc, n'ake,odet, prcpare, rcseve, save

roa 25 vEhls AtrtDoE Ects

Exercise !!Q t
Tick (/) the sentences that arc completeand cross(, the onesthat arc incomplete

I Youneed. 2 My head aches.

E n

6 tsot.
7 8 9 10

4 lt3 finally happened. ! s lve allyenjoyed. !

Whatdid youget? n Thecompany trying cut. n is to tam trying wo*. to n Hereminded. n

Exercise !l! 2
(/)the sentences arecofiect crcss Tick (X)the that and ones afeincorrcr. thar 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 We've redesigned reception to lookmore the ara modern. Z l'll waitthe re.eption fo. you, area E l'vebeen studyjng Accentu myMBAcouBe. on n l've beenworkingAccenture fiveyea6, for ! Whatwillhappen company the ifthe CEO teaves? n Whowillrunthecompany theCEO il lea!s? n I'velived London mytife. all n l'veliked London allmylife. n Theairportbusleaves hotetat eight. the n Theairpo(busarives hotel eight. the at n They usiastmonth thedetivery 9ojn9 U" tut". ! told that was to They uslastmonth the detivery going betate. n said that was to year hadto fallouradvertising Last we budget. n year Last we hadto cutouradvenising budgetD

Exercise I 3
pair Each of sentences thesame has vrb. Mark sentenceif it i5used the T transitivlyI if it used or intransitively. UrdrJire objectin the transitive the sentences. 'I a)Can youseethewomrnin thebluesujtover there?E youte goingto cancel b) So yourorder I se. A 2 a) | hadto run to the pon officen b) Herunsthemafteting department. n 3 a)Ourfamily man.gedrhishotel the generations. has for n b)Wemanaged wetiwhile boss on hotiday. n very our was

tr tr 5 a)Thesales target setat 8 million year I thinkwe,llmiss. n was this but b) | efjoyworkinq abroad, I missmyfamily f ends. but and n 6 a)Ours.les droppd 12% last by year n b) ldroppd mylaptop thefloor, tdonl thinkirs broken.n on but
4 a) shelost hefjob lastmonthwhenthey restructured company. the b) Real lvadridlost by two goals one. to 7 a)Susan, youknow Dr Gos.hl ourMunich do trom oftice?n b) lt3 goingto be mo.eexpensive. I know. n 8 a)Youmustinvenif youwant yourbusiness grow' to b) Farmers grew olives who usedto get a tot of subsidies the EU. from

! !


Exercise4 F
Under n the corect words. 1 He /ent mel/ent to me the aruce about Turkeyfrorn lhe Econo.nist. to the 2 l'm goingto suggest themlsuggest themthat we postpone meeting. ied. 3 Ihey pronised ne / pronised to me a f ull rfund if I wasn't satisf po 4 | explained thenlexphinedto dremthat lwasjust followingcompany cy. us 5 This delay is causinEr problenslcausing problens to us. lthe chkken to you lt's usudllyvery good n here. 6 | recommendyou rhe chicken 7 | portd the laulf to dre te.hnicianlta the te<hnicianthe fault yestetday. model. 8 In the end lso/d tiemlso/d to themihe moreexpensive 9 | descibed them the whoie situationlthe whole situation to them ln grcat dtail. 1A Shetold neltold to ne that yourtrip io seoulwasveryruccessfuL. ll you LeelintaduG yau to loseph Lee? Jennfer,.an intrcduce Joseph our new assembly line 12 1showedthe visitotslshowed the v,j,iors ro

Exercise # 5
order make sentence. to a Put words phrases thecorrect the and nto srticle 1 l/to Jacki ihe marketing frorn depadmenvlent^he I l-a^t the a.ticle t! J-^ckie {.ox,}4 dep4lt|1.e^t....... markeling 2 l/lackie/ article about ent/th t . . . . . . . . . . 3 l/anemail/them/sent/yesterday t . . servrces depa(menl/sent/yesterday ema/to thekcugtomer t.
5 l/the d splay modelthatb beenin the window/sold/him 6 /the dsplaymodel/sold/to womanwho camein this mornng a t........ 7 l/my report/her/this mornng/gave t . . morning 8 l/my repot/gave/to he. secrclary/this


Exercisem m 6

with to Compete sentences either or for the l've a 1 They their us emailed''. thismorning. leJt yourdesk. yougive ......... secretary askherto make ......... visitors? our this my and sorne coffee 2 Could yo!. prepared meetinq. l'llshow it......... the Here, 3 l'v a report.........Board .........our supplirs Lodz save copy n and a ......... f les. our 4 Plale wite a letter 5lfyouleaveamessage.........heronthsnotepad,l'lltakeit.........herwhenthem you. ...the 6 l'llbrinq some sampls..... office.......-. 7lt'llcausedamage.........ihecompanyifwechoosethewrcnglocation.........ournew rne them......... her has Hand documenis......... l'llkeep the and 8 Mary jun left.


e -ing form

This cove6 unii of uses the-h9 formthatarenot mentioned units1 8 and19 20. in

A -irg form as a noun

a lhe -tog fom can be usedas a noun(in this caseit s alsocalled gerund). a Ma*eting rcquircscarcful planning. a lt can ako be Dartof a noun ohrase. Conbining two financial groups su.cessfully is alwaysa difficuk task. (Businessweek Online websiie) nE Eality tow k thousatukoI maik,fM |t.ct:tdg6, kbphoie ulk dfttl Ihtemct arde$enin! inta a @npo^y eueryday.Int ryHting that inJo'',,/,tion intellige l! so that ih. e$tomet geh what it k a uery.ohplet t6h dddndine a rery eotryld rot,.ior. (Eurobusinesswebsite)

B -ing form as an adjective

O The-ingformcanbe used an adjective, like before noull. a My wo*ing day star5at nineand finishes arcundsixthitty. Wearea smallmanufactuing companywith about50 enplayees, a A smallgroup adjectives hav of can either -,n9formor an -edfor r. an -ing Adjectives ending descbesomething arereacting (outside we to ut. (inside s unir36 Adjectives al'o ending describe feelings d our us). Theneetingwasveryintercning. I wasinbrcsled in tout connents aboutCisco, ^ry wo* is quiteting at the nonent. Last night I wasreallytlrcd. Otherexamples boredlbo ng, excitedlexciting, are: surpised/suprising.

C -ing form after prepositionr

O We use the -ingrform after prepositions. wal-Maft becane successful se ing high wlunes at low pices. by We nevet laun h a new product without doing exAnsive natket research. lnnead ot buying telecon shares, suqqen you look at the biotechnologysedot l AtEr washing'the fruit, we soft it aKoding ta ize and put it into boxes. Beforc s'rting work at UBS,I wo*ed at CredisuisseFiatBostan. seeunit46 a There manyverb+ preposition arc combinations. We need to inven heaily in nanufaduing. seeunita7 O There manyadjective ppositioncombinations. are + I d be very in'rcs'd in heaing yaur suggestions. seeunit43 O There manynoun+ preposition are combinaiions. t needsone advi.e on doing business the Balkans. in


folowd by ro + infinitive unlt 19: with the word to. Forverbs see Becareful use an our:tuleconpany. we'w decided to (ihs is called'theinfinltveof to why we do something And we useto + infinitive explain We're doing this to rcduce cotts. Bul we u5elo | -rngwhen to is d prpo5it:on: TV Outdoor pos16arc an akernativeto using expensive advertisements. inclfte: look fotuvadta, objectta, be used Examples Some verbshaveto usedas a prcposition. ptefet... to ..., respond to. to, get used b, l'n looking forwad to teeiDg you rext lveek. (NoI tesee) He seemsto rcspond well to wo*ing undet pressurc. (NOTt-,*+k) t n not used to having su.h a shod lunch brcak. (NOI r+have)

D -ing form uied to begin a clause

more information 3 a An -ingclause give can about noun. ta @ Vcryf."'fadns in d positioh betleftiontheEU ua at. I'ok dt Poland,h.ft th.t! dP ht)o nillio fdrs e"ryloyinf ovd 4 qrcttet oJthepopl4tiot, to ke th. ptobl.n at itsuolst (Busi'ress Cenrnl Eurcpcwebsne) told ,olLeagus tntttt oo he ubtk.rt havcbcctt tld ntdial tuetingsvith ov.6ens UK-bdsed Ohly co .Iwtadthrctghlidcoco'ferchci'8. t4l.s staf ttuwllifl! to .$entiql e stottt tt' neetirys Business 'nigazine) tojy. (Sunday dlt bcattouad see unit2e ako is rel.tive clause. This typeof'h9 clause likea lntemetcampanies opetatlng in Europearc |kely ta be takenover A bt of the small (= which operating Europe) in are Aflicerat Accot The\r/anantalking to Robett wilkinson is thechief Finance (= who istalking) in the ior o An -ingclause give reason an action the pasl. can assistant. I wentoverto hi'l', thinking he was the manageabut he saidhe wasa sales (= because I thought wasthemanaged he with Tqenegarve formed not rs Not being used to the companyculture, I faunll it had to fl in for action. a An -ingcl.use descibe background can a situation another Mo usedta workin FErlonnel. Walking into wott<thit moming I metCelia (= aslwaswalking work) into is withnoa Thenegative formed job not knowing what to expect. I stattedthe

4e"AI1thosein favour ofmoving the decimalpoiDlooeplaceto the ngh:"

26 Practice
Exercise E 6 1
lvatch beginnings sentences withtheirendings the of l-a aI+) I Manufactuing the UKhas in been E 2 In theuK,theservice is now sector much morc importantthan the n 3 n the uK,services nowmuch are morc important than n prccett 4 olf manufactudng tr going invest 5 We're to heavit n 6 car manufacturing in Poland is n 7 Developing prcmoting and Polands manufacturing will base n 8 Developing manufactuing Poland in willneed n a) manutacturing secror b) is nowalmost complerely automared. c) manuracturing. years. d) in declin many for e) ned lot of invenment. a in ihe area. D concntrated Katowice q) rnmanulacruring overthe nextfewyea6. h) a totoi invenment.

Exercise tf # 2
For eachsentencein exercise1 above, decide if the wod nanufadwing is a noun at an Noun: ..!... ...... ...... ...... ...... Adjctive: ..7.. ...... ......

Exercise 3 S
Compleie sentenceswith the adjectives lomed fromthevelbs theti5tbetow their-lngfo.m. in in t*e welcomeconfuselast interestwear cut shop sell met 1 2 3 4 s 5 7 8 lt'sbeen very a .........ti.. !^.,......... I need drinkto hetp retax. day, a me There'ra.............................pointinlrcnroftheticketofiice.ttseeyouthereatsix They?e buildingnew............................. themotorway a centre by ext. presentation very.............................,perhapsa Ner was ahhough til.............................forpe whowe newio the subject. Ths carpet very is had-.............................. willbevery long..................... . andsoit .... Thenewrcception should ........................--... area be notcoldandformal beforc. like , -edge This ..............--............. technology, won'tftndit anywhere n Europe. is you etse ltsdesign one itsnrongest is points. of .................._..........

Exer<ise4 &
Undenine cor.ect the words. 1 Thanks c.lling, | ,ook for and forward met;rolmeefyou rheconference. to at 2 Thafks calling, I hope meringlmeetyoutheconference. fof and to dt 3 l'm expecting taklnqltake nainto workwhenI move the newhouse. to the lnto 4 I don't objectto tathglrale the train, but I prefercoming work by car. to 5 | canhelpyouwith yoursprcadsheet, used workinglwotkwith Excet. l'm to 6 When lwasin mytwentiest usedro wo*ing/work a s?t! as consuttant.


Exercise t] 5
from List followedby an -hgform from lietB. A complteeachsentene by choosing preposition a inslead of A: fter without by of before B: layiRg usng being qong lncredslngtakingover Af-tef......... .............1.e+Vi14........ university lworked in lT recruitment a wh e. for ................................... nervous the startof my psentation. very at 2 | was aware. . . . . . . . . . . . o.c a l o p e n t o l s . . . 3 V o d a l o ng r e w . . . . .... d . . ,l i 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o.n . . ' d j L r sl li k e r o o o k a t t h i sg r a p h n a t t e r n o r e e t a. 1 .. . . . m i 5 f r t ' -u r g e n l c o , d r a l . Fl l 1 e r e v s e ' 6 The Fedis hopinglo rcduceinflation... .. . . . . .a , o u r i e . rates. .. . .. interest

Exercise 6 D
tentence. cross two unnecessary in each out words Eluetoolh based cambridge. are in 1 A ot of theI rmr{/Sih-re developing 2 Thewoman who s replaclng Wakerused workat Saachr. Kay to wo.ryn9 memostisthefluctualion oil prices. n 3 Thethingrhat s _9 lh,sallerrcon e d.apdne-e Trdde 4 hevisilors arecon who c Deleqdto_

Exercise D 7
1-6 end Match beginnings sentences wilh themostappropiate ng aFf). of the I 2 3 4 5 6 Speaking Mlke, to So,concluding presentaton, my nsisting hebeallowed pay, that to arythng, Of cou6e didn'tsay ljlst tookit a Lfor granted, | resigned next week, the


n n

a) hegave credit to thewaiter his card was b) | ralised ihe stuation hopeless. that c) l'd justliketo sumup theman po ntsagan. n9 to. d) not regrett myactions onemome.t. to h e) notwilhing offend m. the t notapprecialing wofkthaiwas nvolved

Exercise8 D
part Rewrite underlined ol each sentence ng an -,n9cbule.Noiethat nsomeexarnpesthereisa u5 the
L the 1 | got io the anpo.tal ten becaus exoected flioht to arive on urne. | 9or ro t^e dirporr ten. .. exF-eJt'^{ tfg fl14ht to arrrve oa tiva dl rhe so 2 | didn'r undeEtand language Lfolnd it hardto get aroundon my own.

on Ne:-t...q^Ce..a.ttA^di^4..!..fe..1*n4la*4, setaround myown. , ' torndt hard

3 InvesrFdf5,000indClrnaf-dbe.aus"IhopedrhllbeinaAc! invested f5,000 in a Chinaf!nd, .

4 4f.]_!cC5nltar expelcn

l th nk I madeioo manyconcelsions.
Ith nkI madeoo many t

her salary assumed wouldnlmindso I asked aboutherannual she

l a s k e d e ra b o l t h e ra n n u a h

6 | sad yesbecausedidn'i know it would crcateso m.nv plqblem5. I I s ao y e ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


A Make and do
a There mdnycommonexp.essons are b.sed on mdkeand do There no general is rule,although often mdte is lsed foi a prcductor rsult and do for a proces! activty. or You make... an dppointment with sb./ an affangenentwith sb. /sb. angry sad,etc./ an aftenpt to da sth. / sth. bene, /Mrer (comp.rat ve adjecrives) a bld for / sth. I a (all tc sb./ sth. clear/ a canplai nt against sb. | rcntacts / a de.ision / a differcnce ta nh / an exceptian/ an effott / inquiies tan extuse / a gaad inptession on sb. / an investnent /a lass/a ness / a nistake / naney / a noise/a note af sth / a plan/ sth. possible prafit/a p.omise /a /pragress / sb redundant / senseaf sth. / a staft / a suggestion/ sure / yauseff understaad Youdo... the accounts yaur bestI business / with sb./ the cleaning, shopping, / etc a coursein sth. / danage ta sth. / ecanoni.s at unlvesiry / everl'thingyou can ta help / sb. a favou| / a job fot sb./ nothing / avettime / resea / sanething rch dbout I I a test on sth. / well, badly at sth / without sth. / wak fat sb.

Nolerith. = somethrng Jb. = sornebody. and We usemaketo rnean'produce' 'manufacture'. or P.odlctsaremade/, a count.y, madeby a company and madeof a material planic,4eathet like elc. We usedo to mean'periorman action'when w are rpeakng genera ly. Canldo antlhing to helpyou? What did you do at the weekend? 'Tlt sto.knft*d is rhdt it k.yon liuct,ith that,'sa]t^ Ollild, CEO of NakiaCotp,'Yorjt^t do th! I'tst ),ou tut on d .laily basis, to let lE tkht balai.( al tha lt ty and Lr\-tthi a.tiofl! 'l'ltdt\ ttu onlf attitrdcto hdr. to droid losi"r sLlp Mnrcudfiir' (lDdu"ryweek wcbsirc)

B Get
a 6et hasthe followingbasic meaninqs: I got this shift fron Harrods. I got an enail fran Frankyesterday. It s getting late. Shallwe ttop naw? Can I get yau anyrhing fran the dinks nachine?

given 2 receive/be

4 move/arrivesomewhefe t got tnto Sales nany yearsaga. I get ta wark at nine.

5 bring nh. b a place/fef.h persuade lo do (h. sb. 8 t|avel byl..tch (iranspod) 7

I'm sorry ldidn't get that Wetriedta get themto agree, theyrcfused but

| got a taxi fron the airpart. Tiny.r'nurs dteaIdlolite t Lnto'ie cdkat.A,tlsoon w,'11Le ahletoyt oneaJyaw aot1.And (qet = t! /'{irdl (Forbes-com Nebsite) Ned to get @hnatal to the I' anet Nlostue?Yot'l| prcbabb haueta dedli,ith Andtoly Kdrd.ttrp} (Forbes-com website) (get = be.ome) Mx Bezas A nzat lon d lot oJ n'oicy oh it\ inresr$efltsin hath lirin!,.ofl akd Pett.eon.'The said ided wB ta let i" $nk!, and slakeyan clain ta a pdticrlar na*et caor.' (WeI SrreetJo rn.l Eurcpe webslre) Get = move) Mdke et/e yon ptu'flfues u'o,1 get yo! itto tbtule. (Quicken.con websne) (qet = briig) Is the bssiness rs'lit), ttatue and eonjde* erotgh n let ah.t uefi won! ii the dat .otu {ot o6h ? I hdue'fly dasbts. (hnh Tides websile) (gei = understand)



C Have
have either 'possess' asan acton (= do somethlng) like or a Weuse verb the
I have a ferrariand a \ftv Goll I had an interening con/ersationyesterday. ladtan) seeunit2 tenses. is Whenha! is usedlike'possess'it a stateverband so dosnotform continuous goad job in the Aty (NoT Fm+e+iFg) t have a t Th of We can usehavegot in place havewhenlt means'possess' s is verycomr.on in Erltsh English l've got a good job in the Ct',Y He\ got an MBA from lnsead. of a Hereare someexamples fiaveusedlik th ngs/ people 'possess':

hare a new carl jab, have tuvas,ne6, hrve a baby (= to give birth) havelong haic have glasses

qualities have goodsense hunou, have lat of eneryy of a peffonal a have havean idea,haveanlno alternative, a/na doubt ideas have have cold,hare heada(he, a badback a a illness njuris / verb: es lse a Here some are examp of iave in ts other at an action have of eat/ dink / smoke havea coffee,havea glass wine,havea neal, havelunchldinner, havea cigatene the steak, have meeting(= meel),ha"ea dink (= dtink),havea look (= laok), a have+ noun (= (= (innead verb) ha!abreak break), a resr rest) have h.vea wash wash), of {= havea dayoff, havean accident, havean appointnent,haw a chance, otherphrases -ind, ha\ea guess, have mrik( n yoLrr havea holiday, havedifficultylin + 'ing), havea havetroublel+ havetime havesecond thaughts, coflee), word
Havefun! Havea gaod tine! Havea nice day! Havea ga! Havea tty! Havea rcst and you ll feel nuch befte. Mr lLsodlc taidPtojln tnr\ haoetroubl nki,s aneybe&tt. of i^ ttu* fttordot uo*iir (Fjnlncial Postwebsite) like oih t an,rD'e.Ituon'a5 AIo/r./N.rldrtr drd S,, r\,trror1,Jr.r$.

Mr Hamat 1oanadr mabugt ad yoanatu ne oy

butlat dibt't mab ,nr fiou!.'

116 27 MAKE DO, GE', HAW

27 Practice
Exer<ise1 &

Complete sntences make do.Youmayhdve use past the with or to a simple fom. 1 I m sorry P.esidentbusy. the is You'll have ......11^.k-e''...... to an appoinrment. 2 Theinsider dealing scandal ...................-... of damage hisrcputation. a lot to 3 | th nk France Telecom going ....................... for Telecet. are to a bid you 4 Could ....................a favour? me you Could ....................... some more coffe? 5lthinkweshoulduseanotheragencyto.......................thecteaning. just 6 Don't your worry ................-...... Wea||....................... best. mistakes. 7 OK, shallwe ....................... a start? 8 The builders ....................... nois it was somuch that difficult ....................... to any work. 9 We......................bu5ines5intheUkrainefortheyea15beforewe.................... l0 We....................... last some tests week tthink ....................... and we progress. l1 Wehave ....................... Wecan'tjust....................... to a decision. nothing. 12 lhope can we send technidan ....................... this a to thejob alternoon.

Exercise [ 2
Match uses get in thefollowing the of sentences meanings with aFh).

given b).eceive/be
g) h) navel by/catch

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Whattimedo youusually to theoffice? get Yo! mightbeable getit a littlebit chaper yougo to a targef to it store. 'm sorry| didnt quitegetthelan point. you Could erptain again? it Thefactory very is busy. got a lalge We order fromTaiwan week. tan (offee you CanI getyoua while arewaiting? This newsoftware sohard use. don'tthinkt'ltever used ii. is to I get to I flewto Heathrow thengot a trainto Reading. and I couldnlgetherto sign contract. needs the She more timeto decide.

n n ! n n n

Exercise I 3
Look theformof thewod iaye in thesentences put. at belowputa tick(/) if thesentencpossibe. s (r) cross if t is noi possible. 1 ltb OK,I dont need help. justhaving look. any l'm a Z 2 l'm having brother onesister one and E - she3 3 She's good a teammember having lorof nergy. a I 4 Whynotjoinuslater? We'llbe having drinkin the b". a n 5 OK,J've decided. having neak. l'm the n 6 You'll easily cognise Anna. SheS having short brown andgtases.n hair

Exercise4 I
h three examples exercisetheword/raue be replaced have Write seftence in 3 can got. by the numbers

27 MAKe DO' G4 HAW


Exercise 5 fi
wlth Competethe sentences a wod o. phr.sefrom the list below atrnatve appontmnt chance conver$tion break day otf dificulty doubt thfsh go headache ho day ook unch rF{'ng ume word afternoon 1 l'm having ...Yg.e'1ll{. . wrth my bankmanagerthls a y . . e a 2 D i dy o u h a v e g o o d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?.Y o uw e n tt o G r e e cd i d n ' t o u ? ......? Youwent to that Greek rcsiaurant didn't you? 3 Did you hava good ....... you h . at these fiqlrrcs? 4 lf you havd . .................... , could yesterday. do t today. l'll to 5 | didn't haveany . .................. look at the repol1 y no.. 6 I m sorrywe have10stop yolr rcdit. We haveabsolr.rte .. and then meetbackherein twenty minutes 7 lts beena long meeting Lel! havea short........... . . .C E d 8 G o o dm o r n i n gI.h a v e n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .w.i.t.h. . t h e r i n e o o t h t t e n o t l o c k . a . verygood in here 9 Lel me see.I th nk l ll have....'s normally a 10 no . .............. all that he3 te n9 the truth. H's veryhonen pe6on. dt a n u. . d 1 1 l h a d a l o t o l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . n.d.e r l t a nn g t h e t e c h n l c d e l a i l is h s p r e s e n t a t o n . g e t s o 6 e m i q h th . v et o h a v e h e t l.. e w 1 2 l ' v e g o i a b i t o l d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t h.i n k l ' L l t a k a n a t p i r i nl f i t ..................tomoffow l 3 l ' d h k et o h a v e q u i c k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . w i t h y o u a b o u l t h e n e w p r o d u c t l a u n c h . a e 1 4 H . v ea . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! l m s L r ry o uc a nd o r t ! wilh Tonyoverlunchyesierday. 15 | had a veryinterening ................... . .

Exercise { I 6
iC'rr Co r o er | e o. o9-. w tl a (o[eo form of nake, do at ger a lot Helen,you've beer (1) ...q-o.11$... ofoveniore recendylA.c you hopins t ( 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . .D r o t e d ? p.o . this No, it!jusr rhat I havent been (3) .................. job very long ind I reniiywlDt !o a o I ( 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o.o d n n p r e s s i o I n d r e l a s tp l a c e w o l k e dt h e y( s ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l . t o f es. n. peopleredrndan!,iocluding ne Really, rvhy was that? nrto very HtrLEN, well, the conpanyjusr wa\nt (6) .................. we]].Bcically they (7) . . tu a bis dimcultiesby exp"ndingtoo quickly.They (8) .................. investment Lxrin ADrenc:' their bui rhe\ hadnt (9) ................. ( 1 0 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . n.o u g h o n e y . n e. . properly. dreyjLNtcouldnt So arketresearch


. .. S o w h a i d i d y o u ( 1 1 ). . . . . . . . . . . . .r.h.e n ? We[, it wrs difrcult for, lvhne,ihhough rhe companywas very good ro us rnd we (12) .................. othelp n app\ing for nerviobs. a 10t Well. Jt l-r(r ,5ri' 'omerhing rvasqulre good and I (13) ..... ..... sone nmney on solne And rhe redhdancl package shas I d sold, so I had enough money to la5t me a few montl$ while I apPlied {5r other lobs. So. how long was it before you goi rhis job? Well, abourivo montt$.I put my CV on rhe web,and I (14) . - - - quire a few rcrlies .a At the time haviag th lntedet ar hone (15) ................ big ditreren.e . ny without it.I even(17) Ye.h, it's great.isnt it.I couldnt (16) ..................


shoppingoD the lnrerDetnoiv --. an Then I (18) ................-. interview here.and ihey (19) .............. me aDofer n\e next day, M d I a c c e p r eid ( h r g h q $ r v r


efative cfauses1
A Relative dautes
c Relative clauses shorrphrass are beqinning wilh wordslike !./hc rhardnd L/hich that defne or 'ro. The'ec'e Mo tyoe d"(,rbe pople dnd t' we y Definn9 relatve clauses: usetheseto dentifyexact wh ch peBonor thing we mean. The .andidate who we inteNiewed on Fiday is beftet than this one The rcLative clauses part of the noun phraseTheinformations fecessary the sentence for to

a Non-def ning reatve clausesrwe theseto add extrainformaiion use aboui a person th n9 or Cqdl.\, 'uhov Idther wcs s Grcek innigftnt vho entercdthe United Stdtcsaftet Wond Wat II, Ehn .d ),.!I.r.1d)' Cr..c ot d brliltes tip. (Interution.l Her dTribunc website) n' part Ihe nformatiofmay be nlerening,but t is not a necessary of the sentence showthis To I n w r r n g w e u s ec o m m a s . Non-deiining are in w cl.uses morecomrnon witing. In speech, often I ve the < r . f o r l d L o nb i l ! 9 r u i i n gl d o < h o d . n l e n ( e 5 o n p de C Thesalesman,who was very helpful, said this madel was ln 5tock. (wrtn9) 'Thesalesmanwas very helpful. He sad this nodel was in nack.' Gpeech) a exampleRemernber Lookagainat lhe previous lhatwearet!n addinqextrainforrnatonabout

f a s a l e s m alnl h e r e s m o r e t h a n o n e s a e s m a n a n d w e w a n t t o s a y w h i c h o n e w e a r e t a l k i n g aboul,then we usea dei ning relative caus. 'The salesman who I spoke to on the phone yetterday said this nodelwas in stock, but naw you tell me that yau don t haveany. l've cone all the way herc to buy lt'

B Relative pronouns
a Thewordswho, whlch,that, whan and whosecan beg n . reativecause Theyare ca ed pronounr. rer.nve a Forpeopleboth who and rhat afe used,but who The(andidate who they chosefor the iab has a finan.e backgrcund. a Forthlngsor ideas both rvhkh ard that areused, blt that is nrore n common, especially speech. Theprodu.ts that you ardercd werc sent taday. Thefaadtutorldes a,ottut ptublct. I'1. et topa itipdt! fi the EU\ si slend*et it uill ha,eta to'1Jo1n tlt Coh""o!' Agtittlhndl Paliry,uhi.h nahes ry 40% of a EU rcplatiots. ta (Bushes Europelvebsife) 'Ih. oJ that ada! flo't sdssflllf frht .fot srtuiual dai\' btsittcseill be&ai tiy t]1. a]]dii2atians ta the n.!, u,orldthat is developtrg. (Businesweek websire) a The reatve pronoLrn lvhoseshows that sornething belonqs sorneone something. to or Ive invited ta the neeting everyonewhose wo* is rclevant to this Noject. The EurapeanUnion is an oryanisation whose poli.ies change quil slowly He ortus 10A pet e!'t of this a,qany, phose sals hir .lose to $3 niUio,t i,t 1998. l{\ia.Inc. r In forma Efg ish I is possible Lrse to whom nsiead who wherewho is the oblectof the of sentence. n modemEnglish But mostspe.ke6 only usewho Ihe .andi.late who/whom we chosefot the jab hasan MBA in carparate finance.



c Leavingout the relative pronoun in a defining relative clause

ii in clause theyare a We can leave whq whrch,ihat (but not whose) a definng rlative out followedimmediately a nounor pronoun. by The techni(ian (wlto) Tony spaketo said the ned^/o* was warkinq fine. Thesalad (wlti.h/that) I had far ny stanet was superb. Thisis usualin spokenEnglish. pronounif it i! followedimmediate by a verb. y a We mustkeepthe relative The techmoan who spoke to Tonysaid the netuw* was warking fine. Thesahd which/that cane with the fish was superb.

D Non-defining relative dauses

W r e i g a W e m u s tk e e p t h e e l a t i vp r o n o u nn n o n ' d e f n i n c a u s e s e c a n n o t l e . v e i t o u t ( t m a k e s n o whethrit it followedby a .oun or a verb) difierence The, who my.o eagues know well, said the netwak was watking fine. The terhnician, who spent ovet an haur here said the neniwtk was wo*ing fine. Thesalad, vhi.h he'd spenthours prepanng, was superb. Thesalad, which had avo.ado in it, was superb a I h a t 6 n e v e u s dn a n o n - d e f n i n g r e l a t v e c a u s e . r Chile,which is an inpottant na*et fot ut is having some curency ptoblens

E Relative pronouns and prepositions

clause. a Nomally pul preposilionstheendol the relative we at a) Thepe6an (who) I got thete liguret frcm saidtheywercaccurcte. is b) Unllevet a .onpany (that/wllich) we know quite a lot about. pe6on (who) I spoketo wascalled Pam. c) fhe (but in ftontof whom, wh,ch whose and it e a Blt in jomal English is posslb lo pul prepositions previous comparc the wilh examples: not whoor thaf). rare) frcm whom I got thesefiqutes saidtheywercaccurate.(forma, a) Theperson (forma, rare) is b) unilever a canpanyabout whi.h we knawquitea lot. (nconec0 pe6on t6-*he I spoke calledPam. was c) The pfonoun aitertheprepoenton. a Wedo not putanother (NOT a i+ is that Unibver a comp.ny we knowqune lot about )

t" At. @to 6 "Mtst D,sd, eal le t&! tww dnrutkh ngAt 1,6 d6t?'


28 Practice
Exercise 1 S
Decide whther words iralics defining nondefining veclauses. D or ND. the in a or relat Write 1 lhe manwho is in receptbrhasbeenwaitinqfor ten minutes. E 2 Ihe food,whkh wasveryr/ae,wasserved the bar at n 3 Theprojector, whichhasd new bulh is overtherc. n 4 lheprce.lotwhknhasanewbulbisovetrhete. ! s Ihe trainwhich leaves a am doesnl stopat Bath. at n 5 Thetralf, wnlth/eaves ataam, doesnl stopat Bdth. n

Exercise2 q
Complete sentencs wha,whase that. the with ot I lhe customer ...P|! I visired phoning atternoon. is this 2 Themanual ................. sent they explains everylhing 3 lts diffcult say to ................. warsenl this fax by. 4 Thecandidates ............... | looked thismorning CV5 good. at wercallvery 5 | don'tremember ................. I spoke when| (alled yerterday. 1o 6 Yo!r colleag!e, ......... i metthismoming, a different ....... had opinion. 7 Toyota a manufactufe. is ..,...,,,,,,..... .eputation excellent over world. is all the 8 Theconvact youshowed before different thisone. ......... ....... me war to 9 lcan't themeeting. I inviled l0 Doyouknow ................. Catherine for? works I I Thecons! tarit,..............seems young, speak ro ManinSommer very is n9 promoted manager................. wasmost 12 They the sales team successfut.

Exercise3 1gg
prcnoun youc.. leave oui. Puta rickat theendii yoLr Put. bracket arcund .elative the it it rnln keep the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lhe book(thai) youlentmeabouie-commerce is really nteresting. Thecompanywhich main isour competitor Apollo / is Thename which theychose thenewmodeis Prima. for Themeet room, ng which wasn't large, very became andnufiy hot In theend,thesales campaign the best was thatwe'dever had. These thepeople are whose names appear thedatabase. on Thepeople atiended presentation it very who the found useful. Thesupplier wevisited weekhadbetter quality who last thanthisone. Richard Branson, nafted who with almosi nothing, a rypical is entrepreneur. ffelaawek Englishlanguage isthe magazine lreadmost that often.



Exercise E. 4
lnformalsenten.s, nningds shown beg as Rewrite formalsentence everyday the 'l whom I went to the conierence with These the co eagues are

.tLe |. Thes thecolleagues.t'.e^ .ce^f-ere^-cc..xith... are

forwhich we havebeenwatrnq 2 This s the brakthrough -hr, rLF b ' e a l l h ' o u gw e r' b 3 That's hotelaiwhich lstayed. the l h d lr t l e h o l e l . . . . Richard the pe6on with whorn I usLr.v dea is 4 when I ca the accountants, it Richard the pe6on I When I callthe accountants, the 5 Thisis th cataogu{rornwhichwe choose sdmpls u l ' s i - ( h e . a r a l o gw e . . . . bLe 6 This s the arcafor which I am respons lhi, 5t e.'da

or Wite is each sentencepossible rmpossible Por ' Decde whether from we 1 Thiss thecuetomer ecevedthecomplaini ?l from the who 2 This theclstorner we receivd complaini is the from 3 Ths isthecustomer whomwe received compainl.I l the frcm 4 Ths isthcustomer whowe received .omplarnt L-l on whrch redependrng we 5 Thiss theprcduct ! on. wete dependrng Ls 6 Thie theprcduct l-1 ir on 7 This the product whomwe'redependrng. L wete dependrng. on 8 Ths isthe prodLrct which atpLccon eo w|lh 9 tre Lo.s.rtlann w1owedectare.. A are wilh 10 Theconsultants whomwe deal called pfraCom ! ALphacom t ] whowe dealwlh arecalled l l Theconsu tant5 t] Alphacom are 12 The consu we dealwith called tants



a-d. Ihen decdewhethereachstatement four clauses whichincLudes rlative aa(icle Read this newspaper Wite T or F at the end clause. belowisTrueor Fase .bo!t eachrelaiive or Watl Sttet had clGed. Th rca.non (.\ uhi.h ltill follo@ o" the qfteh.! nt*ets i dif6.ult to Pleali.t, as tlne dolld - 6) @hih has bM trading at Lrounil 0.93 elms - has had a lot of bad news ovq the last Jew days.

Yeeierday,the FederalReser made the cut in intest .ar.E (a) whlch the sa*ets had beeflerp.ctins' The led chai,ta\aa lD who uas back at hit daskyesteldav aftq a shott ttip to lapat nade the a$ouncemdt afiet trading

: a cause deniifies pe6on, eventor thrng 1 The relative d e z I e r e l d l r vp r o o u n r d n b e r e p l d c ew n h ' l h d r ' pronoun. 3 Youcan eaveolt the relative


n n n n r n n n

lative clauses2

A Combining sentences
s Lookat rhisexample two 5ho.tseparare of sentences. t m taking a flight. lt goes via Frankfutt. We can cornbne the sentences ng a realivcause.Ihere aretlvo ways,but rhe meanrngs !s arc the same. a) l'n takinga fhghtthatgoes via Frcnwurt OR b) The fltght (that) t'n taking gaes via Frankfutt. seeunnr4 I Noteihat articles oi1nchange when sentences combned. are a) h;s, firghC the orginalshortsenrenc, like because ftghr is nrenlioned rhe i rsrr me rhe ior and thefedreseveralof lhem. b ) h a st t e f l l g h tb e c a u ste e r es o n l y o n e n t h e s p e a k e rm r . d h b seeui r 23 * I Remember we ollen leave rhe retatveprcnounkhad n spokenEng sh n ca5es thal out tike th s. Whenwe combine sentences do .ot add anolherpronoun we a) NOTIm takinga flight thal i+goesvraFrankfld. b) NOTThe{ 9ht th.t t'rn rakinq..lrgoesvia Franklurt

B Use of what
6 We c.n ure the reatve pronounwnatlo meanrhe fh,rqfj) ihar. I didn t undestandwhat she$/d. (= the ihing! that 5hesad) What we needis a beftetnatketlngst?tegy. (= the th nS thar we need s) Hrri,R a ttu hryt .otpratio,r .d,rdl .nr 0,r/.6 .I.r?ft$iai a\ttd 1.tu] 1.$ alrtsh( ,t'^ tt) torod{. d,tl a nat tuted rta*.tphd al idear.Corllohentiar ajias uhat tt! nadid .anryd i.s do and ir hn, what )'or ratl, ldtth, ad hcat. (tsrllliconrenr , website)

use of where, when and why

ll We cdn usethe rclative advedswhere whenand why with their normatmeanings dentify to whichihing we areralkingabout. phf the Earcpeal Centftt Ba k had clt AM\a^ saidir dsdilndthto nde6td"d the rcasofl (Obse('ei $bs,te) /arei. e We can leave olt rarenat why,ot usethat Do yau rcnenbet the day (when) t stafted wotking herc? Do yau rcnenber the day that I narted wo*ing herc? s We mustkeepwhere,excepr when thereis a preposton at the end of the ctause.In case this we leave olt or userhat it Thehatelwherc I stayed was quite cheap. The hatel (that) I stayed in was qLtitecheap.



Relative clauseswith a participle (-,nt df

verb verb ending) a passive form or can a Thereldtive clause havea continuous form (with an -,10q (with an d ending). dE ate rhe peodewho aE ,making rcal de<isions all at Headoffice. Ie4 Itle ptoducsthat we atta('irrg tttost lrtetst l,lrethe sma fightetnodels. Pa$erye$vtho arc seatdin rcws H cannow boaid the aicraft. long a Foodwrtitl, is sold h sDema*es needs relativeLy shalf-life. prcnoun the and the by out a In thesecases cansimplify sentence leaving bolh the relative we fhe pffiple making lhe rcaI df,itionsareal at Headotfice. prcducrsattrading most inffi werc he fiEleL lightetnodds. The Paitenge6 ieated m rolrA t-P oannow boardtheaircraft, a bng shelflife. W sdd in supetna*ea needs relativdy in to the Asda, nou ow.n U Vr'al-Mart,is keento i,tnease space itsstoesd&oted horcehold pftdntt. (Independent websne) gooaL, electicab enteltaiwnent and

your aflr al rDrvt4 ss ol our rcquiritloB allvbioD' b botrus 10miliotr dollalB,llom whlchwc deduct2 mlllion lor rh cofi.e tund.'l


29 Practice
Exercise 1 X
Combine pairof sentences including wod gjven brackets. each by the in year 1 Last we int.oducednwljne. aimed theyouthmarket. a (that) tts at Thenewline. .......1h4t..Yr?..i1!:.cd4c..d-..!4jJ..F.4i......... isaimed theyouthma*et ,t 2 ld ljkeyouto meet colleague. could a usefuJcontact you.(who) a He be for l'd likeyouto meet colleague a ..................... 3 A candidates ison yourdesk. deserves interview CV (whose) She an The cdndldate .......... ......... .................. anrmeryrew oese.ves 4 A visitor coming wek. is next 5he3 frcmourparis (who) office. The visiror ............ ............. ............ isfiomourpais ofi<e. 5 Tom tookmeto a restauEnt.wascatted'Noodte tt (that) Heaven,. ,Noodte The .esta!.ant ................... ............ was ........ ca[d Heaven,. 6 | hada man3 psentation. waran investmenl He (whose) bafker. ...........was Investnert . an banker 7 He isa mobile phone.wastetting about (rhat) you I ir. Here themobile phone... is 8 Over therc a site. is going buitd newfactory They?e to a {whe.e) The te ..........,,,,...,.......... . s ,....... isoverthere.

Exe.cise n 2
lf thesentencecor.ect a tick(/) at theend.lf thesentence a wordwhich put is has should bethere, not w e the incoffect wordat theend. 1 Thewoman wholasked didn'tknowtheway. ....(.... 2 Thefirmwhose theirsrand at the back very visito6. was had few .tlgif 3 Tl^at the,orgest was meetrng ever i ve been in 4 Theirainwhich goes Brussets fromhere. it to teaves 5 Thproducts which bentheyarethose sell packaging. wiih nice 6 Ths model, which waslaunched year, setting well. it lan is very 7 Everyo^e I spor to advised to rryagarn that e me 8 Thecompanywhele to wo it wascalted Iusd tntertink.

Exercisemfim 3
Underline corr'ct the words. exercise This includes some revision unit28. of 1 lhe llighl Whilhtwhot'n takingteaves frcm Terminat 2. 2 SheS thecompany fiom products diltribute. wlkhlevhose we 3 Eteryane who/whichwas the meetinq eceive copy theminutes. at wi a of 4 Message.Io whomlwho may it ptease notleave cofJee here. concem: do dirty cups 5 There we|esomeinteresring ideas the meting at/what I went to. at r,5 6 ti norihe '.5r trm. rhatlwhdl rhev done vF thr(. 7 ThatlwhatI likebestahoutmyjob isthe contact with peopte. 8 Has anybody thefolder seen w,iarlthar tefron thisdesk? I 9 Theroomwherelthar tworkh.s very tittte naturat tight. I0 Theroom whereltarIwork in has very tittte natur.ttiqht.

29 nELATVE O-Atl'Es 2


Exercise4 :B t
is corfect at with what whichot vvho, lck (/) lhe spacef the sentence akeady Complete sentence! the {romthe builde6... {....... -o," ng n"t, ooo. I Ther's lot of noise a 2 Mike doesnt realyknow....!..Y(.1 hewants in hiscareer goinqto the conference us as 3 | was ta kingto a man ................. as 4 | was talkingto a man ..... ... goingto the sameconference us. 5 | a s k e d e r. . . . . . . . . . . . .s h ew a st h n k i n g . h . l d 6 T hs i sa n e wd r u g. . . . . . . . . . .w a sd e v e o p e a t o u r c a m b i d g e a b o r a t o r i e s at e 7 T hs l s a n e wd r u g. . . . . . . . . . . . .d e v e l o p e d o u r c . m b r i d q ea b o r a t o s . s ....... was deveopd our cambrdge aboratoriet, fantanic al 8 Ths drug, . is .... developed our Cdrnbridqe al aboratoies, fantanic. 9 Ihis drug, . l0 .... ......... neednow s bettefbrandrecoqnition we ..... ownedby the company. 11 The 'assets nclude everi4hing .... . a 1 2 l d d n ' t r e a l l y n d r s t a n d . . . . . . . .h e w a st a l k i n g b o u l u

Exercise A 5
,f,35 on w by claLrses based the nolesbe ow Begin th e ther who or whlth Completethe arricle wr 1 n9 rclative

Battle for The

rought LVMH Tn 1999 BernadArnaLrltb Ia batte to take over Gucci, dr whrch .u^ b' Dsz^|co De lolc ",nc De Sole recelvednews that LVMH, ( 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o.u . . h.t. . .w$aAmault sell Ue busin6ss, detend .h d b . .g. and or Thls was golngto be 5% of lts shares. cucci by fiiding a tiendly 'wnt knight lo


(t M i t ek n i g h 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pnault, arived in the iorm of Francois ( 9 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .P.P.R. .a.s . . . . . . . .w . . very successlul Ewope,but Pnaolt in Mnted a clrance buid a global to lroup.

t h e b a t t r { 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .rescue.them. They decidedto fight. The e ....... .... D Sole g6thered together team oi a models ltle Glcci menb showin Janoary at p e o p l 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l.t. . . . . 1999 . . . *iite laces and teeth like ( . . . . . . had

Plnaultagcd to invesl IJS$3 b on, (10).............................................. ln tum Pinauitb group gained psentatives on a

c new $rateg . . . . . . . . . . . but ncluded Amecan ia\4yer AllanTLttle 6nd D c u l a(,6 1 . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .commltte, he agrcedto leavecontrol (5 ............ with De sole and the B o b i n g e r ,) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MeanwhlleAmault had accu'nulatd of the company s

rhe Therewereiwo options: eithernegotiale sharcs {?).......................-...-...........-......

folght a batllewith Gucci Gu..i was rln by Domeni.oDe Sole. I LVMN LVMH was the largenlux!ry goodscornpanyn the word 2 LVMHhad bolqht 5% of cucci'sshares. decdethe futureof the indlstry 3 Th s was goinqto be a baiile li wouLd a He 4 De Solegathered together teamof people. couldirust them was ih chieff nancial officer 5 BobSinger was in the tearn.Bob Singer This for 6 The modes lookedlike Dracula. was meantto be a message Arnault. Theyrepresented 34% of Gucci's total stock shares. 7 Arnaultaccumul.ted Guccihad beenlookinglor one. 8 A wh te kn ght arrived. was the white knight He was the headof a nonJoodrcla grolp caled PPR. 9 Fran(ois Pinault Thiswas . 42% share n Gucci. 10 PnaultinvenedUS$3billion.

ountable and uncountablenouns

A Countable nouns
I A countable has sinqular a pluralform. canlse numbers it. noun a and We wrh onebank, thteebank one solution, two solutions ane mete, flve me'/es
one pe'Jon, ntuopeople one child, three childten

B Uncountablenouns
O An uncountable onlyhas form.Wecannot numb6 noun one use with t. Whh OPEC dttikg oil predxctiona d demand ortpacir! sspply,it uoutdteen oil prk?t ttill hd1)e howh.t togo but up Sahoo BlsinessNes wrbsite) Here more arc examples: substances, materjals watet;dcq aiaoil, colfee,noney,steel, electicitr', food abstract idea! lile, fun, freedon,prcgtess, health, tine, trcuble activities wotk, tavel, sleep, football,help,nusic, rcsearch hlman qualities/feelings honestypatience, sadness, hopetrespect, couage a Thefollowing nouns uncountableEnglish, are in although maybecountable othr they in languages: acconmodation, advice, baggage, NEvbu: business, fngrsh (language), cash, equiryent, funitue, health, honewo*, infomation,knowledge, luggage, nachinery noney,pemissbn,rubbish, scenery, traffig ttavel,weather, wotk a A few uncountable nouns in -s: eod athletics, diabetes, economic'gynnanis, neasles, politi<s news, a lJncountable cannot counted nouns be directly. However, cancount we thmusng phrases lik a piece a bit ol an hen of a cupof, a glass a boftleof, a kiloof, a baffetof, etc. of, of, a piece/two piees of advice a bftlnno bits of infomatian an item/two itemsaf netts a botrle/two bot{es of wa@ a kilo/two kitosof i.e a banet./two banetsof oil

singular or plural?
a Countable nouns besingular plural. can or Thenew nodel is a big inyovenent. Ihe new modelsarca big in ovenent. Unrcuntable nouns altrays are sinqular. Thenew equipnentk a big inproveff'ent. a Some singular nouns befollowed either sinqularvelb a pt!ratverb. can by a or Ihe conpanyislare doingverywellat the nommL (sinqular It depends whether tbinkofthe grcupasa whole we verb), ts indivduat or members (plural verb). Examoles are: arny audience, boad, connittee, rcnpany, data,hmily govemment, graup,nanagement, publh saff, team,union nedia, press,

30 COUNTAALE UNCOUN'ABI.E AND NOUNS 127 and Exampes ate: o Some nouns have plufalform takea pluraverb. only a feelingt goolis,kans,poli.e renains,scissors, @nten1 earnings, expenses, clothes, (ausers. suffounotngs,

D AIan, some, a lot of, anV many, much, few little

countable nouns only. a We use a/anwith singular (NOT+hi5i5n+Fr5{i9 This a goadproduct. is .)

nounby itself noun, some place a, or simpythe in of Withuncountdble we use There informatiot lsome infomation herethat is inportant. is plu.aanduncountable beforc founs. a study s tabefor words th uncountable nouns used with bothplulaland Used withp uralnouns only noun5 Used with uncountable only sanelalot afl lats any afl nanylfewtafew nu.hllittletaliftle

we don't havemany noneElwe onlyhavea lew.ustome't at thistimeof yeal Thercisnt mu.h infomation/Ihere s verylitde infomation aboutthisbudgetnen. natemenis, anyiscomrnon ngative and in statements and a Some common affirmative i! in que5tions l'w seen somethingsI like,but I don't haveatry noney. il Blt we canlse some a question it isan offeror request. in yau likesome/any inftnnationaboutout investnent tunds? would 'it sentences we mean doesnlmatter ch'. where wh andwe use any n affirmative l'm fteeall day.Callany time you like. a Manyand mucharcoltenlsedwiththewords howaid not. uill Hou tnatryp.ople vill hdreI tunet dce$in 'e eo,nigyut!? Hou mrch rcoense a siryle ca indalD,,Iikc ttdt'cl, Itun r,. fi/er7 (Brilscontent website) There's manyjobs/not muah wotk in the nanufaduing sectarat themoment not

E specific and general meanings

(ountable unco!ntabl. countable has speclflc a Some or The lorm a nouns be either can form a meaning meaning, the uncountable has general and Noiseinside factoiescanbe a prablen. Ihe nachineis malxnga stange noise. ausiness goingvrpllatthe nonent. k Ihis is a new businest. Ihete kn't mu.h spa.ein ny office. There arent many spa<a in the Gr patk. (offee (thesubttance) (a a coiY cupof coffee) paper(themsterla a papef(a.ewspaper, conference ) Fper) (for grars(themateria a g/ass drinkjnq) )



30 Practice
Exercise llIl l
words. llllledicc the correct 1 HownuchlllqJaatypages arethereon yourlvebsite? 2 lslAre thercnarylmu.h bankswitha headofficein Geneva? 3 lslAre thetenaryl nuch trafficin ceneva? 4 Howmuch tlow nany in{omationhavwe got aboutthiscompany? / 5 Where lila/e the goods ordrcd? w people 6 There isla/esome waiting youin ception. for 7 We boughtsomenewegu,pmentlegu,;Dment' month. last 8 We boughtsomenewmachiDelmachiner month. last I Ihis is an equipnentla pif.e eguipmertthat controls speed rotation. of the of l0 Thisisa ,nachinela pieceofmachinethal controls speed rctation. the of I I Hegavemeanlsomeadvice wh(h u/aslhr'ere really usefu,. 12 l'm afraidwe havenl9ot nuchI nany 13 Thenews rslare at nine. on Themaybearl5ome information aboutDavos, 14 We have some/any blueonesin stock,but we don't havesomelany ones. red 15 Youcanchoose you somelany colour want.

Exercise I I 2
Complete sentences the wotd a, an, sdne nuch or nary, the with goodidea. 1 That!.......4...... pogress, 2 Well, thats............... Isuppos. 3 Wedo some in Poland. not ..... .,,,,,,,,. business but . 4 Wehave fewcustomer Poland, not . .............. a in but , 5l'dliketomake.......---........inquiyabouttrainingcouBesyouofferatyourcollege. 6 Can lhave.......--......... info.mation t6ins PasT about to youin an hourldon't ha\, 7 l'll see ,,,,,,,,,,,.... emails w te. more to you 8 l'll se in an hourI don'thave .,,............ workto do. more 9 Doyouhave............... trcublewith unions yourfactory? the in 10 Doyouhave..............difficulties the unions your with in factory? 11 I need claim p lastmonth. to ....----.......... expenses myt for jun 12 Wedidn'tstudy.........-----.... economics university, a little. at

Exercise3 :
Look theundedined in ach at noun snten@. 5if it has specific, Write a countabte meaning, 6 if t h.s a or gneral, uncountable meaning. q I a) Doyousee material? is unbreakable this This gbsE. b) Whai a beautiful winegla$! Where you get it? did tr 2 a) Inthisjob, experien.emore is important qualifications. n than b) This going beane&elieDle remember a long is to l'll for time. n 3 a) Claire runsa b!ji!er5 designing company websites. ! b) lt! not qoodfor business wheninterenrates too high. are tr 4 a) YoushouldmeetMark- he3hada veryinteresting n !lif. b) lifgis complicated sometimes. n


possibilities there is withthe phrases below. a tick(/)if the phrase possible. Put Howmany are

qot many 1 | haven't got much 2 | haven't 3 | haven't got a/an



is 5 There some 6 There a/an is

7 The!

9 lts a/an

Exercise 5 I
phrase the right. phrase theleftwiththebest on lvatch each on 1 2 3 4 5 6 acupof a glass of a bottleof a barelof a sheei of a slice of

n tr n n n

a) wjneisacceptablea business at unch, no more, but b) coffeeis a goodweyto staft the day. get er. can d paper sometimes nuckin the photocop less d) whisky costs at theairyod. goes soLrp. e) wholemealbread wellwithtomato rnarkets. Us$15-30 the@mnodity on D oilcancost

@re unaealne correct wods in thisdialogue. tne
^NGEL{,, have you sot (1) 4/ro momcnt for a chat? of course,eo ahcad. Now: a good time. J^cx; ^NGEL^, There (2) iJ/z'e (3) d' /rdme impon nt work thtt wc need to do ove! the next few months It should be (4) atr/Jd6r interestingjob, and I thinl you re the best (5) petrd, / peopleto do x ]rck .\NcEn, Oh, rcaly? Yes.W.n, (6) a'la piece ofempty ldd hd come onto the rErket on ihe other side of town sP&e at our present site.Wel, we think it's

Uh,huh... J^cr.: ^NGEI.., And, ar yoo knova qe basen\ gor A nafy /n/., (8) d, /ro,rr ideal dPPortunity ro expand. Yeah.We don'r haE much room here. J cK: mcra,

well. rere tbirking rbout building compleiely new offces.Wed like you to do (9) a /sone resedch on the whole ida, and t]ten wite (10) a /sdne report on whether to go ahead or not.AE you intelEsrcd? WeI,I h2Ent got (11) rk

/nany experience of tltis kind of rhing. I ... J^cr isn'i mprc eke h@ who is suitable. ANGELA, I know' but theE raly NGtu, ADd we need to tuke (12) a pbg6s lttogBs on this m quickly a posible. we'E takins on fifteen nev people iD Malch. Um, ri8ht, but there (13) tr / e(14) naty/dlot of lt') infomdtiorlinfomatians to colllect.I We[, with thn new rcspomibili.y we might cor-sido reviewing you salary. well, OK, it sound! like (16) drl, inteBting chalenge- I'[ do it.

Nctu t ci


A Indefinite pronouns
a Wotds ereryone, like anythlng, arecalled pronolns.Ihey ro people, etc, indefinite rfer rhings of pla(es without saying exactly who.whatorwhere theyarc. People: soneonelsomebodyanyonelanybody everyane/everybady one/nabody na
Ihings: somethiog anything evertthing



a Theis no difference between -ore forms the -bodyforms. the and pronouns followed a singularvelb, we reler O lrideflnite are by but back themin a sentence to with theylthenltheiL Someone wailng fot you in rcceptian. toltl them you wauldn\ be bng i5 I well, I suppose everyoneis readyfot theit cofleebrcaknow? that

B Someone I anyone, el<

O Words sone-andany-follow rules given lnit 30.In morc with the in deta:

some" very is common affirmative in senten<es: Therc's someonewaitingin rcceptbn. particularly wewanrro showthat Any-isalso common, when there no timit ihe possbitiies: is io you Youcanfly anyyvhere want fron here, Detpne Anazor\ letlsdlto .onh'e|t ot theBestBsy Epott,theoreany\ execatites tdid hate 'We'll talk uith anrone,,'aidWolM thef ft,ndir opetto ponne\hips win' othelletaileE. Je ton, A dzor\ chiefi"arcial onier,tw eeebr aro. Wan SrGer Journal website) Compare wth'some': Wecan bringit to your officesometimetomorow (wedon't knowyei, burwe tet you) Wecanbringit to teur office anytine tonorrow (theresno imit yo! decide) 4ny-iscommon sentenes lf in wilh lf thereis anything you want to know just ask. Ary- jsvery common questions: in Does anyone understand newsofhtuare? the sorre-is common with offe6 andfequests: I Can giveyou a lift somewherc/anwvherc? Compa dry andsome Any-emphasises rherc no imiito the possibitities: . that is ls theretomething I cando to help? (a nomaloffef) ls thereanything I cando to help? (t'll do whatever can) I



N E G A T i V ES E N T E N C E S

Not... any-is verycommonand means sameasro': the Therc isn't anybody here with that nane- = Ihere is nobody herewith that nane. Not... iome' is rareand hasa difirenimeaning not... any'. Study examplsi lo the He isn't someone I feel comlodable talking ta. (= He isn't a pe6on I fel ...) Thatisn't somethingtd thoughtaboutbeforc. (= Ihat snl a thins 'd thought...)

c Everyonelno one, el<

a Words everymean thepeople, ngsor places a group. in with all th job. A big thanktou' to everyone.Youall did a wondenul we handle eyerfthing for you, frcm design delivery. to a fyeryone(withtwowodt has different a means to edc/,stngle andis used one give both emphasis.pronunciation, wods hdve In equdl stess. Every one of our dientsis impottant. eventhe smallest companies. a Words /lo- mean people, no thrngs places. with or Nobodyphonedwhileyou wercaut. tli.d to brit? D sdna toJlthct uith HI/B, ii ohnhAllinE also d lary. hds Medmthilc,Allidn.
ltdkt. l'1itid4y, i.lca oe th. Online website) nouhq. he.dtst HVB l,odtdke' l,ct! oppased (B$inesl?eek it.

Doublenegatlves noi used. are Thercis nothing vr'ecan do. oR Theteisn't anything we can do. (NOT+hi5n{-6tltn,a+d.)

D Reflexivepronouns
a The ref exive pronounsate: nyself, youRelf, hinself, heBelf, itself,ouRelves,youselves, 'you' lorm Note themse/ves. that lhere is a plural prcnounif the objectot the ve.bis th samasthe subject. a We usea reflexive tn enjoying the trip. Jill introduced ne to her boss. I'n enjoyingnyseff. ti intrcduced he6elf to ne.

in in.lrde: a Some verbsmay be.eflexive your language, arc usualynot in English. but Examples complain, de.ide dress,feel, hurry, n'eet, relax, rcn'e|r'bet, rcn, sit down, changel.lothes), stand up, wake up, wash, wandea wotry. thal we do to ourselves not havea refexivepronoun. do Notethat actions hane twashed and changed quickly beforc going out again. when Igot a We can r.rse etFxive pronoun emphasis. pronunci.tlon, nressse/for se/ves. lor in we a I mysell ha@n't seenthe new design,but I believeit s very gaod. a f the meaning 'without help'or 'alone we .an useby + reflex pronou is ve n. Aretou doing all the rcsearch(by) you6elves? (without help) I wanted to travel to the caference by nyseff. lalone) I Comparethe.rie/ves and each othet/ane anather. Andrew and lessnaenailed ea.h othe one another (Andrew afd sentan emailto Andrew) sentan emailto lessica. iessjca Andrew and lesska emailed thenselves. (Andrew and sentan emailto hersef) sentan emailto himself. lessica uer Not loig dro eoflpanies Jollrg ow eaehothd tryiflg to 'dot toht' thenselres.AdiaNet brane Broadast.totn-.. and Sn Mmsystens spenthtillions tryi\g to okvince a all that it uds 'thedoti, Aot.od,' uhdteret thot nedrc.Ah,butthase dafs a/egore. (money.convebsite)

132 31 PAOI|OUI{s

31 Practice
Exercise llI l
Complete sentences themon appropriate the using words fromihe lln below anyoneanythinganythinqeveryone everything one nothing someone no 5,Tthingsomething 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 rtsjustnor ght..$..reJ.l!!:"3.isworrying abourthis. me Ihe office empVIhere3...---..............-.. except is here me. l m sofry dontthinkthere3..........--........... helpyou. | I can doto (thelelephone isdead) line Hello? there ls ....................... thrc? ....................... to bewrcng withthe pdnterlts notworking. seems you. ThereS ....................... I to see Shallask them wait? to has copy see that..........,,,,,........ oftheagenda, letsbegin a so (beforc rnoving to thene( pointin a meetino there ................. on ls ..... eise? Good, ....................... accodin9 plan. isgoing to you No,l'vedecided. .......................could wouldmake change rnlnd. say me my

Exercise 2 f I
Underline corectwods. the 1 Wecan'tblame arvonelno butourselves thismess. one for post foryouthismorning. 2 Ihees anythingl nothing the in 3 Ihe@lsn' anythinghothlhgin the pon for youthismorning. t I 4 Anyonelsomeohe called youearliei but I don't knowwho. for 5 sn'tthercanwvha2lno!#preto go that3 openat thistimeof night? 6 CanI atkyouanythinglsonething? 7 Ihete'santone/someone the phoneto speak you. on to you 8 vou car do anythinglsamefhlng want,it won't makeanyditference. 9 sorry | don't knowanlh ingI nothing aboolit. 10 No onelsomeone knewwhat to do, so I usedmyown initiatve.

Exercise 3 f,
Complete sentences a wordfrcmthelistbelow, a suitable the with pronoun. in forrn, a rflexive and d5k blame enjoy exprcss help hurt introducernake preparcteach

1 I keep .....4tki{-\4...... .-....r,1).r.df...- Iwoulddo in h s situ.tlon. what 2 lr w.s a gre.rhohday really We .......... 3l.mes..............................................Spanishbylisteningtocassetteswhiledrvn 4 Becareful! very heavyl Don't ....................... ltt .....--....-........... I s Paula knows lotof Frcnch, she a but canl.......---............. ....................... very easiy. please 6 Ladies Gentlemen, ....................... ....... more and ............... to cofiee. 7 t!4ary ............................................. fora shock. qoinq resign. l'm to 8 Let ...--..---............. me -------................ isSusan . Myname Conway. 9 lr warnlyoJr l.ulr.Don ....... l ............... 10 AnnandNick!Gattoseeyou.Comeinand............................................

31 PRO|{OUNS 133

Exercise 4IIII
!!ods. appropriate llnlledjle the coffector mo61 hel!b-!!ey? I Noone/ikeu@ to discover hiddencosts, doe5 2 | feltlfek nyseffquiteneNous the startof the presentation, aftera few minltes I rdaxedlrelaxed at but yourpirzasornetin sonewherelanytime e, anyvvhete. 3 We'lldlivr nteff when lfiBl shrted wo*ing here.ldways usedto worylw9rry nrself if 4 | rcnenberlren@nber I wasdoing dghtthing. the to to on We' going have to 5 Thefigurcs thisspadsheet t conespond theones the invoics. in don one. aheak everyonelewry registrat torms. on to 6 Everyone haslhave meetin the lobbyat nineo'dockto colleclh6llhei conference anywhere nearMilan, 7 Rome somewherel isn't in l'd 8 Rome somewhere/anyulrere liketo go for holidays August.lts too hot for methen. isnt Fir5t then ater introducd the/tte/rcs/each othe/ to meyesterday. I met Peter, 9 Yourtwo colleagues metsusan, thernse/veslearh to meyesterday, told mea litt e about other Peter 10 Yourtwo colleagues introduced whatSusan does, Susan mea littleaboutPetet and told

Exercise I I 5
@37 complete dialogues thewods frcmth litt below. the with anyone anything anMere somthing somewhere everyone everything eviANhee someofe

put lookd(1)...-e.W.n*lml9r... I rnus have it down I cant nnd my mobilcphone.I'vc wherc. how annofng!It couldbe (2).....................,but can'trcmcmbcr Ijust Oh, (3)...................... ha! (5) (4) h"s it Perh:ps ..................... picked up by mislakc? ........... .. . .. in the company pickcdit uP. phone. ..................... have (6) could the srmetypc ofmobile B cuy ruru, hl\ droppedby 50%in Asiaove! the lrst 12 mon&s. Seles we sales. Thercmustbe (7)..................... cando to increase (8).....................cant think of (9)..................... wc on do. .I else But what? tried I'!

Exercise I 6
@38 the in are in complete whatvickysaFby using vrbs vicky herhusband and chades staying a hotel. bEckets wiih or withouta dflexivepronoun. 'charles, (remember)you (2) reon come tryto 0) ...e41ey..)ltrt-e.$.. on, Gnjoy)l ........Re1|94b.e..n...... (3)..........................----.... anoiher nk,90 on ... Goodness (help) me, to d holidayl Look, dont you why you Er, over rherc3Daniel Wstlake there.Whaton earthis he doingherein Marrakech? have tlvo (4).................................. you'dhave lot in common DanieL. don'1 wth Why before? know, You a lrr,e0 (intrcduce) you io you90 o!rthere (5).....--.....--.................... io him? While do thatl'l go back and (change) (6).....................-.----....... in timefor dinner.don'tknowSometimes I I the rcomand (8) (7)............-.---....---........ away ever .................................. you're when kelax) {ask)whether



A Determiners
a A determinera wod used frcntof a noun show is in to which thingyoumean, to show or the quantity something. of Determine6 include: a/the my4out;this/that, all/nost/somelany, nol none.nuchl nanyl a littlela few, eachevery, I either neither. / both / O Unils 34 and35 also 30, deal with deteminers: ot any? some nuch ot nany?lu1\ 30),a al (units and35). theT 34 o we do not use determinerwe aretalking if gene|ally. units and35. a see 30 (padicular Ourlfhote/'ome computeEare expensive. computeB) (computeB gene6l) Compu|'sarea paft of ereryone's life. in

B AIl, most, many, some, a ftw

a Befop pluralnoun ca^use a w alllmostlmanylsonela Note structures: few. the Alllmost/nanylsomelafew employeas have25 days'paidholiday. Alllmostlnanylsomelalew of the employeeshave25 days'paidholiday. paidholiday.(NOT All the enployeet have25 days L4sr+h--ltr4eny+h- . ) pronolnsi Wecanuse Jr'our, in place the,andwe canuse my, elc, of Alllnon I nanyl sonela few of ou employees have25 days'paidholiday. Alllnostlmanylsonela few of then have days'paidholiday. 25 se.aGo 30 a Beforc uncountable simjlar lnir an noun 5tructures possible. Use are We muc,rr p)ace many, I ol a ,h/e in place a feq and/l for thepronoun. of Alllmostlmudrlsomela little of the inlonnatlon in thisrcpad is usefuL All/nrstlmudt/somela little of it E useful. a Wlthsingular nouns do notuse words we the above, except a fewspecial for express ons. aI day, night all

C A/ meaning 'evrything' or 'the only thing'

'everyrhing' 'theonty O Wecanuse a//i subje.t velbto mean + or ihing': That's I knowabouth (all= everything) all A we need a siqnaitrc.(all=theonlything) is a In modern Englkh isunusual use asa single-word it to a// subject objecr. or nsread use we ewtything. All the prcparationsarelEvetything is goingwel| (NOTA*+5-g;ig-,*e+.) t wantto hearall your newsleveryth,hg. (NOTt ,,n*+++-a{.)


D No, none
a We can lse no with a singular noun,pllralnoln or uncountabe noun. No employee hat norc than 25 days patd holiday. No new ideat were put forwatd at the meetingTherc was no uteful inlonnation in the repod. a We do noi useno ifthere is anothernegative word.In this case useanl. we we haven't disnissed any emptoyees. (NoT t{+a*i{-di5,.uls5ed-f,+FfbFes.) a We do not lse no ol lnnad.w use/roneofor noneon its own .s a prcnoun None ol the employees have more than 25 days' paid holiday. None hdve nore than 25 days pad hohda). a Toemphasise ideaof nore we can ure Noneat allot Not ane ot Not a: the A. Haw many people .ame? B: None at all! / Not one! / Not a single pe6on! btlou the 1,500 htdtk thefRt tihc y.ltetdnJ. Cnnny.\ Nekt MarktAll Shrt it'd.t dtoppetl It a sinzle!o.k itt lt top 20 lnued r !ai,. (Yahootsusiiess News wcbsitc) Not

E Each, every
a Themea.n9 of eaclr e!ryissinrar andoften and either wod is possible a both They folowed a singular by noun. a Weule eaci when thinkof themembers a grcupasindrvidla onebyone t s rnore we oi s, ler and on usualw srna groups canmean y two. th Makesue that eachparcelhasa label. prcfiLc. wilL $ to bftnd Maflarenc ?,rsrLtdnts t Saktt'r ad Cloheno L"ou Ey hdve hi'c theh ar l'ut .lcbatc .ftht\ statcgy, ir thce o tune5 vill detemtife hcthuhclc eohlpati$ .a.h 'tucc'sJ"] 4 hbtaslobdLize.l in ,o'il. (asiaweek website) mmbe6 number a Weuseeverywhen wethink allthe oi togther, il susua and witha arger ha,"e inqeased every year fot thelastflveyeats. Sales I belbveevery wod he says a Wecanuse each blt we cannot every ol use of Each the par.els needs label of a a Each be Lrsed thesubject, at the endoi . sentence. or can atter The parcelseachneed bbel. a Theparcels needa labeleach.

F Botlt eithe,' neither

a We usebott eithrand reltherto referto two things. 'the one and the othei. Notethe structures: a Sothmeans Both emails/both the emailslboth ot the enaik/hoth of them arc inportant. The ennils ate both importana I ve rcad them both. 'not the one or the other'. a Eithermeans'the or the othef. Neltherrneans one Yes,either day/either of the days is fine. l,/bnday or Tuesday? I Manday or Tuesday? n sorry but neithet day/neithet of the days is convenient. This i' a ne of a radble - ohe thdt nay Ff ofJot both, oke,at fleithet aJhe nN onpdnies. (Fortune websire)



32 Practice
Exercise t g
Matchthe phrases from the Jist belowwith an approximat value. Fn-t+hem monofthem a few ofthem manyofthem 4 50 750k 5 71950/a sonreof rhm attof them

1 0%.tgt}.c..9l..tlt-g.r
2 5-250h..... .......____...... 3 2 5 - 5 0 4 /_ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . 0

6 r00%

Under thecorrect ne words. 1 There werenonel4e mssages theanswering on machin. 2 Thekeyaccount manageG eachlevery thekownlisrof clients. have 3 NotorelNotno qustion been has answercd. 4 some oflsome renauEnts setuice ihe have included the pice n 5 Some oflsomerenautants setuice have included the price. in 6 Sorrybut I can't heareithetlneither you prcpetly. ol 7 Each custoneslour our cu5tome6 have separate on thedatabase. eact a fite 8 | can't comeat the weekend.l'mbusybothdap/everyday. 9 All oflEveryof the liles are(orruptedby rhe virus. 10 lcan'tsee rolanysolution theproblem,l'm lo afraid. 11 Thef ight andhotelarebooked. AlllEvetything otgarised. is l2 We gavethe sales eacha nobile phonelanobile phaneeach. reps 13 Every option hasbeenlEvayoptiorshavebeenerylorcd. 14 OK,lihinkrhatcovers a///eve44hlng thatpoini.shallwe on move on?

Complete sentences a wordor phrase the listbelow the with from a (x2) any no il-n (x2) every (x2) both ether(x2) nether none each

I WesentletteG sirlycustomers, .l9i-.''o..19 to but rcpliedl 2 | can'tgo.There onlytwo flights, the.e ................. lelt on ....... are and are seats ......... them. of 3lcan'tgo.Thereareonlynvofljghts,and.................ofthemhasanysearsteft. 4 ................. js . bit of peace quiet finish I wanl and to wriUng rcport. this 5 l'vphoned ................. in theYellow store Pages theyare................. of siock and out 6 Wehave three models, ....... and ......... hasitsownspecial one fearurcs. 7lw.snervousatthestadofmytalk,butafterthatlenioyed.................flrnLrie. 8 l gotthree lette6, buttherewere..--............. t'mafraid. foryou, 9 l gotthree lette6, butthercweren't......---........ l' foryou. 10 TheTrade isimpod,ant. need.---.............andMikeon thestand. Fair We Sue I I Bothroads to thecitycentrc. caniake................. lead You one. 12 You've been ofthe best six irainees we've thdt ever on thiscours. ben of luckio............ had The ofyou in yourfutue cdrcers.


Exercisellll! a
Rewrite se<ond lhe meaning th fir5t sentenc coniains wod in sentence it he a similar so to and the bracketssomesentences lwo possible ha! ans{/e6. r We ont have wekle{t. (all) a

.-...4I..t*,o-..lef .t-..if-.....aweek.
(vry) 2 All the participanrs be sentan.agenda. will ......... besent agenda. will an que6tion.Gingle person) 3 Nobody all 6ked a at ......... asked question. a 4 Thisideawont work,andthe otheronealsowon't wolk. (neither) ...... wiltwo*. 5 Notall the audience histalk. Gome) understood ......... 'rnde6tand talk. his (none) 5 Not oneof mycolleagues speaks Geman. ....,,,,, speak Geman, (alD 7 we onlywant a wEaker dollar .......,, l^/akl a dott6r 8 NodocuftenBwerc inside parcel.(any) this There.........--.....-------.................... lhisparcel. inside (neilher) 9 Thehotekwele bolh unsuitable. ......... suitable. proposals intercning. Ooth) 10 Thetwo are ,.,...... inteEsting. (none) 11 These itemsaren'texpensive, ,........ erprsry.

12 l'msorry have none.(alD we absolutely l'msorry have v\

Exercise s IIII
@ 39 Complet artide by choosing conE<t this th ahernetive B or C bel(M. A,

Boththem 2 3 5 6 A A A Either them of allits A Each theyar A A


Bolh ofthem fleither of company most its Both thy ate

B allol B most ol B the only thing

c c c c c c c c

Every them of all of them Neither company muchits They both a

bssessivesand compound nouns

A Possessive adjectives and pronouns

a My,touL ek, aE adjedives comebeforea noun. and This nry/yodhe hislour/their suggesrion. was l'n lookingfor a street,but't renemberia name. M,ne youli,etc,arep.onouns we use and themon thei.own, This suggestion nine/youtslhe6lhis/oun/thei6. (no'lts'fom) was a We canaddo!l/nto a posse5sive adjective emphasis. for W own viewis that weshould aheadwith the proied. 90

B 's (apostrophes)
O Weuse3 to show thatsomething belongs a pe6on organisation, otherlanguages to or Many lse ofin these cases, add3 even thename We if ends s. in TheCEO'S office Fotd's cars Charlesb addrcss nouns addlhe aponrcphe \re only. The Chin.s. gounn nt's NattonalArdit Ofr.e heldd ptes otfetcnce De.ekbe/ qall ih to ot1ik wo* dkdauditors'i'uettlgdt,,8 in thealntryThe audito$ anongthe .enrftl aft axthoities' ost important w.aponrin theilefo s to cleat ftalpndie by b,linestpeaple up dfld olfrd;/r (Business Beijing onliDe w.bsne) Wecaf use 3 fom without following the a noun the meaning cear if is Ihe prajectwasa teameffoit, but the oiginal ideawasHelenS. (- Heen3 dea) o A special of 3 isto refs to someone3 use home, shop a name a place or name, (Jack3 I'll be at ta*'s thisevening. house) I'n goingto Smithl. Doyou wantanything? (theshopcalled Smjth) I nust go to the dlemis(s/do@t'sldenri5fs. (he place wherethywo*) lf thereis no possession, do noi usean apostrophwe pintes on special Epson offerl (NOr Ef5fi+rii*ef+) (section There no apostrophe possessiv is in adjrtives prcnouns or A). gkir5-ler) (NOT Apostrophes be a shortfom of /s or ha5. can Es a bvdy day. (= ft is) ft's been pleasure a meeting )u. (= lt hat


i beongsto withanother n9. Weuse ofto show thatonething or th Theendof the steet. (NOT{h4.e+t-nd) Thetime of the meeting. (NoI th-4{n94+Re) of he h! tvtopages the rcport (NOT+rFd;.ld!r-F*- 51

phss a Here some withofandexamples nouns fo owl are common of that (fliqhts) a meahod (payment) a chorteol of rhestrenglhof (the E!ro) a nunber of llad.a'sJ an errorol (udqement) a strokeol (luck) the paceof (change) a tood ol (compiaintr) ihe success (theproject) of a p,e.eof(advice) a /ack of(fundt thetimeaf (afti\a) the/eyel (commitment) of a rdrgeof(colou6) d wa5kof (time) There some a Section said we use3 for people. B that are exceptionsthisrule.We nomally to us ofwith longphrdses. of This the eftrail is adtlrcss the salesrcpftsentative who .ane yestday -Frrmairj! aff (NOTThs is fte 5a/5 ) possessive to show conne<tion people. form Andw canlse a... of... + a between of She's calleague mine. OR sne'srry colleaque. a She a frimd of Stephen's. OR 5he3Stephen3fr'end. s a Wecanuse for ofor apostrophe places organisations. and Pragte OR Pragoe3historic Thehistoticcente of cente the futureof the company oR the company'sfuture

D Compoundnouns
a A compolnd noun is tlvo nounstogetherCornpolndnounsarc commonin Eng sh, and are partcLrlarly commonin business afguage 't nn ako repa thdtmdmfa.lulnq- dc'pik nt. .-. .s.hdrge fttc rrcu,16t yut l,t 1.6 ptl! ptodtttitit! ste by 1.4pctd ta d nanlactrrisg dpotu by I1.8pct cit; .cnt.' - Chan.cuorConlor Blowf\ hudsetspee+. (The Tinres websue) a Whenwe uset/vo nounstogether, lilst noun s likean adjective describes second the and the It was a management decistron. fhese rcsearch rcsults a.e very interesting. Haveyou seenthis sales rcport? Ihc whale .ompany st.atew t5 wong 1]d$Iot'niis toditioial otdennr o dk/'ib'tiof {oesss sipifuart .ost redBetions. (Connecris website) Thelirst noun is usually sinqular: retludions in .ostt cott rcductions the law rclating to companies .ompany law To a We can usemorcthan two noL,ns understand meaning the nart at the end. an exe.utive seard company (a companythat searches executives) for a govemment taining cou6e (a course trainingprcvided the government) of by (a launch in the market for stocks) a sto.k ma*et launch a a we In certain fixedphrases cannotusea compound noun.We haveto useol lreedon of choice la.k of confidence the price of success the cost of progrcss nounsarewitten as one word. Some compound database tinescale salesman netvwrk workhop bookhop itto e-@mnerce solxtions leddsto

140 33 PO55E5S|VE5 COMPOUT{D At{D NOUirt

33 Practice
Exer<iset #
Underinethe correct wods. 1 Theyoffef reasonable prices,but Im not sure about tbei!/theirs quatily. 2 Excuse me, is this you./you6 seatT 3 Ex.6e me, is this searyou you5? 4 lsthis penyouls4ours or mine? 5 We do all oulse/veilour own design and p.inting. 6 We do allthe design and p ntingouselveslour own. 7 Theofflceat the end of the canidotit nylnine. A My/ nine afl ce is aI \he end of the coffidor 9 lt's not teally herlheA decision. 10 Thecommittee had lal/t3 final meetingyenday.

Exer<ise E E 2
Rew.ite sentences apostrophes necessary the with wher 1 Susan d knowthatitsMarFdecision, he.s. sho! nor

-<$taa.. the.$!C..!rlP. .itlt...M/..!:y.:r.. }"-..i..fat-. de. sirie^,.. ^et...krr,.......

2 Alic! lfiendr.ames Hes of Merilltynchs analyns. Bill. one top 3 Toyotas on itscompany is better deal cars thanour:. 4 lwent to mydoctors hes and compute allthepatients sed records. -as .owever 5 ltsimpola.r to recognige every that comoany rtsown parlicutar culiure, ...
6 My bo!!! PAreads the customers all lefiers.

7 Look those Mrcedes. ourdlrectors theothers visito6. at two Ones and .

Exercise U 3
l\,4ake compound two nouns fromthenouns eachgroup. in I protits cou6e lraining .ompany .9err4^ naff forecan meetifg s.les 3 cad store crcdit department 4 lnternet summer sale access 5 fiqures price inflation range 5 survey m.rkethourrush 7 t{hnology carinfomation keys 8 assistant failurc power shop 9 shopiloor working worker lunch 10 inslrance contEct oan bank 11 te.tures production product costs 12 ma*et marketing budqet ledder




Exercise ffi 4
frcmthelistblow Complete sntences phses the with of of eriorof foodof lackof levelof mthod pace rangeof strokeof *5t-f l 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 peceof

twentthere, butthey werclosed.ltwascomplete a t me. ................. interest. Theproduct launch a disaster is There3 complete a ........... judgement. You have thatinformation. an ............................. lt was shouldn't toldthem facilities travller O!r hoteloffe6a wide............................. for thebusinss just unemployment country 4%. in our We have relatively a 1ow.....-....................... inforrnat day. heard very a interenin9....-........................theother on justaithe whata............................. luckl Wearrived iqhttime. very Thereb ........................ ....inquiries. Theadvedisement bn successful. has a very reliable There5!ts mustbecorrect. used We a ............................. dataanalysi9. field. .... ...................... isvery The fan. Thingr moving quickly this so in dange arc

meaning thefilstsentence Rewrite second the sentence it hara similaf so to you Jor in I l'll see in the room use meetings ten minltes. we you tnten t'ttsee,^.e.9ti14...uee..x.. m nutes. pen 2 This doesn't beongto me. Thi9 isn't.............. pen belong me. to 3 This doesn't pen ............... This isn't 4 These documents beongto James. These are........................... at 5 l\,4argaret oneoi hercolleaguestheconference. met .t lheconlerence. Margaret a .............,,................................. met 6 what isyourboss called? name? what...........................................,.... 7 You should consult evpelin lawaboulcompanies. an .......................... Youshou1dconsu|t.................. law. year graph fo.last 8 This the ior shows sales year. This graph for last ................................................ 9 Ljust an emailto oi ourcustomers sent one ljLst sent endilto d an l0 l'm qoing a course on tqt6'n managers. l'm90ing .......................................-.........ourse. on

Exercise U 6
thal does make common not a compound wiihthefi6t word n noun Cross theonewod in ea.hgrcup out 1 2 3 4 5 sales forcast/fiqlres/*ede/tarqet market forces/sector/check/sharc price offer/list/ran9e/ise brand irnage/leader/loyalty/process tax relief/benefitr/output/allowance 6 7 8 9 10 produd manager/range/fe.tures/share gn/ advertising sogan/campa line/agency production market/ in/capaclty/target working condiiions/trnd/ho!6/lunch stock opton/dcision/market/xchange

rticles 1

A Articles
a A/an is called indefinite the drticle, we useit to inrrcdu.e and new nformation. Ifie is.alled definite the article. we useit whenthelistener and kiowswh ch person th n9 or we aretalking about. 'Noarticle' thenovnby itsellwithout is an anicte. ureno anicbwhenwewanrto spe.k We generally. a Compare: I rcadan intercsting report /astweek. ('epon is mentioned the I rsrt me) for you Have rcadthe tepott | garyouT (thelistener knowswh ch rport) Reporb aresentout fout timesa ,ar (speaking generally)

B AIan
a Weuse a/a, to intrcduce infomation. listener norknowwhch person thtng new The does or we areialking about. a Weuse a/anio refer something thefirsrtime. to for We nust have meeling nextweek. a I havean ideaI'd liketo dbcuts. a We -sea/anto refer oneof a Eoupol rhings to Gn you pass a papet dip frcn that boxbyyout side? ne a Weuse a/ar to descibe someonesjob, notareas business. but of Fiona usedto be a teactrcL but now she's nanagenenttraining. in a Weuse a/anto describe something. It'san inbrening idea. Caircis a very Ug city. This a betlr ptodua. is

a We use a/anin expressions of measurement. canalso used. Per be tuvice / pernath a 3,OOO an/per hout uni6 Wecharge OO / pethaur tt an 'one', we cannot a/a, with plurals a A/an mean so use or uncountable nouns. you Can givene sone infornatior? (NOTinin{e#i.tiu)

a We use in frontof a consonant a sound, a, in frcntof a vowet and sound. consonant sounds: a nanaget,ajob, a univeBiry, one-way a nreet,a Eurcpean taw
an idea. an empbyer. an ho4 an MBA O In a similar way,ihe is pronounced,S:/ beforea consonant soundand /61/ before. vowe


D The
a Weuseihefor oldinformaton. iscearwhch person thingw aretalking it or aboul. dte d in litino.m@ dteNo h Anei aa ba kt, Six hanl$ nlpt\tedih bsti,lg stake Ped\ Bdn.o nditutior,aftthu n E.uddoredk theothun sit harc and one a ftajotSpdnkh i iftvikdrostu4,Irtina\ boala hid4 theend Mdrr- (Business at'd oI Nes Americd beet website) a Weoftenknowwhich because mntionedbefore, n9a/an. one we ii us Wenust havea meeting nextweek.The on the auditoB'repatt. I went to an intercsting show wasthe Pais Spnng co e.tion. a Sornetimes knowwhich becauseis.learfromthesituation, it s shared we one it or knowedqe and fromthelives thespeaker stener. of Where's newspapet? (weknowwhi.honef.omthesiuation) the willbegin ter. (both speakf stener at th and knowwhchmeetng) Themeeting we to n9 Note thatin th s case canustheto refer someth for thef rstt me. a We use whenthers ony oneoi clea. lt which w aretalking one abolt. ahe I ll speak the bosswhenhe getsback. ta groups. a We usethewith nationalties other and of I reallyadnite the lblians far thensense design. Thegovennent is tryingto do moreto helpthe poo| see 37 a we uselhewlthsupenatvs. unn in This the bestqualitynaterialwe have stock. is

E No article
generally. a Noadcleis used whenwe arelalking 'Health rnd saJery ulatkan at The .lit't i"rc oJthcAsa'.y Mdgazine Iednoes a e dtled Agency Saaety He.lth atwork websie) for .'d A qgtion of.o'B andbenejtr:'. (Euopean

Comparel I sent emails norn/h9. (weknowwhich the thk mails) I usLally rcplyto emailswthtn 24 houri. (emas in general) a uNcouNtAalt NouNs Comparel gives the Theintomation in this rcpott us power to tatgetaut adveftising. is lnformation power The insu|ancebrsinets is dotngwell. Rusiness goingwellat thenoment. is last The negotiating wasa bt easier time. Negotiatingwith supplieg takes lot af tine. a

(weknowwhich informatoi power) and (information powrn general) and (weknowwhichbusiness) (busnssn qenera ) (weknowwhichnegotat ng) (negotiating geieral) n

is a a common mistake to usefhewith plural nouns lncountable and nouns usedn . genera oftengrow faner (NOTThe+m+l-nFF15) Smallconpanies Forne faotballis likelife. (NOTForme,+h{{b{Li5.lil+h .) seeunit35 We us artice most a rio for companies, countres, states cities, and I wak lor HBSC Hong Kong. in LosAngelesis in Califomia.

144 !4 ART|CLES t

34 Practice
Exer<ise AEg l
Undenine correct the words. 1 Where3a&he fax theysentthis moming?| can'tfind it. 2 anlthe appointment a/ihe bank. at 3 | had a/t e veryqood holidaJa A/Ihe weatherwas maruellour. 4 l'vebeenworkingso hardthat I needa/the break. 5 Theyarea/the largest manufacturer light bulbsin a/fheworld. of 6 A/Ihe prlentation a/tfie gat success. was 7 Can I glveyou a/dre lift to the station? 8 l thlnk I needa/the newpairof glasses. 9 We needto reach d/the decision soonas possibl. as l0 The mustbe anlttp answer a/the prcblem. to 11 Mlkeis arlfie accountant. workson anotherlthe He ofter sideoftown. l2 Hisofiic s a/the biggest one in a/the building. 1: Whereisa/the document that we were lookingar just now? 14 The PartugueselThePotll,gLesepeople aE very gaod negotiators.

(-) Puteither a/anor a dash to 9how adicle. no I ....; makes worldgo round. the 2 Sheila drives ............. French car. : Rita works ............ in lnsuGnce agency ........ Llsbon. in . 4 ............ isthemost health impo(ant in thing ............ life. good 5 Thi!s ............ tirne ..........,, o1newcars. for sales 6 This the number callfor ............ is to information. 7 I vegot....,.,..... colleague is.......,,... who systems analyst, 8............productknowledgeisveryimportantfor............salsrepresentatve. 9 Heis ............ engineer. studied He ............ engineedng universlty. at 10 Weproduce ............ f!llsales podfourtimes year. ............

o-t eilhe'a/a4 ttp or ; dash(-) to showno article. ] lle.. .talansl.aveqrveru5 4 lor ol ..:... buqrre5s 2 . . . . . . .m o s t p e o p l e t h o u q h t t h aw a s . . . . . . . .e r y q o o d r o d u . t . . p it t v -k 3 | h f e L od g l a s o l . . . . . w r n e. r . . . v e n r n g s . 4 l w i s h l c o u l ds p e a k . . . . . . n g l i slhk e . . . . . . E n g l i s h . E i .. 5 As soonas ........Helengetr off ........plane,askher to g ve me 5 ........smokinq fot pemitted in this area. is 7 Thercs........ visitof.t ........reception desk. 8 When | .fived at ........airport,I had ........drinkand waitedfor ........flight. 9 w . n t . . . . . . .a c t i o nn o t . . . . . . . . o r d s . . , w 1 0 . . . . . . .p e 6 o nw i t h . . . . . . .M B Au s u a l lg e t s. . . . . . .g o o dj o b . . . y . 11 l'll get you{Jee ftom ........machine. l2 Marlecomes frcm ........France.



/ 40 ( C o m p l e tte i sa r t c e w t h e t h e rd / a , , t h e o r a d a s h - ) i o s h o wn o a d i c e h


'Money launderhg is (1)...lh-e.... nane silen ro
world-s otrc of (2) .............. biSgcn linacial prcblems: movinC motrey thathasbcc! obtained illegllly into ( 3 ) - . . . . . . . . . . .f.o r e i $ b a * . accounLs thar(il ) .............. $ pcoplc do nol kno! where il has conrc tiom, Puinrg ( 5 ) . . . . . . . . . .v.a . u e n D r o n c y . .l o l.uderirtg is oi cou6e !e'y dillicull,hurrhc lnremarional Monerdry Fundcsrinr.lcrlrr i t i sh u g c p c l r t s S l r . i l l i o n (?) .............. probien has grosn handin hand with ( 6 ) . . . . . . . . . .!.e.d . e q u i v a l c n t who know very linle about . . each other. ( 13) .............. to about 47. of gros world tlreywdnL cspccially becruse ( to mnrimisc l7)......-....... .x paymenl a m o u no f ( 1 8 ) . . . . . . . . . .t.a . . t irremational sysled i s c r u c i a Lo ( 1 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . they pat. h ihcse brnks t r h e r es ( 1 9 ) . . . . . . . . . c.u.l . u r e i . . t stsbiliry of rhe wolld s

( 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . .g.l o b a l i s a t i o n . iinancial markets, but i1 . of don't lski don t tell . ( .r prriicularly with a h o p r o v i d e s1 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A n d ( 2 0 ). . . . . . . . . . . .b . g s e J r and (9) .............. lifiing of crpital c o n l r o l sa n d ( 1 0 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . delelopn'ent I ) .............. of(l is Private bankilg ( 1 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . .b e s t - k n o w n . orPonunnyfor cnminah ro ( ) problen ilhin 21 .............. w private blnking is offshor! brnks. There arc around 5,000 ofllrhoE bdnks controlling xbout ldllion in $5 rnd sonle havc no assers, physical prcsence!r rnY

hundering chrnnel. Clienls These .lloN moncy systcnrs. t o b em o l c di n ( 1 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of thcsc brnks are wellthy secondsbctwccn balks in ditietentprns of rhe world people who wrnr thek lifairs hrndlcd wnh dis.rcrion.

a a . t t b a t a d a( ) o . o \ o , , '


( l u \ o u b . g i D b ! r c l l n , g n r ( 1 ) . . 4 . . l t t l . r b o u t ( l ) t h e . f . . . , t d h . r g . s r r ( : r ). . - . ' W.ll. .s vou kno\\r Ii{ !c,,r se Dldc (-r) .. ... .l..ii,o. to nble our .pcr.,t,ors ftr ( i ) . . . . . ( ) n r b r r l c . . b c . i u \ c i r \ \ t f r i n r p o r i . l t i b r ( 6 ) . . . . . b i o r c c h n o k , g.]o r D i n i e \ n , .....vcry r c . r u i r ( 7 ) . . . . r . L r t r s r si ; o n r ( s ) . . . . . L r c { ! n n c r \ t , d . [ r , w . t . n r ( e ) iDd .orrp(trtr.lob\ nnrltr h.r. n Clitrrbridge, lYc mtiv.,tt our .trdoFe\ by on-:tins r h e n( l r l l. . . . . . . r r r r t r . t r t j r i r r t r \ r d d ( l. ). . . . x c c l l c . t N l n k m s . o r d l t i o n s . W e ! c r i. built up (ll) ......c\.cllcDt rer!.lrd (e;. doing sonrcrcry nnportDi a..rch rn g e n et h c t u p \ l l l 3 ) . . . r i e l do f ( 1 t ) Ma.\ peoplesr! dri. (15) . . .. bLote.hnolog pronlscs nrorc drit it dellves. k drrt Thrr nrar be fue D gcneril. bur (16) .... .. bnnechnolog!ihrr $t do i\ ( . \ p r o d u c n r s1 7 ). . . . . . . . r . s u l t sL a s r t . r \ c m a d e( 1 8 ). . . .. . .r m n r r o f i t f o r ( 1 e ). . . .. . . liff trne. rnd (?.)J......relenue is nicre$nig rapidlt A1\o,s \,e re.endv niade (21) . di{riburlon dealNth (12) .. .....lfge phrnnceulical companlThe,vhrle dre nukerLng slill\ rhar \Le lack.and (2il ........prrtnership6 $orkrng Nell for both stles.Our aln \!tte coniiden! of(25) ......Ncces ne\i \ er n to .n!er (1.+) .....Aneri.h nu*et, r

rticles 2

Unit34 9 ves sorne for b:ec rules aa(icles. !n r gives This potnrs. additrond

A Place names and no article

a ln general, a.tkle s usedfor conlinents, no coLrntres, states, ii.nds, mounran5, akes,cles, parks, roads, nreets,rqlares,pal.ces, caitle5, cathedra !t.tons and airyorts. s, Eurape/Asia Ftdn.e/China Glifomia/Lazta Crcte/Madei.a Mant BlanctMaunt Eveten LakeLucerne/LakeMichigan Takya/Budapest Centrcl Patk/HydePa* Fihh Avenue/Chutch Steet TtafajgarSquarelTines Squarc Buckinghan Pala.e WindsorGstle Milan Cathedrcl Grcnd Centtatstation Otly Aipad

B Place names and the

a Notethat allthe folow ng lse rhe: the Alps,the Sahanas, Nethetlands the the RedSea.the Middle East,the WestEnd (ButNOT i the pl.ce i! the nameof a coLrntry conrnenr trarce, or Phrasetwith 'of : Po ticalconsiirutions Rvers and Oceans seas: and the Hausesof Pa iament, the South of Ftance the hishRepubli.. unted Ktngdon(the uK), the us the the Amazon,theLaie, the SuezCanal

the Pacific, Atlantic,the Medteffanean the Roads with nlmbelsr the M6 (nototuvay), 41 the Ihearres.nd galleres: the Globe(fheatte),the Uflizi(Gallety) Hotes: the Maffiot (Hotel) the fiffel lawe, the TajMahat, the White Hause

Special uses of the

Iniernatonalnslilutions: Adjectives refer|o a qroup to the...of a/lhe : Sorne time phrases: Poinlrof the compass: Payingrnstruments: lob titlesand off cialtitles:

TheUniEd Nations,The World Bank,ThetMF Theunemployeddo notre.eiveehoughhelp. the endof an era,the staftof the prqect n the past,at the moment, in the futurc h0 at present), the t960s(decades), 2tJt century (cent!ret tt in the notth/east/south/west, ln the south"west I play the piano/guitar TheMatueting Dhe.tot,the pime Ministet,ao ... (BLrt NOTtite+ n.rner PrmeMinistet Blatr ...) Tany said

Cit),Sndpnors:a tlnt rtide.fot the L$ne$ tua,eleL ttu (asia-inc naga,ine websile) HWo Alpe-Adlia-Banh hd\ bee, hi h4, !rces'jt Crcatia a,er the past Jaw fea6.Arodi g h Dt. Wolfgatg Kuhe@r th. Chaitnat oJ the Board, thit 'res is du to eorenrdtjng lJ,sn1ets a.tiritie!on theAbine-Adidti. ma*et d d dtoo'nry pdnne6. (cebd roadb"sinest

35 AitnE


D specialusesof 'no article'

a We useno articlewith: Comoanv names: Yea6,month5, days: timesof the year Special parrsof the day: Some ol [,4eans tansporl (n gene?lJ (in genetal): Meals I wotkfot A..enturc' in 2wt, in July, on Thu6day at Chdtanas/Eaner at nightlmidnightlsunset \BW thenoning, the afternaan) on by ca Exi/trainlbus on foot (BIJT the t'drnb nome\ 7.30. lBUf There a dinnetat the w6s Dinner is at conference)

oi whnthepumose the + buildings, of a Note use 'prepostronno adide'with certain the the itself. Compare: impodantthan place buildinq more is (thespeaker notinterestedwhlch one) in is in I spentlwo days hosPital. f supplies equipnmt for dE hospital. (onespec c hosptal) lvlycompany ari use'pposition no article and of Other words thistypewhich pisonI bedlclasslcoun I in lto hosDttal I unive6tvlseahone atl towo* lschooll Note howwe use'home': ge+e+rie) be at hone, go hone (NOT

Genral.nd specificmeanlngs
meaning a noun nounor an uncountable on itsown t has general a whenwe use plurel a meaning. a whenwe put fte in frontit has spec'fic fhe ca6 we make built to last, are th6e daYs. Cars nuch safer are fhe sryeadshea'!for MarchandAprilate here. I don't undeswd s eaclsheats. The peoplein rnyofficearc allveryfiehdy Paoplecanbe diffiarlt. me flsh I had fot lunchwassuperb. go rcuncl. llaeeW got the moneyI gaveyau? Money nakesthe worlcl fhe dodrlng buttnessis veryconpetitive. and ate Te'ir i" sirgdpoft abttldant rwnably pricd, buthad tofnd dunngnsh ho'ts' whaflit nins a"d bealee 11pt cndnidnirht. Th. .arlJ Jmm th. *irytort to the ..ntql b'tstness m.gzine website) arcund t12. (asia-inc ditrrlet eost


35 ART|C|-ES 2

35 Practice
Exercise I lIl t
Underline corectwods. the I Wewent to eEalrheP/iaandsawLeaning Tower// e:49!j!gI9v9r. 2 CretelThe Gete isverybeautiful thistime of year. at 3 My sonis in hosp,ta//the hoip,ta/andcan't go to school/the schoot. 4 Youcango frcm Heathrowlthe Heathrowby underyrcundlthe undergrcund. 5 tlelnut Kohlllhe Helnut KohlwasOancelkrl theCharcel/or heloed rcunireGernanv the who to / 6 7 8 9 I0 ll 12 1: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 We flew overAhslthe Alps andsawMont EbncltheMont thnc. h nearfuturclthenearfururevideoconfeEnces replace will manymeetings. goodness l'rntiredlThank it3timeto go homelto tome. New Yo*llhe l.lewYo* is in UnitedStates/the UnitedStates. | lsually have /u/,chlthe /unch aboot at one. I usedto work for Deu6<he EankltheDeu5che Bank Cityof LondonltheCityof Lohdon staft/the in al nart of mycarcer My sonwantsto 9o to univeEityhhe unive6ityaftethis e'ms. Doyou knowtake WindemercltheLakeWindeftnere? n\in LakeDisttict/the Lake Dbtict, in nadl-westlthe nofth-r\/est Englandlthe of Engtand. | boughtthissuitfromEondSteet/theEondStrcet. TheGovernment should more help do ro poorpeople. thepoorlthe On our trip to U(/fhe UKw tou.edaround sourh-east/the south-eait visitedCanier.bury and Cathedral Canterbury / the Gthednl. They wouldn'tpay, we took themto cou.i/lhe coud, so John lThelohn is at wo*lthe wotk at homentt thenoment. We t.avelled /tarlthe ltaly by carlthe car. to DanubelThe Danube the mainrjverin Certla/Eu,.opelthe is Central EuroDe.

Exercise I 2
pair In each of sentences, in onespace theandtheotherspace a dash to showno arlicle. fill (-) with with I a) ..--j....profits increasing every are acrcss division the company. of profits made year b) ...!.i.'e.. we last werup in comparisontheyar to beforc. 2 a) ........... information inyourreportwillbe usefutto very us. b) ......----. infonation about Kazakh the market hard is tofind. 3 a) ........... visitors should thei name thebookat rcceprion. sign in b) ........... visitors Germanywill aniving from be arrcn. 4 a) This gives maqazine article ...._...... advice about which nock to buv. b) Thank for........... you you advice gave lanweek. me 5 a) ........ bonds have alllonqtem investments. I are b) ........... bonds a safe are investment interen when rates arefalling. 6 a) ........... French expoGto the ren of Europe up4% thisyear. are b) ........... French wo d leaders theluxury arc in goods markei. 7 a) ..--.--.... manasement art,not a sience. isan b) .....---... managementare blaming unionsforthe the brcakdown neqoiiarions. in

15 af,flclEs 2 t49

Exercise ll 3

so meaning thefirstsentence. to Completethe second sentence it hasa similar 1 TEceyisthe teamleader rracey!.t-..1.19..!.e,4d9i--. team. ot ttre goods on a ship the moment. 2 Your are at goodsare............--.-............ sea. At themomentyour 3 Ihe meeting ended. has Thi5 is...................-----.... meetrng. 4 Briqhton at the bottomof a mapof England is south B ghtonis ............................ oI England. 5 Doyou have Internet yourhouseT the at home? Doyouhavethe Internet..............-........,,,,, 6 Wewalked tothe nation. foot. Wewent .,,.,,,,,,,,,.........,,.... to people 7 Weemploy 250 atthe moment. present. Weemploy peop|e..............--............ 250 8 Daniel stillin hisoffice. is work. Daniel still is .........---................

(-) the no This includes some complete following witheither or e dash to show article. exercise the terts revition unit31. of


djectives and adverbs

A Adiectives and adverbs
* An.djectivedescribes noul]. a Lastyeat we had a significant indease in prolits Lastyeat prcfitt were much betle. than thisyear If yat rdtl bir gdii6 ot ttu sta.knwk.t yot ittl o tory-rdrd /ie,'. ( t An adverb eays how (qulckly), when\tanoffow) at where(over.her) somethn9 happens

'How' G Adverbs comein dfferent poritions. ca. ddverbs uru. y comeafrerrhe verb We planned evertrhing vety.arefu y Ihe ercnony is g.owing slowly. (!n Frequency adverbs t t) comealrrbe afd .uxitiar birt befororherverbs. es, She has nevet anlved late she never goes thete Olher'when' ddverbs cornebeforeor aller u,e vero. can

Lastyear ourprclits rose ghtly

Aur profitsrcse slightlylastyear

It we havereveral adverbs togerher, usuat the word order s: - W H E R EW H E N HOW , Our prcfits rcse tlightly in Getmany last yeat r (NOT ta4yeer]-+m.ay) As wellas describing vefbs, adverb!can a so descrbeadjectves otheradverbs. and It's rclatively expensive. (adverb+ adjective) He affived extenely late. (adverb+ adverb)

a Adverbs.realsocovered units1,3,5 and 7 (tme expressions);39 erough);40 (rime in (roo, wotds likein/an/at, far/sin.e,by/untiD:unirs43 and 44 (tinkngwo.ds,which nctude 'lentence': ,hily actually,tn generat,clea y, anw1y): and t)ni| 49 fttends: sates grcw steadilyall lastyeat).

B Form of adverbs
Many'how' adverbs formedby addinq-t to an adjecrive. are Atew add-y,-aly, ot -ity, depending the spelllng the original on of adjective. slov\t slawly slight Jtghtly caretul - .arcfull, full fully dftnatic dranatically steady steadity somadverbs adjectivs and havethe sameform. Examptesin.tude had, early,tate,hiqh, fast, low rbht:, wrcng, dally/ weekly/ nanthly tquatterty Thisis a fast nachine (adj.) rhis nachine soes very fast (adv) tt's a had decision.(adt) Hes wo*ing veryhard at the manent. tadu.) Notethat the adverb hdrdt is nor related the meann9 oJiard. ro tt\ so naky t .an hadly thlh*. ('hardly' almosinoo = NoteLhdr good ( ddjeclive /e/, s an adverb ano "n Shes a good negotiatoL She negotiates we .



Gradableand non-gradableadiectives
hat, warn, nild, .ool, cold large/big, snall, tiny or . are 'gradable We can makethem stronger weaker in Adjectives th middleof the sequence quite, reasonably, relatively,xtrenely. w th word! ike very d bit, The weather was quite hotl.o/d (NOr qsi*e+iliF94re"iF9.) The nealwas very gaodlbad (NOr Yeqfte$etle*{C.) 'extreme'. we with theseadjecuves are 'non'graddb or e' Adjectives the end of the sequence at The talk was absolutely excellentlaMul. \NOI vry-iellna.)

D Order of adiectives
ve a Whenwe havemo.ethan one adlect we ure thE order: wondeiul, lovely,nice, diffi.ult, inpoftant Opinion

Size qualities Other ase pattern,colour Shape, origin,nationality


Iarye, snall, lang, shatt .heap, clean,quiet, fast new old, secand'hand

(whatkind?) Type

flat, cnculaa stiped, rcd,black Ften.h,)apanese,anerican,kandinavian steel wooden,netal, plastic, (phane), investmenr safety(device), ecananic(palicy), thitd-geneQtian (bank), fa.e krean)

used can a words n thefinaltwo calegories be nouns asadiedivet

a Here some are examples:

iype) a lo-page legal cantrad Giz,nationality, (quality, rype) age, a last new sportscar iype) an efii.ient wo dwide distribution netwotk (opinon, size, (qLra quality, type) ty, a.heap.ileaneneryysaurce

E Adjectives ending -ing and -ed

we endinq-i;9 dsffibesomething are readingto (oltside !t a Adieclives -ed describe leelings (insdeus) our and reactlons endirg Adiectives Theneeing was very intercning. I was lnterested in your idea about outsourcing he Atio Onli'Ic peside,'t Ke"ifl Randolphsays doesnot ase tute o the tuub! qf crstonus 'I 4n irturcstet in qtdliry sa*etinr" he beedute k flot tullf intdst^d in n.ttt na*etn.a 'Wehdre 100,000alstoftett, tuhkhis ai intcftstin! unb!,bnt I an nat P.itldolph !q$. b^cd o' ,dr" (blsiness review veekly rvebsite) tha brci ess ,xanagins lconfusing, ex.ited/exciting, Other pai6 like this .re: bored/boting, confused nrcdt ing ,"t ,n"ruuut.inallr,g. <utpisedtsu,pnsino, t touhdh ca.rrrens qrite s!ry sing t tudssutpised bl hetnnent.

'irc worca youhlnk, than ItgoE down he ktd foor." to

&A Va-\



36 Practice
Exercise 1 * #
Complete second th sentence it hasa similar so medning the fi6t sentence. to 1 Thre was a s ightfdllin profitsin Ap l. fell ,li4[tlY . Apnlpro'rs....... 2 There was a dramdtic p improvement our share ce lastmonth. in L a <m o n l ho - s h d r e r i ( p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r p 3 Therchdsbeena significant drop in demandfof oil overthe an few months. Demand oil ..... for 4 Let's havea blef pause coffee. for ........overthe tastfew monrhs

L e t ' s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... f o.r c o f f e e . . .. 5 Therhasbeena steady irnprovement the inflation in figures. T h e - f a r o nf r g . s 6 There wat a dow recovery consumer in confidence year last Corjsumer confidenc ........ 7 Therehasbeena gradualrisein unemploymnt. unemp|oyne.t ................. 8 Thee hasbeenconsiderable growth in Korean GDPoverrecent t O v e r e c e ny e a r so r e a . l O P f G ............... .. .... tastyeaf.

Exercise2 S *
Undedine cofiect the adjective. I coudn'tdo anymo.e worklasr night. twasjusr lhdltirtng. so 2 I don'tthinktheaudience thetalk.They liked tooked boted/baring. 3 | don'tthlfk theaudience wara bit borcd/boring. liked 4 Your project newmulrimedia sounds really excltedlexciing 5 \or laok warnedlwotrying. anything matte.? ls the 5 Theirprofitslaslyearwe'e exlnemely largelenotmous. 7 Ther profits yea. lan wereabsolutely /a.qelenolmous. 8 Thesilesfiguslastmonth weteuery badltenbte 9 Warsaw absolutely is cold/frezlngthistimeol year at

Exercise3 !fi
Compeie senlences onewordfromrhelistA andonewordfrom st B. the with A: badly completely easilyextemely heavilyquire unexpectedty rve{ B: delayeddesigned heipful iJleqaliate riide promotedrccoqnisabe 1 This tcase very su is ..............'.411..H4d..e............. for years years. . ttwJ tast and yousee 2 Thenewprcduct being is .............................................. ihe adveris evrywhere 3 This websitevery is ................................. can,t theinfomaUon ..........._ find .I I ned. 4 YoLr've ................................. really been ............ .I appreciate it. 5 Ourofficesarc.....................................-.......lookoutforthe argeftags.tthefront. 6 I'msorry flight b my has ...........l,llcattyouwhenlarrve. 7 Tdk brjbes ng i!............. yourjob rhey You'llose if you. catch 8larivedatthepesentation..............................................dndmissedthefirstpan


4 Exercise D
Puteachgroupol words nto the bestorder I o d j a s h i o n e d a r g em . c hn e c u t ln ! 2 woodensquare heo ca(ons 3 new package amazn9 sottlv:re an d t 4 p e r o da t f : n s l o n t h r e em o n t h f f i c u h 5 clrLps Tawanese qh-q!: ty computer we -panned nvenment 6 d str.tegy 7 access cheap nternethighipeed 8 a n e w r e v o t o n . r yc o m p u l eh a n d h e l d u r new wondedul 9 a powderwashinq l 0 a w f u p l a n cc h e a p o u v e1 9 s n

^ l^raa old-{arhio^ed otti^a


Exercise 5 A B
ve) ce wih Competerhe sentences a word lrcm the n below At th end of eachsenten wr te rdl. (adlect or adv (adverb) show how the word n lhe gap s be ng used to good we
' !\p eqo



hard hard hrdy

Mo^Tnry a^\pLe

Io. d

ate *N+ht

q o


r t 2 ' , n r o r r yy o u rg o o d s r eq o i n g o a r r v e . b o ! t a w e e k d Halent you got anyth,ng eafler? I TharI iqhr 1m e too ,r.e lpnQ4r'oioo19.D.. 4 r."rr' I keepmy eyesopen 5 | wds 50 I redthat co! d d i d . t k e l h e i o o dr n t h er e n d u r a n t 5 T h eh o t e w a ! , b!1we b c d 7 r ' sa c h o i c e .u t t h n k C a r . B t l - r e t t e r a n d a t e . b gel everything nished i rn f on lo E had ro work very 9 rn sorry, do. t lndeEland Yo! re talkr.gloo I0 AF l..F o,..e" e ,l r,1S .-9o S^ong

Exercise 6 A B
42 s u R e a dh s r e p o ra b o u t h e c o . v e r q e n .o f m o b e p h o n a n dh a . d h e dc o m p l t e r s n d e rn e e t h e rt h e t r l e or t me. adlect,ve adverb

seems (1)54us/rtds.jy, but some ll I I peoplee salking mud wilh a nobile $on!', a handheld .omplter like a lall! t pager, and even a n.tebook c.nputer sidr a \2).artetrrionl katndniannthlkeyboaidas well. Thesedigital are conlerging \3)tupilhttidu, but hanltacturers are findin8 it dilfi.ult to get all the pa.h to inreSrare (4)rropalpDpajy. contenponry nobile phon6lml (5)8mdludr, Flatiely aF (6)B!odla.iJ at endhg short text n6eE6, blt don'r wort (7) gmdlu?ri as hedheld conputers. They lack nemory, s)ncho6e (8) l,adlladl] sith daklop PCs, and ae not

TheNet:anywhere, in anytime,thepalm
hand ofyour
enails. ry, nrhEsmnovhsver-e d!.u/ditr 19) ro w Io! $nting (l2)aafrdJiry and (rl.irapl.,trry0, but srill sarlinEforanadd@bmkoEyorscolinE throu8h a .ontact xir is (10)sl@rlo alhough onc you find the 1@e you ce 6U the pe@n (11)diatldi@try by jnsi torcning theph@e nun$er oI olN the bi8 ise in the tuh@ is Inieftt a(K - it needsto be fast, allow phone conpanies to nake a prolit. (14)qri t/qd.Uyh L\is ma, ad lie nmuiactureE who suc.eed in Settingoerythin8 (15)flghlryeily ae Soingio mke (16)I'rSr,rAdJy prcEts.

A Comparatives and superlatives

a We usethe comparatve form of an.djectivto compare two sepaEre things. Comparclve: Model C40Ais more poweiul than nodet C2AA. MadelC2OOis less poweiul than madel C4OO We usethe superlatve form to saythar ofe rhing in a grcup hasmoreor essof a quatity thdn Supe ative: The most poweiul nadet that we nake is the C6AA. The lezn powedul modet that we make is the C200.

B Form
tl Theto.m depends the numberol syllabes rhe word and the spe nq on in Comparative Suprlative Onesyllable cheap cheaper nice nicer One syllabeendlng vowel- consonant One/two syllables ending-/ biq iot rcky easy iskiel easiel


the btggest

Twoor more syllablee

noden expensive

mote/tessmoden morc/less expensive

the most/least nadem the most/teastexpensive

A fid,.ltit"E .o,tn t is atu oI the longst ahdmostsophistieatell ntucnot! avetsitn. tld uilL (Ent.cprcne!r hnemrtion!llvcbsite) a Note thatone-syllable adjeclives ending s ngt in vowet sinqte consonant doubte f nal the consonant, lhal -y becornes and i big - bigger flat - flafter wet - wettel easy- Pasie. nosy - hoisiet happy- hoppiel o Some two-syllable adjctives Io.m n eirher .an way. Ex.npesirclrdecteve, cannan,nanow palfte, quiet,sinple tied. comman commonerlmorc common the .onnanest /the l'i,ostcannon I Note thaiIong.dject have ves bothnole/most /ess//easr, shorr .nd but adjecrives have onty

o Note followino the rffegular lorms: good better

tar fanhet/fulther

rheber. the wotst

Jdpdi\ e.o"o"'), is @ah.intr. h' .l'r,e\ af reco'ery io'n the uo^t ttowdotuhsifte Watd Wot II dt leui'ts sn'alletd t1rnaller crcry /dl (Yahoo tsusines NeNs lvebsire)

3t coMPARll{GI


C Other points
a We uset,an to link the thingswe arc.ornparing Thisyeafs profits wll be a little hlgher than lastWar's It's a lat morc difficult than I thought at fi51. a seeunits35and37 a form. we a Beforc superlative useaheor a possessive Thisk theloutlDigicon's nost pawerful madel adjectves be usedwithout a noun if the meanng is clearfrcm can comparative superldtive and the.ontxt. Thehlewl of seMiceis good, but ours is better Digicamprcduces a rarge of nodels, but this one is the most poweiul perfeciwith everis often usedwith sup atives a The present Thisis the mon powEtlul machine that vtP have ever prcclu.ed Thisis one ol the best mealsI have evet eaten Tlp Btdzilid,i !ry.ri'd'/]ct .l'di, Pno d. Alt@r ryatted d ltoit oI USS167 )ht tdst vcdr,the NNs Americas$ebsite) ldrgst i! haseoetMd.. (Business

D Comparing equal things

a we can compare tlvo equalthinqswirh (/urt)a5... a5.We savthat two thingsarenot equa do with notas .. a5.Theadjectives nol change. The C600i is Aust) as powe.lul as the C5oo. The C40o is not as powerlul as the C600. 'Ii? 'ryply and doi|id io'dd,ie nk L Pally is as sinpte as nt. k i" ailtncct irc ahout (Gulf Busines Mag.,ine wcbsitc) to h\ !iI\ zood bc knu oI ro/t totpotationj6t not aslood ds n $ed to tr( (Bustrlesswcek

E Comparing actions
at we action5 canuseanauxiliary theendoi thesentence. a whnwe compare fhe C6OO fastetthanthe C400. OR TheC600tur|Jfastetthanthe C400does runs OR Youvedonemote work thanI have Yau",e done morcwotk thanme.

156 37 COMPAR|I{G I

37 Practice
Exercise IltI l
Underline correct the words. 1 Thenewlineshouldbe50ptofrtableaslasJ|lgijabbjjrhe otd one. 2 Thishandset tlre mo5tprofrbuelthe n,orc is prcfitablewe,veevermade. 3 ThisveGiofof the programme the mostrecentlrecenfer. is 4 fte guaranteea year is longer rharlrhatwith otder our modets. 5 Nothingis wo6elworstthandsring a flight bcause traffic. of 6 Thisprinteris oneof the benlbefer on the ma*et. 7 the meeting wasnt /ongas/as/onga5| thought. 8 Today sha.ep ce is mo tdlwoAe thanit wasyesrerday. the 9 l'm soary, journey the took /orger fianlahe /ongest expected, we 10 We'll be theE soon.lts not muchlarflfur|fie..


Complete sentences a comparativesuperlative ofthe adjective brackets. the with or fom in Include ar,, othernecessary wordsfikefhe,mote, less, ot than, as (big) l coca-cola ...!.1-e--.hf4395J... sofrdrinks is manufactlrer theword. in 2 This keyboard isquite diffi(ultto!............................. onet,mused Gmall)the to. 3 Theconference a ljttledisappointing. ............................. was tt was (intereninO texpected. 4 Yesterday oneof ............................. (hot)daj6 theyear was of 5 | thinkthissuggestion----..............-_-(good) other is the one. 5ltlimpossibletochoosebetwenthesetwoproducts.Oneis............................{go 7 TheflEt found negotiations easy. nextwillbe............................. t). of was The (dfficu 8 We?e onlya small company. (targe)the We?e ............................. not market leader oursector. in year sales 9 This (bad) our figure .................__..____....year. are tast (bad) 10 This corruption is of we,ve seen yea15. for

Put in space. ale suitableword each 1 Wearebigger ....1.14!\.... but Satco ......!!9....biggest themarket. GNC, are in 2 | c;n see either Onedayis .............__._ ................. other you day. good the 3 Nobody knows more about elecvonics ................. Ti 4 Ofcouue l'llspeak him.ltsthe................. after to tcando allyour hetp. 5 solly, dis.ount 5% is ofter. the ................_ do. tt3 | can 6 Heis oneof the.-............... diflicult customers ever thave deattwith. 7 Everyone had els wo*eda lotlonger theproject on .................t ................. . 8 idonl think this that market -................ is risky................. itwas. 9 Ihe restaurants thesame. oneis ......._......... are This asexpensive ................. one. that 10 This estaurani better us.tts ..___............ is for asexpensive ................. one. that



E x e r c i s e 4 A BC D
meaninq the fi6t sentence to sentence t hasa similar so Comp ete the second lhan P.Lr 1 D.v d s a beter technician pa!l s nor 1]t-..ieed,.4 t?eh^ici1'.^ 4{......... Davd. dnalynthan Caro. 2 Nobodyat KBN s d better nvestment . . . .. . . . a t K B N caro s the repo.t.5 you 3 l haven'tread.s manyseclons ot the 4 lexpected rneeling .n longer the to pr a -... "er.gdid.5 Olr tra n ng bLdgetisnt as b I asyours 'ou' d,ning -do" .. .. b givenB morermpo.tanl than th s one 6 No present.ton ve 7 Thisspeakers more nlerenng lhan the .rt one The an speaker wds not 8 late e$ ih.n Georqe id d
I d dn't

n r 9 N o o n e n t h e t e a mh a eb e t t e c o m m u . a l o n s k s t h a . l a n e 10 n9 hsverarely me1a more nleresl person

Exercise 5 A B
?f43 o or a op e C o m p l e lte e n r a g a z na r t i c l e b o ! t n v e s t m e n t t o n sw i t h t h e c o m p a r r t i v e e ! p e r a t ! el o r m s f t h e h in adlect,ves brackts

risk lnvestment choices: andreward

lr this rFoo $e1F gornt ro ooh at l5e three mai. typeso' ( lo l i n r e : r n e l L s : c d c .t - b d i h a rc o u r l s J , o n d s l o n g r e r m a l s b The that glve a fxed rate of rctum) and stocks (equities). stocks. Funds that invest in developedecofomies are a ( 8 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( s-e . .s.i b Lc h o j c eo r m o s ip e o p l e , e) t .. .n . as the markets have more liquidty and it s ( 9 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(.e.a.s-yf.) r t h e f u n dm a n a g e o b u y tr . . .o .s \ L ) . . . . . . . . . . . . * . P : t . . . . . . . . . ( . .a i e )i s c a s h ,a n d t h e f a c t t h a t and sell. Blt iher are also emergngmarketfundsthat invest this has less rlsk than the othefs meanslhat it also has a in counties like China, Indiaor Turkey. Thesemarketsare only ( 2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .l . .w.)r.e t u f n .l i y o u w a n t a ( o. . . ( 1 0 )- . . . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . .(.a.g . .r e s s r vn v e s r o ro r e) s . .g .. y ( 3 ). . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . .(.g.o . .d.r e t u r n o u s h o u . o n s i d e r r o . t h e d . .o . ) .h . r a l l a s t h e y h a v e m u c h ( 1 1 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - ( . -i.g.l . .) bonds. These are fxed interesi investments,and are a ( 4 ) . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(-a- . . . c t i v eo p u o n t h a n c a s h , . tira ) padicu arly

volatillty. So wfar is Lie Ll2)...................................,Boo when interest .ates afe talling- The In [4ostlinancial recomrnend balance. the a advisors ( 5 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . .(-r.l.s k y ) f o r m o f i n v e s t m e n t solution? . much middle oi your career you can afford to have a s stocks. They offer the chance of (l. .. .p ( 6 ) . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( r o f i t s v e rt h e l o n gt e r r n , ( 1 3 ) . - . . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . a.r g.e.) a n o i y o u r n v e s t m e n r s .. . . ) o and but you might make a loss if the company does badly.The as slocks,pehaps 60-0%,with somebondslor stabillty ' o r e r e r g e n c r e A.( v o Jg e r( I 4 l , , , , , , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . .. s i . b . . ). { 7 ) . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . . . ( . -a.d . c a s e s c e n a r i os t h a t i h e c a s l you shouldconsider most or your switching goes bankrupt and you lose every'thing-You can (neai retkement company youravailable casl_ io in reducethe risk by investlng a tund ratherthan individual rnoney bonds,and increasing

A Large and small differences

. (seeunit 39) to ralk abourdffercnces. We can !s n9 adverbs of Product Product A 5224 $300 $120 $ 180 $400 $450 B llsinomore... a,rrdn $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Ais a bit/ a liftlebit/shghtly moreexpensve than B. A is cansiderably/ / a lorlfar moreexpensive nuch than B U s i n g 5 . . .a s d a is nor neart ar expensive B. ds A s,almanl nearly/ not quite as expensive B as A is nrlce ai erperslL as L A is more r,ia?r lwlceas expensve B as

Forig cilnr!. r'd*.x dr.I ntorc nldtilc dtu| Mfrdktdhb than @ntoditi.s ndrkets. (Afriqn Busnre$Dusrzine webs,te) a We can lse ev, to emphasise compdison. the by lapd,t it a ftutry .fitl ..f lisribtto^, i/,oksnh^ dd othct,tid. eh?r. Ih. dislttdtia causad rht htnt.t e"engtatet th.n ih th. US. (FT.conrvebsirc)

B Other stru(tures with comparatives

a Wecansay thatsometh is increasingdecre.s by using comparattves byano. i9 or ng iwo tinked peRonalpensions The natket E grcwihgbigget and bigger hvestoRarebeconng morc and morc sophistkated, a Wecansay lhatonesituation depends another using andonecornparariveowed on by rhe fo by theandanother comparative. goesan, the morc diffi.ult it wittbe to find a sotution. Thelonger the strike TIr bilfet the.onpd y atu|thc latget i$ asu,the!rcatet hc oppota'1ty ye ttuken.tors ta .If.iri.irr @usine$week odine website) phrases also a These are usful compaing for things: exacfly/justlalnost/nea y/vinuallylmore less/rcught rhe same... as... or exactlyljust lvery/norc/ less/ quite/a bit/a ltttte ke conptetetytquite/slightty Jferent d Ircm .omparcdtoltn compatison , with Ohliae/etaik^ aith 30 d,tploytsharcto olletexaet| the'ane tervi.e ttuding as raflpdnk\oith
hna@l i'i bilions oI anos. (Connedis website)

C Phraseswith superlatives
I phrases cornmon superlatives. Theee are wiih
Oneoi the Byfar the/Easily the largest rctailing graups in Latin Anei.a . latgen retailing grcup in LatinAneri.a.

The second/third/fourth /aryest retailing grcup in Latin Anerica The rc.essian fallotnd tlp dolb oisn o.f 1994 vas one of the wotst in Me'i.dn httary that (Global BusinessMrgazine vebsite)

2 r8 COMPARING 159

D Comparingadverbs
lo the rules adlectives. as a In genelal, advrbs ow exac(ly same hard,hardeLthe hatdest One syllable: -)a early, earlieLthe earliest Twosy abesending syllables: Two more or the effi.iently,mote/less efficiently, most/least efficiently
o The adverb, wel/ and badly arc neq:r)ar batlly, vwrse, the wa6t well, bettet the best as a We can usethe samestfircturs adlectvs. ln the 1T sectar peaple ate having to wak hader and hatder to get promotian The qui*er we can sign the deal, the sooner vvecan staft prcductton 'nor nis\ thepai,t arfrnq ntat tlre US slotudow is dboutto end alftost as soonds it begdn ardrlY (Businesweek*bsite) when the verbhasthe form oi a prcsent and adverbs a We often needcomparative superative (done). partc pe (do,nq) a pastparticiple or Karea is one af the most rapidly developing counties in the vvo d Thisproduct is morc atttactively designed and mote solidly built 'lL. Ektia$hipt to hen.ftJNtk placedto tr i^ sttolg.otlrante D.t Dei\th. tsdrkill be bettet dik"tly happetinr44osj Eurl. (BusinesWcet websrte) th. t?stnmni'Ka d v&A bookt

E Comparing nouns
the beow nolnsusrng words sae r0 a Wecompare uni! ''' people, customels, bankt norns (prcducte, Countabe fewest,(nat)asnany ... as morc,fewe, the most,the we havefat morc peoplewo*ing fot usnaw than tuo yeas ago we don't haveas many produds on themaket as tua yeatsaqo progress) Iniomation, nouns (t me,money, Uncountable (not)asmuch as the least, more,less, most, the iess now I n watkingasa freelancet andt eamconsidetably money mu.h time fot reading twould like as as I dan't havenearly

ULLY MkKet tAnehslhKet tErE !1 lltt ftflr Buf|7 ltftKEs hLWM Mne 1ftEA'0 MUul

150 3a COMPAR|I{G 2

38 Practice
E x e r c i sleF F $ i g G
Undeiine correct the worcis. 1 Thenew design considetably lightlljg\@trhan rheold one is note people 2 Therc nearly a twice many as wo*ing he aslthan yar last 3 Thsooner theydecide, betterlthebetterlot ut all. it's 4 Ihees eachtine nore/morc andnore invesrmefi Chinaeveryyear. in 5 We havethe nearly largenltheiecord /a4gen md*et sharcin Tlrkey. 6 Ths modelmight bettet yo,'s be fot slightlylquite expensive. less 7 This ourtuterlfanenselling is prcduct. 8 Evrythings gettingmoreandnote expslsivetexpeniver expensiver. and 9 lf needed, couldthis prodl]dionlinego nore quickly/more quicker? l0 lt'sa littlemore expensi!, thequality much but is befterlmorc befter. 11 Oursales year virtually same this are the asliheequa/ bn yeal ot 12 Thisis oneof fhe besf/thev!e//o4anisedconferences everbeento. l've

Exercise 2 d ;
Wite a word or phrase from the listnextto a similar wod or phrase betow YrcNilly a bit roughly exadly much

nearly/...vift!44!!y.... To e or less/ ................

a tittte/........................ )us\l


Nowcomplete these sentences tingthe pairs byw ofwords/phrases space, ln the p same. 1 Theyte af.They'....I9,rXh1y.1-!,.PI3...?1...\e11.... siml 2 They're similar very They ..............same. the 3 They're identical. They?e ......... same. the 4 X costs and X $580 Y costs t600. is.................................................... cheaper 5 X costs and X $400 Y cosls $600. is.................................................... cheaper

Exercise m 3
Rewrite sentence a supe.lative a present each (ddrg)or a pasr using with parricipte (done). padicipte I Few c.edit cadsareaccepted widely Visa. as as visa s probauy (edit card. ........ih9...r.o..!..!..*j.d9ly...4slepJ#-........ 2 Nomarket growing fan asChina. is as Chlna ..................................................................... is market. 3 Few watches themarket designed cleve asthe newSeiko. on y are as The nw Seiko oneof .... h ...................... onrhemarker. watches 4 Fw olf products sellinq wellasthis. of are as This one our.... is of ......... prcducts. ............ 5 Few f.ctsabout Oracle less arc known thanthis. This oneof _.................___ is .....lacB abourorace. 6 Noarea businesschanging of is anything as|apidly biotechnotogy. like as Byfar ..................-... . of businessbiotchnology. is

2 38 COMPARING 161

E x e r < i s e 4 A E : cE
A company wantsto movepremises theraresveral and options.Read deta s in the table the Possible new premises Dockldnds (.onverted warehouse) Park CityView Businest NelvtownIndustrialAre. size (square metres) 2a5 300 310 rent per square metre 5500 $350 $200 .unning .osts per year $120,000 $125,000 $105.000 distance from city centre (km) 4 12 30

Now complete sentences the phrases wilh from the n below the 5lhtt not by iar y a lot mo.ethan tlvice roLrqh the sdme a moslas much almost mdny as .. arqer

ess slightyle55 conrrderably

tl'{htly sze, but NMown 6 1 The threeoprons are allaboul the sarne an a 2 l h e r u n nn 9 c o s t s t D o ( k l a n d s dC i l yV r e w r e. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 3 The runnng costs NeMown are at 4 There'5 ......... m . . . . . . . . . . .q l a r e e l r e s t D o c k a n d s . s l C t y V e w s d a

than the olherlwo pacei

.. . . . . . . . . . . .s p.a c e t D o c k l a n d s a t C t y V i e w .. a as 5 Theres . ......than at ih othertwo places. 6 Therent at Nev!,town . .. 7 T h er e n ta r D o c k l a n d r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.h.e r e n ia t N e M o w n s is ih c osertto the c ty centre. 8 Docklands .. NeMown is ..... as convenrent C ty vew. as n terrns access the centre, of to .r t 1 0 Y o ud h a v eo t r a v e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i.u . t h e r o g e tt o N e M o w n i 9

a' 44 1on t e li-t belo^ -ao. ct the ldble en co'nol.rer'e p'ese^tot,o e\racl w tr ohra-es tw ce .s m.ny a lot a little iF-6+apa+is-r'.iih hryce as much more roughly same ditlerenl limil.f by f.r contideraby lhe sales $ mil. Chwon Texaco Exxon l/obil 50.000 52,000 210,000 % .hange 42 43 29 Profit ! mil. 5,000 3,000 16,000 % chanse 150 116 102

'if we look atthe igursforthe can5ethat the threelargst companies uS alldid year verywell (1) .!l..S9Yp4dtel...t'{-t.1. ttre previous Texa.o. Thensabswere(2).................................. Letssta|t by comparing chevronand , athouqh (3) profit. trcndyou can seethai the chewon rnade ................-................. Looking the year-on-year at percentage whreasthe change sales in was very(a) . ............ ......... betlveen two companies, the p.ofitsqrew ln fact,Chewon3 ln change profitswas quite(5) ............. .. . . - 1 ( 6 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i.a s.t.e.r- - 5 0 o /c o . n p a r e d I 1 6 7 o . o to .. . The that Exxon (7) is Now lerSlook at Eson Mobil,the mafkelleader. tableshows (8) ...... . ......--........... as chwon and Texaco s.les combined, the largest company, with morethan (9) pmfit. figures wre and exacily .................................. ln termsof percentage 9rowth,Exxon's ( 1 0 ) . . - . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l.o w . . r . .a ni t st w o . o m p e t i t o 6 . ' ... e .h . t

A Adverbs of degree
, Adve65of degree showhow big or lmponantsomething Theymdkethe meanng weaker is (small (large degree) stronger or degree).

Larqe degree:

quite fairly, prev rathecrcannably,relatively ertrenely,reay, very absolutely, completeiy

rery Aonate ,1dtk!t ipst.r (^six it).

Mdr( Fdliet k noteda' d sl@tly t@,nn Lat ali Dr.gazine website) a Lookat thesexamples W th adtectves: Wrth adverbs: With verbe Wirh comparatives:

tt was a litlle expensive Bthe. strcngetvery prafessionat. / tt was done a bit tate quik quicktylvery prafessionaly / |rca y tlisagree. fhey ve increasedthelr affer a lit{e. ft s a bit/slightty/contiderabty/nuchl a tot cheapet

B loo, enough, not enough

'more a Ioo means th.n it necessarygood'. enough or A/or means thanis necessary tess or good'. Enough rneans much 6 necessary'or as as 3uflicient. Thesalary too low. is
Advefbs: l'n mtry it goes too slowly

Therc's mu.h work too


Thesalary isn't high enough. In sa1y, isn\ fastenough it There isn't enough time

Notethe potitrons: comesbeforeadjecrives, bo adverbs and nouns; erough comes afrer adtectves adverbs, beforenouns and but

a We 6e too many/few+ puralnouns.nd roo muchl/1ft/e uncolntabt + nouns fhete ate too many people intolved in the proje<t. I think we speht too much money on the (onsukants. a We can eaveolt the noun if the meann9 is de.r Just a liftle nilk, please Not too mu.h Therc that enough? are

C Other structurer with too and enough

After too and enoug, we can l]sea phrase wfth for. TheirdelieErytim?s are too bng lor us. Hare we gat enough .hans for everyone? Aiter too and erough we can lse a ro infnitive. Sales too slaw to make nuch profit. arc We dan't have enough tirr,eto do evetfihins Srntlt pfi, n,Ja/Dtatiat te.lutoLog' jt{l nor n"patatlt douth o itt otut1 geretatea rjtdinetl is to r.o/.rr. (FT.con sbstre)


D So and st|ctl
t We use andru.h for emphasis. ro 50 with adjectives adverbs: and Such with ddjec(ivesinguldr a + noun: Su.h/Sonary/So few with pluralnouns:
Suchlso nuch/So little with uncountabe nolns: The neeting finished so qui.kly. tt was su.h a qui.k meeting. You have such fiendly.olhagues. We sold so nany policies last nanth! tt was good advi.e.

I have so much wotk to do. 'S$h a big nerfd h6 htry .ohpetittueihrylietions,' says seniot Cirhan d bdikih! etuttiE. (Busine$rffeek onrine websire) t Solsuchand too aredifferent. solsuchexpress opinionwhichcan be eitherpostve or an negative. suggests dfficulty.thal something Ioo a cannotbe done. Thercare so nany people involvedin the project (its just my opinion) Thercare too nany people invohed in the prcject. (w need to reducethe number) solsuchcan be usedwilh that to express result. a Ioo cannotbe usedwith that. The neeting finishedso quickly that t was hone by 5.30. (NOT r!ikt+ha{)

Quite, fairly, p,ew or rathen

a Quite. tairly ptettynean'a medium and amount. 'Likt htottbrtilctstt, trt'ft .dttiott dborttIMt ktitht onE in thc $t .ary1c :la.a$, af fairly (busnress y bktse oI'lk Alii" srndrtor.' revicwlveekly websirc) "'ar a In Amercan pretty a common English is wayol saying very'. a Wecanchange meaning gulre British ih of in English stress the adjectve speech. by n9 in fhe meaning changes to'very'. This called is undEtatement. The v,las rcstaurant WjE good. (normal meaning:wasOK) it Thercstaurant qule g99g!.(unde6tatment: wasverygood) was it a nather me;ns'amedium ako amount', it oftensuggests someth s bad, but that ng ig surprs of unusu;|. ismore lt formal. Its rathet to do anything late royv (lt3alinetoolar,'m.frad) good. (l enjoyedt, surprs ngly) Therestaurcnt rathet was a W th a comparative canonlyuse we /aiher, qu,te. not Theneenngbok nther longer thanI expeded.(NOTqsir-lngr) 'absolute o. 'complete These qutte r Withsome adjectives means y' y'. incllde:absurd .ertara different,hopeless, inpossible, ndicubustighL sure,ttue, wrcng. I'n quircertain aboutthis. (= absolurly certain) you Are surcthats qrite rtghf? (= completly fght)


d, *. r '64

raL ^q4 h4t dd y' y4 4t P e 14 'e44.ofia t.4.' 4n'4t


39 Practice
Exercise XHH l
phrase withthephseaFh)withtheclosen Match each l+ meaning. careful-some simar. Be arc

2 lt'squite slow3lt'sEtherslow 5ltssodow

n tr ! tr

a) lt3 comparatively slow b) lt'sslightly slow c) lt3 fairly s ow. d) lt! a littletoo slow' m afrad.

8 lts notdow enough.

e) lwant it to be even slower problem. f) Theres a lwant it to befaster jow lt really very is 9) h) OK.Thats slowasit needs be. as to

lJnderline correct the words, 1 Thesalary aresuggening they sounds goodliooooodtobetruel so 2 Therc were fewlsoftde customers lwent home y. so that ea ,r,u.hltoo 3 Wecan'tpulloutnow Thete\too nany money nvolved 4 lt wassuchlso boring a meeting I neartfellasleep. that 5 Themeeting suchl5o was fell boring I nearly asleep. that 6 I hadto say'no' thecoslwassonuchl toonuch lor thebudget wasg ven. l \Nehadso nuchlso nany new business we needed 7 that extrastatf. I I hadso nuchlso nany rcports w te that I put the answefing to machine on. 9 We have fewlro rftle infomatioathat we can't makea decision, Jo 10 Themeeting so shoriltoo shortto coverall the pointsproperly. was 11 Can help you me?l'm notenough Ellltallenough reach iop shelf. ta the 12 Theresn't eroughmorey/ noney enoughir,Ihe budgettor youridea.

Complete sentences oneof thesewords:too, erot"gh,sq such,much,many,little,few. the with I lsyourcoffee you .....-t99.... Would likea littlemore hot? milk? 2 | had................. ................. trouble finding somewhe park to thatI affived ate. problems 3 | had................. ................. finding somewhere to park I arrived that ate. 4 There were................. ........-....---. to the lastmailing replies thatwewon'tdo anoihr. 5lhad..........---.---....--.-----..:..cashonmethatlcouldn'ievenbuyasandwich. 6 Theprice thejrshars of is................. to buyanymore high rightnow progrss we should 7 Weternaking -................ that finish wek y. a ea 8 Weteexpectinglot of people. room This a won'tbe large ................. . 9lcouldn'tdoanyworkonthetrain.lwas.................tidthatlfellasleep. quicklyfor 10 5he speaks..............-.- meto undernand. 11 They ................. thatwe won't.eceive money pay late the untillune. 12 Thats..........--...--'lls3ve a good usthousands of dollars.


Exercise !E 4
usingeitherso..- that... or such... that... . the Lookat the tablebelow,then combine sentences, 1 a) Ther w.s a big drop in theirsharepice. pricewas verybig. b) Thedrop in therrshare 2 vrynervous. + Investo6 bcame

incrcased 25% per month was by campaiqn veryslccessful. + Sales a) Theadvertising was a success. campaign b) Theadvertising

wirhin hours 48 works well. + Mostgoods dispatched very are system 3 a) Ouroder processing ' dved very procesing goodorder ryilem. b\ we
has 4 a) Thatcompany verylargebankdebts. bankdebtsarc verylarge. b) Ihat compdnys 5 a) The Internet conne.tionisveryfd5t. b) Thereis a veryfast Intemetconnecton. + Iheres a isk twll haveio cos down.

+ Web pages appeafalmostinstanly

investors very becam neruous. 1 a)rhere t$ was

investo6 very price*t................. became nervous. b) The dropin theirlhare was.................tq . sales ifcreased 2s%perrnonlh by was 2 a) The advedising campaign ........................... ................sals ncreased 25%permonih. by b) Theadvertising campaig .......... mostgoods are ng works .. ...... 3 a) Ou.oder process synem dkpatched thin48 ho'r6. w goods dispatchd 48 houB. arc wthin ...... most b) we have ........................ to down ........... there!a riskit w have close 4 a) Thatcompany .... has a theres riski w bank are b) That companys debts ..........................................................have to close down. pages instantly is................................ ......................... appear Web alrnost 5 a) The lnlemet connection web pages appeaf aLmon instantly. .......... b) There ...................... ....................... is

Exercise m m 5
meaninq the fi6t sentence contansthe word in to and sentence il hasa similar so Cornplete second the brackets. (eiough) was too small. 1 | d dnl buy that laptopbecause screen the lddllbt,ylhal aplop oecdue th4 4raan v'^'^'t'' lar4e e^ough it m.naqer. 2 The prcblemwas so difficultlhat I rcferred to my Lne Gud) i I t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .t.h a t I e f e r r e d t t o r n yl i n em a n a g e r . (lew) of 3 There weren'tenolgh copies ihe agenda. There.....................................................................ofthe49enda. (little) fo. 4 Thel not enoughspace this spreadsheel all the results. on fei t h s s p r e a d s h e o r a l lt h e r e s u l t s . T h e r c s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thatthey gaveus the contraciimmediately. 5 i was sucha good presentation Go) 6 | sod too few unitslan monthto get a bonus.(enough) . . . t. . . . t | . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l a.s .m o.n.t.h o g e t a b o n u s . ($) that I can't metyou uniil ne( T!e!day. 7 l'vegot su.h a busyschedule . . . .t h a t l c a n ' tm e e ty o u u n t i ln e x t T u e s d a y and 8 We'vesentout lots of brcchurcs we' needto printsomemorc.(many) m . . . . . . . . e ' l ln e d o p i n t s o r n e o r e . w t W e ' v e e n to u t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s (too) got enoughtlme to prepare forthe meting. 9 I haven't ''vegot-.....................--..................-.....................toprparcforthemeetinq M y s c h e de . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !


ime adverbs
A tn. on, at, no preposition
the noning /.tuneI the sunnet / the thnd quadet/ 1998/the sixties / the twentteth century oti .t Fri.laylfriiay noning/the 2nd of Aprlllthe seend/Chtistnas Day thrcefifteenltheweekend/the af the week,nonth, ei../night/ end

EasteaChristnas, e\c./ breakfast, lun.h, dinnel no preposilion this morninglyestetday afternoon/last night/the day befote yestetdayta few daysago/ last week/ tamanow narning / the day after tanarrow / next week iorms: Thewod nbht hassomespecial t vvakeup three times in the nighr (= during rhe n ghl) tt happenedon ftiday night l= one panrcular nrShl) (= in generawhen it is n Sht) Thehatelis quitenoisyat night t We can use/, fo. the t me t takes complele to somelhing Thisproductian line can uoduce 8A vehi.lesin a day. We can a so usein to ta k about 'timefiom now' Thenew afflces will be rcady in two montht/in two months' tine.

B On time oJ in time?
t O/r time.neansat the rightiime' /n tlm meafs 'with enoughtime' fhe planetaak off exa.tlyon lirne. (notlaleandnoteary) We affivedat the aipad in time to havea meal. (early enolgh to do somerh ng) ttsnnr.q prt lt at dkpakh.tlon ti'ne it tu siut)lat task anpa y J;tr\ a y L,.ttis*t (ConDcctr \Lcbsltc)

C Foh since, during, aEo

pe.fectto talk aboutsonrething seeahounn5 a We lse lor and slnce with the present conrinuinq to ihe up presentwe usefor to ra L aboui the periodof I me and shce to saywhen t staded. t've lived here tor six nonths. (per od of lime) tve livedhercsin.e tanuary. Foint in time when t narted) We can a so usefor with othertenses, nd sornet a rneswe c.n leaveI o!t. I m staying in the UK fot a year The training peiod laned (for) sixmonths. t ule dur;49to talk about perodsof time. Ourlng aneweB question'When?'For the 'How long, answeB question the I didn t feel neNous dunng rry prere,tation. (when?) (how long?) Shetalked for about thifty minutes. Ago rneans'beforc present'.ltis usedwith the pan sjmpe. the tcane hete six nonths ago. (NOT 5in+*-rF{ha) To refer to . time before another t me we use beforc (that) at pteviausly. I came here six manthsaqa. Before that/Previously, I lived in Rone

t t


D During oJ while?
. Duni?g a preposition comes is and beforea nounph'ase Whiteis a nkinqword and cones beforea causeGubject verb). + t naved into the na*eting area duing my time at Bacardi. I naved inta the na*eting arca while I was wotking at Ba.ardi.

E By or unfin
a Symeans'onor beiore'.Untilmeans'upto'. t need your repott by Friday. (on or befor Friday- Thu6day) She'll awayuntil kiday. (allthe time up to F day) be If hihg' haatrt clnnted dnft'dtiuly bf 2006, then Cenhal Euape . pdrt o.fits drti-food b6i'tc$. (BusinessCenrml Iurcpe website) Whenwe lse by we look back.Whenwe useunnT ook forwdrd. we By ten I had deaft with all ny e...'ails. lwaited until ten and thenlleft. udte laadbyeta a ldrye

F fhen, afterwardt

after, Iater

a Then afterwatds \,ery and arc simial lhen s used ,next,n a sequence like Afterwardsused s 'after like al a late. iime'or something hashappened, cancome theendof a eke and al FiEtwe discussed nonths' sales, then theadvettising last and canpaign. We discussed problem, aftetwatds evertthing the and wasOK It wasa long neetingand we went fot a dink afretwads. Cooglc gouirr vcry, Iast at lrc tin'e. rcalizetl rceded lot oJdkkspda, la tul w6 ucry W. .w a an.l wrt ott drd botght 20 hatd I diat $iry all oI ow oedit&d' rnd awTic ds'oedit .aftl!. Ptcuy tao" aJt.tuadr, M rot souepnrdrci vestntutts thtotqhStdilod Uti,cttity. (tsusiness Wek a After s uslally folowed anobject. by After the meetingI needto speak you. to Wediscussed problen, andafter that everythidg OK. the was 'after a tatermeans some time'. Satah Janesisn't hereat the nonent. Can cone backlaAr? you

G Calendar references
I a ln the UK people the tenth of )une at Junethe renihand wite Day/Month say /year 1A/6/03. ln the USApeoplE Juneren and write Month/Day/\ear 6/1A/A3 say


40 Practice
1 . . . . . i 1 . . . .+ p a r i !o f d d y( t h ee v e n j n g ) E 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .+. l.o n g e r e l i s i o uh o l i d a y(s a n e d . s 3 ...... . ... + me.l times(dlnner) 4 ................+speci.ldays\mybinhday) s ................. ong periods + fthe finereerrh cenrud 6 ........... + clocktimes(four fi,lay) .... 7 ....... + day+ pad ol day lMondaynorning) 8 ... ..... (d + s e a s o n s , ew i n l e r ) ( 9 . . . . . . . . . . .+ y e d r s1 9 9 s ) rc ...............+dayslMandah jj . (5 .......+ ddrs May) . . . . + r n o n r hC 4 u g ! 5 t ) s B ................ weekend the 14 ...... ... thenoment j5 ....... . ..... thatday 16 ............ theendoftheyeal t2

Exercise m 2
It is nowWednsday phrases order. aflernoon. rhese Put into wiih 1 dsrhrnondistanr ihe past, tf and l4 asth mondistant rhefururc. in 1 . 4 . . . 2 . . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . 6 . . .N.O W 7 . . . .8 . . . . 9 . . . . . . 0 . . . . 1 1. . . . . . 2. . . 1 3. . . . .t.4 . . . 1 1 a/ a rewoays ago b) tonight c) in a fewweeks'time d) in a forlnight e/ n an houf t) tast night g) tast week h) nexiweek i) rhs even n9 n9 D thismorn k) thedaybelore yenerday l) tomorrow eveniig m) yesterday morniig n) thedayaftertomorrow

Underline coffect the words. I Sorry| wasor.rt the offi.e tLi:Bltjtg/in thisnorning. of 2 'll glve a callrexih7eklat week. yo! next 3 8ye.l'llsee thedayaftettamonowlthe day. you next 4 W have secuity a guard lookafterthepmises thenbh at night io at 5 lt3 very imporiant .rrive meerings tiDelrr r/r)re rhiscouniry to at o, in 6 I yor ani\ean tinetih tirr,ewe latka tittte can beforc meet staa(s. rhe ng 7 Thejoint venlure been has operating successfutty for/duing \hrce yearc. 8 We hadoneor tlvo problems forlduting rhe sunmer. thtnqsareOKnow bul 9 I started workingherestnte twn yea5tt yoyear5 ago. l0 Themarket crashed. Lu.kiiy thadsoldmysharesfew months a agolbelore. 11 During/While meering madea lot of notes. Ihe I 12 During WhileshewastalkingI madea lot of nores. / 13 lt happened during/whiledot comshaEs werboomingin 2000. 14 t happened during Mile the dor-.omboomof 2000. I 1s We hav finish prcjcr to this bylurtl theendof rhmonth. 16 llavetowoAlalerttbFhere unrl/byeighr evF^ t-5 19 17 Wercviewed training the plans, a/?erlrhe, and tatked abour cost. the 18 We hadlunch, afterwardrla/rer and I showed themround factory the 19 Afte\/ardslAfter lun h I showed them roundth facrory 20 | cant talknow.I ll youlaErlafteMardstoday.


Exercise4 S
perfect. questons Make answefusing or sirce for r.rsing /org andthe present Horv Make (How Hob lo^{ Mw yor' }]CfKeg l'gl-4L I O lonq/yoL/work'e'e), t trx...'.r" A: (abour months)....................F-"r.4!e! tk,........ six (How in ... 2 Q: lonq/you/have a rubsidiary Portuqal?) A 0998) .......... Middelhoff/be ............ cEO?) 3 Q: (How long/Peter
r l L Fs l . 4 o f a s _ e a , . . . . . . . . . ........ . . . . . . . y (How ong/yourcompany/hdve sameLogo?) .......... 4 Q: the a rtwenty edr5).......... .. v 5 Q: (How ong/youlown yourIelekomshares?) A /privati,ation) A 6 Q : ( H o wl o n g / y o/u n o wA l e xs c o t t ? ) . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . k A: {aoTtrer ie . 7 Q : ( H o wl o n g / y o u / l l v n t h i st o w n ? ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. ( l w a sb o ' n ). . . .

Vdr 45 complete rhe d alogue w,th one ot these wods.loL since dunlg, while, aga, befote, aftet, afteNvards. you could bcgin by telling us a lide bn about your careerhntory?And rNiErivrE\rnlwcll, perhaps *e'[ tnovc on ro your cu.renrjob. 0) ...6-f.-19ry6.':C1.. ALEss^NDRo ofcourse.Well,l g..tdurtedfroln Bocconi Univcfsity in Milan five years Yes, i ( 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . w . s a t B o c c o n i( 3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a.b o.u ts i x y e . ! s , n d I ..r . .. . in (a) ........................... period I worked brieny asan analyst nly unclet cons!ltlncy rhat firh. yo! ro rNrr'rv,rwE,!, Uh, huh.ADd did you tuanage 6nd.job e.sily (s) ........................... lcft univcrsiry? b b ^ L $ s ^ N D R oW e I , e v e n r u a l lIyw " s o f r e r e d , j o b i n a n l t a l i a n a n k , u t ( 6 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t h a t I h a d qone beenlooking for wo'k O ....-.......-....-....-.... a long tirne.It wasnt easyfindingjobs in lt3ly 3t rhar know,but luckily ihe si arion hasgot much better ( 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.h.e n.. . .. rNrERvrEvER Yes.likehere.So how loDg did you work at the bank? about rwo ye,s. rr-*sam,xo, well,I worked there (9) ........................... rNrERvrEmrTwo )irs ... and why did you lelve? {Es^Mrc, I enjoyedmy rine $ere e lot.And (10) ... .. ... ..-..-.. ..-.. ... .. . I wasthereI learnra lot of rechniqus for financial an:lysis,,nd imporrDt ski s like te.mwork. )ou know But I wanted dre c}"nce to do somedmg not chalenging in an international enEomenr. rNrERvrEVER, hDhUh. . k had been my drcanrto wo* in an internationalcompany(11) ............. .... - . nnrvrwrn, icsmrc, rwRuEMR, leaving s.hool. Wel. you've applied ro the risht place. So what did you do ihen? well,I decided to tele a risk and rnore to London.That srr abour nvo ye$ ( 1 2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did you have a job to go to h London? ...

but I I leli No. ^LEssANDRo, (13) ....-...................... I sentmy CV ro a lot ofdifferenr lsencies, (1a) ..-....-....-.............. I ws actuallytiving thought that rr mdd be eatierto find ajob (15) ...................-......- much competitionthere wasl how in LoDdon-Hah. I only realised rMERqEvR, Well, yes. r6s.Nrc, (16) ........................... somemonthr. I found aJob at a bank iD the Anyaq. eventualy, Ciry That's where I'm vorkins now


A Linking words
a We usesomellnkingwordstojoin pd.$ of sentences. Theygivd strucrure rhe sentence. to E x a m p e s i n c l l d e a r d , b u t , b e . a u i e 5 0 . U n i t s 4 t a n d 4 2 d e a t w t h r h s k i n d o fi n g o r d . nk w a We ule other linkingwods and ph..sesto makea tink across sentencee pardgraphs. and They ve a srructur our wholeargumeft.Exampes ro inctlde Firstty, genetat, 9 tn Actuay, tn other words.Units43 and 44 ded/with rhis k nd of tinking word or phrase.

B Addition: and. both. too, also. etc

a W useand to join wordsor part! ol senrences. mphas the iacr rhar iherearc two th nqs To se w c a nu r eD o t h . . a n d . . .. . I need to cal Andy and find out vr'henhe's frce to have a rr,eeting. t need ta call hoth Andy and Helen a We usetao, aswel, as v"ell.r and d/5oro add dnotherfacr or saythar sornething happens ar the lame trme.Notethe positions. I need to call Andy, Kateand Helen too/as wett. I need to call Andy and Kateat well as Helen. I need to cal Andy, Kateand also Helen.

C Cont.ast: but, yet and although

a Weuse anda/though make contrast. but to a A/rho{/gh typicat morc is of careluor foma speecn wfilng. o. ln theoryit seenslikea goodidea,but I don t thinkt,I watk in ptactice. h thearyit seenslikea gaod idea,although tdon,t thinkit willwotk in practice. a Tre clause a/though conear tre beg,r..9. wrth can Although it seenslikea good idea,I dan t thinkit wil warkin p?ctice. Althocah tl'c hihi ry iasisted kJant lDrld stillla ahead, k r" tri thc it (FT.conwebiire) rafte. a We canemphasile a^d althaugh lh stittandanryay. but w I wasnt feelingverywel, but l.still went ta wo*. 1wasn'tfeelingverywel, but I wentta wotk anway I still went to wa*, although I wasn'tfeeting verywe . Although I wasn'tfeelingverywell,I went ta wo* anway. a Wecanuse in place of'but'in wdting. /et

D Contrast: though and even though

a lse thoug,in informalspeech witinq tike and airhough Thoughh seens{ike goodldea,ldan t thinkit wo* in practice. a Thorehheoutned10peftnt udkq pntqs outvoted andunseated t'on theboa . d hk hin hin (tuia.Inc. {ebsire) Withthougiw oiienuse rwoseparate sentences put fhough rheend. .nd ar It seenslike a goodklea.I dan't thinkh tt workin practice, though. a We canuseeye,rthoug, likea/though givea nrcnqrcontrast. ro Eventhough I wasn1feelingverywell,I still wentto wotk.



E Contrast: vvheras
I We can usewl,erearin formalspeech wit n9 to comp.rctwo fdclsand emphdsise .nd the them.The clause with wfiereas comeat the beqinnng or end dilference between can tndonesiahas a lot of natu6l resources, whercas Singaparehasnone. Whereas lndonesiahas a lot of natutal resources, Singaparehas none.

F Atthough or whereas?
t A/thoughin a sentence slggests surprise. the clause But with a/though doesnot always contaI - usually is the clause the sr rp sing information it that comes second su that seerns rprsing. year in Asia,although sales fell a litfle in tapan We had a rcasonable Although salesfel a liftle in )apan, we had a rcasonable year in the rcst of Asia. Whereas two a of simply compares makes strongcontran,bLrt there s esssuggenion yeat in Asia, whereas sales Eurcpe wete quite disappointing We had a reasonable in 6 We can use wh,/e like althaugh at whercas. while there are still sone issues rcsolve,I think we should go ahead. (l ke although') to 'where.s') yeac while house pticeswent up 6ok. lnflation rose by 3o/olast I ke while sow.tuetantt wrkos ti jtuit.ttokt i.b tojob, tohryafik\ likc tBM .rtd Sllt Mi.tosNu5 I,,. tunt to han d rct. oI.dr@ist' n, I'toril( .onntuity. (Tlosnresswcck Onlinc wel,sire)

G Contrast despitelin spite of

phrase $ Desplfe h spite and ota likea/though, they fo owedbya noun noun blt a or Although I was ill, I went to wotk. = ln splte ol my illness,I went to work. profitsfell. Although salesin(eased, ptofitsfell. = Despitethe indeasein sales, Despitelcst tcdt\ Intdret bBiflBs sloalotn, oryontiont todayMttt ttill '?a,!hiv:tlk (e-business lnqn RIk al ddottit\< .-lrttrt.s ptu$tcta t$luolo$t.r. adviso! wcbsitc) (verb with-,ng) actasa noun. Remember a gerund that can ln spite o DespiF feelingill, I went to wotk. (NOTE5pii-1-fu1$l|.|+ieF++-,ir,rk.)



|'it I u,l l' ; p t l 4:.;' 1 . a


'And your as department representative, proud letmejust that amboth say I honoured taking tobe credit and foryour accomplishments."

172 4't UNKtitG WORDS 1

41 Practice
E x e r c i sIeg D H H H
Undeinethecorrect words. 1 Althouohlqutlikethis@mpany, I t probably won'two* here long. 2 In spite aflAlthough rheirsharcs sing, are thenfururc nill uncerrain. is 3 Kategavea good prcsenrarion, althoDhldespitehaving verytittletime to prepare. 4 This year earnings close $8m,!rf,7elstl// yar our jusi are to last theywer $6m. 5 Whereaslln oflhese spite candidates allhave MBA, an these other ones don,t. 5 | readthe bookyousuggested.didn't enjoyit, a/rhoughlthough. I 7 | didn'thave much timp.butlwhereas I managed visit whote ro the site. 8 Nowadays have we veryfew strikes, bullwhereas yea6agowe hada loi. ten 9 Weweren't whether go ahead the laun.h, su.e to with bu\we didit still/anyway. 1A Althaughltn spi@ ofrhedelay, stillarived tirne we on 11 | didn'trnanage close deal, to th a/fhorghlwherea5 tried. | rcatly 12 Aqhough price falling the moment, company 5ti[a good ongtem lwhercas rheir is share at the s

Exercise g 2
gentencetwo ways it has simila. Rewr each te in so a meaning thefifstsentence time,Use to each the wo(Vs n brackets, 1 Paula visited thelvtadrid both office theEarcetona and offie b) (as as) well .................... 2 Wecanhandle transport the arrangements the insurance, and

a){too)^.4*.drid..ef-fiss..4^d...thg-..46r.fls.e-,..tec. ..

3 | wantthesales figures October NovemDer. for and a) (as well) ................. .. b) (as as) wdl .................... 4 We?e ng up offices Peru Ecuador. set in and

Complete sentences 9nof thesewordsor ph.ases: the with although, anywljl but, in spiteof, stitt, though, whereas. eachword or ohrase Use onceonlv 1 carc didn'tcosnise MarrLarner, ...*ltln-u4h.. shhadmethimbforc. 2ldon'tlikekaraokebars,.--..--................lwentwithmylapaneseclinrsanyway. 3lotreredmybesiprice,butthey.......................djdn.tseemintercsred. 4 l th nkwe'llhave change to oursuppliers. a pity, tts 5 .............--........ problemt p.oject been qreat theearly the has a success. 6 Spain a mature is ma*et _....................__ in Ponugattherenil room growth. is for 7 We haven't allthefacts, its worthdisrussinq got but it........................



Rewr eachpa r of sentences ng the wordsgiven There.retwo wayse:ch time. te us 1 I was rainifg.We got hereon tlme it w^, _^i^iM, we 4a+ he.z 6 +twe. :, Ahh^.. n, n.<nra 2 the .^i^. \ ^ , e4 o L h e r e o ^ t i M e . had a headache eti went io the meelng.
ol . . . . ., D U r. . rn value Othe6 dsaqree.

3 Some and yns think rh.t siocks will{a

b\ ^'hoLg' There wered fficLr In the negoliations. won the contract tes We
a1 Do.pi,o

b\ h"n 'o.qh ..... O pricerroseelrghtyian year Thl9yeartheyhavegonedown a) nLrq"d or ,arnougn... I v e w r i t l e n w i c er s t h a v e n t r e c e v d d r e p l y t b DP Pr" 7 H e d , d nt u s ea n yn o t e sH eg a v e . . e x c ee . l p r e s e n b t o n d Arhougq. b) .. He ... .. , though

iAa6 C o m p l e rre ea . t c e a b o u tF o r m u O n ew l h . s l i t a b l e o r dt r o mt h e n b e l o w h a w (x x b o t h ( r r ) d s w e ( x l ) a r w e l l a s ( x l ) a h o ( x l ) y e l ( x l ) a l t h o L r s h 4 ) w h e r e a(s l ) d e s pe ( x 2 ) t

JofmUla One, rerrarx

Sh.ll, Frhe Emwth of lomula on over th .|. lal ten yed ha been exrr.ordin.ry. peopl watchinE e.h one W h 400 million BeGult are imporrnr (5).-------, , (6).......,..,..,........ FeFdi d<l M.Lrren" Meede dd hav h!E. spo@Fhip deals, spocoF indld Malborc, liat (7).-..-..-......,....... M.Larennav. M.rc.iles, Mobil two and lop Asso.iate6. Th6e t000 .aF a yeai Th ptoblem b that they !!e not dirctly only letl @und a.ociated volune c.r with a na$ (10)...................... the othei prcducer, all te@3 de. In rcality Ferari tu conboUe.l by Fiat,6!t {fl)...........---- the nain owner liat get! little publicity when Fe(an witu, Many yars ago Gianni Agnelli, the Fiat boss, watd to rdame (12) ....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, he the cs Fiat lerdi tiie4 he failed, A me ..Id EEo Fetui, a legnd in lalt lemi bmd have d mNal nde is very fdo$ pmblen Their dd the td stood in htu wa]. Ee died ftspecls his wish6, in 1989 nd Agneli race it b pelhaF the world'6 nmber make6 thir .laio, Iomll. the la.t that sposos

spo4 (1)*L-t-bg}x[foo$ano)....................Iendi's
One is the i.lal ma&eiing tool for .ompani6, 6 shoM by PAG and IISBC (3) ..............,..,,,,, lact thnt Jatld id not th actuauy very suc.essful on the ha& Most yeffi th sport' b dominated by two teams, lenui dd M.Len-Mered6, (4) ....,...,...,,....,,.. othr teams like BAR qonda, BMW Witliams dd Benetton for lagua! like loi4 are vry hrppy Mrced$ Cooputet teatu

ea.h haYe a bualget of over

dd money .ones in fmm $300 iillioo direct sposoFhip and tnde support (3) .,,,.,,,..,,,,,,,-,- ndhddidn& TV rights

but things may chdae ir the tuture,

A Reasoni because, at since

S We us becduse d5 .nd sincewhen we want to explain reason somethjng.4, and rr." a e more Lo,r.non - 'o l d, \pperh d d the for wrnrng 1n calling ta complain be.ause the goods arc danaged I am returning the gaods as/since they were danaged an affivaL I As and snce can comeat ihe beginning rhe sentence. of Normatty do not beginsentences we with because, this is possblein infom.lspeech. but As/since the gnods were danased an affiva|, tan rcturning them Be.ause yau?e a first-time custameaI need to seeyaur bank refercnces.

B Result so
t We useso io express reslh. Notethe relation a betwen because jo: and l'm calling to conplain be.ause the goods are danaged. (teaeon) Thegoods are damaged,so l'n calling ta complain kesutt)

c Purpose;to and for

o Weutethe to infrniive exp.ess purpose, saywhy do rhings to to we Hewent to the aipart to meet Mr ri NOt {r+-ser) I n ca ing to talk abautthe sales @nfercnce week. next
M Zh taid / (;awt,m., t'otltl ait to rttto"c Chin\ , Mtlttyt|c t i wat@ ryltdu dtrt to tpccdtp rc.forn thcldbolr ,rdrlcr. (Austr.liin FnNrciil Rcvicw wcbsire) ol a We can orso ar to in placeof to. Theyare moreforrna. The CEAcalleda presscanferen.e in odet to explainthe neryet We can lse the negative onlet nat to ot so as not to We c.nnot useroi to on its own /h I ll call a taxi so as not to missny fliqht. INAI gke+e+ix1-nF{-,*h5-iqy4i9h*.) a We can ule fol followedby a nounto saywhy we do somthing He ' tent to the airpott for a meeting with l\/lt Li. (= to hava m-cetng) (= to havsomelunch) ShallwE go aut lor some lun.h)

D Purpose: t rat so
purpose. We canusero (that)to express Afterjo fihar)we usesubjecr verb. + I grc$ tu qrcstiott hotudoyor dewloplout.ortpdry so that it .ar euatftin ttpo,lte ta L (e-businesadvisorwebsire) .l&ryi'E tstoh'.t expe.tdtio'rr pufpose use p.esent e, wil/or can. a For preseni a we the simp t'tt sendit by couiet so (that) it gea/ft'll get to yau on tine. t'n catling so (that) | can che* you lastarder you . a For past purpose lse the pansimple, a we would could. or I sentit by couier yestetday (that) it gotli(d get to you an time so I left wak earlyso (that) t could go thedoctorc.



f the subject ihe fnsl pdl1of th sentence the subject th of and of different, we can't use to. W haveto useso fthat). rcnferen.e. l'm calling to talk about the sales l'n caling so (that) we (an talk about the sales@nfercnce. She caled a prcss.onfercnce to explain the neryer She called a .onfercnce so (that) joumalists could ask quesrions. (dtfereitsubjecr)

Manner: at as if and like

n this case a Wcanusea5or/itebeforeacause(subleCt+verb)tomean'inthwaythdt'. in n9, rhere no diffence mean butdsismore ls formal. Herunsthe rcnpany as/like hisfatherusedto. vrorkinson thestand,as/like we did lastyeat Well havefou people As Cektftl EMp. lookJotstovh, ft .o dl.d d lotton @utnies Lrcland, Like Pofttrdl, Sprrl nndCr.rc.A afth.n stat.d of tJEnEU dluA fN poot/ thar tu EU avcras?, as Centtul irst website) Eutup. do. (Business ti Centnl Europe a Wecanuse lfor rte before cl.use sayhowgorneone sorneth feels, a to ooks, sounds as or ng I havea bit of a tenpetature lteel as if/like lshouldgo hone. It looksas iI/like weTegoingto recover costs the endof theyeat our by n tf Fotttro de.dd.s, I:ricdelNcrbcrrat thegianrCcnnansaviks! bo W$|LB ds if it t ?rc the Week lorrr'flcrt. (Business vebsitc) 'something a Wecanlse asand/i*ebefore noun nounphrase. this(ase means a In is or a5 something, /ke means'something and s sirnilar somelhing' lo Shevwtksas a financtal control/e/: Gheis one) (she She thinks a financlal like conuol/er: th nksin a s m ar wayto one) (it s a test) na*et as a test Werc usingtheEstonian fhe Estonian malketis like a testfot Finnish narket. (it s not a test.but is it s m ar to one)

W4 Ho:tia, lauie goitg lo da itjut t llingla" "ot it Y.ri. going ta todo btaa,Ik ' do it brru. t.L b.lia. ia it




42 Practice
Exercise Eg t
Compiete se@nd the sentence it hds similaf so a meaning thefiut sentnce conrains wordir to and the 1 lt wasinconvenient e!ryone, the meeting postpond. for so (as) was

astlr9...Yg.eJ!.Y..t"-.4t-..ilsgl-Y-e.'^i'.4.lrl..f-"J..-e.y-e.!..)!!9...! .
2 | sent Karen copy theminutes a of because mjssed meeting (so) she the Karcn missed neeting, the . 3 I hada lot of papeMork do, so I finished to wo* late.(because) I finished iate............ wo* you 4 l ll call back. have go nowbecause I to I hav meeting. a Go) l'll callyouback. have meeting, I a .................... 5 Hedoesn't know sol'll asksomeone (since) else.

Exercise f E 2
L,nderline corectword_ the just 1 Wele not in thisbusiness b&lkl fot to nake sho(-termprofit. jolfhat ourobiectives clear 2 l'll explain motedetail in are jn 3 | wrctethe date mydiary tharlrolwouldotforget meeting mofning. so the this 4 Hercsigned ordettol fol spend in moretime with hisfamily. 5 iackcame mein otdertolfor aduice. to 6 we'll agrceto yourofferso that we canlcouldctose deat. the 7 We agreed theirofferso that we @n/couldctose deat. to the 8 She rechecked figure5 thattheauditors the so won,t/ylouldr,t anvefioBwhenthevcame. find 9 l'l rccheck figures thattheaudjtoE the !o lron,t/hr'ouldn,t anyerrors find whenthevcom. 10 t\,4any visitors come here see/for seeourautomated to to production line,

Exercise I X 3
l\,4atch beginnings each the of sentence withan ending of b). 1-16 a) 1 | went to Barcelona to 2 lwentto Barcelona for 3 l'rnhere for 5 lthinkit3 timeto 6 | thinkit3 timefor 7 lt3 worthshoppinq around for 8 lt3worihshopping around to
9 | left wolk early so that I 10 l'll haveio leave work earlyso thar I I1 | kept his business so that I cad '12 l'llkeep his business cards that I so

n n n n n tr n n n n
! !


a) the TladeFair

a) a meting Manuel with Lopez. !l

a) havea shortcoffeebrak



a betterp ce.
(ould go to the dentist.

a) cango the deniist. a) would rernember name. his 'llremember name. b) his a)aren't prob any ems.

13 l ll deal withrt personally thartherc so

l4 | dealtWth it llv so that the.e



Exercise p f 4
possible impossible. Porl Arethse sentencesEnglish in or Write I l speak loudersothat everyone hear. can tr (an 2 l'll spe.klouder order everyone heaf. in to n 3 sorryl'll explain prcposal my again avoid confusion. to any n 4 sorryI'llexplain prcposal my again avoid confusion. so any n s sorryl'll explain prcposal my again we avoid confusion. n so any 6 Wernailour clients gula y notto lose contact them. with n 7 Wemail clients our regulafly asnotto lose so contact them. ! with 8 l ll takean umbrella l won'tgetwt. so tr 9 ltakean umbrella |wouldn't wet get so tr 10 I' takean umbrclla I don'tgtwet so n

Exe.cise 5 I
Complete sentences ai or ,l, or put asl/ikeif bothate possib the with e. 1 While lwasat university | sometimes worked ........--4t......... a waiter 2 lhe negotiations goang verys|ow|y,....................... are I expeded. 3 Anna's funnyl so 5he3.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,......., a comedian. 4 We'll9end oder in two consignments, the .....................,. we agreed the meeting, in 5 This caisis not ............-.-........ one.lts wo6el is the last 6 I'm lucky.have small I a room home at thatI use....................... mystudy. just 7 You your look ....................... brother you I Ina sltuation this, should exactly Iike do ....................... in the book. it sal6

@ ot wo(ysin thrs dialogue. Uodrrli* ,n" .o,rcc-t
Oh, hi, Pamcla.Coutd you give me some advicc? J cx: PAM!L{, Y.ah. surc. Itt about my laptop.I usc it a lot when I'm our ofrhe ofiice, (1) & /l;&e I wantedto talk to JcK you about sving my f'16 ... I, er, donl w"nt to lose e!"eryrhing ifrhele's a ploblen. p.Mrr.^: Hm. Do you b^ckrp yov cs Q) Jor / to make suE your work is safe? Oh yes.I a sm. stonge device that plugs into the USB port - nt (3) drli*e a porribte JAc& hard disk.And so ifanyonc srole my laprop it wouldn't be such a dis.lter (4) 6e.,!Jelr/ I would sril have aI my files. P,\MEL^, We , thatt OK rhen. The problem i! I often keep this device h the sameplace as my laptop (s)rrlJo ,'d, it's J^c(i esy for me ro find.And thari wh worries me. J c(; prM!1 , r cK eNEL^, t cK: p ME^, l^cKi preu, r^cKi pAGu, WeI, yes. lt's edy for me io 6nd, (6) ro /ro ,r.t irt east,for rhe thief too. Ah, hah.It soun& O) a/6 iryour geninB.litde bir pamnoid,Jack. So,is rheE somekind ofsolurion (8)r'lto people (9) drllik? ne ... who are worried? Do you Ee )our laptop (10) /o /rr acces the Inrerner? Ofcou6e. WeI, (11) e/ td @rry /so a not to roiy.bottlosng },our file. how about uitrg on lirc stomge? Um, wlhtt tlbr? It work (12) arldr,fa b"d dislq03) 6,/rle pur ponable device, but irt d InternersireOh. You cD upload files ro rhe sire whenewr yo! wt 174)to that/lihe therc ro doqrload on Dother occasion. Ir .ould be with aorher compurei I use ir a[ the rime (15) ro tnarlro keep copis ofmy mosr importat fles. An,I see.Tha. som& (16) a/,1. a tealy sood idea.Wel. th"nk a 1or.I'I do dEr.

t cx:

eveloping an argument 1
A Words meaning and. but and sa
a Units41 and 42 gavwo.ds iikeard, butand so to join parrsof sentences cdn lse onger We wordsand phrases with the samemeanng to link borhacross sentences with n more and comPlex sentences a d: ]n addition, Eesides, Morcovet, Fullhernore brl: so: Howevec Neveftheless, the othet hand On fherctorc, Consequently, a result As

(for These word! and phrases typicalofformal5peech ex.mpe present.tons)and are wrt ng TheyLrsually comeat the startof a sentence hdvea commaafreMdrds, can comeafter and but a comrna the middleol d sentence. i. Suppher is cheaper, A and then defiverytines are gaod. HoweveL supptierB has better qualty products and they have a gaad reputatian in the narket. prcduces lesswaste, and as a result it's nuch beftet for the environnent Thisnew process Orr sta.ks dre ovn\ in a dou.mnftls spitul, thercJore F.d t$t an i, ct.!t t tc: h l,nast the otjt .oilidott.Tlot, at lcdlt,is th. tl@ry nuokr nos'!^ lh Qpk. ( wcbslre)

B Exampfes: for example, for instance, such as

a usefor example for instance ot positions Notelhepossibie haveganeup. Fot exanple, the costaf steelhasnearty Ourcasts daubted. Ourcasts havegoneup. Thecostof steel, e,,mple, has for nearty daubled. . Weuse iuclrasin themiddle rentence give of. to examples isthesame ttke'. lt as Such rs as fo owedby a nounphrase, a whole not clause. Sone delays, suchas strlkes badweathe,arcbeyond contrct. at ou Some delatsarebeyond cantrcl,suchas sttikes badweather aur ot

Additionaf/real information: in fact, act ratly

a We useln fact,Actually As a nafter of fa.t \a adda pice information whai we jlst ot of to sad. The lecondpiece infomationgives of morcdet. s. We haveplenty in stock. ln fa.tlAs a matbt ol fad we coutd delvet tanorrow We a so usethese wordr to emphasise what the rcalsiruarion Th s is surprisng differenr is. o. to what peopleimagine. I thaught we had somein stocla but in fact/actually we don't.

D sequence: first ol all, as wetl as this, linally

a WecanuseFist, Finly, Fitstofal/to beq n a serie!ofponh n a lormatargument. Forother nlmberedpo nrswe saysecord,secondly, er.. Toadd a poini without nlmbeinq we cans.y 45 wl/as this, Besides ar tn additian. this At the end we ..n say F,ndl/y. Why choosethe C2e(hRepublic?Well, fiRt of a , it haslawet labaur cast-lthan ather neighbouing counties, and secondly, it hasa nable tuffency. As wett as this, it hasa tftined warkfofte wtth gaad labaur relatiant and finally, it hasa tuang tocatnarket



a To finish one point we can .ay Overallot Takingeverythinginta @nsideration . Ornll, a tuo 67% oJthe aduhloprktion is eflplayedar Laokinrfot uork, nahq be.tu\e junpcd ouetthe b6t two dtudet. (Business Week _fe tdlepa i.ipation in the lalrotfotu hds Io f nisha formalspeech saytn conclusbn. ln .ondusion, l'.1just like to thank you aI very much fot coning, and I laak fotuvardta seeing you agnin at our next meeting on 31 septenber

E Generafising: in general, on the whole

a Therc many are wordsand phrases canuseto talk gene?lly: genenl, On the whale we ln As a rule,TwicalLt in aI, Easkaly, All ovetall,qrcadly speaking. 'Mto et' rclatioithips: Orydnkatiors hd,e cwtonca, b,sinssp tnes,supplie\, fw (-businesadftor website) c'flploycas, shdteloldeo. drd a lf w-.wantto make balanced phrases a argument oftenuteoneof these we followed a by idea contrasting witha wordlikebd (see section .nd unit41). A ln genetal thelapanese economy not been has verydynanicoverrccent yeaR.However, sometechnology telecom and conpanies grcwingveryfast. ate On the wltole lthink touie ight, although ldisagrcewith yau abaut thelevelof risk.

F Summarising: to sum up, in summary so,

a We canuse5q /n shod Toput it sinply,Tosumup and/n summary rlrnmadse to 5o, to sum up the ,iain points my presentation faa vw area trulyintenatianalcanpany of so ofturinga full nngE of seNices corpotate privateclimn'in the arcas finance, to and ol banking andtnsurance. Top"t it sirtply,Jood uill totnpetitiftft!' d' d dirtt rc t o.fEU hu ,$hip. tto.cssos losc (Busines website) Centnl Eurcpe

G Either ... or ,,., inshad of except for

a We use e,ther begin listof possibilities. do not begn w th or.Theotherpossibil af to a We t es intfoduced o/. with Eitherwe couldcancel produd launch, ponpaneit (NOT the or e*r+dd-aFe+) Butin speech canbegin we witho/to complete othefpersonb the idea. jun A:'We could cancel launch.' the post@ne it.' Bt 'Ot perhaps a Weuse /hnead to mean'in place something Atthe endot a sentnce, the of else'. hstead fo, is used without ot Canwe havethe neeting on Friday insbad of Thu6day? thusday is no good?OK,canvle haveit on Fiday a We useeycept, etceptfor or aparffromto mean'not incuding'. I havecontacled everyone except(for) Margarct.


43 Pra<tice
E x e r < i sIeI E C E E
Underline corctwords. the 1 Jfresistered is too slow,we couldusea @urier mail i!@gllinnead of. piceshds 2 Thefallin share made investoE neruous. the others,lrelhan4 an ex<llent On it's buying youtppared takea risk. opportunity if to 3 Asa rulellherpfore I don'tnomally have biglunch, l'llcome a but withyouto the restaur.nt today. prices 4 All commodiry roselastweek,a/ioley.eptgold. 5 We canettherlo/wait for a train,or go by taxi 6 | knowMadrid well. a natterof factlon theevhole very yeafs A6 lworked there a short memany for t ago. 7 As a nattet of fadlon the rvhole stocks riskier arc than bonds, stocks g ve a btterreturnin but can the longterm. 8 lt'sconvenient meto cometo wolk by car On ihe othet hand Eesides, lrain wouldprcbably for I Ihe be 9 lt! convenient meto cometo work by car On tie otherhandlBes,ijes, company for payrfof the the paRrng. 10 Investment areas erample/such biotechnology be isky. in lor ai can I 1 lnvestment someareas, exanplelsuch biolchnology, be risky, in br as can 12 Canwe sendan emailexcept lorlinsteadof a laxl

E x e r c i s el l l l l l 2l
Complete sentence a wod or phrase the listbelow. each with from eecllt aswell asthis either except inslead suchas nevertheless so in generai 1 2 3 4 5 thefore

People thinkit3 expensive, .........1St14'l1y.........the longterm t isn't. Out over Therestaurantopen is very .,...........,...,,,,,,,,.,....... day [,4onday, She3 ofthecountry out and............,,,.....,,,,,,,,.,.,.. unable attend meeting, to the going Monday lwas9oin9 Tuesday, nowl'm on but on ...............,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. . ..................................the meetin9 lthink wentvery well,although didn'tmanage agree the we io on compositionthe newteam. of 6 Some a.eas, ............................-..... recruitment, outsourced other are to companies, 7l'msorry...................---.-..........youacceptthisprice,orwecan'tdobuslness. 8lt'sreliable,safeandeasytouse..........---.....,,,,,...........-,it3excellentvalueformo 9lt'sreliable,safeandeasitouse.....................,.............,themaintenancecostsca 10 ...-.....-...............----.-..., its reliable, andeasyto in short, safe use.

Exercise !!! 3
Plt fourcommas thisshort paragEph. in ln geneftltakingan MBAis a good ideafor an anbitiousteung prcfessianal howewtyau do haveto nake sone tacifices. You,'iss out on lwo WE valuauework expeience exanple it canbe vety far and



'8 o"

Exercise A B C D E F G 4
po i R e a dh r a c e a b o u t t r a n s p o d l i c yn c t y c e n t r e s . o m p e t e t h e . t d e b y c h o o s n gh e c o r r e c t t C d t a ternatvefiom A, B, C or D below Thisexercse ldes revision !n t 41. inc oi


dorry, ttoaff hauo[o1ay,

coursequire ddBerous. (4)............. cas cause trafficjds dd (5)............ mdr hou( of work iime m lon. (6)............ people . necd inccniives bfoE they chanee their habilsmd ahemativcs cars arc olten not ro availabl of pmr qualily.Thc fi6r thirg is or lhar publ,c tanspon nrusr become more (7)............ eliabh and more comionable. . .ilies, (S),.,......... Ansrerdm- a alreadt organised rhis q.y. Bur tbe most ndical in measure rord pncing.Asking notorisls to is pay ro enrercirycenrres co.hlersirl, bu1 is is an incre$ingly common solLrtiod. So, ( 1 0 ) . . . . . . . . ... .p e c r n s e er h i d r g i n a r , v e . dd somlinesunpopul.r measurcs will be neededlo makc the citt ccnlrr a nrort

enter/the city?

Tmf6c congestio. in cily centres is a big problcm for borh busine$es and residents. Policy makersare bein8 forced lo lhink of soludonr based on public trtrsp.n, rcad pricing and rcsl.icled use of onc kind or anorher (l)....C..... unlidited accc$ ror ca6 al all dmes. Wtal aE rhc Easors fo! lhis? (2) ............cas cau* noiseandpolludonin . reas where people walk. shop or so sights&i,re, and (3)............ rhh rhey are oi

(8)............ pleasant bicyclerw shouldbeen.ourrged. tlace io work rDd li!e. by hnvin,qmore cycle lanes. Somc l.rge

A aewel B Ako B However

C ln lact D Ercept C And C .s. reslrlt C50 c act!ally

A -oirher

I both

1 0 A l h n dy

c nstead

Exercise5ACDEG td)ae
CornpLele s speech madeby the eaderol a Korean th iradedeegarion the end of a trip ro Wals at with phrases [sl beow the wordsand frornthe fi|{ffill in conclueion in addilion lherefore nneadol pf +!l :r a rLr e however n fa.t 'could lllst ray a few words?rh.nk you. well, (1) ..{irtt 'd ke ro rhankeveryone heredi GNKior organising meetinq the staff,seeng yoLrr today3visit.We haveenjoyed all new pfoducts and y l o o k i n go u n d o ! r f . c t o r y( 2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .l.w.o . . r l di k e1 ot h a n k h e l o c a c h a m b eo f C o m m e r c e . . . .L l t r who rnade wholetdp porrible. you know,we seethe European As the marketasveryimportant our for (. ( c o m p a n y3 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , i t i sc e n t r a lo o u ' f u t u r e a n s . 4 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ,. r n e u r e h a t t p t we can look forwardto evencloser coope.ation betv/een two .ompanes in the lutue. ouf ( 5 ) . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 itthsb e t t e t o k e e p h e . e r m o n i e s o r t n o c c d s o n s e t h s , ' ink r t sh o k (6) ...... .....................wouldjust ke to this oppoilunityto ledve you wirh somerhing to ,I remembe. olrvisit, and so havegrcatpleasurc presnting bookwih photographs Korea in ihis of to Lo o e t h . t w e n d y ' h e p l e d " -e o _ yo. d e.lo..! \Ar'rn o_9.(7r ...... . I "oo l".ve wecomingsomeo1yo! to our countryrn the fuiure. Perhaps nen iirne w meet t will b n Seou ihe ( 8 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .c.a r dJ fI o n . e a g a i nt,h a n k y o u v e r ym u c h ' . a

eveloping an argument 2
A Personal comment
a The.eare mafywords and shortphrases thar corneat th beginning d sentence he p us of and maka pe.sonal to comment. yourown ideas Giving you lnformation havehe.rd Mon peopleknow this From ny point af view ln ny opinianlview Pesanally Apparcntly, lt seens that Cleatly,Of cou,i,e,Obviously Luckily Fanunately,Happily 'adly, Unfotturately, Unhappity Tobe hanestffrank,A.lually, ftankly

Fo unatry,ltcrcm pkntyotsA$ lnt Merkohtdy.litdlly tedttladrcu t.ucl.:f hdu. a pothndt d d @ oh'i t'andry. (Global Busine$ Magrzine rvebsirc) 'Frath\,,I nidn\ knou' !,lnt I ws lon]ljb da,'snys abo'tstdrtinr hisbdrk.,tjust Pdrk q Id,t.i to ftplkak lk !cni..t of.lin$ h h. U.S.I rus hhknq pdty rood onq dt Meftill Lynlt dn.]I tlto*ht I.o l dk. Ltft on y aM.' (Asia On Linewebsire) Irc Otherwods used makea personal to commentrcude: adniftedty, coincidenta\y, cutiously, incredibly, interestingl)t ianically,natuely, paradoxicatty, prcdictably signiticantly, surptEingly, unbelievably, understandably, unexpectedly. yourideas It youwantto qive frorn particu pointot vew youcanuse phraseke: one ar a (speaking), Technically kientifically(speaking), a financiat/technical of iet!, elc fton paint

B Other linking words and phrases

e Study ihi! listof commonlink ng wo.dsand phrases used n speech.

Giving monrmportant th example situation or you6elf Correcting supportingprevious a statement Changing 5ublect the finformal) (morc Changlng subiect the tormal) Dismisling somethlnq/Preparing to finish

Especially, pafti.ulat Abave all ln

8y the way, Sa,Anyway h telation ta, As rcqatds, l"llovingan to, Asfaras. is concerned AnWay

C Structures to focus on important information

d W c.n lotus on importdnt informatonwth the srructuelhe + noun+ 6 Thesecond part of 'that' clauleor ihe sentence usualyd is a wh- quenro. (which,what, when,how erc) The thing is (that) the whole idea is just too risky. The thing is, how nud money witl all this cost? Nouns usedwith this structwe in lrde: answeafa.t, point, probtem, question, solutian, thing, The question is, what are we going to da abaut it? The trouble is (tha it s qoing to be vert e^pentve N We can {ocuson important infomation uringa cdlse that beg nswith whai: What we need is a few dars to think abaut this in nore detait. What rm going to do is call aur warehouseand seehow nany we have in stack. What wonies me is the tine they'rc taking to nake a decisian.



D At the end, in the end, at last

O The phrases the erd,ln the end and atlasrdo nor havethe samemeanifg: at Atthe end refe6to a point ntime ln the end I spokefot 20 ninutes, but there wete a lat of questiorEat the end means'after lotoftime or'ventually a I waited until ten, and in the erd I /eft. (+ pdst tense) makes comment a that we are ple3sed now because long wa t hasended a At |ast l've finished this rcportl (+ pesent tense e9: presnrperfct) Beat i'dtkets dte d ndtndl ua of stocks, tu sdnetuoytlut fu.s dr. a na\ndl .farce the Iorests. n' ih Enk thotlrh it\ ta rh to u'otch,tlt 'rd',et is r|hu lrcohhi.t h the dd. 0trall Sr.eerJoumal

E tt untess, otherwise
a Conditionals /f(units l7 and l8) are important developing argument with ior an 'if not Look The linkingwordsurlessand otherwlse havethe meanlng at the nextthre exampes which all havethe samerneaning: lf we donl pay the invoke naw they ll cut back aur crcdit. Unless we pay the inwice now they ll cut backou credit. We should pay the invoice now othetwise they ll cut back ou ctedit. Wtdt pd I'c lrrdo Stuk Ex.ltut1*clcath out to?A ti!1tp uith Iiankfiltt ptubably ohl happc',,Mlets d ndiully dtcE typaaJptupoldl ca, b. p tatcllu. (accolrnrincy rgc

Abbreviations in written English

a Note following lhe abbreviatio.s ae common written which n English: 'id (from Latin en') = thatisto say ie the 'erempll (fiomtheLatin eg = for example gratia') 'notabene') NB = note(fiomtheLatin Miak'i-lJard .+(k !'o naft l1t 1al,of g,uth a Ccn al dobal B2Bfaod cx.hdileFoodttudu Aktn.o\ USS3TSbnlood h..o,i'rckdo iflah2001.OJlt.ldnou t, Foodthder tarhe! hatles to .dpturc 10D%,soh'c i. UStJ7t,r. (busine$ news anericas website)

b, tl)euay drtw I1o1'. tu"2r2 ttin W end nr ary,"an?? Do ary @b td b,tu ^nJoar b^ ant nnq? Will tt r snd tu aar nonaJr


44 Practice Exercise 1trtrLqEiH

Underline correct the words. l l likeall the marketing pafttculartthe frce sarnples. ideas, in oatticularlin hut 2 Framourpoint of iewltn ourpoint of viewrharwouldnot be a goodsolLrt on. 3 h seenslApparently, Board goingto appointa newCEO. rhe is 4 lt seems IApparently the Board going appoint newCEO. that a,haa is to a Fonunatelylwith 5 Soodfoftuneshewasn'tlinen;ng. 6 A.tuallylTruly, nevetreally l've trustedhim. question 7 Moving onlMoving b the on offinance, we'llned r.iseabout ro $2m. 8 WetriedaBuing with them, at theendl,in endwejustgave but the !p. 9 Frankieb managed get ajobat lastlintheendl to 19 Unlesslotherwise decide we within the nextfew weeksit'll be loo ate. I I lt'll be too lateunless/otherw,se decide we within the nexrfew weeks. 12 We mustdecide within the nextfew weeks, unless/othena,lse be too laie. it'll 13 Some countries Elrope, in ielegSpain keland, growing and are stlongty. 14 ELrropeb biggest three economies, Germany, leleg France the uK,areallgrowng strong and y.

Exercise H E 2
Complete replies thecomments the to below byfollowing instructionsbrackets using wods the tn and the andphfases thelistbelow from p.s19 anyway of couBe by the way above appareftly all Eftef all or rather unfortunatelyto befrank 1 'Weshould have prototype the rcady lune. by (give yourideas) .....Pft9..^411y....thinkaugust more rs rearrstrc. ,t 2 'Theinsurance thissystem on doesn't too expensive.' look (most people knowthis).........................-.--, ro be renewed it needs year every 3 'l'vegot Wo spare tickets the opera for toniqht. youinterested?' Are (you would to go bui can't) like .............................gota previous comrnltment. , l've 4 'Soat theendof thedaylthinkwe didquite well.' (change subjct) the ....---...................... didMatthew aboutparis? say , what 5'The jointventuE Optika running allsorts problems.' with is into of (behofen)..-........... ............. should never have entered jt in rhfirstptace. inro , w 'l thinkit mightbetimeto setup an office Estonia.' 6 in (suppoftthe previous naiament) ............................. operai Fintand. n , we akeady job?' qet 7 'Whydidnt Robed the newsales (give you information have hearo............................. a disaner , hisintervlewwas 8'Everythinq prepared- shouldn't anyp.obems., seemsverywell fhere be (prepare tofinish) ....................----..... talkaboutit again fearerrhe , we can time. job.' 9 'Carmen really deservd get the newsales to the reason) ..--.................--...... of herexpertence. {give monimportant . bcause 10'l thinkweshould tarqet nextlineof .lothes a youngef our at market., (corectyourselfl...... good Itsa idea, ---....itcouldbeagoodideaifwedon,ttoseour existing customeE doing by so-



Exercise A B D unit43 3
,-r 50 lncludes of Underne lhe corrcct wordsIn th|spresentation .bout roboticsThisexercise somerevieion unit 43. for and \1) Firstof alllAftet a , t'd ke to thank Kikolshida her kind wods of introduction, for nviting you thls mornrng. title of my ta k is 'TheAge of the Robof, and ' be talkinq The me hereto speak to rhet comrner.i. xploitauon. todayabout rcbotics, and (2)anywaylinpanicular (3) Espe.ially/clea rherc's y hugeinterest the subject, can be seenby the nurnber peoplein the in of as lo audlence as that overthe nextdecad roboticss goir'lg be today and this it not surprising we predict wodd! fanen growingindustries Togivean exampie/However, predidt we thal heath-care one of th @) w r c b o t sn l a p a n l o n e b e a $ I b i l l i o n m a r k e t b y 2 0 1 0 . T h e y l l b e p r e s e n t i n h o s p i t a h a n d n u r s i n q i a patients tak mediciner, patients who dlivering food t|ays.ceaninq,supponing homes, remindlnq to ke fot the haveproblems walkinq,and doingalmostevery4hing \s) except /instea.lof peellng qrapesl lconcening the ?enerclpublic, SonyCalporat on th nks thal As far as rhe generalpublic is cancerned 16) is s the bestplace launchthe rcbot rcvolution homeente(a nment,becaus ng ng and dancnq robots to (7) sometimes. Erpe./ally/Furthernore, don't do an!,thing elsential and t3 oK if they maka mistake market(8)evntua/t/at/a5t, with som,6 househods nq hav homeenlertainment lkely to be rhe brggesl is (9) robots. likethey havePCs today. As a nafter of fact/fLloving all the leadingp ayers on tlvo or thrce iust NEC aslfat exanpleMatsushita. and Omronare fvest ng lens ot m llionsol do a6 in lhe \1q such (11)lneanlAs a rcsuhprogress beenrapd, and scientsts now robats. has devlopment personal of (omplexactions walkingon two feet without lallingover necessary fof like undelstand technology the of 'robo sapiens' with someth that ng An the othethand/At the er4 ii! c ear that the development \12) (13)espe.ially/ot will Ethet a otlorcet. apprcximates humanintelligence lake longer, in between countries Japan leads /ln 114)Newftheless generclits clearihat In termsof competition frcn \he Arnercans try ng hardto catchup. And lapan are roboiics the momeft, (l5) although/apan at in of to doesurcentlyneeda whole new areaof products sellto the world as profit margin5 othrareas gets consumer electronics smaller So,\16t ln factlta sun up, t'vetriedto showyou how I be evewe?e enting a new age.the age oi the opportunitis robot,and t! an aqe that3 full of business

Exercise A B D unit43 4
from the correcl checkthe answeElo exercse beloreyo! do thiserrcse Thenfind wordsand phrases 3 below anrwers that ares m ar to the expressrons

2 3 5 6

To n wlrh bes
n iact As regarde

Fit:t+ Pt..All

9 Nowever 10 n short 12 despite la.t that ll-re

O n t h ew h o e Obviously l5 especially


repositions of place

..'t X

A rnaf with a scariaroundh s neckis ,n a tih He is teaning againrtthe wa of the tift. Thelitt is comingup from th nreet be/ow. h a mornenlthe manwill walk rrrough the fr doo6 and hto the office.He will put h s jacket o/r the coatsrand which is b//rear the tift.

3 Thereis a man!.vaiting the lilt. He haspressed button to go dorrn for the

An the ather side of the lilr doo6 rslane. She is wa k n9 at\tay frcn rhe tif\ aqass the rco'Yl, pastthe photocopier rowdrdra meetingroorn. Jackis besbelnexr the photocopie( to Aboyethe photocopier a shetf Ne s mov ng the boxes s ol paperoff the sheJ orto the floor 5!e and Ma* a.e siningaftheir desks oppojireeachorher Ther compurers in front of are lhem on thei. desks. Sehreen thernis a wane-paper and the photocopier behlrd Sue. bin s 1 Malk haspLrthiscoat overthe backof hischa S!e5 bag is underhr chair. n 8 SLre puninga etier /nJlde envelope Ma* s tak ng someth 9 ort of hisdrawer. is .n and n

A At or in?
q We useatto ta k aboutthe position somthing, of or.bour the place wheresomethng happens 4fshows a generalocation. Meet ne at my otfice. There's someoneat the door (posirion) I ll seeyau at the meeting. (wheresomethlnq happens)

,t, Weuse withihe name a conrainer, to show /ir of place rharsorneone lornethinq or nside it. plenn/of papetin the photocopier There's she's the third rcom on theleft. in Ou headofficeis in France/thenotth/paris. s stLrdythese ex.mples pub c buildings: for
yau at the airpott. I'llsee (the p acein qeneral)

you I I see in theaipan turmlnal(insrde buitdinq) rhe t hada hatddayat theoffice. (pefiaps spenl I some timeoutot rhebu ding) t beback theaffice thre (ifside buildrns) in at the


B Expressions with at in and on

a Note these fixed exprcssions with at at the frantlback at the toplbotton at tle ieaede at the stationlaipott Notethesefixedexpssions with in: in the middle in my hand in the corner in the country in the nkrar in the photo/picture (= in charge ir the chat ofthe meeting) at the beginninglend at hanelwo*/schaol in a queue/linelraw in a book/nagaanelnewspaper in hospitallprison

Noteihsefixedexpssions wirh on: on the left/ right on teleision lthe radio on the phone/ the computer pagelnap on the scrcen on the on the M6 (motorwaysand .oads) on the first floot on the plaXornlpavenent on the Rhinekivea) (but in a carltaxibecause are containedn a smdller you on the plane/busltrain wher space you cant standup)

a Wthaddresses,weuseinforthestrcetnameandatwhenwe5aythestreetnurnberasw Americans on for streets. use Out offices are in Piccadilly. Out offlces are at 14 High Street. I went shopping on fifth Avenue.

c AboveI below over I under

a Above/bebw mean'higher/lower They be used than'. can wiihout objeci. an The lloor above/below usE occupted an t^sutah.e by <ompany Fron the mountain lcould seethe lakebelow a Ovet/undet mean' above/below'. bothneed object. They an Weflew dght ovet Windsor Castle ou wayinto Heathrcw on fhere'sstll a lot of oil under the sea. for In Over also used movemenl. thiscase rslike'across'. can be it Wehaveto go over/acrossto the othetsideof the strcet. Olcan ;l5ome.n'covering'. They put a plastic ve sheet over the hole in thercoL a All 'oJr wo.os beLsed posrtronsa management tor In hrrarcny <an Aboveme b the gles DircrTorUnderme thetearc faur sabsstaff.

D Opposite, next tolbeside, nearlby

'exactly the othersideof a space. a Opposire means on we satowosiE eachother in theneefing. mean'exactly the sldeof. Sesdecanbe rnore at O Nextro andbeside forrna. .tohn shouldsit nert tolbeside lrene the neeting. at 'close 8y medns theside . 'at O lvear means io' of good restaurants Iherc areoneot tvto near herc. can we havea tableby the window? Wehada halidaynearthe sea. (close the sea- a few ki omtres to away) Wehada haliday the sea. (westayed the beach hy on mostof th time)



45 Practice Exercise #9ry 1g

Underline coffect the word. 1 Look theAppendix in e/by the endof threport. 2 When gotiDlo, theplane I someone sitting myseat. was in . 3 Whata fantnic view!Theskyaborclo!r andthe seabetowtunder. 4 Next wek beatl,h Hungary a fewdaysl'll for 5 Turn Wenern into Avenue you'll ouroffices and see onlatyourlft. 6 Yo! canl miss Thestaurant exa(lybyloppogre cinerna. itis the 7 | often workinlat home theevening. in 8 | bought tie irlat Madison this Avenue. jun 9 she'll helein a few minutes 5he3 arlonthe phone thernoment. be at l0 Thepower socket over is there, bylaathe door. graph t labelled I I This propey.W te theunit5 isn bylnento theX axis. 12 lwent to visit sonin/af hospital my yesreday. 'I3 Puta sheet abor/oyer machine stopit getting the to duny. 14 Siena quite is nearlby Florence. 15 l'll seeyoutomorrowat ten thirt!, lnlby myofiice. I 6 lt! a large block. offices atlo, thefifteenth Our are floor 17 I sawSimon atl/h thestation whileI waswahing a train. for 18 I musthave been standing inlafthe queue hatfan hour for 19 You'll ouroffices theylebylneal llrnirue storc. next (the see a btock) 20 You'llsee offices they're our (the bylnear furoiture a store. nextbulding)

Exercise [ f 2
Complete sentences in,at or on. the with I I\.... Manor Road, ...4!-...number 295. 2 Youshouldn't park really ............ pavement_ the 3 | hada lovely meal .......-.... plane. the 4 l'd liketo live.......--... country the whenI rerire. 5 Goto theendof theroad, you'll the bank ...... righi. and see ..... the 6 l'll be .rriving your ............ offices ............ Barcelonathree. at 7 Lisbon............ middle Poftugal, is the of ............ coan. the 8 i meet ............ frontof thebuilding ten minutes. you the in 9 | wonder rFlevnion evening. whars........... rhis 10 Thesize ofthe text............ screen very the is small. Coutdnl bebtgqr7 it I1 | lve ............ a smallvillage -........... road Dover the to l2 ............ beginning mycaerlworkedin marketing. ih of 13 lt wasa verywell-run meetjnq. was._.......... chair Erika the 14 | wasn't looking ............ mirror I neaiyhadan accident. the and 15 She work.. ........ Seville, ............ Universiiy. the 16 The salesfigures? Yes,lhavethem here.....__._...... right myhand. l7 lwaltedpatiently ..-.-....... back the queue. the of 18 I thinkI lefi myb efcase .........-.. chair the ............ restaur.nt. the l9 l'm off sick thernoment, I should back.. ........ at but be wofknext week. -he 20 ldn Fhan.e nFrer,s N4 slill .....prison.


E x e r c i s3 ! ! ! ! e
Complete emailbychoosing correctpreposition this the fiom the listbelow. towads over pasr thrcugh in front of by in +at (x2) on (x2)

Hre ar the dlrectrons(1)..-...1P..-... ou.t'".0 om*. Tak rh A3 from oxiord and thenjoin the M4 (2).................. London notwarsr)- com offrh M4 (3).................. junction 12 .nd contrnuesrElghl ahead. Conilnu (4) -.....--.....--... nen tuo rcundabouts,so (5) .....-......-..... BP rhe a ga96 (6)......-....-...... your nghtand yo! ll@m6 to 3om tEfic rrqhtsYou are now {7),......,.........Rsdins. Go strarghr (3),..,...._....._... rrafiic rrghGand (9).._.....,......... nBn sr of rishrs,rum d9ht. Henry strsot is the srh road th rha (1o) ......-.....-..... lfi, Folld the oad to the nd and th offi i6 (11) .,,...,,,...,,,... your lhsr6 is E rong driv6 rh (12) ......-.....-..... slde of the ofrce - you @n park lhclh lf you hv6 any p@blmsglve m a ll. but lt! vry eey Ellyl

Complete email putting suitable wordin each this by spa(e. wellasthewords sections B,C and As in A, 9!e posgible useio, D it isalso to

lhanks for s.dins m the artwork ro. rh6 masdin advrt. I hv a r6w @mmnts about the layout (1) ..,..,,pt\,,,, page. The photosraph (2) ..,..........._... rop r@ks sood, bur insr.d of being (3) ....,....,,.....,, mtddrs I thlnk lt 6hourd rh6 th6 bs (4) .................- rfr,(5).,......-....--... rh6 txr- Th6n (6).-.....-.....-.... orhd @merwe courd have the @mpany th6 ro rh6 Old you know there's going to b6 an arricl aboutour@mpany (7).........--.....-. sam6 magazing? I hope lr willb th6 ( A ). . . , , , . . , , . , . . t h.e p a s s d i c t l y ( 9 ) . . . - . . . . . . . . . .,. .b u t t h a t i s n t { 1 0 ) . . - . . . . . - . . . . .m y. h a n d s . .. . .. ... Can you also give the artwork (11) ...-.....-......-. Steve for hls @mments? He should b6 back (12) ..-......-......-. work on


A Verb + preposition
* Hreis a n of verbs and ihe prepositons norma y usedwth them:

rcnpete againsl on Can you take .arc of the affi.e while l'n autT

tue apptiedfor a newjob. no.k Mt ddnn(,l.d l,t lho . .ohtttuies nnldn\g a d Ei.tsat thot oill b.,ejtJron rnn\g\ahs al moL,ilc ]rhrra thdt&h ddts t f trr,.r. (Bloombcre.con vctsite) r1t Rr @ro,\, k Jocrtedon knovlcdrc tthh.l.g. dkd (Thc Srrrishtslirncs Lrtcra*ive

Rc.qnlaror ro wl\tand rk uccd hank:to neryL d dor't tftn obje.t to tl(:. hrya. ror a far (BusnrcsWcck Ncbsitc) Someof the verbs abovecan be usedwithout preposiiion oblect +

I hape/knaw/insist. lt depends
Othe6 musthavea prepoeiion object. + pro.ess consistsof tour main sljges. The I n rclying on you fot yout suppon. lt belongs to me Thisvrrl leadto a lot ol ptoblens

seeunt 16 4 In questions prepostion goesat the end the usually


Whatdaesit @nsist of?

Whaarcyou waitingfot?

B Verb + objed + preposition

a Wth romeverbs objctcomes lh beforethe preposiiion. Hereafe somecommonexampes: ask soneane about/fol boftow sanethinq lrcn conparc sanethinq widl/to @ngntulate saneone on divide sonething into

explainsonethingto inform soneoneabout/of insurc sonethin9 agai ntt

invite soneone to prcte.t soneone frcm

sharcsonethingwith spendsanethingon
split sanething into supply saneone with

prcvent soneonefrcm

tantlate saneth ing into

can theyinsurc usagainn frc sk?

,Nol,odl tr R!si. 6 tretdrcd to irrst

We've tpent $2m on advenising this year. tto!t..t ifl ptudr.ior. (Le Mand. DipLanatiqre

"absite) O cle dnn nr lrry Elli'a" his ofarcd r sol io, to fuhathe e6 ds tvli tosoJt\flanapoly:'Th.l lntld srlit thc cootp y iato tuD drd h [Mntu\oJtpptidetu] Stfle Ballw mn aneNnpaty auj lct Bill Cat.s f,tt theothex' (Wned nngrne rvebnte) Wirh remjndthe is a d tference meaninq in btween abourandof. Gillianrcninded ne about the aryointnenL (= she told me nor to forSeo (= sheis fe my sister) Gillianrcninds ne of ny sister


c verb + different prepositions

,! Some verbs can 90 with severadifferentpreposit ons Theyagreed to give us beftet terns af paynent. agreeio/with/about OK, 1agrce with you about the need far .utting casts. lnust apalagiseto susanfor ny aMul behaiou last niqht. Shall we askfot the bill? Ask the waiter about the dish af the day. l'm goinq ta complain to the nanaget about the serui.e in hete. I heard about the nev\/s fron a calleagueof mlne l've never heaftl of that company they'rc nat very well-known. llearnt a lot about nsurance frcm my lanjob Canyou help ne - In laaklng for meeting raan 3 Thisproblem results frcn bad planninq, and h wil .esult in chaos. 1need ta talk to yau about the new constructianprcject What did yau thnk ol the neeting? What are yau thinking about? They'vewtiften to us ta complain about our poor setvEe.

D Uses of different prepositions

$ partculark ndsof inforrnaton Knowing Someprepositions usedlo ntroduce are this can he p you to understand someof the diiiefences section in C abolr oiten ntrodlcesrhe at otten ehows direction for often showspurpose or fron often lhows the origin Do yau know about EUrcgulatians thisarcd? in We re thinking ahout changing ou advettisingslogan 1n looking at yau otder detaih on the sc.eenright now. I hate it when ny bassthouts at ne t nust apologise lor being late. Ive asked the waitet fot the bil I haven t head frcm then fot a lang tine. fhis prablem results lrcm bad planninq. Can we agrce on a discount af 5ok7 we're depending on yau ta fin3h the jab by ftiday. Coutdyau explain thls clauseto ne, please? l don'tthink he was listening to ne

on often showsconfidence ro often rclels to a pe6on 'l herebyempowery@, Adbro* T,wllLln!, to wlter ny plntrt!. And l.t'3 har no rcre about hor I n.v.r deleg.te authority,''

192 1l5 VEnOr PREPiOSI'ION

46 Practice
Exercise 1 X
Complete sentences a word from lin A anda word ffom lilt B. the with A: apprcve depend know lead believe sufier syFpar+$se wait B: about for from in of on to vfrh I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 your | ally-tyr4P4tli5-e...wi-tl. problem, thel nota lot I cando. but Positive issoimportant. really You have ............................. youlsef. thinking to fii youout5ide you?e What saying only............................. can onepossible conclusion. Ofcoutse size ourorderwi11............................. the of theprice. Yo!rCVi! n.on9 most in areas, what you............................. but do marketingT lmports always ............................. theef{ects a nrongdollar of laways haveto lookrmad-my doesn'i boss .............................clothes. inforrna

Exercise E 2
Underline correct the word. I I thinkwe should them ask information. &/aboutlw,th more yo! pa.ts 5,000 2 Can supply forlaboutlwith enough for vehicles? us I 3 You'er d meabourloflfor soreone 4 lf I foEet,remind abourlollfor again theendof themeeting. me it ai 5 Themanagement union agairstlfronlfor blamedrhe causing stdk. the 5 l'm writingto informyoulot / about on ov newG ge ot prcducts, l fotlinlintoNvo 7 We mighthave splitthe otdet to separate shipments. 8 CanyouthankL4rMate aboutlfotl with all hishelp? us 9 l'd liketo congratulate Particia ohlforlaboutwinning Employee the Month. of prevents operative 10 This safety feature the agairsrlfromllv/t, suffefing injury any year plant newmachinery 11 This we'llbe investing thanf4m onl,lolto mo.e and year plant newmachinery 12 This we'llbe spending than4monl,lolto more afd

Exercise I D 3

Complete thesesentneswith prepositions. Choose from:about,at, fot, frcn, ln, to, of at with. 1l'mwritinq......t9......attourcustomers...4he!|t..offersthismonthonseecledmodel 2 Whowas talking ................. what ? And was Georye exactly heta k ng ................. ? you 3 Nave heafd anythinq ................. Offi.e? Head They they'd said decide week. this 4 Who3Giuseppe saponi? never l've head.---............. hlm. 5 Doyoulikethe newdesign? Whatdo youthink................. it? 6 Doyouagree ..........-...... me........--....... this? 7 Theimp.oved fiqures.esult -................ investments madean yeaf. sales allthe we nowshould resuh yea 8 Tre rrvenrnenB remdftnq we .......... oener ...... sal.s^exr you 9 | munapologise .................. contaciing e.rlieri l'vebeen busJr not very but l0 l'd like complain io ..........-.---.. themanager ........-......... thefood. you 11 Make youlook................. sure thesmallprint before sign an),thing. 12 Uness theifquality improves, have look-.-............... supplier we'll to a new


Exercise 4l$ffigU
Complete sentences onewordfromlistA andonewordfromlistB. the with A: agrced apologised apply belong comply explainheard hoping nsist listen pay qualit ey remind B: about on on from with with to to to {+ lor for for for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1l 12 l3 14 Youcan...........e411..............&t...thegoodsintwelvemonthyinnaments. Excuse butdoes umbrella me, this ............. The things to .........................--.. theclient I ndouttheir firrt ............. needs. to I asked lawyer .................-........... ............. my to thecontract me Evrybody ............................. thedecision. unanimous. ............. lt was Therc'sa jobin R&D. new lwonder Chrir goingto...... if 6 ........... ............. t. good You always ............................. herln a crisis. ........... iillisa te.mmember can They've . .. .................. ....ihedelay sdid the tems in thepost. ........ ... and that arc I'm certain foeet. it nedrcr time. to the year lt's been dlsappointing We're ........................................btterresutssoon. a yo! Have . ........................... Jacke ............. rcennyT hasn'twrtten ages. 5he for Does produci....... this ................................Eutopeansafetynand.rds? No,no,1............... ............ ..... ...... paying. Yo!'re guest. my lf we build factory thatarea l in we .............regional grant. the a aid

prepositions. scond The Complete emails thecor.ect the with number each in brackei shows number the of

(2-4) ,................. your Iv6 jusr ben lookins (1-2) ....-..41......your weusite ano companns yo!r on-tin bankhs raciritr6 (3-5)................-.. c o m p o t i t o r s .h r e s a f 6 w r h i n g s I d l i k 6 r o $ t y o u T you, how much will I pay (g!3) .-................ a) lt I want to boiiow mon6y (4-.4)..........-....... lh6loan? | .$!m rhat your (6-2) ...........,....., lower int6Est rale than a normal bank. chaper operatlng ests will rosult a b) | see thal ll I open an ac@unt this monrh I quarlt (7-3) ...,....,......... credil cErd wilh spcial payment terms. oo you a otr6r In6uEnca (3-a .................. ontine fraud with rhis rd ro prclect rd-hotde6 (9,4) .................. hacke6 who mtght I look loNard to headng (1O-4).-................ you. Thank you.

Thank you (i1-3) .................. takinq e long lo reply, ,oor rent 6mail a.d I apologis6(12-3) ..-...-........... Here is the informalionyou requaatd. a) You en r6ly (132) .................. fact lhat our intorsl ralos ar v6ry 6mpatiliv6,lrut lcannol glve exact fiqus 63 ll lh depends (14-2)..........-.......lhe amounl you w6nt to bomw linvit6 you {1t2) ..................chck table on ourwebsit6 lhe forthis infomalion.l n assueyou that w6 d6alwith tha pr@ss vry quickly afrer applyhg (16 3).................the loan youshouldnthav6rowaitmorethanafedatb6forhganng(17-")............. us b) Yes,6s soon as yo! tnfom !s (1&5) ..........-..-...- posibl fraud asecialed with yolr rd we take re any (19-2).-.......-........everything retund any mon6ythatyou hav6lost.In relationto our@n cunomerac@unls, w do and everythingnecessry to prvenl hackE (20-4)....-............. edenng fi systm, and hav investdhavily (21 2) .................. sra ov this I hope this ansers your qu.srions. Plse do not h*itate io @ntact us again if you lhink (22-4 -...-...-......... anylhing else.

djective + preposition
A Adjective + preposition

n S o r n e d j e c t v e s nh a v e p r e p o s l i oa f t e r t h e mT h e p r e p o s t i o n m a y b e f o l o w e d b y a n o u n a ca a We re al disappointed with the paar figures. I n rcsponsible for a salestean of eight people that caves the south of the cauntty. Whenfollowedby a verb,the 'ing lorm mun be used. We might be intetested in placing nore ordes in the futurc

a An adlecrive a so be followedby a to infint ve. lf we needto menton. person, usefor can we between adjecliv the infintve the and It's inpoftant to follow the safen/procedurcs It's inpottant for us to move quckly in thesenegotiatians. h\ good Jor childrct to ndhe thln ouat.lqi.6.TooMrh u.Ll iM,nU lihunliyr ttdhs thnt it\ hddo.fat n' ta \ct ban.lrti.\.tdr ,rcrr. (cu..di.n rvcbsite)

B Feelings
a Manyerampesof adjclive prepostonareconnected + wilh leelings fed !p with

l'n rcally excibd about staninq ny new iab. l'n not very keen on fied faad, to be honest Six b k at int.rested lityillq ai 86yo 'tnkeii Por\ Bd a lati a. (Busncs Ncws in Am$ic"s wcbsnc) . Forbehaviour lowafdsanotherperronwe useadjeciv+ to Examplee good to, krrd ro, nclude nice ta pahte ta, tude to. When ny nothet was iI ffty @lleaqueswerc a very kind to rr,e. I thaoght he was ftthet rude to the waitress.

l , t

r f , . 'I n r t , l
i\ i'

1 * [ l




re. H@ota&wi'w



C Other adjectives
a Here some are other com.non examples adjectivepreposition. of +

itfor gu ry or usedto (= a(customed to) lacking in

My opinions verydilfercnt frcm you6. arc Au .onpany is famousall averthe wo d fot thequalityaf itsengineeing. 5hewasfull of enthusiasn whenI expbineo Eea. ou We'reusedto the delays the netrc. Theyhappen the tine. on all

D Adietive + choi.e of preposition

a Some adjectives befollowed diffentpreposltons a smattdiflerence can by wth in mean n9. Often prepositionused one is torthings.ndanother people. for 'Weae eocl' ftsponsibl. a paxnutur.ot ptnal arca.'- Efpatt Advnq Gebd Jor I n veryangry about thedelay I n veryangry with themfot causing delay this Hewasannoyed about what thejourhatist wrote Hewasannoyed with thejaurnalist. Ive nevetbeenverygood at dealing with .onflict. A newpetsan the top wauldbe good fot the(onpany. at 5he3verygood with diffiult cunones Areyau happy with ny suggestion? Cangfttulations!n veryhappy fot yau bath. I I'n rcsponsiblelor all thetranspotlandbgistics_ TheFinance Ditector directlyrcsponsibleto the CEA. is I n sotry about all the troublel've caused . I n sotry for cauting so nuch ttouble. lfelt sotry for George whenhe didn't get thepronotion.

good/bad (abI ly) at

sorry (+ inq) ior


47 Practice
Exercise Ett l
Complete eachsentence 1-10 with an endingaH)

I Areyou intersted 2 Thismodelis difierent

g !

you 3 Arc aware

4 5 6 7 8 9 lo


They were really annoyedn He3 very become keen n good lane really is n I'msotired.l'm used E not areyouready ! lwasquite surprised n lcould bewrcng n

people. a) at motivating goods. b) with usforsending wrong the c) for another nk? d you d) oithe difficulties arccreating? e) about this, I don'tth nk it'sgoing work. but to Intrnet caf6s thistown. in 0 bythenumberof items fromthe catalogue7 9) in anyother h) fromtheoldonein some important ways. i) to thetimedifference yet. j) on keeping rccently. tit

Exercise ! | 2
Complete sentences onewod fromlistAandonewod trom stB. the with A: attached tired dependentpepcler involved sale suitable serious Br about for from in of on to *ith 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8

This fundisvery ...r9e4!+t:..... ....*i11....investors groMh. looking long"term for Thefirewallshould thenetwork make ..--....-.............. ................. by hackers. attack Forfudherdetaik,seethecopyofthecontract........................................thslette previous Stafting is....................... salary ................. experience. I don'tthinkthey?e ....................... ................. theyhaven't thE been touch weeks. in for process, design production. Wete ,,............,,,,,,,,, ,,,,..........,,, stigeof the every from to | need change. ....................... a l'm ................. thesame doing thing very day. Hedge furds very iskyThey not ................... .......... p vate re arc the investo..

Exercise3 I
Undeinethecoffect word1 I m 'eallyangry aboutl)ufu themfor not lettingusknowsooner. 2 l'vespoken Robert l'm reasonably wtrlfolall the a(angemenrs. io and happy 3 l'm reallyhappywithlfor t\,laggie, deserved get prcmoted. she to 4 l'm a bit annoyed aboutlwthallthisrcnfusion thewronqinvoices. with 5 l'm a bit annoyed aboutlw,th themfor sending wronginvoices. the 6 I'm sotryaboutlforvthat happened yesterday. 7 )'m sotryaboutlfor a i\ing so late- I got delayed trafiic. in 8 I feelverysorry aboutlfor Frances. didn't deserve betreatedlikeihat. she to 9 Lowinflationis goodatltorleyfh every sector the economy. of 10 She'dbe ercellent Human in Resources, reallygoodatlforlwith people. shes 11 Richard, youhelpuswiththistranslation? e goodatlforlwithFrcn can You h. you ned rcferthe decision 12 lf to upwadr who areyou responsible forlto? I 3 A$headof depatment,how manynaff arcyou responsible forlro? 14 Whoisresponsible the Scandinavian forlto market?


E x e r c i s4 R R m e
Complete second the sentence it has similar so a meaning thefirstsenrnce. to 1 Consumers theoldmodels bit boring. find a consumels a bir bored are ................ry.i.t.t'r...t1e,..-"ld..l.eC''s!a.................. . 2 JLrlia Adrians ls wife. J, a isnamed ..... ... .......... 3 l'm notaccultomed drivinq the left. to on Irf nolu5ed 4 | need getth room preparcd themeeting. to for I eed gelrhe'oom lo ready ...... 5 Doyoufindarchaeology interesting? you Are .. ............................ . .............................. 7 6 Whathe said made angry has me l'n angry.. ........... 7 Mathematics always best was my subject. I wa< walsve-y . 9oo0 8 Theadvenising campaign a disaner said would was You it be. You wer rght............... ............. . lt wasa dsaner 9 There peopLe rheconference In we'elors o, r.. La Thecor'ercnce wasfull.. 10 I don'trcally heridea. like l'n rct 'eay very leen.. ........

Complete sequenc erna witha wod fromthe n below the ol ls a,ir attachedcapablecomparible covereddependent invoved lackng are opposed prepared right similar useful

Arc you (1) ......4W.41e....,, the articreabout customor Rtationshtp of Manasemnt (cRM) in ths rare$ Business W 6 k ?l ' v e s c a n n d t a n d ( 2 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .i . .l . . . h i s E m a i t . i r ol Basicallt it says that in the past @mpanies were (3) ..-......-.............. lheir brend nam, but in the tutur6 weI hav to on b (4) ......................., 6ustome6 changing s!pplier mo.6 ofin. for To give bettersruic w6ll need CRM soit .re (5) ........................ interalingcusromr hlomaton across rn saBs of

ror, call @ntre 6nd w6bsiie That infomalion also be@mes (6) ......... ............. marktinq thtngs tike for understandlngbuyingbhaviourrrememberyousayingsomelhing(7).......................tothisinameetingtastyeaiand as you are (3)........................ tT purchasingdecisions tlhoughtyou shoutd see lhe artict6. in

Re: Cusromgr RetationshipManag6m6nt

Thanks forthe email. Yout absorutery(9) ....................... about th6 importan@ ofCRM, and if you remen,ue| proposed at that meeting thar w inv66r in new CRM soltwa@. Most popte @re (1O) ._......_............... to lhe idea, parly becausofrh6dlflrcultyinfindingsofi\rar(11)..._................wiltrourorhertTsystems.tsaidarthetimethatthey wereabit(12)..................._..invision,burir's.orbo(13)....................._forusto$an.f[puttog6rh6rashortreporr based on th6 idas (14) ...-...........-.....-.. rh6 arrictand circulate it. Thanks again. in


oun + preposition
A Noun + preposition
a Here s a listof nounsand ihe prcpositions normally usdwith them: abililyin

ditficulty with

B Noun + preposition (from unit 46)

a Manyoi the verbsin unit 46 haverelatd nount wlh the prposition. Hereare someexamoles: a9reement th/about w

C Noun + preposition (from unit 47)

a Many theadjectivesunir47 h.verelated preposton. are of in nouns thesame wirh Here

suitabty for

D Rise, fall + oflin

a Words.efedng io inc.eases dercares(liker,!e, laL etc)can be fo owed by of or rn. and Of rcfers an amount./, refers the thing thai hasincreased decreased. to lo or Therehas beenan increase/riselreduction/fall in aaeratino Drofit of 3a/o.


E Connection, relationship + withlbetween

a One thing hasa link with another. Ihete is a link between tyo things. Wordsthat can be folowed by eltherprposiUon include: connectian, relatianship, link, conttast" differen e Thereis a cannection/relatianshiplcontun with what happened last year. Thereis a canne<:tionl relatianshiplcont?st between bst Wat and thisyear

F Need, wish, ,equest + for

a 'need'or tequest' hdvefor aftrthem. Exa Nouns meaning mples nc Lrdapplication fo, demand fac need foc oder faa preferencefor, rcquest for.

G Prepositionalphrases
a (peposition noun phrase): phrares Hereis a listof commonpreposilional + at shortnotice, costprice,at a good pnceiat a proft/loss,at first sight at I ve had ta call this neeting at short notice becauseaf the urgencyof the situation. prcfit when labou castsare so high. It's tliffi.ult to sellat a rcasonable by accident, carlbus/taxr, chance, creditcad, by hand,by law, by rnstake, by by by by posi/cou.ierby rcium {of post) We net in the streetby chance. lt was quite unexpected. Please us knaw you decisionby rctun as fw+ker delay will result in hlghet casts. let tor a change, lunch,for pleasu.e. sale for for Wauldyou like to lain us for lunch? We always eat pizza. Tonight let'sgo to a Thaircstauant fot a .hange. in advance. bulk,in cash,in charge in connection in of, wirh, in debt,in the end,in lavourof, in general, in. hurry in the markel(companiet, my op nion,in rtock,in fnancialtems, in in the pipe ne, in touch,in trouble,in otherwords,in wrt n9 We need25o/o the total pice in advance, with the balancean receipt ol the gaads. of |'n sotry vtE don't have that nodel in sto*. We re expeclng sane mare next week. 'Iruesto6 h Ttst wta avaiLdbL lk b.lieI tl&t uorc lositire ew ea! in the pipeline,'an ondlytsoid. (ShanghiiD.ily ivebsite) on the basis on busness, foot, on hand,on hoLd, hoiday,on the Internet, the of. on on on otherllfe, on loan,on the market(productt,on order, ih phone,on p!rpose,on sae, on on strike, television, tack, on a trip, on rhe whoe on on I think we (an nave forwatd on the hasis of what we ve discussed We don t have any in sto.k ight now but there are 20 ikms on otder n ra A.hl.itdct. , xp.,i.ttll dpdl'ndtldr CaLd,nan. at Ct,hdn ap tuna, w^ on hand,a da thej"dftidl cngn'eeitg (Busines Week website) The uonot'y tM on ha.h lot rcauery, Mr sakai:'d irt'sted. Theretwuld, he said,bagrowth d nng tE dtent qua ex (FT.corn websire) out of date,out of order, out of business Vetsian6? Yaursoftu/are is a bit out of daE isn't it? Theyre seling veEian 8 now. Sorry the lift is out ol otder. Youll have ta use the nairs. up ro oare,up Io you I useve\ian 8 of this sottware - it's the nost up to da. I dan't nind which renaurant we go to. lt s up to you.

2|X, 4a

OUI{ + PREPatSlTlOttl

48 Practice
Exercise tIIl I
Complete sentences a prcposition the with frcm the list below. between betwn {or tor in in cf of te to with with you you yesteday? 1 Have rcceivdreply......l9---... email sent a the 2 ]he demand ................. microchips isvery cyclical. 3 lhe esults year in nrongcontrast................. of theyear thi5 are those before. 4 There a strong is -..............-- results those the!arbefor, cofiast these and of 5 What5 matter the ................. PC? it dashed? vour Has year 5 Last there a fall...-.....,,,,.... was unemployment .................O,5o/o, 7lsthereanydifference...,...,,,,......thesetwoboxes?lheybothlookthesame, I Atthe moment lcanlthink of anyro|ution.................problem. the profits disappointing. wasa ise................. 9 Theincrcase................. wa5 There only47o. 10 l'd liketo place order................. cases single whisky. an forty of malt

Exercise f ![ 2
Complete sentences a word flom lin A anda word from lin B. the with A: .advantagefocus involvementobjection payment price suitability tFecbh B: of of for tor in on to *ith 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 We're to suppliels. have much we so ....1!'...r14h!-e-.... rhem. tilh.. 9oin9 change gonedown The....................... oil has ........... by$2 a baffel sinceJanuary. The..................................usingasmall@mpanyisthithey'teu5!allycheapel We'rewastingtime,wenedto.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,...,,,,,,,,,.themainissue. yet. We haven't rceived ..,,,,,,,,............, ,,,,,,,,,,, lastinvoice the Does anyone any..........,,,,,,,,..... have .......,,,, propos.l? it3 aqreed, that OK, There rumours theh,..........,,,,,,,,..., are ot .......,... illegalarm5 dea15. lt!aviolentfilm.l'mnotsurcabouti6.......,,,,,,,.............,,,,,,,avounoaudience,

Exercise tr 3
underline corect words, the 'I 4lrn filst siglt it lookslikea gooddeal,but w needmoredetaikatltb a hurry 2 A: Shall try usinga different w supplir byllor a change? B: tt3 uplout to you. 3 Arc you paying bylin ca:hot bylin opdit cad? 4 Thehouse nextdooris torlat sale.ltS benorlir the ma*et for ages. 5 Very Eoard few members atl,ir favourof the merge.,n/O, the whole,theythink it will createmo arc prcblems than it sohies6 We needto keep,iDlon toudr with the situation it develops. as 7 Are],ouhereonlfor business onlfor de6ure? or 8 A: Didyou do it bylon purpose? B: No,ot course | did it bylon m,istake. no! 9 Byl/n financial trmsthqy'renot doingwell.rhefre $ t0m inlout of debt. I 0 A: *tick, irs PaulBrock JrcmTyco atlon th phone. you B: Can put himatlo, holdwhilellook for hisfile? l'veJound l'lltakeltat/on theother OK, itline.

4a I||OUll + PnEPOSltlOltl 20i

Exer<ise4 E
prepositional phrases. Study underlined the Writethe entence letteraFl) containing nextto a eachphrase phrase similar l-l2 below a) l'm sony,I think we weretalkingat cross oumoe' Letme makemyself clear b) Forthe timebeino lthinkw should wait Weran make decision a later c) lt3 to our advantage wo* togetheron this.We'rcall in the same to boat. (amecompleGty ot the blue. d) lr wasfantasitic news And it out in e) Ther3 newproducts the pioline. two They'llbe launched thisyear, later f) Youhaveto be really the ball.Theshuation on changes the tim. all qfflhC_Egadof course, the company close bankruptcy. g) l'm speaking but is to youcan5eeits quitecomplicated. i!_a_lgblhell mun act soon. h) As Bul we i) We?eadhidEg here.lf theytake usto courtwe'll prcbably lose. j) l m afraid newCEO out of hisdeoth is withthislatest the crisis. k) Sorry, a!ftthe-qlr$iao. We couldneverage to that. its l) h the lonorun shares a betterinvestment bonds. are than 1 2 3 4 5 6 about without realisingE diffeEnt things quick-thinking quick-acting and = to sayit biefly andclea y L--l in thesame unpleasant situation n ln a situation istoo diffcult him n that for in a situation might that cause trouble n 7 8 9 to tt t2 unexpectedty planned prepared being and over lonotimeDeiod a for a shon-penod trme of possrble nol unoff'crally

n n n n n

prepositions, srond Complete sequence emaibwith correct the of the The number each in bracket shows the number letters thword. of in

Th. IntBrurBG ior rh post of lt manager aE happnlnq n6n ssk. nd PeEonnet have just s6nt m6 hrorm6ton (1r5) Aig'al. .ll the @ndldatos, I thoughr re should q6r logorher to diqse the CVs and th6 quoq ons wB are sohs rc tocus on in th lntryiws. H6b Er ny ihouqht6,(2,2)...--....--. myoprnron rh6E rsa n6d (3-3).......,,...som6on6 wlrh a good knowtds6 (4-2)............Bystem8lnregtion, b6eus6 rh6 ddn@ly (5-a) --...-...... ourdcnr tT sy6t6m ts thata[ thB parls work soparEtely -!u. wbait6, th6 bact-ffi@ p|b@slng. blllhg, our supply chain 6tc, I hop6 re @n find s endidato who has shown.u@56 (6-2)...---.....deallng with alr th@ pro@ss in rhir pEvloG lob. but Personnerhav r@ady wamed me thst ih.6 lack (7-2) ......,.....Earry 3ton9 ndrdates. Arao, a lot or our lT jnfra.lructurc 16qult (&3) ..........-- daie and @rl hv6 to mak6 a bis invshnt (+2) ,,,...,,,,.. of nw hardwa@sn. w6 n*d som@n6 whoS (lo-2).....-...... touch wnh whars (113) ...._....._ sate (12-2) ,,...,,,.... the markl and n take .ponsibiliry (133) ..--.....--. whol6 pumha.lng prc(:esth6 What do you think? lf3 (14-2) -....-....-- to you - l'm f. for a reoting mGt momings n6x w6k.

Yes, w should have a mettng. lt will be good to disos ttE rfiin$ (1+2) ....,....... adwn@ (16-3) ...-........ chang. a Usuallyth6 intNlews are (17-2) .---....---. such shon noti@ that w dont gt a.ian@ to calty took at lh6 CVs togglher and msk dcbions (1a-5) ..----...--. kind of qutions @ c going Next Tu*day mominq woutd be good for the


nds, graphs and figures

A craphs and figures
a Herc some are comrnon types graph: of

(10)or words(ten) nforma wlt ns r.rse Nlmbe6 can be writtenar symbols symbosfor tarqe amounts and wods for everything (ordnas likesecond, else two numbe6loqether, esrimates, pag205 etc) Seeexercse on 4 Nolethe fo owing waysto tay numbers: f6 15 sixpaunds fifteen Notethai a decrna point is writtenas a dof. not a cornrna ke in some anguages.

paint turaf/ve (NOT O25 noughtlzero p+F++,*/eF{y+rfe)

numbers: Large Acomma can be usedto separate rhous.nds from hundrcdsNotice useof ,and inBrrish the English. 6,244 sixthousand a hund.ed (in BrEand ArnE) t 6,284 sixthousand ttuohundrcdand eighty(in UE, hut ArnEhasno,and,here) 2m two nillion (NOTFdliF5) 2.5n two point five/two and a half nillion

B Trends
a Study verbs describe these lhat ditfeenlrerds (= rendenc es).

| --| . . .



t---.t - \


a a

Note ako: to doublq to triple, to halve. foms: Notetheseiregularvel1) - went - gone grow - gtew - grown 90 fal-fe - falen ise-rcse-risen

O Notethesenouns: a ise, growth, an inprcvenent, a fall, a drcp, a peak,a rccovery a half, a doubting penodd fenr ea ier,Nnparcd ManuId.tulnsindbtry adeR inJdrsdryrose 1|.1%ton the sone website) uith faM^ of an 11.2% ti'e. (wan SrreetJoulnal seerho uni 43 a Nore_hp'ollowinqplepoiilions: sales increased flon 55.4mto r5.8rn. sales increased $0.4m. by in Therewas an increase salesot S0.4m. wasa 3'k inctease sales. in There (nan and linishfigures) (diffepncebetween stdftdnd finishfgures) (aiter a noun or noun phras) (bforc thing that is changing) the

b T1r slnrc of U.S. copitals|tndks de@tcd nfonotio,l teelhololl hG norc thai tiplcd lihd tlrh a: biotctholog dtebooni'9. (B$ine$Weck website) 1960,frod 10% to 35%. Fields

C verbs and obie<ts

groups. vedsin theight way. Study these thrce to see unit25 a lt s important use ar5o velbs fo Transitive arealways owedby anobiecti We'llBise/lowe .ut/maintain hissalary (with an object) (BUTNOTH*.*lry+vilkahe4sr aiiin.) folowedby anobject: Intransitive arenever verbs lnflationwill ise/fall/grodgo up. (withoutan objd) (BUTNOT@) verbs withor wilholt anobiecl: Transtive/lntr.nsitive canbe used We'llinoease/de$ease/imprcve/rc<ovetou maket share.(withan object) wI ANDOu natket share increase/deqease/improvelre@ver (wthoutan object)

D Adverbsand adiectives
morc vefbs nouns. a Wecanuse aDd to details about and adverbs adjectivesgive

quicklylquick steadily/steady rapid change significantlylsgnificant sharylylsharp atge change suddenchange smach.nge grcdualy/gradual const.nt,regularchange

slow,stp-by-stepchange slightly/dight

qrcw steadily. Therewas a sbady growth in sales. Sales SoJdr, 6.25 billion USD hs poeBd itto Ronatia ow lE l6t dtude, with 16t y't\ fir"Es Business at 1998, otdi^! to lazst Tiade Regittry datd. (BLlcharest shawing slight itd^e a Week website)

E Linking words and phrases

a or wordsa usefulfordescibinqtlends.Theycanjoln p.rts of a sentenc link across Linking sentences. units41 -44. Herca.ejust a few exampesl see addition contrast result and, in addition b./t a/though (+ subject + verb), in splte of(+ noun phrase),however be.ause (+ subject + verb), becauseotdue ro (+ noun phfale) so, thetefore





Exercise n 1

Wrte in words howyouwoold the numbers brackets, British say in if Engtsh. There an exarnp in is e secrion andanother belo',ro help you. A one r (4s6,780) .f.eoj:..hrardred..* therr.'adr..t.'e.v.e^...hl,|^d..ced...a^d 2 \1,84) 3 02,300) 4 (12,030) 5 (12,330) 6 fi20,300) 7 (r23,000) 8 (12:,330) 9 (1,230,000)

Exercise f !! 2
Llnderline correct the wordi 1 IleE wasa slightly/rtgbtsein profitslast month. 2 We roserhcreased profirs our s/tghttlsr?ht lastmonth. 3 Thefe a sharp ,iolofour was fall sales quarter last 4 Oursales quarter fellbylof6% last 5 we felllrecovercd market ov share quarter. last 6 Oursha priceh/t/beata lowldown la* monIh,6ut jt hassince recuperat_.d/recoyeled now and stands atJin13.18. 7 Ou shatepticercached/met toplpeakin May,but itl fallenbacksin(ethen. a 8 lnflationis inc.easing s/owBlor,ry'ythe moment, / by aboul1% a yeat. at /h 9 lhete is a slow slowlyinc.ease the rateof inflation,of I by about1oka yea( / in profits 10 Operating wentfrcmt2-S.r. to/untilf3.1n. paid 11 Dividends to shareholdrs raisedlrose 6%. Lanyear by theyfu///cut 12 Thkyear ralsedlrose we dividends shareholdels. year lel//cut to Last we them.

Exercise ! 3
Complete sentences a wordor phEse the with fromthe listbelowLook cafuily the punctuatiof see at to join I thewords parts sentences linkaffoss of or sentences. becausebecause so although in spiteof ln-dditisu however iherfor of I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 saesareup sx. ....1t!...4C.Ci!i9t.. sharc up 2%. is , market 5.les up5%..............................share down are ma*et is 2%. , 5ales !p 5%,............................are market share down is 2%. Sales up 50,6. are ........---.................. in ma*et sharc 2076. a drop of Sales up 5%. ............--..---.......... are get at , we should a bonus rheendof ihe yar sals up 5%, ..................... well allgeta bonus rhendof th-.yar are .. at Sa .fe up 5% ......................--..... advertising es the new camp.ign. Sales up 5% ........................---.. advertising .re the new .ampaiqn sradd. has


Exercise4 E
for writing withtheexamples 15 aFO. Match rules formal ihe 1 2 3 4 5 6 amounls s and Use syrnbofor dates (fi61, words ordinals Jecond) for Use words two numbe6together for Use wods at thebeginning sntence oi. Use for Use words estimates for below ten Use words numbe6

n n n n


a) We ll needtwentyfourpeEon teams. people b) Twelve took part in the meetng. pad on28 AuSUst. c ) $ 1 0 0w i l l b e d) Thercarethremainrecommendations. e)We haveabouttwo hundred employees. fl Thisir ouf th rd annualrcport.

Exercise g 5
lines1-6. from the i5t belowon the appropriat Wrte the phrases 50olo a most50% morethan 50% arcund50% a littleovet 500,6 exactly considerably 50olo slightly rnore than 50% than 50% about 50% prccisely a ittl lnder 50% muchless
404/d L......

4AVd 48-521o 5oo/o 52lo 6ao/o

2 a . . . . . - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ./. . . . . . . . . . . . I 3a.............................................................. I 4a................................................................ 5 a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ............



a consultant, the between financial Complete conveBation (CWJ, (AC),anda sales Chris director, Wood Andrew Cutting words. by unddinin! correct the for ^c, Right. Bforewe decideon the condicions rhe look at yourbusiness. loan, need havca caretul we to (1)lratqt/gaphic tot l2srye2rttg}jr I ve got rhe saler here.UD. canyoujusr go through the figlres for me? sals the stafi of the ye:r at cw, of couFe.Ar you cansee, wer. gtire (2)fat / le'el,(3) so/ althoryhr\at\ nor
srtptis;ng(4) beerce/d/e to we alwys have a quiet pedod after ChrisrMs. ^c, OK, but iherc Mnt 6nch of ^ (5) ttuwr / ttu ery over the spring period, was there? From your gnph I see rhat ar rhe (6) pe,l/r&,' in June you were onty Q) ketu'ed /up (8) by / with l'ro (9) hi ion / ni iors (L0) pornds/ oI potnds (11) sina/ o4 t[e J^nttary fisure. whai N, happened? We[.it... itwsa dificult tmding period for us - our nein comperitor(12) ,r,4e,l their Plices / In spiteoIi tt\e se.ond (1s) hdf / halre of the yed things (r3') sisnij&rt / sis"6antly. \14, HoM starte.l to lmProve. r, Um. How did that happen? c\r, WeI. we launched a senes of new producis onto the market, and you'[ see that sales (16) ised / nse (17) st'dtp/ sha"t over rhe aurDm. went (18) rolatltl a tirde (19) rrtr / overifeen nilli'on$ the end ofthe lar' cw, In fact the ff Nov, we wele very happy with those resDlrs.And we er"ecr the increse (20) o/tr salesto continue this leat Ou salesforeca*s m looking very good. e Um, we[. that does look pomising. ] tbinL Ne can - -.


A Capital letters
a captalletteE (al5o calleduppeKaseleners)..e lsedl to beqin a 5entence ior namesof people for names ofganlsatons of for titlee of books, etc for n.mes of places for calendar info.m.ton Thankyau lar you leftet of 28 iuly. Jin, Helen, Mr Armstrang, Mts lones Eurapean Camnunity, Ministtyaf Finance As lin Tuckersaid in 'Managing Change',... Pais, FBn.e, Europe Monday, March,New YearcDay

a I n b o o k a n d f r m t r t e s , r n r a l o . d t k ea n d ,a / t h a n dp r c p o s i t i o d o n o r u s u a l lh a v w ns y capitals, unless they are at the beginning His latest filn is (alled ln the Heat of the Night . a Some wods can be writtenwith capitak,or n lowercare.These are: the Ntnettes, ninetles the gnatl salesdnecbr (generaluse),sa/i Dlrecrcr (ob t t e) Sheis a (description), far Easr(pac ndme) the eastof Scot/and the

po compdss nls

B Full stop (.)

a Full nopsareused theendof sentences at a Fullnops sometimes in abbrevatons show are used to thatletters . wordaremiss ln n ng. modern British English arenot used often. they so prcr.ETaytot Mp eg te et<

C Comma (,)
. A comrna wiling represenls briefpause speech. in a in Whna sentence severaclauses, has commas placed are bebreen1hem makethe sentence io e.ser to read We da a lot af business Asla, wlh and its an npanant matketfar us. We da a lot af buslness with Asia,which is an inpanant narket far us. But we lse a tull nop, noi a comma, separate to complete sentences. We do a lat of business with s an inpaftant narket far us.

a A commais usedin lists,excepifor the lan nvo temswherewe useand. Thlsproduct is safe,hygienic,practicaland.heap We can lse a commabeforeard il the lasttwo temsin rhe listare long. Thisproduct E safe,easyto naintain, and kind to the envirannent. a Linknq wordsat ihe beqlnninq a senrence fo owed by . comma. of arc ln fact, the Poftuguesemaket is gtowinq fan. Linking wods n the middleof a sentence hdvecommas beJore afrr and The Pattuguesenarket, on the other hand, is qrowing fast. seeunn23 a Commasare usedwith non deflningrel.tiveclauses. Thisptodu.L which is the tap of our range, retailsat t250 a A commacan ntrodrcedirectquotes A agentsaid,'fhis will nean sone very larye claims.'


In we the a Whenwriting directspeech usea commabefore actua wordsspoken. reportd Compare: speech commas not Lrsed. are Your sales direcbr said, Yes,that might be possible.' Your sales dire.tot sakl it night be possible. I Siudywhe we put a commawith largenumbe6: 18,500 127,000 1,569 260 4,65A,000

represents decmal a otherlanguages dot is usedher.A dot in English a Notethat in sorne point.

D Semi.colon C)
wLth m$nings using semi-(olon. a a Wecanjointwo sente.ces related beftette.hnologycosts noney. We needbetbr technology; and to long in the of a A semi-colonalso is used sepaGte tems a n. Notice use commas in semicolons thisexamPlel secuities house; GEC the us; and of lnstlutional investo' include^lonura,thelapanese bank. Aatterhouse,the UKinvestnent

E colon (:)
items a A colon intrcduces in a list. has CD Theinput sele<tor fourpositions: DVD,tunerandauxiliary part a A colon introduc explanationtheprevious oi thesentence. an oi can is outputis up, profis areup, confidence high. China booming: is a A colon also i9 usd introdlce to exampLes. weJe enteing a lot of new rarke6, egl the Balt, states.

F speechmarks (' ') (" ")

(also quotation words that called markt arused whenwe writetheaciual a speech marks goes Thy or someone Punctuaiion inside. canbesingle double says. AlanJones MSD. of will we "rhisshateissue supplythecapital need,'satd said,'fhis shateissue supplythecapltalweneed.' will AlanJones MSD oI put s marks,id we put a films, aresometimes nside nge speech etc, a Titles book, ports, of pun.tuation in outside thiscase. new book Managing Change'. 1strcnglyrcconmend Iucker's Jin be speech marks. Book iilles, canalso put in itaicsratherthan etc.

G Question mark (?) and eiclamation mark (l)

the a Quenion mark onlyoccur after question. facingaur company?' He asked,what are thenost inportant issues in in writing, arenotconsidercd bui appropri.te fomal marks a Exclamation areused inform.l pleasure, surpise, etc. witing.They show I Guess what'shappened! vejust got engagedf


50 Practice
Exercise I !
puttingin anynecessary Rewrite eachsentence, capital lette6. prcfessor 1 we?emeeting thomas tuesday on e\,ning eiqht. at 2 last februarymetmary i caryenter thefi6t time. for 3 timworks the nofthof france, in about kilometres pais. 50 from 4 myfavourite hitchcock is 'stranqeE a train. film on (onsultancy. 5 carolworksa5an officemanager a marketing in published maybythewo d tde organization. 6 i'vejustrcceived rcport the last 7 on ch stma9 we ll 90 to myparents' day house brightof russex, near in 8 thinkjean gojnq be interviewing deputy is to the finance minister week. next

....Were..x+1r.lx ..fb.*..p-+..IwCry...cyet\rA4..4J..sit!1:... .F.-e.f.e.r..;.er

(/) Tick theone5entence ea(hgroup in aFc)which punctuated is correctly. 1 a) 'What3the bestwayto contrclour costs, asked?' she fv b) 'Whatbthe bestwayto controlour costs?' asked. she L 'Whatl the bestwayto controlour costs,' asked? c) she 2 a) Weallagreed, protectionism, nottheanswer that was b) Weallagrced protectionism, nottheanswer that was c) we all agedthat protectionism not the answer was 3 a) Helen who is a veryexperienced in\,stment analy5t, agreed. b) Helen, who i5a veryexperienced in\,stment analyst, agrced, c) Helen, isa very who experienced invertment analysl aged. 'l'llsee later.' you 4 a) Hetoldmenotto waitandsaid, b) Hetoldme,notto waitandsaid'l'llseyou later.' c) Hetoldmenotto waitandsaid see later. l'll you 5 a) Thep.oblem simple, is thestoo littleinvestment, too much and waste. b) Theproblem simple; is there3too little inve$mentj roo muchwane. and c) Theprcblem simple: is thereS littleinvesiment too much too and wane. 6 a)Thefiqures inflation unemploymeni andinterest 80/6. are: 4%, 5.4% rales b) Thefigures inflation, unemploymenl are: 4%, 5.4%,interest Ets, 8%. c) Thefigures inflation unemployment andinteren are 4%, 5.4%, rates 8%. 7 a) Annexplained nobody made decision yet. that had a b) Ann explained, nobody madea decision yet. that had c) Annexplained nobody made decision yet. that, had a jun 8 a) Sales year hn were$4s00000 whilepofitswere 9620000. b) Sales yearwere$4,500000, last whileprofitsv/rejust $620,000. c) Sales yearwere$4,s00,000, last whileprotitswercjust $620,000.

n n ! n tr n n n n n n n n n n ! n n n n n ! n


listedin br.ckets. the Rewfte eachg.oupof wordsso that it contains punctuation sue \one fuI nap, ane rcnna, one queniannark, 1 Fi6t of.ll is therea demandin the ma*et asked

A.. 1Fi!:t.t..91..A,11, i.1...r.19.. 1.1W,!d i^ the M4rket ?' Arked <ue-.

two wouldariveon timebuttheydidn't lonefu stop, connas) Kim the 2 l'm sorry hesaid goods connas) again \onefuI nap, tuva tear 3 lacksaid we should up the plantfoEetabouiit andstart that
nark, three 4 When saw my bossI went up to him and eid Can I hdveFrid.yofi p ease lone questian canna, speechmarks)

we Fneois(one stap, canna' full two use firm hand could a different couldn't said we 5 Ontheother ma(s) mark,soeech oneouestion yeneday \anelull stop,thteeconna, onequestbnna*, 6 Helo AlansaidTinahow wasthe meeting nark' onecapitalbttel tu\/apaiBof speeah look LJa fullstop, connas) wo help T lf l werevo! l'd askfor some or perhaps at theman agan (one group was and Standad Oilwas 2% Exxon up I 8ol" thAngo-Dutch up 8 Oilsharcs welllast did week gained t/to 2.3% \onetullstop, connas,onecobn) Shell

using The also capitalletters punctuation. exercise ncuds and Rewr thisemail, te adding necessary any (/'ve,/ rt, etc). for verb aoos$oohes contracted lorms

It was grear to har fbm you and hanks lor th6 photo ot everyone on the MBAcouE6 il brinqs back happy m6mories and im suro youl agr6 rhat we were lucky te have such interstingpepts h ouryear im glad lh.tyou wr6.u@esstulin your sarch fora job in plblic larions iv6.ot been so lucky so far im afraid i applied forajob atthe beginningol lh6 month in theinan6 dapanmnt of a large swiss owned pharmaeutical company id ba very well qlalified for lhs iob but i slill havsnt haard an,'thing if i dont get an answer soon illlry wriling actually ifidonr ho.ranythlng iwont be too dleppointd baus6 it s6ms their@mpany isnl doing loo wellat th6 momgnr and idonr rhink thered b6 many opportunlllestor pomolion ivs t16nm66ning to 6mailyou fo. ages aboutsomelhinq else do you by any chan@ have alison andjimR,ddress im planning on vbiting lh6ir cily in the autumn and id like to llin and s* thom wiat about you do you hav6.nv plans lo 6me hr it would b wonderful to se6 you again a.d you knd you.6 wt@m.lo stay whenever you want aor a iew days to visn my parents and ive got to pack and get readv wll lhats all for now im going away iomow rhanks again forthe phob and n was 5o ni@ to hear rbm you again


Test 1 Verb tenses: present (units 1-2)

Exercise 1
Cornp thesentences putting eie by each vlbintothe presentsimpleprcsent nuous. or use cont (/ m inne.d of I an, da't inneadof do not, etc)wherepossible. .ontractjons (you 1 A: what .........C..9..)Pi.a..C9.......... do)? 'm an engineet B: (you do)? 2 A: what .....^f.e...)P!a...d9.i1!...... B: l'm looking a file. for (notunderstand) 3 canyouhelp me? ........................................ | spanish. (talk) 4 CanI callyouback? .... ! ....witha client. (not aswell pDduct 5 This ........................................ aswe hoped. sell) (know) results. 6 l'l getin touch youassoon | ........................................ with as the (stay) thetvlariott 7 | ........................................ at Hotel. tllbethere Fr until day. (you 8 ..........................--............ special over summerT ofier) any deals the (make) parts ........ fortheautomobile indlstry 9 o!r company ................... (you 10 When ........................................ usually arive) wo in themoming? at (come) wolk prcject a fewweeks. 11 Jack ........................................ withusontheNBC to for (come) Leeds thenorth England. 12 Jack........................................ in of

(P9 (PO Decide uses if associated lhe present with aFh)areusually simple or present continuous a) facts permanent and situations b) actiofs events prcgress in now and forthefuture c) arrangements d) verbs thinkinq feelinq of and E Ll = Ll

e) 0 g) h)

habts rcutines and n temporary stuations n fixed timetables tr current trends changes and n

l,,4atch sentences-8 belowwith uses 1 aFh). 1 Shes line talfingon another nghtnow,canI askherto callyoubacl? E 2 Weofiera net!orkingsolution iscustomised, that rcliable secure. and Ll 3 We relea5e figures total sales net eamings for and e!ryquarter. n 4 lm arriving Munich 10.30. in at n 5 Theplane in at arrives Munich 10.30. n 5 l'm working ourcustomer in services department month. this ! 7 Internei fraud qberc meisincreasing and allove.the d. wo n is 8 OK,lunderstand whattheproblem nown

Put timeexpressions the listbelow two categories: usually wth the present the ftom into those used simple, andthose used continuous- theexpressionthecorrect Wfite in usually withthepFsent colurnn. aiier,always, soonas,before, as curently,every hardly day, ever, never, the moment, at mostof th time,nexi time,normally, now,nowada)'s, occasionally, often, |a|ely, sometimes, thesedays, twicea year, until,usually, when
Present simple Present continlous



Putthewords ihe correct into orderThefirn wordisgiven ea.htim.
1 | at dboui one o clockhaveusually lunch. I

just 2 Lunch a sandwich oftenis.


3 lfiom time to time visitin Pads HeadOffice. I 4 everhardly late in ihe moming. am I 5 everhadly takethe trainto work. 6 | prcparc oncea montha sales report. 7 | mits a Eoardmeetingnever 8 | am ate for a Board meetingnever. I I I I

Exercise 5
Some thefollowing of sentences ight andsome wrcng. a ri<k(/) next the rght ones, are are Put to and co.rect wrong the ones. 1 I'm supplying witheverything yourlast you on order. | ^{e?...... 2 fr+g{eing with youcompletely. . 3 Ou.chocolates containing thefinenifgedienrs. are only 4 Ourchocolates winning prizes ar alloverthe wortd. 5 We'e settng up subsidiaries in Peru Bolivia. and 6 We're owning subsidiaries in Peru Bolivia. and 7 'm th nking they make decition will a thisweek. 8 I'm thinking about whatthey decide week. will this 9 At firstsight. seeming bea sensible itS to suggestion. l0 At iirstsighr, making sensible hel a suggestion l1 We'rc ng a lol o'trouble hav withoursuppliers 12 In these circumstances having alternative. we' no

Exercise 6

Compete sentences putting the by each verbintoa formof lhe present simpe present or continuous. In each sentence verbs be in thesame differenr the may or renses. (qoup), I Every inflation iime .................................. people (demand)higher .................................. wages. (fall) 2 Inflaiion quite ..................................quickly, (mean)rhat which .................................. ih government keep rnterest low rates can 3................................iyou/wait)forVictoriachambers?t................................. betong. (our 4 What exactly .................................. custome6/wanr)? arcund Nobody her

s carlo (hope) doesn't much-experience situation. have of this | .................................. he (know) ........ .................... whalhe .................................. (do). .. 6 Whai (nor/understand). exacrly...................-(you/mean)? . | .................................. 7 Whatexacty...--.............................(you/say)?..........,......................(you/wa 8 ........................... .....(your chicken/tane) The oK? foodhere usually qood,butof.oulseit atl is very particularchef .. .. _-. (depend) which on . ....(work) the ktchen in on

Test 2 Verb tenses: past (units3-4)

Exercise I
Wfite past formof these irregular verbsthe simple 'I become....................... 8 fall....................... 2 begin....................... 9 find.................. 3 break....................... 10 foryet ...........-........... 4 bring....................... 11 grow ...................-..5 buy....................-.. 12 keep....................... 6 choose..............--....... 13 lead.......................
7 e a t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 14 lend

15 16 17 18 19 20

meet ....................... pay............. ........ send ....................... shui....................... spend....................... undeEtand..................

Underline cofiect the words. 1 WhenI gatlwasgettiaghome,I heard washeaing yourphonemessage. l 2 WhenI wasat Norcom used dainlwas clainingall mytravelexpenses. I to 3 Whenthe compltercrashedlwas crashingpinted outlwasprintingoul lastmonth's gurcs. I f 4 while the planefook offl wastakingoff, I statted lwas sia,'ting feel unwell. to 5 We wanted firm, 50we chosewerechoosing lwere wantinga reliable / Phillips. 6 We usedto havelwere havlngan officein Latvia Lithuania, ihen we combined/werc and but combihirg allour Balti( operations ourEstonia at office. 7 WhenI afiivedlwas ahving at the officeJanwaitedlwaswaitingfat tr],e. 8 Thedoorwasopenso I knockedlwas kno<king canelwascomingin. and 9 Iheyarguedlwerc aeuingabout merger the whenhesuddenly /osflwas /oslng temper his 10 When lwaslused be in London summer to last lylsttedlwas visiting difte?ntnlseumevery a day

Exercise 3

Complete second the sentence it has similar so a meaning thefiBi sentence contains wordin to and the practises pastperfect usedto. This brackets. exercise the and 1 Michael made some notes started and witing. (had) After...........111i!kql..ll*d...&*ds.......... notes, started some he writinq. (didn't) 2 This Internet connectionslower is thanbelo. This Internet connection .... ........... besodow to (forgonen) 3 | wassure di5k in thisboxl was the I was ................---.................-.-................. sure thediskl 4 In the past,the factoryptoduced 4,000unitseverymonth.(used) The factory ...--...........--------..............---..---........ month. 4,000 units every (had) 5 | thought article lamiliar the seemed I thought .........................-...-........................... thearticle before. (akeady) 6 Franz beforemy arival. left BytherimeI arrived, Franz . 7 whenI wasyoungerwentskiing lot.(used) I a 1.....-----....................-----.................--....alotwhenlwasyounger (had) 8 Themeeting finished sowe wentstraight to ihe hoiel. late back Wewentstlaightbacktothehotelbecaule................................._....................


Exercise 4
frcm th l5t below with a suilable lime expression Compete edchsentence at on in whn while/when I 1 The computer ...v.!hilC1.Yr\e^.. was loadingup the new software. crashed . t 2 . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . .d.i.dy o uf i 6 t n o t i c eh f a u l t ? 3 We sentyou the lnvoi.e.........................the end of lastmonth. veryIapidly .................... the nineties. 4 c entralEurope was changing you rccelved the them yet? 5 we lent th goods ........................ fifteenth.Haven't interest ratesihe eurorccovercd nstthe dolldr. aga 6 ............................ raised they h s, a 7 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s h.ew a sc h e c k i ntg e i n v o i c es h en o i i c e d s m a m i s t a k e . .. .. 1. . . m 8 T h et l v o c o m p a n i e se l g e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.9.8 br . .h 9 w e m e l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .e.i.q . . tf o r a b u s i n e s s e a k f a s t . .a y 1 0 W h a tw e r ey o ! d o i . g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.c . l l e d o ut h i sm o r nn 9 ? .. . . o ca 1 l W e c h a n g eo u r a d v e n i s i n g m p a i g.n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t h.e.b e gn n i n g f t h e y e a r . d . . l 2 l ' l l c h c k y f i l e s n dc a l l y o u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t h e m o r n i n g m a

Exercise 5
perfect. and by one Compete sentences putting verbin the pansimple onein th pasi the ..Gee) t .......... | ...............hAd..r.el!\......... filmsrarted..............rca1i1e4. (reali!e) |. 1 whenthe

(geo it ................ | .... 2 Bythetirne .......... ... ..... ......... to thephone .... ..................... Giop) nn9rng. . .. . .a . .. 3 H o w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( y o u / f.n.d o.u .t .).t.h . .t.y.o u........... . ( g o 0 t h e j o (work) an as ABN L............................................. 4 Before | ......................... ..(oin) Investment yst. ana going. Meanwh my e, to howth ngs were ................ her 5 | ............................. (send) anemailjun see (akeady/spoke) .............................................. to herboss. boss (always/suspect) .................... 5 | .............................................. thattheconiract (not/be) legal.

Exercise 6

prfeci or continuous. the into the Complete sentnces putting verbin brackets either panperfect past the by (dcide) rnyjob. 1 By an christmas L..........h4.d-..deSjded......... t wastimeto change aboutdansing myjobforsometime beforefin.llydecided. 2 |^..Jh.1Bi13.... {think) (wait) over for an by : | .............................................. hour thet mehearrived. (already the y,| .....................:........................ news hear) bfore toldme. she 4 Actua (rise) p ce........... .... '........ steadily bforc merqer announced. the was ..... 5 Thelrshare (notfinsh)work. give a liftbecause 1............................................ 6 lcouldn't hjm 7 Theyqetonverywell,bltthey..............................................(nevermeet)untilt (look)atthe screen day. a be.ause 1......................... ................ 8 Myeyeswere hu'tinq (see) newdesign it was success the I realised gongto bea great 9 Aftef .............................................. I tor because................ it . .....(lose) money yeau. 10 They closed downthefactory

Test 3 Verb tenses: past and present (units5-6)

Exercise 1
Underlife coffect most the or appropriate answe6. 1 t'n waitingll'vebeenwailrc herefor ages. fall 2 Themarkets ha! hadlhada sharp lastweek. 3 Themarkets hadlhad sharp thisweek. ha a fall 4 Waita moment, /efal/ the innruction /'ve /eft manual theothrroom. in manual to the PC nen whenI wasusing earllel it 5 /'ve/eftl//eftthe instruction you vwkitg/have W beenworkinghe'? 6 Howlong are you 7 Hurry Howlongare goinglhave bealgoing be? upl to tou goods because haven pa ldidn\ pay\he depos they id 8 Wecan't supply the t l. they 9 We couldn'tsupply goodsbecause ha!n'tpaidldidn'tpay lhe deposil. the you you 10 l'm waitingfor Sue. Whenhave lastseen/did bn seehet? you her?lDid see 11 l'm waiting Sue. fo. Have seen het? W

Crogs themistake each out in entence writethecorrection theend, and at 1shei5sendingemailsallvveekbuthasn'tplacedanod"ry"t.............14t...b1q1. 2 Wehave stafted cou6e this the weelsago. 'Whathave been you 3 A: doing morning?' all B: 'l'vebeen ttenlettels.' w you 4 When have arrived thiscity? in 5 Youhave been India? to ever 6 Paula been has a conference. organisedpress 7 sales riging three months. have been since lwasborn. 8 I livein thiscitysince been? 9 I waithere longtime.wherehaveyou a giva presentation 10 Ldidnt a before, l m a bit nervous, so 1l L'm for watingfof theirply to our letter three weeks. 12 Howlongdo youworkin thiscompany?

time from Completethe sentences a suitable expression the listbelow with yet for iFe often ever never alrcady sofar jun always 'I 'velived mycity-centre ---t!.^Sg... flat 1998.llove there. it in 2 Thanks l've...........--... wanted goldRolex! a forthe present! more. --.-............ tve 3 l don'tthink l should drinkany hadfourwhiskies. you 4 Have ................ self-employed? been 5 I ve ................ thatwe've head wonthecontEctl Congratulations everybodyl you 6 Huffy Haven't finished upl ................ ? 7 Nina worked thiscompany has in ................ fivyears over now 8 l've-............... white-waler Eftingbefore. an interesting lts been experiencel 9l've.-..............passedthisbuilding,butthisisthefi6ttimel'vebeeninside. l0 We've this ................ givn been busy thestand moming. very on we've away over 200brochr.res.


complete second sentence it has similar so a meaning thfirslsentence. may to You need newverb, a the possible. like in 3. contractions where or a t meexpresslon those exrcis Use 1 landoesn't workat thiscompany now this company. Ja"e .....................h4r,..!9.t1.................... to stais. 2 Thiss thefirsttimel'vebeen ihe United to theUnited | ............--.----........ ............................-...... States before. jsn'there! 3 Thai3 sttangel wallet My That3 ................... .. disappeared. nrangel 4 | sawa friend you6a few moments ago. of ....................... oryours. a rreno report. 5 l'mstillwrUngthis l.|sreporiyet. yeaE here ago. 6 Westarted working thrce ...................... years. ..... Wevben . ..... three america? 7 lsthisyourfilst 10Latin visit you ................... Have ........................................ betor? 8 lt3 a longtimesince spoke Giorglo. I to | ................ ................ ............................. fora long lo GioEio tim 9 lsAnna outof theoffice? still yet? Has ................................. back .......,,,,.................. 10 l'm sorrybut Rachel Dawlon here. isn't has .................. ..................... ................. out. l'msorybutRachelDaw5on in 11 | lastsawDavid 1996. 1.................................,,,,,,,......................since1996, 12 | ctsme livehrc to three months ago. l've .......... ,,...... months. thre been is 13 Hownupidof mel My laptop stillin thecar How ........... laptop thecar. my in stupid mel| .......... oi 14 l'm stillreading report. this yet. | ................................................................ rcading report lhis 15 Paul thebllding a moment left ago. ............. building. lhe Paul has................................................ you 16 Have bn Scandinavia time? to at any you Have ................................................................ to Scandinav a? 17 l'vehadEnglish lssons mycompany Janlary in since ......... l've been ......................,......... Erglsh since January fromCWP. I 8 lt3 ages since lan hadan order we We..............-..................... anordrfromCWPlorages. 19 This thefirsttimel'veeaten is snails. l've...-........................................................... snails before. six ago. 20 | nartedplaying tennis about monihs l've been ................................................................ about months. six phone number 2l I don'tfemember Helen\ phone HelenS l've..--.....................-...................................... number. now 22 sheh.s a different opinion 5he.......................-........................................ herm nd. 23 Thelast timls.w M.rgarct Monday. was I haven'1.............-....................-............................. Monday.


Test4 Verb tenses: future (units7-8)

Exercise 1
llnderline cofiectanswers. the 1 W aiI Iat me. ALbel l'l havebeen rady in a moment. 2 We'd better wait he until the rain itopilnil/ siop. 3 That looks very heavy.Wil/ //5ha// / help you? 4 We finish the cou6e tomor@w so we're g)ing out/we go out fot a dink. 5 l've just head the weathet lo.ecatr, and i6/it's going to be sunny tomorrow 6 A: Do you want me to phonethem? B: No, it3 all .ight, iT doli m dol149 it.' 7 Please don't leaveuntil I cone back/wil .one back. 8 Juliewon't be here next 'week.$e'll wo*lshe'll be ,rorking at our other office. 9 Theflight attendant callingus. I think we wll//v!re 9oin9 io boad the plane. i5 10 fhey'I proba ylhey obabt wiil cut backthe traaning budgetnextyear

Cross themistake each out in and sentenre writethecorrection theend. at l'i...lgtY.. t" 1 tg+fhr lenn6on Sarurday. you 1o Would hke come? 2 Thevisitors iapan here 9.30. from will at job. 3 Justine probably getthesales will to going 4 Sue is lendmehercopy the repon. of you 5 Bye now I see later evening. for this you 6 sorry notsee tomollow have goto London. l'm I to .................,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,......,,,,,,, 7 Whatyougoing discuss thenextmeeting? to at 8 Theflightprcbablywillbe delayed.

(/m Decide uses lf with aFh)areusually associated evl4 to, continLrous dolngr), flrture the e|o,l?g ihe present (/7 coniinuous be dolhd or the futureperfect(/? l)avedone). a) luture facs.................!*i!!................. or f ),edJture f arrangements................................ c) nstant ........... decisions
p d ) f J r u r e l d n s n di n l e n l i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . d e) pd ctionswithpresent evidence .............

about 0 generalopinions thi futu.e q) looking back fromthefuture h) activiiies prcgrcss thefuturc in in Match sentences below 1-8 with uses aFh). 'I wete going launch newmodel the Bologna to the at show d 2 sorry about confusion. tookintoit ightawayand this l ll I'llcallyou back. n 3 l'm meetinq bankmanaqer Thulsday. my on We're having lunch toqether L l 4 |ihinkwe llprobably year. make smalllossthis a Ll 5 Nextyearwill be the renthanniveEary our companv. of !! 6 During pFs.ntarion rry lllbe describing keybenefitsofour th. rewseace. Ll / Judgrng rhese by ngutes, we'regorng makF smdll rhis ro loss year a n 8 . lt3 nota difficuhjob. We'llhave finished lunchtim". by tr


Complete scond the sentence it has similar so a meaning thefirstsentence. answers ro Th inctude these totms: wan't,shall, prcsent will, present simple, continuous futu contnuous. and you 1 | promise phone whenlget back. to you. whenr set back, .........|.i!1..p19t:-e........ 2 Wo! d youlikemeto close window? the ..................................window? I close the 3 After the conference cantrar,l we backtogether. When ..........-....................... travel the we can back togethe. pdce. 4 They fuseto lower their They........-....-.................... lower price. their job 5 What willyouhave aftr company the reorganisarion? What......................,...........doingaftefthecompanyreoEanisation? 6 l'll waithere untilit nopsrainingWhen stops it rajnin9 .............--................... leave. 7 Howabouthaving drinkafter a wo ? ....--....................-.-... d nkafter we have a work? 8 Ale youfreetomorrowevening? A...-.........................,,,,, anythinq tomorrow evening?

Exercise 5
Rewrite eachsentence wiih will, shall goir,gto, $ing the velb unde ined. ot I Sarah doesn'tplan to get involved any researdyet. in

2 3 4 5 6

..J*f*h..i:nl!-..1q!.Y..1e...4-. invotved anyresearch in yet. Howabout h.vinoa game tennis theweekend? of at ,..................,,,,,,,,.........., a game tennis theweekend? of at l'vedecided !llJ!! Arabic Caa.o. to in . Arabic Cato. in prcmise be back | to beforc midday. .. before midday. | have appointment see doctor, lcan'tcome. an to the so . thedoctor, I can'tcome. so | promise to i9I9g!. not

7 l planto dq my MBA in F6nce. my MBAin Fran... you likeme to beb you with thosebags? 8 Would with thosebags? possible us to qooe backlaterif you like 9 lt! for 10 . backlaterif you like. intendto lsk my bossaboutopportunities promotion. for - my bossaboutopportunities promotion. for 1l I want to hale the salmon pl.asF. Lhesalmon, 12 l'vedecided hayethe salmon. to . . . . . - . - . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t h.e.s.a.l.m o.n . .. . . ...


Test 5 Passives (units F10)

Exerrise 1
Cross the mi5take eachsentence write the conection the end. out in and at 1 NilshiE+a#ra newFb in Brazil. 2 Yourparcelwas beenposted 'sterday, 3 A newjndustdal i5 be developed site out5ide town. the 4 All the food at the receotion ate. was 5 Goldis nill produce largequantities South in in Africa. 6 Nothing beingdecided will beforenextwek. 7 Theprerentation givingat the HotelIntercootinentat. is 8 l'vejust heard that Cadai5beenpromoted Ma*eting Dirctor to 9 Theintroduction the reportwasw ting by the CEO. to 10 lMany customeE losing are throughpoorafter-sale5 srvice.

Exercise 2
Rewte each sentence a fEssive with ve6, without mentioning who did the action. 1 Theauthorities have closed casino. the'j*"-..f sr-..*-4.^..ietd.|.......
2 Someone intoourhous !\,eek. broke last
3 People overlhe worldspeak all English. 4 Thelocalauthodties havefinallyopened new motolwata the 5 Someone this umbrella receotion. left in 5 Thecity council banall raffic from the cjty centre. will 7 Fi6t w mb(the two liquidt thnw lea\themlor 24 hours. 8 TheorganiseE postsoning meeting. a the

Exercise 3
Complete second th6 sentencaso hasa similarmeaning the firn senience contains wod in it to and the jun 1 They have servi(ed our machines. (had) all

, .o..,,*"o.y","*f"*n;;;.d,J--

w" .................h+ygjl.'l...kd_..+!1..9!f.{:..}+li!^ot,c.ui."d. --

Tomorow .,.............._-...,,, | 3 Theypdntdlome business cards with the nw togo.(had) We-.-.......................-......... 4 Theyarecoming deanthe carpettomorow. (having) to We...................-................ jun 5 ]hey have ref(6edmy requenfor oedit (hao


Exrcise 4 a4 52 underllne corctwords thisarticl. in the v,

A Race Against Time

,- olemmrs acos Euopee ateady grleur sta .d to norry. lJtrt sraau wlly? Baurc low .ales combined with loreq Iife expelarc' (2)acdrlary hea|t thar the conlinent wil soor have fewer peoplewotkins md few{ People payine 1ae9 As a rcsull, a whole mep of measurcsmu$ 13)rakelbe raken ro deal with the problens thar rhis chage (4) in demognphics v'ill brinelvill be At the rccenlAnnual World Economic Forun iD Dav@, Swilzerltud, a ession called 'Refomirg Pcnsion Systcms' taken ptace. 'rne dircctd of the population division spesker, of the UnitedNatiom,(6) ,igli/t8rt d/rar ,tgrliBrred that ihis is a global problen, norjusl a EnrcFd one.Ho{ever thetuctr (s) took plo.etws cmor (7) is,orclr" is,ord: tbe situation in Eurcpeis psticulely snous. tsk di fte findinss of a recent Europ.a. Conni.sion study: Iralys popllation (8) expecktis exp..ted lo drop fron to Spain\ 58 rnillion 48 milion by 2050, \'ill Joltt t il bela .a fton 40 nillio \9) ro 35 million, and Ccmlny s from is 82 milion to 76 nillion. Swcdcn oneof
lhe few comtries wberc the popllation will prcb^bly (10) iacreoseI be increased. And as the population8 eel sndler, also getting oldei F om 2007 enomous pdl of Eurcpe\ they e

onedds d

Wpttati,o (11)Nilt sta t*ill be staledro ctir. solutionswiu hale ( 12)mrrdlr, ,. lound to deat vhh the problems that tttis Nitt (13) createt h. crcat.4. Cen^inly gove.nmenh must (14) .ftowd8e I be encoltuged prieate persion plms, and old"fashioncd tax and social security moA.k must (r5) took dtlbe loak.d dt i^ d completely new Pay, r

Exercise 5
lar Do who sentence il has sirn me.nng to ih lrsi sentence. not mention didth so a Compete se.ond the 1 Someone figustor melast week. checked these L !'e1.e-..!jA4l.-et .S!!ejl-e-d. ...... .... astweek. growmuch coffeen Coombia less these days. 2 They -hese d4s .9. 3 someon vefed de this T's aqe the area. 4 Thecitycouncil redeveloping od dockands is T'e ojddo.kl.-ds a,ea pui raies 5 They've !p inlereet aqarn nLe .let en yolr 6 We discuss ide. in ihe meeing tomotrov'. You ided some newsoftwarc myPCyesteday on 7 Thetechnician innalled .................... Pc on my Yesterday | ......... 8 Tokyo myplace birrh. is of ........................ n Tokyo. | ................................ is 9 When yourdateof birth? ..... born? ........ ....................... . When exactly. c.r 10 Someon Peters hn wk. sioe
'loe lc'lwe"l 11 D d anyone Alexaboutlhe meeiing? tell abort'lhemeetnq? ,,;";";,;;";;;"";;;;;;;;;;,i;;


Test 5 Modals (unitsi.t-14)

Exercise l
Undedine coffect the word/s. 1 Thatlooks Cartor there, it qaatlmun t be HeS Grm.ny. like over but in 2 Marie t at heroffice, shecanlmust on herwayhere. isn so be 3 | think younedtolha! ,e.esray ro get someadvice fromyourco eagues. 4 lsyourcardoordamaged? Someone fiedlhave mun rr'atto bre.kin. 5 ltb gettingverylate.I rhinkwe d better we w)utd payrhe biil and teave. t 6 | night/can able hetp be you,but t,mnotsure. to 7 Yes, a goodidea, should/musr its we consuk mo (tosety the unions. with 8 lt! absolutely necessary sho{r/d/mujr we conslltmore ctosty theunions. with 9 LlCy .an'tharclnusthave hadthe badnews. tooks happy. She so 10 Satry,musttolhave qo now.tdont wantro oe Er. I to 11 Younight notldon,t need come themeeting youtebusy. ro ro if l2 Thi!invoice can'rlmu5fnt right. says be It f550 to repai. phorocopierl rhe

Exercise 2
Complete senience a wordor phsefiomthe tisr each wirh below haveto hadto dirt+arc+e didnl have musl mustn,t rnlst have ro mighthave should coutd 1we'retryinganewdresscoae.we..denli..|4v.g..t9..wearfomalctothesonFridays. 2 You ..................................buttont whote touch that The production wt stopl tin 3 l'mnot9ure. lthink| ,,,..............,.........,...... but rnade mistake, a 4 Before a9ree, ..--.-........,,.........,,,... cont|act more we we'll sluoy ihe rn detail. 5 Sorrycan't any I stay longerrcatty | .............. .................. or t, rniss train. my 9o now 6 lf youneeded goods the u.qentlla ........ ....... ... ....... we speed theoder up 7 Sorry late, | ....... l',m but .......................... docror.s. golo rne 8 lt .... ............................. ben embarrassing to torget name foryou his 9 lth nkwe ......... ........................their a(cept offerlt3thebest we,lt get. 10 Luckly, L....................... attend meeiing ....... the ysterday,Jmanaged finish nrypaperwolk so to a

Exercise 3
Match uses would.)-g) the of wirhthesentences betow i-7 a)ofieflfghetp b)ofiering thinqs c) potite rcquestd) tnvitations e)repodrng someone whar said 0 imaginary futore with ,if, g) pasr refusai I 2 3 4 s 5 7 Would mindca ingback you t.ter? C Whatwould do if thyrefused neqoti.te? you ro n Wou/d likesome in yourcoffee? you miik I Would likerojojnusfor dinner yoLr tomorrow evening?n Theywouldnt reduc prtce rhe underany circumstances. ll Would likemeto open window? yo! the n Hesaid would ba.klater he cal n


Exercise 4
Complete second the sentence thatit has slmibr so a meaning thefirstsntence. a wordor phrase as Use can't miqht should hdveto don'thaveto cgh{-i can'tbe miqhtbe m'.rst should be b-" 1 lt wouldbea goodidea bing in a fim of consulrants. to we ........9$|J...1-o-....... in a firmof consultants. b ng not necessary youto leave deposit. for 2 lt's a leave deposit You .................................. a hes 3 I m sure isnt John. that bcause in Pans. That.................................. he's Pas. John, because in 4 ann isalmost ceftainly a customr with Ann.................................. witha customer. 5 expect meeting befinished ten. will by the The rneeting .................................. ten. finshed by 1.,,,.............................. taIe. in 7 Wearcnotallowed dispose wasle thatway. to of in We. ................................ waste thatway. dispose of 8 Perhaps see on Thu6day l'll you evening. ...... You Trru6day see on evening 9 ts therulethatwecheck bank all refercnces. We . .....................check ....... allbank references. 10 You'd as better speak herassoon possible. to You to ........,,,,.,,,,,,,.............. assoon possib speak her as e. Exer<ise 5 Compete second the sentenc thatit hasa similar so meaning thefirstsentence. a phrase the as Use lrom listbelow f,h*e (x2) mt]nhave shou have mightnot have have should have can'thave could dn't

I Perhaps made mistake. David a ......x!41''t...hav.e...... a mistake. made David 'm sure she 2 very on that worked hard thisprolct. worked very on She .................................. hard th s prcject. expned akeady. 3 L'm thewarranty sure hasn't .............. akeady. The warranty................... expned goodidea youto tellme. for 4 lr woLrld been have a|d me. youdidnt see inewe launched rheMunich 5 Perhaps the at Fair You .................................. we launchedtheMunich seen line the at Fail 5 lwdsexpeciinq to callby now them .......... by Thy .......................called now so 7 i wasa badldea usto dropour prices rnLrch for We................................ourp ces mucn. dropped so posslble usto see problem 8 ll was for this coming. we .................... seen oroblem ...... rhir Loning

Test 7 Questions (units 1F15)

Exercise I
Whenwe makequestions spokn in English, often teawout the auxiliary andthe subject w pronoun. verb Forexampfe. inneadof saying,Doyou |ikeit7' we say,Ukeir?,.Wdtefult questions usingthe lldediled I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Finished We're yet? allwaiting! youtomonow?Areyouburyall day? see YouIookrelad. !o4e a nicetime? Pauls bit difiicult.(!eW what I mean? a Hi,Tim.Coming for a ddnklatr? out waitinglong?sorrytor the delay. Eeen Interening conferencq it. Eniovino youlself? isnl laten?babelis takingeart retircmemr tlea&lthe$...{i.^itk-d-.. y.el 3

Matchthe beginnings the phr6ss thehendings. of with I Doyoumindif 1... 2 Wouldyoumindif | ... 3 Would a) closing window? rhe b) closed window? the c) .losethewindow?

Somebody asks mird ff I cl6ed ttrc window2yol wantthe windowclosed. (/) the answers Tick youcould give. 4 Yes,lwould. ! 5 ruq ol coure not. E 6 Goahead. ! 7 Please do. n

tEltt 7 QUE5IIONS 223

Exercise 4
(don W te shortans e6 for ead question, beginning shown.Usecontractions t insiead do no0. as of 1 DoyoulikeBrazil? Yes, ...........!...d..e.......... ........1..-d9!\:: . . No, ....... 2 Does Karen Srazil? like Yes, .,,,,,,,,........--.-..-..... ,,,,,,,,,,,,....,,,,,,,,,,,,, . No, , you 3 Have wo*edhere long? Yes,...,,........................ No,,,,,,,,,,,,,.......,,,,,,,,,,, you 4 Are coming ustonigln wlth Yes,........................-..... No,............................. . 5 lsKaren coming ustoniglt? with Yes, -..-.......................... No,...................-.......... you 6 Can come Friday? on Yes. -........................... .................-........... . No, . 7 Wll yoube here tomonow? Ye5, ............................. No,...-......................... . . 8 Didyou to pay lot? have Yes,.............................. a No,---........................ 9 lsthatyour Yes,.........,,,,,,............... coat? No;........,,,,,,,,,..,.....,,,, .

Complete eachsntence, usingthe vetb in brackeb wherenecessary, ,...-y.g*4...h4!e..4p-t-.. go0 the fit, haven,t (have you?, 1 A: B: 'Yes, cou6e.' of 2 A: They'llbe back 4.00,.................................. by ?' B:'lexpectso.' (eave) 3 A: 'You,,,,.,.,,...........,,,,,,,...,... no /, areyou?' 'Sorry, really B: I have 9o.' to 'They've here 4 A: been before, .,,,,.,,..........,.,,,,,,.,...... ?' 8: 'Yes, lthinkso.' 5 Ai'Youcanmd Madoleine thstation,,..........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.... et ?' 8: 'Yet of course.' (forget)thesamplet 6 Ar'You...............-----......... didyou?' 'No,of cours Br not.' '.................................. yesreday, you?' (be)here 7 Ar wee 'No,I wasnl B: I A: 'You dont happen knowthetime,.................................. to ?' B: '59rry | don'f 9 A: 'LetS have brcak a now,.................................. ?' B: 'O( goodidea.' yEterday, 10 A:'Youhadthesame thingfor lunch ..................................?' B: Yes.'

Exercise 5
Putthe wordsin the conctoiderto m6kequestions.

1 take doyouf vEa

2 I 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 1l 12*...+*t+e..Y.rf.+.?

pleas s menu? lcan the ..................................... excus here me anyone sitting? is ........................... you? ........................... tromwhidrcountry @me do towhoyouwereiunnowlalking?......... ..... \ivhat mean youerctly dtal? ........................ do by a littlmorespecificyoucould ......................... b7 'ivhat timethenextbainto Brussels .......... is? youcanrellmev,/hattimeisthenexttraintoBrussts?.................................... thisbriefcasetowhodoesbelong? ...................... could tromhere phone make? I a call do thinkyou I couldmakelrom herea phonecall?

Test 8 Conditionals (units 17-18)

Exercise 1
Under thecorrect ne words. 1 lf we sentthe goodsby sea,ihe transport costs w'i{/ueqd be much owef. pranoted brand gainrnarket 2 lf thetprcnotel the better, they'll share. 3 ll youleft/ had left ealier,you mighthavegot thereon t me. 4 lf anyone from Head theyalways naylwil/ stay n a fivestarhote. Officevisits, 5 lf I weleyou,/ d/i 7 callthenTechnical support number. 6 lf l hayeliadmore time,l'd beabletocome witha solutlon. up I lf it breakdownlwillbreak doM, ittakes ddys theservice for enginer arrive. to 8lfyouneededrhemoneyDryenIly,Icouldphone/couldha!phoredAccountsnowtot

9lfyouenterthedateinthewrcngfomat,thecornputerdoesn'r/d/drtrecognisetheinfo 1a ft wed beenlwe wercmorc careful, wouldn have somuch we t lost money. ll lf I hadbought mo sharct,would I beconelwould be<orne have rich! '12 lf yoursecond goes/ev,// well,l'msure interview they'llofferyou thejob. 90 13 ll youvwuldhavebacked uplba.ted up yourfilesmo'e of\en,yauwauldnl iskldidn't risk asingall 14 ll youhadn'tlwouldh't a(ed soquickly, dbelwearein b 9 trouble. have w phone I wishI haLlhad mobile 15 | need contact to Head Office. my with me. 16 lwish ir 6/rvas F.idayl Exercise 2 in Complete sentence, theverbin brackets oneoi these each using torms: do, would wauld wil/ da, have

1lfwegotavirusonthenetwork,we.............rdl1.rld...l9r9.............(ose)allourdata (be) Parisai isn't 2 li mytrarn ate,1.............................................. in sx. 3liyourtalkhadbeenshorter,lthinkthey.............................................(a a I'youte mewhdlyouwart.| ............... ir fo' youarI.e a 'po'r. {get) (get) morc 5 We.............................................. inqurries advrii5ed often. if we more (miss) tran. 6 lf we hadn't soearly, left ......... the (not myfarn 7 lf wo*edabr@d,.............................................. y sooften. | see) 8liyouhaven'tgotanychange.1..............................................(eav)the (sort theproblem soonerwe hadhad manual. 9 We.................-.......................--.. oui) much l ih (you/do)? 10 li you in situaUon, --......................... .. what were his .......

Exercise 3
Complete eachsentence usingif ot unless. 1 Theiroffices verynear. are We'll walk therc,................. ralning. itb get 2 We would probably the contract................. dopped our pricea little. we 3 C o m e n ! . . . . . . . . . . . .w e. h u r r yw e ' l lm i s s h e p l a n e . ... t o please 4 ............ you haveany quenions, feelfreeio call. 5 Whatwould you do...........-..... refused negoiiaie? they to 6 l d o n ' t f e e a b l e t o t a k e a e c i s i o n . . . . . . . . . . .l.h.a . .e a ltlh e f i g u r e s . l d . .v


Complete sentence each {or the situation. 1 Emma didnl leave early, soshemissed flight. and her kd le{+ e^r!y f fnmd . she 4q4!dt:!...kyg...yi.ted hett ishl 2 Hedidn'tmake more copies, we don'thave so enough everyone. fof lf he....................-''''''. . ....................... forevryone. enouqh 3 l fo.gotto bing yourmap, l wenttothe wrongbuilding. so lf | .............................................. to thewrong buildinq. , | ..........--...............-.................. 4 They didn'r invest newtchnology,theydidn'tsurvivethe in so recession. lf they .................-.....................--................. .............. ......................... therccession. , they 5 Youdidnl wait,sothishashappened. lf you.............. ......... ................................... this . youwe sobusy youto help 6 | didnt realise whenI asked me. lf L...........................................-....................---. ......... help to me. , 1....... 7 TheGovernment collapse. therewasnl c sis. so didnl a lf theGovernment ............................. ......,,,, .................................. a crisis. , there 8 They didn'tbring theirnewmodel time,sotheylosimarket out on share. |ithey....................-........... ............, they.................................. market

Exercise 5
Choose correct for sntence. the continuation each 1 I wasnltaking notes, nowI can'trememberwhal said. and she notes a)| wishI tooknotes.b) lwish l'd taken 2 This a very is unusual situation. a)| wishl'd known whatto do. b) | wishI knew whatto do. 3 Ouroffices in thecitycentandthe rentisvery arc high. a)| wishwewereoutside centre. lwishwe areoutside centre. the b) the gave job to anexternal 4 They candidate, oowtheyregret but the it. a)Iheywishtheyhadn't done b)lhey wishtheydidn'tdo it. it 5 | can'tenter system I don'thave password, the because the ;) lf onlylwouldhave password- lf onlyI hadthepassword. b) the 6 There too many models themarket are simila. on now. a)lf onlywelaunched veGion ier b) lt only hadlaunched version our ea we our earlier next 7 l'm wodedabout meetinq Fdday. need reach ;qreemeft. the We to an a)lwishwe succeed. | hope succeed. b) we

tr tr

n n

Exercise 6
complete sentence theverb brackets. in each using (be). I We're the market leader, lwishwe ........ but not .!Ygl_e.......... (do) 2 Hemade mess allmyphotocopyinq. | ....-... lwish a of ........ it myself. (not 3lpressedthewronqkeyonthecomputerlfonly1.. ........---...... do)it. 4 lcanl undedand anythinq Marie sa),s.wish| ....................----..... l {speak)French. (order)that 5 Youdessen look goodlwish1............................. too. (be) flyon 6 They?e meeting atthemoment.lwish 1...-.................--...-.. thewall. a (give) you......-......................itto mebeforc. 7 This informationimpodant.lwish is (have) 8 Lookl There3 s3le Haffods. only| ............................. myVisa . at lf card with me.

Test 9 Verbs + -ing or infinitive (units 19-20)

Exercise 1
U!ds[!g the coffectwords. restaurant. 1 | realycanl affordlqrailealrhg in suchan expensive g backin haffan hour? 2 Do you mindto comelcont 3 Doyouwant to comelconingbackin halfan hour? to else. 4 Katedenied givelgiing the officekey5 anyone b a mistak. 5 Headmitted ma*e/nd*ing srious to this 6 Remind / Renember Io callSyMa afternoon. me ihe ma*et for some time. 7 we havebeen ting to enterlenter;,,9 Chinese but 8 | hopeto belbe,]og the nextmeeting, l'm not sureif I canmakeit. at I it9 | expect belbe,hg the no( meeting.thinkI canmake to at youcall,keepto lrylt4l,ing. 10 lf sheisn'tin the offi(e when I imagined resignlresigning. ll I considered possible option. even b every that to 12 I refuse be/le!/be/leving we can't do it. We have try hardet to lan 13 ladmitfo belbe,inglittlecareless time,but lwon't do it again. a people lnterruptlintetrupting allthetime. sorude. lt! 14 I cant stand to 15 Whercdo youfanq to golgoing fot lunchtoday? themat theirhotel. I 6 l'vearranged mee|/rneetirg lo l7 We guarantee der!rldeltlng the qoodsby the endot lune. to l8 lmagine wrl4lw/hnh9 lotteryl to the 19 Themanager Ffusedto seelseet9 me. I batteries. 20 | realised hadfoeotten to packlpactinganyspare it b in aftermldnight. 21 lf lmissmyconnection,means aftivelativing Bonn i\, but it wastoo heaw 22 | ttied to liftllifting 23 | etioy b qrt awaylgetingawayto the coastat the weekend. awayto the coan thiswekend. 24 I'd loveto getawaylgEfting b 25 | iied to peEuade him, but he rcfusd rnenl/istert g to me. 'allyenjoyed visitlv,i5it/ng factoryThankyouverym!ch. yout 26 | to 'lhey I 27 decided otderlorder,inq,000 units. to 28 Heofferedio meetlmeethgmeat the airport.

Exercise 2
frcmthe lin bebw.Choose either -ingformor fo + infin the tive. Compleie sentences a verb the with get causecome compromise getthrough give raake ise unpackwat a minake the invoice. on I Headmitted ..........k4fri4........ with us 2 Doyoufancy .................--.----..... fot a drink? fasterthan 3 wages tend..-......................--.. inflation. -one. when call. keep l l ............. . ane'gaged .. 4 l .anr .............. ...... fora couple 5 Doyoumind ................--.---....... of minuteswhile this lwrite email? 5 They usthirty days paytheinvoice. to agreed................-.-.......... more 7 Thetransport dpny thedamage. company .....---....................position vry neqotiating was iqid. They refused ............................. . 8 Their 9lsawhim...-.............-----.......thpgoods,andtherewasnodamagevisible.


Test 10 Reported speech (units 21-22)

Exercise 1
Complete achquenionin directspeed, ending shown. as 1 Jack goingout for lunch. asked whetherI was me

..........'..Arc..g..fitl...e! rack me. asked

2 Carolasked Ann what shhaddonethe daybefor. ........, Ann?' aikd Carot. 3 Johnasked if we oftenwm to Germany meetingis. us for ........ John ?, esked us. 4 Kateasked how manyintervieu/s donethat day. me l'd ........ Kate ?, a5ked me. jobs. 5 George asked if 5hewas9oin9to change Sue ,,,,,,,. Sue?,asked Gorge. , 6 Aliceasked who I hadtalkedto at the conterence. me ........ Alice ?' asked me. 7 Thetechnician asked if I wouldbe therethe nextday. me ?' thetechnician askd me, 8 l\,4ary asked whereoul newoffi(es!\F, me ?' Mary asked me. 9 Heasked if l'd seen re@ntly. me Sill ?' heasked me. 10 Heasked if l'd be seing at the conference. me Eill ?' heasked me.

Exercise 2
Rewrite eachsentence reported in spee.h,using6 verbfrcm the lin below advised apologised congratulated invjted offered Freni5ed for on rcfused suggend 1 'l'll meetyouat the airpo( sue,'saidMike. Mike.......d:g!ait:gd...t9..X-e-e.i..5149....... at theairport. 'Wouldyou liketo cometo the productlaunch, 2 .,ean?' asked Chds. chris.................-----.-..''. .. . ._____--... product the launch. 3 | wouldnt signthe contractif I wereyou, Dave,' saidPatsy. Patsy ..............................:.........,.............-....,,,,,,........ theconfact, 4 'Howabout getting alternati quote?'said an Nick. Nick..................____.._.....................................___..... quote. an altmative 5 'l'm teniblysorry arriving late,'saidSerena. for so serena...---..-...................... you 6 'Shall give a lift?'said I Ma*. Ma* -----,.,,,,.,,,,,,.----------...................-.................--mea lifl 7'Well done, you've wonthe Emplo)e theYar of award!' said. he He...........--.---.-..............her-..........-.-....................- of theYear Employ awad. 8 'No, I can'taccept tunher delays,' Pat. any said Pat..................--.....................--.-......................,. anyfurther detays.


Test 11 Phrasal verbs (units23-24)

Exercise 1
1-12 with theirendinqs aFl). lvatchthe beginnings sentences of I;I 'I

n myjob ldeal 2 TheGovemmenttrying ut is to you form. 3 Heret application Can fill the and 4 | deal withtherctail of the business, side

n n yoLr PC,makesrre you 8 Before switchoff the n back market in 9 Some thesmaller of compaaiesthe n will prcbably taken be chails. look l'll n l0 We need some office new to 1l These youneed do a lot of ading days to n keep who n 12 lt'simportant finda candidate fits to
Exercise 2

5 | hopelohn qetsbettersoon.we can't do 6 Thanks foryourcall, lloot and of 7 Fi|st lltalkabout history ou|company, l the

tr tr tr tr

a) afterthewholesale sde. b) up withdeveopmentsthefied. in

rclated to c) withallthep.perwork him team. without on thenegotiating

e) i) in withthecornpany lurcand cu

theotherpeople thedepartmnt. in 9) oownon oureaucracy. on io ourprcduct range markets, and t overin thenextfewyears, you t foMardto meeting onthetenth. and what through catalogue see the lind. can in bothsides s9n it at ihe bottom and

words wilh a phrasal fromthe st below verb Rewrite sentence replacing underlined by the each /erd* pickup putback to come ac.ossdealwith go on go over l66k{eA runoutof sortout takeup very 1 Lth]!! l'm SerSlg_edq th woekend much. I k r@k'rM +otu ^rd tP. . trr weeleldvery mu(h. metres tloorspace. foursquare of 2 Themachine about !l!C! spa(e. ......................,...,,,,,,,..,., about square tour metres floor of The machine ,,,..............-the until week. 3 thinkwe'llhave dclEjr meeting next to thinkwe'11have...............-....................-.....................nextweek. 4 not an easy company dorbljrnelsrdUl. to ..................... ...... Tl'ey noraneasy .re company ...................... you in 5 Can !q!!Edmefromtheairport vourcar? you lromtheairport? Can ........................-.....,,,................--....... writingthesereports. I to 6 sorry l'm rcallybusy, have continue I ............... repots. these Sorry really l'm busy,have justtrying plt it dqbtnow problem. wele to 7 Therc!a small problem. just We?e trying..............-...... Therc! small a the again. 8 Before finish, justliketo summalise mainpoinis we l'd -.--....:...... mainpoints the again. Before finish, justlike we l'd youlj!!! it bylhalle. 9 l've lostmy pen-Letmeknowif ron il ................. l've mypen. meknow Lei We no the tomonow. have morc timelgfr. 10 We'llhave continue meting to the tomorow. We have. W'll have continue mting to


Complete sentencs a word{rcmthe lin below the with away back by down into off over out through up 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 Ho|d ......-o a moment, ...... that3not exactly whatI said. Ciare take...............-will myjobwhenI change department month. next l hate itwtrentheyputyouon hotd youcant 9e1................. and . Thetotalbillforfournights works .........___..... at f380. The factorywillclose....__...__...... They moving year next re prcduction China. to itt going be difficult get................. sLrchsmattbudget. to to with a grew................. littlevillage Paola in a outside Venice. l'lldropyou................. atthestation myway on home. l'll look....... ...... problem get .................youtornorow . the and to No,I don't have anymore.rhrew ............. it I it .. .

Complete sentences a phtasal frcmthe tistbetow the with verb catchup with cut downon dpifi-a faceup to get backto get on with get roundto lookforwardto moveon to run out of 1 2 3 4 5 6 Willwe have timeto ...C1-_9t...i4..9!!... white Gunter we,re Be in? in lf you've helped yourself coftee,thinkwe should all to I ............................. th meeiing Therepon we can.............,,,,,........... waste thefactory says a lot of in lvetried eveMhing t've and completety ................_............ newideas. Sorryit!taken long 50 to.................-........... your answering emait. Afeyougoing outfora drinkrightnow?thavea fewthings do hercin theoffice, t,ll to but ............................. youlater. 7 Please feelfree contact if youhave funher to me quenions.............................. fromyou any | hearing 8ltlnotgoin9tobeeary,butyouhaveto.............................yourresponsibt/tes. 9 Nowl'd like to.................___.____.... thenext stidewhich oursates reglon. 5hows by 10 Ineed sometime look to intothis. t............................. Can youlater?

Match beginnings sentences withtheirendings the of 1-12 aH). 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 lO 1l 12 My paniswerequitest ct andbroughtme tr When youarriving? are W;uldyoulikemeto pjck n When youleaving? are you Would likemeto drop ! PeterT comments? Any Wouldyouliketo come n you Would make youturn sur n | can'tmake meeting lhursday. we bring n the on Can l can'tmake meeting rhursday. we put n the on Can Yes, is a strange it you word-Have tried looking n l hopethe con of our raw materiats .ome witt n I lltry andlindher canyouhold n HelJo? youthere?thinkw werecut Are | n Mydo{torsalslshoutd give n a) it back Friday? to b) it forward Wednesday? to c) up In a very traditional way. d) ofi ihe lghtswhenyouleave? e) up smoking. g) youup? h) off whenwe entered tunnel. a i) in here? k) it up in a dictionary?


fest 12 Makeldolgetlhave (unit 27)

Exercise I
llatch the usesofgetin sentences with rheirdictionary 1J definitions aFh) (sth.= something, = somebody) sb.

I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

I didnl get home unrileightlastnight. E I'm qettifga dnectflightto Dussetdod. n Weteonlygetting 4% payrise year a this n My nams Hugh, G,H.Didyougetthar? tr H-U lts no good. ll never themto agree. We get n l'm getting lired.Shallwe continve tomorrow? n | should sornething mywtfeat tre airporr.n get for l'll getlast yeat figurcs. waita moment. tr lust

a) obtairvbuy

e) i) g) h)

br ng a place/felch undeEtand peEuade to do sth. sb. travelby/carch(transpon)

Nowmatch these senrences some with oithe definitions above. aFh) 9 l'm sorry| d dn t quitegettharlan point. 10 Don't worryyou'll get soon used it. to ll I'rngettfg a bit oi a headache tooking thescreen frcm at iortoo tong. I 2 lsthatyournewcar? When yougei it? did l3 Canlget youa coffee youtewairing? while 14 got here taxi. by

n n ! n n n


you Complete sentenceswith doot have. may the makq have change fom. to the I Whatafeyou....q-ollt.... theweekend? ar 2 l'm.... ............ se.ious doubts about whole the lhing. 3 OK, sha||we.................. a start? 4 Could ...,,.......... a favou.? you . me 5 Can ............... | a suggestionT don't ............... Why we a meting discuss to ............... to whar . 5lthinkweneedto...............moretesrsbeforewe...............afnatdecision. 7 Th company.............,,,, money year, a loiof last yearwe,re butlhis not..,..... ....... well, so We rnight even have .................. peopie to some redunda.t. 8 lt..................meeattymadwhenpeoptec.n,t.................thei.jobspropert in ................ plans any whenthesituaiion io conrueng. is 9 Goonl .................. tt doesn't a got matter you........,,,....... if a m6take. 10 The help lgotf.ommyemployer......_........... forme1o.................. it possibte anN4BA. l 1 l ' m . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . m y b e s t b u t l r c a l l y G n ' t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s e n s o f t h e s e t it o lr s . t , ogu trouble seeinq whattheyallefer to. 12 Themenu good. going .................. onion looks really l'm to French soup a startef, thenthe sreaK as and with b6arnaise sauce. tthinkt'll .............._... Bui without dessert. .................. of anefiortro t,m a bit lose weight.


Test 13 Relative clauses(units28-29)

Exercise 1
Undeiine corectwords. number choose most 10 the In the common usage. 1 Thestationery whotuahqlyou o'deredhasarrivd. presentationheardbeforelunchwasverygood. 2 the speaket v,thichlwhose I 3 Everyone evhrthlthat in the Milan I met office asked youwere. how pe6or ol whkhlwhoie newspaperborrowed disappeared. 4 lhe I has t/tholwhon is relponsible ihis isAntonioPlatini. for 5 the petsoti product, wl,lchlwhose featus descibed theleaflet, very are in 6 This sells wll. is 7 lhis Wadud,whichlwhose our bestseller, avaihble four colours. 6 in it 8 Theperson whoselahat thisiswants back. book wants back. 9 Theperson whoselthat methisbook lent it I useto worklwho I usedto work with. 10 Johnis someone wrh whon

Exercise 2
(who, pronoun Decide youcanmiss the relative if whtct that) It youcan, a bracket put out rcundit. f you unddine can't, it. (that) 1 There an attachment youcanu5e linkto a Pc. is to free 2 Theattachmenl, comes withtheproduct, used nkto a PC. is to lhal 3 Thepe6on who I toldyouaboutisstanding there. ovff 4 Themea which wasnothing special, usmore cost thanf50 a head. , 5 Themeathatwe hadlastnight wasn't good. very 6 ThefirstthingthatyourcustomeE notice the price. will is goodsource. 7 Theinformation, which strictly is confideniial, comes froma very provide information youwanl. 8 | cannot that the

Exercise 3
Rewflte pairof sentencesonesentence thewordin bracket!. each as using (which) lt I Rani showed a magazine me article. wasrcally interesting.

aJ^tiflg..*hish. R"", ....t1P.led..x9-..4.. l.rja?!.r.e.p.a{.... Inreresnns. realy

yesteday. gave thisgift.(who) 2 Some lapanese visirors came They me gift, The visitors ......... Japanese ..,....,,.,............,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,. this yesteday it to me.(that) gave 3 This a gift.TheJapanese is visitors came who Ihisisthegift.................... gave .............................. me. 4 I boftowed fiiends laptop- wanlsit He a The frend.......................... ........................ back. (who) 5 A marketing manager wo*s in mydepartment. leaving companytomoffow SheS the Themarketing manager.... ... isleaving the company tomorrow(that) yeneday-lt wasveryintereninq. 6 Wewent to a presentation presentation The ..........----................................... very intercnlng. 7 | met a woman.Hersister work for A8N.(whose) I met...,,,,,,,,,,,,............,...... ...,............ ABN. you.(who) He 8 A rnan waiting reception. wants see is in to you. Thman ............................ ...................... see


Test14 Nouns,pronounsand articles(units30-35)

Exercise 1
at crossout the mistake eachlineand wite the correction the efd. in and then I went home. 1 | spente{se talkingto Jack, 2 Ka 3 sister is doctor your or mine? 3 It this umbrclla 4 Theysaythat the wine is good for you in smallamounts. numberall the time you sellsomething. 5 Wite down the .eference 6 Canyou giveme an advice? 7 Ilr sorrywe hdvelwo hflsbut eitherone is in setuice. aboutaccommodation London. in 8 | needsomeinfomation5 workingaqainbut no one of us coulddo it. 9 We iied io qet the machine


10 walking take long- lets90 withthetaxi. will too l 1 sorryI m late,ihe trafficwereverybusy. goodideas. 12 Ourmarketing director excellent, has much is she so '13 A: Howmany your people visited stand aftemoon? this 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 17 B: Noat al. you met of.,ane? Have ever ihe colleague both. Therc3 coffee there!tea.Youcanhave and to a Therc too fewinformation make decision, is one featurcs, We have two payment options- every hasdifterent predictioosthe Ministrys you in reportT Nave seen inflation the got fot Wehaven't chai6enough themeeting. in There none spaparts stock themoment. at are Thenew5 on in a few minutes. are You'll allthestatistics the report3 find at end. player eitherthe andmusic film induslries. in We' a leading freesamples oneevery lor There enough are Alison about thatidea hels. of keeps talking please? you Could give an information, me you nothing. Can speak | can'thear up? of we looked two sites either themwretoo smalL. at but question. there single At theendof mypresentation, wasnone you There no oneto see today. isn't Please come back tomorrcw. placewhen finish. you put in Please themanualback it3 proper he3 son. He! onlygorrle job betause lhe boss

Exercise 2
into pair noun noun. Each of words contains countable andoneuncountable Putthewords thecoffect one thewod. column w te a/anor some and before desk/fumiture baq/luqqage work/job iravel/tip accommodation/flat wine/litre equipment/machine dollar/money trouble/problem chance/luck f.ctlinfomation advice/suqgestion hour/time email/corrspondence countable nouns a Oat u!ca!d&le_!9tJ!5 tore ^ccoMModatio^


Exercise 3
Complete s.ond the sentence tharit has similar so a meaning thefirstsentence contains word ro and the (someihing) I Theboxisnl empty.

............4ere3...*-u+!.|li19...i1.............. treuox.
2 Let me tellyou what I thinkyou shoulddo. (advice) L e rm e 9 v e y o u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 We travelled thercon the tin. (by) We ravelledrrere 4 | feelworied. (something) 5 Every mominglwalk to the office.(foot) E v F rn o r n i n gI L o r e t o t h eo f r , ( e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . y . (one) 6 Matin s a iriendoi rny boss. valin 5 7 Chrs advses peopleabouttheirrax.(adviser) ...................................... (knowt 8 t\,lanlela knowsthi5 business betterthan anyone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b.e.n . .ft h a nM a n u e l a . . . .e got anything do. (got) 9 | haven't to Ive ..... . . . . .d o . . (everybody) 10 We areall tea drinkeGhere. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , t e.a... . ,. . People who are unemployed needbette.trainingprogrammes. {the) p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b.e.t.t.e t r a i n i n g r c g r a m m e s . . . .r 12 The prototype needs be changed lot. (redesigning) to a Tl^eprctotype needs.. (nothing) 13 We can't do anything. 1I '14 T h e r e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d.o... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . What did that pieceof machinery cost?(how) . that pieceof machinery cost? 15 Thereis littlerravelin my job. (much) T h e r e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . t r a v eiln m y j o b . . (accountant) l6 Claradoespeoplesaccounts her living. lor Clara s (late) 17 No one was on t me yesteday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .y.e . .t.e r d a y . . .s . 18 There was nothingI coulddo about it. (couldn't) | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a b_ _ .t.t... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ou i 19 Nobodyat all was available seeme-(single) to 20 Thereisn'tany asonto worry (no) 2l .....---.................. available seeme. to ",/as Ch'sis...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r e.a.s . t o w o r r y .. . .on The pod did not contain information the lwanted. (in) T h ei f f o r m a t i o l w a n t d. . n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.h . .r e p o r r . .e .. (copy) 22 Thiscopybelongs the customer. to

(anything) 23 ]here's nothing theposr morning. in this ...--.............-.--...- ihismorning. inthepon

Test 15 Adjectives and adverbs (units36-40)

Exercise 1
in line at Cross the mistake each andwritethecorFction thend. out .............i*ef.91t9.4 1 l'm reay in+er.*ingforcign in travel. have flnished newshopping the centeunti theendol theyea. 2 They'll workingveryhardlyrccently. 3 Pter been has 4 l bought bluelovely tie. a silk The wereioo f endly. 5 We hada grcat umeon holiday. people excellent6 This magazine article extemely is good. 7 | thought meeting the wentvery my teel my 8 Using PCfor a longtimemakes eyes tiring. plodocts. never 9 Wegive discounts on these in the 10 Arcyouinterening extending guantee) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Thereistoomuchnewequipmentthatwe'restilllearninghowtouset............. project we decidd cancel to I lt wassoa risky that team expienced. n myopinlon theirmanagement is notenough Their company larger ours. is as Their company jun asbrgethanouts. is price canotfer lt! thebetrer I months. l'vebeen working thiscompany three in since was tense hadto calla shofibreak. we Thenegotiation such you I l'll When willgetback, give a rinq. untilthetravelagency closes. | have plckup myticket to Youworkmuch harder | do. a5 got and Thepresentation enolghlong, sothealdience bored, was velvuseful.ltwas much littleusefllihanlast weekl. Themeetino wasn't thanswimming. Golfisn'tasgoodforyourhealth ' Lwalt by he.e six, try andbe here then. by so

duing,ago, with wordsi Choose lo on,at far,sin.e, from Complete sentence oneof thefollowing each after\/vatds, later. aftet, mybirthday? 1 Shall allgo out for a med--........o.^'......... we ....................... . 2 Henaded worfinq 'ouryears here L m nowl'll phone ....................... him . 3 | wonr ohone thfee 4 | haven't headfromthm........--............. week. lastweek. heard them....................... from 5 | haven't .--.................... midniqht. 6 This closes bar just.----.................. timeto catch train. the 7 Luckily I arrlved time. 8 Li3 trytostart meeting........-.............. the at so for ....................... . 9 My psentation willfinish mid-day, we (ouldmeet lunch l'll about three malnareas. 10 ...--.................. mypresentationbetalking your you'll 11 Don'tworry...-................... presentation be .bleto rel.x. more th.n l2 l've waiting ....--................. an hour been you here.l'llsee a||......-...--........... . somethingsfinish to 13 Dontwaitforme,lhave including thatworks.........--............ night. one 14 We have the shituin ihefactory


Exercise 3
the to and so Complete scond the sentence that it ha5a similarmeaning the filsi sentence contains word/s in btackets. I Yourspeech really was e(cellent(spoke) tDake .e llv kell (wo*ing/since) 2 we $aned workingon the proiectin lanuary. ... We,,.............................. (more) banking. isn'tasprofitable invenment a5 3 Retail banking ........... Invesvnent bankin9 4 She!a verycarefulworker(works) She............... than 5 I haven't seen worseseruice this. (ever) Thi5 is.........................---. (slayed 5 Monicaleft Pa s in July. Monica .....,,,...........,,,,,--7 Doyoufind operaintrening? Are,,,,,,,,,.,........................, finish.finished) 8 Themetinq a positive had . Themeeting 9 Thishesbeenhardwo* for you. (wo*eo Jlrly, ..........,,...........,,,,,,,,....,,,,,,,,

You ..............,,,,,,,,,.,.......... 10 Frank a goodMiter (writes) is Frank ............................--. 11 Kate ill.{well) is Kate,.....,,,,,,.....,,,,,......,,,,,.. (slowt) 12 could you not talk so fest,please? you......................... Could (at 13 lhe chines marketi5biggs thantfie Indianmarket. Thelndian ma*et .........,,,, (us0 of as 14 Alansells same the number products Richard. Alan se1|s........................... (ban) than of 15 Theoiher membeE the tamaremoreexpriencd Romy. Romy..................... ........... 16 l'll seyou in a few houB.{later) f ...................................... 17 | shrted thisjob in 1998.(doin9/since) on she! bad nextweek-(away holiday) 18 Diane on holiday. is next wek. ........................................... Diane .....................-........ is whenit w6 supposed (time) to19 ThetEin arived exactly Therain adved................ (time) the w6s 20 Hisintervention too lateto save negotiations. ............ Hedidn'tintervene 21 | \,!onl anivetherlatrrhanrwo. (get/by) t ......................................... 22 Welid hardbut finalv we garc up. (end) ..................... . Wetned had but.............. ten. (two) 23 lrs twl! andl've beenwaitingfor you since you waiting for . l'veben

hours --...-...........--..

Test 15 Prepositions (units45-48)

Comp sentence a preposition place. ete with of Choose frcmat in, on, ovet ta, under. 1 Mybrother wok ......4i--...- airport. the 2 canyoucall back? .........-....... me l'm themiddle a meeting. of 3 Thetaxidrcpped off ................. hotel .......... citycentr. me my ..... the 4 Wef]ew............... newsports the nadium wewerelanding. as 5 Hehad suitcase a ................. onehand, his dnd guitar .............. other. ..the 6 Godownthecorrldor myoflice ................. right. and is the 7 There3 fireescape a ................. back the building. the of 8 5he wasn'r feeling wdlandherdocior hef.................tal. sent hosp l'ohday 9 Wehada lovely ............. lhe country. .. l0 Hehada portrait himself hanging ................. wall. of the I I Theauthor3 name ................. bottom lhe page. i5 the of you 12 Before tunnel built, hadto drive was ................. Alps. the the 13 lhave tixjunior manage6 workin9.......,..,.,,,,, me, 14 l'll beworking ................. for most tomorrow home of 15 Hello. isUkike This speaking. ................. ................. iheHotelVeEailles. l'm Pas, just 16 Susanna'sr!n9.Shes................. therestaurant. 17 Susanna'sjust Shes................. stop. run9. thebus 18 I m gave a lift. ...............station me the ................. his car 19 I metKati..............thebusyesterday. .. 20 Stratford is................. river Thames. the

Exercise 2
goes prcposilion the listbelow Decide which from wlth each verb. abolt (x2) againstfor (x3) ffom in into of(x2) on (x3) to (x2) wth(x2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l6 | must apologise .....fpl.....beinq late. just l'd justliketo addsomelhing .......--........ Jawad said. what lsthefactory insured .....-........... fire? The Well, depends it ..........---.... you're wh.t looking cost? ................. . package Thewhole .............-... main plls allthse the consists unit accessories. l'vedivided presentation..---............ mainparts. my three Weneed d versitto prevent to us................. becoming dependent oneprodud. too on Please. mepay................. let this. you Wecansupply ................. ranqe sizes. a full of Wespecialise ................. commercial caterinq equipment. Doyouknowanyahing ....-..--........ Portuguese the market? getting contJact. Hecongratulated---.............. us the Llsbon reminds a bit ..---.---........ Francisco. me San you,,..............| agree ................. that. Does bagbelong here? this ................anyone Inthe net!meeting focus............-.-..planning lthinkwe should ihe schedule.


Exercise 3
Unddine corec( word in theseadjectiv preposition the + combinatons. I Ar you cerran tolabolt/fro.n that? 2 l hoperhydon't 9o on strike. We?edependent ollonlbythem for our 5!pp s. 3 Thisline is verypopularforltolwith customers ookingfor va ue for money. 4 Our countryis lackng ,n/oflfor enercyrcsources w haveto impo( allour o . 5 Ate yor awatetalbylof jun how seiou5this probem is? groMh for you. savinqs? 6 Are you nterested /forlof long-term l' 7 I n rcspansibletar / to / by a tedm of eight consultanls. 8 li anylhing goeswrofg, l'm dictly responsible forlaolbyih CEO. 9 Let me Lrse calculator not verygoodarlforlby maths a l'm 10 lt would be goodatlforlby yourcarcrif you workedabrcadfor a few yars 11 'm annayed withlfarl abourtherrlackof ilexibility 12 m arrcyed with I far/ about them with / fot /abaut beinq so inflexib e

Competethe sentences a nounfrom listA and a preposition with frornlist B. A: advanlage advice invslment lack matter pe55rni9miRe reason repy soltion subslitute trouble B .bout for for in sl of of on to to wth with

1 A1the momentthe Pl--isg. 9{.........oil is abour$25 a bafie. 2 Canyoute methe........ . . . . . . . . . . . . .t h e d ea y 7W e ' v e e e n a t i n ga l o n gr i m e . b w 3 T h er n an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . .p...o p o s a i st h a ti t s m u c h h e a p e r . I c 4 T h e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . . p r o p o s a i st h a ti t s v r y x p e n s i v e A e 5 W h a t S h e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l . l l ?s h el o o k s a t h e u p s e t t i. r r 6 H a v eh e ys e n t . y t a ........ .... ..... o!r lanmail? 7 Thereb a . expeince the lop o{ the company at 8 l ' m s u r e e c a nl n d a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.h.i sp r o b l e m ,u r t m a yr a k es o m e r n e w . b t 9 C l e v ea d v e . t i s i fi g n o . r s it . . . g o o dq L r a l i ay a r e a s o n a b e c e . pr 1 0 T h i t y a r w e ' r e m a k i la g a j o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . e.w t e c h n o o g y . ]m n. 11 Canyou g ve me some ......the ben way ro nven rnysavlnqs? 1 2 E v r y o n e s r r i e dT h e r e ! l o t o f . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . ... t h e f u t ! r eo l t h e e c o n o m y wo . a

Exercise 5
Compete texlwiih ihe prepositionsplace the of fromthelistbelow acrossat(x3) down nslde near next off on (x3) oppositero to

Lizlejlearlytogotohe.jobinterview-shegot(1).......''o.....rhebus,paidherfareandwe (2)..............-.. satdown(3)............. a woman. . She . They sta.ted talking discovered were and they (4)....-............ same bothgoing got the stop.'l've an intetuiew ...._.__......... called a place Murcort i5) House.'said ii (6)................. stop?''Yes,notfar You (7)-................ Liz.'ls thebus it3 walk thepark. (8)................. (10) forbes Road, it3 (9)............-.--- riqht, ................. end,'thewoman and the the (11)...........-...-- slde thercad, just(12)................. show replied.'ln fact,llive theothr of you , sol can (13)................. nop theygot{14)......-.-........ theway.'when theyaffived thrr toqether

Appendix 1 Regular verbs: all forms

Presentsimple (unitl) Atfirmative: l/youlwe/theywork.She/he/itworks. Do l/you/we/thy lrork? Does she/he/it work? Question: Negative: l/you/we/theydon,twork.Sh/he/itdoesntwork. Presentcontinuous (unitl) You/we/they helping.she/he/it helping. are is Affirmative: lam helping. Am t helping? you/lve/they Are helping? she/he/it 15 helpingT Question: Negative: l'm not helping. You/we/they aren'thelping. she/he/it isnt helping. simple: rc9ul6t (unit3) affrmative: l/you/she/he/itlwe/theysiarled. Didl/you/she/he/itlwe/theystart? Question: Negatlve: l/you/she/he/it/we/theydidn'tstart. Pastsimpl: irigular {unit3) went. affimative: l/you /she/ he/it/we^hey go? it/we/they Did l/you /she/he/ Qlestlon: Negatve: l/you/she/he/it/we/theydidntgo. P.n continuou3(unit3) You/we/they wre helping. Afinmauve: l/she/he/it $rarhelping. you/we/they were hlping? Wasl/she/he/it helping? Qlestionr You/we/they w6rn1holping. Negativer l/she/he/it wasn'thelping. P.3t perfect (unit4) Affirmative: l/youlshe/he/itlwe/iheyhadleft. Hadl/you/she/he/it/we/lheyleft? Qlesiion: Negative: l/youlshe/he/it/we/theyhadn'tleft. s5ed to (unit4) Affirmaiive: l/youlshe/he/it/we/theyu$dtowork. use Didl/youlshe/he/itlwe/they to work? Question: didnl useto work. Negative: l/you/she/he/it/we/they Present p.rfct Aff rmativei Queniof: Negative: (unit 5) l/you/we/they left.She/he/'t left. have has l/you/w/they Hasshe/he/it left? left? Have haven't She/he/it left. hasnl lft. l/you/we/they

Presnt prf<t continuoui (unit6) havebeenwaiting.She/he/it beenwaiting. has Affirmative: l/you/we/ihey beenwaiting?Harshe/he/ii benwaRing? Havel/you/we/they QuesUon: haven'tbeenwaiting.she/he/it hasn'tbeenwaiting. Neqatve: l/you/we/they


wir,luniti) Afiirmatve: Question: Negat ve:

'll l/youlshe/he/it/we/they(= wlrj) verb. + Willl/you/she/he/it/we/they+verb? l/you/she/he/it/we/thy n\ (= wil not)+ vetb. wo

gotng to (unir7) Affirmative: l m/youte/she's/he5/it's/we goingto help. rc/theyte Am i/Areyou/ls she/ls he/15 itlArcwe/Are Question: theygoingro hetp? Negative: l'm not/You aren't/she isnl, etcgoingto help. Future perfect (unit8) Affirmative: l/you/she/he/itlwe/theywillhavefinishd. willl/you/she/he/it/we/theyhavefinished? Question: Negative: l/you /she/ itlwe/they he/ won,t havefinished. Passive {unit9) Adle shehelps. Shes heping. She ped he She heping. was shehadhelped. She helped. ha5 She help. will She have will heped.

shei5 hlped. She beinghelped is She was helped. She was binghelpd. She had bnhelped. She beenhelped. has She will be helpd. She wlll havebenhlpd.

Reponcd spech(!nit 2l) Acrualwodsspoken Eepad ' always (that) workdthe.e. workthere' Hesaid he 'l'mworking (thao wai workingthere. the.e.' Hesaid he 'ltook it. (thaohetook rtlhadtaken t. Hesaid 'l wasread it.' (that) had beenreading n9 Hesaid he it. 'l hadleftbythen.' (that) had left bythen. Hesaid he 'l'veforgotten (that) hadforgottenit. it.' Hesaid he "ve been (that)he benreading. reading' Hesaid had 'l canhelp.' (that) couldhelp. Hesaid he 'l will help.' (that) would hetp. Hesaid he 'l mayhelp. . Hesaid (that) might hetp. he 'l could/'rould/rnight (that) could/would/mightgo. go.' Hesaid he 'l rnlsvshould (that) must/should Hesaid he go. 9o.' Infinitives Present: passive: Present Past: passive: Past to like to be liked to haveliked b have Jiked been

Appendix 2 |rregular verbs

Past simple Past participle

oegrn bind bleed


begun bent binen/bh bled

bit bled

bnn9 build

brou9ht built bought caught

bro0ght built borJght caught


drg do ddnk fall teed fight fly ioqet get give 9o gnnd hang

deah dug did



fell fed felt fought {ld forgot

fed felt

lought ned


90t 9iven gone

hung had had


hung hidden
hit held




laid led




Past simple

PaJt participle
lent let lain lit/lighH




p(.n ride dng rire rang said sought sotd

put dden run9


shaken thoot shut sing sit sllde speed 5peI 5pend spill spin spit split spring steal sting strn9 nun9 shot shut sng rlept slid shut sung slid

spelt/rpelled 5pilt/spilled spat split spoilUspoiled spran9

sph/spelld spnI spilt/spilled spat split spoilt/spoiled sprung

tau9ht tell think tnought

iaught thought

Appendix 3 Spelling
Prsentsimple ve.b in ending o, r ch,sh,x add-es. in ln thethid pe6onsingular.psenrsimple ends -r. Blt verbs a Hegoes He misses Shewatches t{e wishes Sherelaxes But whena verb ends consonant the/ changes -ie5. we do notchange -y after. vowe. +y. to the hutty - hunies .opy copies BUT rtay - fayr enJoy enpyg Prsent continuous (and adding -ttg generally) a ee. We leave ewhenwe add-tngto a velb.Butwekeep double out decide de.iding wite - writing die - dying lie lying BUT5e seeing agree agreeing le Butydoes change. not whena verb ends in'te,we change to -y'ng. BUI huny-hu ying

vowel-consonant'. a This whena verb ends ln'consonant Sometimeswe double finalconsonant. happens plan- planning stop - stowing BUTmeet- meting vn* - wotking But is we ihe Mosttovo+yllable areregular if thefinalsyllable nressed double lan consonant. verbs na*et ma*eting BUI bqin - beginning discuss discussing Past simpl (and adding -d gnrally) y + When verb a ends consonanty, we change to -ie. in tty - tried deny-deniel1 hu y-huried copy- copied BUT meet- meeting

we a This whena verb ends 'consonant-vowel-consonani in Sometimes double finalconsonant. happens plan- planned regrEt- regretted stop - stopped

Nouns s to makea plural.8ut after <h, -sfi,-ss,-x we add-er. add natd' - natches wish- wishes glass- glasses box- boxes -e5. lvlosl nouns ending o add-s.8ut a few have in kibs photos pbnos snJdios BUI herces potatoes tonEtaes -/bJ. + aftef. vowel. When noun a ends consonanty, we changeyto Bulwe do not.hangey in - days puney - totheys pdny Darties sloty sloties BUI day Adverbs we fom manyadverbs frcm an adjective /y. Ona few occasions leave e. + we out safe- safely strange strangely easy easily angry- argrily When adjecUve in consonant/e we dangee to -y. + an ends prcbable- prcbably sensiUe sensibly When adjective in -,c we add-alt. There oneexception. an ends is autonatic- automatically ronantic- BUI publk publicly BUI ttue - truly whole wholly y +y, whenanadjective in consonant we.hange to'it. ends

APPEI{DIXSPELIING243 3 -ful onlyoneI When,ryis Thesuffix has added adverbs,doubteisformed. for a / su..essful successtuIy There a useful i before except is rule: after cwhenthesound e is,tl field believe science is Gound not n:, gandu The ettef g is always followedby u. question reguire qualitl Silent lettE Many words coniain letteEwhich norobviously a sound. do folm These sornetimes ed 3ibnr tenrs,. a ca Thesilent let1e6 underlined. are bt nb gn kn douOt plunbu kumb sign foreign Lnow knife ps sc wh w psychotogy psy(hiatist s<bn.e desserd wha why gong viE (sound .ecer,r isr:, Exceptions this rulea theit weighandwelght to

Samesoun4 differnt splling Thesame sound Engiish oftenspelt in is using diffenttettefs. each In group betowthe sound undertined s thesame. vowels canpany trAlble ubbish blq4,d ead nest hgne thalJgh eafth fafthet wtd shltt wait geat late wE-ight new lqld dgwn faund SameprcnunciatioD dlfferent splling and meaning 'homophones'. These wods arecalled Common examptes are: allawedlaloud saw/sore couttlGught farellair findlfined knewlnew no/know writelright ttivokoo waitlweight consonants relatbn Sbarc swe contsious deticiaus Cheap funiturc waEh pbone ljnish tauEh



Words with a syllable whi.h is not prcnounced Some words spoken fewer are with syllables theylook. oftenteads spetting than This io prcbtems. tibnry people Wednesday temperature vegetableintercnlng comfortable l{ouns and verbs with . and s advke prc.tice lrouns) advise wctise (\e-bs) (spoken with 2 sy|abes,not 3) (spoken with 3 sylabtes, 4) not


Appendix 4
No's to the diagAm

Diagram of the English verb system

has the forrn Using diagram the Enqlish tense Thediagram a wayofshowing whole is tstem in a simplfied . lt canhelp study individual if at timehowtheyare.ll rclatd tenses yousee thesame to the . lt shows thee isa pattern logic English to verbs. and that . Some picture help and to themto unde6tand eam. people a visual like at tim: notes rcfer thediagram thesame and to Read through these I as the sirnpe simple a completed as action^ituation. present the Thefirsttimelineshows past (facts, habiB, andthe wil/futur etc), the that rcfring actionvsituations 90 allalong timeline to factor genel beliet. asa future which have maning an acton In th oi the continuous tenses, a Theseco.d timelineshows three (there also associated has dutation) meaning thaction a limited that progress is an perfect the ng tenses, which have mean of looki.gbackThe all the Thethirdtimelineshovls three perfect fromthe present, the and the looks back past pedect looks back fiomthe past, ptesent pedect back fromthefulure. future looks of perfect which have meaning the continuous tenses, all the Thefourth timelineshows three ngs Note of looking back an adionin progress. thaithisisa combination themean oi the at prev Nvolrnes. ous golhgto,which a of to bothhave maning ooking lhe Theiith timelinethows two ways use

2 3

fuller explanationallthese tenses. of verb a UnG ]J of thebookhave much can show. Many lhese of otheruses be verbs cannot uses Enqlish thata diagram of There some afe 'the prcbabllitl we asib as to and can byonldear pan' in English refe. soc/:ldinance distant explained more obvious meaning dkbnceintme. so. of / . Knowing we canuse past show helps why socialdistance to understand Could ? is more the to that polite Can formalor than /...? . Know thatwe canuse past show prcbability to understand we uset fol helps why to distant the ng Ministet, ...). rd situations I were theFinance imaginary unlkely or Uf



PastSimple I s',r'rd thisjob dlr.,9wB ago.


wirl future
I'll befony nextyear lnflation l probably w

I usudv te.w





While wE tMtdng at I ABCrnoved Sdes I fton to Ma*eting. Pagtperfect
We'ft producF at

I'll bc wo*lng at our


peded Future

."'' {

jobtor mre r,tlrrs

The hergethadahady hepperrdvhenI joined

E the endof theWt sales w l he lntoved.

Pastperfect (ontinuous

contl uouS


perfe<t Future <ontinuouS


thisretrort aI |ro/''ing.



l4h'd beenseling the saneprodu1forwE before dEnged the we

lf I retirewhenI'm sixtt l'll have been wo*ing herc bt norc thantr/entyWE.

Sony I was going 6 a you,but I coarpletely torgot.

was gping to ---\

going to future

l'n going b askny boss a pay rise. for fhafs going b be diffrcult.

Appendix 5

British and American English

Mostdifierences between &itishEnglish American and English malteE pronunciation, are of vocabulary and hee. In terms grammar, arefewdifferencesformal, spellinq. Ihese notcovered are of therc in written English aresome English. in infonnal, But spoken therc differnces. Thefollowing the mostimportant. arc ,rave and ,Eve got ln BrE ha!got ismore common. AmEha!is mo common. bothcountries bothforms. In But use Britilh English Haveyou gat anychildren? rve got two children. I haven't qot any.hildrcn. Present perfect and p.n rimple perfect used n BlE present is lorthe present result a pasr the of action lifeexperience to now(unit5). and up n AmEthe pastslmple morecommon, is with lust, aheady, everard never. yet, especially You tai hasjust arrived. I've aheady spokento heraboutiL Haveyou finished the repoftyet? Haveyou everea'n sushi? It's never done thatbefore.

Ame can English Do you haveany.hildten? I have two childrcn. I don't have anychildren.

Yaurtun justanived. I already tpoke ta hetabout it. Did you finith the rcpodyet? Did you evereat sushiT lt neverdid that befote.

goltenk usually ar thepast participie theverb get. In AmE used of gio. It'sgot quite late.Maybeweshould He'sgot a newjab. shal and srrorrrd tor suggGitlons InAmE should used suggestions sha// more is in where is common BrE. in Sha we breakfor lunchnow? Quostioh tagj less in tags Question (unit16)ae much common AmE. Yaucanspeak Ftench, <an'tyott? tI cal a tati, sha t? Voucanspeak French, ight? l'llcalla taxi, oK? Shouldwe breakfar lunchnow? lt's gotten quitelate.Maybeweshouldgo. HeSgotten a newhb.

IninformalAmE -/yending adverbs oftenleftout.Ako,in infomalAmE adjctivesometimes the to is an is usedn place an adverb. of It'sworkingrcally slowly at themonent. It s workingrcally well at the non$t. lt s wotkingrcal slow at thenonent lt s wotkingrcal good at thenonent.

(see ln BlE can'tisused say to thaisomethinglogically is impossible unit13).InAmEmush'tis akoused. I called there no anflver but s They can't be at home. I caledbut there no ansvrcr s fhey can't/mustn't be hane-

APPENDIX 5 BR|T|SH AMERICAn| AND ENGLISH 247 Prepositions Note folTowing the difierencesthe use ppositions. in of aritish English What did you do at the wpekend? Patis in the teamnow 16 ten ninutespast threeIt'stuventy three. to We'rcopenfron Monday to.lti satufliay. I lookedout of the window. I stayed homeon hturday. at Hewroteto meabouthisvisit. yestuJay. t 'iet an old colleague I lookedroundlarcund the nuseun. She walkedaowads/roward /r,e. I haven'tseen for several hin weell. Go a''d ... n AmE word'and'isoftenleftout of thisnructure. the I'll 90 and speakto Mary Emphatic do In BlE canbe used do wilh an imperative foremphasis. s is ra in AmE. Th Do havesonenore coffeesornerrrte c end sorreprace ln informal AmEioreplaaq anyplace no phcecanbe usedaswell a9somew/terc, and anryhere ard
Lets find somewherc to eat

Amerin Engtish Whatdidyou do on the weekend? Patis on the tean now_ ft's ten ninutes past/afEr three. It s twentyto/of three. I lookedout the window I stayed homeSatutday. tle wroE ne about hisviit. I net with an old colleague yesterday. I l@kedarcund the museun. Shewalkedtoward ne. I haven'tseen in serEtal him weeks.

Were openfrcn Manday through Saturday.

t ll go speakto l\4ary.


Let's sonewherc/soneorace to eat find

Note dlfference theword'hospital'. this for My nothet is in hospital. two hundredand fitly On the telephone HeIo,is that Paul? Helb,is dtis Paul? My motheris in the hospital. tA/ohundred flftt ORtwo hundrcd and fifty


Answer key
Unit 1 Present time I
2 don'tknow 3 doyouknow 4d@5n1wo{ 5 Y6, I do 5 shercdc 7'mwlnq SlheyrenolEpynq 9 shappennq 10A.etou enjotlnq 1 1S h e s p e a k n q 2 Y 6 , h e i j ! 1 s

investiqalinq/rcsgne 3 happnd/clld wasexplain 4 ng/interupred were 5 6 Jinished/qM7 w3s waiting/@lled wasceanig/d@pped 3 9lound/was lookinq 10ariEd^old

Unit 4 Pasttime 2
2 used to/was 3 hadboughvnaned 4 ued lo hde/changed to 5 eid/hadnl anired 6 hadlocked/was 7 uie! io be/used wa k met 3 renl back/iound/had iaken 9 saw/knew/had grcwn 10wasl@king/turned/w/had sed 2 Ms sure/had 3 caled^tillhadnlinshed 4 hadspoken/rea *t l 7 Fen/put 5 hadgi@nreh 6be@me/hadaEadywo.kedhadn'l a hadro/hadrunou ol t hadsiopped/gotoui l0was/hadaFadyleil ot 2 @mpaigned/had ddpaigned 3did$eDanesejed 4wathad been perfomed Thadtaen 3@re/hadbeen 5 waslhad ben 6 perfomed/had 9 t@sed/had fdued r0made ll feaEd 12wanred 2 hadban ldidyouget 4lnifiad{ofhadiinished)5@ni 6 hadnrdecided7@c 3&slooknq 9 gave l0 d alreadytaken 1r complered 12ent 13inleryiewed 14lelr l5(hanged l5went 2 1 7w : sW t i n q I a w a s b * o d n ! ( o r h a d b < o m el ) d d n ' 1 h a v e 0 h a d 9 2 u*n lo 3 ued ro/rculd 4 u*d ro

2 is 3 knos 4'm 5 doyoudo 5wo 7 make 3don'tmake 9inrclwr l 0 i s n t l l s u p p i e r1 2 ' F 13 d oy o u l l e no m 1 4 h a r 1 5 d o s 1 l a k o .

4 a begnning/b expedaions n9lb 5 a Gapp@ach market shae 6 a 5 attracting attention /b

Unit 2 Present time 2

y 2 a . e o ud o i n gI a . e y o u w o { i n g d o } ! ! h * 4 6l'mcom'ng y g 7 I m d e an gw i l h 3 l d e a l w i l h9 a . e o u o i n q l 0 d o y o u g o i 7 2lootal 3d6niwo 4BntwodingSlhln[ 6'mrhinking Bn.ying 3 s t a y s r a k e l 0 a r c r a k n gl l a G 1 2 a r e b e L n g 9 3 don'tbeliaeI 4/ 5r' 3/ 6ldon't undeEtand

Unit 5 Prcsent and past 1

$ey Ep Ed 2 @.evers.en 3 havencompla r ned 4've a adyspenl 5 flave goie up I 3iun efi t haF lallen 10Na@you laken der 5 [*n1 gor 7 ha3 3a 4b 5a 6b 7b 3a 9b !0a 2iun 3tu 4n*r 7 5 yt 6 aLways since 3ryer

2 ieed 3ooyouknN 4!rc*nq 5think6@* Torganie knw 3',e expeclnqt have 109i I 1 areyour visiro6rbyinq12don'r 135 dealing14donlwod/ d notwoding 2 is movinq I i5 @kinglor 4 provde5 I E ie5 6 s rryingio 7 Ginve{igating 3 wants

perfomed 5havecul 6tuvelaun(hed U hd ben 3 harlalle^ 4 have 7 haswirhdrawn ha5 had t has laken 3 5pent 10has 2D-bn lA-lor 4c-jun 5B-already D yet 7B-qone 6 AA-rolar 9C-&er 10D-nmr

Unit 3 Past time 1

2 didyoulee/told 3 tel/rd d 4didn'tsee/qot 2 Did/ 3 Did/make 4werc 5made Sddn'ttke 7Didn1/lke 1 3 w a s n i 9 s o l d l o M E n t 1 1 w a s1 2 d i d ^ h i n k 3 d l d n l h a v e 4 b o u g h t 1 2 went 3 @e pofrot nq/dopped 4w6@*idg s called/eid

Unit 6 Present and past 2

2 have wo*ed her 3 hasiunadved 4 have made 5 | saw 6 went Thasbnawa 9left l0has eli 2 arare/hareetup 3 d@sn't look/have come 4Hawyouseen/et( 5 harejusrmevDoyou kn@ 6 haven@r spoken^pok you 7 @rt/havebn/Do know 3 have you wo*edlwant/Have lread phoninq/!qone3 Have sen/'w b*n @kinq you 2 v. bn toNatd 4 he youben pndu.nq/'v invened

2had 3qave 4cme 5 supplied5 beqan Tbuilt ajoined 9t@k 1 0 r c n 1 1 b { a m e 1 2 n 1 3 s o l d1 4 c u l l 5 m e a n t 1 6 t u m e d 17changedl3made 19grs 20 bought



2hentbeen s veben 4 tpfr s@ud 6 iatked 73ber 3 venwefdone 9lmagined10Hav *r ben you (of r |ve often rhouqhr often nk) 12had t3'reknM th 14,rehad l5 have bone 16'vea readydone pul la didn,t 17 qd t9 hareyu ptn




3 Tnisfinewas@aled byoneol ou b6l youngdsiqneu 4In etry.lhat6nt bdone 6 ThBrearmoE itun a mi liondollaEit beinqspenlon adren: n9./ Morethana mil ion do la6 is bingspenlon ad@nising yar rhis 7 Tnit Fyment maynot bauthoried by$e r'{.ounts Depanmenr.

2 began 3 have(ashed 4 announced 5 haspeakd 6 fett 7 was 3 dropped 9 relaFd 10 hde dsen I I hasgained 12 hs managed 13hasoothil 14bought l5havebe.ome

Unit7 Future t

2 c'epd

I ndn"buled . d?,.-. 5 Loffpr.o 6 . ana'j"d

2 willbeneeded3 arebeing ordeEd 4aEbeingprinled5 shoutd I nished be 2 W e r c g o i n g i o o p e3 i t l l p o b a t y u c . e e d t t s F t o u t h n n b s 4 5 wharae yougonglo do? 6 Arcyoudoinq anrrhing 2 a mm e e t n 93 i 5 9 o i n 9 b b e 4 w i l b e 5 i s g o i n g t o h e 6 wil p@baby repa.e 7 a@9oln9 t6r/aestn9 3 amgonq 9 @nt be to 2 l e 3 a r c 9 o n q b b a 4 ? e 9 o n g b r e l t l u d u r e i si l g o i n goh a p p n 5 r 6wIbe 7wiIprcbabydisppear3 e qoing ha@ te having)9, ter (or to 1 0? e9 on sr o o l l e r 1 1 , t h a w 1 2 w I b e 1 3 w i t i h e n v j o b i n r c t @ 14 rc going expand15'lbe t6 tmea. lT Uned ro l3wont be(orrenotgongb be) t9'm going lovkit (or,mvisiling) 2 0W l l r o uh a v e 2 1 ' l i g i v e 2 I adve 3 w lbe 4'E Eeing 5 l p.obabyilke 6 are.,rdoing 7,thaw I t e n a y i n g9 ' m 9 0 n g 1 0 1 g i v e 2log@ 3wasbom 4cleaned5 haEdemanded asembted 5 7 @e you bo.n I lo bel@king 2lw6 qin 3 weE pomied deliEry 4Thslabicwasfiade SWemfe5enl

Unit l0 Passive 2

3 hd been bbught 4 harben encouraged 5hasplvat5ed 6 ha@ rnvgled 7 has arb b*n mded (orhasdded) 3 have been 5otEd 2 i5sid to be 3 aF knoM to be lookingat 4 I betded lo bedse oping 5 h eportedro ha 5pnt 6 is lhoughl ro be/ s thoughllo ha@ben 7 is u.de6t@d lo h:E negoliated 2 6 beihg dah wirh 3wilbedetEre! a hasbeen included i5 n(uded) {or 5 @nbe opMed 6 areonlygu.Enteed

uhit 8 Future 2
2 w l l b em d l n g 3 w i l l h a v e m @ e d 6 r l o $ a n 4d 5youteave 6 @'vercceEd Twillhavcpaid 3 they'e I w6 going wile lOthope lo r l d u e r o a t r v e 2 t h o p e t w o n , tt 3 t d o n l t h t n k t , l t a B t 5 s h a t@ l

Unit 11 Modals and related verbsI

2d 3a 4c 5l 5h 7q 3e 2 leaw/atrr 3 wl l beeeng 4witthav finished5 wjl bptainq 6 hsr 7 wrI have {aned 3 wil youhave learnl 9 Wityoubeusing lO R 2B-expe.l 3D-wilfal 4B-w pbbabv 5a-abouilo 6c 7 A - w l l h a v e b e g u n B w t t b t i q h n n q D k p t a n n i no 3 9 i q isdueb 2 l 6 n c o n 3 b a b l e t o4 l . o u l d n 1 5 w a s n l a b t e t o w i l y o u 6 7 6n E do 3 lo beable 9 | muslspeak10| managd 11 I coud 1o

2 b.blaro 3 coutdnl 4 coutd 5 canlb.ab. to 6 can/can r 7 can'l/b"able a babte lo tol6nt 9coutdn,tl0(oud 2d 3g 4. 5f 6e 7a ah 2 l'll pu!youlhouqh r ca^t help you 4 aoutd iet me 5 t lu{ qo you you 6 Could hold 7 r'llwail a can't a 9 t'U need 10Can tyou tca ll.ouldyouspeak 12Canyouhear13Coutd repeal 14t,] beon you 15l'llqel back you t5canyouqnd lTt,ttputone to 2 h 3 e 4 . s d 6 b 7 a a I 9 t l o m 1 1 i l 2 k 1 3 1t 4 n

2 @re goinq be 3wittbe.oteding 4, hawp@duced ro 5'llbedrusnq 6wil have aq@d 7 happB S come 9gets lOmeel r r w i l h a v e k h e d 1 2 w t t b f t n d ^ g1 3 h f t t 4 w a s g o j n g l o h e ln

Ljnit 9 Passive1
2 isseen 3 w ll not be linished ahavebeen.@d 6 cannotbe sh pped 5aEbeing@wEd


Unit 12 Modalsand relatedverbs2

2d 3b 4a 5h 6l 7e 3g 9 1 0 k 1 lj t 2 i

[Jnit15 Questions 1
2 say 3Y5,ldo 4 d6 thii machine m* 5setupMicrosoft 6 did Mi@eft ei up 7 ilephoned me 3 did youtelephone 2Doyouwo*from home?r canyouundeEland GemanT 4 Hawyouakady lunch? twil youbeba.kntimelorlunch? had 6 Areyouenjoyinq th.ontercnce? 7 Did,ou aEewilh her? 3 Haw )ou @r lpokento Pr? 2 hN youinvnei 3are)ougoing 4didyoupal( 5ae)ouherc

1 nun 2 haveto 3 haveto 4 musr 5 haw to 5 mun 2D 3r 4r 55 6t 7D at 9r 105 11t 12r130 14l 2 c a n 3 h a w t o 4 5 h o u d 5 c a ^ 6 6 n 1 T s h o u dS d o n t h a @ t o t hav 10$ouldnt rr should 12@n ro 2hadto 3.oudn'i 4hadro 5.o!dn,l 6$o!ldhaw 7 shouldn ave rh 3 d dn'thava 9shouldn'tha 10ddn1havelo to

Unit 13 Modals and related verbs3

2 < a n lb e 3 m u sb e 4 m i g h t b e5 m a y n o t b e6 o n ' t b e 7 m u nb e t S r h o u d b 9 < o u l d b e1 0 @ n ' l l l c o u l d e 1 2 m u n b e b 2d 3b 4a 5i 69 7e 2 m i g h t3 c a n t 4 m u n 5 m i g h l 6 @ n 7 ( a n l S m u r t 2a 3d 4c 5c 6b 7a 3d 2wrldefiniiey 3miqht 4ls almost cenain s ru^liketto ro

2 vlhat haw youdone? I where d d ,ou pul the rcpo.t? 4 Whydo you slayhF? 5 H@ reE youtee nq yeneday? 6 wheE areyouslaying? 7 Whodo yourponb? a WnE is lhis b.q/Whoe bagis th s? 2 wr doyoudo? 3 H@ onqha F! been @* nqrhere' you iob inrclvemuchl.avel n97 4 wrt did you do beloe ihar2 5 Doe5 5l! ihi5yo( li6t vi5it Lron? 7 When d Jouariva? d to a Hd onq aE you sraying for? 9 Wherca younaying? 10 Whals il ike? 2 8 @ t u r y 3 h w d u c h 4 h @ i 4 5 h o w l o n g6 w h a r T w h o s e a howolren 9whid 10whar ll shch

Unit'15 2 Qustions
2 doi'r you 3 ddnlyou 4haveyou 5 hashe 6willyou 7 5 he sdidn'r@ 9aGn1r loihallwe 2 enr theiar, didnlyou 3 5n1MrPete6, 1 4 s Mf PeleE, l r i5 3n t,rey 5 hava odet have @Eded then oder h*n t they 6 hanlcan.eedthen 2 lhedadtng emina. e 3@6h 4you lelt 5l(ould

2 hghlhave 3 6n1 have 4mighl 5 cn't 6munhaw

Unit 14Modals and related verbs 4

you 3 Would like 4 M.y | 5lalking 6 Shalll 7 Llme you 2 Would S C o u d 9 y o u s h o u d1 0 c o u d r c u 1 1 c o u l d 1 2 o p e n1 3o p e n e d

in7 do 2 who didrougertheintomalonirom? 3 wh (h lunds youin@sr 4 whai wasrhe weatef likin sreden7 (of whar was$e ealher in swin

2 1 3 h 4 a 3 . 5 e 7 h 3 i 9 q 1 0 1l l k 1 2 m 1 3 J 2 W o u l d y o u l i k3 d o n l m n d 4 D o y o u m i n d O i @ u e n o l e 5 6 wouldyoulikeme1o 7l'd apF*iate$at ash.llwe 9 wduldyoumind l 0 r s h o u l dr r w 6 u l d o ui k e r o 1 2 o f c o u e y

2 shal!w 3wn1he 4shouldnlhe 5 wasn'l 6 ha@n'tthey it Twuldn'til aisn'ril t hare il lhey l0 doesn't

Unit 17 Conditional5 1
Line3 CouldyouspeI that lor me,ple&? Une5 Woud youm nd ednq you pa$pod? Une Doyouthinkyoucould 6 bookmanedy moming cdllT Llne3 lmnder il youcouldiell melvhenbrcaHanis? you L ie l0 Would mind1l lefta messge a coleague? lor L ne 11 Would you ikemeto lend a pen? you ger 4goetis s don'lhwy/re' be 2 take/@,|| ani@ 3 wo*ed/we'd 6chanqe/qi@ Tdick/t@nr aoderend 9lend/wi yourelurn me

3 hN/,|ldel 7 Mit/'llgi

4 banned/Muldn't 5knew/'dtel 6lve/'ll(aLh be 3 had/'dlm



2rcnt 3dont 4wit 5s 6 unt6s7isgotnqtob be 9Unt6 B l0rcnt 1r@ud t2woutdnil3didnl 14wutd 2 dolwi 9w 3 mrked/wouldni 4 @uld happen/@ored be 5 ms/don l5em 6lan.y/give

2 to take 3 hearing4to rctuh 5torsk 6 buinq 7 duming a b a c . p t 9 t a k i n gl 0 t o c o p y r r b e n g 1 2 t o b i n q l 3 t h t n k i n q 14behaving to tran 161odea I5

Unit 2l Reported spee(h1

2lle'llb back aflerlun.h 3 SheS rhe 9on9to conta.i fi ntE 4lwanl lo make phone.a 5 rm meering bankmanaqerarevn a the e 6 l lound aboul prcblem longtme ago out the a 7 lhave beback theollic 1o in by th.q 3 l,tttelyouknM 2 $eelme 3 they d/our/before 45hrqht$e^ 2 (lhat) d .ead '.pon and(rha0 d dn'i undeErand he the he 5<tion 4 3 helinished s presenralon wargoing have d nk h he ro a 4 {lhal) waspepadng iquE bui (rhal)she dn'lberons +e the Mu 5 ($a0 sh ikedplaying rennis (1tur)5he dnl do r veryonen bul d 6 (ha9 shewa59oin9to visitrheI Po$ 5ub5idiary ($ar) shewasn sm when bul r 7P|IC 3PISI 4P|IC 5 2 G n 3 A 5 o n g a s4 ' d h a v e 5 ' d S w o u t d n t & h 9 i n c a s e1 0 u n e $ 1 1 1 2u n l e $ 2a 3d 4c 59 6h 7e 3l 7 d a@utd/have 2 h i s 3 h e ' d s e m4 $ e d a y b e t o e 5 l h e 6 $ e y v e 7 m e 3 l h e r c 9 w a s lobtoe ]l hadlone 12wasl3that t4me 6ptIC 7plla 8t 9p/tT tOp/',tc

Unit 18 Conditionals 2
2look/mighlle 3 hadInend/wo!dn'r have made 4 @'d found/w have d preent moved 5 kpt/mighr 5Id known/mudn'1 have done 7 hadbeen/coutd suc(H{ ha

2 n c a s e3 a 5 o n g a s 4 u n s 5 a s l o i ! a s 6 i n c a r e 7 w h e ^ S o n e s 2 had 3 .ou d stly 4 enioy 5 hadtaken 6 knew 7 coutdtype s d d n ' i i n r e n u ptlh a d r o h a v e l l o u r d d o 1 2h a d n bro u g h l .

Ljnit 22 Reported spee(h 2

Unit 19 Verb+ -irg or infinitive 1

2ey 3leil 4iad Srod/eid 6sid^ad Tsad/told eidro^el S 2 g o l n g 3 1 0 u s e4 s p e n d i n5 t o c l o s e d @ n t o d e t E f 7 @ t t n 9 g 6 3 l o s i n g9 l o p E p a e 1 0 1 0 b e l l w a i t i n gl 2 t o s i g n 1 3p d t p o n i n q 2 to e(ognie 3 ldvertsn9 41okdve 3 l h n k i n g 9 l o f y 1 0t o h e l p 5 wrti^9 6 to rpeak 7 dak nq 2e 3b 4a 5d 6k 7i 3i 9g 2 whar$e lene6'URL meant 3 d/whelherhadprepared liquE I the (or 5 illwherher hehadrehembercn he,emenbefed) b!.k up rhe ii e b 6 whyI hadluhed off theaif.ondtoninq 7 illwhe$erI ipokerralia^ 3 h @ m u . hh ?h a d a i d ( o r hp a i d ) l o f h h c r p e 2 ruqqded Sprcpoed 4aEeed 5 decided 2 l o l d l h m3 t o l i s l e n4 s i d 5 l h d d 6lake Tsringup 3nortosay 9lochaif l05hould @pon 11rcmlndd thal 12tomk' rhem 1 0 11 t h 1 2 1

2 peBuadem lo 3 rcmind lo 4 hep youlo 5 expe.t to h me her 6 encouraged melo 7 iorced io us 2 losing 3 ro (ash 4 io do 5 to lix 6 to.ome 7 cating a io wait 9iodo l0askng ll roiype 2laking 3lopay 4 worrying5robe 6 pretendinq Glertng 3103hd 7

Unit 20 Verb+ -ing or iniinitive 2

2iomeei 3 meting 4benq slomake 6tospeak 7saynq abopn 9 o p e n i n g l 0 q v i n q 1 1r o l o o k a t l 2 t o a i n o u n c e l 3 q u i n n 9 t 4 e f l i n q

unit 23 Phrasal verbs 1

2b 3d 4a 5b 6d 2 hord(or hans)o. 3 rill;n 4 go (or G[y) on 5 g)ue up 6 dea with 7 pi.kup 3 9o (or.ome) bacl 9lakeup l0tmkaier

2belng 310be


5being 6betng

2lobook 3to{an 9tohave l0iolon 14 to have l5being

4tocome 5toqo 6d$ing 710give 3 rclking rr@*n9 1 2 q n n 9 ( o r 1 o g e l ) 1 3 m i s s i no L , r g r6Lft9 (or 17 Jinkhtnq rolinish)

2l@k uplhe inlomaton/lookthe nfomarion up/took up ir 3 kep dM our cosE/kep ou. .ostsdowd/keep rhen doM 4 dowithout mobie phone/do my wilhout1 5 tumed dM lhe id/lurned deadownnuhed d@n the it 6 en oul thepmblem/en prcblem $e od/son ir oul



2 dropoff 3 ru.n !p 4 checking 5 qei by 6 ed olt 7 drawup Ln 3l@kingrhrough 9cal on t0ringup ll kep dNn 12lindour l3 breaking down l4printoul l5backup 2 back 3 off 4 doM 5 ihouqh 6 on 7 oul 3 @r

2 meeting3 shoppinq inlerening 4 /coilusn9 5wearnq/laning 6mr@ming 7 oninq ad nq 2 mer 3t3ke 4$kn9 5 working 6mrk 2 of beinq 3 by lakinqover 4 Beforc n9 5 nsread usinq qo ol

Unit 24 Phrasal verbs2

2 back10 3 dowi on 4 out of 5 on to 6 in wilh 7 up wfth 3 up lo 2 sA+ S lhir+ 4v**

2 up 3 off 4behnd 5 of 5 b3.k Twirh 3on 9on r0ihough 11ro 12out 13 n r4wilh 2 g e t $ r o u g h3 c l / b a c k 4 h o d o n 5 g o a h s d 6 n g / u p 7 t @ k i n l o 3 g e t b a c k t o9 $ e a k u p l 0 b e a k i n g u pt t c u t o i i t 2 s n / o d 1 3 q o d e r

3 hoping themarker rhal MUld qo up 4 trol brng expienced an ngotiaror 5 Arsuminq rculdn'r fr,nd 3he 6 nol kneinq il wouldcearc $ manyproblems

Unit 27 make /do,/9et/have

2 did 3 make 4dohake 5 do 5do/ma[e 7 make 3 made/do 9did/mEde lOdid/made 1l make/do 12do 2a 3t 4b 5e 6.7h 39

Unit 25 Verbsand oblects

2/ 3/ 3t 4,/ 9X 6t 4t 7/ Ar 9/ tOji

5X 6,/ 7X g,/ 9,/ 1At 11/ 12'l 13t 14/

2 a)r 2b)I / fte ma.ker department nq 2holday 3lun.h 4.han.e/look Slime SaltematveTbreak 8 appontde.l 9thetish l0doubt ll dill(uly 12headache/day ofi l3 @rd l4go 15@nveElion 2 g e t 3 d o i n g a m a k e 5 n a d e 6 d o i n g 7 9 o r S m a d e9 d o n e l 0 m a k e l l d o 1 2 q o t 1 3 m l d e 1 4 q o r r 5 m a d e1 6 d o 1 7 d o 1 3 g o t 1 9 m a d e 2 5u99estlo them 3p@miFdm 4etpainedloihem 5 cau5ing poblem5 us 6 lhe chclenro you 7 theLulr ro ther4hnician8oldthem 9 lhewhoe sitlalon to$em l0tod me ll introduce io Joephte you

5 a)

5b)J/ myfamyandlriends

[rnit 28 Relative clauses 1


2le la.kelheanideaboul ma*elinq 3 ent $em an ema yesieday ! erta^ erailro.Fei lusoFer\ea A depafrrl yrn.ddy 5 od h m $e dGplay modelthart b*n in lhe window 6 bd lhe dGplay modelto rcmdn who.amen rhis a moming 7 gavhermy rcport$G morning 3 gave rcponb hers{@tary 5 morning my rh 21ohat 31otl1o 4tollot sl.tlra 6 rolfor 7 to/for 31o/ror

2lhal 3 wtro 4whde 5who 6who 7 whose athai 9who 10who

r (which)4/

5 (hat) 6/


3 (who) 9/


2 hav bn waitnglor rnayedal 4 usua ydea w$ 5.h(lalhe emplerlbm 6 am responsible for 5P 7t 3P 9Lr0P]]P 12P

Unit 26 The -,rg form

2a 3. 4b 5g 5l 7e ah


Unit29 Relative clauses z

2 who ou d be a uslut contacr tbu lor 3 wh6e CVison youfdesk 4 who s.oming nexl week 6 wh6e preentaiionI head 7 iharlwai llnq youabout 3 wherctheyreloinq 1obui d the newla.rory 3J 4n St6ey 6ir 7/ ail 2 Fmewhere 3 anywhere 4 somene 5 Everylne 6 Anyone 7 smelhing a everylhing 9 anythinq I help youelf 4 met s inircnuce you6ett 6.hange 7 askmFetf srctar 2 nothing3 anr{hinq45on6ne 5 anrvhere6 Fmelhinq Tson@ne 3 antlhing 9 anylhingtoNoone 2 enjoyed ouel6 3 taughr himsef/isrea.hing himFtf 4hunyouEeff 5 expEi heEff 6 helprcuetvE 7prepayouett a inroducehyseff 9 blanyou6eJ 10make touetvs 2 fell/elared I anylim, anywtleE4 @member/Mrry 5weryUre 6 havthen 7 anylnere a iomewherc 9lhemelres tOchorhe.

zwh6e 3who 4whom 5 rhat Srhar Twhar aihal 9 whee to$at 3/ 4who 5whal 6whi.h 7/ awhch 9/ t o l a / h a l1 l l 12whar

2 wh ch wa5rhe iargeslluxury g@ds@mpany rhe rcdd in 3 whichwoulddecdeihe fulureof rhe ndunry 5 who wasthe chleiiinanciaofiicer 6 wh chwasmant bea me$age Ahaulr lo tor 7 which rcpresented of Gucd!totatnock 34% 3 whoGuccihad look ror ben nq 9whowasthehead a non-lood tgmup(a tedppR of rcla l0whlchwasa 42%stake Guc. in

Unit32 Determiners
2 a t s o l r h e h 3 b @ o f t h e m 4 m a i y o t l h e m5 h o s r o i l h e m

z s<h 3 Notone 4 Some 5 Some 6 enher 7 OurcuromeE of e..n a bo$ dals 9Attot t0any ll Ereryrhinq t2amobiephoneeach 13 Erery odion ha5ben 14*erylh n9 2 ncr'e,lh3nei$e.4At 5ery/al6each7Mry Bnonegany er r0 borh 11ei$er 12each 2 Ew.ypani(lpanr 3Nolasingepe6on 4 Nenher idea/Neithe.theideas oi 5 Sohe $e audien(e r 6Noneotmycoteague7Alwewa is of didn 8weren'tanyddumenB 9Nerherhotelwas/Netherotlheholes@re ro Sorh propoekael8orhotthepropoekae rhe rr Noieol rhe* rrems t2ioneatall ae 2 A - aach ode 3 C - Nelher codpany 4 A - a I ts 5 C _ftey arcbolh 6 C-ery 7 3-mo5tot 3 c-Mrrlhing

lJnit 30 Countableand uncountable nouns

2 A B / m a i y 3 G h l c h 4 H @ m u c h 5 a 6 a . e 7 e q u r p m n im a d i n s S 9 a piece equpmenl l0a machine1t some/wast2 mu.h t3tr/se oi

2 fme

3 much 4 many 5an 6 bfie 7 many B much gmuch 10m.ny

2a)G 2b)s 3.) s 3b)c 4a)t 4b)c

l@d:Theret bmet Therc,s crothesr qot haven't hanyjTnere omej lieyre arc rcrk: I haven got much;TheFGsomej t fteEk job:I hawnt sol a; rhereraj t|s a money:haven got much; I t TheE somej G fteEk d o a " . l h a \ e ng o n a l y ,- F q . a r f 1 a , 1 e / r l expenses: haven tgoi maiyrTherc omqlteyte ae idea: lharen'tqolmu.hjI hawnl qoi an;ThFisan; ts an

Unit 33 Possegsives compoundnouns and

2you 3youE 4you6 SourM 6 o u & t v e sT m n e B M y g h e r 1 0 r

2 Ajicet l andsname! 8ill. HegoneoJMedl LFchStop anaysE. I Tolot t on is .ompany@6 k benerthan ou6. 4 | @nt to my do<roAandhe3comp se! al the palienir,recodr urer 5 ll! imponant Kognie that wery ompany h.s is own panrcubf.u io


6 My bo$s PAreads rh cBroders bneu all 7 L@kat thoe trm Mercd6. ones our dnetloG andlhe orhel3a visitol!. 5 p e 6 o n5 a 7 m u . h 3 a n 9 b m e l O a t j m u c h 14a oi ol rs infomauo^ 16an 7 ndfl neun9/!t6,o@r 1 ( Fd( Lcm/d"pa.rnffsoF 4 iiternar a.G/summerlle 5 inflaion ligures/pnce ranqe 6 ma*et suNey/rush hour 7 inlomaion te.hnotoqry/.ar keys 3 3hopasistanvpow. laitu 9 shopftoor rcrker/@rking tun.h j1 10iNUGdc6nl,?cr/banktoad pmduclteatures/p@ducron.oss T2ma*et l@derlmarkelinq budgel 2 Jad< 3 ercr ol 4 6i9 of 5 t* ol of 6 pi<e ol 7 n@keoi B i@d ot

Unit3l Pronouns
2 no one 3 anylhinq 4 anyone 5 Something6 emede sanrihing 9 *ryth nq lONothing 7 ftrrone



2frypn 3mine 4iama!dftumenis 5 colleaque he6 6islo(bo$3 ol 7 an expertin company 3 shos lhe el6 figu6 9 cunomer 0!6 of

2 two squaEwden 4 a difiicult $@eno^th

Gnons package transition peiod nEteqy

3 an am-ing ne efiwaE

5 hiqh-qualily Taiwane compder chips

2 he&3**


5 r$c{ 6shR 7li*



6 a mllplanned inv6hent

7 deap hiqhjpd htehet acc6 3 a r@lulionary ne handhld .ompubf

Unit 34 Articles1
2 a n l l h e 3 a l T h e 4 a 5 t h e n h e5 l h / a 7 a a a 9 a l 0 a n n h e 11anlthorher 12$e^he 13rhe 14lhe Porruque 2a 3 anl 4 -l5 al- 61 ala a la 9 arl 10ala

9 a @ndrful ns

w.shinq pordef

l0 alvlulchp planjcFmnns 2 late - adv 3 a adj 4 wel ad. 5 ha'dly adv 6 good 7 ha.d - adj 3 had a& 9lan adc r0 iast adj.


2 @nwntion.l 3 rapidly 4 pbp y 5 qood 69@d 7we l 0 d @ l l d r e c t t 1 2 t y 1 3 . h a p 1 4 q u i c k l yl 5 f q h t

3bady 16huge


2-/a 3at-h6e 4 /lhe 5 ^h/a 51 0 A / a n l ar r a ^ h e r 2

Ta^he 3 rh/anh 9-l-

Unit37 Comparing I
12 13rle 2 $e n6l pDlitable 3 Renl 4lhan 5 rcEe 6 best 7 as ongas 3 wo6e

2 r h e 3 - 4 - 5 a 5 a T T h e3 9 $ e l 0 r h e l l l 4 t h e 1 5 a n l 5 r h e l 7 r h e r 3 - r 9 a 2 0 i h e2 r -

4 a 5 - 6 - 7 a f t e 9 a 1 0 - 1 l - 1 2 a n 1 3 t h e1 4 - 1 5 1 6 1 h er 7 - 1 8 a 1 9 f t e 2 0 2 1 a 2 2 a 2 3 r h a2 4 r h e2 5 -

2 sm.llerrhan I ls inreetng thadnorasinrresing as 4 $e honen 5 bne. ftan 6 a59@da5 7 mo ditl(ur 3 ai large 9 wo& rhan as

Unit 35 Articles 2
2 a5/a53 than/des 4least 5 ben 6most T rhan/hadSatas 9lun/as 2 Crcle 3 h6pira/<hool 4 Healhrcw/underg.ound 5 HemutKoh ^he Chance orlcemany 6thealpyMonrSlanc71henediutu@3 home 9 NeYo*/lheUnited ttates r0lunch 11Deu$che Sanklhe of London/$e Cily sian 12un{eaiv 13takewndehere^heL.keDi5tria.^he nonh-@3r/Enqland Bondsr@r r4 p@f 16ftelJK^hesourh-easr/CanieduryCathedGl 151he r?c@n 13lohn/rcrk/the frome 19lraly/cr 20TheDanube/Cen|a urcpe 2a)The 2b)- 3a)- 3b) Ine 4a), 4b) lhe 6a) 6b)Ihe 7a)- 7b)lhe 5a)rne 5b)

3 mores.<1ions lhe pod rhanme ol 4 a5long le4e<ted/ar as long r'derpecled 4 preni.tioh I have gin 6 mon imponai! eEf

9 $e ben communi@ton 15 5ki l0 $e m6l inlercitingpeple I haveer met 2lorer 3 better 4doEattE live 5 tukiest 6 Eeater 7 wo6r a morc ensible 9 eaier l0mosraggre$Lw hiqhef 12b61 ll

2 a t 3 t h e e n d o t l h e4 n l h e 5 a t 6 r h e s u t o n d 7 a l 3 a l 2th 3rhe 4fte 5$e 6 7 3 glhe 10- 11 12 13 1 4 - 1 5 r h e l 5 r h e r 7 $ e 1 3 1 9 t h e 2 0 r h e 2 1 ( o r r h )2 2 l h e 2 3 t h e 2 4 i h e 2 5 - ( o r r h e )2 6 $ e 2 7 f t e 2 3 t h e 2 9 3 0 . 3 r l n e 32the 33ihe 34rhe 35 rhe 16rhe 37 33the 39lhe 4!

Unit38 Comparing 2
2a I rhebener 4moreandmorc5lhewondlarc.n 6 dighlly 7la*ei a moF andmore expensive 9morequickt 10much beiter 11lhesamea5

unit 36 Adiectives and adverbs

2 mprdeddramatcaly has 3 d@pped signifi@ndy pauFbrielt 5he 4 imp@edstead 5 rc.overed ly s@ly 7 hasnFn gradually

a littk/abn b./mu.h morcorls/buqhly lun/eecty 2 nea.lylvntually3 just/esart 4 a ltile/a bh 5 farlmuch 2 thefane* g@ing 3lhemosi.ftrydsqned 4bslseling 5 rhele6r kn@n 6 themosr rapidt.hanging 2 roughly eme lrliqhtyls 4aLm6tasmaiy 5alm6rdmu.h th 6 rcnsiderabt 7 moElhan l6s l'ri.e sbyfar 9 nornea,ly l0a ol

2 bored 3borng 4eKiling smded

6larqe 7 enomoG a bad

2 hed t pomoted r badlyd6lgied 4 exiremev helplol s east rc.osniebre 5 undpecredly delayed 7 completetillesal 3 qute ate



2oughlylheeme i consde6b/y more 4 similar5 dilfent 6alot Tbyfaf 3twi.armany iwceasmuch 0a iftle 9 1

2bLt 3 still 4lhough 5hspiteof 6wher5 7 anyway 2a)Intpiteof myheadache @nt to $e meeiig /h 5p1eof hav a I slil nq headachestillmnt to rhe merinq. 2b) | hada hda.he, but I nil rent to lhe meelinq. la) someanabdsrhinkihar siq* wil lal in vaue,whereas olhe6 d egree 3b)Allhouqh$me analtdls nk thar ntrks w ll ia I in value, lh othe6 d 5a9@. rta)D6pile lhe dilfituhie in rhe negor aions, re won the contac. 4b) Enn thoughrhee @re diffituhi6 in ihe negolations,we won the .ontraar. qone 5a)Whereasoilpl.6 rcFdlhlylanyear, thi5 ye rhey have down. qone 5b)Oilpd@s sllqhlyal year, oe have down. ahhough ye rhey thi5 6a)Ive winn tvvi.e,yel lslil haven recdd a eply. t 6b) Despne writingtwic, I nill haven receivd rcply.(or Despite n9 wr fien t a hav lwi(e Inillhawnl rcciEd rcply.) a 7a)Ahhouqh didn'iu* anynoles, gryeanex.eenl presenlalon. he he 7b)Hd dnl ue anynor6 Hegave excellent preEnration,lhough an 2 a l $ 3 d e s p i l e a l l h o u q h . s w e l 6 B o t h T w h e . e a3 a s m l l a s 4 5 s 9)d l0athough 11despite12Althouqh

Unit 39 Adverbsof degree

2c 3d 4a 59 6l 7h 3e 250iew 3loohuch 4such 5e 6loomu.h 7omlch 3emany 9 solillle 101@shon ll tallenoughl2enouqhmoney 2 somu.h 3 somany 4sofs 5 b linle 6t@ Tsuch 3 enough9e

2a)50su(ce$ru that 2b)su.h succes a rhar 3a)50 @llhat 3b)su.ha goodode. pMes ngt,slem that 4a)such alqebank dehs$at 4b)soraEethal 5a)iofasithal 5b)5uch fan niemel a connedon rhat 2 wa5 such dnicullp6bem 3ftt@lewopies 4i@Inb5pa. a on $ 5 p r e s e n t a iw a s q o o d 6 d d n ' r s e l e n o u g h u nTtk s b u s y i 5 8so manybr*hurcsrhal ioo nrlerme 9

Unit42 Linking words2

2 s ol * h e r a . o p y otlh e m l n u t e s . 3 b<ause Ihada lol oi papeM lo fnhh. s hed@5n1kn@,llarkbmeoneehe. 2b 3so that 4 n oderlo 5 tor 6 can 7 could 8@udn1 9woi1

Unit 40 Timeadverbs
2at 3at 4on 5 n 6ar 7on 3in 9in 10on 11on 12in 13at

2a 3k 4m 5f 6i 7e 8i 9b l0l ll n 12h13d14c 2 neNt wee[ 3 $e dayafter tomori@ 4 at n]ght 5on time 5in time 7 tor S d u r n q 9 n l o y e a u a q o l 0 b e l o . eI l D u f n q r 2 w h l l e l 3 w l i l e 1 4 d u r n 9 l 5 b y l 6 u n t l T t h e n 1 3a f t e d a d s 1 9 A f t e r2 0 l a l e r 2 Q:Nowlonghawyouhada subsdiaryin Ponuqal? Sn(e 1998. Ai 3 Q: NowlonghasPeter Middlhoff beenCEO? Since 5radol the y?ar A the your 4Q: fowlong has conpany rheem loqoT For had A tenryysr 5 Q: fowlonq ha youowiedyourTeekom pdatstioi. shaB?A:slnce 6 Q: Fowlongha youknen A exSonTA: Fofa onqrime. 7 Q:NM onghave lvedin this!M7 A: Sncelwasbom. rou 2 ago 3 tor 4duing 5 afier 5 belore 7 for Ssince 9 for r0$hile l l 5 n ( e 1 2 a g o 1 3 B e l o r e 4 w h i . 1 5a t l e t u a d s 6a f t e r 1 1 3 a 4 b t b 6 a 7 a 3 b 9 b 1 0 a I l a l 2 b 1 3 a1 4 b 2t 3P 4t 5P 6r 7P 8P 9r 10P 2 aglike 3 like 4 as,,l 5 like 6 !s 7lke A atl ke ke 2 t o 3 l k e 4 b e c a u s5 e t h a ! 6 b 7 a s I 3 i o r 9 [ e 1 0 t o l 1 $ . s n o r l o M r r y r 2 a 5 1 3 l i k e 1 4 s o t h a rr 5 t o 1 6 i k e

unit 43 Developing argument an 1

2 h a n d 3 A s a t u l e 4 e x ( e p l5 e r t h e r A s a m a t t e r o f l a c l O i t h e w h o e 6 T a Onft olher hand 9 36ides 10suchas 1l lor example 12 nslead ol 2 *ept 3 therclorc4innead 5 n qene.al6su.has TElher 3 As@llas $is 9 Nmrihd6 10So

ljnit 4l Linkingwords I
2 Although 3despte 4whie 5 Whea 6ihouqh 7bll a{heEas

9 a n y l v a y1 0 r n 5 p o f l l a r h o u q h 1 2 a r h o u q h b) odlt v Fd rh" Mad"d o'file re d5 LpBdl"lon"o!fi p "! 2a) hande lhe tEnspon arangemenis and ako the insuEn@. 2b) We can hand bolh the lransponaraigementsand the insuranc. 3a) want ihe eles lisu6 lor octoberand N@nber as@ll. 3b) | want the sa es I sures lor o.rober as @ll as N@mber 4a) we?e setting up ofiices in Peruand alo (in) E.uador 4b) we'E setting up ofi @s in Peruand (in) Ecuadort@.

Inqenera!, nqanM&Aisa goodid tor anamb ous tak young pEle$onal, t hl]wr youdo haw to makesome ldifice' Youmksout on lvvoyea6 valuable m|t axpe ence, *mde and t cn be veryexpeisve. for 23 Fi6toall 3A-aswelas 4D-Secondl5C asaresult l y 6 A H @ r e r 7 B I n a d d n i o n D - l o r e x a m p e9 A - s u c h a s 3


2 l n a d d l o n 3 h f a . r 4 l h e r e l o E5 r i a r u t e 6 h @ m r 7 l n c o n d u s i o n

Unit 47 Adjective+ preposition

2h 3d 4b 5j 5a 7i ac 9i lOe

Unit 44 Developing argument2 an

2fiomourpontolvs 3 Appaeddy4 trFms rhat 5 tonunaret 6&tuatt T l M d n q o n t o S i n t h e e n d9 a l a n 1 0 U n t sl t u d 6 1 2o l h e m i F

2 sfelron

3 atiached 4 dependent 5eriousabout 5 nrctved to on in

2 wilh 3for 4 about 5wiln 6 about Tlor aJor 9for lOwth ll at

2Of@u6e 3 Unforlunalely 4Bytheway 5Iobeirank 6Ahsatl 7Appaeny 3 Anylvay9 Abrye att l0or6ther 2 npancular 3Cleary 4Toqveanexampta excepr 5 ior pub 6AslaraslhegeneG ic isconcerned funhmor asrnudt 7 9 Asa maner fact l0suchas 1tp6aresuh 12 0n rheother ol hand 1 3o r 6 t h e . 1 4 l n l e n e r a1 5a f t h o u g h6 l o s u n u p ] 2Asamatteroliac13 r'6iar as...isconcehed4To9ianebmple 5In EeneG 6 Cleay 7 Funheno@3Asa rclutt 9Ontheo$erhand l0tosumup rl excepllor 12athough 13*ntu.Iy 14or ra$ei

2 lo Addan 3 to dtung on the eir 4 lo. rhe meeing 5 inteEied in archaeoloqy aboutwhal he eid 7 at ma$enar<s 6 3 about adwnising lhe Ghpalgn 9oipeope l0onherid6 2 at&ned 3 dependenr 4pepared 5cpabe 3 inrcl4d 9nght l0oppGed ll compatibe

Unit 48 Noun+ preposition

2ror 3 with 4 benreen5with 6i./oi 7 beren 8to 9in/oi lOlor

Unit 45 Prepositions place of

2on 3 above/be@in 5on 6opp6n.7.t 4 l l n e x t l o 1 2 i n 1 3 o v e r1 4 n e a r1 5 i n 1 6 o n 20 by 2on 3on 4in 5on 6aun Tidoi 3at 9on 1 3 n 1 4 i n 1 9 i d a t 1 6 n 1 7 a t 1 3 o nn t 9 a t 2 lowads 3 al 4 der 5 5 on 7 in a $@ugh 9.r t0 on

2 pnceol 3 advanrage 4 tocu5 ol on t paynenrto. 6 objection ro 7 nwlvement I suhabilry in lor 2 forlup 3in/by 4lorlon 5in/On 6in 7 an/lot Santhy 9t^/n

2 r 3 h 4 c 5 j 6 i 7 d 3 e 9 r r 0 b 1 lk 1 2 9 2 r i 3 t o f 4 0 1 5w i t h 6 i n 7 0 1 a o u t 9 i n l o i n 1 1 t o . 1 2 i n l 3 t o r 14up 15in 16lor 17at l3abour

Unit 49 Trends, graphsand figures

2 at 3 in 4on 5 nexr 6 n 7 in 3on 9 oppositet0in lt to t2at 2 om lhou$nd, nrc hundcd and$idy 3 1$l rh@end, rhe hlndred 4 rwelt lhouend.nd lh iy 5 twt lhouend, thR hundcd th.ty and 6 me hundcd andt*nry thou5and, $re hundrcd 7 onehundrd hnty threerhouend and 3 o.e hundrcd r*nty $ree rhouend, threehundred lh dy and and I one mill@n, hundred $iny ftouend tm and 2 imed/slbhrt 3in 4by 5EMr! 6 ht/tow/EoveEd/a1 7 mchedheak 3 slowly/by9sN/of 10to 11Ge/lll 12ra$d/.ut 2 HowMr 3 ahhough 4 in spiteoi 5 TheEfo 6 so 7 becue or 2belonglo 3l5tenro 4 explain/io5 agrei wirh 5 appvlor Tetyon 3 apoiogied 9Remnd/aboutlohopnglor ll headlmm lor r2compywilh 13insisron 14quairyJor 2with 3 aboul 4lmm 5for 6in Tlor 3 againn 9i6n lotrom l l l o r 1 2 f o r 1 3 o n 1 4 o n 1 5 r o 1 6 f o f 1 7f r o m t B a b o u l 1 9 o t

Unit 46 Verb+ preposition

2beeve n 3wairfof 4lead1o Sdependon6kn@aboul 7 suflerIrcm

2wilh 3ol 4aboul 51or 6 abour Tinb Alor 9on t0 from


2 lolabout 3lrom 4 ol s of 6 wilh/abour7 fbm 3 in 9lor 10lo/abool1 ar 12lor t


2aalm6l 50q/62ba lnbundef50% 3aabund 0% 3baboui50% 5 4an. y s0% 4b precisey 50% 5 a a i i e d e r 5 0 % s b d i q h l y o r e t h a5 0 % n n 6 .onr deGblymoreihan 50% 2Uat 3allhough 4be.ause 5 ecwery 6peak 7up 3by 9mitton l 0 p o u n d s1 1 o n 1 2 c u t r r s i g n i f i c a n1l4 H d e w r 1 5 h . t l 1 5 r @ l y 1 7s h a r p y1 3 l o 1 9 o v s 2 0 i n 3 don'tundeEland m talkn9 5 isn'tse 4 inq 6 know 7'm naynq 3 a F y o u 0 L r d D oy o -o f f e ' 9 r o l e i l 0 d o y o u . d l l d t r N "

b)Pc c)Pc OP5 e)Ps 0Pc a)Ps h)Pc 2a 3e 4c 5q 6f 7h ad Prenr slnple:aNvays, soonar, befoe, e@ry as y dry hard trr nweL mosioi lhe lime, nextlime, nom.lly, o.caionaLly, oien, Grel, smetimes,twicea year, Penl conrinuous: lhe momenl,nM, n at adays, $6e daF

Unit 50 Punctuation
2 Lasl februarymelMary lor Caeenier thefi6t line. , abo-r50l'lor4? I'on odn!. 4lvlylarcur Nilchco.ktim 91fan9e6 a Tra k on n'. 5 Cao worksasa^ oli .e managern a ma*ei n9 consu tancy 6lw jun rcceived repon ihe published MaybyrhewoddT6deOrganzaiio^ a( 7 OnChrshasDaywel 9oto myparenG' houp near Bighronn5usx 3 lh nkJean qoinq beinleto n9theDputy s 10 s finance Minkter wk ne{ 2c 3b 4a 5.5a 7a 3c 2l'm 5orry Km, heeid theg@ds would aiiive time. $ey d dn1. on bur 3 Jacksad @ rhoud lr up thplans, ihar togel about andnan again it 4 When lsawmybo$,lMnl uplo hm,.nd e d, CanI ha@ Friday pleae? ofi, 5 Oi theothe.hand, could a ditiecnr we ue tnm..oudntwe?'eid 6'Nello, Alan,sid Tina,How waslhe menngyened:y?' you, ask bme help, pedaps 7 lf were i'd iof or lookarlhe manlataqrin 3 O shafesdd well anwk Standard Oilwas up2%, Een wasup La%,and grcup lhe An9lo-Dutch Shelgainen 2.3%

1 lusually llnchar abodoneo crock 2 Lunch oftn a sandwr.h. he s tun 3 I visnPads Hd I mero ime 4 amhadt evs latin thmorninq 5 | hadt mr lake$e rranro work. 5 I prcpare !15 Eponon.a month 7 | n*r miss Boadmeel a a n9 3lam n4r lare a Boadntinq. tor 3.onrah4t 5./ 6weowi 7 lhink 3/ glrseffi r0l ]]/

r 9@s upldenand 2 I iallinq/meaG ayou wa nng/doil th nk 3 4 doour<unohe6 wanlk*ms 5 hope/k^@tisdoig 6 doyoumean/doi undedand TaEyousyng/Doyouwant l 3 0c you.chicken ta$e/depeidr/ sw*ln!

Test 2
1b{ame 2 began 3blole 4 b.oughr 5 bought 6(hose Tate 3iel 9 tolnd l0lorgor ll g@ 12lepr l3led 14lenrl5mel l5pad 173ed lashut 19spefl 20 undeElood

(opriona Dear Angela, comma) ll wasgreal hear to tiomyou, $ank lor thephoto *ryone on rheMBA and oi cou6e.llbrngs back happy memodes, lm sure l age thatwe wep yo! ahd 2 ued rocraih 3 mshed/wa5pdnrnqo 4wasling ofl^laned lucky have to p6ple n ouryr suchnErcstng 5wanlen/d6e 6 used have/combined 1o 7atrved/waswaiiing I m glad rhatyouere succesfu publcelaions |ve inyblf dloralobin 3 kndked/.ame 9@eargung/lost 10watv sred notbsn$ lar l n alraidlapplenlorajob arlhe begl^ning $e ol fronth n lhelnan.edepanme ola algeSws-Mnedphaha.eulcal 'd (or 2didn'lue 3lhadn'tfolqonen4uedlo prcduce5l'd rcad san) (ompany bevry wellquaied iorrhetob, Inil haven'r but heard anyrhinq. rf 6 hadalready 7 ued ro !o sking/used sti Sthameetinghadlnished left lo ldonlqetan ansmrbon, llry wiliig againAcrually, illdon't hear an,,lhinq, I won1betoo d Fppoinled beGue 1 ehs $e I .ompany doinq Mll at isn't to themoment, ldonl thinkthere'd franyoppodunitiglof aid pomotDn. be 2 W h e n 3 a r 4 r n 5 0 n 5 W h e n T W h i l e / w h ea i n 9 a l l 0 w h e n n 'vebeen you mninglo email for aq6 about somelh ee. Doyouby.ny nq , Fdn!"-"F Alkon J'r \ doaA. rT pta.n'ng a-d on{}lng lrtr Ltryn lhe a u r u m n a n d | d l k e t o . a l n d s e e i h e m . r v n a l a b o u l y o u ? D o y o u h a v e a 2 got/had na ny noppd I didyoulindouvhadqoi 4loined/hadwo*ed pansiocome herc? @uld bercnderlultoee youaqain, youkn@ rt rnd 5 *nl/had a mdyrpoken 6 hadalw4$ suspe.lei/wasn t youre rekome to sray when4er Well,that3 all lor now I m qoinqawaylomorow lor a lM dayrto vkll my I hadbed waiting 4 hadakady head 5 hadbeei dsing 6hadn'tinished parcn$, and'vegoi lo pa.kandgetreaCy. ank again rhephoro, it fi lor and 7 hadner met Shadbeen l@kinq thad@n r0hadbee^ losinq was$ niceto hearlrcm you aqan (optiona Al thebel, .omma)

2had 3havehad rwbft 5lleft 6hdercub*nrcrking 4 7 a r c ' o u g o n g3 h N n ' t p a i d 9 d l d n l p a y l 0 d d y o u a n s e


2 stanen 3 been writing 4didyouaniE 5Hareyou 6 hasbeenoryanGing/has oqanlsd 7 for rhe months 3 haveiEd/have been living 9t'banwaitnghm lOthmntqin l l l vebeen waitinq l2 have rclked/helou benrcrking you 2 always3 aheady4*f 5jun 6 yet Tfor 3ner 9 ofG^ t0Sofar

/ nulr lN , o1ts r a6f i r Coonbb 3 wd. d. F@ rhis ao- nq 4 6 beingrenmbpd 5 havebeenpur up agan 5 wlll bedl<used in the mrinq tomorcw 7 hadsomenM oltwarc nstaled 3 wasb.rn 9rereyou 10Pete6c.was wasAlexlod 12 Hat. ba.lup copyol this ti e bn

2 ve nsef been 3 My wallethar a vejusrsen 5 havenl fin shd(or wftinq) 6 rcrkinq hrc for 7erbenlot tinAnen@(orrer visid Latin Amenca) a haven spoken9Aniacome lCqone i ha@n,l Oavid sn 12livingherefofr3 ve eft 14hen'rf nished l5 jun teft t6Mben (or l7learning nudyng) 13hmnlhad l9n@reaien 20 plainglennis for 2l torgoilen 22 \ changed23*n Marqarclsn@

2 m u n 3 n e n t o 4 h * l r i e d 5 r e ' d b e t l e r6 n i q h t T i h o u d S m u n 9 c a n lh a v e r o h a v e i o t i d o n ' t n e d t 2 ( a n r ro 2 m u n n ' t 3 m l h r h a v e4 h a v e l o 5 m u n 6 . o u d 7 h . d r o S m u s t h a w 9 s h o u l dl 0 d i d n ' t h : E l o 2i 3b 4d s9 6a 7e

2 n o p s 3 S h a l 4 w e ? q o n 9 o u l i t t g o i n q t o b 6 t l d o 7 c o m e : c k 5 b 3 She be@rking 9w?egoinqio 10lhey'ttpobabty 2 w i l b e h e r e3 w l p r c b a b y q e4 i 5 9 o l ^ 9 be n d 5 t l l k y o u r 6 won't(orcant)see 7 WhalaF rou 9o^q 3 wit pobabty b)prese .onrnuous()wil d)9onsto e)qoinqro i)wll 9) futuc prle<l 2c 3b 4i 5a 6h 7e 3q (or 2 Shall 3.onfeence ends f nkhes i5o@r) 4 wonl 5 wittyoube of 6ll 7 Sha 3youdoing 2 s h a M h a v e3 ' m g o n g t o 5 t u d y ' t t b a b a . k 5 t m a t n g l 4 6 lwon't iorgel 7 Im qoing do a Shall to lhelpyoo 9 we'rcome 1 0 l ' m g o i n g t o a s1 1l ' l h a E 1 2r ' m9 o l n 9 h * k b 2 Wtl I s ,bu tomor@? 3 D d you havea nke limeT 4 0o you knowwhar I mean? 5 Ae youcohing out Io. a latet you 6 Have b*n waillnq long? 7 Areyouenjoying youuellT 3 Hae rcu head $e larn? 2whatthi5mns 3h@muchrhr.on5 4 whatime $e bank opens 5Im inlheighteat 6 whe. Opera lhe Hou5e s 7 lh( is lhe way10the s<ience Mueum a $no lhe spaker al the nerl se$on (orwho rhe speaker the nextsss on k) i5 ar 1.26 3a 4 5,/ 6,/ J/ 2 d o n t h a @ i o3 c a n l b e 4 m u { b e 5 s h o u t d b e m i g h l b e 7 G n l 6 amlqhrt harclo l0shoud 2 mun have 3 can't haF 4 rhoud haw 5 mqht norhe 7 shouldnhave S could t haw 6 shou have d

Test 7

2 wasposted 3 Gbens d* oped(or Gto bedeEropd) 4 w.s aaten 5 is sri pbdu.ed 6 wi be ddden 7 k beinggi@. 3 hasben prcmoled 9waswifien 10arclost(o.arcbenqldt) 2 ourhousewas bokeninrolast week 3 Engshisspoken lder the@rd. a 4 the newmoloeay hasrinaV opened (or ben opened). . 5 ThkumbreLla eftin Repton. was 6A lrafic wi I bebannd thec t cenrc. tom 7 -ia rh" 1o 'qu'4den'{ed. -er lh.} ae leh lo,24 4or5 3 Themeelinq bng pslponed. h 2 am havingnrycr rcpaired 3 hadsohebusinesGds prlnled lhe ne toqo wirh 4 arehavn9 carpdcleaned the tofro@ 5 hava hadnryrequenlor .edit rclued lust 2mean 3beGken 4wilbrtng 5t6kptae 6 hightightei7 bignored 3 isexpecid 9wil fal 10in.reae 1twittst.t 12tobfound 13ceare l4encouEge 15belooked at

2 sheds/$e d@sn't 3 iha4/lhavenl 4 am/r'm not Sshek/rhe isnt 6l6n/'l 7lwil/lwon1 3 drd/lddnl 9 tk/ilisnt 2 @.1 they 3 aEnl avinq4 havenl rhey 5can'lyou 6 didn'l iorcer T Y o u @ @ i t 3 d o y q 9 r h a lr e r 0 d i d n r y o u 2 Canlk thenenu,pease? 3 Excuem, s anyoie siningherc? 4 WriCn.ounta/do you.ome I@m? s Whowrc you ralkinqio jun now? 6 what eEdly do you msn by lhal? 7 Coud yoube a litlle mF $.ific? 3 wlEI tihe is lhe nexttrain 10Bru$es? 9 Canybu tell mes,hatt methe nexrraln to 8tus*ls ts? 10Wro d@slhis bnelcase belonq to? 11Could lmakea phone lom he? cal 12Doyoulh nkI could nakea phon lom here? ca!


AI{5WER t(!Y

Test 1l
2 p b m o t e 3 h a d l e f t4 s t y 5 I d 6 h a d 7 b m k s d e n 3 c o u l d h o n e p 9 d o e s n ll 0 @ d b e e n l l w o u l d * b e o m e 1 2 9 @ s h 1 3b a c k e d / w o u l d ns k r 4 h a d n t / w e d b el 5 h a d 1 6 w a s up rt 2 wil be 3 wouldhaveasked 4 will gel 5 wu d g.t 5 rculd haw miFd 7 wouldn see 3willleave 9 @uld hare t srted oul l0rcudyoudo l u n e $ 2 i l 3 U n l e s4 l 5l 6!ne$ 2qlonwilh 3 cutd@non 4 tunourot 5 gel roundlo 6 catch upwlh 7 look fo ardlo 3la(e upro 9 froveonto 10gel back to 29 3l 4i 5d 5b 7a 3k 9l l0j ll h l2e 2g 3l 4a 5d 6j 7h ae 9i 10k11b12f 2 tak6 up 3 lo pur backthe meeingto^o pul rhe meeting ba(k to 4 tode.l wilh 5 pickmeup 6 lo 9o on witinq 7 to so,'iir out 3 lo go over 9 you ome ac6s t 10run our ol rim 2@r 3lhough 4out 5down 6by 7up Soli 9 nto,6ackl0 away

2 hadmade more etmuld have cop had your 3 hadb@uqht hap/rcu dn'thav gon 4 hadinvened n newlechnology/rcud havesuNid 5 hadwa ted/wouldnt have happeied 6 hadrcalled youfte 50b!5ylwouldnl he asked you 7 hadcolapsed/would havbeen 3 hadbrcught rhenns modalon out iime/@udnl ha l6i 2b !a 4a 5b 6b 7b (or 2 haddone 3 hadn'1done spoke could 4 3peak)s hadorde@d 6 wa, (orwerc) Thadgven thad

Te* 12
2h 3b 4t 59 6.7a a e 9 l 1 0 . 1 1 b 1 2 a1 3 e ( o r 1 4 d a)

2 havinq 3make 4do 5 make/have/do 5do/dake 7 frade/dong/male 3 maketdo/havi^9/mak 9 Have/dake10frade/do ng 11dong/make/having have/dohakn9 r2



2 (ofrng 3 to coma 4 giving 5 makn9 6 Remnd Tloentei atobe 2wh4 3$ar 4wh6e 5who 6who* 7 which 8 whose 9thal 9 t o b e 1 0 t r y i n g1 1 r c ! 9 n i n 9 2 l o b d * 1 1 3 b e i n g1 4 i n r e r u p r i n g l0wholuedlowolkwith 1 5 g o i n gl 6 1 0 m e e l l T r o d e l v { l S w l n n i n gl 9 t o s e 2 0 i o p a c k 2 1 a r i v n 9 2 2 r o i r 2 3 g e n n g a w a 2 4 t o g e t a w a y t t o l i 5 t e n2 6 v i s i t i n g y 2 3 (who) a qId s(ha0 5(ha0 7 !a[id 3 (that) 2.omng 3lo lGe 4 to gel thouqh/gefii^g5 waitng SlogiE 7 @usinq 3 to @npbmise 9 unp&king qde me 2 who (ameyesteday I lhal lh )apane* vRito6who cane yenerday 4 wh6e laplopI borowedwanisit 5 who@*s in my depanmnl 6 lhal we we.l lo y5l*d.y w6 7 a @manwh6e siner wo stor A whoiswaning t(eplonwanE b 'n

(of'lhedaybeioE) 2 Whatd d youdoyasreday 3 Do youoften go lo Gemanyfor meetoqs 4 l-lowmanyinlefr ew haveyoudoneioday jobs 5 AE you 9o iq b chanse 6 Whod d youla t lo.r $e.ontercnce 7 Wi vor behet o' ther) oTorow SWhercaEyournewolices 9 HawyouFen Bil @@nly l0Wil youbesee 3i atlheconle@n@ ng 2invtedJeanlocometo advisdDav to siqn 4 suqqand qening 3 not 5 apolog for a(ving 6 ofiered(to qiv) ? onqEtllared/on winninq ed

2 isa d*tor 3 you6{oryour umbrela)4lhalwln 5evrytme 5 ome advl(e Tnelherone 3someinlomation 9noneolus l0bylaxi 1 l l h al i a f f i w a 1 2 s m a n y 9 @ d e d s1 3 N o n e a r a l1 4 l a n e g c o l e a g u e c d 15.ilner l6 roolinleinlonaion lTeachone lSMinsq! pans 2l ftene6 s 22rheend ihe rcpoft 19enouqh.hairs nosparc 20 of 23bolh 24 everyone hets 26some 25 infooation 27can't hed antlhing 2abo$oflhem 29 lherc waql a sinq quesuonl0 sn'tanyon ils e 31

aounbble douns: dest,a bag, a alob,a lip, a ptublem, a.han.e,a itre, a machine, dollaL email,a facl, a suggesi an houf a an on, Uncounlible nouns: some iurnilure,someluggag, some wo*, sme tGvel,ome trcuble,eme luck,sre wine,eoe equipnent somemonry some cotrgpondn.e, ome inlomation,$me advice, sone time


/ sone d\.p 3b,fa- 4 )onelh'ngbm]'ng 5onlm d 6 oie ot my bos3 friends 7 a tax advier (or 3 Nobody Noone) knds ihisbusinEs9 goi nolhing io (or 10Everybody Everyone) drnks rr Tlieunemployed redgigning here 12 13is norh we can 14F@mu.hdid r5isnlmuch 16anaccouniam n9 (or 17 Everybody Everyone) late 13 couldn'rdo anr,rhlng was peuon 20ftere!no 21warn'tii 22ihe.unomer! 19Noia sngle opy

(or 2 byihend 3veryhad 4lovely blu 5 e fr endly wy fdendly) good 6 errremely (orabsoluleyexcelenr) 7verywl 3fltrcd 9Wenever9ve 10 nleenedin ll somuch l2 !u.h..islryprcje.r l 3 n o le x p e r e n e d o u g hl 4 l a r q e r $ a nl 5 a s l a r c e a s6 l h e b s n p n c e en l l T f o r r h r e e m o n $1 3 ! o i n s 1 9 w h e ng e lb a c k 2 0b e l o e 2 l l h a n r d o s 22too ong lr nu(r lej,selr .or ri a5userular l4 ar smn'T

2ago 3laler 4ior 5 since 6at 7 n 3on 9.ltEB:ds ll Aner 12for l3laler 14at

2 've beenrcrking on thB prcj{t 5in.eJanuary 3 ismoE prclirabe reiaibanking. lhan 4 wolksverycareluy. 5 $e @d sefr.e rve *f en. 6 rrayedin P.nsoniil Tyou nterested opera?SinBhedpdlvely. t h*h.kedhad. n l0w tswell. 11 5nl well(orB un@tl) 12speak mo.e iMt pteae. 13 snorasbigasthechnese madet. 14justas franyprcducG Rl<had. as 15 sthe eanexperieicen frember ihe ream. 16seyoulater ot 17'vebeen dolnq jobsin.e thB r998. lSawayonhoridayunlil r9onime 20 n tme ro 5ave neqolatons. |get$eEbyNvo. the 2I 22 ntheendwegave (orqave up upin theend)

2 n 3 a t / i n 4 o v e r 5 i n / n 5 o n 7 a t 3 r o 9 i n 1 0 o n 1 r a t 1 2o r 1 3u n d e r1 4 a r r 5 i n / a t 1 6 i l T a t 1 3 t o / i n l 9 o n 2 0 o n 2 l o 3 a g a i n s4 o n / l o r 5 o t 6 n t o T i o m S i o r 9 w t h 1 0 i n t l l a b o u l 1 2o n 1 3o l 1 4 w l h / a b o u l 5 i o 1 6o n t 2 on Swirh 4in 5 ol 6in Tlor 3ro 9at r0for rr aboul

2rea5onlor3 advaniaqe 4 trouble ol wlth 5 m.tterwilh 6rcplylo 7 ackol 3 solulion 9 sub{hote io for l0invesrmenrin adviceon ll

2 nsde 3nextto 4to 5ai 6nar7a.b$ Sdown9on r0at 1 1o n 1 2o p p o s i t e 3 a l 1 4 o l f 1


lndex A
with pastsimple AnE Append 5 p246 in x wth pEent prfectp26c

wiihsinguarcounlable pl27D,1423 nouns

pl4c wilh psent onlinuous wilh pEent prfe.t p27c pl0C wnhpsentsimple aslinking wordp170A,3 p1 in compaGons 543,159D wod5andphrargmeahing pl7aA and Bnyor sme? pl27D,pll0B pl27D in aftnmatw sentence5 pl270,p1303 in negaiB.nd qunions p127D in olfe6andreques$ nol . .ny (innegari@ *n&ncet p1350 anybody/anyone p]30A,B

be .bout to (etumngro ruture)p39t

bfonon-Eadabl adjadiE pl51C pe6onor organ etio^ vdlo d* acton p42

p1 adtedives adlelbs 50A.p2030: AmE 8lE .nd and difieGn.6 Appendix p246 5 adjediv6 adwdswilh sme iom pls03 and pl . e n d l n 9 i n - . d p 1 l 0 B5 1 E p151E in endin9 -lng p1100, gEdabe nongradable p151C and iregula.adjecrig pl548 oder ot adjediE pl 510 possi adjedives p13aA

of rnypl.e (Ama) Appendix p247 5 apostrcphe pl333,pl39C s (l) artkl$ (r, rhe, elc)u34, u3s in Elaiiclaoespl22A generaly p]43E, p147t nofilcle whentalking noanlde wilh nam6oi (ounvis,(ompanies pl43E, elc sp<ial uss of noanldep147O

wi$ pRnrsmple p10c

adwd endngs({lly, -il, -y) p1503.Appndl 3 p242 adwds .nd .djediE pl 504, p203O

pl55D,pl53A a... $ (incompadsont linling rcd pt74A,p175E wlh pa51@nlinuouspl9F

p10C, 50a pl frequency adveds compannq advedspr59D oder ol advebspr 50a

wi$ pae perfe.l p33a wnh presnr sifrple p33A

after after :nd pal (AhE/8lEdiiircn.)Appndix 245 5 .ftor $at GhMinq a equence)y'3c, p167a in ime expKionsp167t p22B wth pan sinpled pastprfe<t wth preenr5imple @p@ perf.ipl&a

pl9l C,D a pFp6ition in .dn phraFrpl99G pl in limeexprsions aC,pl55,4 pGilion/lo@tion p136A, p1378

pl bewilh peent (@rinuous 1D h.d wilh p6r periectp22a p23D h.d ben w h pan prfect@it nuous haE wfth p6ent perfeclp26,A in Pasiw asreporring vErbp95C be .llowld ro/nor .llowrd ro pemhsion/prchibiUon p54s,C



+ going to (reiernng tuture)p34B ro assr.Gvelbandadio^@rbp15D In pan.ontnuouspr9D in presnt pede.t @ntinuous p30C

.ommandtin repofted sp.hp95E comp.rattet andsupe atts u37, u33 onesyllable adje.ttes p1543 onetllab e adredsp1590 te or moresyllab adjeci pl 548 e B t*o or morc syllab adveds p159D e phEs6andntuciures comparatives common wrh and

be.bl6 to or @uld? P5lc in ^egaiives queslionsp5lC and n Mtng innead 6n p503 of ininitie tormolen p50A bento andgoneto p27D wth part3imple panpri<r p223 or with prcent s mpleor prcenr plfd p33A betide(positon/ o.atoi) p1370 p199E conneciontrclationship6

p155E comparng aclions o m P a r n e q u a l l n g rp 1 5 5 D g h

wlih.5long at, on @ndition th.t, pFviding,pbvidint th:i so r6n9ar p73c wilhim:gineandsuppodng p73C

( < o u l dm o d a l 6 ) u 1 1 , 2u 1 3 u 1 4 u1 , , n .eponed $*h p903

p620 PemBionp54C, (difiednc8 uege) Birish EnglGh/Ahe Eiqrkh c.. in pt3D,p59E, un(enainry F wilhqlslion ta95 aftermperarNespToC

wod5andphras meaninq blrpl78A + mysell/you&lf pl310 etc rn.oun phr.espl99G Positon/lo.alonpl370 perr<!p22c wlh past p33A wrh prcenlsimple pG*nr pedecl or

n .eponed5pe*h p9og

wth question atler p70c rigs impeDtives .6!ld or b abletoTP51C singulaplural f/ lom5 pl264,C wilhsp{ilic m.aningl27E

, . a n ( m o d a r v . 6 ) u fu r 2 ,u r 4 p53E ofle6andinvilalions p6lD Permisson with quenionLgs afls impe.alive p70C

defining relanw daus pl13 A, C (!h6)p142A, definire p1430 anicle wilhpla@ namep1468 sp{ili. maan pr47E nq

p53B ceftainlyanddedu.uon

posirion will andwon1p34A, p533 wilh d e s p i t . / is p h e o l p t T t G n (a, delermineE tne, this, etc)u32 combininq rntenc6 usnga @laive clau* p122A .ome + -ing (sporc/o!1d@r acrivilie) p32a

wilh qu6rron lagsp70A,c



ploA wirhp6en1tlmple with queniontaqs704, B common oaresions wilh do p114A

with prsnt pede<lp268,p27C,p30A,pr 66C p3I wilh prereniprfeclcontinuous E pl73B for example/for instanre

pnide phEsarb6 prorc in panide ph6el vlbs pl03C in be due to (cferinq to luruF) p39F pGilion sentnce plOC, pl50A in p27c with preenl perlear withprcenrsimplepl0c p]91C, uegeasPeposnion D

achandev.ry p135E pl31O ea(ho$erlone anothr p151E adjectw endii9p1103, padciple ^ ending elaiveclaus pi230

p2063 endot senlence

p33 in anacrvny prc96s in rhetuture p38 some$inq willdeiinney th happen l lhe end or In lhe end?p133O @king b..k iioma pointn thelururetoan er ear p74C la kingabouriuturc dents that 5E I kelyto happen eventhouqhandrhhoughpl?00 pede<i p26c with presenl with50peals p!55C 6wry and..h pl35E pl30c ev.ry oneor everyon? p130A, 31C pr everyone/everybody ewryon. or .v.ry on.? pl3lc p1304, pr3rc everything L@Lng ba.ktom a pointn theiurure toan aclvnyin

get 5omelh done p47E n! q6+-inq (spon5/ourd@raclvilig) p32a

exdafr .tionma* (l) p207G + nriniive(Ie.nnq !o rulde)p39r


a fs

soinq to (eletr n9 to lulure) u7 p75c lutur*nG lhal are kelyto happen goinglo of p6ent.ontinuous? p35E goinglo ofwill? p35D plans inlenlions p34 and p34B pcd clionsusingevden.ein prcsenr situation cleding 10nr or d nanl l me n luturep34B goneto andb*n to p27D gotten(past pafti.pLe qet n AmE)Appendix ol 5 p246

p43c,pl73D showng sequen(e a p4lc, pr73D sh@inq sequen@ a pu.p6e/@n) p174C + noun(expGsinq afternounsmeaninq'ned','wish' or'requ6t pl99F p166C forand sinc p27C, in nounphras (for platuE,for *le, er)plee6 p304,pr66c with pasrsimple

had + pastp:rti. ple p22a wilh pastperl.t .onlinuousp22D

necsary/not n4essry p54C




p73c wiLt .onditionals wilh preenr peden p33A wnh pPenl imple p33A

haE/hs + paslpanidplep26A hde someth dore p47E nq wilh questontaqsp708,C hav Gtale@lb andactionwlb) pr 5D,pr r sC .ommo^ exprsions withhaveprr5c have/hd. 9or p115C:AmE?BIdlfircn.d Appendix 5 msning'post pll5C nol n cont pt nuous rn!5 a5a naG verb 15C ne.Esary/noln(&ry p54A,s, p55F

in spireolldespite p171G indelini| arlicle(a/an) u34 indJinile pbnounsp130 131A,3, C

indiredspee.l'Ge reponed spe.h) aJtermodawlbs p50a aner |gt and makep33D afier ve6s ot p"rceprion p363 wilhp@*nl5ifrple pl0A wt,roul b paiD, p363 pl adle.t endinq T03,p I 51 t after a pRed n9 velbp32A,p37C preposirions pll0-1 11c, p194a after (getund) pr10a,p171G 4 a noun ar beginn of clauFp111D ng before another p37C velb panic ending rclarireaus$p l23D ple in . p33c wilhflrura<ontinuour paTD wilhpasi lorms pl10 wirhpreenlcontinuous phrasa in*pa,able p1028 d5 p99C,

+ obje.i + infinir' p863

his(posF$ive prIA adje<ti@ pDnoun) and homophon Appendixp243 e5 3

H o w , , . ? ( q u e n im d ) ! r 5 on (lel|ing iltoc)p39f + inliniive to How long,,.?wirhp@nt pededp27c HN m.ny,,,?wirh@unrable pr27D noun5 How mudr.,,?withuncounrabe no!n5pr27D pa2B, + to + nfniti@ p37C panicen ph65a@lbs plo3c invaninive p438, p203C rregurar wlbs appendi{2 p24o it + pa$i@ot repoding vd p95c pronoun) I1 D iaelt (rflexi@ p1

idaginary iurue aenr p75O, p79E, pta3E haEnarypan4nB p73B li[ely tuiurc denrs p74C,p79E po$rbre pan ftft p7&A th nqslhar aG always qenera rruep743 or t if ohly .

.aprra Mf .are?p206A o. by./an pl423 Pre.ded

'inc|e' or 'dmaF' alter nounsmeaning

wiri pan simple AnE append s p246 ih x wnh p6enl prfectp27C pt 93D

rnnounph6es (in.dhn.o in debt,in a hurry,erc) in t meqpresioGp]3c, pr66a in time or on rihe? p1563 pcdon/loGtion pia6,\ B
In pasve a rcpoidng velb p45c



ine |ern + un@table mun p159E

nodald6 u11. ul2. ul3, u14 u18


indiEt languagp u14

+ uncounrable n4n p159E let , hfinitiE wilh@t ro p33D Lefs... G!qq6d@) p63F like (linkinq wqd 'ande e, lhaf) p175E + lng peTC

linkingaods andph6g p1820.p203t ue ot @mma wilh 6nkin9 wd! P206(

nm ... rh.n (inonprtons) p15&c

+ object+ infiniive p86B . lhd6 (o0 pr 3,r3,pr 624

6. nst + ndn p159E p1341 lnh uEwntal'le nouFp1270, nBt (modal u1 ul2,u13 vrb) 1,

+ -1|l9p87C

h 9..<h p90 p59E n6t he {dductjon)

n6ln'a d donl h.w to? p5)43 iry b6661 .djrriE) p133A ny$la(ElbdppMdn) p1310
+ Infnldw withdt lo p830 commo elp6ioB lili mt pl l4A n.n.e + t r infiniliE p32B wirh @nr.ble ruB pr27o, pl Ls n.y (trFd.lEtb) ul 1,ul3, !r4

p544 C, p55F trery/Nt nffiry negatiEtom p55F tm p.65ible

may not ul1, ul3

Bib aryhody, rE6.dy, er<p1308 lilh rE&l Erb6 pYlA lidr Ft .., -y p135D rilr p.3 @||linDB p13D l'dr pan psted p22A with p6t psled @nlrnbG p23D wnn pent uith pent {ith pent sith p|Ent @nlin@6 p11D pste<t p26A psfe<t @ntjnwu p30C p10A simple

mlglrt(modal wb) ul1, u13 in poned tpeechpsoB


not he

(ure.binr}' p59E p32A wnh p6t Flfe<t p22c wilh p6t sintple AmEAppendk5 p245 in wilh prent pef*t pa6( ploc wfth pr*m simple

+ ing in n<Eli6 andqElim

mine (p6siE

po'un) p13aA


showng a equencep43C no (innqari)p13,t 135D n o o n e / n o b o d y p r r1 3 r a 3 , c o , no pla.e (AmE) Appndl 5 p247 nobody/no onep13Gl3l4 B,C non-defin relatre n9 prrqD claus pTr&A, n wrillng 6lhe.lhanspe(h prlaA use @mmas nonietininq ol wilh rclaliw claus p206c lixedexpresions wilh on p] 373 (on in nounphrases businest,on foot, on holiday, er.) n lrme expe$ions plaC,p156A on rine or in tlneT pl668 parlicle phel ve65pr03c in P6ition/octon pl36 78 frrh <ondlonak p73C (Peposilion) opposjte p137D

+ obled + infinlriva p353 opin ons/rccomme^dal p55D ons oughr/ouqhr.l to have(crtc5mof panactoB p55El pl99G + prcpo5tonarph6s ploral cohmon noun e^dngs Appendixp242 3 pr39D cofrpound nounr couilable nounspl264, pl27D C, (ounlable uncoontable pr27E and nou6 general/spednc pr27E, pr47t me.nings meanrng inceae'and'd{a* p2033 engllaror p uGllom pl26C uncounrEble pr268,c, pl27o nouns ouE (po$esiFponoun) pl384 (rellexive ou6lv5 p6noun) plllD parlkle phrael@dsp103c in own (hy own,rlurM, etc)pl33A

wirhphdslvads 023 toma andinpetsona wdtngp46 rocusonfrponairintomallon p42B pro(6sas pceduresp43c and t5tems, + n l i n t p 4 6 Cp a 7 0 , h+pa$kol reponing p95C + to b. + pan pandpep370

or no pra.(amt)Appendt p247 5 .omma arqe in p207< numbeEp202A, symbos @rds?p2024 or

wrtlr @rbs wilh rwo obledsp47D w(h transiti@ vebs onlyp43E pastandafier (AmE/BlEilercnce)Append p247 d | 5

n pdsivesenbnces p42A pc non af@ common vells p 1904\B p6ilon in aclve aid pa$ivesenlences p42A posilion phr&l@lbsp933. wih p99c @6s wilh 1!lo obi{.rs p47D,pr 07E wilh 1ransre wlbi y'3E, p r064 B,D t 'in.reae' or 'd&rca*' p193D alier nounsmeaning common/nxed phraFswilh ot pl39c, D

a silualion prcgre$ $e pall pl9E in in inlomalion about backEounddtualon pl9E a + (onditon daue p75D wth tifreexprcsion5.s, wh.n andwhile pl9f wilh be (fooing pa$ ve)p37D

in.ondton claule p73B

pa.ti.e n phraelredspr03c

wiihlme expreslonr p22C wilhvedsot th nking p22B pan perfecr pasrperfear and p23E .ont nuous and p223 Panpedect pansinple



pdt perfe.t contnuous p23D,E pastperfect and @nunuous pan perled p23E AnE/&E ueq Appndix p2'16 in 5 penod time p23E Jorcompleted oJ lor habitual actions the pan p1a in p26c td sp(nic evenls p75D in @ndhon clause pasl dmpe of @nlinuous? Pl9G wth afterandbfoE p223 p13C w th limeexpElions pastr mpleor presanl pdd?p27C.p30A pe@nal comments/opinions @d5 pl a2A uFiul paft<16 @mmon led in pr03c .ommonpp6irion5 lsn in p1024 with lime expE5ion5 ever, nev.r, dFdy andyet p26C withrim *pB5ion5lhatEferlo thefutuFp36A pr&nt perlector pasts mpleT p27C,p30A pr*nt pertector presenl prfecr continuous? F P31 pr*nt pedect presenl e7P30B or simp prent perted @it nuous u6 for adion5or s tuations progres p31 in D for empha5ising ol timep31D lenq$ for rcpatd adionsp3I D wilhlimexp6sio6for 5ince, ately,Renlyp3lE pr*nt p.d..i .ont nuous pE5enrperfe.lTP3lF or lo. aclions situalions areganeat rrue p108 and itut lor adions arercpeated a yp103 rhat regu for pemanenrladspl0B plac ro. no er andiouhali5m p14C, p333 lo. rimerablB schedule and p743, n .oidition .laure C with tequencyadwbr p10C p whhrime expr6ions 10c wnh ime expBions ftar rcier b lhe tuturcp33A pent s mple pseni pl4A or continuous? pr*nt 5imple pre5enr ped*r? P30Aig or

noan de in tont oi pr4lE,p146,a p.eeded byth. pr 46s

po$8i@ adtedivetplorcuB p133A po$6si6and <ompolnd oouns utl andpE.lio App.ndir ! p243 pnirion p58B wih wlll andrcnr p34a, p@noun5 p13G1314, C ind-.linile B, p6es vepbnouns p138A pl31D E lexi prcnolns

u45, u46,!47, ula PrcPdiiions p194A, c, pl95D after adje.rives B, alts @mro. @'!s p1904,B pl9aa, 3, c, D, E,F aits nouns alter phra5al 8tb5 ploza p1950 choice pEpo5iton of d llerences AmE/&E in uege Appddrx 5 p247 poslt in quErions I p1904 p7l on posionrnrelative dals p1198 preposLrional PI996 phraes p@positions 3, of da@pr3G137a, c, D pepqirions pr 9r c rerb + difterenr u*s ol dfieE pftpcilions p1.910 presentconrinuous u7 ui, u2, lor tixedtimrable@ endar pog6mme p33B or p1,K, p34C,pl5E ior tuturearcngemenls for tempodryactions situadoNpl l or in condirjon claue p743,c pseni conrinlousor golng to? p35E pFsentconiinuous pent parfed olinuous? p148 or wilh t mee&nsioB p10F ditferen.g n AmE/ rEuege Appendix 0246 3 5 in condition cauep74B. C wi$ tor aid eine p27c with trequency adved5p27C

omksonn AmE fupendir5 p246 quslioB p71 indlre.t E p67 neg.t w questions E position prcpositions p71 ot in quenions F,p] 90A quenionwod qu6tons P66B quenionwods a5lhe sublect p67D

with modal wlbs p50A wilh .ont nuoui p13D p23D with paslpedear .ont nuous wnh pastpedectp22A wirhp@nt wih peent wnh pEent wilh psent p] @ntnuous 1D perfedr p30C @nrj^uous perfe.rp26A s mplep10A

270 tf,ttx

gradable before pl63E adjdivesp151C, quora on ma*s {ee sped rorts)

pl66C rl.ce andtor p263, wilh p@ni pedec(p268,p27C wilh p@nt perfectonlinuous p31E pluElvelb pr26c + singulafor pl73a eQ$inga rcsuhp174B, foremphasis: tflls s litde,so much/rcmanyp153D ror pumos $ at ro p]74C, that p174D s

eglla @rbs Appendix p233-9 1 plauve (wlre.,wneo, wny)pr23c ad@6s pr22A n combined Qnrences wilha p.dciple ting, +d)pl23D eratve prcnountGnar,whi.n, who, eto u2a p1198 andprcpGitionr in omi$ion a deiining Elalip clau* pl l9C

e long .r wlth condionak p73C s, so.h andtoopl6SD pr3 5 o m e p 1 2 7 D , 1 3 0 8 ,4 B in one6andrcqu6|lpr27D p1303 sd or .rry?p127O, sonebody/soheone p130A, B (AnE) somepla( Appendrxp247 5

or$n.plae (AmE)Appendix 5 p247 wlh pan piecl p22B pl908 + obje.l+ Ebour rcponed sp.4h u2l, u22, Appndixp239 1 (o .eporting mmands equals p95E and pa$t p95C rcponinq verb5ln edph&sidg a.ontan prToc wrh p22c spen Append 3 p242-243 n! x

+ a + a d , e c t w r n o up ] 6 3 0 n w$ reponed sp*h u21 t(h, $aidt@p163O + obtect infiniiivep36B + phEsl wb5 pqAB sepa6ble thall(modalvelb) ul4 ui1, Shall1,,w8...?(suqqeniontp39t p63f,App.ndiy5 p246 p63E shall| ..,?(otfe6/inMtadoB) (nodalwb) u11,ul2, u13 should p1s43 onesyllable adjedis h@ or motesYllab adject pl s4B e ves pl590 onesyllable ad@d6 irb or moresyLlab advedsp I 59D e phases supedat6 pl53c .ommon wirh

rane (srar verbandadion @6) pt50 te@ changsin reponed p91C speh p908, in (ompan$ns pl54C,p153A thar (rela ve ponoun)u23, u29 thal da@ (arte.wrbs) p33E

in rcported $Rh pgo8 ps5D opinlontRommendarions suggesuons AmEAppendt 5 p245 in crilicishot past.dions p55E

p55D opniontreommendadoE

+ 5upali6 pr4rD,pr52A deinne ani.lep142Apr4lD, p r458,C, E



diffFn@ in AnE/BrEusge Appndix p247 5 lor specitic meaiin96 p147E sp.ialus ol rhe pt46c (refldi p@noun) D pl3l themselves then Gheins a equn.) p43C,pr67F think Gtaleverbandactionwlb) p15D rhink + ll (to eler lo tuture)p39F rhRpaft phrael@t6 p1023 pr0a wlthp@nr dmple

n neqati@andquenions p23F a habnor siate o $e pan p23F habiEor Fpaledacrions p23F 6d to or would? p2lF

lb tFlem (diagcm)Appendix p24!-245 4 + ing or infintreu19,u2O + oblect+ preposnion pl903 + obted+ to + infiiitire p33C + quslionw.d (how,whoE, ac) p1068 + (thaoclause p338, pr07c + iwo objecG p45o,pr07D +tr ! objecs utig for p107E commd Elt) endngsAppendix p242 3 p106C,0, inrEBtiE p43E, p203C icgu ar rb5 Appendix p240-241 2 (4, ho.r, erc)p58 ol perceplion regular w& Appendix p23H 1 pl26C singular/ toll@ing wlb iingular noun p!3E,p106A, D,p203C t6n5hi@ S, nanttre/intansitiP lbs pl060 w|,osandobtedsp203c p1 wnh gdd:ble adteciives 5l C

anddn lhoughpl70D lneexpBionsut, u3,u5,u7,u36,uto wirh furue tens p35F wirhpasr meani^g19F p conri.!@s whh pasrp.rfe.lp22C wth preenr conrinuou5 5ituarionr for h.ppeningn@ p11F wth pre*nt contnwus tor talkingaboolf!tue p14c wiih p@*nt perled ior unfini$ed rimep27C wilh p@nt peded<dtinuous p31E wilh p6ent s mpleto exp6 fequ{cy p10C wilh p6ent s mple ialkrng lor about iutuE p14c pr91c,D common usge a5pEpo5ition to andpait (Amt/&E diffeEnce) Appendix p2a7 , (erp6ln9 pua6e) p174c io infinnive

t6. s andrld pl 63D p104, p203C ransi vevedsp431, + nnini (o Ef4 to turure)p39F w.r/weE goinqio p39E

velbsfor de*ibing lEnds p2028 + obie<t lnrlnirie p36B + rell andg@d p1503

in witinq inneadof on.t p503 alwdrs sinqu pl263,C ar phras with undnlable nou6 pr 268 lypes uncountabl pr263 ol noun wlh qeneral p127E meanings

p Elarlwponoun 1233 whtt clauFslor emphasising pla2c nlomation

wlDt ...?or wlich .,.?p65c Whrt .bo!r ...? p63f Wh.t ... tuA andWhat .,, like?P71G 6 rclaliw adw6 p123c sten .,, daus e&6 n9 a .onditionp74B lvnh Panconlinuous pl9t lith Pr*nl pe,lecrp33A wilh Peedt simplep3&A when...? qudiq md p6B where Elat@ adre|6p123C wheE .-.?qslon @rd p66B ste|6 p171F andahhough

pla3E in condilion clauep75E, wilh prent perfectp3&A wilh pe nmpb pj&a

ar a futu@lime exprsion p33a


litfi @dtiomls


whld, th.t d {to pl13B, c lintinq rN rhingspi93E que5ton@d P568, C Whidr ... or Wht ..-? p66C whiL, .hhoulh andlt.|s whih d durlnr? pl6/D wi$ pan @dM6 pr 9F pl71F pcilion wnh !.obEHy/denniGly p34A tshninq to th ftJtuEp34A

in eponed q!5tioE p95D wdd (rFdalw6) u] 1, ul4 who, wlrldr or lhat p1138,c who q wnm? P1laB who .,-?qFnion @d p668, D p@ounp1188 p1 whoh d who?p1188, 191 whore elattE ponoun u28 who*...? querlioi wod p66B why lariEadve6p123c why...? que3uon p660 rd will (mod.l tib)!l1. !14 furue/pa*nt dgtt psl D ofhR/rlquaB p510,p52l l6t nt d*isions andihoughs p3zrA polition{ith pFt bly/ p3aA efening 1otE lutu p3zrA wlll + b. + -l'!9 (tut! @tnw6) p36C wlll h.s + p.n p..!cipl. (duE prh) p38o wlll or golie to? p35D $rh tutuE p.r,.<t (inst ad of wlll h|E) p33D wllh qu8tlon t gr altq imFlare P7|r

in Gportedipeedr p90B cpred ..ri63 in rne pan p8F w@ld llt + infnhiE ro de. to Juiurcp39F l@ld or u.d to? p23l Nuldwoddnt hlw for inaginaryp.n 4.nt Wbrld you llt ...? p63E wbid yo|r nhd ll ...? p53c


insie.d but Inwitlnop!7oc ol rnh p.n 3hpl. InAnEApp.ndlx p246 5 p25c wih p@nt p.rtect yqcdtyoscdE (E lqiF F@noun) pI31D

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Audio CD Tracklist 01 Unil 1, Exercise 4 02 Unil 1, Exercise 5 03 Unii 2, Exercise 4 04 Unii 2, Exercise 5 05 lJnit3, Exercise 2 06. lJnit3, Exercise 4 07 Unit4, Exercise 3 m .Unit4, Exercise 4 09 Unit5, Exercise 4 10 Unit6, Exercise 3 11 Unit6, Exercise 4 12 Unit 6, Exefcise 5 13 Unit 7, Exercise 2 14 Unit 7, Exercise 4 19 Unit8, Exercise 5 16 Unit 10, Exercise 4 17 Unil 10, Exercise 5 18 Unil11,Exercise 4 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Unit12,Exercise 4 Unit 12, Exercise 5 Unit 13, Exercise 5 Unit 13, Exercise 6 Unit 14, Exercise 4 Unit 15, Exercise 6 Unit 16, Exercise 5 Unit 17, Exercise 4 Unit 18, Exercise 4 4 Unit 19, Exercise 4 Unit20, Exercise Unii 22, Exercise 4 Unil23, Exercise 5 lJnil24, Exercise 5 lJnii27, Exercise 6 Unil28,Exercise 6 Unit29, Exercise 5 lJnit30, Exercise 6 37 38 39 40 4't 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Unit 31, Exercise 5 Unit31, Exercise 6 Unit32, Exercise 5 Unil34, Exercise 4 lJnil34, Exercise 5 Unil36, Exercise 6 Unil37, Exercise 5 Unii 38, Exercise 5 LJnil40, Exercise 5 Unit4'1,Exercise 5 Unit42, Exercise 6 Unit43, Exercise 4 Unit 43, Exercise 5 Unit44, Exercise 3 Unit49, Exercise 6 Test 5, Exercise4

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