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Kartikesh Mishra Sanjeev Kumar Manoj Kumar Nishant Mishra Prabhash Kumar Jha Ashok Kumar Anubhaw Bhardwaj

ardwaj Ram Srivastava Devesh Kumar Abhas Singh Ravi Shanker

Thomas Johnstone Lipton was a pioneering entrepreneur who, by 1880s, had opened grocery shops all over UK. He wanted to make tea accessible to everyone and at acceptable prices. In the 1890s his Lipton teas had great success in the UK and the US. Unilever acquired the worldwide Lipton Tea Business in 1972, and was launched in the UK in 2002. Lipton Ice Tea has now established itself in the soft drink market. Lipton Ice Tea is the 15th biggest selling soft drink brand in the world Every day 150 million people in over 150 countries choose Unilever products. Most of Unilever brands give the benefits of feeling good, looking good and getting more out of life

LIPTON Iced Tea is great tasting.

Refreshment Comes in Many Flavors This is the perfect drink for active, healthy lifestyle It's available in plastic bottles so you can take it anywhere! Also available in Diet.

Consumers Turning to Tea for Health and Wellness Benefits

Tea Taps Into Key Vitality Trends
Increasing Life Expectancy


Naturalness Freshness

Obesity Power of Nature Stressful Lives Inherent Goodness

Processed Foods Seen As Bad Guys

Origin Ethical

Consumer Insights




Milk Refrigerated Juice

Water Sports Drinks

CSDs Alcohol

Shelf-Stable Juices & Drinks Coffee Tea

Source: AC Nielsen Homescan Panel Database

Energy Drinks RTD Tea RTD Coffee


An advertising campaign is a series of

advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make an integrated marketing communication (IMC). Advertising campaigns appear in different media across a specific time frame.

06-06-2011 : Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) and PepsiCo India announced the launch of Lipton Ice Tea in the Indian market.

Already a market leader and a well known and reputed brand.

Extensive knowledge of local culture and tastes.

Strong company image. Quantity and variety. Health drink (Lipton has strong USP as its compared to its major competitor Nestle. Lipton provides therapeutic)

WEAKNESSES High price Inexperience in the Indian ice tea market Substitute` s products (Nestea) Having too many brand extensions can dilute and confuse consumer perception and give fresh and new competitors to seize market share.

Alliance with Pepsi to access massive distribution network. Presence of big, well known partners drives demand further Expansion in other beverage markets. Research and development Greater awareness of health benefits of green tea. Untapped segment

THREATS Presence of other major players such as COCA-COLA and NESTLE leading to tough competition High inflation with in country can negatively impact the new brands The preference of natural juices over ice tea for health conscious consumer

Consumers on the Move: Consumers that generally have a very busy and hectic life and may include corporate employees, students, entrepreneurs, technical workers, etc. their hectic lifestyle essentially requires them to buy products that have been developed to be highly mobile and for consumption on the go. Health Conscious Consumers: This includes consumers that associate a high value to healthy foods and beverages.
It is targeted at the 1629 yr urban affluent healthy hedonists- young-minded people who enjoy life but also understand the importance of healthier choices-

Demographics The target audiences demographics are: Young adults part of the generation X and Y Family and single households Between the age of 16 and 29 Middle and Higher income group

Psychographics The psychographic study realized for this campaign indicates similarities in the consumers activities, interest, and values. These are the following: Activity: Workout, Social Events Interest: Health, Profession Values: Personal Image, Health

Behaviographic The target audience for this campaign is most likely to spend a couple rupees more on a product that will help them maintain a good health and image. Geographics The camping The campaign focuses on the Ranchi District of Jharkhand.

The Launch campaign goal is to introduce Lipton Ice Tea, a new ReadyTo-Drink blend of green tea, in the city of Ranchi (Jharkhand) Build awareness about the product Build Customer Traffic Focus on youth segment ROI

For the first one year, this campaign has the following communication objectives: To inform about the introduction of Lipton Ice Tea in the city of Ranchi, Jharkhand. To create a 95 percent recall awareness of the Lipton Sparkling Green Ice Tea among consumers. To create purchase intention for the Lipton Ice Tea among consumers. To create familiarity with the benefit of consuming Lipton Ice Tea among consumers


2. 3.

Cinema Halls: Lipton ice tea ad could be shown during the start and interval part of some hottest releases like Rockstar, Ra.One and Don 2. Bus and autorickshaw branding Outdoor : Outdoor advertising could be done Reliance fresh, Big Bazar, and other retail outlets near colleges and High Schools and walls of major shopping galleries.
Billboards and Posters: High visibility graphics at some

of the heavy traffic roads in Ranchi like flyover near Big Bazar to create buzz about Liptons Ice Tea. Hoardings: This could be placed at various retail shops. Some of the shops where it will be most effective could be

4. Newspaper: Ad to be placed in daily newspaper (preferably Hindi) in Ranchi. Dainik Bhaskar and Times of India are the prominent newspapers to advertise in. 5. Television advertising: with a media strategy built around the idea: "Don't knock it until you've tried it." 40-second version of the ad could be telecast over television.


NO. OF HOARDING DURATION SIZE NO. OF POINTS 1+1 Electronic display ad 1st 6 months 20*20 sq. ft 14

Source: Poddar Associations, Ranchi

AREA 1. Main road 3 point 2 point 2. Hinoo chowk+ doranda chowk+ eylex point 3 point 2 point 3. Lalpur +firayalal+ kokar 3 point 2 point 4. kutcheri road+ratu road+booti more 3 point 2 point 5. Bariatu housing colony

COST (Oct-dec11) Rs. 95,000/3 month = Rs. 2,85,000 Rs. 60,000/3 month = Rs. 1,80,000 Rs. 80,000/3 month = Rs 2,40,000
Rs. 60,000/3 month = Rs. 1,80,000

COST (Jan-mar12) Rs. 95000/3 month = Rs. 190000 Rs. 60,000/3 month = Rs. 1,20,000 (Hinoo chowk + eyelex) Rs. 80,000/3 month = Rs 1,60,000 (Lalpur+firayalal) Rs. 60,000/3 month = Rs. 1,20,000 (kutcheri road+ratu road) Rs. 60,000/3 month = Rs. 60,000 Rs. 60,000/3 month = Rs. 60,000 Rs 7,10,000

Rs. 60,000/3 month = Rs 60,000 6. Shyamali housing colony Rs. 60,000/3 month = Rs. 60,000 TOTAL Rs 10,05,000 SUB TOTAL 17,15,000 Rs

a) RADIO DHOOM 104.8 F M
SLOT TIMING (prime time) 7 am-11 am and 6 pm -9 pm

DURATION 4 Months 4 Months 4 Months

FREQUENCY 6 times/day = 720 times 5 times/day = 600 times 4 times/day = 480 times TOTAL

RATE Rs. 330/20secs Rs. 330/20secs Rs. 330/20 secs Rs. 5,94,000

COST Rs. 2,37,600 Rs. 1,98,000 Rs. 1,58,400



SLOT TIMING (prime time) 7 am-11 am and 6 pm -9 pm
DURATION 4 Months 4 Months 4 Months FREQUENCY 6times/day = 720 times 5 times/day = 600 times 4times/day = 480 times TOTAL RATE Rs. 330/20secs Rs. 330/20secs Rs. 330/20 secs Rs. 5,94,000 COST(Rs.) 2,37,600 1,98,000 1,58,400



Size of the ad Duration: Rate per day Frequency Cost per month: For 6 months Division of cost /Newspaper 10*10 (ad on 3rd page) For 6 months, broken into 2 and 4 months time Rs. 520 for color display 2/week for the first 2 months for all newspaper used 1/week for the next 4 months for all newspapers used Prabhat Khabar Rs. ( 8,32,000+ 8,32,000) Hindustan Rs. ( 6,40,000+ 6,40,000) Telegraph Rs. ( 4,80,000+ 4,80, 000) Rate* Frequency* Area Prabhat Khabar Rs. 520*32*100 = Rs. 16,64,000 Hindustan(Hindi)- Rs. 400*32*100= Rs. 12,80,000 Telegraph( English) Rs. 300*32*300= Rs. 9,60,000

Total budget = 68,07,000

Source: Ad Agencies in Ranchi - SAI AD AGENCIES, Shiv Creations

The main aim of the Ad campaign is to create awareness about Lipton Ice Tea Due to the untapped market of this product in Ranchi, an aggressive marketing strategy has been used. Telegraph, Hindustan and Prabhat Khabar have adequate readership in Ranchi and will cover all the target groups. The ad frequency is kept as per the budget fixed for the campaign. Frequency decisions vary for different media vehicles. The ad frequency is kept as per the media schedule already discussed. Outdoor media o The location chosen for the hoardings are expected to be the most visible sites in Ranchi o This is done basically to inform the probable prospects about the existence of the Lipton ice tea in their nearby retail and grocery stores. o The duration for the campaign is 6 months and 12 months depending upon media chosen.

Radio Dhoom and Radio Dhamaal FM arechosen as the

ad partner for Lipton ice tea. It was chosen based on a survey conducted in BIT, Mesra in which 16 out of 30 respondents were regular listeners of the channel. The frequency of ads is kept at 5-6 per day during the 12 month campaign
Circulation Hindustan- 743469 Prabhat Khabar 130517


Event Sponsoring
Cricket is the most popular sport in Ranchi so

purchasing ad space in cricket stadium would quickly and easily reach a large number of people.

Celebrity Endorsements
Cricket celebrities (M.S. Dhoni) could be hired to

endorse products in commercials and advertisements. Use of models in ads to promote beauty and health which are aspects of Indian culture.

Many of the people who attend sporting events make up a large portion of our target market so this would be a good way to reach them.

Promotion of the Lipton Ice Tea should emphasize it as a healthier alternative to soft drinks and a sportier alternative to juice due to the growing concern over health and body image in Ranchi. Promote the beverage as a youthful drink since the majority of the Indian population is younger. Due to the Indian desire to be fashionable, promotion of the product as a trendy addition to the new age beverage line could be very effective.

Don't knock it until you've tried it 24-carat freshness MESSAGE STRATEGY Congnitive Affective APPEALS Rationale Impulsive

EXECUTIONAL FRAMEWORK SOURCE Slice of life Celebrity Ads Dramatization Expert speak/CEO Testimonial Demonstration Informative

Refreshment Comes in Many Flavors LIPTON Iced Tea is great tasting.

It's available in plastic bottles so you can take it anywhere! Don't knock it until you've tried it


Lipton ice tea is costlier as compared to other ready-to-drink products of similar nature. Product is yet not launched in the Ranchi market. Hence, the campaign is an assumption for the Product. The budget so allocated to the campaign and rate of each media used can vary according to time.

Lipton company due to large in size in term of financial and human resource capital and wider product range Lipton can look forward to competition in an encouraging and growing market with demand expected to rise steadily in the immediate long run. LIT is a quality product with tremendous equity The availability of retailers in Ranchi makes it easier to have our product available to consumers. A developing economy, high inflation rates and a large low-income population may make it hard to sell a non-necessity good. Advertising and IMC Tom Duncan Advertising and Sales Promotion Kazmi and Batra Integrated Advertising Promotion and Marketing Communications Clow and Baack

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