Photonic Aspects of Dowsing and Feng Shui

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M.Krinker, A.Goykadosh City College of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, CUNY, New York.

Photonic Aspects of Dowsing and Feng Shui

Phenomena of Spinning Electric Fields are associated with an ancient human practice of Dowsing and Feng Shui in terms of Spinning Electric Fields. Origination of the Spinning Fields is shown in the areas of subterranean waters, geo-faults, corners and other attributes of Dowsing and Feng Shui . The Photonic nature of the spinning fields and rotation at all is discussed with relation of the supporting experiments. Influence of rotation, regardless the nature of its carrier, either mechanical or electromagnetic, on space-time distortion is a profound gravitational and quantum phenomena, laying in the base of Dowsing and Feng Shui.. Introduction Developed by thousands year experience of the mankind, phenomena of Dowsing and Feng Shui more and more drift to area of scientific studies. Although the practices of phenomena of Dowsing and Feng Shui were evolving in independent way in Eastern and Western cultures, while Feng Shui left unknown to Western civilization for long time, scientific approach to both of them reveals their common roots on a base of the modern physics. Our age is marked with origination of new branches of physics, considering phenomena of interaction of human consciousness and the physical world around [1]. This is directly connected to development of our philosophic paradigm on a base of new experimental facts waiting for their explanation. Some physical aspects of these disciplines were revealed by us earlier [2,3,4] This publication is a further development of our approach. Ancient Experience and Modern Physics Lets remind major points of our approach. We state that phenomenon of Dowsing is related to two fundamental processes: origination of extremely low (ELF) and higher frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) over sources of subterranean turbulent waters and; origination of the phenomenon of a Spinning Electric Field/Vector, SEV, over turbulent subterranean waters, geo-faults as well as other electro physical heterogeneities like corners and other geometry-related factors. Origination of SEV is based on a phase shift between two spatially shifted vectors. The phase shift is a result of polarization processes on electro physical heterogeneities while the space shift is a result of refraction of the vectors inside said heterogeneities. The more frequency of the field, the more the phase shift between the vectors, so the higher frequencies is more likely to be SEV domain. By this reason, phenomena of water produced ELF EMF and SEV have different frequency

domains. However, the higher harmonics of ELF pulses overlap SEV frequency domain, what relate both the phenomena to each other. While the physiological influence of ELF EMF is related to phenomena of Brain Waves Entrainment, the impact of SEV is based on a more profound phenomenon of space-time grid distortion in these spinning fields. These SEV fields are considered to be a virtual gyroscope, or a field-gyroscope, FG, a quantum, photonic object. Field-gyroscope is a reality rather than an abstract formalism. This object has a real mass (the mass of the spinning field) and an angular momentum. Some Special Features of Spinning Field

Fig.1 Abstract presentation of the virtual field-gyroscope

The details of this phenomenon were considered in [4] Modern physics consider those unusual phenomena as spin-spin interaction via torsion fields. The great merit of that belongs to prominent Russian astrophysicist N.A. Kozyrev (19081983). He proposed the theory stating that time and rotation are closely interconnected. To verify it, in the 50s, he conducted a large series of experiments with gyroscopes and found that the weight of the gyroscope depends on the angular velocity and the direction of rotation [5,6]. Although the observed phenomenon was pretty small (insignificant fraction of percent), it was completely confirmed by other scientists. Professor A.I Veinik, member of the Belarus Academy, conducted profound research of this effect in 60-80s and offered his own explanation on a base of so called chronal field, [7]. In 1989, H.Hayasaka and S. Takeuchi published results of their experiments in which they showed that the fall-time of freely falling spinning gyroscope depends on the angular velocity. [8]. The unusual behavior of spinning gyroscopes was observed by many other researchers, who claim this as a manifestation of antigravity. In 1991, Russian theoretical physicist G.I.Shipov showed that the anomaly behavior of gyroscopic systems was caused by the appearance of torsion fields generated by spinning masses [9].

One of the latest studies confirmed origination of space-time distortions caused by spinning objects [12] Kozyrev found that the fractional weight variations is proportional to linear rotational velocity u of the body: Q u (1) = Q c2 The constant c2 was considered by Kozyrev as a cause to effect conversion rate. It was found from his experiments that c2 = 700km / s for macro-systems, while for the atomic level c2 0 . Kozyrev also revealed that to observe the phenomenon, rotation has to be non-stationary. The virtual gyroscope can be considered as a bridge between gravitational phenomena and that of the quantum mechanics. The planned earlier experiment [10,11], Fig.2, shows a paradigm of this approach. Space-time distortion caused by non-stationary electric rotation inside the quadrupole cell, influences quanta characteristic of a laser beam, influencing interference patterns. It has to be said that this approach was confirmed in recently conducted experiments in GPZ area.

Fig.2 Possible experiment on influence of electric spinning on space-time distortion

The experiments, conducted with a specially developed Spinning Electric Vector Analyzer, SEVA, [13,14], revealed a quantum-like behavior of the real SEV, induced by natural electromagnetic environment.

Fig.3. Spinning electric fields of a single carrying frequency at various objects

Fig.3. shows behavior of real SEV of one carrying frequency at various objects. As it seen from Fig.3, the SEV has discrete orbits and a core of rotation. Moreover, the rotation is obviously non-stationary. The last fact corresponds to Kozyrevs requirement of non-stationary spinning for originating mass-gravitational effects. Quantum-photonic presentation of SEV has to be based on its spin angular momentum. Formula (1) shows this approach [15,16]. Its left portion is a mechanical presentation of the angular momentum, while the center involves equivalency of the electric field energy and a mass, and the right portion represents the quantum notation of the angular momentum.

r mr r J= 2

0 E 2 (t )dV

4c 2

r r 2 = h s(s + 1) N


Here: r- radius of the experimental quadrupole cell of Fig.2, m- equivalent mass of the virtual gyroscope, - angular frequency of the spinning, ,0 relative dielectric permittivity and permittivity the vacuum, E-electric field strength, c- speed of light, h = h / 2 reduced Plank constant, N- number of elemental quantum gyroscopes, s spin quantum number, N- number of elemental quantum gyroscopes. Bosons or Fermions? Speaking of the quantum nature of the virtual gyroscope, we have to define it either a boson or a fermion. First of them have an integer spin, while fermions are carriers of a half-integer spin. According to conceptions of quantum electrodynamics, interaction between electric charges is carried out by photons. Photons are bosons by their integer spin. So, its logically to suppose the spinning fields as the bosons [17,18]. Physicists of, considering torsion fields, refer these fields to bosons. So taking into consideration relation between the torsion fields and spinning electric fields, proved in our experiments, we are prone to consider SEV as boson.
In the light of this approach, its interesting to consider interaction between SEV and photons of various energy as the boson-boson interaction. For instance, interaction of the SEV with the gamma quanta is of a special interest.

Interaction Between SEV and Background Gamma-Radiation These experiments were conducted with a special installation, comprising clockwise- and counterclockwise spinning field cells and Geiger-Muller counter , Fig.4

Fig.4. The experimental installation to reveal quantum interaction between SEV and gammaquanta.

The experiments were first conducted at 6 kHz spinning and then repeated at 3 MHz [15,16,19] The major results were in that the electric spinning influences Puason statistic of background gamma-radiation. Gamma quanta mostly were affected by clockwise spinning fields what resulted in diminishing a radiation rate as well as origination of compact groups of reading against the regular statistic distribution. Also, as the spinning was increased by means of higher frequency and the field strength, the distortion of the statistic also increased as well as origination of the effect of the influence of the spinning prehistory was noted. Analysis of the experiments was based on Le Shatelier-Braun and Heisenberg Uncertainty principles. This lead to conclusion that uncertainty of time diminished at interaction between quanta of SEV and gamma-photons. The diminished uncertainty of time leaves less chances for the gamma-photon to interact with the detector that results in decreased reading. Also, the diminished uncertainty of time can be interpreted as changing time flow. The similar results of influencing rotation, but this time a mechanical rotation, on a time flow was studied in [12]. It look like the rotation itself, disregarding its carrier, whether mechanical or electrical, plays the major role: similar effects of influence rotation, but mechanical one, were studied earlier by Russian physicists [20-23].

SEV, Dowsing and Feng Shui

After showed specific properties of the spinning field and rotation at all, relation between physics and said phenomena looks more obvious. As it was shown, these ancient practices actually deal with the spinning phenomena. Of course, the full rich spectrum of these effects cant be solely reduced to SEV, but spinning plays significant role in that. The spinning is a bridge between space-time phenomena and quantum effects.

In dowsing, the spinning is mostly produced by subterranean waters and geo-faults. But, as we know, these geo-activities are associated with human health-related problems [24] The quantum nature of spinning processes open new horizons for the measurement science and technology. Speaking of Feng Shui, we have to note that both the landscape and compass schools have postulates, which can be considered in terms of the spinning. For instance, corners and sharp forms are considered as poison arrows in Feng Shui [25]. On the other side, we know that these geometry factors are sources of SEV the quantum objects. Feng Shui recommendations on compass-related human behaviors correlate with observed by us phenomenon of angle dependable spinning in experiments with SEVA-Integral the further modification of SEVA. The approach of the model experiment, shown in Fig.2 was confirmed in reality recently by Indian scientists. We claim that GPZs and their related geo-stresses, GS are associated with the quantum SEV. If so, the process of propagating laser beam will be affected by GS. This is exactly what [26]claims: intensity of the propagating laser beam decreases as much as 3-6 times as passing GS zone. We explain this by a quantum interaction between SEV bosons and photons of the laser beam.

We considered theoretical and experimental correlations between phenomena of spinning electric fields and that of Dowsing and Feng Shui. Studying quantum nature of the spinning processes is in a stage of the progress. We believe that understanding the quantum nature of the spinning related processes of Dowsing and Feng Shui opens new possibilities of studying these phenomena impacting human life.

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