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ou are lnvlLed Lo

lease [oln us for an evenlng of readlng wlLh famllles!

A|| students and fam|||es from Iorest South and 1errace are
|nv|ted to attend th|s free event

When 1hursday november 17
630800 pm

Where loresL LlemenLary School
1373 S 3
ues lalnes lL 60016

|ease return the bottom port|on of th|s f|yer to your
homeroom teacher |f you p|an to attend 1hank you!

lease emall Ms !ares ([aresk[d62org) Mrs Plgglnson (hlgglnsonk[d62org) or Ms Creldanus
(greldanusl[d62org) lf you need addlLlonal lnformaLlon

8abyslLLlng wlll be avallable for young chlldren 1here ls addlLlonal parklng aL Lhe Larly Learnlng
CenLer and Lhe back parklng loL of Algonquln Mlddle School

nope you can [o|n us!

we p/on to ottend lomi/y Literocy Niqht ot lorest /ementory
5choo/ on 1hursdoy November 17

SLudenL name (s) _________________________________
Pomeroom 1eacher _______________________________
number of lamlly Members ALLendlng ________

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