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Victorian Population

By: Rylan Smolik and Sean Yun

Major Factors
Mortality Rate Fertility Rate Immigrants

Mortality Rate
Depended on two things:
Epidemics Class
Upper class had a lower mortality rate

Fertility Rate
It was too high in the 1800s Fertility Policy
Limited amount of children

Scientists and doctors About 75% of all London was immigrants.
Russia Poland Sweden

1,010,000 people when Charles Dickens was born 3,300,00 at Charles Dickenss death
It kept on increasing

Population Part 2
Divided into 3 sections
Upper Class
Wealth came from inheriting land. Investments

Middle Class
Only men provided the income. Jobs were bankers, shopkeepers, merchants, and engineers.

Lower/Working Class
Bad housing Women did their own housework More chores for everyone

One fourth of the entire population was in poverty 4% were slaves Overcrowding in houses was common Involved child labor
Worked up to about 16 hours per day. Many children died before the age of 25 Expected to help the family budget

All classes except the working class could enjoy entertainment Types of entertainment included:
Card games Watching the circus perform Music, drama, opera, and theatre Dining clubs (Mostly Men)

Health And Medicine

Some of the immigrants were doctors and scientist Made advances in medicine and technology
Laughing gas, chloroform, anesthetics, sanitation

Clothes Theater Food Literature Architecture

People of the Victorian Era

Charles Dickens Charles Darwin Peter Tchaikovsky Robert Schumann Louis Pasteur

Conclusion And Sources

Interesting time period Many advances in everything Lots of traces of it now

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