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Dear Madam, It gives me immense and extreme pleasure and incomprehensible joy at writing this letter to you.

This letter is regarding the scholarship that has been awarded to me by the Federal Scholarship Board. I received the letter a few days ago confirming the award. With the receipt of this scholarship award I will be able to pursue my dream of studying Medicine and Surgery at any university of my choice. With this letter I would like to convey my acceptance of the scholarship. I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the Board for giving me the opportunity. I have no words to express my gratitude and appreciation for this gift. However, I promise that I would make the best use of this godsend opportunity. Thanking you once again from the bottom of my heart. Yours sincerely, George Wallace

Dear Sir, It is with great hope that I am penning this request letter to you. I am an honest citizen of this great country and I want to contribute to the growth of the nation in my very small way. But, my dreams are being threatened by my abject poverty. I was born in poverty but somehow went through primary school and college with the help of scholarships. The scholarship helped me through my school days and I made the optimum use of the scholarship and always led my class. I finished my secondary school with distinctions in all subjects. In addition I was engaged in extracurricular activities in which I was able to win many medals and awards. From my childhood days I have been dreaming to study Medicine and Surgery at one of the top national universities. It is with this intention that I approach your organization with my humble request for scholarship. I am relying on your goodwill to fulfill my dream. Thanking you in anticipation for a favorable response from you. Yours truly, Mark Spenser Proverbs 17:9 Love prospers when a fault is forgiven, but dwelling on it separates close friends. 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

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