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Cell calculaLlons cells counLed x depLh x dlluLlon facLor


laLeleL counL 23 small squares

88C counL 3 of Lhe 23 small squares
W8C counL 4 large squares
W8C 3 glaclal aceLlc acld
88C lsoLonlc sallne
laLeleL ammonlum oxylaLe
8eference ranges
W8C 400010000 (43 x 109/L)
88C 46 x 1012/L
laLeleL 130300 x 109/L
W8C average # of W8Cs per fleld x 2000 (40x)
laLeleLs average # per fleld x 20000 (100x)
CorrecLed W8C counL W8C x 100
100 + #n88C
LryLhrocyLe sedlmenLaLlon raLe (LS8) Lhe raLe ln mllllmeLers LhaL 88Cs fall ln 1 hour
lncreased LS8 lnflammaLlon
uecreased LS8 slckle cell spherocyLosls
Sources of error AnLlcoagulanLs
lncreased amounL (falsely lowered)
some shrlnk Lhe cells (falsely elevaLed)
1llL of Lhe Lube lncreases LS8
88C lndlces
MCv average value of Lhe 88C ln femollLers
MCv PcL x 10
88C counL x1012/L
80100 normal normocyLlc
80 fl mlcrocyLlc
100 fl macrocyLlc

MCP welghL of hgb ln plcLograms
MCP Pgb (g/dL) x 10
88C counL x 1012/L

MCPC concenLraLlon of hgb ln each 88C
MCPC Pgb (g/dl) x 100
3236 normal normochromlc
32 hypochromlc
36 noL posslble
Check for llpemla cold aggluLlns spherocyLes

8uLL of 1P8LL
x 3
x 3

8eLlc counLs whole blood ls sLalned wlLh a suprav|ta| sta|n (new meLhylene blue) any nonucleaLed 88C
LhaL conLalns two or more part|c|es of b|ue sta|ned granulofllamenLous maLerlal ls a reLlc

8eference 8ange
AdulL 26 or 70330
8lrLh 0322 or 20120

8eLlc x 88C counL
CorrecLed 8eLlc counL lf you have a low hcL Lhe percenLage of reLlcs may be falsely elevaLed
1he average normal hcL 43 ls used
8eLlc x PcL

Anemlas 88Cs are no longer able Lo supply oxygen Lo Lhe bodles Llssues
A decrease ln
# of 88Cs
AmounL of clrculaLlng hemoglobln
88C mass

,oderate Anem|a
710 g/dl Pgb
no sympLoms lf slow onseL
hyslcal SympLoms
allor or con[uncLlve
klebblng of Lhe nall beds
uyspnea (dlfflculLy breaLhlng)

Severe Anem|a
7 g/dl Pgb
1achycardla (fasL cardlo)
PypoLenslon (hearL problem)
SympLoms of volume loss
All of moderaLe anemla sympLoms

8uW varlaLlon of 88C slze as a

k8C morpho|ogy
lncluslons shapes color conLenL
slckle cells spherocyLes LargeL cells elllpLocyLes sLomaLocyLes schlsLocyLes hgb C crysLals
bone marrow ls underllng cause

Anemla classlflcaLlons
,orpho|og|ca| by ,CV
MlcrocyLlc hypochromlc
normocyLlc normochromlc
athophys|o|og|ca| causes
8lood loss
Lxcesslve desLrucLlon (looslng Loo much)
lmpalred producLlon (noL maklng enough)

MlcrocyLlc Pypochromlc Anemla
lron ueflclency Anemla (luA) lack of avallable lron
Anemla of Chronlc ulsease (ACu) lack of avallable lron
SlderoblasLlc lack of heme excess lron
1halassemla lack of globln producLlon

luA causes
uecrease absorpLlon
lncreased need
ulsLrlbuLlon defecLs
Lxcesslve blood loss

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