Action Plan For Chris Martin

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Act|on |an for Chr|s Mart|n

Chrls's plus/delLa feedback was based on hls seemlng lack of aLLenLlveness Lo Lhe group durlng
meeLlngs 1he survey showed clearly LhaL he needed Lo make hlmself presenL ln mlnd and body aL
meeLlngs 1hrough Lhe group dlscusslon he was able Lo creaLe an acLlon plan LhaL would allow hlm Lo
focus on how Lo mlnlmlze dlsLracLlons beneflL Lhe Leam and lncrease hls growLh as a leader
AfLer Lhe group declded on Lhe Leam acLlon plan hls lndlvldual acLlon plan was broughL Lo form Pls
acLlon plan wlll focus on malnLalnlng concenLraLlon durlng group meeLlngs 1hls wlll be done by havlng
Chrls Lake a more acLlve role ln meeLlngs and keeplng phone use Lo meeLlng relaLed purposes only ln
much Lhe same way as Lhe oLhers Chrls wlll be able Lo measure hls progress and geL feedback when Lhe
Leam does Lhe plus/delLa acLlvlLy aL Lhe end of each pro[ecL

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